// util.js // copyright Sébastien Lucas // https://github.com/seblucas/cops /*jshint curly: true, latedef: true, trailing: true, noarg: true, undef: true, browser: true, jquery: true, unused: true, devel: true, loopfunc: true */ /*global LRUCache, doT */ var templatePage, templateBookDetail, templateMain, templateSuggestion, currentData, before, filterList; if (typeof LRUCache != 'undefined') { var cache = new LRUCache(30); } $.ajaxSetup({ cache: false }); var copsTypeahead = new Bloodhound({ datumTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.obj.whitespace('title'), queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace, limit: 30, remote: { url: 'getJSON.php?page=9&search=1&db=%DB&query=%QUERY', replace: function (url, query) { if (currentData.multipleDatabase === 1 && currentData.databaseId === "") { return url.replace('%QUERY', query).replace('&db=%DB', ""); } return url.replace('%QUERY', query).replace('%DB', currentData.databaseId); } } }); copsTypeahead.initialize(); var DEBUG = false; var isPushStateEnabled = window.history && window.history.pushState && window.history.replaceState && // pushState isn't reliable on iOS until 5. !navigator.userAgent.match(/((iPod|iPhone|iPad).+\bOS\s+[1-4]|WebApps\/.+CFNetwork)/); function debug_log(text) { if ( DEBUG ) { console.log(text); } } /*exported updateCookie */ function updateCookie (id) { if ($(id).prop('pattern') && !$(id).val().match(new RegExp ($(id).prop('pattern')))) { return; } var name = $(id).attr('id'); var value = $(id).val (); $.cookie(name, value, { expires: 365 }); } /*exported updateCookieFromCheckbox */ function updateCookieFromCheckbox (id) { var name = $(id).attr('id'); if ((/^style/).test (name)) { name = "style"; } if ($(id).is(":checked")) { if ($(id).is(':radio')) { $.cookie(name, $(id).val (), { expires: 365 }); } else { $.cookie(name, '1', { expires: 365 }); } } else { $.cookie(name, '0', { expires: 365 }); } } /*exported updateCookieFromCheckboxGroup */ function updateCookieFromCheckboxGroup (id) { var name = $(id).attr('name'); var idBase = name.replace (/\[\]/, ""); var group = []; $(':checkbox[name="' + name + '"]:checked').each (function () { var id = $(this).attr("id"); group.push (id.replace (idBase + "_", "")); }); $.cookie(idBase, group.join (), { expires: 365 }); } function elapsed () { var elapsedTime = new Date () - before; return "Elapsed : " + elapsedTime; } function retourMail(data) { $("#mailButton :first-child").removeClass ("icon-spinner icon-spin").addClass ("icon-envelope"); alert (data); } /*exported sendToMailAddress */ function sendToMailAddress (component, dataid) { var email = $.cookie ('email'); if (!$.cookie ('email')) { email = window.prompt (currentData.c.i18n.customizeEmail, ""); $.cookie ('email', email, { expires: 365 }); } var url = 'sendtomail.php'; if (currentData.databaseId) { url = url + '?db=' + currentData.databaseId; } $("#mailButton :first-child").removeClass ("icon-envelope").addClass ("icon-spinner icon-spin"); $.ajax ({'url': url, 'type': 'post', 'data': { 'data': dataid, 'email': email }, 'success': retourMail}); } function str_format () { var s = arguments[0]; for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length - 1; i++) { var reg = new RegExp("\\{" + i + "\\}", "gm"); s = s.replace(reg, arguments[i + 1]); } return s; } function isDefined(x) { var undefinedVar; return x !== undefinedVar; } function getCurrentOption (option) { if (!