<?php /* TbsZip version 2.11 (2012-02-14) Author : Skrol29 (email: http://www.tinybutstrong.com/onlyyou.html) Licence : LGPL This class is independent from any other classes and has been originally created for the OpenTbs plug-in for TinyButStrong Template Engine (TBS). OpenTbs makes TBS able to merge OpenOffice and Ms Office documents. Visit http://www.tinybutstrong.com */ define('TBSZIP_DOWNLOAD',1); // download (default) define('TBSZIP_NOHEADER',4); // option to use with DOWNLOAD: no header is sent define('TBSZIP_FILE',8); // output to file , or add from file define('TBSZIP_STRING',32); // output to string, or add from string class clsTbsZip { function __construct() { $this->Meth8Ok = extension_loaded('zlib'); // check if Zlib extension is available. This is need for compress and uncompress with method 8. $this->DisplayError = true; $this->ArchFile = ''; $this->Error = false; } function CreateNew($ArchName='new.zip') { // Create a new virtual empty archive, the name will be the default name when the archive is flushed. if (!isset($this->Meth8Ok)) $this->__construct(); // for PHP 4 compatibility $this->Close(); // note that $this->ArchHnd is set to false here $this->Error = false; $this->ArchFile = $ArchName; $this->ArchIsNew = true; $bin = 'PK'.chr(05).chr(06).str_repeat(chr(0), 18); $this->CdEndPos = strlen($bin) - 4; $this->CdInfo = array('disk_num_curr'=>0, 'disk_num_cd'=>0, 'file_nbr_curr'=>0, 'file_nbr_tot'=>0, 'l_cd'=>0, 'p_cd'=>0, 'l_comm'=>0, 'v_comm'=>'', 'bin'=>$bin); $this->CdPos = $this->CdInfo['p_cd']; } function Open($ArchFile) { // Open the zip archive if (!isset($this->Meth8Ok)) $this->__construct(); // for PHP 4 compatibility $this->Close(); // close handle and init info $this->Error = false; $this->ArchFile = $ArchFile; $this->ArchIsNew = false; // open the file $this->ArchHnd = fopen($ArchFile, 'rb'); $ok = !($this->ArchHnd===false); if ($ok) $ok = $this->CentralDirRead(); return $ok; } function Close() { if (isset($this->ArchHnd) and ($this->ArchHnd!==false)) fclose($this->ArchHnd); $this->ArchFile = ''; $this->ArchHnd = false; $this->CdInfo = array(); $this->CdFileLst = array(); $this->CdFileNbr = 0; $this->CdFileByName = array(); $this->VisFileLst = array(); $this->ArchCancelModif(); } function ArchCancelModif() { $this->LastReadComp = false; // compression of the last read file (1=compressed, 0=stored not compressed, -1= stored compressed but read uncompressed) $this->LastReadIdx = false; // index of the last file read $this->ReplInfo = array(); $this->ReplByPos = array(); $this->AddInfo = array(); } function FileAdd($Name, $Data, $DataType=TBSZIP_STRING, $Compress=true) { if ($Data===false) return $this->FileCancelModif($Name, false); // Cancel a previously added file // Save information for adding a new file into the archive $Diff = 30 + 46 + 2*strlen($Name); // size of the header + cd info $Ref = $this->_DataCreateNewRef($Data, $DataType, $Compress, $Diff, $Name); if ($Ref===false) return false; $Ref['name'] = $Name; $this->AddInfo[] = $Ref; return $Ref['res']; } function CentralDirRead() { $cd_info = 'PK'.chr(05).chr(06); // signature of the Central Directory $cd_pos = -22; $this->_MoveTo($cd_pos, SEEK_END); $b = $this->_ReadData(4); if ($b!