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2018-01-14 15:10:16 +02:00
-- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-- | CiviCRM version 4.7 |
-- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-- | Copyright CiviCRM LLC (c) 2004-2017 |
-- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-- | This file is a part of CiviCRM. |
-- | |
-- | CiviCRM is free software; you can copy, modify, and distribute it |
-- | under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License |
-- | Version 3, 19 November 2007 and the CiviCRM Licensing Exception. |
-- | |
-- | CiviCRM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but |
-- | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
-- | See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. |
-- | |
-- | You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public |
-- | License and the CiviCRM Licensing Exception along |
-- | with this program; if not, contact CiviCRM LLC |
-- | at info[AT]civicrm[DOT]org. If you have questions about the |
-- | GNU Affero General Public License or the licensing of CiviCRM, |
-- | see the CiviCRM license FAQ at http://civicrm.org/licensing |
-- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-- Generated from civicrm_country.tpl
-- DO NOT EDIT. Generated by CRM_Core_CodeGen
/*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */;
* civicrm_county
INSERT INTO civicrm_worldregion (id, name) VALUES("1", "Europe and Central Asia");
INSERT INTO civicrm_worldregion (id, name) VALUES("2", "America South, Central, North and Caribbean");
INSERT INTO civicrm_worldregion (id, name) VALUES("3", "Middle East and North Africa");
INSERT INTO civicrm_worldregion (id, name) VALUES("4", "Asia-Pacific");
INSERT INTO civicrm_worldregion (id, name) VALUES("5", "Africa West, East, Central and Southern");
INSERT INTO civicrm_worldregion (id, name) VALUES("99", "unassigned");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1001", "Afghanistan", "AF", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1002", "Albania", "AL", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1003", "Algeria", "DZ", "3", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1004", "American Samoa", "AS", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1005", "Andorra", "AD", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1006", "Angola", "AO", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1007", "Anguilla", "AI", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1008", "Antarctica", "AQ", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1009", "Antigua and Barbuda", "AG", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1010", "Argentina", "AR", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1011", "Armenia", "AM", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1012", "Aruba", "AW", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1013", "Australia", "AU", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1014", "Austria", "AT", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1015", "Azerbaijan", "AZ", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1016", "Bahrain", "BH", "3", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1017", "Bangladesh", "BD", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1018", "Barbados", "BB", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1019", "Belarus", "BY", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1020", "Belgium", "BE", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1021", "Belize", "BZ", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1022", "Benin", "BJ", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1023", "Bermuda", "BM", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1024", "Bhutan", "BT", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1025", "Bolivia", "BO", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1026", "Bosnia and Herzegovina", "BA", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1027", "Botswana", "BW", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1028", "Bouvet Island", "BV", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1029", "Brazil", "BR", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1030", "British Indian Ocean Territory", "IO", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1031", "Virgin Islands, British", "VG", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1032", "Brunei Darussalam", "BN", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1033", "Bulgaria", "BG", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1034", "Burkina Faso", "BF", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1035", "Myanmar", "MM", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1036", "Burundi", "BI", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1037", "Cambodia", "KH", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1038", "Cameroon", "CM", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1039", "Canada", "CA", "2", "1");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1040", "Cape Verde", "CV", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1041", "Cayman Islands", "KY", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1042", "Central African Republic", "CF", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1043", "Chad", "TD", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1044", "Chile", "CL", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1045", "China", "CN", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1046", "Christmas Island", "CX", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1047", "Cocos (Keeling) Islands", "CC", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1048", "Colombia", "CO", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1049", "Comoros", "KM", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1050", "Congo, The Democratic Republic of the", "CD", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1051", "Congo, Republic of the", "CG", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1052", "Cook Islands", "CK", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1053", "Costa Rica", "CR", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1054", "Côte dIvoire", "CI", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1055", "Croatia", "HR", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1056", "Cuba", "CU", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1057", "Cyprus", "CY", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1058", "Czech Republic", "CZ", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1059", "Denmark", "DK", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1060", "Djibouti", "DJ", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1061", "Dominica", "DM", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1062", "Dominican Republic", "DO", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1063", "Timor-Leste", "TL", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1064", "Ecuador", "EC", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1065", "Egypt", "EG", "3", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1066", "El Salvador", "SV", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1067", "Equatorial Guinea", "GQ", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1068", "Eritrea", "ER", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1069", "Estonia", "EE", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1070", "Ethiopia", "ET", "5", "0");
-- INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1071", "European Union", "EU", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1072", "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)", "FK", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1073", "Faroe Islands", "FO", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1074", "Fiji", "FJ", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1075", "Finland", "FI", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1076", "France", "FR", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1077", "French Guiana", "GF", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1078", "French Polynesia", "PF", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1079", "French Southern Territories", "TF", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1080", "Gabon", "GA", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1081", "Georgia", "GE", "3", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1082", "Germany", "DE", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1083", "Ghana", "GH", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1084", "Gibraltar", "GI", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1085", "Greece", "GR", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1086", "Greenland", "GL", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1087", "Grenada", "GD", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1088", "Guadeloupe", "GP", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1089", "Guam", "GU", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1090", "Guatemala", "GT", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1091", "Guinea", "GN", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1092", "Guinea-Bissau", "GW", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1093", "Guyana", "GY", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1094", "Haiti", "HT", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1095", "Heard Island and McDonald Islands", "HM", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1096", "Holy See (Vatican City State)", "VA", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1097", "Honduras", "HN", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1098", "Hong Kong", "HK", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1099", "Hungary", "HU", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1100", "Iceland", "IS", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1101", "India", "IN", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1102", "Indonesia", "ID", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1103", "Iran, Islamic Republic Of", "IR", "3", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1104", "Iraq", "IQ", "3", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1105", "Ireland", "IE", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1106", "Israel", "IL", "3", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1107", "Italy", "IT", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1108", "Jamaica", "JM", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1109", "Japan", "JP", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1110", "Jordan", "JO", "3", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1111", "Kazakhstan", "KZ", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1112", "Kenya", "KE", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1113", "Kiribati", "KI", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1114", "Korea, Democratic People\'s Republic of", "KP", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1115", "Korea, Republic of", "KR", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1116", "Kuwait", "KW", "3", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1117", "Kyrgyzstan", "KG", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1118", "Lao People\'s Democratic Republic", "LA", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1119", "Latvia", "LV", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1120", "Lebanon", "LB", "3", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1121", "Lesotho", "LS", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1122", "Liberia", "LR", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1123", "Libya", "LY", "3", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1124", "Liechtenstein", "LI", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1125", "Lithuania", "LT", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1126", "Luxembourg", "LU", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1127", "Macao", "MO", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1128", "Macedonia, Republic Of", "MK", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1129", "Madagascar", "MG", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1130", "Malawi", "MW", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1131", "Malaysia", "MY", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1132", "Maldives", "MV", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1133", "Mali", "ML", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1134", "Malta", "MT", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1135", "Marshall Islands", "MH", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1136", "Martinique", "MQ", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1137", "Mauritania", "MR", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1138", "Mauritius", "MU", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1139", "Mayotte", "YT", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1140", "Mexico", "MX", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1141", "Micronesia, Federated States of", "FM", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1142", "Moldova", "MD", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1143", "Monaco", "MC", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1144", "Mongolia", "MN", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1145", "Montserrat", "MS", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1146", "Morocco", "MA", "3", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1147", "Mozambique", "MZ", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1148", "Namibia", "NA", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1149", "Nauru", "NR", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1150", "Nepal", "NP", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1152", "Netherlands", "NL", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1153", "New Caledonia", "NC", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1154", "New Zealand", "NZ", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1155", "Nicaragua", "NI", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1156", "Niger", "NE", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1157", "Nigeria", "NG", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1158", "Niue", "NU", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1159", "Norfolk Island", "NF", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1160", "Northern Mariana Islands", "MP", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1161", "Norway", "NO", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1162", "Oman", "OM", "3", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1163", "Pakistan", "PK", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1164", "Palau", "PW", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1165", "Palestine, State of", "PS", "3", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1166", "Panama", "PA", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1167", "Papua New Guinea", "PG", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1168", "Paraguay", "PY", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1169", "Peru", "PE", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1170", "Philippines", "PH", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1171", "Pitcairn", "PN", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1172", "Poland", "PL", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1173", "Portugal", "PT", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1174", "Puerto Rico", "PR", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1175", "Qatar", "QA", "3", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1176", "Romania", "RO", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1177", "Russian Federation", "RU", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1178", "Rwanda", "RW", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1179", "Reunion", "RE", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1180", "Saint Helena", "SH", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1181", "Saint Kitts and Nevis", "KN", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1182", "Saint Lucia", "LC", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1183", "Saint Pierre and Miquelon", "PM", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1184", "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", "VC", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1185", "Samoa", "WS", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1186", "San