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2018-01-14 15:10:16 +02:00
* DB_Table is a database API and data type SQL abstraction class.
* DB_Table provides database API abstraction, data type abstraction,
* automated SELECT, INSERT, and UPDATE queries, automated table
* creation, automated validation of inserted/updated column values,
* and automated creation of QuickForm elements based on the column
* definitions.
* PHP versions 4 and 5
* Copyright (c) 1997-2007, Paul M. Jones <pmjones@php.net>
* David C. Morse <morse@php.net>
* Mark Wiesemann <wiesemann@php.net>
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* * The names of the authors may not be used to endorse or promote products
* derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
* @category Database
* @package DB_Table
* @author Paul M. Jones <pmjones@php.net>
* @author David C. Morse <morse@php.net>
* @author Mark Wiesemann <wiesemann@php.net>
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License
* @version CVS: $Id: Table.php,v 1.90 2008/12/25 19:56:35 wiesemann Exp $
* @link http://pear.php.net/package/DB_Table
* Error code at instantiation time when the first parameter to the
* constructor is not a PEAR DB object.
* Error code at instantiation time when the PEAR DB/MDB2 $phptype is not
* supported by DB_Table.
define('DB_TABLE_ERR_PHPTYPE', -2);
* Error code when you call select() or selectResult() and the first
* parameter is a string that does not match any of the $this->sql keys.
define('DB_TABLE_ERR_SQL_UNDEF', -3);
* Error code when you call select*() or buildSQL() and the first
* parameter is neither an array nor a string
* Error code when you try to insert data to a column that is not in the
* $this->col array.
* Error code when you try to insert data, and that data does not have a
* column marked as 'require' in the $this->col array.
* Error code when auto-validation fails on data to be inserted.
* Error code when you try to update data to a column that is not in the
* $this->col array.
* Error code when you try to update data, and that data does not have a
* column marked as 'require' in the $this->col array.
* Error code when auto-validation fails on update data.
* Error code when you use a create() flag that is not recognized (must
* be 'safe', 'drop', 'verify' or boolean false.
define('DB_TABLE_ERR_CREATE_FLAG', -11);
* Error code at create() time when you define an index in $this->idx
* that has no columns.
define('DB_TABLE_ERR_IDX_NO_COLS', -12);
* Error code at create() time when you define an index in $this->idx
* that refers to a column that does not exist in the $this->col array.
define('DB_TABLE_ERR_IDX_COL_UNDEF', -13);
* Error code at create() time when you define a $this->idx index type
* that is not recognized (must be 'normal' or 'unique').
define('DB_TABLE_ERR_IDX_TYPE', -14);
* Error code at create() time when you have an error in a 'char' or
* 'varchar' definition in $this->col (usually because 'size' is wrong).
* Error code at create() time when you have an error in a 'decimal'
* definition (usually becuase the 'size' or 'scope' are wrong).
* Error code at create() time when you define a column in $this->col
* with an unrecognized 'type'.
* Error code at validation time when a column in $this->col has an
* unrecognized 'type'.
* Error code at create() time when you define a column in $this->col
* with an invalid column name (usually because it's a reserved keyword).
* Error code at create() time when you define an index in $this->idx
* with an invalid index name (usually because it's a reserved keyword).
* Error code at create() time when you define an index in $this->idx
* that refers to a CLOB column.
define('DB_TABLE_ERR_IDX_COL_CLOB', -21);
* Error code at create() time when you define a column name that is
* more than 30 chars long (an Oracle restriction).
* Error code at create() time when the index name ends up being more
* than 30 chars long (an Oracle restriction).
define('DB_TABLE_ERR_IDX_STRLEN', -23);
* Error code at create() time when the table name is more than 30 chars
* long (an Oracle restriction).
* Error code at nextID() time when the sequence name is more than 30
* chars long (an Oracle restriction).
define('DB_TABLE_ERR_SEQ_STRLEN', -25);
* Error code at verify() time when the table does not exist in the
* database.
* Error code at verify() time when the column does not exist in the
* database table.
* Error code at verify() time when the column type does not match the
* type specified in the column declaration.
* Error code at instantiation time when the column definition array
* does not contain at least one column.
define('DB_TABLE_ERR_NO_COLS', -29);
* Error code at verify() time when an index cannot be found in the
* database table.
* Error code at verify() time when an index does not contain all
* columns that it should contain.
* Error code at instantiation time when a creation mode
* is not available for a phptype.
* Error code at create() time when you define more than one primary key
* in $this->idx.
* Error code at create() time when a primary key is defined in $this->idx
* and SQLite is used (SQLite does not support primary keys).
* Error code at alter() time when altering a table field is not possible
* (e.g. because MDB2 has no support for the change or because the DBMS
* does not support the change).
* Error code at alter() time when altering a(n) index/constraint is not possible
* (e.g. because MDB2 has no support for the change or because the DBMS
* does not support the change).
* Error code at insert() time due to invalid the auto-increment column
* definition. This column must be an integer type and required.
define('DB_TABLE_ERR_AUTO_INC_COL', -37);
* Error code at instantiation time when both the $table parameter
* and the $table class property are missing.
* The DB_Table_Base parent class
require_once 'DB/Table/Base.php';
* The PEAR class for errors
require_once 'PEAR.php';
* The Date class for recasting date and time values
require_once 'DB/Table/Date.php';
* DB_Table supports these RDBMS engines and their various native data
* types; we need these here instead of in Manager.php because the
* initial array key tells us what databases are supported.
