*/ require_once(realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/BookInfos.class.php'); /** * Calibre database sql file that comes unmodified from Calibre project: * /calibre/resources/metadata_sqlite.sql */ define('CalibreCreateDbSql', realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/metadata_sqlite.sql'); /** * CalibreDbLoader class allows to open or create a new Calibre database, * and then add BookInfos objects into the database */ class CalibreDbLoader { private $mDb = null; /** * Open a Calibre database (or create if database does not exist) * * @param string Calibre database file name * @param boolean Force database creation */ public function __construct($inDbFileName, $inCreate = false) { if ($inCreate) { $this->CreateDatabase($inDbFileName); } else { $this->OpenDatabase($inDbFileName); } } /** * Create an sqlite database * * @param string Database file name * @throws Exception if error * * @return void */ private function CreateDatabase($inDbFileName) { // Read the sql file $content = file_get_contents(CalibreCreateDbSql); if ($content === false) { $error = sprintf('Cannot read sql file: %s', CalibreCreateDbSql); throw new Exception($error); } // Remove the database file if (file_exists($inDbFileName) && !unlink($inDbFileName)) { $error = sprintf('Cannot remove database file: %s', $inDbFileName); throw new Exception($error); } // Create the new database file $this->OpenDatabase($inDbFileName); // Create the database tables try { $sqlArray = explode('CREATE ', $content); foreach ($sqlArray as $sql) { $sql = trim($sql); if (empty($sql)) { continue; } $sql = 'CREATE ' . $sql; $str = strtolower($sql); if (strpos($str, 'create view') !== false) { continue; } if (strpos($str, 'title_sort') !== false) { continue; } $stmt = $this->mDb->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute(); } } catch (Exception $e) { $error = sprintf('Cannot create database: %s', $e->getMessage()); throw new Exception($error); } } /** * Open an sqlite database * * @param string Database file name * @throws Exception if error * * @return void */ private function OpenDatabase($inDbFileName) { try { // Init the Data Source Name $dsn = 'sqlite:' . $inDbFileName; // Open the database $this->mDb = new PDO($dsn); // Send an exception if error $this->mDb->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); //echo sprintf('Init database ok for: %s%s', $dsn, '
'); } catch (Exception $e) { $error = sprintf('Cannot open database [%s]: %s', $dsn, $e->getMessage()); throw new Exception($error); } } /** * Add an epub to the db * * @param string Epub file name * @throws Exception if error * * @return void */ public function AddEpub($inFileName) { // Load the book infos $bookInfos = new BookInfos(); $bookInfos->LoadFromEpub($inFileName); // Add the book $this->AddBook($bookInfos); } /** * Add a new book into the db * * @param object BookInfo object * @throws Exception if error * * @return void */ private function AddBook($inBookInfo) { $sql = 'insert into books(title, sort, series_index, uuid, path) values(:title, :sort, :serieindex, :uuid, :path)'; $stmt = $this->mDb->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindParam(':title', $inBookInfo->mTitle); $stmt->bindParam(':sort', $inBookInfo->mTitle); $stmt->bindParam(':serieindex', $inBookInfo->mSerieIndex); $stmt->bindParam(':uuid', $inBookInfo->mUuid); $stmt->bindParam(':path', $inBookInfo->mPath); $stmt->execute(); // Get the book id $sql = 'select id, title from books where uuid=:uuid'; $stmt = $this->mDb->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindParam(':uuid', $inBookInfo->mUuid); $stmt->execute(); $idBook = null; while ($post = $stmt->fetchObject()) { if (!isset($idBook)) { $idBook = $post->id; } else { $error = sprintf('Multiple book id for uuid: %s (already in title "%s")', $inBookInfo->mUuid, $post->title); throw new Exception($error); } } if (!isset($idBook)) { $error = sprintf('Cannot find book id for uuid: %s', $inBookInfo->mUuid); throw new Exception($error); } // Add the book formats $sql = 'insert into data(book, format, name, uncompressed_size) values(:idBook, :format, :name, 0)'; $stmt = $this->mDb->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindParam(':idBook', $idBook, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->bindParam(':format', $inBookInfo->mFormat); $stmt->bindParam(':name', $inBookInfo->mName); $stmt->execute(); // Add the book identifiers if (!empty($inBookInfo->mUri)) { $sql = 'insert into identifiers(book, type, val) values(:idBook, :type, :value)'; $stmt = $this->mDb->prepare($sql); $type = 'URI'; $stmt->bindParam(':idBook', $idBook, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->bindParam(':type', $type); $stmt->bindParam(':value', $inBookInfo->mUri); $stmt->execute(); } // Add the book serie if (!empty($inBookInfo->mSerie)) { // Get the serie id $sql = 'select id from series where name=:serie'; $stmt = $this->mDb->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindParam(':serie', $inBookInfo->mSerie); $stmt->execute(); $post = $stmt->fetchObject(); if ($post) { $idSerie = $post->id; } else { // Add a new serie $sql = 'insert into series(name, sort) values(:serie, :sort)'; $stmt = $this->mDb->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindParam(':serie', $inBookInfo->mSerie); $stmt->bindParam(':sort', $inBookInfo->mSerie); $stmt->execute(); // Get the serie id $sql = 'select id from series where name=:serie'; $stmt = $this->mDb->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindParam(':serie', $inBookInfo->mSerie); $stmt->execute(); $idSerie = null; while ($post = $stmt->fetchObject()) { if (!isset($idSerie)) { $idSerie = $post->id; } else { $error = sprintf('Multiple series for name: %s', $inBookInfo->mSerie); throw new Exception($error); } } if (!isset($idSerie)) { $error = sprintf('Cannot find serie id for name: %s', $inBookInfo->mSerie); throw new Exception($error); } } // Add the book serie link $sql = 'insert into books_series_link(book, series) values(:idBook, :idSerie)'; $stmt = $this->mDb->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindParam(':idBook', $idBook, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->bindParam(':idSerie', $idSerie, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->execute(); } // Add the book authors foreach ($inBookInfo->mAuthors as $authorSort => $author) { // Get the author id $sql = 'select id from authors where name=:author'; $stmt = $this->mDb->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindParam(':author', $author); $stmt->execute(); $post = $stmt->fetchObject(); if ($post) { $idAuthor = $post->id; } else { // Add a new author $sql = 'insert into authors(name, sort) values(:author, :sort)'; $stmt = $this->mDb->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindParam(':author', $author); $stmt->bindParam(':sort', $authorSort); $stmt->execute(); // Get the author id $sql = 'select id from authors where name=:author'; $stmt = $this->mDb->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindParam(':author', $author); $stmt->execute(); $idAuthor = null; while ($post = $stmt->fetchObject()) { if (!isset($idAuthor)) { $idAuthor = $post->id; } else { $error = sprintf('Multiple authors for name: %s', $author); throw new Exception($error); } } if (!isset($idAuthor)) { $error = sprintf('Cannot find author id for name: %s', $author); throw new Exception($error); } } // Add the book author link $sql = 'insert into books_authors_link(book, author) values(:idBook, :idAuthor)'; $stmt = $this->mDb->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindParam(':idBook', $idBook, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->bindParam(':idAuthor', $idAuthor, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->execute(); } } /** * Check database for debug * * @return void */ private function CheckDatabase() { // Retrieve some infos for check only $sql = 'select id, title, sort from books'; $stmt = $this->mDb->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute(); while ($post = $stmt->fetchObject()) { $id = $post->id; $title = $post->title; $sort = $post->sort; } } } ?>