Marino", "SM", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1187", "Saudi Arabia", "SA", "3", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1188", "Senegal", "SN", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1189", "Seychelles", "SC", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1190", "Sierra Leone", "SL", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1191", "Singapore", "SG", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1192", "Slovakia", "SK", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1193", "Slovenia", "SI", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1194", "Solomon Islands", "SB", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1195", "Somalia", "SO", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1196", "South Africa", "ZA", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1197", "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands", "GS", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1198", "Spain", "ES", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1199", "Sri Lanka", "LK", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1200", "Sudan", "SD", "3", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1201", "Suriname", "SR", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1202", "Svalbard and Jan Mayen", "SJ", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1203", "Swaziland", "SZ", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1204", "Sweden", "SE", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1205", "Switzerland", "CH", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1206", "Syrian Arab Republic", "SY", "3", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1207", "Sao Tome and Principe", "ST", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1208", "Taiwan", "TW", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1209", "Tajikistan", "TJ", "3", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1210", "Tanzania, United Republic of", "TZ", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1211", "Thailand", "TH", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1212", "Bahamas", "BS", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1213", "Gambia", "GM", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1214", "Togo", "TG", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1215", "Tokelau", "TK", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1216", "Tonga", "TO", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1217", "Trinidad and Tobago", "TT", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1218", "Tunisia", "TN", "3", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1219", "Turkey", "TR", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1220", "Turkmenistan", "TM", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1221", "Turks and Caicos Islands", "TC", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1222", "Tuvalu", "TV", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1223", "Uganda", "UG", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1224", "Ukraine", "UA", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1225", "United Arab Emirates", "AE", "3", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1226", "United Kingdom", "GB", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1227", "United States Minor Outlying Islands", "UM", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1228", "United States", "US", "2", "1");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1229", "Uruguay", "UY", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1230", "Uzbekistan", "UZ", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1231", "Vanuatu", "VU", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1232", "Venezuela", "VE", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1233", "Viet Nam", "VN", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1234", "Virgin Islands, U.S.", "VI", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1235", "Wallis and Futuna", "WF", "4", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1236", "Western Sahara", "EH", "3", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1237", "Yemen", "YE", "3", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1238", "Serbia and Montenegro", "CS", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1239", "Zambia", "ZM", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1240", "Zimbabwe", "ZW", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1241", "Åland Islands", "AX", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1242", "Serbia", "RS", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1243", "Montenegro", "ME", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1244", "Jersey", "JE", "99", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1245", "Guernsey", "GG", "99", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1246", "Isle of Man", "IM", "99", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1247", "South Sudan", "SS", "5", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1248", "Curaçao", "CW", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1249", "Sint Maarten (Dutch Part)", "SX", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1250", "Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba", "BQ", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1251", "Kosovo", "XK", "1", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1252", "Saint Barthélemy", "BL", "2", "0");
INSERT INTO civicrm_country (id, name,iso_code,region_id,is_province_abbreviated) VALUES("1253", "Saint Martin (French part)", "MF", "2", "0");
-- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-- | CiviCRM version 4.7 |
-- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-- | Copyright CiviCRM LLC (c) 2004-2017 |
-- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-- | This file is a part of CiviCRM. |
-- | |
-- | CiviCRM is free software; you can copy, modify, and distribute it |
-- | under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License |
-- | Version 3, 19 November 2007 and the CiviCRM Licensing Exception. |
-- | |
-- | CiviCRM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but |
-- | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
-- | See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. |
-- | |
-- | You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public |
-- | License and the CiviCRM Licensing Exception along |
-- | with this program; if not, contact CiviCRM LLC |
-- | at info[AT]civicrm[DOT]org. If you have questions about the |
-- | GNU Affero General Public License or the licensing of CiviCRM, |
-- | see the CiviCRM license FAQ at http://civicrm.org/licensing |
-- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-- Generated from civicrm_state_province.tpl
-- DO NOT EDIT. Generated by CRM_Core_CodeGen
/*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */;
INSERT INTO civicrm_state_province (id, country_id, abbreviation, name) VALUES
(1000, 1228, "AL", "Alabama"),
(1001, 1228, "AK", "Alaska"),
(1002, 1228, "AZ", "Arizona"),
(1003, 1228, "AR", "Arkansas"),
(1004, 1228, "CA", "California"),
(1005, 1228, "CO", "Colorado"),
(1006, 1228, "CT", "Connecticut"),
(1007, 1228, "DE", "Delaware"),
(1008, 1228, "FL", "Florida"),
(1009, 1228, "GA", "Georgia"),
(1010, 1228, "HI", "Hawaii"),
(1011, 1228, "ID", "Idaho"),
(1012, 1228, "IL", "Illinois"),
(1013, 1228, "IN", "Indiana"),
(1014, 1228, "IA", "Iowa"),
(1015, 1228, "KS", "Kansas"),
(1016, 1228, "KY", "Kentucky"),
(1017, 1228, "LA", "Louisiana"),
(1018, 1228, "ME", "Maine"),
(1019, 1228, "MD", "Maryland"),
(1020, 1228, "MA", "Massachusetts"),
(1021, 1228, "MI", "Michigan"),
(1022, 1228, "MN", "Minnesota"),
(1023, 1228, "MS", "Mississippi"),
(1024, 1228, "MO", "Missouri"),
(1025, 1228, "MT", "Montana"),
(1026, 1228, "NE", "Nebraska"),
(1027, 1228, "NV", "Nevada"),
(1028, 1228, "NH", "New Hampshire"),
(1029, 1228, "NJ", "New Jersey"),
(1030, 1228, "NM", "New Mexico"),
(1031, 1228, "NY", "New York"),
(1032, 1228, "NC", "North Carolina"),
(1033, 1228, "ND", "North Dakota"),
(1034, 1228, "OH", "Ohio"),
(1035, 1228, "OK", "Oklahoma"),
(1036, 1228, "OR", "Oregon"),
(1037, 1228, "PA", "Pennsylvania"),
(1038, 1228, "RI", "Rhode Island"),
(1039, 1228, "SC", "South Carolina"),
(1040, 1228, "SD", "South Dakota"),
(1041, 1228, "TN", "Tennessee"),
(1042, 1228, "TX", "Texas"),
(1043, 1228, "UT", "Utah"),
(1044, 1228, "VT", "Vermont"),
(1045, 1228, "VA", "Virginia"),
(1046, 1228, "WA", "Washington"),
(1047, 1228, "WV", "West Virginia"),
(1048, 1228, "WI", "Wisconsin"),
(1049, 1228, "WY", "Wyoming"),
(1050, 1228, "DC", "District of Columbia"),
(1052, 1228, "AS", "American Samoa"),
(1053, 1228, "GU", "Guam"),
(1055, 1228, "MP", "Northern Mariana Islands"),
(1056, 1228, "PR", "Puerto Rico"),
(1057, 1228, "VI", "Virgin Islands"),
(1058, 1228, "UM", "United States Minor Outlying Islands"),
(1059, 1228, "AE", "Armed Forces Europe"),
(1060, 1228, "AA", "Armed Forces Americas"),
(1061, 1228, "AP", "Armed Forces Pacific"),
(1100, 1039, "AB", "Alberta"),
(1101, 1039, "BC", "British Columbia"),
(1102, 1039, "MB", "Manitoba"),
(1103, 1039, "NB", "New Brunswick"),
(1104, 1039, "NL", "Newfoundland and Labrador"),
(1105, 1039, "NT", "Northwest Territories"),
(1106, 1039, "NS", "Nova Scotia"),
(1107, 1039, "NU", "Nunavut"),
(1108, 1039, "ON", "Ontario"),
(1109, 1039, "PE", "Prince Edward Island"),
(1110, 1039, "QC", "Quebec"),
(1111, 1039, "SK", "Saskatchewan"),
(1112, 1039, "YT", "Yukon Territory"),
(1200, 1101, "MM", "Maharashtra"),
(1201, 1101, "KA", "Karnataka"),
(1202, 1101, "AP", "Andhra Pradesh"),
(1203, 1101, "AR", "Arunachal Pradesh"),
(1204, 1101, "AS", "Assam"),
(1205, 1101, "BR", "Bihar"),
(1206, 1101, "CH", "Chhattisgarh"),
(1207, 1101, "GA", "Goa"),
(1208, 1101, "GJ", "Gujarat"),
(1209, 1101, "HR", "Haryana"),
(1210, 1101, "HP", "Himachal Pradesh"),
(1211, 1101, "JK", "Jammu and Kashmir"),
(1212, 1101, "JH", "Jharkhand"),
(1213, 1101, "KL", "Kerala"),
(1214, 1101, "MP", "Madhya Pradesh"),
(1215, 1101, "MN", "Manipur"),
(1216, 1101, "ML", "Meghalaya"),
(1217, 1101, "MZ", "Mizoram"),
(1218, 1101, "NL", "Nagaland"),
(1219, 1101, "OR", "Orissa"),
(1220, 1101, "PB", "Punjab"),
(1221, 1101, "RJ", "Rajasthan"),
(1222, 1101, "SK", "Sikkim"),
(1223, 1101, "TN", "Tamil Nadu"),
(1224, 1101, "TR", "Tripura"),
(1225, 1101, "UT", "Uttarakhand"),
(1226, 1101, "UP", "Uttar Pradesh"),
(1227, 1101, "WB", "West Bengal"),
(1228, 1101, "AN", "Andaman and Nicobar Islands"),
(1229, 1101, "DN", "Dadra and Nagar Haveli"),
(1230, 1101, "DD", "Daman and Diu"),
(1231, 1101, "DL", "Delhi"),
(1232, 1101, "LD", "Lakshadweep"),
(1233, 1101, "PY", "Pondicherry"),
(1300, 1172, "MZ", "mazowieckie"),
(1301, 1172, "PM", "pomorskie"),
(1302, 1172, "DS", "dolnośląskie"),
(1303, 1172, "KP", "kujawsko-pomorskie"),
(1304, 1172, "LU", "lubelskie"),
(1305, 1172, "LB", "lubuskie"),
(1306, 1172, "LD", "łódzkie"),
(1307, 1172, "MA", "małopolskie"),
(1308, 1172, "OP", "opolskie"),
(1309, 1172, "PK", "podkarpackie"),
(1310, 1172, "PD", "podlaskie"),
(1311, 1172, "SL", "śląskie"),
(1312, 1172, "SK", "świętokrzyskie"),
(1313, 1172, "WN", "warmińsko-mazurskie"),
(1314, 1172, "WP", "wielkopolskie"),
(1315, 1172, "ZP", "zachodniopomorskie"),
(1500, 1225, "AZ", "Abu Zaby"),
(1501, 1225, "AJ", "\'Ajman"),
(1502, 1225, "FU", "Al Fujayrah"),
(1503, 1225, "SH", "Ash Shariqah"),
(1504, 1225, "DU", "Dubayy"),
(1505, 1225, "RK", "Ra\'s al Khaymah"),
(1506, 1233, "33", "Dac Lac"),
(1507, 1225, "UQ", "Umm al Qaywayn"),
(1508, 1001, "BDS", "Badakhshan"),
(1509, 1001, "BDG", "Badghis"),
(1510, 1001, "BGL", "Baghlan"),
(1511, 1001, "BAL", "Balkh"),
(1512, 1001, "BAM", "Bamian"),
(1513, 1001, "FRA", "Farah"),
(1514, 1001, "FYB", "Faryab"),
(1515, 1001, "GHA", "Ghazni"),
(1516, 1001, "GHO", "Ghowr"),
(1517, 1001, "HEL", "Helmand"),
(1518, 1001, "HER", "Herat"),
(1519, 1001, "JOW", "Jowzjan"),
(1520, 1001, "KAB", "Kabul"),
(1521, 1001, "KAN", "Kandahar"),
(1522, 1001, "KAP", "Kapisa"),
(1523, 1001, "KHO", "Khowst"),
(1524, 1001, "KNR", "Konar"),
(1525, 1001, "KDZ", "Kondoz"),
(1526, 1001, "LAG", "Laghman"),
(1527, 1001, "LOW", "Lowgar"),
(1528, 1001, "NAN", "Nangrahar"),
(1529, 1001, "NIM", "Nimruz"),
(1530, 1001, "NUR", "Nurestan"),
(1531, 1001, "ORU", "Oruzgan"),
(1532, 1001, "PIA", "Paktia"),
(1533, 1001, "PKA", "Paktika"),
(1534, 1001, "PAR", "Parwan"),
(1535, 1001, "SAM", "Samangan"),
(1536, 1001, "SAR", "Sar-e Pol"),
(1537, 1001, "TAK", "Takhar"),
(1538, 1001, "WAR", "Wardak"),
(1539, 1001, "ZAB", "Zabol"),
(1540, 1002, "BR", "Berat"),
(1541, 1002, "BU", "Bulqizë"),
(1542, 1002, "DL", "Delvinë"),
(1543, 1002, "DV", "Devoll"),
(1544, 1002, "DI", "Dibër"),
(1545, 1002, "DR", "Durrës"),
(1546, 1002, "EL", "Elbasan"),
(1547, 1002, "FR", "Fier"),
(1548, 1002, "GR", "Gramsh"),
(1549, 1002, "GJ", "Gjirokastër"),
(1550, 1002, "HA", "Has"),
(1551, 1002, "KA", "Kavajë"),
(1552, 1002, "ER", "Kolonjë"),
(1553, 1002, "KO", "Korçë"),
(1554, 1002, "KR", "Krujë"),
(1555, 1002, "KC", "Kuçovë"),
(1556, 1002, "KU", "Kukës"),
(1557, 1002, "KB", "Kurbin"),
(1558, 1002, "LE", "Lezhë"),
(1559, 1002, "LB", "Librazhd"),
(1560, 1002, "LU", "Lushnjë"),
(1561, 1002, "MM", "Malësi e Madhe"),
(1562, 1002, "MK", "Mallakastër"),
(1563, 1002, "MT", "Mat"),
(1564, 1002, "MR", "Mirditë"),
(1565, 1002, "PQ", "Peqin"),
(1566, 1002, "PR", "Përmet"),
(1567, 1002, "PG", "Pogradec"),
(1568, 1002, "PU", "Pukë"),
(1569, 1002, "SR", "Sarandë"),
(1570, 1002, "SK", "Skrapar"),
(1571, 1002, "SH", "Shkodër"),
(1572, 1002, "TE", "Tepelenë"),
(1573, 1002, "TR", "Tiranë"),
(1574, 1002, "TP", "Tropojë"),
(1575, 1002, "VL", "Vlorë"),
(1576, 1011, "ER", "Erevan"),
(1577, 1011, "AG", "Aragacotn"),
(1578, 1011, "AR", "Ararat"),
(1579, 1011, "AV", "Armavir"),
(1580, 1011, "GR", "Gegarkunik\'"),
(1581, 1011, "KT", "Kotayk\'"),
(1582, 1011, "LO", "Lory"),
(1583, 1011, "SH", "Sirak"),
(1584, 1011, "SU", "Syunik\'"),
(1585, 1011, "TV", "Tavus"),
(1586, 1011, "VD", "Vayoc Jor"),
(1587, 1006, "BGO", "Bengo"),
(1588, 1006, "BGU", "Benguela"),
(1589, 1006, "BIE", "Bie"),
(1590, 1006, "CAB", "Cabinda"),
(1591, 1006, "CCU", "Cuando-Cubango"),
(1592, 1006, "CNO", "Cuanza Norte"),
(1593, 1006, "CUS", "Cuanza Sul"),
(1594, 1006, "CNN", "Cunene"),
(1595, 1006, "HUA", "Huambo"),
(1596, 1006, "HUI", "Huila"),
(1597, 1006, "LUA", "Luanda"),
(1598, 1006, "LNO", "Lunda Norte"),
(1599, 1006, "LSU", "Lunda Sul"),
(1600, 1006, "MAL", "Malange"),
(1601, 1006, "MOX", "Moxico"),
(1602, 1006, "NAM", "Namibe"),
(1603, 1006, "UIG", "Uige"),
(1604, 1006, "ZAI", "Zaire"),
(1605, 1010, "C", "Capital federal"),
(1606, 1010, "B", "Buenos Aires"),
(1607, 1010, "K", "Catamarca"),
(1608, 1010, "X", "Cordoba"),
(1609, 1010, "W", "Corrientes"),
(1610, 1010, "H", "Chaco"),
(1611, 1010, "U", "Chubut"),
(1612, 1010, "E", "Entre Rios"),
(1613, 1010, "P", "Formosa"),
(1614, 1010, "Y", "Jujuy"),
(1615, 1010, "L", "La Pampa"),
(1616, 1010, "M", "Mendoza"),
(1617, 1010, "N", "Misiones"),
(1618, 1010, "Q", "Neuquen"),
(1619, 1010, "R", "Rio Negro"),
(1620, 1010, "A", "Salta"),
(1621, 1010, "J", "San Juan"),
(1622, 1010, "D", "San Luis"),
(1623, 1010, "Z", "Santa Cruz"),
(1624, 1010, "S", "Santa Fe"),
(1625, 1010, "G", "Santiago del Estero"),
(1626, 1010, "V", "Tierra del Fuego"),
(1627, 1010, "T", "Tucuman"),
(1628, 1014, "1", "Burgenland"),
(1629, 1014, "2", "Kärnten"),
(1630, 1014, "3", "Niederösterreich"),
(1631, 1014, "4", "Oberösterreich"),
(1632, 1014, "5", "Salzburg"),
(1633, 1014, "6", "Steiermark"),
(1634, 1014, "7", "Tirol"),
(1635, 1014, "8", "Vorarlberg"),
(1636, 1014, "9", "Wien"),
(1637, 1008, "AAT", "Australian Antarctic Territory"),
(1638, 1013, "ACT", "Australian Capital Territory"),
(1639, 1013, "NT", "Northern Territory"),
(1640, 1013, "NSW", "New South Wales"),
(1641, 1013, "QLD", "Queensland"),
(1642, 1013, "SA", "South Australia"),
(1643, 1013, "TAS", "Tasmania"),
(1644, 1013, "VIC", "Victoria"),
(1645, 1013, "WA", "Western Australia"),
(1646, 1015, "NX", "Naxcivan"),
(1647, 1015, "AB", "Ali Bayramli"),
(1648, 1015, "BA", "Baki"),
(1649, 1015, "GA", "Ganca"),
(1650, 1015, "LA", "Lankaran"),
(1651, 1015, "MI", "Mingacevir"),
(1652, 1015, "NA", "Naftalan"),
(1653, 1015, "SA", "Saki"),
(1654, 1015, "SM", "Sumqayit"),
(1655, 1015, "SS", "Susa"),
(1656, 1015, "XA", "Xankandi"),
(1657, 1015, "YE", "Yevlax"),
(1658, 1015, "ABS", "Abseron"),
(1659, 1015, "AGC", "Agcabadi"),
(1660, 1015, "AGM", "Agdam"),
(1661, 1015, "AGS", "Agdas"),
(1662, 1015, "AGA", "Agstafa"),
(1663, 1015, "AGU", "Agsu"),
(1664, 1015, "AST", "Astara"),
(1665, 1015, "BAB", "Babak"),
(1666, 1015, "BAL", "Balakan"),
(1667, 1015, "BAR", "Barda"),
(1668, 1015, "BEY", "Beylagan"),
(1669, 1015, "BIL", "Bilasuvar"),
(1670, 1015, "CAB", "Cabrayll"),
(1671, 1015, "CAL", "Calilabad"),
(1672, 1015, "CUL", "Culfa"),