$GLOBALS['_DB_TABLE']['type'] = array(
'fbsql' => array(
'boolean' => 'DECIMAL(1,0)',
'char' => 'CHAR',
'varchar' => 'VARCHAR',
'smallint' => 'SMALLINT',
'integer' => 'INTEGER',
'bigint' => 'LONGINT',
'decimal' => 'DECIMAL',
'single' => 'REAL',
'double' => 'DOUBLE PRECISION',
'clob' => 'CLOB',
'date' => 'CHAR(10)',
'time' => 'CHAR(8)',
'timestamp' => 'CHAR(19)'
'ibase' => array(
'boolean' => 'DECIMAL(1,0)',
'char' => 'CHAR',
'varchar' => 'VARCHAR',
'smallint' => 'SMALLINT',
'integer' => 'INTEGER',
'bigint' => 'BIGINT',
'decimal' => 'DECIMAL',
'single' => 'FLOAT',
'double' => 'DOUBLE PRECISION',
'clob' => 'BLOB SUB_TYPE 1',
'date' => 'DATE',
'time' => 'TIME',
'timestamp' => 'TIMESTAMP'
'mssql' => array(
'boolean' => 'DECIMAL(1,0)',
'char' => 'CHAR',
'varchar' => 'VARCHAR',
'smallint' => 'SMALLINT',
'integer' => 'INTEGER',
'bigint' => 'BIGINT',
'decimal' => 'DECIMAL',
'single' => 'REAL',
'double' => 'FLOAT',
'clob' => 'TEXT',
'date' => 'CHAR(10)',
'time' => 'CHAR(8)',
'timestamp' => 'CHAR(19)'
'mysql' => array(
'boolean' => 'DECIMAL(1,0)',
'char' => 'CHAR',
'varchar' => 'VARCHAR',
'smallint' => 'SMALLINT',
'integer' => 'INTEGER',
'bigint' => 'BIGINT',
'decimal' => 'DECIMAL',
'single' => 'FLOAT',
'double' => 'DOUBLE',
'clob' => 'LONGTEXT',
'date' => 'CHAR(10)',
'time' => 'CHAR(8)',
'timestamp' => 'CHAR(19)'
'mysqli' => array(
'boolean' => 'DECIMAL(1,0)',
'char' => 'CHAR',
'varchar' => 'VARCHAR',
'smallint' => 'SMALLINT',
'integer' => 'INTEGER',
'bigint' => 'BIGINT',
'decimal' => 'DECIMAL',
'single' => 'FLOAT',
'double' => 'DOUBLE',
'clob' => 'LONGTEXT',
'date' => 'CHAR(10)',
'time' => 'CHAR(8)',
'timestamp' => 'CHAR(19)'
'oci8' => array(
'boolean' => 'NUMBER(1)',
'char' => 'CHAR',
'varchar' => 'VARCHAR2',
'smallint' => 'NUMBER(6)',
'integer' => 'NUMBER(11)',
'bigint' => 'NUMBER(19)',
'decimal' => 'NUMBER',
'single' => 'REAL',
'double' => 'DOUBLE PRECISION',
'clob' => 'CLOB',
'date' => 'CHAR(10)',
'time' => 'CHAR(8)',
'timestamp' => 'CHAR(19)'
'pgsql' => array(
'boolean' => 'DECIMAL(1,0)',
'char' => 'CHAR',
'varchar' => 'VARCHAR',
'smallint' => 'SMALLINT',
'integer' => 'INTEGER',
'bigint' => 'BIGINT',
'decimal' => 'DECIMAL',
'single' => 'REAL',
'double' => 'DOUBLE PRECISION',
'clob' => 'TEXT',
'date' => 'CHAR(10)',
'time' => 'CHAR(8)',
'timestamp' => 'CHAR(19)'
'sqlite' => array(
'boolean' => 'BOOLEAN',
'char' => 'CHAR',
'varchar' => 'VARCHAR',
'smallint' => 'SMALLINT',
'integer' => 'INTEGER',
'bigint' => 'BIGINT',
'decimal' => 'NUMERIC',
'single' => 'FLOAT',
'double' => 'DOUBLE',
'clob' => 'CLOB',
'date' => 'DATE',
'time' => 'TIME',
'timestamp' => 'TIMESTAMP'
* US-English default error messages. If you want to internationalize, you can
* set the translated messages via $GLOBALS['_DB_TABLE']['error']. You can also
* use DB_Table::setErrorMessage(). Examples:
* <code>
* (1) $GLOBALS['_DB_TABLE]['error'] = array(DB_TABLE_ERR_PHPTYPE => '...',
* (2) DB_Table::setErrorMessage(DB_TABLE_ERR_PHPTYPE, '...');
* DB_Table::setErrorMessage(DB_TABLE_ERR_SQL_UNDEF, '...');
* (3) DB_Table::setErrorMessage(array(DB_TABLE_ERR_PHPTYPE => '...');
* (4) $obj = new DB_Table();
* $obj->setErrorMessage(DB_TABLE_ERR_PHPTYPE, '...');
* $obj->setErrorMessage(DB_TABLE_ERR_SQL_UNDEF, '...');
* (5) $obj = new DB_Table();
* $obj->setErrorMessage(array(DB_TABLE_ERR_PHPTYPE => '...');
* </code>
* For errors that can occur with-in the constructor call (i.e. e.g. creating
* or altering the database table), only the code from examples (1) to (3)
* will alter the default error messages early enough. For errors that can
* occur later, examples (4) and (5) are also valid.
$GLOBALS['_DB_TABLE']['default_error'] = array(
DB_TABLE_ERR_NOT_DB_OBJECT => 'First parameter must be a DB/MDB2 object',
DB_TABLE_ERR_PHPTYPE => 'DB/MDB2 phptype (or dbsyntax) not supported',
DB_TABLE_ERR_SQL_UNDEF => 'Select query string not in a key of $sql. Key',
DB_TABLE_ERR_SQL_NOT_STRING => 'Select query is neither an array nor a string',
DB_TABLE_ERR_INS_COL_NOMAP => 'Insert column not in map',
DB_TABLE_ERR_INS_COL_REQUIRED => 'Insert data must be set and non-null for column',
DB_TABLE_ERR_INS_DATA_INVALID => 'Insert data not valid for column',
DB_TABLE_ERR_UPD_COL_NOMAP => 'Update column not in map',
DB_TABLE_ERR_UPD_COL_REQUIRED => 'Update column must be set and non-null',
DB_TABLE_ERR_UPD_DATA_INVALID => 'Update data not valid for column',
DB_TABLE_ERR_CREATE_FLAG => 'Create flag not valid',
DB_TABLE_ERR_IDX_NO_COLS => 'No columns for index',
DB_TABLE_ERR_IDX_COL_UNDEF => 'Column not in map for index',
DB_TABLE_ERR_IDX_TYPE => 'Type not valid for index',
DB_TABLE_ERR_DECLARE_STRING => 'String column declaration not valid',
DB_TABLE_ERR_DECLARE_DECIMAL => 'Decimal column declaration not valid',
DB_TABLE_ERR_DECLARE_TYPE => 'Column type not valid',
DB_TABLE_ERR_VALIDATE_TYPE => 'Cannot validate for unknown type on column',
DB_TABLE_ERR_DECLARE_COLNAME => 'Column name not valid',
DB_TABLE_ERR_DECLARE_IDXNAME => 'Index name not valid',
DB_TABLE_ERR_DECLARE_TYPE => 'Column type not valid',
DB_TABLE_ERR_IDX_COL_CLOB => 'CLOB column not allowed for index',
DB_TABLE_ERR_DECLARE_STRLEN => 'Column name too long, 30 char max',
DB_TABLE_ERR_IDX_STRLEN => 'Index name too long, 30 char max',
DB_TABLE_ERR_TABLE_STRLEN => 'Table name too long, 30 char max',
DB_TABLE_ERR_SEQ_STRLEN => 'Sequence name too long, 30 char max',
DB_TABLE_ERR_VER_TABLE_MISSING => 'Verification failed: table does not exist',
DB_TABLE_ERR_VER_COLUMN_MISSING => 'Verification failed: column does not exist',
DB_TABLE_ERR_VER_COLUMN_TYPE => 'Verification failed: wrong column type',
DB_TABLE_ERR_NO_COLS => 'Column definition array may not be empty',
DB_TABLE_ERR_VER_IDX_MISSING => 'Verification failed: index does not exist',
DB_TABLE_ERR_VER_IDX_COL_MISSING => 'Verification failed: index does not contain all specified cols',
DB_TABLE_ERR_CREATE_PHPTYPE => 'Creation mode is not supported for this phptype',
DB_TABLE_ERR_DECLARE_PRIMARY => 'Only one primary key is allowed',
DB_TABLE_ERR_DECLARE_PRIM_SQLITE => 'SQLite does not support primary keys',
DB_TABLE_ERR_ALTER_TABLE_IMPOS => 'Alter table failed: changing the field type not possible',
DB_TABLE_ERR_ALTER_INDEX_IMPOS => 'Alter table failed: changing the index/constraint not possible',
DB_TABLE_ERR_AUTO_INC_COL => 'Illegal auto-increment column definition',
DB_TABLE_ERR_TABLE_NAME_MISSING => 'Table name missing in constructor and class'
// merge default and user-defined error messages
if (!isset($GLOBALS['_DB_TABLE']['error'])) {
$GLOBALS['_DB_TABLE']['error'] = array();
foreach ($GLOBALS['_DB_TABLE']['default_error'] as $code => $message) {
if (!array_key_exists($code, $GLOBALS['_DB_TABLE']['error'])) {
$GLOBALS['_DB_TABLE']['error'][$code] = $message;
// set default value for length check switch
if (!isset($GLOBALS['_DB_TABLE']['disable_length_check'])) {
$GLOBALS['_DB_TABLE']['disable_length_check'] = false;
* DB_Table is a database API and data type SQL abstraction class.
