An Ansible Playbook to initialize Debian and Ubuntu systems.
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109 lignes

  1. # $Id: screenrc,v 1.15 2003/10/08 11:39:03 zal Exp $
  2. #
  3. # /etc/screenrc
  4. #
  5. # This is the system wide screenrc.
  6. #
  7. # You can use this file to change the default behavior of screen system wide
  8. # or copy it to ~/.screenrc and use it as a starting point for your own
  9. # settings.
  10. #
  11. # Commands in this file are used to set options, bind screen functions to
  12. # keys, redefine terminal capabilities, and to automatically establish one or
  13. # more windows at the beginning of your screen session.
  14. #
  15. # This is not a comprehensive list of options, look at the screen manual for
  16. # details on everything that you can put in this file.
  17. #
  18. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  20. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. #startup_message off
  22. #nethack on
  23. #defflow on # will force screen to process ^S/^Q
  24. deflogin on
  25. #autodetach off
  26. # turn visual bell on
  27. vbell on
  28. vbell_msg " Wuff ---- Wuff!! "
  29. # define a bigger scrollback, default is 100 lines
  30. defscrollback 1024
  31. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  33. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  34. # Remove some stupid / dangerous key bindings
  35. bind ^k
  36. #bind L
  37. bind ^\
  38. # Make them better
  39. bind \\ quit
  40. bind K kill
  41. bind I login on
  42. bind O login off
  43. bind } history
  44. # An example of a "screen scraper" which will launch urlview on the current
  45. # screen window
  46. #
  47. #bind ^B eval "hardcopy_append off" "hardcopy -h $HOME/.screen-urlview" "screen urlview $HOME/.screen-urlview"
  48. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  50. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  51. # The vt100 description does not mention "dl". *sigh*
  52. termcapinfo vt100 dl=5\E[M
  53. # turn sending of screen messages to hardstatus off
  54. hardstatus off
  55. # Set the hardstatus prop on gui terms to set the titlebar/icon title
  56. #termcapinfo xterm*|rxvt*|kterm*|Eterm* hs:ts=\E]0;:fs=\007:ds=\E]0;\007
  57. # use this for the hard status string
  58. hardstatus string "%h%? users: %u%?"
  59. # An alternative hardstatus to display a bar at the bottom listing the
  60. # windownames and highlighting the current windowname in blue. (This is only
  61. # enabled if there is no hardstatus setting for your terminal)
  62. #
  63. hardstatus lastline "%-Lw%{= BW}%50>%n%f* %t%{-}%+Lw%<"
  64. # set these terminals up to be 'optimal' instead of vt100
  65. termcapinfo xterm*|linux*|rxvt*|Eterm* OP
  66. # Change the xterm initialization string from is2=\E[!p\E[?3;4l\E[4l\E>
  67. # (This fixes the "Aborted because of window size change" konsole symptoms found
  68. # in bug #134198)
  69. termcapinfo xterm 'is=\E[r\E[m\E[2J\E[H\E[?7h\E[?1;4;6l'
  70. # To get screen to add lines to xterm's scrollback buffer, uncomment the
  71. # following termcapinfo line which tells xterm to use the normal screen buffer
  72. # (which has scrollback), not the alternate screen buffer.
  73. #
  74. #termcapinfo xterm|xterms|xs|rxvt ti@:te@
  75. # Enable non-blocking mode to better cope with flaky ssh connections.
  76. defnonblock 5
  77. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  79. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  80. # Example of automatically running some programs in windows on screen startup.
  81. #
  82. # The following will open top in the first window, an ssh session to monkey
  83. # in the next window, and then open mutt and tail in windows 8 and 9
  84. # respectively.
  85. #
  86. # screen top
  87. # screen -t monkey ssh monkey
  88. # screen -t mail 8 mutt
  89. # screen -t daemon 9 tail -f /var/log/daemon.log