(1673, 1015, "DAS", "Daskasan"),
(1674, 1015, "DAV", "Davaci"),
(1675, 1015, "FUZ", "Fuzuli"),
(1676, 1015, "GAD", "Gadabay"),
(1677, 1015, "GOR", "Goranboy"),
(1678, 1015, "GOY", "Goycay"),
(1679, 1015, "HAC", "Haciqabul"),
(1680, 1015, "IMI", "Imisli"),
(1681, 1015, "ISM", "Ismayilli"),
(1682, 1015, "KAL", "Kalbacar"),
(1683, 1015, "KUR", "Kurdamir"),
(1684, 1015, "LAC", "Lacin"),
(1685, 1015, "LER", "Lerik"),
(1686, 1015, "MAS", "Masalli"),
(1687, 1015, "NEF", "Neftcala"),
(1688, 1015, "OGU", "Oguz"),
(1689, 1015, "ORD", "Ordubad"),
(1690, 1015, "QAB", "Qabala"),
(1691, 1015, "QAX", "Qax"),
(1692, 1015, "QAZ", "Qazax"),
(1693, 1015, "QOB", "Qobustan"),
(1694, 1015, "QBA", "Quba"),
(1695, 1015, "QBI", "Qubadli"),
(1696, 1015, "QUS", "Qusar"),
(1697, 1015, "SAT", "Saatli"),
(1698, 1015, "SAB", "Sabirabad"),
(1699, 1015, "SAD", "Sadarak"),
(1700, 1015, "SAH", "Sahbuz"),
(1701, 1015, "SAL", "Salyan"),
(1702, 1015, "SMI", "Samaxi"),
(1703, 1015, "SKR", "Samkir"),
(1704, 1015, "SMX", "Samux"),
(1705, 1015, "SAR", "Sarur"),
(1706, 1015, "SIY", "Siyazan"),
(1707, 1015, "TAR", "Tartar"),
(1708, 1015, "TOV", "Tovuz"),
(1709, 1015, "UCA", "Ucar"),
(1710, 1015, "XAC", "Xacmaz"),
(1711, 1015, "XAN", "Xanlar"),
(1712, 1015, "XIZ", "Xizi"),
(1713, 1015, "XCI", "Xocali"),
(1714, 1015, "XVD", "Xocavand"),
(1715, 1015, "YAR", "Yardimli"),
(1716, 1015, "ZAN", "Zangilan"),
(1717, 1015, "ZAQ", "Zaqatala"),
(1718, 1015, "ZAR", "Zardab"),
(1719, 1026, "BIH", "Federacija Bosna i Hercegovina"),
(1720, 1026, "SRP", "Republika Srpska"),
(1721, 1017, "05", "Bagerhat zila"),
(1722, 1017, "01", "Bandarban zila"),
(1723, 1017, "02", "Barguna zila"),
(1724, 1017, "06", "Barisal zila"),
(1725, 1017, "07", "Bhola zila"),
(1726, 1017, "03", "Bogra zila"),
(1727, 1017, "04", "Brahmanbaria zila"),
(1728, 1017, "09", "Chandpur zila"),
(1729, 1017, "10", "Chittagong zila"),
(1730, 1017, "12", "Chuadanga zila"),
(1731, 1017, "08", "Comilla zila"),
(1732, 1017, "11", "Cox\'s Bazar zila"),
(1733, 1017, "13", "Dhaka zila"),
(1734, 1017, "14", "Dinajpur zila"),
(1735, 1017, "15", "Faridpur zila"),
(1736, 1017, "16", "Feni zila"),
(1737, 1017, "19", "Gaibandha zila"),
(1738, 1017, "18", "Gazipur zila"),
(1739, 1017, "17", "Gopalganj zila"),
(1740, 1017, "20", "Habiganj zila"),
(1741, 1017, "24", "Jaipurhat zila"),
(1742, 1017, "21", "Jamalpur zila"),
(1743, 1017, "22", "Jessore zila"),
(1744, 1017, "25", "Jhalakati zila"),
(1745, 1017, "23", "Jhenaidah zila"),
(1746, 1017, "29", "Khagrachari zila"),
(1747, 1017, "27", "Khulna zila"),
(1748, 1017, "26", "Kishorganj zila"),
(1749, 1017, "28", "Kurigram zila"),
(1750, 1017, "30", "Kushtia zila"),
(1751, 1017, "31", "Lakshmipur zila"),
(1752, 1017, "32", "Lalmonirhat zila"),
(1753, 1017, "36", "Madaripur zila"),
(1754, 1017, "37", "Magura zila"),
(1755, 1017, "33", "Manikganj zila"),
(1756, 1017, "39", "Meherpur zila"),
(1757, 1017, "38", "Moulvibazar zila"),
(1758, 1017, "35", "Munshiganj zila"),
(1759, 1017, "34", "Mymensingh zila"),
(1760, 1017, "48", "Naogaon zila"),
(1761, 1017, "43", "Narail zila"),
(1762, 1017, "40", "Narayanganj zila"),
(1763, 1017, "42", "Narsingdi zila"),
(1764, 1017, "44", "Natore zila"),
(1765, 1017, "45", "Nawabganj zila"),
(1766, 1017, "41", "Netrakona zila"),
(1767, 1017, "46", "Nilphamari zila"),
(1768, 1017, "47", "Noakhali zila"),
(1769, 1017, "49", "Pabna zila"),
(1770, 1017, "52", "Panchagarh zila"),
(1771, 1017, "51", "Patuakhali zila"),
(1772, 1017, "50", "Pirojpur zila"),
(1773, 1017, "53", "Rajbari zila"),
(1774, 1017, "54", "Rajshahi zila"),
(1775, 1017, "56", "Rangamati zila"),
(1776, 1017, "55", "Rangpur zila"),
(1777, 1017, "58", "Satkhira zila"),
(1778, 1017, "62", "Shariatpur zila"),
(1779, 1017, "57", "Sherpur zila"),
(1780, 1017, "59", "Sirajganj zila"),
(1781, 1017, "61", "Sunamganj zila"),
(1782, 1017, "60", "Sylhet zila"),
(1783, 1017, "63", "Tangail zila"),
(1784, 1017, "64", "Thakurgaon zila"),
(1785, 1020, "VAN", "Antwerpen"),
(1786, 1020, "WBR", "Brabant Wallon"),
(1787, 1020, "WHT", "Hainaut"),
(1788, 1020, "WLG", "Liege"),
(1789, 1020, "VLI", "Limburg"),
(1790, 1020, "WLX", "Luxembourg"),
(1791, 1020, "WNA", "Namur"),
(1792, 1020, "VOV", "Oost-Vlaanderen"),
(1793, 1020, "VBR", "Vlaams-Brabant"),
(1794, 1020, "VWV", "West-Vlaanderen"),
(1795, 1034, "BAL", "Bale"),
(1796, 1034, "BAM", "Bam"),
(1797, 1034, "BAN", "Banwa"),
(1798, 1034, "BAZ", "Bazega"),
(1799, 1034, "BGR", "Bougouriba"),
(1800, 1034, "BLG", "Boulgou"),
(1801, 1034, "BLK", "Boulkiemde"),
(1802, 1034, "COM", "Comoe"),
(1803, 1034, "GAN", "Ganzourgou"),
(1804, 1034, "GNA", "Gnagna"),
(1805, 1034, "GOU", "Gourma"),
(1806, 1034, "HOU", "Houet"),
(1807, 1034, "IOB", "Ioba"),
(1808, 1034, "KAD", "Kadiogo"),
(1809, 1034, "KEN", "Kenedougou"),
(1810, 1034, "KMD", "Komondjari"),
(1811, 1034, "KMP", "Kompienga"),
(1812, 1034, "KOS", "Kossi"),
(1813, 1034, "KOP", "Koulpulogo"),
(1814, 1034, "KOT", "Kouritenga"),
(1815, 1034, "KOW", "Kourweogo"),
(1816, 1034, "LER", "Leraba"),
(1817, 1034, "LOR", "Loroum"),
(1818, 1034, "MOU", "Mouhoun"),
(1819, 1034, "NAO", "Nahouri"),
(1820, 1034, "NAM", "Namentenga"),
(1821, 1034, "NAY", "Nayala"),
(1822, 1034, "NOU", "Noumbiel"),
(1823, 1034, "OUB", "Oubritenga"),
(1824, 1034, "OUD", "Oudalan"),
(1825, 1034, "PAS", "Passore"),
(1826, 1034, "PON", "Poni"),
(1827, 1034, "SNG", "Sanguie"),
(1828, 1034, "SMT", "Sanmatenga"),
(1829, 1034, "SEN", "Seno"),
(1830, 1034, "SIS", "Siasili"),
(1831, 1034, "SOM", "Soum"),
(1832, 1034, "SOR", "Sourou"),
(1833, 1034, "TAP", "Tapoa"),
(1834, 1034, "TUI", "Tui"),
(1835, 1034, "YAG", "Yagha"),
(1836, 1034, "YAT", "Yatenga"),
(1837, 1034, "ZIR", "Ziro"),
(1838, 1034, "ZON", "Zondoma"),
(1839, 1034, "ZOU", "Zoundweogo"),
(1840, 1033, "01", "Blagoevgrad"),
(1841, 1033, "02", "Burgas"),
(1842, 1033, "08", "Dobrich"),
(1843, 1033, "07", "Gabrovo"),
(1844, 1033, "26", "Haskovo"),
(1845, 1033, "28", "Yambol"),
(1846, 1033, "09", "Kardzhali"),
(1847, 1033, "10", "Kyustendil"),
(1848, 1033, "11", "Lovech"),
(1849, 1033, "12", "Montana"),
(1850, 1033, "13", "Pazardzhik"),
(1851, 1033, "14", "Pernik"),
(1852, 1033, "15", "Pleven"),
(1853, 1033, "16", "Plovdiv"),
(1854, 1033, "17", "Razgrad"),
(1855, 1033, "18", "Ruse"),
(1856, 1033, "19", "Silistra"),
(1857, 1033, "20", "Sliven"),
(1858, 1033, "21", "Smolyan"),
(1859, 1033, "23", "Sofia"),
(1860, 1033, "24", "Stara Zagora"),
(1861, 1033, "27", "Shumen"),
(1862, 1033, "25", "Targovishte"),
(1863, 1033, "03", "Varna"),
(1864, 1033, "04", "Veliko Tarnovo"),
(1865, 1033, "05", "Vidin"),
(1866, 1033, "06", "Vratsa"),
(1867, 1016, "01", "Al Hadd"),
(1868, 1016, "03", "Al Manamah"),
(1869, 1016, "10", "Al Mintaqah al Gharbiyah"),
(1870, 1016, "07", "Al Mintagah al Wusta"),
(1871, 1016, "05", "Al Mintaqah ash Shamaliyah"),
(1872, 1016, "02", "Al Muharraq"),
(1873, 1016, "09", "Ar Rifa"),
(1874, 1016, "04", "Jidd Hafs"),
(1875, 1016, "12", "Madluat Jamad"),
(1876, 1016, "08", "Madluat Isa"),
(1877, 1016, "11", "Mintaqat Juzur tawar"),
(1878, 1016, "06", "Sitrah"),
(1879, 1036, "BB", "Bubanza"),
(1880, 1036, "BJ", "Bujumbura"),
(1881, 1036, "BR", "Bururi"),
(1882, 1036, "CA", "Cankuzo"),
(1883, 1036, "CI", "Cibitoke"),
(1884, 1036, "GI", "Gitega"),
(1885, 1036, "KR", "Karuzi"),
(1886, 1036, "KY", "Kayanza"),
(1887, 1036, "MA", "Makamba"),
(1888, 1036, "MU", "Muramvya"),
(1889, 1036, "MW", "Mwaro"),
(1890, 1036, "NG", "Ngozi"),
(1891, 1036, "RT", "Rutana"),
(1892, 1036, "RY", "Ruyigi"),
(1893, 1022, "AL", "Alibori"),
(1894, 1022, "AK", "Atakora"),
(1895, 1022, "AQ", "Atlantique"),
(1896, 1022, "BO", "Borgou"),
(1897, 1022, "CO", "Collines"),
(1898, 1022, "DO", "Donga"),
(1899, 1022, "KO", "Kouffo"),
(1900, 1022, "LI", "Littoral"),
(1901, 1022, "MO", "Mono"),
(1902, 1022, "OU", "Oueme"),
(1903, 1022, "PL", "Plateau"),
(1904, 1022, "ZO", "Zou"),
(1905, 1032, "BE", "Belait"),
(1906, 1032, "BM", "Brunei-Muara"),
(1907, 1032, "TE", "Temburong"),
(1908, 1032, "TU", "Tutong"),
(1909, 1025, "C", "Cochabamba"),
(1910, 1025, "H", "Chuquisaca"),
(1911, 1025, "B", "El Beni"),
(1912, 1025, "L", "La Paz"),
(1913, 1025, "O", "Oruro"),
(1914, 1025, "N", "Pando"),
(1915, 1025, "P", "Potosi"),
(1916, 1025, "T", "Tarija"),
(1917, 1029, "AC", "Acre"),
(1918, 1029, "AL", "Alagoas"),
(1919, 1029, "AM", "Amazonas"),
(1920, 1029, "AP", "Amapa"),
(1921, 1029, "BA", "Bahia"),
(1922, 1029, "CE", "Ceara"),
(1923, 1029, "DF", "Distrito Federal"),
(1924, 1029, "ES", "Espirito Santo"),
(1926, 1029, "GO", "Goias"),
(1927, 1029, "MA", "Maranhao"),
(1928, 1029, "MG", "Minas Gerais"),
(1929, 1029, "MS", "Mato Grosso do Sul"),
(1930, 1029, "MT", "Mato Grosso"),
(1931, 1029, "PA", "Para"),
(1932, 1029, "PB", "Paraiba"),
(1933, 1029, "PE", "Pernambuco"),
(1934, 1029, "PI", "Piaui"),
(1935, 1029, "PR", "Parana"),
(1936, 1029, "RJ", "Rio de Janeiro"),
(1937, 1029, "RN", "Rio Grande do Norte"),
(1938, 1029, "RO", "Rondonia"),
(1939, 1029, "RR", "Roraima"),
(1940, 1029, "RS", "Rio Grande do Sul"),
(1941, 1029, "SC", "Santa Catarina"),
(1942, 1029, "SE", "Sergipe"),
(1943, 1029, "SP", "Sao Paulo"),
(1944, 1029, "TO", "Tocantins"),
(1945, 1212, "AC", "Acklins and Crooked Islands"),
(1946, 1212, "BI", "Bimini"),
(1947, 1212, "CI", "Cat Island"),
(1948, 1212, "EX", "Exuma"),
(1955, 1212, "IN", "Inagua"),
(1957, 1212, "LI", "Long Island"),
(1959, 1212, "MG", "Mayaguana"),
(1960, 1212, "NP", "New Providence"),
(1962, 1212, "RI", "Ragged Island"),
(1966, 1024, "33", "Bumthang"),
(1967, 1024, "12", "Chhukha"),
(1968, 1024, "22", "Dagana"),
(1969, 1024, "GA", "Gasa"),
(1970, 1024, "13", "Ha"),
(1971, 1024, "44", "Lhuentse"),
(1972, 1024, "42", "Monggar"),
(1973, 1024, "11", "Paro"),
(1974, 1024, "43", "Pemagatshel"),
(1975, 1024, "23", "Punakha"),
(1976, 1024, "45", "Samdrup Jongkha"),
(1977, 1024, "14", "Samtee"),
(1978, 1024, "31", "Sarpang"),
(1979, 1024, "15", "Thimphu"),
(1980, 1024, "41", "Trashigang"),
(1981, 1024, "TY", "Trashi Yangtse"),
(1982, 1024, "32", "Trongsa"),
(1983, 1024, "21", "Tsirang"),
(1984, 1024, "24", "Wangdue Phodrang"),
(1985, 1024, "34", "Zhemgang"),
(1986, 1027, "CE", "Central"),
(1987, 1027, "GH", "Ghanzi"),
(1988, 1027, "KG", "Kgalagadi"),
(1989, 1027, "KL", "Kgatleng"),
(1990, 1027, "KW", "Kweneng"),
(1991, 1027, "NG", "Ngamiland"),
(1992, 1027, "NE", "North-East"),
(1993, 1027, "NW", "North-West"),
(1994, 1027, "SE", "South-East"),
(1995, 1027, "SO", "Southern"),
(1996, 1019, "BR", "Brèsckaja voblasc\'"),
(1997, 1019, "HO", "Homel\'skaja voblasc\'"),
(1998, 1019, "HR", "Hrodzenskaja voblasc\'"),
(1999, 1019, "MA", "Mahilëuskaja voblasc\'"),
(2000, 1019, "MI", "Minskaja voblasc\'"),
(2001, 1019, "VI", "Vicebskaja voblasc\'"),
(2002, 1021, "BZ", "Belize"),
(2003, 1021, "CY", "Cayo"),
(2004, 1021, "CZL", "Corozal"),
(2005, 1021, "OW", "Orange Walk"),
(2006, 1021, "SC", "Stann Creek"),
(2007, 1021, "TOL", "Toledo"),
(2008, 1050, "KN", "Kinshasa"),
(2011, 1050, "EQ", "Equateur"),
(2014, 1050, "KE", "Kasai-Oriental"),
(2016, 1050, "MA", "Maniema"),
(2017, 1050, "NK", "Nord-Kivu"),
(2019, 1050, "SK", "Sud-Kivu"),
(2020, 1042, "BGF", "Bangui"),
(2021, 1042, "BB", "Bamingui-Bangoran"),
(2022, 1042, "BK", "Basse-Kotto"),
(2023, 1042, "HK", "Haute-Kotto"),
(2024, 1042, "HM", "Haut-Mbomou"),
(2025, 1042, "KG", "Kemo"),
(2026, 1042, "LB", "Lobaye"),
(2027, 1042, "HS", "Mambere-Kadei"),
(2028, 1042, "MB", "Mbomou"),
(2029, 1042, "KB", "Nana-Grebizi"),
(2030, 1042, "NM", "Nana-Mambere"),
(2031, 1042, "MP", "Ombella-Mpoko"),
(2032, 1042, "UK", "Ouaka"),
(2033, 1042, "AC", "Ouham"),
(2034, 1042, "OP", "Ouham-Pende"),
(2035, 1042, "SE", "Sangha-Mbaere"),
(2036, 1042, "VR", "Vakaga"),
(2037, 1051, "BZV", "Brazzaville"),
(2038, 1051, "11", "Bouenza"),
(2039, 1051, "8", "Cuvette"),
(2040, 1051, "15", "Cuvette-Ouest"),
(2041, 1051, "5", "Kouilou"),
(2042, 1051, "2", "Lekoumou"),
(2043, 1051, "7", "Likouala"),
(2044, 1051, "9", "Niari"),
(2045, 1051, "14", "Plateaux"),
(2046, 1051, "12", "Pool"),
(2047, 1051, "13", "Sangha"),
(2048, 1205, "AG", "Aargau"),
(2049, 1205, "AI", "Appenzell Innerrhoden"),
(2050, 1205, "AR", "Appenzell Ausserrhoden"),
(2051, 1205, "BE", "Bern"),
(2052, 1205, "BL", "Basel-Landschaft"),
(2053, 1205, "BS", "Basel-Stadt"),
(2054, 1205, "FR", "Fribourg"),
(2055, 1205, "GE", "Geneva"),
(2056, 1205, "GL", "Glarus"),
(2057, 1205, "GR", "Graubunden"),
(2058, 1205, "JU", "Jura"),
(2059, 1205, "LU", "Luzern"),
(2060, 1205, "NE", "Neuchatel"),
(2061, 1205, "NW", "Nidwalden"),
(2062, 1205, "OW", "Obwalden"),
(2063, 1205, "SG", "Sankt Gallen"),
(2064, 1205, "SH", "Schaffhausen"),
(2065, 1205, "SO", "Solothurn"),
(2066, 1205, "SZ", "Schwyz"),
(2067, 1205, "TG", "Thurgau"),
(2068, 1205, "TI", "Ticino"),
(2069, 1205, "UR", "Uri"),
(2070, 1205, "VD", "Vaud"),
(2071, 1205, "VS", "Valais"),
(2072, 1205, "ZG", "Zug"),
(2073, 1205, "ZH", "Zurich"),
(2074, 1054, "06", "18 Montagnes"),
(2075, 1054, "16", "Agnebi"),
(2076, 1054, "09", "Bas-Sassandra"),
(2077, 1054, "10", "Denguele"),
(2078, 1054, "02", "Haut-Sassandra"),
(2079, 1054, "07", "Lacs"),
(2080, 1054, "01", "Lagunes"),
(2081, 1054, "12", "Marahoue"),
(2082, 1054, "05", "Moyen-Comoe"),
(2083, 1054, "11", "Nzi-Comoe"),
(2084, 1054, "03", "Savanes"),
(2085, 1054, "15", "Sud-Bandama"),
(2086, 1054, "13", "Sud-Comoe"),
(2087, 1054, "04", "Vallee du Bandama"),
(2088, 1054, "14", "Worodouqou"),
(2089, 1054, "08", "Zanzan"),
(2090, 1044, "AI", "Aisen del General Carlos Ibanez del Campo"),
(2091, 1044, "AN", "Antofagasta"),
(2092, 1044, "AR", "Araucania"),
(2093, 1044, "AT", "Atacama"),
(2094, 1044, "BI", "Bio-Bio"),
(2095, 1044, "CO", "Coquimbo"),
(2096, 1044, "LI", "Libertador General Bernardo O\'Higgins"),
(2097, 1044, "LL", "Los Lagos"),
(2098, 1044, "MA", "Magallanes"),
(2099, 1044, "ML", "Maule"),
(2100, 1044, "SM", "Santiago Metropolitan"),
(2101, 1044, "TA", "Tarapaca"),
(2102, 1044, "VS", "Valparaiso"),
(2103, 1038, "AD", "Adamaoua"),
(2104, 1038, "CE", "Centre"),
(2105, 1038, "ES", "East"),
(2106, 1038, "EN", "Far North"),
(2107, 1038, "NO", "North"),
(2108, 1038, "SW", "South"),
(2109, 1038, "SW", "South-West"),
(2110, 1038, "OU", "West"),
(2111, 1045, "11", "Beijing"),
(2112, 1045, "50", "Chongqing"),
(2113, 1045, "31", "Shanghai"),
(2114, 1045, "12", "Tianjin"),
(2115, 1045, "34", "Anhui"),
(2116, 1045, "35", "Fujian"),
(2117, 1045, "62", "Gansu"),
(2118, 1045, "44", "Guangdong"),
(2119, 1045, "52", "Guizhou"),
(2120, 1045, "46", "Hainan"),
(2121, 1045, "13", "Hebei"),
(2122, 1045, "23", "Heilongjiang"),
(2123, 1045, "41", "Henan"),
(2124, 1045, "42", "Hubei"),
(2125, 1045, "43", "Hunan"),
(2126, 1045, "32", "Jiangsu"),
(2127, 1045, "36", "Jiangxi"),
(2128, 1045, "22", "Jilin"),
(2129, 1045, "21", "Liaoning"),
(2130, 1045, "63", "Qinghai"),
(2131, 1045, "61", "Shaanxi"),
(2132, 1045, "37", "Shandong"),
(2133, 1045, "14", "Shanxi"),
(2134, 1045, "51", "Sichuan"),
(2135, 1045, "71", "Taiwan"),
(2136, 1045, "53", "Yunnan"),
(2137, 1045, "33", "Zhejiang"),
(2138, 1045, "45", "Guangxi"),
(2139, 1045, "15", "Neia Mongol (mn)"),
(2140, 1045, "65", "Xinjiang"),
(2141, 1045, "54", "Xizang"),
(2142, 1045, "91", "Hong Kong"),
(2143, 1045, "92", "Macau"),
(2144, 1048, "DC", "Distrito Capital de Bogotá"),
(2145, 1048, "AMA", "Amazonea"),
(2146, 1048, "ANT", "Antioquia"),
(2147, 1048, "ARA", "Arauca"),
(2148, 1048, "ATL", "Atlántico"),
(2149, 1048, "BOL", "Bolívar"),
(2150, 1048, "BOY", "Boyacá"),
(2151, 1048, "CAL", "Caldea"),
(2152, 1048, "CAQ", "Caquetá"),
(2153, 1048, "CAS", "Casanare"),
(2154, 1048, "CAU", "Cauca"),
(2155, 1048, "CES", "Cesar"),
(2156, 1048, "COR", "Córdoba"),
(2157, 1048, "CUN", "Cundinamarca"),
(2158, 1048, "CHO", "Chocó"),
(2159, 1048, "GUA", "Guainía"),
(2160, 1048, "GUV", "Guaviare"),
(2161, 1048, "LAG", "La Guajira"),
(2162, 1048, "MAG", "Magdalena"),
(2163, 1048, "MET", "Meta"),
(2164, 1048, "NAR", "Nariño"),
(2165, 1048, "NSA", "Norte de Santander"),
(2166, 1048, "PUT", "Putumayo"),
(2167, 1048, "QUI", "Quindio"),
(2168, 1048, "RIS", "Risaralda"),
(2169, 1048, "SAP", "San Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina"),
(2170, 1048, "SAN", "Santander"),
(2171, 1048, "SUC", "Sucre"),
(2172, 1048, "TOL", "Tolima"),
(2173, 1048, "VAC", "Valle del Cauca"),
(2174, 1048, "VAU", "Vaupés"),
(2175, 1048, "VID", "Vichada"),
(2176, 1053, "A", "Alajuela"),
(2177, 1053, "C", "Cartago"),
(2178, 1053, "G", "Guanacaste"),
(2179, 1053, "H", "Heredia"),
(2180, 1053, "L", "Limon"),
(2181, 1053, "P", "Puntarenas"),
(2182, 1053, "SJ", "San Jose"),
(2183, 1056, "09", "Camagey"),
(2184, 1056, "08", "Ciego de `vila"),
(2185, 1056, "06", "Cienfuegos"),
(2186, 1056, "03", "Ciudad de La Habana"),
(2187, 1056, "12", "Granma"),
(2188, 1056, "14", "Guantanamo"),
(2189, 1056, "11", "Holquin"),
(2190, 1056, "02", "La Habana"),
(2191, 1056, "10", "Las Tunas"),
(2192, 1056, "04", "Matanzas"),