* DB_Table provides database API abstraction, data type abstraction,
* automated SELECT, INSERT, and UPDATE queries, automated table
* creation, automated validation of inserted/updated column values,
* and automated creation of QuickForm elemnts based on the column
* definitions.
* @category Database
* @package DB_Table
* @author Paul M. Jones <pmjones@php.net>
* @author David C. Morse <morse@php.net>
* @author Mark Wiesemann <wiesemann@php.net>
* @version Release: 1.5.6
* @link http://pear.php.net/package/DB_Table
class DB_Table extends DB_Table_Base
* The table or view in the database to which this object binds.
* @access public
* @var string
var $table = null;
* DB_Table_Database instance that this table belongs to.
* @access private
* @var object
var $_database = null;
* Associative array of column definitions.
* @access public
* @var array
var $col = array();
* Associative array of index definitions.
* @access public
* @var array
var $idx = array();
* Name of an auto-increment column, if any. Null otherwise.
* A table can contain at most one auto-increment column.
* Auto-incrementing is implemented in the insert() method,
* using a sequence accessed by the nextID() method.
* @access public
* @var string
var $auto_inc_col = null;
* Boolean flag to turn on (true) or off (false) auto-incrementing.
* Auto-increment column $auto_inc_col upon insertion only if $_auto_inc is
* true and the value of that column is null in the data to be inserted.
* @var bool
* @access private
var $_auto_inc = true;
* Whether or not to automatically validate data at insert-time.
* @var bool
* @access private
var $_valid_insert = true;
* Whether or not to automatically validate data at update-time.
* @var bool
* @access private
var $_valid_update = true;
* Whether or not to automatically recast data at insert- and update-time.
* @var bool
* @access private
var $_auto_recast = true;
* Constructor.
* The constructor returns a DB_Table object that wraps an
* instance $db DB or MDB2, and that binds to a specific database
* table named $table. It can optionally create the database table
* or verify that its schema matches that declared in the $col and
* $idx parameters, depending on the value of the $create parameter.
* If there is an error on instantiation, $this->error will be
* populated with the PEAR_Error.
* @param object &$db A PEAR DB/MDB2 object.
* @param string $table The table name to connect to in the database.
* @param mixed $create The automatic table creation mode to pursue:
* - boolean false to not attempt creation
* - 'safe' to create the table only if it does not exist
* - 'drop' to drop any existing table with the same name and re-create it
* - 'verify' to check whether the table exists, whether all the columns
* exist, whether the columns have the right type, and whether the indexes
* exist and have the right type
* - 'alter' does the same as 'safe' if the table does not exist; if it
* exists, a verification for columns existence, the column types, the
* indexes existence, and the indexes types will be performed and the
* table schema will be modified if needed
* @return object DB_Table
* @access public
function __construct(&$db, $table = null, $create = false)
// Identify the class for error handling by parent class
$this->_primary_subclass = 'DB_TABLE';
// is the first argument a DB/MDB2 object?
$this->backend = null;
if (is_subclass_of($db, 'db_common')) {
$this->backend = 'db';
} elseif (is_subclass_of($db, 'mdb2_driver_common')) {
$this->backend = 'mdb2';
if (is_null($this->backend)) {
$this->error = DB_Table::throwError(DB_TABLE_ERR_NOT_DB_OBJECT);
// set the class properties
$this->db =& $db;
if (is_null($table)) {
// $table parameter not given => check $table class property
if (is_null($this->table)) {
$this->error = DB_Table::throwError(DB_TABLE_ERR_TABLE_NAME_MISSING);
} else {
$this->table = $table;
// is the RDBMS supported?
$phptype = $db->phptype;
$dbsyntax = $db->dbsyntax;
if (! DB_Table::supported($phptype, $dbsyntax)) {
$this->error =& DB_Table::throwError(
// load MDB2_Extended module
if ($this->backend == 'mdb2') {
$this->db->loadModule('Extended', null, false);
// should we attempt table creation?
if ($create) {
if ($this->backend == 'mdb2') {
// check whether the chosen mode is supported
$mode_supported = DB_Table::modeSupported($create, $phptype);
if (PEAR::isError($mode_supported)) {
$this->error =& $mode_supported;
if (!$mode_supported) {
$this->error =& $this->throwError(
"('$create', '$phptype')"
include_once 'DB/Table/Manager.php';
switch ($create) {
case 'alter':
$result = $this->alter();
case 'drop':
case 'safe':
$result = $this->create($create);
case 'verify':
$result = $this->verify();
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
// problem creating/altering/verifing the table
$this->error =& $result;
* Is a particular RDBMS supported by DB_Table?
* @static
* @param string $phptype The RDBMS type for PHP.
* @param string $dbsyntax The chosen database syntax.
* @return bool True if supported, false if not.
* @access public
function supported($phptype, $dbsyntax = '')
// only Firebird is supported, not its ancestor Interbase
if ($phptype == 'ibase' && $dbsyntax != 'firebird') {
return false;
$supported = array_keys($GLOBALS['_DB_TABLE']['type']);
return in_array(strtolower($phptype), $supported);
* Is a creation mode supported for a RDBMS by DB_Table?
* @param string $mode The chosen creation mode.
* @param string $phptype The RDBMS type for PHP.