==$cd_info) return $this->RaiseError('The footer of the Central Directory is not found.'); $this->CdEndPos = ftell($this->ArchHnd) - 4; $this->CdInfo = $this->CentralDirRead_End($cd_info); $this->CdFileLst = array(); $this->CdFileNbr = $this->CdInfo['file_nbr_curr']; $this->CdPos = $this->CdInfo['p_cd']; if ($this->CdFileNbr<=0) return $this->RaiseError('No file found in the Central Directory.'); if ($this->CdPos<=0) return $this->RaiseError('No position found for the Central Directory listing.'); $this->_MoveTo($this->CdPos); for ($i=0;$i<$this->CdFileNbr;$i++) { $x = $this->CentralDirRead_File($i); if ($x!==false) { $this->CdFileLst[$i] = $x; $this->CdFileByName[$x['v_name']] = $i; } } return true; } function CentralDirRead_End($cd_info) { $b = $cd_info.$this->_ReadData(18); $x = array(); $x['disk_num_curr'] = $this->_GetDec($b,4,2); // number of this disk $x['disk_num_cd'] = $this->_GetDec($b,6,2); // number of the disk with the start of the central directory $x['file_nbr_curr'] = $this->_GetDec($b,8,2); // total number of entries in the central directory on this disk $x['file_nbr_tot'] = $this->_GetDec($b,10,2); // total number of entries in the central directory $x['l_cd'] = $this->_GetDec($b,12,4); // size of the central directory $x['p_cd'] = $this->_GetDec($b,16,4); // offset of start of central directory with respect to the starting disk number $x['l_comm'] = $this->_GetDec($b,20,2); // .ZIP file comment length $x['v_comm'] = $this->_ReadData($x['l_comm']); // .ZIP file comment $x['bin'] = $b.$x['v_comm']; return $x; } function CentralDirRead_File($idx) { $b = $this->_ReadData(46); $x = $this->_GetHex($b,0,4); if ($x!=='h:02014b50') return $this->RaiseError('Signature of file information not found in the Central Directory in position '.(ftell($this->ArchHnd)-46).' for file #'.$idx.'.'); $x = array(); $x['vers_used'] = $this->_GetDec($b,4,2); $x['vers_necess'] = $this->_GetDec($b,6,2); $x['purp'] = $this->_GetBin($b,8,2); $x['meth'] = $this->_GetDec($b,10,2); $x['time'] = $this->_GetDec($b,12,2); $x['date'] = $this->_GetDec($b,14,2); $x['crc32'] = $this->_GetDec($b,16,4); $x['l_data_c'] = $this->_GetDec($b,20,4); $x['l_data_u'] = $this->_GetDec($b,24,4); $x['l_name'] = $this->_GetDec($b,28,2); $x['l_fields'] = $this->_GetDec($b,30,2); $x['l_comm'] = $this->_GetDec($b,32,2); $x['disk_num'] = $this->_GetDec($b,34,2); $x['int_file_att'] = $this->_GetDec($b,36,2); $x['ext_file_att'] = $this->_GetDec($b,38,4); $x['p_loc'] = $this->_GetDec($b,42,4); $x['v_name'] = $this->_ReadData($x['l_name']); $x['v_fields'] = $this->_ReadData($x['l_fields']); $x['v_comm'] = $this->_ReadData($x['l_comm']); $x['bin'] = $b.$x['v_name'].$x['v_fields'].$x['v_comm']; return $x; } function RaiseError($Msg) { if ($this->DisplayError) echo '<strong>'.get_class($this).' ERROR :</strong> '.$Msg.'<br>'."\r\n"; $this->Error = $Msg; return false; } function Debug($FileHeaders=false) { $this->DisplayError = true; echo "<br />\r\n"; echo "------------------<br/>\r\n"; echo "Central Directory:<br/>\r\n"; echo "------------------<br/>\r\n"; print_r($this->CdInfo); echo "<br />\r\n"; echo "-----------------------------------<br/>\r\n"; echo "File List in the Central Directory:<br/>\r\n"; echo "-----------------------------------<br/>\r\n"; print_r($this->CdFileLst); if ($FileHeaders) { echo "<br/>\r\n"; echo "------------------------------<br/>\r\n"; echo "File List in the Data Section:<br/>\r\n"; echo "------------------------------<br/>\r\n"; $idx = 0; $pos = 0; $this->_MoveTo($pos); while ($ok = $this->_ReadFile($idx,false)) { $this->VisFileLst[$idx]['debug_pos'] = $pos; $pos = ftell($this->ArchHnd); $idx++; } print_r($this->VisFileLst); } } function FileExists($NameOrIdx) { return ($this->FileGetIdx($NameOrIdx)!