--- - name: Update CA Certificates command: update-ca-certificates - name: Apply olcSSL.ldif command: ldapmodify -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f olcSSL.ldif args: chdir: /etc/ldap/custom_ldifs - name: Restart slapd service: name: slapd state: restarted - name: Apply FusionDirectory Schema command: fusiondirectory-insert-schema - name: Apply FusionDirectory Plugins Schema command: | fusiondirectory-insert-schema \ -i /etc/ldap/schema/fusiondirectory/{{ item }}.schema with_items: - dsa-fd-conf - service-fd - systems-fd-conf - systems-fd - name: Initialize FusionDirectory Configuration command: | ldapadd -x -D {{ ldap_admin_dn }} -w {{ ldap_admin_pass }} -H ldapi:/// -f fd-init-config.ldif args: chdir: /etc/ldap/custom_ldifs no_log: True - name: Migrate Object Classes command: | ldapmodify -x -D {{ ldap_admin_dn }} -w {{ ldap_admin_pass }} -H ldapi:/// -f fd-migrate-object-classes.ldif args: chdir: /etc/ldap/custom_ldifs no_log: True - name: Generate FusionDirectory SuperUser and OUs shell: | yes '{{ fd_admin }}' | \ fusiondirectory-setup --yes --check-ldap - name: Set SuperUser Password command: | ldappasswd -D {{ ldap_admin_dn }} -w {{ ldap_admin_pass }} -s {{ fd_admin_pass }} uid={{ fd_admin }},ou=people,{{ base_dn }} no_log: True - name: Migrate Default ACLs command: | ldapadd -x -D {{ ldap_admin_dn }} -w {{ ldap_admin_pass }} -H ldapi:/// -f fd-migrate-default-acl.ldif args: chdir: /etc/ldap/custom_ldifs no_log: True - name: Fix FusionDirectory Configuration Permisions command: fusiondirectory-setup --yes --check-config - name: Apply Service Accounts ACL command: | ldapadd -c -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f fd-service_accounts_acl.ldif args: chdir: /etc/ldap/custom_ldifs - name: Enable the Apache HTTP VirtualHost file: src: "/etc/apache2/sites-available/{{ domain }}.conf" dest: "/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/{{ domain }}.conf" state: link - name: Disable the Default Apache VirtualHost file: path: /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf state: absent - name: Restart Apache service: name: apache2 state: restarted