* @return bool True if supported, false if not (PEAR_Error on failure)
* @throws PEAR_Error if
* Unknown creation mode is specified (DB_TABLE_ERR_CREATE_FLAG)
* @access public
function modeSupported($mode, $phptype)
// check phptype for validity
$supported = array_keys($GLOBALS['_DB_TABLE']['type']);
if (!in_array(strtolower($phptype), $supported)) {
return false;
switch ($mode) {
case 'drop':
case 'safe':
// supported for all RDBMS
return true;
case 'alter':
case 'verify':
// not supported for fbsql and mssql (yet)
switch ($phptype) {
case 'fbsql':
case 'mssql':
return false;
return true;
// unknown creation mode
return $this->throwError(
* Overwrite one or more error messages, e.g. to internationalize them.
* @param mixed $code If string, the error message with code $code will
* be overwritten by $message. If array, the error messages with code
* of each array key will be overwritten by the key's value.
* @param string $message Only used if $key is not an array.
* @return void
* @access public
function setErrorMessage($code, $message = null) {
if (is_array($code)) {
foreach ($code as $single_code => $single_message) {
$GLOBALS['_DB_TABLE']['error'][$single_code] = $single_message;
} else {
$GLOBALS['_DB_TABLE']['error'][$code] = $message;
* Returns all or part of the $this->col property array.
* @param mixed $col If null, returns the $this->col property array
* as it is. If string, returns that column name from the $this->col
* array. If an array, returns those columns named as the array
* values from the $this->col array as an array.
* @return mixed All or part of the $this->col property array, or
* boolean false if no matching column names are found.
* @access public
function getColumns($col = null)
// by default, return all column definitions
if (is_null($col)) {
return $this->col;
// if the param is a string, only return the column definition
// named by the that string
if (is_string($col)) {
if (isset($this->col[$col])) {
return $this->col[$col];
} else {
return false;
// if the param is a sequential array of column names,
// return only those columns named in that array
if (is_array($col)) {
$set = array();
foreach ($col as $name) {
$set[$name] = $this->getColumns($name);
if (count($set) == 0) {
return false;
} else {
return $set;
// param was not null, string, or array
return false;
* Returns all or part of the $this->idx property array.
* @param mixed $idx Index name (key in $this->idx), or array of
* index name strings.
* @return mixed All or part of the $this->idx property array,
* or boolean false if $idx is not null but invalid
* @access public
function getIndexes($idx = null)
// by default, return all index definitions
if (is_null($idx)) {
return $this->idx;
// if the param is a string, only return the index definition
// named by the that string
if (is_string($idx)) {
if (isset($this->idx[$idx])) {
return $this->idx[$idx];
} else {
return false;
// if the param is a sequential array of index names,
// return only those indexes named in that array
if (is_array($idx)) {
$set = array();
foreach ($idx as $name) {
$set[$name] = $this->getIndexes($name);
if (count($set) == 0) {
return false;
} else {
return $set;
// param was not null, string, or array
return false;
* Connect or disconnect a DB_Table_Database instance to this table
* instance.
* Used to re-connect this DB_Table object to a parent DB_Table_Database
* object during unserialization. Can also disconnect if the $database
* parameter is null. Use the DB_Table_Database::addTable method instead
* to add a table to a new DB_Table_Database.
* @param object &$database DB_Table_Database instance that this table
* belongs to (or null to disconnect from instance).
* @return void
* @access public
function setDatabaseInstance(&$database)
if (is_a($database, 'DB_Table_Database')) {
$this->_database =& $database;
} elseif (is_null($database)) {
$this->_database = null;
* Inserts a single table row.
* Inserts data from associative array $data, in which keys are column
* names and values are column values. All required columns (except an
* auto-increment column) must be included in the data array. Columns
* values that are not set or null are inserted as SQL NULL values.
* If an auto-increment column is declared (by setting $this->auto_inc_col),
* and the value of that column in $data is not set or null, then a new
* sequence value will be generated and inserted.
* If auto-recasting is enabled (if $this->_auto_recast), the method will
* try, if necessary to recast $data to proper column types, with recast().
* If auto-validation is enabled (if $this->_valid_insert), the method
* will validates column types with validInsert() before insertion.
* @access public
* @param array $data An associative array of key-value pairs where
* the key is the column name and the value is the column value.
* This is the data that will be inserted into the table.
* @return mixed Void on success (PEAR_Error on failure)
* @throws PEAR_Error if:
* - Error in auto_inc_col declaration (DB_TABLE_ERR_AUTO_INC_COL)
* - Error returned by DB/MDB2::autoExecute() (Error bubbled up)
* @see validInsert()
* @see DB::autoExecute()
* @see MDB2::autoExecute()
function insert($data)
// Auto-increment if enabled and input value is null or not set
if ($this->_auto_inc
&& !is_null($this->auto_inc_col)
&& !isset($data[$this->auto_inc_col])
) {
$column = $this->auto_inc_col;
// check that the auto-increment column exists
if (!array_key_exists($column, $this->col)) {
return $this->throwError(
": $column does not exist");
// check that the column is integer
if (!in_array($this->col[$column]['type'],
array('integer','smallint','bigint'))) {
return $this->throwError(
": $column is not an integer");
// check that the column is required
// Note: The insert method will replace a null input value
// of $data[$column] with a sequence value. This makes
// the column effectively 'not null'. This column must be
// 'required' for consistency, to make this explicit.
if (!$this->isRequired($column)) {
return $this->throwError(
": $column is not required");
// set the value
$id = $this->nextID();
if (PEAR::isError($id)) {
return $id;
$data[$column] = $id;
// forcibly recast the data elements to their proper types?
if ($this->_auto_recast) {
// validate the data if auto-validation is turned on
if ($this->_valid_insert) {
$result = $this->validInsert($data);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
// Does a parent DB_Table_Database object exist?
if ($this->_database) {
$_database = $this->_database;
// Validate foreign key values (if enabled)
if ($_database->_check_fkey) {
$result = $_database->validForeignKeys($this->table, $data);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
// Do insertion
if ($this->backend == 'mdb2') {
$result = $this->db->extended->autoExecute($this->table, $data,
} else {
$result = $this->db->autoExecute($this->table, $data,
return $result;
* Turns on or off auto-incrementing of $auto_inc_col column (if any)
* For auto-incrementing to work, an $auto_inc_col column must be declared,
* auto-incrementing must be enabled (by this method), and the value of
* the $auto_inc_col column must be not set or null in the $data passed to
* the insert method.
* @param bool $flag True to turn on auto-increment, false to turn off.
* @return void
* @access public
function setAutoInc($flag = true)
if ($flag) {
$this->_auto_inc = true;
} else {
$this->_auto_inc = false;
* Turns on (or off) automatic validation of inserted data.
* Enables (if $flag is true) or disables (if $flag is false) automatic
* validation of data types prior to actual insertion into the database
* by the DB_Table::insert() method.
* @param bool $flag True to turn on auto-validation, false to turn off.
* @return void
* @access public
function autoValidInsert($flag = true)
if ($flag) {
$this->_valid_insert = true;
} else {
$this->_valid_insert = false;
* Validates an array for insertion into the table.