==false); } function FileGetIdx($NameOrIdx) { // Check if a file name, or a file index exists in the Central Directory, and return its index if (is_string($NameOrIdx)) { if (isset($this->CdFileByName[$NameOrIdx])) { return $this->CdFileByName[$NameOrIdx]; } else { return false; } } else { if (isset($this->CdFileLst[$NameOrIdx])) { return $NameOrIdx; } else { return false; } } } function FileGetIdxAdd($Name) { // Check if a file name exists in the list of file to add, and return its index if (!is_string($Name)) return false; $idx_lst = array_keys($this->AddInfo); foreach ($idx_lst as $idx) { if ($this->AddInfo[$idx]['name']===$Name) return $idx; } return false; } function FileRead($NameOrIdx, $Uncompress=true) { $this->LastReadComp = false; // means the file is not found $this->LastReadIdx = false; $idx = $this->FileGetIdx($NameOrIdx); if ($idx===false) return $this->RaiseError('File "'.$NameOrIdx.'" is not found in the Central Directory.'); $pos = $this->CdFileLst[$idx]['p_loc']; $this->_MoveTo($pos); $this->LastReadIdx = $idx; // Can be usefull to get the idx $Data = $this->_ReadFile($idx, true); // Manage uncompression $Comp = 1; // means the contents stays compressed $meth = $this->CdFileLst[$idx]['meth']; if ($meth==8) { if ($Uncompress) { if ($this->Meth8Ok) { $Data = gzinflate($Data); $Comp = -1; // means uncompressed } else { $this->RaiseError('Unable to uncompress file "'.$NameOrIdx.'" because extension Zlib is not installed.'); } } } elseif($meth==0) { $Comp = 0; // means stored without compression } else { if ($Uncompress) $this->RaiseError('Unable to uncompress file "'.$NameOrIdx.'" because it is compressed with method '.$meth.'.'); } $this->LastReadComp = $Comp; return $Data; } function _ReadFile($idx, $ReadData) { // read the file header (and maybe the data ) in the archive, assuming the cursor in at a new file position $b = $this->_ReadData(30); $x = $this->_GetHex($b,0,4); if ($x!=='h:04034b50') return $this->RaiseError('Signature of file information not found in the Data Section in position '.(ftell($this->ArchHnd)-30).' for file #'.$idx.'.'); $x = array(); $x['vers'] = $this->_GetDec($b,4,2); $x['purp'] = $this->_GetBin($b,6,2); $x['meth'] = $this->_GetDec($b,8,2); $x['time'] = $this->_GetDec($b,10,2); $x['date'] = $this->_GetDec($b,12,2); $x['crc32'] = $this->_GetDec($b,14,4); $x['l_data_c'] = $this->_GetDec($b,18,4); $x['l_data_u'] = $this->_GetDec($b,22,4); $x['l_name'] = $this->_GetDec($b,26,2); $x['l_fields'] = $this->_GetDec($b,28,2); $x['v_name'] = $this->_ReadData($x['l_name']); $x['v_fields'] = $this->_ReadData($x['l_fields']); $x['bin'] = $b.$x['v_name'].$x['v_fields']; // Read Data $len_cd = $this->CdFileLst[$idx]['l_data_c']; if ($x['l_data_c']==0) { // Sometimes, the size is not specified in the local information. $len = $len_cd; } else { $len = $x['l_data_c']; if ($len!=$len_cd) { //echo "TbsZip Warning: Local information for file #".$idx." says len=".$len.", while Central Directory says len=".$len_cd."