$.cookie (option)) { if (currentData && currentData.c && currentData.c.config && currentData.c.config [option]) { return currentData.c.config [option]; } } return $.cookie (option); } /*exported htmlspecialchars */ function htmlspecialchars(str) { return String(str) .replace(/&/g, '&') .replace(/"/g, '"') .replace(/'/g, ''') .replace(//g, '>'); } /************************************************ * All functions needed to filter the book list by tags ************************************************ */ function getTagList () { var tagList = {}; $(".se").each (function(){ if ($(this).parents (".filtered").length > 0) { return; } var taglist = $(this).text(); var tagarray = taglist.split (","); for (var i in tagarray) { var tag = tagarray [i].replace(/^\s+/g,'').replace(/\s+$/g,''); tagList [tag] = 1; } }); return tagList; } function updateFilters () { var tagList = getTagList (); // If there is already some filters then let's prepare to update the list $("#filter ul li").each (function () { var text = $(this).text (); if (isDefined (tagList [text]) || $(this).attr ('class')) { tagList [text] = 0; } else { tagList [text] = -1; } }); // Update the filter -1 to remove, 1 to add, 0 already there for (var tag in tagList) { var tagValue = tagList [tag]; if (tagValue === -1) { $("#filter ul li").filter (function () { return $.text([this]) === tag; }).remove(); } if (tagValue === 1) { $("#filter ul").append ("
  • " + tag + "
  • "); } } $("#filter ul").append ("
  • _CLEAR_
  • "); // Sort the list alphabetically $('#filter ul li').sortElements(function(a, b){ return $(a).text() > $(b).text() ? 1 : -1; }); } function doFilter () { $(".books").removeClass("filtered"); if (jQuery.isEmptyObject(filterList)) { updateFilters (); return; } $(".se").each (function(){ var taglist = ", " + $(this).text() + ", "; var toBeFiltered = false; for (var filter in filterList) { var onlyThisTag = filterList [filter]; filter = ', ' + filter + ', '; var myreg = new RegExp (filter); if (myreg.test (taglist)) { if (onlyThisTag === false) { toBeFiltered = true; } } else { if (onlyThisTag === true) { toBeFiltered = true; } } } if (toBeFiltered) { $(this).parents (".books").addClass ("filtered"); } }); // Handle the books with no tags var atLeastOneTagSelected = false; for (var filter in filterList) { if (filterList [filter] === true) { atLeastOneTagSelected = true; } } if (atLeastOneTagSelected) { $(".books").not (":has(span.se)").addClass ("filtered"); } updateFilters (); } function handleFilterEvents () { $("#filter ul").on ("click", "li", function(){ var filter = $(this).text (); if (filter === "_CLEAR_") { filterList = {}; $("#filter ul li").removeClass ("filter-exclude"); $("#filter ul li").removeClass ("filter-include"); doFilter (); return; } switch ($(this).attr("class")) { case "filter-include" : $(this).attr("class", "filter-exclude"); filterList [filter] = false; break; case "filter-exclude" : $(this).removeClass ("filter-exclude"); delete filterList [filter]; break; default : $(this).attr("class", "filter-include"); filterList [filter] = true; break; } doFilter (); }); } /************************************************ * Functions to handle Ajax navigation ************************************************ */ var updatePage, navigateTo; updatePage = function (data) { var result; filterList = {}; data.c = currentData.c; if (false && $("section").length && currentData.isPaginated === 0 && data.isPaginated === 0) { // Partial update (for now disabled) debug_log ("Partial update"); result = templateMain (data); $("h1").html (data.title); $("section").html (result); } else { // Full update result = templatePage (data); $("body").html (result); } document.title = data.title; currentData = data; setTimeout( function() { $("input[name=query]").focus(); }, 500 ); debug_log (elapsed ()); if ($.cookie('toolbar') === '1') { $("#tool").show (); } if (currentData.containsBook === 1) { $("#sortForm").show (); if (getCurrentOption ("html_tag_filter") === "1") { $("#filter ul").empty (); updateFilters (); handleFilterEvents (); } } else { $("#sortForm").hide (); } $('input[name=query]').typeahead( { hint: true, minLength : 3 }, { name: 'search', displayKey: 'title', templates: { suggestion: templateSuggestion }, source: copsTypeahead.ttAdapter() }); $('input[name=query]').bind('typeahead:selected', function(obj, datum) { if (isPushStateEnabled) { navigateTo (datum.navlink); } else { window.location = datum.navlink; } }); }; navigateTo = function (url) { $("h1").append (" "); before = new Date (); var jsonurl = url.replace ("index", "getJSON"); var cachedData = cache.get (jsonurl); if (cachedData) { history.pushState(jsonurl, "", url); updatePage (cachedData); } else { $.getJSON(jsonurl, function(data) { history.pushState(jsonurl, "", url); cache.put (jsonurl, data); updatePage (data); }); } }; function link_Clicked (event) { var currentLink = $(this); if (!isPushStateEnabled || currentData.page === "19") { return; } event.preventDefault(); var url = currentLink.attr('href'); if ($(".mfp-ready").length) { $.magnificPopup.close(); } // The bookdetail / about should be displayed in a lightbox if (getCurrentOption ("use_fancyapps") === "1" && (currentLink.hasClass ("fancydetail") || currentLink.hasClass ("fancyabout"))) { before = new Date (); var jsonurl = url.replace ("index", "getJSON"); $.getJSON(jsonurl, function(data) { data.c = currentData.c; var detail = ""; if (data.page === "16") { detail = data.fullhtml; } else { detail = templateBookDetail (data); } $.magnificPopup.open({ items: { src: detail, type: 'inline' } }); debug_log (elapsed ()); }); return; } navigateTo (url); } function search_Submitted (event) { if (!isPushStateEnabled || currentData.page === "19") { return; } event.preventDefault(); var url = str_format ("index.php?page=9¤t={0}&query={1}&db={2}", currentData.page, $("input[name=query]").val (), currentData.databaseId); navigateTo (url); } /*exported handleLinks */ function handleLinks () { $("body").on ("click", "a[href^='index']", link_Clicked); $("body").on ("submit", "#searchForm", search_Submitted); $("body").on ("click", "#sort", function(){ $('.books').sortElements(function(a, b){ var test = 1; if ($("#sortorder").val() === "desc") { test = -1; } return $(a).find ("." + $("#sortchoice").val()).text() > $(b).find ("." + $("#sortchoice").val()).text() ? test : -test; }); }); $("body").on ("click", ".headright", function(){ if ($("#tool").is(":hidden")) { $("#tool").slideDown("slow"); $("input[name=query]").focus(); $.cookie('toolbar', '1', { expires: 365 }); } else { $("#tool").slideUp(); $.removeCookie('toolbar'); } }); $("body").magnificPopup({ delegate: '.fancycover', // child items selector, by clicking on it popup will open type: 'image', gallery:{enabled:true, preload: [0,2]}, disableOn: function() { if( getCurrentOption ("use_fancyapps") === "1" ) { return true; } return false; } }); } window.onpopstate = function(event) { if (!isDefined (currentData)) { return; } before = new Date (); var data = cache.get (event.state); updatePage (data); }; $(document).keydown(function(e){ if (e.keyCode === 37 && $("#prevLink").length > 0) { navigateTo ($("#prevLink").attr('href')); } if (e.keyCode === 39 && $("#nextLink").length > 0) { navigateTo ($("#nextLink").attr('href')); } }); /*exported initiateAjax */ function initiateAjax (url, theme) { $.when($.get('templates/' + theme + '/header.html'), $.get('templates/' + theme + '/footer.html'), $.get('templates/' + theme + '/bookdetail.html'), $.get('templates/' + theme + '/main.html'), $.get('templates/' + theme + '/page.html'), $.get('templates/' + theme + '/suggestion.html'), $.getJSON(url)).done(function(header, footer, bookdetail, main, page, suggestion, data){ templateBookDetail = doT.template (bookdetail [0]); var defMain = { bookdetail: bookdetail [0] }; templateMain = doT.template (main [0], undefined, defMain); var defPage = { header: header [0], footer: footer [0], main : main [0], bookdetail: bookdetail [0] }; templatePage = doT.template (page [0], undefined, defPage); templateSuggestion = doT.template (suggestion [0]); currentData = data [0]; updatePage (data [0]); cache.put (url, data [0]); if (isPushStateEnabled) { history.replaceState(url, "", window.location); } handleLinks (); }); }