* @param array $data An associative array of key-value pairs where
* the key is the column name and the value is the column value. This
* is the data that will be inserted into the table. Data is checked
* against the column data type for validity.
* @return boolean true on success (PEAR_Error on failure)
* @throws PEAR_Error if:
* - Invalid column name key in $data (DB_TABLE_ERR_INS_COL_NOMAP)
* - Missing required column value (DB_TABLE_ERR_INS_COL_NOMAP)
* - Column value doesn't match type (DB_TABLE_ERR_INS_DATA_INVALID)
* @access public
* @see insert()
function validInsert(&$data)
// loop through the data, and disallow insertion of unmapped
// columns
foreach ($data as $col => $val) {
if (! isset($this->col[$col])) {
return $this->throwError(
// loop through each column mapping, and check the data to be
// inserted into it against the column data type. we loop through
// column mappings instead of the insert data to make sure that
// all necessary columns are being inserted.
foreach ($this->col as $col => $val) {
// is the value allowed to be null?
if (isset($val['require']) &&
$val['require'] == true &&
(! isset($data[$col]) || is_null($data[$col]))) {
return $this->throwError(
// does the value to be inserted match the column data type?
if (isset($data[$col]) &&
! $this->isValid($data[$col], $col)) {
return $this->throwError(
"'$col' ('$data[$col]')"
return true;
* Update table row or rows that match a custom WHERE clause
* Constructs and submits an SQL UPDATE command to update columns whose
* names are keys in the $data array parameter, in all rows that match
* the logical condition given by the $where string parameter.
* If auto-recasting is enabled (if $this->_auto_recast), update() will
* try, if necessary, to recast $data to proper column types, with recast().
* If auto-validation is enabled (if $this->_valid_insert), update()
* validates column types with validUpdate() before insertion.
* @param array $data An associative array of key-value pairs where the
* key is the column name and the value is the column value. These are
* the columns that will be updated with new values.
* @param string $where An SQL WHERE clause limiting which records are
* are to be updated.
* @return mixed Void on success, a PEAR_Error object on failure.
* @throws PEAR_Error if:
* - Data fails type validation (bubbles error returned by validUpdate)
* - Error thrown by DB/MDB2::autoexecute()
* @access public
* @see validUpdate()
* @see DB::autoExecute()
* @see MDB2::autoExecute()
function update($data, $where)
// forcibly recast the data elements to their proper types?
if ($this->_auto_recast) {
// validate the data if auto-validation is turned on
if ($this->_valid_update) {
$result = $this->validUpdate($data);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
// Does a parent DB_Table_Database object exist?
if ($this->_database) {
$_database =& $this->_database;
// Validate foreign key values (if enabled)
if ($_database->_check_fkey) {
$result = $_database->validForeignKeys($this->table, $data);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
// Implement any relevant ON UPDATE actions
$result = $_database->onUpdateAction($this, $data, $where);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
// Submit update command
if ($this->backend == 'mdb2') {
$result = $this->db->extended->autoExecute($this->table, $data,
} else {
$result = $this->db->autoExecute($this->table, $data,
return $result;
* Turns on (or off) automatic validation of updated data.
* Enables (if $flag is true) or disables (if $flag is false) automatic
* validation of data types prior to updating rows in the database by
* the {@link update()} method.
* @param bool $flag True to turn on auto-validation, false to turn off.
* @return void
* @access public
function autoValidUpdate($flag = true)
if ($flag) {
$this->_valid_update = true;
} else {
$this->_valid_update = false;
* Validates an array for updating the table.
* @param array $data An associative array of key-value pairs where
* the key is the column name and the value is the column value. This
* is the data that will be inserted into the table. Data is checked
* against the column data type for validity.
* @return mixed Boolean true on success (PEAR_Error object on failure)
* @throws PEAR_Error if
* - Invalid column name key in $data (DB_TABLE_ERR_UPD_COL_NOMAP)
* - Missing required column value (DB_TABLE_ERR_UPD_COL_NOMAP)
* - Column value doesn't match type (DB_TABLE_ERR_UPD_DATA_INVALID)
* @access public
* @see update()
function validUpdate(&$data)
// loop through each data element, and check the
// data to be updated against the column data type.
foreach ($data as $col => $val) {
// does the column exist?
if (! isset($this->col[$col])) {
return $this->throwError(
// the column definition
$defn = $this->col[$col];
// is it allowed to be null?
if (isset($defn['require']) &&
$defn['require'] == true &&
isset($data[$col]) &&
is_null($data[$col])) {
return $this->throwError(
// does the value to be inserted match the column data type?
if (! $this->isValid($data[$col], $col)) {
return $this->throwError(
"$col ('$data[$col]')"
return true;
* Deletes table rows matching a custom WHERE clause.
* Constructs and submits and SQL DELETE command with the specified WHERE
* clause. Command is submitted by DB::query() or MDB2::exec().
* If a reference to a DB_Table_Database instance exists, carry out any
* ON DELETE actions declared in that instance before actual insertion,
* if emulation of ON DELETE actions is enabled in that instance.
* @param string $where Logical condition in the WHERE clause of the
* delete command.
* @return mixed void on success (PEAR_Error on failure)
* @throws PEAR_Error if
* DB::query() or MDB2::exec() returns error (bubbles up)
* @access public
* @see DB::query()
* @see MDB2::exec()
function delete($where)
// Does a parent DB_Table_Database object exist?
if ($this->_database) {
$_database =& $this->_database;
// Implement any relevant ON DELETE actions
$result = $_database->onDeleteAction($this, $where);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
if ($this->backend == 'mdb2') {
$result = $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM $this->table WHERE $where");
} else {
$result = $this->db->query("DELETE FROM $this->table WHERE $where");
return $result;
* Generates and returns a sequence value.
* Generates a sequence value by calling the DB or MDB2::nextID() method. The
* sequence name defaults to the table name, or may be specified explicitly.
* @param string $seq_name The sequence name; defaults to table_id.
* @return integer The next value in the sequence (PEAR_Error on failure)
* @throws PEAR_Error if
* Sequence name too long (>26 char + _seq) (DB_TABLE_ERR_SEQ_STRLEN)
* @access public
* @see DB::nextID()
* @see MDB2::nextID()
function nextID($seq_name = null)
if (is_null($seq_name)) {
$seq_name = "{$this->table}";
} else {
$seq_name = "{$this->table}_{$seq_name}";
// the maximum length is 30, but PEAR DB/MDB2 will add "_seq" to the
// name, so the max length here is less 4 chars. we have to
// check here because the sequence will be created automatically
// by PEAR DB/MDB2, which will not check for length on its own.
if ( $GLOBALS['_DB_TABLE']['disable_length_check'] === false
&& strlen($seq_name) > 26
) {
return DB_Table::throwError(
" ('$seq_name')"
return $this->db->nextId($seq_name);
* Escapes and enquotes a value for use in an SQL query.