."; } } if ($ReadData) { $Data = $this->_ReadData($len); } else { $this->_MoveTo($len, SEEK_CUR); } // Description information $desc_ok = ($x['purp'][2+3]=='1'); if ($desc_ok) { $b = $this->_ReadData(16); $x['desc_bin'] = $b; $x['desc_sign'] = $this->_GetHex($b,0,4); // not specified in the documentation sign=h:08074b50 $x['desc_crc32'] = $this->_GetDec($b,4,4); $x['desc_l_data_c'] = $this->_GetDec($b,8,4); $x['desc_l_data_u'] = $this->_GetDec($b,12,4); } // Save file info without the data $this->VisFileLst[$idx] = $x; // Return the info if ($ReadData) { return $Data; } else { return true; } } function FileReplace($NameOrIdx, $Data, $DataType=TBSZIP_STRING, $Compress=true) { // Store replacement information. $idx = $this->FileGetIdx($NameOrIdx); if ($idx===false) return $this->RaiseError('File "'.$NameOrIdx.'" is not found in the Central Directory.'); $pos = $this->CdFileLst[$idx]['p_loc']; if ($Data===false) { // file to delete $this->ReplInfo[$idx] = false; $Result = true; } else { // file to replace $Diff = - $this->CdFileLst[$idx]['l_data_c']; $Ref = $this->_DataCreateNewRef($Data, $DataType, $Compress, $Diff, $NameOrIdx); if ($Ref===false) return false; $this->ReplInfo[$idx] = $Ref; $Result = $Ref['res']; } $this->ReplByPos[$pos] = $idx; return $Result; } function FileCancelModif($NameOrIdx, $ReplacedAndDeleted=true) { // cancel added, modified or deleted modifications on a file in the archive // return the number of cancels $nbr = 0; if ($ReplacedAndDeleted) { // replaced or deleted files $idx = $this->FileGetIdx($NameOrIdx); if ($idx!==false) { if (isset($this->ReplInfo[$idx])) { $pos = $this->CdFileLst[$idx]['p_loc']; unset($this->ReplByPos[$pos]); unset($this->ReplInfo[$idx]); $nbr++; } } } // added files $idx = $this->FileGetIdxAdd($NameOrIdx); if ($idx!==false) { unset($this->AddInfo[$idx]); $nbr++; } return $nbr; } function Flush($Render=TBSZIP_DOWNLOAD, $File='', $ContentType='') { if ( ($File!=='') && ($this->ArchFile===$File)) { $this->RaiseError('Method Flush() cannot overwrite the current opened archive: \''.$File.'\''); // this makes corrupted zip archives without PHP error. return false; } $ArchPos = 0; $Delta = 0; $FicNewPos = array(); $DelLst = array(); // idx of deleted files $DeltaCdLen = 0; // delta of the CD's size $now = time(); $date = $this->_MsDos_Date($now); $time = $this->_MsDos_Time($now); if (!$this->OutputOpen($Render, $File, $ContentType)) return false; // output modified zipped files and unmodified zipped files that are beetween them ksort($this->ReplByPos); foreach ($this->ReplByPos as $ReplPos => $ReplIdx) { // output data from the zip archive which is before the data to replace $this->OutputFromArch($ArchPos, $ReplPos); // get current file information if (!isset($this->VisFileLst[$ReplIdx])) $this->_ReadFile($ReplIdx, false); $FileInfo =& $this->VisFileLst[$ReplIdx]; $b1 = $FileInfo['bin']; if (isset($FileInfo['desc_bin'])) { $b2 = $FileInfo['desc_bin']; } else { $b2 = ''; } $info_old_len = strlen($b1) + $this->CdFileLst[$ReplIdx]['l_data_c'] + strlen($b2); // $FileInfo['l_data_c'] may have a 0 value in some archives // get replacement information $ReplInfo =& $this->ReplInfo[$ReplIdx]; if ($ReplInfo===false) { // The file is to be deleted $Delta = $Delta - $info_old_len; // headers and footers are also deleted $DelLst[$ReplIdx] = true; } else { // prepare the header of the current file $this->_DataPrepare($ReplInfo); // get data from external file if necessary $this->_PutDec($b1, $time, 10, 2); // time $this->_PutDec($b1, $date, 12, 2); // date $this->_PutDec($b1, $ReplInfo['crc32'], 14, 4); // crc32 $this->_PutDec($b1, $ReplInfo['len_c'], 18, 4); // l_data_c $this->_PutDec($b1, $ReplInfo['len_u'], 22, 4); // l_data_u if ($ReplInfo['meth']!