(2193, 1056, "01", "Pinar del Rio"),
(2194, 1056, "07", "Sancti Spiritus"),
(2195, 1056, "13", "Santiago de Cuba"),
(2196, 1056, "05", "Villa Clara"),
(2197, 1056, "99", "Isla de la Juventud"),
(2198, 1056, "PR", "Pinar del Roo"),
(2199, 1056, "CA", "Ciego de Avila"),
(2200, 1056, "CG", "Camagoey"),
(2201, 1056, "HO", "Holgun"),
(2202, 1056, "SS", "Sancti Spritus"),
(2203, 1056, "IJ", "Municipio Especial Isla de la Juventud"),
(2204, 1040, "BV", "Boa Vista"),
(2205, 1040, "BR", "Brava"),
(2206, 1040, "CS", "Calheta de Sao Miguel"),
(2207, 1040, "FO", "Fogo"),
(2208, 1040, "MA", "Maio"),
(2209, 1040, "MO", "Mosteiros"),
(2210, 1040, "PA", "Paul"),
(2211, 1040, "PN", "Porto Novo"),
(2212, 1040, "PR", "Praia"),
(2213, 1040, "RG", "Ribeira Grande"),
(2214, 1040, "SL", "Sal"),
(2215, 1040, "SD", "Sao Domingos"),
(2216, 1040, "SF", "Sao Filipe"),
(2217, 1040, "SN", "Sao Nicolau"),
(2218, 1040, "SV", "Sao Vicente"),
(2219, 1040, "TA", "Tarrafal"),
(2220, 1057, "04", "Ammochostos Magusa"),
(2221, 1057, "06", "Keryneia"),
(2222, 1057, "03", "Larnaka"),
(2223, 1057, "01", "Lefkosia"),
(2224, 1057, "02", "Lemesos"),
(2225, 1057, "05", "Pafos"),
(2226, 1058, "JC", "Jihočeský kraj"),
(2227, 1058, "JM", "Jihomoravský kraj"),
(2228, 1058, "KA", "Karlovarský kraj"),
(2229, 1058, "KR", "Královéhradecký kraj"),
(2230, 1058, "LI", "Liberecký kraj"),
(2231, 1058, "MO", "Moravskoslezský kraj"),
(2232, 1058, "OL", "Olomoucký kraj"),
(2233, 1058, "PA", "Pardubický kraj"),
(2234, 1058, "PL", "Plzeňský kraj"),
(2235, 1058, "PR", "Praha, hlavní město"),
(2236, 1058, "ST", "Středočeský kraj"),
(2237, 1058, "US", "Ústecký kraj"),
(2238, 1058, "VY", "Vysočina"),
(2239, 1058, "ZL", "Zlínský kraj"),
(2240, 1082, "BW", "Baden-Wuerttemberg"),
(2241, 1082, "BY", "Bayern"),
(2242, 1082, "HB", "Bremen"),
(2243, 1082, "HH", "Hamburg"),
(2244, 1082, "HE", "Hessen"),
(2245, 1082, "NI", "Niedersachsen"),
(2246, 1082, "NW", "Nordrhein-Westfalen"),
(2247, 1082, "RP", "Rheinland-Pfalz"),
(2248, 1082, "SL", "Saarland"),
(2249, 1082, "SH", "Schleswig-Holstein"),
(2250, 1082, "BR", "Berlin"),
(2251, 1082, "BB", "Brandenburg"),
(2252, 1082, "MV", "Mecklenburg-Vorpommern"),
(2253, 1082, "SN", "Sachsen"),
(2254, 1082, "ST", "Sachsen-Anhalt"),
(2255, 1082, "TH", "Thueringen"),
(2256, 1060, "AS", "Ali Sabiah"),
(2257, 1060, "DI", "Dikhil"),
(2258, 1060, "DJ", "Djibouti"),
(2259, 1060, "OB", "Obock"),
(2260, 1060, "TA", "Tadjoura"),
(2261, 1059, "147", "Frederiksberg"),
(2262, 1059, "101", "Copenhagen City"),
(2263, 1059, "015", "Copenhagen"),
(2264, 1059, "020", "Frederiksborg"),
(2265, 1059, "025", "Roskilde"),
(2266, 1059, "030", "Vestsjælland"),
(2267, 1059, "035", "Storstrøm"),
(2268, 1059, "040", "Bornholm"),
(2269, 1059, "042", "Fyn"),
(2270, 1059, "050", "South Jutland"),
(2271, 1059, "055", "Ribe"),
(2272, 1059, "060", "Vejle"),
(2273, 1059, "065", "Ringkjøbing"),
(2274, 1059, "070", "Århus"),
(2275, 1059, "076", "Viborg"),
(2276, 1059, "080", "North Jutland"),
(2277, 1062, "01", "Distrito Nacional (Santo Domingo)"),
(2278, 1062, "02", "Azua"),
(2279, 1062, "03", "Bahoruco"),
(2280, 1062, "04", "Barahona"),
(2281, 1062, "05", "Dajabón"),
(2282, 1062, "06", "Duarte"),
(2283, 1062, "08", "El Seybo [El Seibo]"),
(2284, 1062, "09", "Espaillat"),
(2285, 1062, "30", "Hato Mayor"),
(2286, 1062, "10", "Independencia"),
(2287, 1062, "11", "La Altagracia"),
(2288, 1062, "07", "La Estrelleta [Elias Pina]"),
(2289, 1062, "12", "La Romana"),
(2290, 1062, "13", "La Vega"),
(2291, 1062, "14", "Maroia Trinidad Sánchez"),
(2292, 1062, "28", "Monseñor Nouel"),
(2293, 1062, "15", "Monte Cristi"),
(2294, 1062, "29", "Monte Plata"),
(2295, 1062, "16", "Pedernales"),
(2296, 1062, "17", "Peravia"),
(2297, 1062, "18", "Puerto Plata"),
(2298, 1062, "19", "Salcedo"),
(2299, 1062, "20", "Samaná"),
(2300, 1062, "21", "San Cristóbal"),
(2301, 1062, "23", "San Pedro de Macorís"),
(2302, 1062, "24", "Sánchez Ramírez"),
(2303, 1062, "25", "Santiago"),
(2304, 1062, "26", "Santiago Rodríguez"),
(2305, 1062, "27", "Valverde"),
(2306, 1003, "01", "Adrar"),
(2307, 1003, "44", "Ain Defla"),
(2308, 1003, "46", "Ain Tmouchent"),
(2309, 1003, "16", "Alger"),
(2310, 1003, "23", "Annaba"),
(2311, 1003, "05", "Batna"),
(2312, 1003, "08", "Bechar"),
(2313, 1003, "06", "Bejaia"),
(2314, 1003, "07", "Biskra"),
(2315, 1003, "09", "Blida"),
(2316, 1003, "34", "Bordj Bou Arreridj"),
(2317, 1003, "10", "Bouira"),
(2318, 1003, "35", "Boumerdes"),
(2319, 1003, "02", "Chlef"),
(2320, 1003, "25", "Constantine"),
(2321, 1003, "17", "Djelfa"),
(2322, 1003, "32", "El Bayadh"),
(2323, 1003, "39", "El Oued"),
(2324, 1003, "36", "El Tarf"),
(2325, 1003, "47", "Ghardaia"),
(2326, 1003, "24", "Guelma"),
(2327, 1003, "33", "Illizi"),
(2328, 1003, "18", "Jijel"),
(2329, 1003, "40", "Khenchela"),
(2330, 1003, "03", "Laghouat"),
(2331, 1003, "29", "Mascara"),
(2332, 1003, "26", "Medea"),
(2333, 1003, "43", "Mila"),
(2334, 1003, "27", "Mostaganem"),
(2335, 1003, "28", "Msila"),
(2336, 1003, "45", "Naama"),
(2337, 1003, "31", "Oran"),
(2338, 1003, "30", "Ouargla"),
(2339, 1003, "04", "Oum el Bouaghi"),
(2340, 1003, "48", "Relizane"),
(2341, 1003, "20", "Saida"),
(2342, 1003, "19", "Setif"),
(2343, 1003, "22", "Sidi Bel Abbes"),
(2344, 1003, "21", "Skikda"),
(2345, 1003, "41", "Souk Ahras"),
(2346, 1003, "11", "Tamanghasset"),
(2347, 1003, "12", "Tebessa"),
(2348, 1003, "14", "Tiaret"),
(2349, 1003, "37", "Tindouf"),
(2350, 1003, "42", "Tipaza"),
(2351, 1003, "38", "Tissemsilt"),
(2352, 1003, "15", "Tizi Ouzou"),
(2353, 1003, "13", "Tlemcen"),
(2354, 1064, "A", "Azuay"),
(2355, 1064, "B", "Bolivar"),
(2356, 1064, "F", "Canar"),
(2357, 1064, "C", "Carchi"),
(2358, 1064, "X", "Cotopaxi"),
(2359, 1064, "H", "Chimborazo"),
(2360, 1064, "O", "El Oro"),
(2361, 1064, "E", "Esmeraldas"),
(2362, 1064, "W", "Galapagos"),
(2363, 1064, "G", "Guayas"),
(2364, 1064, "I", "Imbabura"),
(2365, 1064, "L", "Loja"),
(2366, 1064, "R", "Los Rios"),
(2367, 1064, "M", "Manabi"),
(2368, 1064, "S", "Morona-Santiago"),
(2369, 1064, "N", "Napo"),
(2370, 1064, "D", "Orellana"),
(2371, 1064, "Y", "Pastaza"),
(2372, 1064, "P", "Pichincha"),
(2373, 1064, "U", "Sucumbios"),
(2374, 1064, "T", "Tungurahua"),
(2375, 1064, "Z", "Zamora-Chinchipe"),
(2376, 1069, "37", "Harjumaa"),
(2377, 1069, "39", "Hiiumaa"),
(2378, 1069, "44", "Ida-Virumaa"),
(2379, 1069, "49", "Jõgevamaa"),
(2380, 1069, "51", "Järvamaa"),
(2381, 1069, "57", "Läänemaa"),
(2382, 1069, "59", "Lääne-Virumaa"),
(2383, 1069, "65", "Põlvamaa"),
(2384, 1069, "67", "Pärnumaa"),
(2385, 1069, "70", "Raplamaa"),
(2386, 1069, "74", "Saaremaa"),
(2387, 1069, "7B", "Tartumaa"),
(2388, 1069, "82", "Valgamaa"),
(2389, 1069, "84", "Viljandimaa"),
(2390, 1069, "86", "Võrumaa"),
(2391, 1065, "DK", "Ad Daqahllyah"),
(2392, 1065, "BA", "Al Bahr al Ahmar"),
(2393, 1065, "BH", "Al Buhayrah"),
(2394, 1065, "FYM", "Al Fayym"),
(2395, 1065, "GH", "Al Gharbiyah"),
(2396, 1065, "ALX", "Al Iskandarlyah"),
(2397, 1065, "IS", "Al Isma illyah"),
(2398, 1065, "GZ", "Al Jizah"),
(2399, 1065, "MNF", "Al Minuflyah"),
(2400, 1065, "MN", "Al Minya"),
(2401, 1065, "C", "Al Qahirah"),
(2402, 1065, "KB", "Al Qalyublyah"),
(2403, 1065, "WAD", "Al Wadi al Jadid"),
(2404, 1065, "SHR", "Ash Sharqiyah"),
(2405, 1065, "SUZ", "As Suways"),
(2406, 1065, "ASN", "Aswan"),
(2407, 1065, "AST", "Asyut"),
(2408, 1065, "BNS", "Bani Suwayf"),
(2409, 1065, "PTS", "Bur Sa\'id"),
(2410, 1065, "DT", "Dumyat"),
(2411, 1065, "JS", "Janub Sina\'"),
(2412, 1065, "KFS", "Kafr ash Shaykh"),
(2413, 1065, "MT", "Matruh"),
(2414, 1065, "KN", "Qina"),
(2415, 1065, "SIN", "Shamal Sina\'"),
(2416, 1065, "SHG", "Suhaj"),
(2417, 1068, "AN", "Anseba"),
(2418, 1068, "DU", "Debub"),
(2419, 1068, "DK", "Debubawi Keyih Bahri [Debub-Keih-Bahri]"),
(2420, 1068, "GB", "Gash-Barka"),
(2421, 1068, "MA", "Maakel [Maekel]"),
(2422, 1068, "SK", "Semenawi Keyih Bahri [Semien-Keih-Bahri]"),
(2423, 1198, "VI", "Álava"),
(2424, 1198, "AB", "Albacete"),
(2425, 1198, "A", "Alicante"),
(2426, 1198, "AL", "Almería"),
(2427, 1198, "O", "Asturias"),
(2428, 1198, "AV", "Ávila"),
(2429, 1198, "BA", "Badajoz"),
(2430, 1198, "PM", "Baleares"),
(2431, 1198, "B", "Barcelona"),
(2432, 1198, "BU", "Burgos"),
(2433, 1198, "CC", "Cáceres"),
(2434, 1198, "CA", "Cádiz"),
(2435, 1198, "S", "Cantabria"),
(2436, 1198, "CS", "Castellón"),
(2437, 1198, "CR", "Ciudad Real"),
(2438, 1198, "CU", "Cuenca"),
(2439, 1198, "GE", "Girona [Gerona]"),
(2440, 1198, "GR", "Granada"),
(2441, 1198, "GU", "Guadalajara"),
(2442, 1198, "SS", "Guipúzcoa"),
(2443, 1198, "H", "Huelva"),
(2444, 1198, "HU", "Huesca"),
(2445, 1198, "J", "Jaén"),
(2446, 1198, "C", "La Coruña"),
(2447, 1198, "LO", "La Rioja"),
(2448, 1198, "GC", "Las Palmas"),
(2449, 1198, "LE", "León"),
(2450, 1198, "L", "Lleida [Lérida]"),
(2451, 1198, "LU", "Lugo"),
(2452, 1198, "M", "Madrid"),
(2453, 1198, "MA", "Málaga"),
(2454, 1198, "MU", "Murcia"),
(2455, 1198, "NA", "Navarra"),
(2456, 1198, "OR", "Ourense"),
(2457, 1198, "P", "Palencia"),
(2458, 1198, "PO", "Pontevedra"),
(2459, 1198, "SA", "Salamanca"),
(2460, 1198, "TF", "Santa Cruz de Tenerife"),
(2461, 1198, "SG", "Segovia"),
(2462, 1198, "SE", "Sevilla"),
(2463, 1198, "SO", "Soria"),
(2464, 1198, "T", "Tarragona"),
(2465, 1198, "TE", "Teruel"),
(2466, 1198, "V", "Valencia"),
(2467, 1198, "VA", "Valladolid"),
(2468, 1198, "BI", "Vizcaya"),
(2469, 1198, "ZA", "Zamora"),
(2470, 1198, "Z", "Zaragoza"),
(2471, 1198, "CE", "Ceuta"),
(2472, 1198, "ML", "Melilla"),
(2473, 1070, "AA", "Addis Ababa"),
(2474, 1070, "DD", "Dire Dawa"),
(2475, 1070, "AF", "Afar"),
(2476, 1070, "AM", "Amara"),
(2477, 1070, "BE", "Benshangul-Gumaz"),
(2478, 1070, "GA", "Gambela Peoples"),
(2479, 1070, "HA", "Harari People"),
(2480, 1070, "OR", "Oromia"),
(2481, 1070, "SO", "Somali"),
(2482, 1070, "SN", "Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples"),
(2483, 1070, "TI", "Tigrai"),
-- (2484, 1075, "AL", "Ahvenanmasn laani"),
-- (2485, 1075, "ES", "Etela-Suomen laani"),
-- (2486, 1075, "IS", "Ita-Suomen lasni"),
-- (2487, 1075, "LL", "Lapin Laani"),
-- (2488, 1075, "LS", "Lansi-Suomen Laani"),
-- (2489, 1075, "OL", "Oulun Lasni"),
(2490, 1074, "E", "Eastern"),
(2491, 1074, "N", "Northern"),
(2492, 1074, "W", "Western"),
(2493, 1074, "R", "Rotuma"),
(2494, 1141, "TRK", "Chuuk"),
(2495, 1141, "KSA", "Kosrae"),
(2496, 1141, "PNI", "Pohnpei"),
(2497, 1141, "YAP", "Yap"),
(2498, 1076, "01", "Ain"),
(2499, 1076, "02", "Aisne"),
(2500, 1076, "03", "Allier"),
(2501, 1076, "04", "Alpes-de-Haute-Provence"),
(2502, 1076, "06", "Alpes-Maritimes"),
(2503, 1076, "07", "Ardèche"),
(2504, 1076, "08", "Ardennes"),
(2505, 1076, "09", "Ariège"),
(2506, 1076, "10", "Aube"),
(2507, 1076, "11", "Aude"),
(2508, 1076, "12", "Aveyron"),
(2509, 1076, "67", "Bas-Rhin"),
(2510, 1076, "13", "Bouches-du-Rhône"),
(2511, 1076, "14", "Calvados"),
(2512, 1076, "15", "Cantal"),
(2513, 1076, "16", "Charente"),
(2514, 1076, "17", "Charente-Maritime"),
(2515, 1076, "18", "Cher"),
(2516, 1076, "19", "Corrèze"),
(2517, 1076, "20A", "Corse-du-Sud"),
(2518, 1076, "21", "Côte-d\'Or"),
(2519, 1076, "22", "Côtes-d\'Armor"),
(2520, 1076, "23", "Creuse"),
(2521, 1076, "79", "Deux-Sèvres"),
(2522, 1076, "24", "Dordogne"),
(2523, 1076, "25", "Doubs"),
(2524, 1076, "26", "Drôme"),
(2525, 1076, "91", "Essonne"),
(2526, 1076, "27", "Eure"),
(2527, 1076, "28", "Eure-et-Loir"),
(2528, 1076, "29", "Finistère"),
(2529, 1076, "30", "Gard"),
(2530, 1076, "32", "Gers"),
(2531, 1076, "33", "Gironde"),
(2532, 1076, "68", "Haut-Rhin"),
(2533, 1076, "20B", "Haute-Corse"),
(2534, 1076, "31", "Haute-Garonne"),
(2535, 1076, "43", "Haute-Loire"),
(2536, 1076, "70", "Haute-Saône"),
(2537, 1076, "74", "Haute-Savoie"),
(2538, 1076, "87", "Haute-Vienne"),
(2539, 1076, "05", "Hautes-Alpes"),
(2540, 1076, "65", "Hautes-Pyrénées"),
(2541, 1076, "92", "Hauts-de-Seine"),
(2542, 1076, "34", "Hérault"),
(2543, 1076, "36", "Indre"),
(2544, 1076, "35", "Ille-et-Vilaine"),
(2545, 1076, "37", "Indre-et-Loire"),
(2546, 1076, "38", "Isère"),
(2547, 1076, "40", "Landes"),
(2548, 1076, "41", "Loir-et-Cher"),
(2549, 1076, "42", "Loire"),
(2550, 1076, "44", "Loire-Atlantique"),
(2551, 1076, "45", "Loiret"),
(2552, 1076, "46", "Lot"),
(2553, 1076, "47", "Lot-et-Garonne"),
(2554, 1076, "48", "Lozère"),
(2555, 1076, "49", "Maine-et-Loire"),
(2556, 1076, "50", "Manche"),
(2557, 1076, "51", "Marne"),
(2558, 1076, "53", "Mayenne"),
(2559, 1076, "54", "Meurthe-et-Moselle"),
(2560, 1076, "55", "Meuse"),
(2561, 1076, "56", "Morbihan"),
(2562, 1076, "57", "Moselle"),
(2563, 1076, "58", "Nièvre"),
(2564, 1076, "59", "Nord"),
(2565, 1076, "60", "Oise"),
(2566, 1076, "61", "Orne"),
(2567, 1076, "75", "Paris"),
(2568, 1076, "62", "Pas-de-Calais"),
(2569, 1076, "63", "Puy-de-Dôme"),
(2570, 1076, "64", "Pyrénées-Atlantiques"),
(2571, 1076, "66", "Pyrénées-Orientales"),
(2572, 1076, "69", "Rhône"),
(2573, 1076, "71", "Saône-et-Loire"),
(2574, 1076, "72", "Sarthe"),
(2575, 1076, "73", "Savoie"),
(2576, 1076, "77", "Seine-et-Marne"),
(2577, 1076, "76", "Seine-Maritime"),
(2578, 1076, "93", "Seine-Saint-Denis"),
(2579, 1076, "80", "Somme"),
(2580, 1076, "81", "Tarn"),
(2581, 1076, "82", "Tarn-et-Garonne"),
(2582, 1076, "95", "Val d\'Oise"),
(2583, 1076, "90", "Territoire de Belfort"),
(2584, 1076, "94", "Val-de-Marne"),
(2585, 1076, "83", "Var"),
(2586, 1076, "84", "Vaucluse"),
(2587, 1076, "85", "Vendée"),
(2588, 1076, "86", "Vienne"),
(2589, 1076, "88", "Vosges"),
(2590, 1076, "89", "Yonne"),
(2591, 1076, "78", "Yvelines"),
(2592, 1226, "ABE", "Aberdeen City"),
(2593, 1226, "ABD", "Aberdeenshire"),
(2594, 1226, "ANS", "Angus"),
(2595, 1226, "ANT", "Co Antrim"),
(2597, 1226, "AGB", "Argyll and Bute"),
(2598, 1226, "ARM", "Co Armagh"),
(2606, 1226, "BDF", "Bedfordshire"),
(2612, 1226, "BGW", "Gwent"),
(2620, 1226, "BST", "Bristol, City of"),
(2622, 1226, "BKM", "Buckinghamshire"),
(2626, 1226, "CAM", "Cambridgeshire"),
(2634, 1226, "CHS", "Cheshire"),
(2635, 1226, "CLK", "Clackmannanshire"),
(2639, 1226, "CON", "Cornwall"),
(2643, 1226, "CMA", "Cumbria"),
(2647, 1226, "DBY", "Derbyshire"),
(2648, 1226, "DRY", "Co Londonderry"),
(2649, 1226, "DEV", "Devon"),
(2651, 1226, "DOR", "Dorset"),
(2652, 1226, "DOW", "Co Down"),
(2654, 1226, "DGY", "Dumfries and Galloway"),
(2655, 1226, "DND", "Dundee City"),
(2657, 1226, "DUR", "County Durham"),
(2659, 1226, "EAY", "East Ayrshire"),
(2660, 1226, "EDU", "East Dunbartonshire"),
(2661, 1226, "ELN", "East Lothian"),
(2662, 1226, "ERW", "East Renfrewshire"),
(2663, 1226, "ERY", "East Riding of Yorkshire"),
(2664, 1226, "ESX", "East Sussex"),
(2665, 1226, "EDH", "Edinburgh, City of"),
(2666, 1226, "ELS", "Na h-Eileanan Siar"),
(2668, 1226, "ESS", "Essex"),
(2669, 1226, "FAL", "Falkirk"),
(2670, 1226, "FER", "Co Fermanagh"),
(2671, 1226, "FIF", "Fife"),
(2674, 1226, "GLG", "Glasgow City"),
(2675, 1226, "GLS", "Gloucestershire"),
(2678, 1226, "GWN", "Gwynedd"),
(2682, 1226, "HAM", "Hampshire"),
(2687, 1226, "HEF", "Herefordshire"),
(2688, 1226, "HRT", "Hertfordshire"),
(2689, 1226, "HED", "Highland"),
(2692, 1226, "IVC", "Inverclyde"),
(2694, 1226, "IOW", "Isle of Wight"),
(2699, 1226, "KEN", "Kent"),
(2705, 1226, "LAN", "Lancashire"),
(2709, 1226, "LEC", "Leicestershire"),
(2712, 1226, "LIN", "Lincolnshire"),
(2723, 1226, "MLN", "Midlothian"),
(2726, 1226, "MRY", "Moray"),
(2734, 1226, "NFK", "Norfolk"),
(2735, 1226, "NAY", "North Ayrshire"),
(2738, 1226, "NLK", "North Lanarkshire"),
(2742, 1226, "NYK", "North Yorkshire"),
(2743, 1226, "NTH", "Northamptonshire"),
(2744, 1226, "NBL", "Northumberland"),
(2746, 1226, "NTT", "Nottinghamshire"),
(2747, 1226, "OLD", "Oldham"),
(2748, 1226, "OMH", "Omagh"),
(2749, 1226, "ORR", "Orkney Islands"),
(2750, 1226, "OXF", "Oxfordshire"),
(2752, 1226, "PKN", "Perth and Kinross"),
(2757, 1226, "POW", "Powys"),
(2761, 1226, "RFW", "Renfrewshire"),
(2766, 1226, "RUT", "Rutland"),
(2770, 1226, "SCB", "Scottish Borders"),
(2773, 1226, "ZET", "Shetland Islands"),
(2774, 1226, "SHR", "Shropshire"),
(2777, 1226, "SOM", "Somerset"),
(2778, 1226, "SAY", "South Ayrshire"),
(2779, 1226, "SGC", "South Gloucestershire"),
(2780, 1226, "SLK", "South Lanarkshire"),
(2785, 1226, "STS", "Staffordshire"),
(2786, 1226, "STG", "Stirling"),
(2791, 1226, "SFK", "Suffolk"),
(2793, 1226, "SRY", "Surrey"),
(2804, 1226, "VGL", "Mid Glamorgan"),
(2811, 1226, "WAR", "Warwickshire"),
(2813, 1226, "WDU", "West Dunbartonshire"),
(2814, 1226, "WLN", "West Lothian"),
(2815, 1226, "WSX", "West Sussex"),
(2818, 1226, "WIL", "Wiltshire"),
(2823, 1226, "WOR", "Worcestershire"),
(2826, 1083, "AH", "Ashanti"),
(2827, 1083, "BA", "Brong-Ahafo"),
(2828, 1083, "AA", "Greater Accra"),
(2829, 1083, "UE", "Upper East"),
(2830, 1083, "UW", "Upper West"),
(2831, 1083, "TV", "Volta"),
(2832, 1213, "B", "Banjul"),
(2833, 1213, "L", "Lower River"),