* Simple wrapper for DB_Common::quoteSmart() or MDB2::quote(), which
* returns the value of one of these functions. Helps makes user input
* safe against SQL injection attack.
* @param mixed $val The value to be quoted
* @return string The value with quotes escaped, inside single quotes if
* non-numeric.
* @throws PEAR_Error if
* DB_Common::quoteSmart() or MDB2::quote() returns Error (bubbled up)
* @access public
* @see DB_Common::quoteSmart()
* @see MDB2::quote()
function quote($val)
if ($this->backend == 'mdb2') {
$val = $this->db->quote($val);
} else {
$val = $this->db->quoteSmart($val);
return $val;
* Returns a blank row array based on the column map.
* The array keys are the column names, and all values are set to null.
* @return array An associative array where keys are column names and
* all values are null.
* @access public
function getBlankRow()
$row = array();
foreach ($this->col as $key => $val) {
$row[$key] = null;
return $row;
* Turns on (or off) automatic recasting of insert and update data.
* Turns on (if $flag is true) or off (if $flag is false) automatic forcible
* recasting of data to the declared data type, if required, prior to inserting
* or updating. The recasting is done by calling the DB_Table::recast()
* method from within the DB_Table::insert() and DB_Table::update().
* @param bool $flag True to automatically recast insert and update data,
* false to not do so.
* @return void
* @access public
function autoRecast($flag = true)
if ($flag) {
$this->_auto_recast = true;
} else {
$this->_auto_recast = false;
* Forces array elements to the proper types for their columns.
* This will not valiate the data, and will forcibly change the data
* to match the recast-type.
* The date, time, and timestamp recasting has special logic for
* arrays coming from an HTML_QuickForm object so that the arrays
* are converted into properly-formatted strings.
* @todo If a column key holds an array of values (say from a multiple
* select) then this method will not work properly; it will recast the
* value to the string 'Array'. Is this bad?
* @param array &$data The data array to re-cast.
* @return void
* @access public
function recast(&$data)
$keys = array_keys($data);
$null_if_blank = array('date', 'time', 'timestamp', 'smallint',
'integer', 'bigint', 'decimal', 'single', 'double');
foreach ($keys as $key) {
if (! isset($this->col[$key])) {
$val =& $data[$key];
// convert blanks to null for non-character field types
$convert = in_array($this->col[$key]['type'], $null_if_blank);
if (is_array($val)) { // if one of the given array values is
// empty, null will be the new value if
// the field is not required
$tmp_val = implode('', $val);
foreach ($val as $array_val) {
if (trim((string) $array_val) == '') {
$tmp_val = '';
} else {
$tmp_val = $val;
if ($convert && trim((string) $tmp_val) == '' && (
!isset($this->col[$key]['require']) ||
$this->col[$key]['require'] === false
) {
$val = null;
// skip explicit NULL values
if (is_null($val)) {
// otherwise, recast to the column type
switch ($this->col[$key]['type']) {
case 'boolean':
$val = ($val) ? 1 : 0;
case 'char':
case 'varchar':
case 'clob':
settype($val, 'string');
case 'date':
// smart handling of non-standard (i.e. Y-m-d) date formats,
// this allows to use two-digit years (y) and short (M) or
// long (F) names of months without having to recast the
// date value yourself
if (is_array($val)) {
if (isset($val['y'])) {
$val['Y'] = $val['y'];
if (isset($val['F'])) {
$val['m'] = $val['F'];
if (isset($val['M'])) {
$val['m'] = $val['M'];
if (is_array($val) &&
isset($val['Y']) &&
isset($val['m']) &&
isset($val['d'])) {
// the date is in HTML_QuickForm format,
// convert into a string
$y = (strlen($val['Y']) < 4)
? str_pad($val['Y'], 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT)
: $val['Y'];
$m = (strlen($val['m']) < 2)
? '0'.$val['m'] : $val['m'];
$d = (strlen($val['d']) < 2)
? '0'.$val['d'] : $val['d'];
$val = "$y-$m-$d";
} else {
// convert using the Date class
$tmp = new DB_Table_Date($val);
$val = $tmp->format('%Y-%m-%d');
case 'time':
if (is_array($val) &&
isset($val['H']) &&
isset($val['i']) &&
isset($val['s'])) {
// the time is in HTML_QuickForm format,
// convert into a string
$h = (strlen($val['H']) < 2)
? '0' . $val['H'] : $val['H'];
$i = (strlen($val['i']) < 2)
? '0' . $val['i'] : $val['i'];
$s = (strlen($val['s']) < 2)
? '0' . $val['s'] : $val['s'];
$val = "$h:$i:$s";
} else {
// date does not matter in this case, so
// pre 1970 and post 2040 are not an issue.
$tmp = strtotime(date('Y-m-d') . " $val");
$val = date('H:i:s', $tmp);
case 'timestamp':
// smart handling of non-standard (i.e. Y-m-d) date formats,
// this allows to use two-digit years (y) and short (M) or
// long (F) names of months without having to recast the
// date value yourself
if (is_array($val)) {
if (isset($val['y'])) {
$val['Y'] = $val['y'];
if (isset($val['F'])) {
$val['m'] = $val['F'];
if (isset($val['M'])) {
$val['m'] = $val['M'];
if (is_array($val) &&
isset($val['Y']) &&
isset($val['m']) &&
isset($val['d']) &&
isset($val['H']) &&
isset($val['i']) &&
isset($val['s'])) {
// timestamp is in HTML_QuickForm format,
// convert each element to a string. pad
// with zeroes as needed.
$y = (strlen($val['Y']) < 4)
? str_pad($val['Y'], 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT)
: $val['Y'];
$m = (strlen($val['m']) < 2)
? '0'.$val['m'] : $val['m'];
$d = (strlen($val['d']) < 2)
? '0'.$val['d'] : $val['d'];
$h = (strlen($val['H']) < 2)
? '0' . $val['H'] : $val['H'];
$i = (strlen($val['i']) < 2)
? '0' . $val['i'] : $val['i'];
$s = (strlen($val['s']) < 2)
? '0' . $val['s'] : $val['s'];
$val = "$y-$m-$d $h:$i:$s";
} else {
// convert using the Date class
$tmp = new DB_Table_Date($val);
$val = $tmp->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S');
case 'smallint':
case 'integer':
case 'bigint':
settype($val, 'integer');
case 'decimal':
case 'single':
case 'double':
settype($val, 'float');
* Creates the table based on $this->col and $this->idx.
* @param string $flag The automatic table creation mode to pursue:
* - 'safe' to create the table only if it does not exist
* - 'drop' to drop any existing table with the same name and re-create it
* @return mixed Boolean true if the table was successfully created,
* false if there was no need to create the table, or
* a PEAR_Error if the attempted creation failed.