==false) $this->_PutDec($b1, $ReplInfo['meth'], 8, 2); // meth // prepare the bottom description if the zipped file, if any if ($b2!=='') { $this->_PutDec($b2, $ReplInfo['crc32'], 4, 4); // crc32 $this->_PutDec($b2, $ReplInfo['len_c'], 8, 4); // l_data_c $this->_PutDec($b2, $ReplInfo['len_u'], 12, 4); // l_data_u } // output data $this->OutputFromString($b1.$ReplInfo['data'].$b2); unset($ReplInfo['data']); // save PHP memory $Delta = $Delta + $ReplInfo['diff'] + $ReplInfo['len_c']; } // Update the delta of positions for zipped files which are physically after the currently replaced one for ($i=0;$i<$this->CdFileNbr;$i++) { if ($this->CdFileLst[$i]['p_loc']>$ReplPos) { $FicNewPos[$i] = $this->CdFileLst[$i]['p_loc'] + $Delta; } } // Update the current pos in the archive $ArchPos = $ReplPos + $info_old_len; } // Ouput all the zipped files that remain before the Central Directory listing if ($this->ArchHnd!==false) $this->OutputFromArch($ArchPos, $this->CdPos); // ArchHnd is false if CreateNew() has been called $ArchPos = $this->CdPos; // Output file to add $AddNbr = count($this->AddInfo); $AddDataLen = 0; // total len of added data (inlcuding file headers) if ($AddNbr>0) { $AddPos = $ArchPos + $Delta; // position of the start $AddLst = array_keys($this->AddInfo); foreach ($AddLst as $idx) { $n = $this->_DataOuputAddedFile($idx, $AddPos); $AddPos += $n; $AddDataLen += $n; } } // Modifiy file information in the Central Directory for replaced files $b2 = ''; $old_cd_len = 0; for ($i=0;$i<$this->CdFileNbr;$i++) { $b1 = $this->CdFileLst[$i]['bin']; $old_cd_len += strlen($b1); if (!isset($DelLst[$i])) { if (isset($FicNewPos[$i])) $this->_PutDec($b1, $FicNewPos[$i], 42, 4); // p_loc if (isset($this->ReplInfo[$i])) { $ReplInfo =& $this->ReplInfo[$i]; $this->_PutDec($b1, $time, 12, 2); // time $this->_PutDec($b1, $date, 14, 2); // date $this->_PutDec($b1, $ReplInfo['crc32'], 16, 4); // crc32 $this->_PutDec($b1, $ReplInfo['len_c'], 20, 4); // l_data_c $this->_PutDec($b1, $ReplInfo['len_u'], 24, 4); // l_data_u if ($ReplInfo['meth']!==false) $this->_PutDec($b1, $ReplInfo['meth'], 10, 2); // meth } $b2 .= $b1; } } $this->OutputFromString($b2); $ArchPos += $old_cd_len; $DeltaCdLen = $DeltaCdLen + strlen($b2) - $old_cd_len; // Output until Central Directory footer if ($this->ArchHnd!==false) $this->OutputFromArch($ArchPos, $this->CdEndPos); // ArchHnd is false if CreateNew() has been called // Output file information of the Central Directory for added files if ($AddNbr>0) { $b2 = ''; foreach ($AddLst as $idx) { $b2 .