(2834, 1213, "M", "MacCarthy Island"),
(2835, 1213, "N", "North Bank"),
(2836, 1213, "U", "Upper River"),
(2837, 1091, "BE", "Beyla"),
(2838, 1091, "BF", "Boffa"),
(2839, 1091, "BK", "Boke"),
(2840, 1091, "CO", "Coyah"),
(2841, 1091, "DB", "Dabola"),
(2842, 1091, "DL", "Dalaba"),
(2843, 1091, "DI", "Dinguiraye"),
(2844, 1091, "DU", "Dubreka"),
(2845, 1091, "FA", "Faranah"),
(2846, 1091, "FO", "Forecariah"),
(2847, 1091, "FR", "Fria"),
(2848, 1091, "GA", "Gaoual"),
(2849, 1091, "GU", "Guekedou"),
(2850, 1091, "KA", "Kankan"),
(2851, 1091, "KE", "Kerouane"),
(2852, 1091, "KD", "Kindia"),
(2853, 1091, "KS", "Kissidougou"),
(2854, 1091, "KB", "Koubia"),
(2855, 1091, "KN", "Koundara"),
(2856, 1091, "KO", "Kouroussa"),
(2857, 1091, "LA", "Labe"),
(2858, 1091, "LE", "Lelouma"),
(2859, 1091, "LO", "Lola"),
(2860, 1091, "MC", "Macenta"),
(2861, 1091, "ML", "Mali"),
(2862, 1091, "MM", "Mamou"),
(2863, 1091, "MD", "Mandiana"),
(2864, 1091, "NZ", "Nzerekore"),
(2865, 1091, "PI", "Pita"),
(2866, 1091, "SI", "Siguiri"),
(2867, 1091, "TE", "Telimele"),
(2868, 1091, "TO", "Tougue"),
(2869, 1091, "YO", "Yomou"),
(2870, 1067, "C", "Region Continental"),
(2871, 1067, "I", "Region Insular"),
(2872, 1067, "AN", "Annobon"),
(2873, 1067, "BN", "Bioko Norte"),
(2874, 1067, "BS", "Bioko Sur"),
(2875, 1067, "CS", "Centro Sur"),
(2876, 1067, "KN", "Kie-Ntem"),
(2877, 1067, "LI", "Litoral"),
(2878, 1067, "WN", "Wele-Nzas"),
(2879, 1085, "13", "Achaïa"),
(2880, 1085, "01", "Aitolia-Akarnania"),
(2881, 1085, "11", "Argolis"),
(2882, 1085, "12", "Arkadia"),
(2883, 1085, "31", "Arta"),
(2884, 1085, "A1", "Attiki"),
(2885, 1085, "64", "Chalkidiki"),
(2886, 1085, "94", "Chania"),
(2887, 1085, "85", "Chios"),
(2888, 1085, "81", "Dodekanisos"),
(2889, 1085, "52", "Drama"),
(2890, 1085, "71", "Evros"),
(2891, 1085, "05", "Evrytania"),
(2892, 1085, "04", "Evvoia"),
(2893, 1085, "63", "Florina"),
(2894, 1085, "07", "Fokis"),
(2895, 1085, "06", "Fthiotis"),
(2896, 1085, "51", "Grevena"),
(2897, 1085, "14", "Ileia"),
(2898, 1085, "53", "Imathia"),
(2899, 1085, "33", "Ioannina"),
(2900, 1085, "91", "Irakleion"),
(2901, 1085, "41", "Karditsa"),
(2902, 1085, "56", "Kastoria"),
(2903, 1085, "55", "Kavalla"),
(2904, 1085, "23", "Kefallinia"),
(2905, 1085, "22", "Kerkyra"),
(2906, 1085, "57", "Kilkis"),
(2907, 1085, "15", "Korinthia"),
(2908, 1085, "58", "Kozani"),
(2909, 1085, "82", "Kyklades"),
(2910, 1085, "16", "Lakonia"),
(2911, 1085, "42", "Larisa"),
(2912, 1085, "92", "Lasithion"),
(2913, 1085, "24", "Lefkas"),
(2914, 1085, "83", "Lesvos"),
(2915, 1085, "43", "Magnisia"),
(2916, 1085, "17", "Messinia"),
(2917, 1085, "59", "Pella"),
(2918, 1085, "34", "Preveza"),
(2919, 1085, "93", "Rethymnon"),
(2920, 1085, "73", "Rodopi"),
(2921, 1085, "84", "Samos"),
(2922, 1085, "62", "Serrai"),
(2923, 1085, "32", "Thesprotia"),
(2924, 1085, "54", "Thessaloniki"),
(2925, 1085, "44", "Trikala"),
(2926, 1085, "03", "Voiotia"),
(2927, 1085, "72", "Xanthi"),
(2928, 1085, "21", "Zakynthos"),
(2929, 1085, "69", "Agio Oros"),
(2930, 1090, "AV", "Alta Verapaz"),
(2931, 1090, "BV", "Baja Verapaz"),
(2932, 1090, "CM", "Chimaltenango"),
(2933, 1090, "CQ", "Chiquimula"),
(2934, 1090, "PR", "El Progreso"),
(2935, 1090, "ES", "Escuintla"),
(2936, 1090, "GU", "Guatemala"),
(2937, 1090, "HU", "Huehuetenango"),
(2938, 1090, "IZ", "Izabal"),
(2939, 1090, "JA", "Jalapa"),
(2940, 1090, "JU", "Jutiapa"),
(2941, 1090, "PE", "Peten"),
(2942, 1090, "QZ", "Quetzaltenango"),
(2943, 1090, "QC", "Quiche"),
(2944, 1090, "RE", "Retalhuleu"),
(2945, 1090, "SA", "Sacatepequez"),
(2946, 1090, "SM", "San Marcos"),
(2947, 1090, "SR", "Santa Rosa"),
(2948, 1090, "SO", "Sololá"),
(2949, 1090, "SU", "Suchitepequez"),
(2950, 1090, "TO", "Totonicapan"),
(2951, 1090, "ZA", "Zacapa"),
(2952, 1092, "BS", "Bissau"),
(2953, 1092, "BA", "Bafata"),
(2954, 1092, "BM", "Biombo"),
(2955, 1092, "BL", "Bolama"),
(2956, 1092, "CA", "Cacheu"),
(2957, 1092, "GA", "Gabu"),
(2958, 1092, "OI", "Oio"),
(2959, 1092, "QU", "Quloara"),
(2960, 1092, "TO", "Tombali S"),
(2961, 1093, "BA", "Barima-Waini"),
(2962, 1093, "CU", "Cuyuni-Mazaruni"),
(2963, 1093, "DE", "Demerara-Mahaica"),
(2964, 1093, "EB", "East Berbice-Corentyne"),
(2965, 1093, "ES", "Essequibo Islands-West Demerara"),
(2966, 1093, "MA", "Mahaica-Berbice"),
(2967, 1093, "PM", "Pomeroon-Supenaam"),
(2968, 1093, "PT", "Potaro-Siparuni"),
(2969, 1093, "UD", "Upper Demerara-Berbice"),
(2970, 1093, "UT", "Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo"),
(2971, 1097, "AT", "Atlantida"),
(2972, 1097, "CL", "Colon"),
(2973, 1097, "CM", "Comayagua"),
(2974, 1097, "CP", "Copan"),
(2975, 1097, "CR", "Cortes"),
(2976, 1097, "CH", "Choluteca"),
(2977, 1097, "EP", "El Paraiso"),
(2978, 1097, "FM", "Francisco Morazan"),
(2979, 1097, "GD", "Gracias a Dios"),
(2980, 1097, "IN", "Intibuca"),
(2981, 1097, "IB", "Islas de la Bahia"),
(2982, 1097, "LE", "Lempira"),
(2983, 1097, "OC", "Ocotepeque"),
(2984, 1097, "OL", "Olancho"),
(2985, 1097, "SB", "Santa Barbara"),
(2986, 1097, "VA", "Valle"),
(2987, 1097, "YO", "Yoro"),
(2988, 1055, "07", "Bjelovarsko-bilogorska zupanija"),
(2989, 1055, "12", "Brodsko-posavska zupanija"),
(2990, 1055, "19", "Dubrovacko-neretvanska zupanija"),
(2991, 1055, "18", "Istarska zupanija"),
(2992, 1055, "04", "Karlovacka zupanija"),
(2993, 1055, "06", "Koprivnickco-krizevacka zupanija"),
(2994, 1055, "02", "Krapinako-zagorska zupanija"),
(2995, 1055, "09", "Licko-senjska zupanija"),
(2996, 1055, "20", "Medimurska zupanija"),
(2997, 1055, "14", "Osjecko-baranjska zupanija"),
(2998, 1055, "11", "Pozesko-slavonska zupanija"),
(2999, 1055, "08", "Primorsko-goranska zupanija"),
(3000, 1055, "03", "Sisacko-moelavacka Iupanija"),
(3001, 1055, "17", "Splitako-dalmatinska zupanija"),
(3002, 1055, "15", "Sibenako-kninska zupanija"),
(3003, 1055, "05", "Varaidinska zupanija"),
(3004, 1055, "10", "VirovitiEko-podravska zupanija"),
(3005, 1055, "16", "VuRovarako-srijemska zupanija"),
(3006, 1055, "13", "Zadaraka"),
(3007, 1055, "01", "Zagrebacka zupanija"),
(3008, 1094, "GA", "Grande-Anse"),
(3009, 1094, "NE", "Nord-Est"),
(3010, 1094, "NO", "Nord-Ouest"),
(3011, 1094, "OU", "Ouest"),
(3012, 1094, "SD", "Sud"),
(3013, 1094, "SE", "Sud-Est"),
(3014, 1099, "BU", "Budapest"),
(3015, 1099, "BK", "Bács-Kiskun"),
(3016, 1099, "BA", "Baranya"),
(3017, 1099, "BE", "Békés"),
(3018, 1099, "BZ", "Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén"),
(3019, 1099, "CS", "Csongrád"),
(3020, 1099, "FE", "Fejér"),
(3021, 1099, "GS", "Győr-Moson-Sopron"),
(3022, 1099, "HB", "Hajdu-Bihar"),
(3023, 1099, "HE", "Heves"),
(3024, 1099, "JN", "Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok"),
(3025, 1099, "KE", "Komárom-Esztergom"),
(3026, 1099, "NO", "Nográd"),
(3027, 1099, "PE", "Pest"),
(3028, 1099, "SO", "Somogy"),
(3029, 1099, "SZ", "Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg"),
(3030, 1099, "TO", "Tolna"),
(3031, 1099, "VA", "Vas"),
(3032, 1099, "VE", "Veszprém"),
(3033, 1099, "ZA", "Zala"),
(3034, 1099, "BC", "Békéscsaba"),
(3035, 1099, "DE", "Debrecen"),
(3036, 1099, "DU", "Dunaújváros"),
(3037, 1099, "EG", "Eger"),
(3038, 1099, "GY", "Győr"),
(3039, 1099, "HV", "Hódmezővásárhely"),
(3040, 1099, "KV", "Kaposvár"),
(3041, 1099, "KM", "Kecskemét"),
(3042, 1099, "MI", "Miskolc"),
(3043, 1099, "NK", "Nagykanizsa"),
(3044, 1099, "NY", "Nyiregyháza"),
(3045, 1099, "PS", "Pécs"),
(3046, 1099, "ST", "Salgótarján"),
(3047, 1099, "SN", "Sopron"),
(3048, 1099, "SD", "Szeged"),
(3049, 1099, "SF", "Székesfehérvár"),
(3050, 1099, "SS", "Szekszárd"),
(3051, 1099, "SK", "Szolnok"),
(3052, 1099, "SH", "Szombathely"),
(3053, 1099, "TB", "Tatabánya"),
(3054, 1099, "ZE", "Zalaegerszeg"),
(3055, 1102, "BA", "Bali"),
(3056, 1102, "BB", "Kepulauan Bangka Belitung"),
(3057, 1102, "BT", "Banten"),
(3058, 1102, "BE", "Bengkulu"),
(3059, 1102, "GO", "Gorontalo"),
(3060, 1102, "PB", "Papua Barat"),
(3061, 1102, "JA", "Jambi"),
(3062, 1102, "JB", "Jawa Barat"),
(3063, 1102, "JT", "Jawa Tengah"),
(3064, 1102, "JI", "Jawa Timur"),
(3065, 1102, "KB", "Kalimantan Barat"),
(3066, 1102, "KI", "Kalimantan Timur"),
(3067, 1102, "KS", "Kalimantan Selatan"),
(3068, 1102, "KR", "Kepulauan Riau"),
(3069, 1102, "LA", "Lampung"),
(3070, 1102, "MA", "Maluku"),
(3071, 1102, "MU", "Maluku Utara"),
(3072, 1102, "NB", "Nusa Tenggara Barat"),
(3073, 1102, "NT", "Nusa Tenggara Timur"),
(3074, 1102, "PA", "Papua"),
(3075, 1102, "RI", "Riau"),
(3076, 1102, "SN", "Sulawesi Selatan"),
(3077, 1102, "ST", "Sulawesi Tengah"),
(3078, 1102, "SG", "Sulawesi Tenggara"),
(3079, 1102, "SA", "Sulawesi Utara"),
(3080, 1102, "SB", "Sumatra Barat"),
(3081, 1102, "SS", "Sumatra Selatan"),
(3082, 1102, "SU", "Sumatera Utara"),
(3083, 1102, "JK", "DKI Jakarta"),
(3084, 1102, "AC", "Aceh"),
(3085, 1102, "YO", "DI Yogyakarta"),
(3086, 1105, "C", "Cork"),
(3087, 1105, "CE", "Clare"),
(3088, 1105, "CN", "Cavan"),
(3089, 1105, "CW", "Carlow"),
(3090, 1105, "D", "Dublin"),
(3091, 1105, "DL", "Donegal"),
(3092, 1105, "G", "Galway"),
(3093, 1105, "KE", "Kildare"),
(3094, 1105, "KK", "Kilkenny"),
(3095, 1105, "KY", "Kerry"),
(3096, 1105, "LD", "Longford"),
(3097, 1105, "LH", "Louth"),
(3098, 1105, "LK", "Limerick"),
(3099, 1105, "LM", "Leitrim"),
(3100, 1105, "LS", "Laois"),
(3101, 1105, "MH", "Meath"),
(3102, 1105, "MN", "Monaghan"),
(3103, 1105, "MO", "Mayo"),
(3104, 1105, "OY", "Offaly"),
(3105, 1105, "RN", "Roscommon"),
(3106, 1105, "SO", "Sligo"),
(3107, 1105, "TA", "Tipperary"),
(3108, 1105, "WD", "Waterford"),
(3109, 1105, "WH", "Westmeath"),
(3110, 1105, "WW", "Wicklow"),
(3111, 1105, "WX", "Wexford"),
(3112, 1106, "D", "HaDarom"),
(3113, 1106, "M", "HaMerkaz"),
(3114, 1106, "Z", "HaZafon"),
(3115, 1106, "HA", "Haifa"),
(3116, 1106, "TA", "Tel-Aviv"),
(3117, 1106, "JM", "Jerusalem"),
(3118, 1104, "AN", "Al Anbar"),
(3119, 1104, "BA", "Al Ba,rah"),
(3120, 1104, "MU", "Al Muthanna"),
(3121, 1104, "QA", "Al Qadisiyah"),
(3122, 1104, "NA", "An Najef"),
(3123, 1104, "AR", "Arbil"),
(3124, 1104, "SW", "As Sulaymaniyah"),
(3125, 1104, "TS", "At Ta\'mim"),
(3126, 1104, "BB", "Babil"),
(3127, 1104, "BG", "Baghdad"),
(3128, 1104, "DA", "Dahuk"),
(3129, 1104, "DQ", "Dhi Qar"),
(3130, 1104, "DI", "Diyala"),
(3131, 1104, "KA", "Karbala\'"),
(3132, 1104, "MA", "Maysan"),
(3133, 1104, "NI", "Ninawa"),
(3134, 1104, "SD", "Salah ad Din"),
(3135, 1104, "WA", "Wasit"),
(3136, 1103, "03", "Ardabil"),
(3137, 1103, "02", "Azarbayjan-e Gharbi"),
(3138, 1103, "01", "Azarbayjan-e Sharqi"),
(3139, 1103, "06", "Bushehr"),
(3140, 1103, "08", "Chahar Mahall va Bakhtiari"),
(3141, 1103, "04", "Esfahan"),
(3142, 1103, "14", "Fars"),
(3143, 1103, "19", "Gilan"),
(3144, 1103, "27", "Golestan"),
(3145, 1103, "24", "Hamadan"),
(3146, 1103, "23", "Hormozgan"),
(3147, 1103, "05", "Iiam"),
(3148, 1103, "15", "Kerman"),
(3149, 1103, "17", "Kermanshah"),
(3150, 1103, "09", "Khorasan"),
(3151, 1103, "10", "Khuzestan"),
(3152, 1103, "18", "Kohjiluyeh va Buyer Ahmad"),
(3153, 1103, "16", "Kordestan"),
(3154, 1103, "20", "Lorestan"),
(3155, 1103, "22", "Markazi"),
(3156, 1103, "21", "Mazandaran"),
(3157, 1103, "28", "Qazvin"),
(3158, 1103, "26", "Qom"),
(3159, 1103, "12", "Semnan"),
(3160, 1103, "13", "Sistan va Baluchestan"),
(3161, 1103, "07", "Tehran"),
(3162, 1103, "25", "Yazd"),
(3163, 1103, "11", "Zanjan"),
(3164, 1100, "7", "Austurland"),
(3165, 1100, "1", "Hofuoborgarsvaeoi utan Reykjavikur"),
(3166, 1100, "6", "Norourland eystra"),
(3167, 1100, "5", "Norourland vestra"),
(3168, 1100, "0", "Reykjavik"),
(3169, 1100, "8", "Suourland"),
(3170, 1100, "2", "Suournes"),
(3171, 1100, "4", "Vestfirolr"),
(3172, 1100, "3", "Vesturland"),
(3173, 1107, "AG", "Agrigento"),
(3174, 1107, "AL", "Alessandria"),
(3175, 1107, "AN", "Ancona"),
(3176, 1107, "AO", "Aosta"),
(3177, 1107, "AR", "Arezzo"),
(3178, 1107, "AP", "Ascoli Piceno"),
(3179, 1107, "AT", "Asti"),
(3180, 1107, "AV", "Avellino"),
(3181, 1107, "BA", "Bari"),
(3182, 1107, "BL", "Belluno"),
(3183, 1107, "BN", "Benevento"),
(3184, 1107, "BG", "Bergamo"),
(3185, 1107, "BI", "Biella"),
(3186, 1107, "BO", "Bologna"),
(3187, 1107, "BZ", "Bolzano"),
(3188, 1107, "BS", "Brescia"),
(3189, 1107, "BR", "Brindisi"),
(3190, 1107, "CA", "Cagliari"),
(3191, 1107, "CL", "Caltanissetta"),
(3192, 1107, "CB", "Campobasso"),
(3193, 1107, "CE", "Caserta"),
(3194, 1107, "CT", "Catania"),
(3195, 1107, "CZ", "Catanzaro"),
(3196, 1107, "CH", "Chieti"),
(3197, 1107, "CO", "Como"),
(3198, 1107, "CS", "Cosenza"),
(3199, 1107, "CR", "Cremona"),
(3200, 1107, "KR", "Crotone"),
(3201, 1107, "CN", "Cuneo"),
(3202, 1107, "EN", "Enna"),
(3203, 1107, "FE", "Ferrara"),
(3204, 1107, "FI", "Firenze"),
(3205, 1107, "FG", "Foggia"),
(3206, 1107, "FC", "Forlì-Cesena"),
(3207, 1107, "FR", "Frosinone"),
(3208, 1107, "GE", "Genova"),
(3209, 1107, "GO", "Gorizia"),
(3210, 1107, "GR", "Grosseto"),
(3211, 1107, "IM", "Imperia"),
(3212, 1107, "IS", "Isernia"),
(3213, 1107, "AQ", "L\'Aquila"),
(3214, 1107, "SP", "La Spezia"),
(3215, 1107, "LT", "Latina"),
(3216, 1107, "LE", "Lecce"),
(3217, 1107, "LC", "Lecco"),
(3218, 1107, "LI", "Livorno"),
(3219, 1107, "LO", "Lodi"),
(3220, 1107, "LU", "Lucca"),
(3221, 1107, "MC", "Macerata"),
(3222, 1107, "MN", "Mantova"),
(3223, 1107, "MS", "Massa-Carrara"),
(3224, 1107, "MT", "Matera"),
(3225, 1107, "ME", "Messina"),
(3226, 1107, "MI", "Milano"),
(3227, 1107, "MO", "Modena"),
(3228, 1107, "NA", "Napoli"),
(3229, 1107, "NO", "Novara"),
(3230, 1107, "NU", "Nuoro"),
(3231, 1107, "OR", "Oristano"),
(3232, 1107, "PD", "Padova"),
(3233, 1107, "PA", "Palermo"),
(3234, 1107, "PR", "Parma"),
(3235, 1107, "PV", "Pavia"),
(3236, 1107, "PG", "Perugia"),
(3237, 1107, "PU", "Pesaro e Urbino"),
(3238, 1107, "PE", "Pescara"),
(3239, 1107, "PC", "Piacenza"),
(3240, 1107, "PI", "Pisa"),
(3241, 1107, "PT", "Pistoia"),
(3242, 1107, "PN", "Pordenone"),
(3243, 1107, "PZ", "Potenza"),
(3244, 1107, "PO", "Prato"),
(3245, 1107, "RG", "Ragusa"),
(3246, 1107, "RA", "Ravenna"),
(3247, 1107, "RC", "Reggio Calabria"),
(3248, 1107, "RE", "Reggio Emilia"),
(3249, 1107, "RI", "Rieti"),
(3250, 1107, "RN", "Rimini"),
(3251, 1107, "RM", "Roma"),
(3252, 1107, "RO", "Rovigo"),
(3253, 1107, "SA", "Salerno"),
(3254, 1107, "SS", "Sassari"),
(3255, 1107, "SV", "Savona"),
(3256, 1107, "SI", "Siena"),
(3257, 1107, "SR", "Siracusa"),
(3258, 1107, "SO", "Sondrio"),
(3259, 1107, "TA", "Taranto"),
(3260, 1107, "TE", "Teramo"),
(3261, 1107, "TR", "Terni"),
(3262, 1107, "TO", "Torino"),
(3263, 1107, "TP", "Trapani"),
(3264, 1107, "TN", "Trento"),
(3265, 1107, "TV", "Treviso"),
(3266, 1107, "TS", "Trieste"),
(3267, 1107, "UD", "Udine"),
(3268, 1107, "VA", "Varese"),
(3269, 1107, "VE", "Venezia"),
(3270, 1107, "VB", "Verbano-Cusio-Ossola"),
(3271, 1107, "VC", "Vercelli"),
(3272, 1107, "VR", "Verona"),
(3273, 1107, "VV", "Vibo Valentia"),
(3274, 1107, "VI", "Vicenza"),
(3275, 1107, "VT", "Viterbo"),
(3276, 1109, "23", "Aichi"),
(3277, 1109, "05", "Akita"),
(3278, 1109, "02", "Aomori"),
(3279, 1109, "12", "Chiba"),
(3280, 1109, "38", "Ehime"),
(3281, 1109, "18", "Fukui"),
(3282, 1109, "40", "Fukuoka"),
(3283, 1109, "07", "Fukusima"),
(3284, 1109, "21", "Gifu"),
(3285, 1109, "10", "Gunma"),
(3286, 1109, "34", "Hiroshima"),
(3287, 1109, "01", "Hokkaido"),
(3288, 1109, "28", "Hyogo"),
(3289, 1109, "08", "Ibaraki"),
(3290, 1109, "17", "Ishikawa"),
(3291, 1109, "03", "Iwate"),
(3292, 1109, "37", "Kagawa"),
(3293, 1109, "46", "Kagoshima"),
(3294, 1109, "14", "Kanagawa"),
(3295, 1109, "39", "Kochi"),
(3296, 1109, "43", "Kumamoto"),
(3297, 1109, "26", "Kyoto"),
(3298, 1109, "24", "Mie"),
(3299, 1109, "04", "Miyagi"),
(3300, 1109, "45", "Miyazaki"),
(3301, 1109, "20", "Nagano"),
(3302, 1109, "42", "Nagasaki"),
(3303, 1109, "29", "Nara"),
(3304, 1109, "15", "Niigata"),
(3305, 1109, "44", "Oita"),
(3306, 1109, "33", "Okayama"),
(3307, 1109, "47", "Okinawa"),
(3308, 1109, "27", "Osaka"),
(3309, 1109, "41", "Saga"),
(3310, 1109, "11", "Saitama"),
(3311, 1109, "25", "Shiga"),
(3312, 1109, "32", "Shimane"),
(3313, 1109, "22", "Shizuoka"),
(3314, 1109, "09", "Tochigi"),
(3315, 1109, "36", "Tokushima"),
(3316, 1109, "13", "Tokyo"),
(3317, 1109, "31", "Tottori"),
(3318, 1109, "16", "Toyama"),
(3319, 1109, "30", "Wakayama"),
(3320, 1109, "06", "Yamagata"),
(3321, 1109, "35", "Yamaguchi"),
(3322, 1109, "19", "Yamanashi"),
(3323, 1108, "CN", "Clarendon"),
(3324, 1108, "HR", "Hanover"),
(3325, 1108, "KN", "Kingston"),
(3326, 1108, "PD", "Portland"),
(3327, 1108, "AW", "Saint Andrew"),
(3328, 1108, "AN", "Saint Ann"),
(3329, 1108, "CE", "Saint Catherine"),
(3330, 1108, "EH", "Saint Elizabeth"),
(3331, 1108, "JS", "Saint James"),
(3332, 1108, "MY", "Saint Mary"),
(3333, 1108, "TS", "Saint Thomas"),
(3334, 1108, "TY", "Trelawny"),
(3335, 1108, "WD", "Westmoreland"),
(3336, 1110, "AJ", "Ajln"),
(3337, 1110, "AQ", "Al \'Aqaba"),
(3338, 1110, "BA", "Al Balqa\'"),
