*/ require_once (dirname(__FILE__) . "/../book.php"); require_once (dirname(__FILE__) . "/../epubfs.php"); require_once (dirname(__FILE__) . "/config_test.php"); class EpubFsTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { private static $book; private static $add; public static function setUpBeforeClass() { $idData = 20; self::$add = "data=$idData&"; $myBook = Book::getBookByDataId($idData); self::$book = new EPub ($myBook->getFilePath ("EPUB", $idData)); self::$book->initSpineComponent (); } public function testUrlImage () { $data = getComponentContent (self::$book, "cover.xml", self::$add); $src = ""; if (preg_match("/src\=\'(.*?)\'/", $data, $matches)) { $src = $matches [1]; } $this->assertEquals ('epubfs.php?data=20&comp=images~SLASH~cover.png', $src); } public function testUrlHref () { $data = getComponentContent (self::$book, "title.xml", self::$add); $src = ""; if (preg_match("/src\=\'(.*?)\'/", $data, $matches)) { $src = $matches [1]; } $this->assertEquals ('epubfs.php?data=20&comp=images~SLASH~logo~DASH~feedbooks~DASH~tiny.png', $src); $href = ""; if (preg_match("/href\=\'(.*?)\'/", $data, $matches)) { $href = $matches [1]; } $this->assertEquals ('epubfs.php?data=20&comp=css~SLASH~title.css', $href); } public function testImportCss () { $data = getComponentContent (self::$book, "css~SLASH~title.css", self::$add); $import = ""; if (preg_match("/import \'(.*?)\'/", $data, $matches)) { $import = $matches [1]; } $this->assertEquals ('epubfs.php?data=20&comp=css~SLASH~page.css', $import); } public function testUrlInCss () { $data = getComponentContent (self::$book, "css~SLASH~main.css", self::$add); $src = ""; if (preg_match("/url\s*\(\'(.*?)\'\)/", $data, $matches)) { $src = $matches [1]; } $this->assertEquals ('epubfs.php?data=20&comp=fonts~SLASH~times.ttf', $src); } public function testDirectLink () { $data = getComponentContent (self::$book, "main10.xml", self::$add); $src = ""; if (preg_match("/href\='(.*?)' title=\"Direct Link\"/", $data, $matches)) { $src = $matches [1]; } $this->assertEquals ('epubfs.php?data=20&comp=main2.xml', $src); } public function testDirectLinkWithAnchor () { $data = getComponentContent (self::$book, "main10.xml", self::$add); $src = ""; if (preg_match("/href\='(.*?)' title=\"Direct Link with anchor\"/", $data, $matches)) { $src = $matches [1]; } $this->assertEquals ('epubfs.php?data=20&comp=main2.xml#anchor', $src); } public function testAnchorOnly () { $data = getComponentContent (self::$book, "main10.xml", self::$add); $src = ""; if (preg_match("/href\='(.*?)' title=\"Link to anchor\"/", $data, $matches)) { $src = $matches [1]; } $this->assertEquals ('#anchor', $src); } }