= $this->AddInfo[$idx]['bin']; } $this->OutputFromString($b2); $DeltaCdLen += strlen($b2); } // Output Central Directory footer $b2 = $this->CdInfo['bin']; $DelNbr = count($DelLst); if ( ($AddNbr>0) or ($DelNbr>0) ) { // total number of entries in the central directory on this disk $n = $this->_GetDec($b2, 8, 2); $this->_PutDec($b2, $n + $AddNbr - $DelNbr, 8, 2); // total number of entries in the central directory $n = $this->_GetDec($b2, 10, 2); $this->_PutDec($b2, $n + $AddNbr - $DelNbr, 10, 2); // size of the central directory $n = $this->_GetDec($b2, 12, 4); $this->_PutDec($b2, $n + $DeltaCdLen, 12, 4); $Delta = $Delta + $AddDataLen; } $this->_PutDec($b2, $this->CdPos+$Delta , 16, 4); // p_cd (offset of start of central directory with respect to the starting disk number) $this->OutputFromString($b2); $this->OutputClose(); return true; } // ---------------- // output functions // ---------------- function OutputOpen($Render, $File, $ContentType) { if (($Render & TBSZIP_FILE)==TBSZIP_FILE) { $this->OutputMode = TBSZIP_FILE; if (''.$File=='') $File = basename($this->ArchFile).'.zip'; $this->OutputHandle = @fopen($File, 'w'); if ($this->OutputHandle===false) { $this->RaiseError('Method Flush() cannot overwrite the target file \''.$File.'\'. This may not be a valid file path or the file may be locked by another process or because of a denied permission.'); return false; } } elseif (($Render & TBSZIP_STRING)==TBSZIP_STRING) { $this->OutputMode = TBSZIP_STRING; $this->OutputSrc = ''; } elseif (($Render & TBSZIP_DOWNLOAD)==TBSZIP_DOWNLOAD) { $this->OutputMode = TBSZIP_DOWNLOAD; // Output the file if (''.$File=='') $File = basename($this->ArchFile); if (($Render & TBSZIP_NOHEADER)==TBSZIP_NOHEADER) { } else { header ('Pragma: no-cache'); if ($ContentType!='') header ('Content-Type: '.$ContentType); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$File.'"'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); header('Cache-Control: public'); header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); $Len = $this->_EstimateNewArchSize(); if ($Len!==false) header('Content-Length: '.$Len); } } return true; } function OutputFromArch($pos, $pos_stop) { $len = $pos_stop - $pos; if ($len<0) return; $this->_MoveTo($pos); $block = 1024; while ($len>0) { $l = min($len, $block); $x = $this->_ReadData($l); $this->OutputFromString($x); $len = $len - $l; } unset($x); } function OutputFromString($data) { if ($this->OutputMode===TBSZIP_DOWNLOAD) { echo $data; // donwload } elseif ($this->OutputMode===TBSZIP_STRING) { $this->OutputSrc .= $data; // to string } elseif (TBSZIP_FILE) { fwrite($this->OutputHandle, $data); // to file } } function OutputClose() { if ( ($this->OutputMode===TBSZIP_FILE) && ($this->OutputHandle!==false) ) { fclose($this->OutputHandle); $this->OutputHandle = false; } } // ---------------- // Reading functions // ---------------- function _MoveTo($pos, $relative = SEEK_SET) { fseek($this->ArchHnd, $pos, $relative); } function _ReadData($len) { if ($len>0) { $x = fread($this->ArchHnd, $len); return $x; } else { return ''; } } // ---------------- // Take info from binary data // ---------------- function _GetDec($txt, $pos, $len) { $x = substr($txt, $pos, $len); $z = 0; for ($i=0;$i<$len;$i++) { $asc = ord($x[$i]); if ($asc>0) $z = $z + $asc*pow(256,$i); } return $z; } function _GetHex($txt, $pos, $len) { $x = substr($txt, $pos, $len); return 'h:'.bin2hex(strrev($x)); } function _GetBin($txt, $pos, $len) { $x = substr($txt, $pos, $len); $z = ''; for ($i=0;$i<$len;$i++) { $asc = ord($x[$i]); if (isset($x[$i])) { for ($j=0;$j<8;$j++) { $z .= ($asc & pow(2,$j)) ? '1' : '0'; } } else { $z .= '00000000'; } } return 'b:'.$z; } // ---------------- // Put info into binary data // ---------------- function _PutDec(&$txt, $val, $pos, $len) { $x = ''; for ($i=0;$i<$len;$i++) { if ($val==0) { $z = 0; } else { $z = intval($val % 256); if (($val<0) && ($z!