(3339, 1110, "KA", "Al Karak"),
(3340, 1110, "MA", "Al Mafraq"),
(3341, 1110, "AM", "Amman"),
(3342, 1110, "AT", "At Tafilah"),
(3343, 1110, "AZ", "Az Zarga"),
(3344, 1110, "JR", "Irbid"),
(3345, 1110, "JA", "Jarash"),
(3346, 1110, "MN", "Ma\'an"),
(3347, 1110, "MD", "Madaba"),
-- CRM-20062 Outdated provinces for Kenya removed .
(3353, 1117, "GB", "Bishkek"),
(3354, 1117, "B", "Batken"),
(3355, 1117, "C", "Chu"),
(3356, 1117, "J", "Jalal-Abad"),
(3357, 1117, "N", "Naryn"),
(3358, 1117, "O", "Osh"),
(3359, 1117, "T", "Talas"),
(3360, 1117, "Y", "Ysyk-Kol"),
(3361, 1037, "23", "Krong Kaeb"),
(3362, 1037, "24", "Krong Pailin"),
(3363, 1037, "18", "Xrong Preah Sihanouk"),
(3364, 1037, "12", "Phnom Penh"),
(3365, 1037, "2", "Baat Dambang"),
(3366, 1037, "1", "Banteay Mean Chey"),
(3367, 1037, "3", "Rampong Chaam"),
(3368, 1037, "4", "Kampong Chhnang"),
(3369, 1037, "5", "Kampong Spueu"),
(3370, 1037, "6", "Kampong Thum"),
(3371, 1037, "7", "Kampot"),
(3372, 1037, "8", "Kandaal"),
(3373, 1037, "9", "Kach Kong"),
(3374, 1037, "10", "Krachoh"),
(3375, 1037, "11", "Mondol Kiri"),
(3376, 1037, "22", "Otdar Mean Chey"),
(3377, 1037, "15", "Pousaat"),
(3378, 1037, "13", "Preah Vihear"),
(3379, 1037, "14", "Prey Veaeng"),
(3380, 1037, "16", "Rotanak Kiri"),
(3381, 1037, "17", "Siem Reab"),
(3382, 1037, "19", "Stueng Traeng"),
(3383, 1037, "20", "Svaay Rieng"),
(3384, 1037, "21", "Taakaev"),
(3385, 1113, "G", "Gilbert Islands"),
(3386, 1113, "L", "Line Islands"),
(3387, 1113, "P", "Phoenix Islands"),
(3388, 1049, "A", "Anjouan Ndzouani"),
(3389, 1049, "G", "Grande Comore Ngazidja"),
(3390, 1049, "M", "Moheli Moili"),
(3391, 1114, "KAE", "Kaesong-si"),
(3392, 1114, "NAM", "Nampo-si"),
(3393, 1114, "PYO", "Pyongyang-ai"),
(3394, 1114, "CHA", "Chagang-do"),
(3395, 1114, "HAB", "Hamgyongbuk-do"),
(3396, 1114, "HAN", "Hamgyongnam-do"),
(3397, 1114, "HWB", "Hwanghaebuk-do"),
(3398, 1114, "HWN", "Hwanghaenam-do"),
(3399, 1114, "KAN", "Kangwon-do"),
(3400, 1114, "PYB", "Pyonganbuk-do"),
(3401, 1114, "PYN", "Pyongannam-do"),
(3402, 1114, "YAN", "Yanggang-do"),
(3403, 1114, "NAJ", "Najin Sonbong-si"),
(3404, 1115, "11", "Seoul Teugbyeolsi"),
(3405, 1115, "26", "Busan Gwang\'yeogsi"),
(3406, 1115, "27", "Daegu Gwang\'yeogsi"),
(3407, 1115, "30", "Daejeon Gwang\'yeogsi"),
(3408, 1115, "29", "Gwangju Gwang\'yeogsi"),
(3409, 1115, "28", "Incheon Gwang\'yeogsi"),
(3410, 1115, "31", "Ulsan Gwang\'yeogsi"),
(3411, 1115, "43", "Chungcheongbugdo"),
(3412, 1115, "44", "Chungcheongnamdo"),
(3413, 1115, "42", "Gang\'weondo"),
(3414, 1115, "41", "Gyeonggido"),
(3415, 1115, "47", "Gyeongsangbugdo"),
(3416, 1115, "48", "Gyeongsangnamdo"),
(3417, 1115, "49", "Jejudo"),
(3418, 1115, "45", "Jeonrabugdo"),
(3419, 1115, "46", "Jeonranamdo"),
(3420, 1116, "AH", "Al Ahmadi"),
(3421, 1116, "FA", "Al Farwanlyah"),
(3422, 1116, "JA", "Al Jahrah"),
(3423, 1116, "KU", "Al Kuwayt"),
(3424, 1116, "HA", "Hawalli"),
(3425, 1111, "ALA", "Almaty"),
(3426, 1111, "AST", "Astana"),
(3427, 1111, "ALM", "Almaty oblysy"),
(3428, 1111, "AKM", "Aqmola oblysy"),
(3429, 1111, "AKT", "Aqtobe oblysy"),
(3430, 1111, "ATY", "Atyrau oblyfiy"),
(3431, 1111, "ZAP", "Batys Quzaqstan oblysy"),
(3432, 1111, "MAN", "Mangghystau oblysy"),
(3433, 1111, "YUZ", "Ongtustik Quzaqstan oblysy"),
(3434, 1111, "PAV", "Pavlodar oblysy"),
(3435, 1111, "KAR", "Qaraghandy oblysy"),
(3436, 1111, "KUS", "Qostanay oblysy"),
(3437, 1111, "KZY", "Qyzylorda oblysy"),
(3438, 1111, "VOS", "Shyghys Quzaqstan oblysy"),
(3439, 1111, "SEV", "Soltustik Quzaqstan oblysy"),
(3440, 1111, "ZHA", "Zhambyl oblysy Zhambylskaya oblast\'"),
(3441, 1118, "VT", "Vientiane"),
(3442, 1118, "AT", "Attapu"),
(3443, 1118, "BK", "Bokeo"),
(3444, 1118, "BL", "Bolikhamxai"),
(3445, 1118, "CH", "Champasak"),
(3446, 1118, "HO", "Houaphan"),
(3447, 1118, "KH", "Khammouan"),
(3448, 1118, "LM", "Louang Namtha"),
(3449, 1118, "LP", "Louangphabang"),
(3450, 1118, "OU", "Oudomxai"),
(3451, 1118, "PH", "Phongsali"),
(3452, 1118, "SL", "Salavan"),
(3453, 1118, "SV", "Savannakhet"),
(3454, 1118, "XA", "Xaignabouli"),
(3455, 1118, "XN", "Xiasomboun"),
(3456, 1118, "XE", "Xekong"),
(3457, 1118, "XI", "Xiangkhoang"),
(3458, 1120, "BA", "Beirut"),
(3459, 1120, "BI", "Beqaa"),
(3460, 1120, "JL", "Mount Lebanon"),
(3461, 1120, "AS", "North Lebanon"),
(3462, 1120, "JA", "South Lebanon"),
(3463, 1120, "NA", "Nabatieh"),
(3464, 1199, "52", "Ampara"),
(3465, 1199, "71", "Anuradhapura"),
(3466, 1199, "81", "Badulla"),
(3467, 1199, "51", "Batticaloa"),
(3468, 1199, "11", "Colombo"),
(3469, 1199, "31", "Galle"),
(3470, 1199, "12", "Gampaha"),
(3471, 1199, "33", "Hambantota"),
(3472, 1199, "41", "Jaffna"),
(3473, 1199, "13", "Kalutara"),
(3474, 1199, "21", "Kandy"),
(3475, 1199, "92", "Kegalla"),
(3476, 1199, "42", "Kilinochchi"),
(3477, 1199, "61", "Kurunegala"),
(3478, 1199, "43", "Mannar"),
(3479, 1199, "22", "Matale"),
(3480, 1199, "32", "Matara"),
(3481, 1199, "82", "Monaragala"),
(3482, 1199, "45", "Mullaittivu"),
(3483, 1199, "23", "Nuwara Eliya"),
(3484, 1199, "72", "Polonnaruwa"),
(3485, 1199, "62", "Puttalum"),
(3486, 1199, "91", "Ratnapura"),
(3487, 1199, "53", "Trincomalee"),
(3488, 1199, "44", "VavunLya"),
(3489, 1122, "BM", "Bomi"),
(3490, 1122, "BG", "Bong"),
(3491, 1122, "GB", "Grand Basaa"),
(3492, 1122, "CM", "Grand Cape Mount"),
(3493, 1122, "GG", "Grand Gedeh"),
(3494, 1122, "GK", "Grand Kru"),
(3495, 1122, "LO", "Lofa"),
(3496, 1122, "MG", "Margibi"),
(3497, 1122, "MY", "Maryland"),
(3498, 1122, "MO", "Montserrado"),
(3499, 1122, "NI", "Nimba"),
(3500, 1122, "RI", "Rivercess"),
(3501, 1122, "SI", "Sinoe"),
(3502, 1121, "D", "Berea"),
(3503, 1121, "B", "Butha-Buthe"),
(3504, 1121, "C", "Leribe"),
(3505, 1121, "E", "Mafeteng"),
(3506, 1121, "A", "Maseru"),
(3507, 1121, "F", "Mohale\'s Hoek"),
(3508, 1121, "J", "Mokhotlong"),
(3509, 1121, "H", "Qacha\'s Nek"),
(3510, 1121, "G", "Quthing"),
(3511, 1121, "K", "Thaba-Tseka"),
(3512, 1125, "AL", "Alytaus Apskritis"),
(3513, 1125, "KU", "Kauno Apskritis"),
(3514, 1125, "KL", "Klaipėdos Apskritis"),
(3515, 1125, "MR", "Marijampolės Apskritis"),
(3516, 1125, "PN", "Panevėžio Apskritis"),
(3517, 1125, "SA", "Šiaulių Apskritis"),
(3518, 1125, "TA", "Tauragės Apskritis"),
(3519, 1125, "TE", "Telšių Apskritis"),
(3520, 1125, "UT", "Utenos Apskritis"),
(3521, 1125, "VL", "Vilniaus Apskritis"),
(3522, 1126, "D", "Diekirch"),
(3523, 1126, "G", "GreveNmacher"),
(3550, 1119, "DGV", "Daugavpils"),
(3551, 1119, "JEL", "Jelgava"),
(3552, 1119, "JUR", "Jūrmala"),
(3553, 1119, "LPX", "Liepāja"),
(3554, 1119, "REZ", "Rēzekne"),
(3555, 1119, "RIX", "Rīga"),
(3556, 1119, "VEN", "Ventspils"),
(3557, 1123, "AJ", "Ajdābiyā"),
(3558, 1123, "BU", "Al Buţnān"),
(3559, 1123, "HZ", "Al Hizām al Akhdar"),
(3560, 1123, "JA", "Al Jabal al Akhdar"),
(3561, 1123, "JI", "Al Jifārah"),
(3562, 1123, "JU", "Al Jufrah"),
(3563, 1123, "KF", "Al Kufrah"),
(3564, 1123, "MJ", "Al Marj"),
(3565, 1123, "MB", "Al Marqab"),
(3566, 1123, "QT", "Al Qaţrūn"),
(3567, 1123, "QB", "Al Qubbah"),
(3568, 1123, "WA", "Al Wāhah"),
(3569, 1123, "NQ", "An Nuqaţ al Khams"),
(3570, 1123, "SH", "Ash Shāţi\'"),
(3571, 1123, "ZA", "Az Zāwiyah"),
(3572, 1123, "BA", "Banghāzī"),
(3573, 1123, "BW", "Banī Walīd"),
(3574, 1123, "DR", "Darnah"),
(3575, 1123, "GD", "Ghadāmis"),
(3576, 1123, "GR", "Gharyān"),
(3577, 1123, "GT", "Ghāt"),
(3578, 1123, "JB", "Jaghbūb"),
(3579, 1123, "MI", "Mişrātah"),
(3580, 1123, "MZ", "Mizdah"),
(3581, 1123, "MQ", "Murzuq"),
(3582, 1123, "NL", "Nālūt"),
(3583, 1123, "SB", "Sabhā"),
(3584, 1123, "SS", "Şabrātah Şurmān"),
(3585, 1123, "SR", "Surt"),
(3586, 1123, "TN", "Tājūrā\' wa an Nawāhī al Arbāh"),
(3587, 1123, "TB", "Ţarābulus"),
(3588, 1123, "TM", "Tarhūnah-Masallātah"),
(3589, 1123, "WD", "Wādī al hayāt"),
(3590, 1123, "YJ", "Yafran-Jādū"),
(3591, 1146, "AGD", "Agadir"),
(3592, 1146, "BAH", "Aït Baha"),
(3593, 1146, "MEL", "Aït Melloul"),
(3594, 1146, "HAO", "Al Haouz"),
(3595, 1146, "HOC", "Al Hoceïma"),
(3596, 1146, "ASZ", "Assa-Zag"),
(3597, 1146, "AZI", "Azilal"),
(3598, 1146, "BEM", "Beni Mellal"),
(3599, 1146, "BES", "Ben Sllmane"),
(3600, 1146, "BER", "Berkane"),
(3601, 1146, "BOD", "Boujdour"),
(3602, 1146, "BOM", "Boulemane"),
(3603, 1146, "CAS", "Casablanca [Dar el Beïda]"),
(3604, 1146, "CHE", "Chefchaouene"),
(3605, 1146, "CHI", "Chichaoua"),
(3606, 1146, "HAJ", "El Hajeb"),
(3607, 1146, "JDI", "El Jadida"),
(3608, 1146, "ERR", "Errachidia"),
(3609, 1146, "ESI", "Essaouira"),
(3610, 1146, "ESM", "Es Smara"),
(3611, 1146, "FES", "Fès"),
(3612, 1146, "FIG", "Figuig"),
(3613, 1146, "GUE", "Guelmim"),
(3614, 1146, "IFR", "Ifrane"),
(3615, 1146, "JRA", "Jerada"),
(3616, 1146, "KES", "Kelaat Sraghna"),
(3617, 1146, "KEN", "Kénitra"),
(3618, 1146, "KHE", "Khemisaet"),
(3619, 1146, "KHN", "Khenifra"),
(3620, 1146, "KHO", "Khouribga"),
(3621, 1146, "LAA", "Laâyoune (EH)"),
(3622, 1146, "LAP", "Larache"),
(3623, 1146, "MAR", "Marrakech"),
(3624, 1146, "MEK", "Meknsès"),
(3625, 1146, "NAD", "Nador"),
(3626, 1146, "OUA", "Ouarzazate"),
(3627, 1146, "OUD", "Oued ed Dahab (EH)"),
(3628, 1146, "OUJ", "Oujda"),
(3629, 1146, "RBA", "Rabat-Salé"),
(3630, 1146, "SAF", "Safi"),
(3631, 1146, "SEF", "Sefrou"),
(3632, 1146, "SET", "Settat"),
(3633, 1146, "SIK", "Sidl Kacem"),
(3634, 1146, "TNG", "Tanger"),
(3635, 1146, "TNT", "Tan-Tan"),
(3636, 1146, "TAO", "Taounate"),
(3637, 1146, "TAR", "Taroudannt"),
(3638, 1146, "TAT", "Tata"),
(3639, 1146, "TAZ", "Taza"),
(3640, 1146, "TET", "Tétouan"),
(3641, 1146, "TIZ", "Tiznit"),
(3642, 1142, "GA", "Gagauzia, Unitate Teritoriala Autonoma"),
(3643, 1142, "CU", "Chisinau"),
(3644, 1142, "SN", "Stinga Nistrului, unitatea teritoriala din"),
(3645, 1142, "BA", "Balti"),
(3646, 1142, "CA", "Cahul"),
(3647, 1142, "ED", "Edinet"),
(3648, 1142, "LA", "Lapusna"),
(3649, 1142, "OR", "Orhei"),
(3650, 1142, "SO", "Soroca"),
(3651, 1142, "TA", "Taraclia"),
(3652, 1142, "TI", "Tighina [Bender]"),
(3653, 1142, "UN", "Ungheni"),
(3654, 1129, "T", "Antananarivo"),
(3655, 1129, "D", "Antsiranana"),
(3656, 1129, "F", "Fianarantsoa"),
(3657, 1129, "M", "Mahajanga"),
(3658, 1129, "A", "Toamasina"),
(3659, 1129, "U", "Toliara"),
(3660, 1135, "ALL", "Ailinglapalap"),
(3661, 1135, "ALK", "Ailuk"),
(3662, 1135, "ARN", "Arno"),
(3663, 1135, "AUR", "Aur"),
(3664, 1135, "EBO", "Ebon"),
(3665, 1135, "ENI", "Eniwetok"),
(3666, 1135, "JAL", "Jaluit"),
(3667, 1135, "KIL", "Kili"),
(3668, 1135, "KWA", "Kwajalein"),
(3669, 1135, "LAE", "Lae"),
(3670, 1135, "LIB", "Lib"),
(3671, 1135, "LIK", "Likiep"),
(3672, 1135, "MAJ", "Majuro"),
(3673, 1135, "MAL", "Maloelap"),
(3674, 1135, "MEJ", "Mejit"),
(3675, 1135, "MIL", "Mili"),
(3676, 1135, "NMK", "Namorik"),
(3677, 1135, "NMU", "Namu"),
(3678, 1135, "RON", "Rongelap"),
(3679, 1135, "UJA", "Ujae"),
(3680, 1135, "UJL", "Ujelang"),
(3681, 1135, "UTI", "Utirik"),
(3682, 1135, "WTN", "Wotho"),
(3683, 1135, "WTJ", "Wotje"),
(3684, 1133, "BK0", "Bamako"),
(3685, 1133, "7", "Gao"),
(3686, 1133, "1", "Kayes"),
(3687, 1133, "8", "Kidal"),
(3688, 1133, "2", "Xoulikoro"),
(3689, 1133, "5", "Mopti"),
(3690, 1133, "4", "S69ou"),
(3691, 1133, "3", "Sikasso"),
(3692, 1133, "6", "Tombouctou"),
(3693, 1035, "07", "Ayeyarwady"),
(3694, 1035, "02", "Bago"),
(3695, 1035, "03", "Magway"),
(3696, 1035, "04", "Mandalay"),
(3697, 1035, "01", "Sagaing"),
(3698, 1035, "05", "Tanintharyi"),
(3699, 1035, "06", "Yangon"),
(3700, 1035, "14", "Chin"),
(3701, 1035, "11", "Kachin"),
(3702, 1035, "12", "Kayah"),
(3703, 1035, "13", "Kayin"),
(3704, 1035, "15", "Mon"),
(3705, 1035, "16", "Rakhine"),
(3706, 1035, "17", "Shan"),
(3707, 1144, "1", "Ulaanbaatar"),
(3708, 1144, "073", "Arhangay"),
(3709, 1144, "069", "Bayanhongor"),
(3710, 1144, "071", "Bayan-Olgiy"),
(3711, 1144, "067", "Bulgan"),
(3712, 1144, "037", "Darhan uul"),
(3713, 1144, "061", "Dornod"),
(3714, 1144, "063", "Dornogov,"),
(3715, 1144, "059", "DundgovL"),
(3716, 1144, "057", "Dzavhan"),
(3717, 1144, "065", "Govi-Altay"),
(3718, 1144, "064", "Govi-Smber"),
(3719, 1144, "039", "Hentiy"),
(3720, 1144, "043", "Hovd"),
(3721, 1144, "041", "Hovsgol"),
(3722, 1144, "053", "Omnogovi"),
(3723, 1144, "035", "Orhon"),
(3724, 1144, "055", "Ovorhangay"),
(3725, 1144, "049", "Selenge"),
(3726, 1144, "051", "Shbaatar"),
(3727, 1144, "047", "Tov"),
(3728, 1144, "046", "Uvs"),
(3729, 1137, "NKC", "Nouakchott"),
(3730, 1137, "03", "Assaba"),
(3731, 1137, "05", "Brakna"),
(3732, 1137, "08", "Dakhlet Nouadhibou"),
(3733, 1137, "04", "Gorgol"),
(3734, 1137, "10", "Guidimaka"),
(3735, 1137, "01", "Hodh ech Chargui"),
(3736, 1137, "02", "Hodh el Charbi"),
(3737, 1137, "12", "Inchiri"),
(3738, 1137, "09", "Tagant"),
(3739, 1137, "11", "Tiris Zemmour"),
(3740, 1137, "06", "Trarza"),
(3741, 1138, "BR", "Beau Bassin-Rose Hill"),
(3742, 1138, "CU", "Curepipe"),
(3743, 1138, "PU", "Port Louis"),
(3744, 1138, "QB", "Quatre Bornes"),
(3745, 1138, "VP", "Vacosa-Phoenix"),
(3746, 1138, "BL", "Black River"),
(3747, 1138, "FL", "Flacq"),
(3748, 1138, "GP", "Grand Port"),
(3749, 1138, "MO", "Moka"),
(3750, 1138, "PA", "Pamplemousses"),
(3751, 1138, "PW", "Plaines Wilhems"),
(3752, 1138, "RP", "Riviere du Rempart"),
(3753, 1138, "SA", "Savanne"),
(3754, 1138, "AG", "Agalega Islands"),
(3755, 1138, "CC", "Cargados Carajos Shoals"),
(3756, 1138, "RO", "Rodrigues Island"),
(3757, 1132, "MLE", "Male"),
(3758, 1132, "02", "Alif"),
(3759, 1132, "20", "Baa"),
(3760, 1132, "17", "Dhaalu"),
(3761, 1132, "14", "Faafu"),
(3762, 1132, "27", "Gaaf Alif"),
(3763, 1132, "28", "Gaefu Dhaalu"),
(3764, 1132, "29", "Gnaviyani"),
(3765, 1132, "07", "Haa Alif"),
(3766, 1132, "23", "Haa Dhaalu"),
(3767, 1132, "26", "Kaafu"),
(3768, 1132, "05", "Laamu"),
(3769, 1132, "03", "Lhaviyani"),
(3770, 1132, "12", "Meemu"),
(3771, 1132, "25", "Noonu"),
(3772, 1132, "13", "Raa"),
(3773, 1132, "01", "Seenu"),
(3774, 1132, "24", "Shaviyani"),
(3775, 1132, "08", "Thaa"),
(3776, 1132, "04", "Vaavu"),
(3777, 1130, "BA", "Balaka"),
(3778, 1130, "BL", "Blantyre"),
(3779, 1130, "CK", "Chikwawa"),
(3780, 1130, "CR", "Chiradzulu"),
(3781, 1130, "CT", "Chitipa"),
(3782, 1130, "DE", "Dedza"),
(3783, 1130, "DO", "Dowa"),
(3784, 1130, "KR", "Karonga"),
(3785, 1130, "KS", "Kasungu"),
(3786, 1130, "LK", "Likoma Island"),
(3787, 1130, "LI", "Lilongwe"),
(3788, 1130, "MH", "Machinga"),
(3789, 1130, "MG", "Mangochi"),
(3790, 1130, "MC", "Mchinji"),
(3791, 1130, "MU", "Mulanje"),
(3792, 1130, "MW", "Mwanza"),
(3793, 1130, "MZ", "Mzimba"),
(3794, 1130, "NB", "Nkhata Bay"),
(3795, 1130, "NK", "Nkhotakota"),
(3796, 1130, "NS", "Nsanje"),
(3797, 1130, "NU", "Ntcheu"),
(3798, 1130, "NI", "Ntchisi"),
(3799, 1130, "PH", "Phalomba"),
(3800, 1130, "RU", "Rumphi"),
(3801, 1130, "SA", "Salima"),
(3802, 1130, "TH", "Thyolo"),
(3803, 1130, "ZO", "Zomba"),
(3804, 1140, "AGU", "Aguascalientes"),
(3805, 1140, "BCN", "Baja California"),
(3806, 1140, "BCS", "Baja California Sur"),
(3807, 1140, "CAM", "Campeche"),
(3808, 1140, "COA", "Coahuila"),
(3809, 1140, "COL", "Colima"),
(3810, 1140, "CHP", "Chiapas"),
(3811, 1140, "CHH", "Chihuahua"),
(3812, 1140, "DUR", "Durango"),
(3813, 1140, "GUA", "Guanajuato"),
(3814, 1140, "GRO", "Guerrero"),
(3815, 1140, "HID", "Hidalgo"),
(3816, 1140, "JAL", "Jalisco"),
(3817, 1140, "MEX", "Mexico"),
(3818, 1140, "MIC", "Michoacin"),
(3819, 1140, "MOR", "Morelos"),
(3820, 1140, "NAY", "Nayarit"),
(3821, 1140, "NLE", "Nuevo Leon"),
(3822, 1140, "OAX", "Oaxaca"),
(3823, 1140, "PUE", "Puebla"),
(3824, 1140, "QUE", "Queretaro"),
(3825, 1140, "ROO", "Quintana Roo"),
(3826, 1140, "SLP", "San Luis Potosi"),
(3827, 1140, "SIN", "Sinaloa"),
(3828, 1140, "SON", "Sonora"),
(3829, 1140, "TAB", "Tabasco"),
(3830, 1140, "TAM", "Tamaulipas"),
(3831, 1140, "TLA", "Tlaxcala"),
(3832, 1140, "VER", "Veracruz"),
(3833, 1140, "YUC", "Yucatan"),
(3834, 1140, "ZAC", "Zacatecas"),
(3835, 1131, "14", "Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur"),
(3836, 1131, "15", "Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan"),
(3837, 1131, "16", "Wilayah Persekutuan Putrajaya"),
(3838, 1131, "01", "Johor"),
(3839, 1131, "02", "Kedah"),
(3840, 1131, "03", "Kelantan"),
(3841, 1131, "04", "Melaka"),
(3842, 1131, "05", "Negeri Sembilan"),
(3843, 1131, "06", "Pahang"),
(3844, 1131, "08", "Perak"),
(3845, 1131, "09", "Perlis"),
(3846, 1131, "07", "Pulau Pinang"),
(3847, 1131, "12", "Sabah"),
(3848, 1131, "13", "Sarawak"),
(3849, 1131, "10", "Selangor"),
(3850, 1131, "11", "Terengganu"),
(3851, 1147, "MPM", "Maputo"),
(3852, 1147, "P", "Cabo Delgado"),
(3853, 1147, "G", "Gaza"),
(3854, 1147, "I", "Inhambane"),
(3855, 1147, "B", "Manica"),
(3856, 1147, "N", "Numpula"),
(3857, 1147, "A", "Niaaea"),
(3858, 1147, "S", "Sofala"),
(3859, 1147, "T", "Tete"),
(3860, 1147, "Q", "Zambezia"),
(3861, 1148, "CA", "Caprivi"),
(3862, 1148, "ER", "Erongo"),
(3863, 1148, "HA", "Hardap"),