* @throws PEAR_Error if
* - DB_Table_Manager::tableExists() returns Error (bubbles up)
* - DB_Table_Manager::create() returns Error (bubbles up)
* @access public
* @see DB_Table_Manager::tableExists()
* @see DB_Table_Manager::create()
function create($flag)
include_once 'DB/Table/Manager.php';
// are we OK to create the table?
$ok = false;
// check the create-flag
switch ($flag) {
case 'drop':
// drop only if table exists
$table_exists = DB_Table_Manager::tableExists($this->db,
if (PEAR::isError($table_exists)) {
return $table_exists;
if ($table_exists) {
// forcibly drop an existing table
if ($this->backend == 'mdb2') {
} else {
$this->db->query("DROP TABLE {$this->table}");
$ok = true;
case 'safe':
// create only if table does not exist
$table_exists = DB_Table_Manager::tableExists($this->db,
if (PEAR::isError($table_exists)) {
return $table_exists;
// ok to create only if table does not exist
$ok = !$table_exists;
// are we going to create the table?
if (! $ok) {
return false;
return DB_Table_Manager::create(
$this->db, $this->table, $this->col, $this->idx
* Alters the table to match schema declared in $this->col and $this->idx.
* If the table does not exist, create it instead.
* @return boolean true if altering is successful (PEAR_Error on failure)
* @throws PEAR_Error if
* - DB_Table_Manager::tableExists() returns Error (bubbles up)
* - DB_Table_Manager::create() returns Error (bubbles up)
* - DB_Table_Manager::alter() returns Error (bubbles up)
* @access public
* @see DB_Table_Manager::tableExists()
* @see DB_Table_Manager::create()
* @see DB_Table_Manager::alter()
function alter()
$create = false;
// alter the table columns and indexes if the table exists
$table_exists = DB_Table_Manager::tableExists($this->db,
if (PEAR::isError($table_exists)) {
return $table_exists;
if (!$table_exists) {
// table does not exist => just create the table, there is
// nothing that could be altered
$create = true;
if ($create) {
return DB_Table_Manager::create(
$this->db, $this->table, $this->col, $this->idx
return DB_Table_Manager::alter(
$this->db, $this->table, $this->col, $this->idx
* Verifies the table based on $this->col and $this->idx.
* @return boolean true if verification succees (PEAR_Error on failure).
* @throws PEAR_Error if
* DB_Table_Manager::verify() returns Error (bubbles up)
* @access public
* @see DB_Table_Manager::verify()
function verify()
return DB_Table_Manager::verify(
$this->db, $this->table, $this->col, $this->idx
* Checks if a value validates against the DB_Table data type for a
* given column. This only checks that it matches the data type; it
* does not do extended validation.
* @param array $val A value to check against the column's DB_Table
* data type.
* @param array $col A column name from $this->col.
* @return boolean True if $val validates against data type, false if not
* @throws PEAR_Error if
* Invalid column type in $this->col (DB_TABLE_ERR_VALIDATE_TYPE)
* @access public
* @see DB_Table_Valid
function isValid($val, $col)
// is the value null?
if (is_null($val)) {
// is the column required?
if ($this->isRequired($col)) {
// yes, so not valid
return false;
} else {
// not required, so it's valid
return true;
// make sure we have the validation class
include_once 'DB/Table/Valid.php';
// validate values per the column type. we use sqlite
// as the single authentic list of allowed column types,
// regardless of the actual rdbms being used.
$map = array_keys($GLOBALS['_DB_TABLE']['type']['sqlite']);
// is the column type on the map?
if (! in_array($this->col[$col]['type'], $map)) {
return $this->throwError(
"'$col' ('{$this->col[$col]['type']}')"
// validate for the type
switch ($this->col[$col]['type']) {
case 'char':
case 'varchar':
$result = DB_Table_Valid::isChar(
case 'decimal':
$result = DB_Table_Valid::isDecimal(
$result = call_user_func(
'is' . ucwords($this->col[$col]['type'])
// have we passed the check so far, and should we
// also check for allowed values?
if ($result && isset($this->col[$col]['qf_vals'])) {
$keys = array_keys($this->col[$col]['qf_vals']);
$result = in_array(
return $result;
* Is a specific column required to be set and non-null?
* @param mixed $column The column to check against.
* @return boolean True if required, false if not.
* @access public
function isRequired($column)
if (isset($this->col[$column]['require']) &&
$this->col[$column]['require'] == true) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Creates and returns a QuickForm object based on table columns.
* @param array $columns A sequential array of column names to use in
* the form; if null, uses all columns.
* @param string $array_name By default, the form will use the names
* of the columns as the names of the form elements. If you pass
* $array_name, the column names will become keys in an array named
* for this parameter.
* @param array $args An associative array of optional arguments to
* pass to the QuickForm object. The keys are...
* 'formName' : String, name of the form; defaults to the name of this
* table.
* 'method' : String, form method; defaults to 'post'.
* 'action' : String, form action; defaults to
* 'target' : String, form target target; defaults to '_self'
* 'attributes' : Associative array, extra attributes for <form>
* tag; the key is the attribute name and the value is attribute
* value.
* 'trackSubmit' : Boolean, whether to track if the form was
* submitted by adding a special hidden field
* @param string $clientValidate By default, validation will match
* the 'qf_client' value from the column definition. However, if
* you set $clientValidate to true or false, this will override the
* value from the column definition.
* @param array $formFilters An array with filter function names or
* callbacks that will be applied to all form elements.
* @return object HTML_QuickForm
* @access public
* @see HTML_QuickForm
* @see DB_Table_QuickForm
function &getForm($columns = null, $array_name = null, $args = array(),
$clientValidate = null, $formFilters = null)
include_once 'DB/Table/QuickForm.php';
$coldefs = $this->_getFormColDefs($columns);
$form =& DB_Table_QuickForm::getForm($coldefs, $array_name, $args,
$clientValidate, $formFilters);
return $form;
* Adds elements and rules to a pre-existing HTML_QuickForm object.
* By default, the form will use the names of the columns as the names
* of the form elements. If you pass $array_name, the column names
* will become keys in an array named for this parameter.
* @param object &$form An HTML_QuickForm object.
* @param array $columns A sequential array of column names to use in
* the form; if null, uses all columns.
* @param string $array_name Name of array of column names
* @param clientValidate
* @return void
* @access public
* @see HTML_QuickForm
* @see DB_Table_QuickForm
function addFormElements(&$form, $columns = null, $array_name = null,
$clientValidate = null)
include_once 'DB/Table/QuickForm.php';
$coldefs = $this->_getFormColDefs($columns);
DB_Table_QuickForm::addElements($form, $coldefs, $array_name);
DB_Table_QuickForm::addRules($form, $coldefs, $array_name,
* Adds static form elements like 'header', 'static', 'submit' or 'reset'
* to a pre-existing HTML_QuickForm object. The form elements needs to be
* defined in a property called $frm.
* @param object &$form An HTML_QuickForm object.