=0)) { // ($z!=0) is very important, example: val=-420085702 // special opration for negative value. If the number id too big, PHP stores it into a signed integer. For example: crc32('coucou') => -256185401 instead of 4038781895. NegVal = BigVal - (MaxVal+1) = BigVal - 256^4 $val = ($val - $z)/256 -1; $z = 256 + $z; } else { $val = ($val - $z)/256; } } $x .= chr($z); } $txt = substr_replace($txt, $x, $pos, $len); } function _MsDos_Date($Timestamp = false) { // convert a date-time timstamp into the MS-Dos format $d = ($Timestamp===false) ? getdate() : getdate($Timestamp); return (($d['year']-1980)*512) + ($d['mon']*32) + $d['mday']; } function _MsDos_Time($Timestamp = false) { // convert a date-time timstamp into the MS-Dos format $d = ($Timestamp===false) ? getdate() : getdate($Timestamp); return ($d['hours']*2048) + ($d['minutes']*32) + intval($d['seconds']/2); // seconds are rounded to an even number in order to save 1 bit } function _MsDos_Debug($date, $time) { // Display the formated date and time. Just for debug purpose. // date end time are encoded on 16 bits (2 bytes) : date = yyyyyyymmmmddddd , time = hhhhhnnnnnssssss $y = ($date & 65024)/512 + 1980; $m = ($date & 480)/32; $d = ($date & 31); $h = ($time & 63488)/2048; $i = ($time & 1984)/32; $s = ($time & 31) * 2; // seconds have been rounded to an even number in order to save 1 bit return $y.'-'.str_pad($m,2,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT).'-'.str_pad($d,2,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT).' '.str_pad($h,2,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT).':'.str_pad($i,2,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT).':'.str_pad($s,2,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT); } function _DataOuputAddedFile($Idx, $PosLoc) { $Ref =& $this->AddInfo[$Idx]; $this->_DataPrepare($Ref); // get data from external file if necessary // Other info $now = time(); $date = $this->_MsDos_Date($now); $time = $this->_MsDos_Time($now); $len_n = strlen($Ref['name']); $purp = 2048 ; // purpose // +8 to indicates that there is an extended local header // Header for file in the data section $b = 'PK'.chr(03).chr(04).str_repeat(' ',26); // signature $this->_PutDec($b,20,4,2); //vers = 20 $this->_PutDec($b,$purp,6,2); // purp $this->_PutDec($b,$Ref['meth'],8,2); // meth $this->_PutDec($b,$time,10,2); // time $this->_PutDec($b,$date,12,2); // date $this->_PutDec($b,$Ref['crc32'],14,4); // crc32 $this->_PutDec($b,$Ref['len_c'],18,4); // l_data_c $this->_PutDec($b,$Ref['len_u'],22,4); // l_data_u $this->_PutDec($b,$len_n,26,2); // l_name $this->_PutDec($b,0,28,2); // l_fields $b .= $Ref['name']; // name $b .= ''; // fields // Output the data $this->OutputFromString($b.$Ref['data']); $OutputLen = strlen($b) + $Ref['len_c']; // new position of the cursor unset($Ref['data']); // save PHP memory // Information for file in the Central Directory $b = 'PK'.chr(01).chr(02).str_repeat(' ',42); // signature $this->_PutDec($b,20,4,2); // vers_used = 20 $this->_PutDec($b,20,6,2); // vers_necess = 20 $this->_PutDec($b,$purp,8,2); // purp $this->_PutDec($b,$Ref['meth'],10,2); // meth $this->_PutDec($b,$time,12,2); // time $this->_PutDec($b,$date,14,2); // date $this->_PutDec($b,$Ref['crc32'],16,4); // crc32 $this->_PutDec($b,$Ref['len_c'],20,4); // l_data_c $this->_PutDec($b,$Ref['len_u'],24,4); // l_data_u $this->_PutDec($b,$len_n,28,2); // l_name $this->_PutDec($b,0,30,2); // l_fields $this->_PutDec($b,0,32,2); // l_comm $this->_PutDec($b,0,34,2); // disk_num $this->_PutDec($b,0,36,2); // int_file_att $this->_PutDec($b,0,38,4); // ext_file_att $this->_PutDec($b,$PosLoc,42,4); // p_loc $b .