(3864, 1148, "KA", "Karas"),
(3865, 1148, "KH", "Khomas"),
(3866, 1148, "KU", "Kunene"),
(3867, 1148, "OW", "Ohangwena"),
(3868, 1148, "OK", "Okavango"),
(3869, 1148, "OH", "Omaheke"),
(3870, 1148, "OS", "Omusati"),
(3871, 1148, "ON", "Oshana"),
(3872, 1148, "OT", "Oshikoto"),
(3873, 1148, "OD", "Otjozondjupa"),
(3874, 1156, "8", "Niamey"),
(3875, 1156, "1", "Agadez"),
(3876, 1156, "2", "Diffa"),
(3877, 1156, "3", "Dosso"),
(3878, 1156, "4", "Maradi"),
(3879, 1156, "S", "Tahoua"),
(3880, 1156, "6", "Tillaberi"),
(3881, 1156, "7", "Zinder"),
(3882, 1157, "FC", "Abuja Federal Capital Territory"),
(3883, 1157, "AB", "Abia"),
(3884, 1157, "AD", "Adamawa"),
(3885, 1157, "AK", "Akwa Ibom"),
(3886, 1157, "AN", "Anambra"),
(3887, 1157, "BA", "Bauchi"),
(3888, 1157, "BY", "Bayelsa"),
(3889, 1157, "BE", "Benue"),
(3890, 1157, "BO", "Borno"),
(3891, 1157, "CR", "Cross River"),
(3892, 1157, "DE", "Delta"),
(3893, 1157, "EB", "Ebonyi"),
(3894, 1157, "ED", "Edo"),
(3895, 1157, "EK", "Ekiti"),
(3896, 1157, "EN", "Enugu"),
(3897, 1157, "GO", "Gombe"),
(3898, 1157, "IM", "Imo"),
(3899, 1157, "JI", "Jigawa"),
(3900, 1157, "KD", "Kaduna"),
(3901, 1157, "KN", "Kano"),
(3902, 1157, "KT", "Katsina"),
(3903, 1157, "KE", "Kebbi"),
(3904, 1157, "KO", "Kogi"),
(3905, 1157, "KW", "Kwara"),
(3906, 1157, "LA", "Lagos"),
(3907, 1157, "NA", "Nassarawa"),
(3908, 1157, "NI", "Niger"),
(3909, 1157, "OG", "Ogun"),
(3910, 1157, "ON", "Ondo"),
(3911, 1157, "OS", "Osun"),
(3912, 1157, "OY", "Oyo"),
(3913, 1157, "RI", "Rivers"),
(3914, 1157, "SO", "Sokoto"),
(3915, 1157, "TA", "Taraba"),
(3916, 1157, "YO", "Yobe"),
(3917, 1157, "ZA", "Zamfara"),
(3918, 1155, "BO", "Boaco"),
(3919, 1155, "CA", "Carazo"),
(3920, 1155, "CI", "Chinandega"),
(3921, 1155, "CO", "Chontales"),
(3922, 1155, "ES", "Esteli"),
(3923, 1155, "JI", "Jinotega"),
(3924, 1155, "LE", "Leon"),
(3925, 1155, "MD", "Madriz"),
(3926, 1155, "MN", "Managua"),
(3927, 1155, "MS", "Masaya"),
(3928, 1155, "MT", "Matagalpa"),
(3929, 1155, "NS", "Nueva Segovia"),
(3930, 1155, "SJ", "Rio San Juan"),
(3931, 1155, "RI", "Rivas"),
(3932, 1155, "AN", "Atlantico Norte"),
(3933, 1155, "AS", "Atlantico Sur"),
(3934, 1152, "DR", "Drente"),
(3935, 1152, "FL", "Flevoland"),
(3936, 1152, "FR", "Friesland"),
(3937, 1152, "GL", "Gelderland"),
(3938, 1152, "GR", "Groningen"),
(3939, 1152, "NB", "Noord-Brabant"),
(3940, 1152, "NH", "Noord-Holland"),
(3941, 1152, "OV", "Overijssel"),
(3942, 1152, "UT", "Utrecht"),
(3943, 1152, "ZH", "Zuid-Holland"),
(3944, 1152, "ZL", "Zeeland"),
(3945, 1161, "02", "Akershus"),
(3946, 1161, "09", "Aust-Agder"),
(3947, 1161, "06", "Buskerud"),
(3948, 1161, "20", "Finnmark"),
(3949, 1161, "04", "Hedmark"),
(3950, 1161, "12", "Hordaland"),
(3951, 1161, "15", "Møre og Romsdal"),
(3952, 1161, "18", "Nordland"),
(3953, 1161, "17", "Nord-Trøndelag"),
(3954, 1161, "05", "Oppland"),
(3955, 1161, "03", "Oslo"),
(3956, 1161, "11", "Rogaland"),
(3957, 1161, "14", "Sogn og Fjordane"),
(3958, 1161, "16", "Sør-Trøndelag"),
(3959, 1161, "06", "Telemark"),
(3960, 1161, "19", "Troms"),
(3961, 1161, "10", "Vest-Agder"),
(3962, 1161, "07", "Vestfold"),
(3963, 1161, "01", "Østfold"),
(3964, 1161, "22", "Jan Mayen"),
(3965, 1161, "21", "Svalbard"),
(3966, 1154, "AUK", "Auckland"),
(3967, 1154, "BOP", "Bay of Plenty"),
(3968, 1154, "CAN", "Canterbury"),
(3969, 1154, "GIS", "Gisborne"),
(3970, 1154, "HKB", "Hawkes Bay"),
(3971, 1154, "MWT", "Manawatu-Wanganui"),
(3972, 1154, "MBH", "Marlborough"),
(3973, 1154, "NSN", "Nelson"),
(3974, 1154, "NTL", "Northland"),
(3975, 1154, "OTA", "Otago"),
(3976, 1154, "STL", "Southland"),
(3977, 1154, "TKI", "Taranaki"),
(3978, 1154, "TAS", "Tasman"),
(3979, 1154, "WKO", "Waikato"),
(3980, 1154, "WGN", "Wellington"),
(3981, 1154, "WTC", "West Coast"),
(3982, 1162, "DA", "Ad Dakhillyah"),
(3983, 1162, "BA", "Al Batinah"),
(3984, 1162, "JA", "Al Janblyah"),
(3985, 1162, "WU", "Al Wusta"),
(3986, 1162, "SH", "Ash Sharqlyah"),
(3987, 1162, "ZA", "Az Zahirah"),
(3988, 1162, "MA", "Masqat"),
(3989, 1162, "MU", "Musandam"),
(3990, 1166, "1", "Bocas del Toro"),
(3991, 1166, "2", "Cocle"),
(3992, 1166, "4", "Chiriqui"),
(3993, 1166, "5", "Darien"),
(3994, 1166, "6", "Herrera"),
(3995, 1166, "7", "Loa Santoa"),
(3996, 1166, "8", "Panama"),
(3997, 1166, "9", "Veraguas"),
(3998, 1166, "Q", "Comarca de San Blas"),
(3999, 1169, "CAL", "El Callao"),
(4000, 1169, "ANC", "Ancash"),
(4001, 1169, "APU", "Apurimac"),
(4002, 1169, "ARE", "Arequipa"),
(4003, 1169, "AYA", "Ayacucho"),
(4004, 1169, "CAJ", "Cajamarca"),
(4005, 1169, "CUS", "Cuzco"),
(4006, 1169, "HUV", "Huancavelica"),
(4007, 1169, "HUC", "Huanuco"),
(4008, 1169, "ICA", "Ica"),
(4009, 1169, "JUN", "Junin"),
(4010, 1169, "LAL", "La Libertad"),
(4011, 1169, "LAM", "Lambayeque"),
(4012, 1169, "LIM", "Lima"),
(4013, 1169, "LOR", "Loreto"),
(4014, 1169, "MDD", "Madre de Dios"),
(4015, 1169, "MOQ", "Moquegua"),
(4016, 1169, "PAS", "Pasco"),
(4017, 1169, "PIU", "Piura"),
(4018, 1169, "PUN", "Puno"),
(4019, 1169, "SAM", "San Martin"),
(4020, 1169, "TAC", "Tacna"),
(4021, 1169, "TUM", "Tumbes"),
(4022, 1169, "UCA", "Ucayali"),
(4023, 1167, "NCD", "National Capital District (Port Moresby)"),
(4024, 1167, "CPK", "Chimbu"),
(4025, 1167, "EHG", "Eastern Highlands"),
(4026, 1167, "EBR", "East New Britain"),
(4027, 1167, "ESW", "East Sepik"),
(4028, 1167, "EPW", "Enga"),
(4029, 1167, "GPK", "Gulf"),
(4030, 1167, "MPM", "Madang"),
(4031, 1167, "MRL", "Manus"),
(4032, 1167, "MBA", "Milne Bay"),
(4033, 1167, "MPL", "Morobe"),
(4034, 1167, "NIK", "New Ireland"),
(4035, 1167, "NSA", "North Solomons"),
(4036, 1167, "SAN", "Santaun"),
(4037, 1167, "SHM", "Southern Highlands"),
(4038, 1167, "WHM", "Western Highlands"),
(4039, 1167, "WBK", "West New Britain"),
(4040, 1170, "ABR", "Abra"),
(4041, 1170, "AGN", "Agusan del Norte"),
(4042, 1170, "AGS", "Agusan del Sur"),
(4043, 1170, "AKL", "Aklan"),
(4044, 1170, "ALB", "Albay"),
(4045, 1170, "ANT", "Antique"),
(4046, 1170, "APA", "Apayao"),
(4047, 1170, "AUR", "Aurora"),
(4048, 1170, "BAS", "Basilan"),
(4049, 1170, "BAN", "Bataan"),
(4050, 1170, "BTN", "Batanes"),
(4051, 1170, "BTG", "Batangas"),
(4052, 1170, "BEN", "Benguet"),
(4053, 1170, "BIL", "Biliran"),
(4054, 1170, "BOH", "Bohol"),
(4055, 1170, "BUK", "Bukidnon"),
(4056, 1170, "BUL", "Bulacan"),
(4057, 1170, "CAG", "Cagayan"),
(4058, 1170, "CAN", "Camarines Norte"),
(4059, 1170, "CAS", "Camarines Sur"),
(4060, 1170, "CAM", "Camiguin"),
(4061, 1170, "CAP", "Capiz"),
(4062, 1170, "CAT", "Catanduanes"),
(4063, 1170, "CAV", "Cavite"),
(4064, 1170, "CEB", "Cebu"),
(4065, 1170, "COM", "Compostela Valley"),
(4066, 1170, "DAV", "Davao"),
(4067, 1170, "DAS", "Davao del Sur"),
(4068, 1170, "DAO", "Davao Oriental"),
(4069, 1170, "EAS", "Eastern Samar"),
(4070, 1170, "GUI", "Guimaras"),
(4071, 1170, "IFU", "Ifugao"),
(4072, 1170, "ILN", "Ilocos Norte"),
(4073, 1170, "ILS", "Ilocos Sur"),
(4074, 1170, "ILI", "Iloilo"),
(4075, 1170, "ISA", "Isabela"),
(4076, 1170, "KAL", "Kalinga-Apayso"),
(4077, 1170, "LAG", "Laguna"),
(4078, 1170, "LAN", "Lanao del Norte"),
(4079, 1170, "LAS", "Lanao del Sur"),
(4080, 1170, "LUN", "La Union"),
(4081, 1170, "LEY", "Leyte"),
(4082, 1170, "MAG", "Maguindanao"),
(4083, 1170, "MAD", "Marinduque"),
(4084, 1170, "MAS", "Masbate"),
(4085, 1170, "MDC", "Mindoro Occidental"),
(4086, 1170, "MDR", "Mindoro Oriental"),
(4087, 1170, "MSC", "Misamis Occidental"),
(4088, 1170, "MSR", "Misamis Oriental"),
(4089, 1170, "MOU", "Mountain Province"),
(4090, 1170, "NEC", "Negroe Occidental"),
(4091, 1170, "NER", "Negros Oriental"),
(4092, 1170, "NCO", "North Cotabato"),
(4093, 1170, "NSA", "Northern Samar"),
(4094, 1170, "NUE", "Nueva Ecija"),
(4095, 1170, "NUV", "Nueva Vizcaya"),
(4096, 1170, "PLW", "Palawan"),
(4097, 1170, "PAM", "Pampanga"),
(4098, 1170, "PAN", "Pangasinan"),
(4099, 1170, "QUE", "Quezon"),
(4100, 1170, "QUI", "Quirino"),
(4101, 1170, "RIZ", "Rizal"),
(4102, 1170, "ROM", "Romblon"),
(4103, 1170, "SAR", "Sarangani"),
(4104, 1170, "SIG", "Siquijor"),
(4105, 1170, "SOR", "Sorsogon"),
(4106, 1170, "SCO", "South Cotabato"),
(4107, 1170, "SLE", "Southern Leyte"),
(4108, 1170, "SUK", "Sultan Kudarat"),
(4109, 1170, "SLU", "Sulu"),
(4110, 1170, "SUN", "Surigao del Norte"),
(4111, 1170, "SUR", "Surigao del Sur"),
(4112, 1170, "TAR", "Tarlac"),
(4113, 1170, "TAW", "Tawi-Tawi"),
(4114, 1170, "WSA", "Western Samar"),
(4115, 1170, "ZMB", "Zambales"),
(4116, 1170, "ZAN", "Zamboanga del Norte"),
(4117, 1170, "ZAS", "Zamboanga del Sur"),
(4118, 1170, "ZSI", "Zamboanga Sibiguey"),
(4119, 1163, "IS", "Islamabad Federal Capital Area"),
(4120, 1163, "BA", "Baluchistan"),
(4121, 1163, "NW", "Khyber Pakhtun Khawa"),
(4122, 1163, "SD", "Sindh"),
(4123, 1163, "TA", "Federally Administered Tribal Areas"),
(4124, 1163, "JK", "Azad Kashmir"),
(4125, 1163, "NA", "Gilgit-Baltistan"),
(4126, 1173, "01", "Aveiro"),
(4127, 1173, "02", "Beja"),
(4128, 1173, "03", "Braga"),
(4129, 1173, "04", "Braganca"),
(4130, 1173, "05", "Castelo Branco"),
(4131, 1173, "06", "Colmbra"),
(4132, 1173, "07", "Ovora"),
(4133, 1173, "08", "Faro"),
(4134, 1173, "09", "Guarda"),
(4135, 1173, "10", "Leiria"),
(4136, 1173, "11", "Lisboa"),
(4137, 1173, "12", "Portalegre"),
(4138, 1173, "13", "Porto"),
(4139, 1173, "14", "Santarem"),
(4140, 1173, "15", "Setubal"),
(4141, 1173, "16", "Viana do Castelo"),
(4142, 1173, "17", "Vila Real"),
(4143, 1173, "18", "Viseu"),
(4144, 1173, "20", "Regiao Autonoma dos Acores"),
(4145, 1173, "30", "Regiao Autonoma da Madeira"),
(4146, 1168, "ASU", "Asuncion"),
(4147, 1168, "16", "Alto Paraguay"),
(4148, 1168, "10", "Alto Parana"),
(4149, 1168, "13", "Amambay"),
(4150, 1168, "19", "Boqueron"),
(4151, 1168, "5", "Caeguazu"),
(4152, 1168, "6", "Caazapl"),
(4153, 1168, "14", "Canindeyu"),
(4154, 1168, "1", "Concepcion"),
(4155, 1168, "3", "Cordillera"),
(4156, 1168, "4", "Guaira"),
(4157, 1168, "7", "Itapua"),
(4158, 1168, "8", "Miaiones"),
(4159, 1168, "12", "Neembucu"),
(4160, 1168, "9", "Paraguari"),
(4161, 1168, "15", "Presidente Hayes"),
(4162, 1168, "2", "San Pedro"),
(4163, 1175, "DA", "Ad Dawhah"),
(4164, 1175, "GH", "Al Ghuwayriyah"),
(4165, 1175, "JU", "Al Jumayliyah"),
(4166, 1175, "KH", "Al Khawr"),
(4167, 1175, "WA", "Al Wakrah"),
(4168, 1175, "RA", "Ar Rayyan"),
(4169, 1175, "JB", "Jariyan al Batnah"),
(4170, 1175, "MS", "Madinat ash Shamal"),
(4171, 1175, "US", "Umm Salal"),
(4172, 1176, "B", "Bucuresti"),
(4173, 1176, "AB", "Alba"),
(4174, 1176, "AR", "Arad"),
(4175, 1176, "AG", "Argeș"),
(4176, 1176, "BC", "Bacău"),
(4177, 1176, "BH", "Bihor"),
(4178, 1176, "BN", "Bistrița-Năsăud"),
(4179, 1176, "BT", "Botoșani"),
(4180, 1176, "BV", "Brașov"),
(4181, 1176, "BR", "Brăila"),
(4182, 1176, "BZ", "Buzău"),
(4183, 1176, "CS", "Caraș-Severin"),
(4184, 1176, "CL", "Călărași"),
(4185, 1176, "CJ", "Cluj"),
(4186, 1176, "CT", "Constanța"),
(4187, 1176, "CV", "Covasna"),
(4188, 1176, "DB", "Dâmbovița"),
(4189, 1176, "DJ", "Dolj"),
(4190, 1176, "GL", "Galați"),
(4191, 1176, "GR", "Giurgiu"),
(4192, 1176, "GJ", "Gorj"),
(4193, 1176, "HR", "Harghita"),
(4194, 1176, "HD", "Hunedoara"),
(4195, 1176, "IL", "Ialomița"),
(4196, 1176, "IS", "Iași"),
(4197, 1176, "IF", "Ilfov"),
(4198, 1176, "MM", "Maramureș"),
(4199, 1176, "MH", "Mehedinți"),
(4200, 1176, "MS", "Mureș"),
(4201, 1176, "NT", "Neamț"),
(4202, 1176, "OT", "Olt"),
(4203, 1176, "PH", "Prahova"),
(4204, 1176, "SM", "Satu Mare"),
(4205, 1176, "SJ", "Sălaj"),
(4206, 1176, "SB", "Sibiu"),
(4207, 1176, "SV", "Suceava"),
(4208, 1176, "TR", "Teleorman"),
(4209, 1176, "TM", "Timiș"),
(4210, 1176, "TL", "Tulcea"),
(4211, 1176, "VS", "Vaslui"),
(4212, 1176, "VL", "Vâlcea"),
(4213, 1176, "VN", "Vrancea"),
(4214, 1177, "AD", "Adygeya, Respublika"),
(4215, 1177, "AL", "Altay, Respublika"),
(4216, 1177, "BA", "Bashkortostan, Respublika"),
(4217, 1177, "BU", "Buryatiya, Respublika"),
(4218, 1177, "CE", "Chechenskaya Respublika"),
(4219, 1177, "CU", "Chuvashskaya Respublika"),
(4220, 1177, "DA", "Dagestan, Respublika"),
(4221, 1177, "IN", "Ingushskaya Respublika"),
(4222, 1177, "KB", "Kabardino-Balkarskaya"),
(4223, 1177, "KL", "Kalmykiya, Respublika"),
(4224, 1177, "KC", "Karachayevo-Cherkesskaya Respublika"),
(4225, 1177, "KR", "Kareliya, Respublika"),
(4226, 1177, "KK", "Khakasiya, Respublika"),
(4227, 1177, "KO", "Komi, Respublika"),
(4228, 1177, "ME", "Mariy El, Respublika"),
(4229, 1177, "MO", "Mordoviya, Respublika"),
(4230, 1177, "SA", "Sakha, Respublika [Yakutiya]"),
(4231, 1177, "SE", "Severnaya Osetiya, Respublika"),
(4232, 1177, "TA", "Tatarstan, Respublika"),
(4233, 1177, "TY", "Tyva, Respublika [Tuva]"),
(4234, 1177, "UD", "Udmurtskaya Respublika"),
(4235, 1177, "ALT", "Altayskiy kray"),
(4236, 1177, "KHA", "Khabarovskiy kray"),
(4237, 1177, "KDA", "Krasnodarskiy kray"),
(4238, 1177, "KYA", "Krasnoyarskiy kray"),
(4239, 1177, "PRI", "Primorskiy kray"),
(4240, 1177, "STA", "Stavropol\'skiy kray"),
(4241, 1177, "AMU", "Amurskaya oblast\'"),
(4242, 1177, "ARK", "Arkhangel\'skaya oblast\'"),
(4243, 1177, "AST", "Astrakhanskaya oblast\'"),
(4244, 1177, "BEL", "Belgorodskaya oblast\'"),
(4245, 1177, "BRY", "Bryanskaya oblast\'"),
(4246, 1177, "CHE", "Chelyabinskaya oblast\'"),
(4247, 1177, "ZSK", "Zabaykalsky Krai\'"),
(4248, 1177, "IRK", "Irkutskaya oblast\'"),
(4249, 1177, "IVA", "Ivanovskaya oblast\'"),
(4250, 1177, "KGD", "Kaliningradskaya oblast\'"),
(4251, 1177, "KLU", "Kaluzhskaya oblast\'"),
(4252, 1177, "KAM", "Kamchatka Krai\'"),
(4253, 1177, "KEM", "Kemerovskaya oblast\'"),
(4254, 1177, "KIR", "Kirovskaya oblast\'"),
(4255, 1177, "KOS", "Kostromskaya oblast\'"),
(4256, 1177, "KGN", "Kurganskaya oblast\'"),
(4257, 1177, "KRS", "Kurskaya oblast\'"),
(4258, 1177, "LEN", "Leningradskaya oblast\'"),
(4259, 1177, "LIP", "Lipetskaya oblast\'"),
(4260, 1177, "MAG", "Magadanskaya oblast\'"),
(4261, 1177, "MOS", "Moskovskaya oblast\'"),
(4262, 1177, "MUR", "Murmanskaya oblast\'"),
(4263, 1177, "NIZ", "Nizhegorodskaya oblast\'"),
(4264, 1177, "NGR", "Novgorodskaya oblast\'"),
(4265, 1177, "NVS", "Novosibirskaya oblast\'"),
(4266, 1177, "OMS", "Omskaya oblast\'"),
(4267, 1177, "ORE", "Orenburgskaya oblast\'"),
(4268, 1177, "ORL", "Orlovskaya oblast\'"),
(4269, 1177, "PNZ", "Penzenskaya oblast\'"),
(4270, 1177, "PEK", "Perm krai\'"),
(4271, 1177, "PSK", "Pskovskaya oblast\'"),
(4272, 1177, "ROS", "Rostovskaya oblast\'"),
(4273, 1177, "RYA", "Ryazanskaya oblast\'"),
(4274, 1177, "SAK", "Sakhalinskaya oblast\'"),
(4275, 1177, "SAM", "Samarskaya oblast\'"),
(4276, 1177, "SAR", "Saratovskaya oblast\'"),
(4277, 1177, "SMO", "Smolenskaya oblast\'"),
(4278, 1177, "SVE", "Sverdlovskaya oblast\'"),
(4279, 1177, "TAM", "Tambovskaya oblast\'"),
(4280, 1177, "TOM", "Tomskaya oblast\'"),
(4281, 1177, "TUL", "Tul\'skaya oblast\'"),
(4282, 1177, "TVE", "Tverskaya oblast\'"),
(4283, 1177, "TYU", "Tyumenskaya oblast\'"),
(4284, 1177, "ULY", "Ul\'yanovskaya oblast\'"),
(4285, 1177, "VLA", "Vladimirskaya oblast\'"),
(4286, 1177, "VGG", "Volgogradskaya oblast\'"),
(4287, 1177, "VLG", "Vologodskaya oblast\'"),
(4288, 1177, "VOR", "Voronezhskaya oblast\'"),
(4289, 1177, "YAR", "Yaroslavskaya oblast\'"),
(4290, 1177, "MOW", "Moskva"),
(4291, 1177, "SPE", "Sankt-Peterburg"),
(4292, 1177, "YEV", "Yevreyskaya avtonomnaya oblast\'"),
(4294, 1177, "CHU", "Chukotskiy avtonomnyy okrug"),
(4296, 1177, "KHM", "Khanty-Mansiyskiy avtonomnyy okrug"),
(4299, 1177, "NEN", "Nenetskiy avtonomnyy okrug"),
(4302, 1177, "YAN", "Yamalo-Nenetskiy avtonomnyy okrug"),
(4303, 1178, "C", "Butare"),
(4304, 1178, "I", "Byumba"),
(4305, 1178, "E", "Cyangugu"),
(4306, 1178, "D", "Gikongoro"),
(4307, 1178, "G", "Gisenyi"),
(4308, 1178, "B", "Gitarama"),
(4309, 1178, "J", "Kibungo"),
(4310, 1178, "F", "Kibuye"),
(4311, 1178, "K", "Kigali-Rural Kigali y\' Icyaro"),
(4312, 1178, "L", "Kigali-Ville Kigali Ngari"),
(4313, 1178, "M", "Mutara"),
(4314, 1178, "H", "Ruhengeri"),
(4315, 1187, "11", "Al Bahah"),
(4316, 1187, "08", "Al Hudud Ash Shamaliyah"),
(4317, 1187, "12", "Al Jawf"),
(4318, 1187, "03", "Al Madinah"),
(4319, 1187, "05", "Al Qasim"),
(4320, 1187, "01", "Ar Riyad"),
(4321, 1187, "14", "Asir"),
(4322, 1187, "06", "Ha\'il"),
(4323, 1187, "09", "Jlzan"),
(4324, 1187, "02", "Makkah"),
(4325, 1187, "10", "Najran"),
(4326, 1187, "07", "Tabuk"),
(4327, 1194, "CT", "Capital Territory (Honiara)"),
(4328, 1194, "GU", "Guadalcanal"),
(4329, 1194, "IS", "Isabel"),
(4330, 1194, "MK", "Makira"),
(4331, 1194, "ML", "Malaita"),
(4332, 1194, "TE", "Temotu"),
(4333, 1200, "23", "A\'ali an Nil"),
(4334, 1200, "26", "Al Bah al Ahmar"),
(4335, 1200, "18", "Al Buhayrat"),
(4336, 1200, "07", "Al Jazirah"),
(4337, 1200, "03", "Al Khartum"),
(4338, 1200, "06", "Al Qadarif"),
(4339, 1200, "22", "Al Wahdah"),
(4340, 1200, "04", "An Nil"),
(4341, 1200, "08", "An Nil al Abyaq"),
(4342, 1200, "24", "An Nil al Azraq"),