* @return void
* @access public
* @see HTML_QuickForm
* @see DB_Table_QuickForm
function addStaticFormElements(&$form)
include_once 'DB/Table/QuickForm.php';
DB_Table_QuickForm::addStaticElements($form, $this->frm);
* Creates and returns an array of QuickForm elements based on an
* array of DB_Table column names.
* @param array $columns A sequential array of column names to use in
* the form; if null, uses all columns.
* @param string $array_name By default, the form will use the names
* of the columns as the names of the form elements. If you pass
* $array_name, the column names will become keys in an array named
* for this parameter.
* @return array An array of HTML_QuickForm_Element objects.
* @access public
* @see HTML_QuickForm
* @see DB_Table_QuickForm
function &getFormGroup($columns = null, $array_name = null)
include_once 'DB/Table/QuickForm.php';
$coldefs = $this->_getFormColDefs($columns);
$group = DB_Table_QuickForm::getGroup($coldefs, $array_name);
return $group;
* Creates and returns a single QuickForm element based on a DB_Table
* column name.
* @param string $column A DB_Table column name.
* @param string $elemname The name to use for the generated QuickForm
* element.
* @return object HTML_QuickForm_Element
* @access public
* @see HTML_QuickForm
* @see DB_Table_QuickForm
function &getFormElement($column, $elemname)
include_once 'DB/Table/QuickForm.php';
$coldef = $this->_getFormColDefs($column);
DB_Table_QuickForm::fixColDef($coldef[$column], $elemname);
$element =& DB_Table_QuickForm::getElement($coldef[$column],
return $element;
* Creates and returns an array of QuickForm elements based on a DB_Table
* column name.
* @author Ian Eure <ieure@php.net>
* @param array $cols Array of DB_Table column names
* @param string $array_name The name to use for the generated QuickForm
* elements.
* @return object HTML_QuickForm_Element
* @access public
* @see HTML_QuickForm
* @see DB_Table_QuickForm
function &getFormElements($cols, $array_name = null)
include_once 'DB/Table/QuickForm.php';
$elements = DB_Table_QuickForm::getElements($cols, $array_name);
return $elements;
* Creates a column definition array suitable for DB_Table_QuickForm.
* @param string|array $column_set A string column name, a sequential
* array of columns names, or an associative array where the key is a
* column name and the value is the default value for the generated
* form element. If null, uses all columns for this class.
* @return array An array of column defintions suitable for passing
* to DB_Table_QuickForm.
* @access public
function _getFormColDefs($column_set = null)
if (is_null($column_set)) {
// no columns or columns+values; just return the $this->col
// array.
return $this->getColumns($column_set);
// check to see if the keys are sequential integers. if so,
// the $column_set is just a list of columns.
settype($column_set, 'array');
$keys = array_keys($column_set);
$all_integer = true;
foreach ($keys as $val) {
if (! is_integer($val)) {
$all_integer = false;
if ($all_integer) {
// the column_set is just a list of columns; get back the $this->col
// array elements matching this list.
$coldefs = $this->getColumns($column_set);
} else {
// the columns_set is an associative array where the key is a
// column name and the value is the form element value.
$coldefs = $this->getColumns($keys);
foreach ($coldefs as $key => $val) {
$coldefs[$key]['qf_setvalue'] = $column_set[$key];
return $coldefs;
* Returns XML string representation of the table
* @param string $indent string of whitespace
* @return string XML string
* @access public
function toXML($indent = '') {
require_once 'DB/Table/XML.php';
$s = array();
$s[] = DB_Table_XML::openTag('table', $indent);
$s[] = DB_Table_XML::lineElement('name', $this->table, $indent);
$s[] = DB_Table_XML::openTag('declaration', $indent);
// Column declarations
foreach ($this->col as $name => $col) {
$type = (isset($col['type'])) ? $col['type'] : null;
$size = (isset($col['size'])) ? $col['size'] : null;
$scope = (isset($col['scope'])) ? $col['scope'] : null;
$require = (isset($col['require'])) ? $col['require'] : null;
$default = (isset($col['set default'])) ? $col['set default'] : null;
$line = ' ' . $name . ' ' . $type;
$s[] = DB_Table_XML::openTag('field', $indent);
$s[] = DB_Table_XML::lineElement('name', $name, $indent);
$s[] = DB_Table_XML::lineElement('type', $type, $indent);
if ($size) {
$s[] = DB_Table_XML::lineElement('length', $size, $indent);
if ($require) {
$require = (int) $require;
$s[] = DB_Table_XML::lineElement('notnull', $require, $indent);
if (!($default === null)) {
$s[] = DB_Table_XML::lineElement('set default', $default, $indent);
if ($this->auto_inc_col == $name) {
$s[] = DB_Table_XML::lineElement('autoincrement', '1', $indent);
$s[] = DB_Table_XML::closeTag('field', $indent);
// Index declarations
foreach ($this->idx as $name => $idx) {
$s[] = DB_Table_XML::openTag('index', $indent);
$cols = $idx['cols'];
$type = $idx['type'];
if (is_string($name)) {
$s[] = DB_Table_XML::lineElement('name', $name, $indent);
if ($type == 'primary') {
$s[] = DB_Table_XML::lineElement('primary', '1', $indent);
} elseif ($type == 'unique') {
$s[] = DB_Table_XML::lineElement('unique', '1', $indent);
if (is_string($cols)) {
$cols = array($cols);
foreach ($cols as $col) {
$s[] = DB_Table_XML::lineElement('field', $col, $indent);
$s[] = DB_Table_XML::closeTag('index', $indent);
// Foreign key references (if $this->_database is not null)
if ($this->_database) {
if (isset($this->_database->_ref[$this->table])) {
$refs = $this->_database->_ref[$this->table];
foreach ($refs as $rtable => $def) {
$fkey = $def['fkey']; // foreign key of referencing table
$rkey = $def['rkey']; // referenced/primary key
if (is_string($fkey)) {
$fkey = array($fkey);
if (is_string($rkey)) {
$rkey = array($rkey);
$on_delete = $def['on_delete']; // on-delete action
$on_update = $def['on_update']; // on-update action
$s[] = DB_Table_XML::openTag('foreign', $indent);
foreach ($fkey as $fcol) {
$s[] = DB_Table_XML::lineElement('field', $fcol, $indent);
$s[] = DB_Table_XML::openTag('references', $indent);
$s[] = DB_Table_XML::lineElement('table', $rtable, $indent);
if ($rkey) {
foreach ($rkey as $rcol) {
$s[] = DB_Table_XML::lineElement('field', $rcol,
$s[] = DB_Table_XML::closeTag('references', $indent);
if ($on_delete) {
$s[] = DB_Table_XML::lineElement('ondelete', $on_delete,
if ($on_update) {
$s[] = DB_Table_XML::lineElement('onupdate', $on_update,
$s[] = DB_Table_XML::closeTag('foreign', $indent);
$s[] = DB_Table_XML::closeTag('declaration', $indent);
$s[] = DB_Table_XML::closeTag('table', $indent);
return implode("\n", $s);