= $Ref['name']; // v_name $b .= ''; // v_fields $b .= ''; // v_comm $Ref['bin'] = $b; return $OutputLen; } function _DataCreateNewRef($Data, $DataType, $Compress, $Diff, $NameOrIdx) { if (is_array($Compress)) { $result = 2; $meth = $Compress['meth']; $len_u = $Compress['len_u']; $crc32 = $Compress['crc32']; $Compress = false; } elseif ($Compress and ($this->Meth8Ok)) { $result = 1; $meth = 8; $len_u = false; // means unknown $crc32 = false; } else { $result = ($Compress) ? -1 : 0; $meth = 0; $len_u = false; $crc32 = false; $Compress = false; } if ($DataType==TBSZIP_STRING) { $path = false; if ($Compress) { // we compress now in order to save PHP memory $len_u = strlen($Data); $crc32 = crc32($Data); $Data = gzdeflate($Data); $len_c = strlen($Data); } else { $len_c = strlen($Data); if ($len_u===false) { $len_u = $len_c; $crc32 = crc32($Data); } } } else { $path = $Data; $Data = false; if (file_exists($path)) { $fz = filesize($path); if ($len_u===false) $len_u = $fz; $len_c = ($Compress) ? false : $fz; } else { return $this->RaiseError("Cannot add the file '".$path."' because it is not found."); } } // at this step $Data and $crc32 can be false only in case of external file, and $len_c is false only in case of external file to compress return array('data'=>$Data, 'path'=>$path, 'meth'=>$meth, 'len_u'=>$len_u, 'len_c'=>$len_c, 'crc32'=>$crc32, 'diff'=>$Diff, 'res'=>$result); } function _DataPrepare(&$Ref) { // returns the real size of data if ($Ref['path']!==false) { $Ref['data'] = file_get_contents($Ref['path']); if ($Ref['crc32']===false) $Ref['crc32'] = crc32($Ref['data']); if ($Ref['len_c']===false) { // means the data must be compressed $Ref['data'] = gzdeflate($Ref['data']); $Ref['len_c'] = strlen($Ref['data']); } } } function _EstimateNewArchSize($Optim=true) { // Return the size of the new archive, or false if it cannot be calculated (because of external file that must be compressed before to be insered) if ($this->ArchIsNew) { $Len = strlen($this->CdInfo['bin']); } else { $Len = filesize($this->ArchFile); } // files to replace or delete foreach ($this->ReplByPos as $i) { $Ref =& $this->ReplInfo[$i]; if ($Ref===false) { // file to delete $Info =& $this->CdFileLst[$i]; if (!isset($this->VisFileLst[$i])) { if ($Optim) return false; // if $Optimization is set to true, then we d'ont rewind to read information $this->_MoveTo($Info['p_loc']); $this->_ReadFile($i, false); } $Vis =& $this->VisFileLst[$i]; $Len += -strlen($Vis['bin']) -strlen($Info['bin']) - $Info['l_data_c']; if (isset($Vis['desc_bin'])) $Len += -strlen($Vis['desc_bin']); } elseif ($Ref['len_c']===false) { return false; // information not yet known } else { // file to replace $Len += $Ref['len_c'] + $Ref['diff']; } } // files to add $i_lst = array_keys($this->AddInfo); foreach ($i_lst as $i) { $Ref =& $this->AddInfo[$i]; if ($Ref['len_c']===false) { return false; // information not yet known } else { $Len += $Ref['len_c'] + $Ref['diff']; } } return $Len; } }