*/ require_once (dirname(__FILE__) . "/config_test.php"); require_once (dirname(__FILE__) . "/../resources/doT-php/doT.php"); require_once (dirname(__FILE__) . "/../base.php"); class BaseTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { public function testAddURLParameter () { $this->assertEquals ("?db=0", addURLParameter ("?", "db", "0")); $this->assertEquals ("?key=value&db=0", addURLParameter ("?key=value", "db", "0")); $this->assertEquals ("?key=value&otherKey=&db=0", addURLParameter ("?key=value&otherKey", "db", "0")); } /** * FALSE is returned if the create_function failed (meaning there was a syntax error) * @dataProvider providerTemplate */ public function testServerSideRender ($template) { $_COOKIE["template"] = $template; $this->assertNull (serverSideRender (NULL)); } /** * The function for the head of the HTML catalog * @dataProvider providerTemplate */ public function testGenerateHeader ($templateName) { $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] = "Firefox"; global $config; $headcontent = file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../templates/' . $templateName . '/file.html'); $template = new doT (); $tpl = $template->template ($headcontent, NULL); $data = array("title" => $config['cops_title_default'], "version" => VERSION, "opds_url" => $config['cops_full_url'] . "feed.php", "customHeader" => "", "template" => $templateName, "server_side_rendering" => useServerSideRendering (), "current_css" => getCurrentCss (), "favico" => $config['cops_icon'], "getjson_url" => "getJSON.php?" . addURLParameter (getQueryString (), "complete", 1)); $head = $tpl ($data); $this->assertContains ("", $head); $this->assertContains ("", $head); } public function providerTemplate () { return array ( array ("bootstrap"), array ("default") ); } public function testLocalize () { $this->assertEquals ("Authors", localize ("authors.title")); $this->assertEquals ("unknow.key", localize ("unknow.key")); } public function testLocalizeFr () { $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] = "fr,fr-fr;q=0.8,en-us;q=0.5,en;q=0.3"; $this->assertEquals ("Auteurs", localize ("authors.title", -1, true)); $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] = "en"; localize ("authors.title", -1, true); } public function testLocalizeUnknown () { $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] = "aa"; $this->assertEquals ("Authors", localize ("authors.title", -1, true)); $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] = "en"; localize ("authors.title", -1, true); } public function testBaseFunction () { global $config; $this->assertFalse (Base::isMultipleDatabaseEnabled ()); $this->assertEquals (array ("" => dirname(__FILE__) . "/BaseWithSomeBooks/"), Base::getDbList ()); $config['calibre_directory'] = array ("Some books" => dirname(__FILE__) . "/BaseWithSomeBooks/", "One book" => dirname(__FILE__) . "/BaseWithOneBook/"); $this->assertTrue (Base::isMultipleDatabaseEnabled ()); $this->assertEquals ("Some books", Base::getDbName (0)); $this->assertEquals ("One book", Base::getDbName (1)); $this->assertEquals ($config['calibre_directory'], Base::getDbList ()); } public function testCheckDatabaseAvailability_1 () { $this->assertTrue (Base::checkDatabaseAvailability ()); } public function testCheckDatabaseAvailability_2 () { global $config; $config['calibre_directory'] = array ("Some books" => dirname(__FILE__) . "/BaseWithSomeBooks/", "One book" => dirname(__FILE__) . "/BaseWithOneBook/"); $this->assertTrue (Base::checkDatabaseAvailability ()); } /** * @expectedException Exception * @expectedExceptionMessage not found */ public function testCheckDatabaseAvailability_Exception1 () { global $config; $config['calibre_directory'] = array ("Some books" => dirname(__FILE__) . "/BaseWithSomeBooks/", "One book" => dirname(__FILE__) . "/OneBook/"); $this->assertTrue (Base::checkDatabaseAvailability ()); } /** * @expectedException Exception * @expectedExceptionMessage not found */ public function testCheckDatabaseAvailability_Exception2 () { global $config; $config['calibre_directory'] = array ("Some books" => dirname(__FILE__) . "/SomeBooks/", "One book" => dirname(__FILE__) . "/BaseWithOneBook/"); $this->assertTrue (Base::checkDatabaseAvailability ()); } public function testNormalizeUtf8String () { $this->assertEquals ("AAAAAEACEEEEIIIIOEOOOOOEUUUUEYaaaaaeaceeeeiiiioedoooooeuuuueyyuny", normalizeUtf8String ("ÀÁÂÃÄÅÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏŒÒÓÔÕÖÙÚÛÜÝàáâãäåçèéêëìíîïœðòóôõöùúûüýÿñ")); } }