(4343, 1200, "01", "Ash Shamallyah"),
(4344, 1200, "17", "Bahr al Jabal"),
(4345, 1200, "16", "Gharb al Istiwa\'iyah"),
(4346, 1200, "14", "Gharb Ba~r al Ghazal"),
(4347, 1200, "12", "Gharb Darfur"),
(4348, 1200, "10", "Gharb Kurdufan"),
(4349, 1200, "11", "Janub Darfur"),
(4350, 1200, "13", "Janub Rurdufan"),
(4351, 1200, "20", "Jnqall"),
(4352, 1200, "05", "Kassala"),
(4353, 1200, "15", "Shamal Batr al Ghazal"),
(4354, 1200, "02", "Shamal Darfur"),
(4355, 1200, "09", "Shamal Kurdufan"),
(4356, 1200, "19", "Sharq al Istiwa\'iyah"),
(4357, 1200, "25", "Sinnar"),
(4358, 1200, "21", "Warab"),
(4359, 1204, "K", "Blekinge län"),
(4360, 1204, "W", "Dalarnas län"),
(4361, 1204, "I", "Gotlands län"),
(4362, 1204, "X", "Gävleborgs län"),
(4363, 1204, "N", "Hallands län"),
(4364, 1204, "Z", "Jämtlands län"),
(4365, 1204, "F", "Jönkopings län"),
(4366, 1204, "H", "Kalmar län"),
(4367, 1204, "G", "Kronobergs län"),
(4368, 1204, "BD", "Norrbottens län"),
(4369, 1204, "M", "Skåne län"),
(4370, 1204, "AB", "Stockholms län"),
(4371, 1204, "D", "Södermanlands län"),
(4372, 1204, "C", "Uppsala län"),
(4373, 1204, "S", "Värmlands län"),
(4374, 1204, "AC", "Västerbottens län"),
(4375, 1204, "Y", "Västernorrlands län"),
(4376, 1204, "U", "Västmanlands län"),
(4377, 1204, "Q", "Västra Götalands län"),
(4378, 1204, "T", "Örebro län"),
(4379, 1204, "E", "Östergötlands län"),
(4380, 1180, "SH", "Saint Helena"),
(4381, 1180, "AC", "Ascension"),
(4382, 1180, "TA", "Tristan da Cunha"),
(4383, 1193, "001", "Ajdovščina"),
(4384, 1193, "002", "Beltinci"),
(4385, 1193, "148", "Benedikt"),
(4386, 1193, "149", "Bistrica ob Sotli"),
(4387, 1193, "003", "Bled"),
(4388, 1193, "150", "Bloke"),
(4389, 1193, "004", "Bohinj"),
(4390, 1193, "005", "Borovnica"),
(4391, 1193, "006", "Bovec"),
(4392, 1193, "151", "Braslovče"),
(4393, 1193, "007", "Brda"),
(4394, 1193, "008", "Brezovica"),
(4395, 1193, "009", "Brežice"),
(4396, 1193, "152", "Cankova"),
(4397, 1193, "011", "Celje"),
(4398, 1193, "012", "Cerklje na Gorenjskem"),
(4399, 1193, "013", "Cerknica"),
(4400, 1193, "014", "Cerkno"),
(4401, 1193, "153", "Cerkvenjak"),
(4402, 1193, "015", "Črenšovci"),
(4403, 1193, "016", "Črna na Koroškem"),
(4404, 1193, "017", "Črnomelj"),
(4405, 1193, "018", "Destrnik"),
(4406, 1193, "019", "Divača"),
(4407, 1193, "154", "Dobje"),
(4408, 1193, "020", "Dobrepolje"),
(4409, 1193, "155", "Dobrna"),
(4410, 1193, "021", "Dobrova-Polhov Gradec"),
(4411, 1193, "156", "Dobrovnik"),
(4412, 1193, "022", "Dol pri Ljubljani"),
(4413, 1193, "157", "Dolenjske Toplice"),
(4414, 1193, "023", "Domžale"),
(4415, 1193, "024", "Dornava"),
(4416, 1193, "025", "Dravograd"),
(4417, 1193, "026", "Duplek"),
(4418, 1193, "027", "Gorenja vas-Poljane"),
(4419, 1193, "028", "Gorišnica"),
(4420, 1193, "029", "Gornja Radgona"),
(4421, 1193, "030", "Gornji Grad"),
(4422, 1193, "031", "Gornji Petrovci"),
(4423, 1193, "158", "Grad"),
(4424, 1193, "032", "Grosuplje"),
(4425, 1193, "159", "Hajdina"),
(4426, 1193, "160", "Hoče-Slivnica"),
(4427, 1193, "161", "Hodoš"),
(4428, 1193, "162", "Horjul"),
(4429, 1193, "034", "Hrastnik"),
(4430, 1193, "035", "Hrpelje-Kozina"),
(4431, 1193, "036", "Idrija"),
(4432, 1193, "037", "Ig"),
(4433, 1193, "038", "Ilirska Bistrica"),
(4434, 1193, "039", "Ivančna Gorica"),
(4435, 1193, "040", "Izola"),
(4436, 1193, "041", "Jesenice"),
(4437, 1193, "163", "Jezersko"),
(4438, 1193, "042", "Juršinci"),
(4439, 1193, "043", "Kamnik"),
(4440, 1193, "044", "Kanal"),
(4441, 1193, "045", "Kidričevo"),
(4442, 1193, "046", "Kobarid"),
(4443, 1193, "047", "Kobilje"),
(4444, 1193, "048", "Kočevje"),
(4445, 1193, "049", "Komen"),
(4446, 1193, "164", "Komenda"),
(4447, 1193, "050", "Koper"),
(4448, 1193, "165", "Kostel"),
(4449, 1193, "051", "Kozje"),
(4450, 1193, "052", "Kranj"),
(4451, 1193, "053", "Kranjska Gora"),
(4452, 1193, "166", "Križevci"),
(4453, 1193, "054", "Krško"),
(4454, 1193, "055", "Kungota"),
(4455, 1193, "056", "Kuzma"),
(4456, 1193, "057", "Laško"),
(4457, 1193, "058", "Lenart"),
(4458, 1193, "059", "Lendava"),
(4459, 1193, "060", "Litija"),
(4460, 1193, "061", "Ljubljana"),
(4461, 1193, "062", "Ljubno"),
(4462, 1193, "063", "Ljutomer"),
(4463, 1193, "064", "Logatec"),
(4464, 1193, "065", "Loška dolina"),
(4465, 1193, "066", "Loški Potok"),
(4466, 1193, "167", "Lovrenc na Pohorju"),
(4467, 1193, "067", "Luče"),
(4468, 1193, "068", "Lukovica"),
(4469, 1193, "069", "Majšperk"),
(4470, 1193, "070", "Maribor"),
(4471, 1193, "168", "Markovci"),
(4472, 1193, "071", "Medvode"),
(4473, 1193, "072", "Mengeš"),
(4474, 1193, "073", "Metlika"),
(4475, 1193, "074", "Mežica"),
(4476, 1193, "169", "Miklavž na Dravskem polju"),
(4477, 1193, "075", "Miren-Kostanjevica"),
(4478, 1193, "170", "Mirna Peč"),
(4479, 1193, "076", "Mislinja"),
(4480, 1193, "077", "Moravče"),
(4481, 1193, "078", "Moravske Toplice"),
(4482, 1193, "079", "Mozirje"),
(4483, 1193, "080", "Murska Sobota"),
(4484, 1193, "081", "Muta"),
(4485, 1193, "082", "Naklo"),
(4486, 1193, "083", "Nazarje"),
(4487, 1193, "084", "Nova Gorica"),
(4488, 1193, "085", "Novo mesto"),
(4489, 1193, "181", "Sveta Ana"),
(4490, 1193, "182", "Sveti Andraž v Slovenskih goricah"),
(4491, 1193, "116", "Sveti Jurij"),
(4492, 1193, "033", "Šalovci"),
(4493, 1193, "183", "Šempeter-Vrtojba"),
(4494, 1193, "117", "Šenčur"),
(4495, 1193, "118", "Šentilj"),
(4496, 1193, "119", "Šentjernej"),
(4497, 1193, "120", "Šentjur"),
(4498, 1193, "121", "Škocjan"),
(4499, 1193, "122", "Škofja Loka"),
(4500, 1193, "123", "Škofljica"),
(4501, 1193, "124", "Šmarje pri Jelšah"),
(4502, 1193, "125", "Šmartno ob Paki"),
(4503, 1193, "194", "Šmartno pri Litiji"),
(4504, 1193, "126", "Šoštanj"),
(4505, 1193, "127", "Štore"),
(4506, 1193, "184", "Tabor"),
(4507, 1193, "010", "Tišina"),
(4508, 1193, "128", "Tolmin"),
(4509, 1193, "129", "Trbovlje"),
(4510, 1193, "130", "Trebnje"),
(4511, 1193, "185", "Trnovska vas"),
(4512, 1193, "131", "Tržič"),
(4513, 1193, "186", "Trzin"),
(4514, 1193, "132", "Turnišče"),
(4515, 1193, "133", "Velenje"),
(4516, 1193, "187", "Velika Polana"),
(4517, 1193, "134", "Velike Lašče"),
(4518, 1193, "188", "Veržej"),
(4519, 1193, "135", "Videm"),
(4520, 1193, "136", "Vipava"),
(4521, 1193, "137", "Vitanje"),
(4522, 1193, "138", "Vojnik"),
(4523, 1193, "189", "Vransko"),
(4524, 1193, "140", "Vrhnika"),
(4525, 1193, "141", "Vuzenica"),
(4526, 1193, "142", "Zagorje ob Savi"),
(4527, 1193, "143", "Zavrč"),
(4528, 1193, "144", "Zreče"),
(4529, 1193, "190", "Žalec"),
(4530, 1193, "146", "Železniki"),
(4531, 1193, "191", "Žetale"),
(4532, 1193, "147", "Žiri"),
(4533, 1193, "192", "Žirovnica"),
(4534, 1193, "193", "Žužemberk"),
(4535, 1192, "BC", "Banskobystrický kraj"),
(4536, 1192, "BL", "Bratislavský kraj"),
(4537, 1192, "KI", "Košický kraj"),
(4538, 1192, "NJ", "Nitriansky kraj"),
(4539, 1192, "PV", "Prešovský kraj"),
(4540, 1192, "TC", "Trenčiansky kraj"),
(4541, 1192, "TA", "Trnavský kraj"),
(4542, 1192, "ZI", "Žilinský kraj"),
(4543, 1190, "W", "Western Area (Freetown)"),
(4544, 1188, "DK", "Dakar"),
(4545, 1188, "DB", "Diourbel"),
(4546, 1188, "FK", "Fatick"),
(4547, 1188, "KL", "Kaolack"),
(4548, 1188, "KD", "Kolda"),
(4549, 1188, "LG", "Louga"),
(4550, 1188, "MT", "Matam"),
(4551, 1188, "SL", "Saint-Louis"),
(4552, 1188, "TC", "Tambacounda"),
(4553, 1188, "TH", "Thies"),
(4554, 1188, "ZG", "Ziguinchor"),
(4555, 1195, "AW", "Awdal"),
(4556, 1195, "BK", "Bakool"),
(4557, 1195, "BN", "Banaadir"),
(4558, 1195, "BY", "Bay"),
(4559, 1195, "GA", "Galguduud"),
(4560, 1195, "GE", "Gedo"),
(4561, 1195, "HI", "Hiirsan"),
(4562, 1195, "JD", "Jubbada Dhexe"),
(4563, 1195, "JH", "Jubbada Hoose"),
(4564, 1195, "MU", "Mudug"),
(4565, 1195, "NU", "Nugaal"),
(4566, 1195, "SA", "Saneag"),
(4567, 1195, "SD", "Shabeellaha Dhexe"),
(4568, 1195, "SH", "Shabeellaha Hoose"),
(4569, 1195, "SO", "Sool"),
(4570, 1195, "TO", "Togdheer"),
(4571, 1195, "WO", "Woqooyi Galbeed"),
(4572, 1201, "BR", "Brokopondo"),
(4573, 1201, "CM", "Commewijne"),
(4574, 1201, "CR", "Coronie"),
(4575, 1201, "MA", "Marowijne"),
(4576, 1201, "NI", "Nickerie"),
(4577, 1201, "PM", "Paramaribo"),
(4578, 1201, "SA", "Saramacca"),
(4579, 1201, "SI", "Sipaliwini"),
(4580, 1201, "WA", "Wanica"),
(4581, 1207, "P", "Principe"),
(4582, 1207, "S", "Sao Tome"),
(4583, 1066, "AH", "Ahuachapan"),
(4584, 1066, "CA", "Cabanas"),
(4585, 1066, "CU", "Cuscatlan"),
(4586, 1066, "CH", "Chalatenango"),
(4587, 1066, "MO", "Morazan"),
(4588, 1066, "SM", "San Miguel"),
(4589, 1066, "SS", "San Salvador"),
(4590, 1066, "SA", "Santa Ana"),
(4591, 1066, "SV", "San Vicente"),
(4592, 1066, "SO", "Sonsonate"),
(4593, 1066, "US", "Usulutan"),
(4594, 1206, "HA", "Al Hasakah"),
(4595, 1206, "LA", "Al Ladhiqiyah"),
(4596, 1206, "QU", "Al Qunaytirah"),
(4597, 1206, "RA", "Ar Raqqah"),
(4598, 1206, "SU", "As Suwayda\'"),
(4599, 1206, "DR", "Dar\'a"),
(4600, 1206, "DY", "Dayr az Zawr"),
(4601, 1206, "DI", "Dimashq"),
(4602, 1206, "HL", "Halab"),
(4603, 1206, "HM", "Hamah"),
(4604, 1206, "HI", "Jim\'"),
(4605, 1206, "ID", "Idlib"),
(4606, 1206, "RD", "Rif Dimashq"),
(4607, 1206, "TA", "Tarts"),
(4608, 1203, "HH", "Hhohho"),
(4609, 1203, "LU", "Lubombo"),
(4610, 1203, "MA", "Manzini"),
(4611, 1203, "SH", "Shiselweni"),
(4612, 1043, "BA", "Batha"),
(4613, 1043, "BI", "Biltine"),
(4614, 1043, "BET", "Borkou-Ennedi-Tibesti"),
(4615, 1043, "CB", "Chari-Baguirmi"),
(4616, 1043, "GR", "Guera"),
(4617, 1043, "KA", "Kanem"),
(4618, 1043, "LC", "Lac"),
(4619, 1043, "LO", "Logone-Occidental"),
(4620, 1043, "LR", "Logone-Oriental"),
(4621, 1043, "MK", "Mayo-Kebbi"),
(4622, 1043, "MC", "Moyen-Chari"),
(4623, 1043, "OD", "Ouaddai"),
(4624, 1043, "SA", "Salamat"),
(4625, 1043, "TA", "Tandjile"),
(4626, 1214, "K", "Kara"),
(4627, 1214, "M", "Maritime (Region)"),
(4628, 1214, "S", "Savannes"),
(4629, 1211, "10", "Krung Thep Maha Nakhon Bangkok"),
(4630, 1211, "S", "Phatthaya"),
(4631, 1211, "37", "Amnat Charoen"),
(4632, 1211, "15", "Ang Thong"),
(4633, 1211, "31", "Buri Ram"),
(4634, 1211, "24", "Chachoengsao"),
(4635, 1211, "18", "Chai Nat"),
(4636, 1211, "36", "Chaiyaphum"),
(4637, 1211, "22", "Chanthaburi"),
(4638, 1211, "50", "Chiang Mai"),
(4639, 1211, "57", "Chiang Rai"),
(4640, 1211, "20", "Chon Buri"),
(4641, 1211, "86", "Chumphon"),
(4642, 1211, "46", "Kalasin"),
(4643, 1211, "62", "Kamphasng Phet"),
(4644, 1211, "71", "Kanchanaburi"),
(4645, 1211, "40", "Khon Kaen"),
(4646, 1211, "81", "Krabi"),
(4647, 1211, "52", "Lampang"),
(4648, 1211, "51", "Lamphun"),
(4649, 1211, "42", "Loei"),
(4650, 1211, "16", "Lop Buri"),
(4651, 1211, "58", "Mae Hong Son"),
(4652, 1211, "44", "Maha Sarakham"),
(4653, 1211, "49", "Mukdahan"),
(4654, 1211, "26", "Nakhon Nayok"),
(4655, 1211, "73", "Nakhon Pathom"),
(4656, 1211, "48", "Nakhon Phanom"),
(4657, 1211, "30", "Nakhon Ratchasima"),
(4658, 1211, "60", "Nakhon Sawan"),
(4659, 1211, "80", "Nakhon Si Thammarat"),
(4660, 1211, "55", "Nan"),
(4661, 1211, "96", "Narathiwat"),
(4662, 1211, "39", "Nong Bua Lam Phu"),
(4663, 1211, "43", "Nong Khai"),
(4664, 1211, "12", "Nonthaburi"),
(4665, 1211, "13", "Pathum Thani"),
(4666, 1211, "94", "Pattani"),
(4667, 1211, "82", "Phangnga"),
(4668, 1211, "93", "Phatthalung"),
(4669, 1211, "56", "Phayao"),
(4670, 1211, "67", "Phetchabun"),
(4671, 1211, "76", "Phetchaburi"),
(4672, 1211, "66", "Phichit"),
(4673, 1211, "65", "Phitsanulok"),
(4674, 1211, "54", "Phrae"),
(4675, 1211, "14", "Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya"),
(4676, 1211, "83", "Phuket"),
(4677, 1211, "25", "Prachin Buri"),
(4678, 1211, "77", "Prachuap Khiri Khan"),
(4679, 1211, "85", "Ranong"),
(4680, 1211, "70", "Ratchaburi"),
(4681, 1211, "21", "Rayong"),
(4682, 1211, "45", "Roi Et"),
(4683, 1211, "27", "Sa Kaeo"),
(4684, 1211, "47", "Sakon Nakhon"),
(4685, 1211, "11", "Samut Prakan"),
(4686, 1211, "74", "Samut Sakhon"),
(4687, 1211, "75", "Samut Songkhram"),
(4688, 1211, "19", "Saraburi"),
(4689, 1211, "91", "Satun"),
(4690, 1211, "17", "Sing Buri"),
(4691, 1211, "33", "Si Sa Ket"),
(4692, 1211, "90", "Songkhla"),
(4693, 1211, "64", "Sukhothai"),
(4694, 1211, "72", "Suphan Buri"),
(4695, 1211, "84", "Surat Thani"),
(4696, 1211, "32", "Surin"),
(4697, 1211, "63", "Tak"),
(4698, 1211, "92", "Trang"),
(4699, 1211, "23", "Trat"),
(4700, 1211, "34", "Ubon Ratchathani"),
(4701, 1211, "41", "Udon Thani"),
(4702, 1211, "61", "Uthai Thani"),
(4703, 1211, "53", "Uttaradit"),
(4704, 1211, "95", "Yala"),
(4705, 1211, "35", "Yasothon"),
(4706, 1209, "SU", "Sughd"),
(4707, 1209, "KT", "Khatlon"),
(4708, 1209, "GB", "Gorno-Badakhshan"),
(4709, 1220, "A", "Ahal"),
(4710, 1220, "B", "Balkan"),
(4711, 1220, "D", "Dasoguz"),
(4712, 1220, "L", "Lebap"),
(4713, 1220, "M", "Mary"),
(4714, 1218, "31", "Béja"),
(4715, 1218, "13", "Ben Arous"),
(4716, 1218, "23", "Bizerte"),
(4717, 1218, "81", "Gabès"),
(4718, 1218, "71", "Gafsa"),
(4719, 1218, "32", "Jendouba"),
(4720, 1218, "41", "Kairouan"),
(4721, 1218, "42", "Rasserine"),
(4722, 1218, "73", "Kebili"),
(4723, 1218, "12", "L\'Ariana"),
(4724, 1218, "33", "Le Ref"),
(4725, 1218, "53", "Mahdia"),
(4726, 1218, "14", "La Manouba"),
(4727, 1218, "82", "Medenine"),
(4728, 1218, "52", "Moneatir"),
(4729, 1218, "21", "Naboul"),
(4730, 1218, "61", "Sfax"),
(4731, 1218, "43", "Sidi Bouxid"),
(4732, 1218, "34", "Siliana"),
(4733, 1218, "51", "Sousse"),
(4734, 1218, "83", "Tataouine"),
(4735, 1218, "72", "Tozeur"),
(4736, 1218, "11", "Tunis"),
(4737, 1218, "22", "Zaghouan"),
(4738, 1219, "01", "Adana"),
(4739, 1219, "02", "Ad yaman"),
(4740, 1219, "03", "Afyon"),
(4741, 1219, "04", "Ag r"),
(4742, 1219, "68", "Aksaray"),
(4743, 1219, "05", "Amasya"),
(4744, 1219, "06", "Ankara"),
(4745, 1219, "07", "Antalya"),
(4746, 1219, "75", "Ardahan"),
(4747, 1219, "08", "Artvin"),
(4748, 1219, "09", "Aydin"),
(4749, 1219, "10", "Bal kesir"),
(4750, 1219, "74", "Bartin"),
(4751, 1219, "72", "Batman"),
(4752, 1219, "69", "Bayburt"),
(4753, 1219, "11", "Bilecik"),
(4754, 1219, "12", "Bingol"),
(4755, 1219, "13", "Bitlis"),
(4756, 1219, "14", "Bolu"),
(4757, 1219, "15", "Burdur"),
(4758, 1219, "16", "Bursa"),
(4759, 1219, "17", "Canakkale"),
(4760, 1219, "18", "Cankir"),
(4761, 1219, "19", "Corum"),
(4762, 1219, "20", "Denizli"),
(4763, 1219, "21", "Diyarbakir"),
(4764, 1219, "81", "Duzce"),
(4765, 1219, "22", "Edirne"),
(4766, 1219, "23", "Elazig"),
(4767, 1219, "24", "Erzincan"),
(4768, 1219, "25", "Erzurum"),
(4769, 1219, "26", "Eskis\'ehir"),
(4770, 1219, "27", "Gaziantep"),
(4771, 1219, "28", "Giresun"),
(4772, 1219, "29", "Gms\'hane"),
(4773, 1219, "30", "Hakkari"),
(4774, 1219, "31", "Hatay"),
(4775, 1219, "76", "Igidir"),
(4776, 1219, "32", "Isparta"),
(4777, 1219, "33", "Icel"),
(4778, 1219, "34", "Istanbul"),
(4779, 1219, "35", "Izmir"),
(4780, 1219, "46", "Kahramanmaras"),
(4781, 1219, "78", "Karabk"),
(4782, 1219, "70", "Karaman"),
(4783, 1219, "36", "Kars"),
(4784, 1219, "37", "Kastamonu"),
(4785, 1219, "38", "Kayseri"),
(4786, 1219, "71", "Kirikkale"),
(4787, 1219, "39", "Kirklareli"),
(4788, 1219, "40", "Kirs\'ehir"),
(4789, 1219, "79", "Kilis"),
(4790, 1219, "41", "Kocaeli"),
(4791, 1219, "42", "Konya"),
(4792, 1219, "43", "Ktahya"),
(4793, 1219, "44", "Malatya"),
(4794, 1219, "45", "Manisa"),
(4795, 1219, "47", "Mardin"),
(4796, 1219, "48", "Mugila"),
(4797, 1219, "49", "Mus"),
(4798, 1219, "50", "Nevs\'ehir"),
(4799, 1219, "51", "Nigide"),
(4800, 1219, "52", "Ordu"),
(4801, 1219, "80", "Osmaniye"),
(4802, 1219, "53", "Rize"),
(4803, 1219, "54", "Sakarya"),
(4804, 1219, "55", "Samsun"),
(4805, 1219, "56", "Siirt"),
(4806, 1219, "57", "Sinop"),
(4807, 1219, "58", "Sivas"),
(4808, 1219, "63", "S\'anliurfa"),
(4809, 1219, "73", "S\'rnak"),
(4810, 1219, "59", "Tekirdag"),
(4811, 1219, "60", "Tokat"),
(4812, 1219, "61", "Trabzon"),
(4813, 1219, "62", "Tunceli"),
(4814, 1219, "64", "Us\'ak"),
(4815, 1219, "65", "Van"),
(4816, 1219, "77", "Yalova"),
(4817, 1219, "66", "Yozgat"),
(4818, 1219, "67", "Zonguldak"),
(4819, 1217, "CTT", "Couva-Tabaquite-Talparo"),
(4820, 1217, "DMN", "Diego Martin"),
(4821, 1217, "ETO", "Eastern Tobago"),
(4822, 1217, "PED", "Penal-Debe"),
(4823, 1217, "PRT", "Princes Town"),
(4824, 1217, "RCM", "Rio Claro-Mayaro"),
(4825, 1217, "SGE", "Sangre Grande"),
(4826, 1217, "SJL", "San Juan-Laventille"),
(4827, 1217, "SIP", "Siparia"),
(4828, 1217, "TUP", "Tunapuna-Piarco"),
(4829, 1217, "WTO", "Western Tobago"),
(4830, 1217, "ARI", "Arima"),
(4831, 1217, "CHA", "Chaguanas"),
(4832, 1217, "PTF", "Point Fortin"),
(4833, 1217, "POS", "Port of Spain"),
(4834, 1217, "SFO", "San Fernando"),
(4835, 1063, "AL", "Aileu"),
(4836, 1063, "AN", "Ainaro"),
(4837, 1063, "BA", "Bacucau"),
(4838, 1063, "BO", "Bobonaro"),
(4839, 1063, "CO", "Cova Lima"),
(4840, 1063, "DI", "Dili"),
(4841, 1063, "ER", "Ermera"),
(4842, 1063, "LA", "Laulem"),
(4843, 1063, "LI", "Liquica"),
(4844, 1063, "MT", "Manatuto"),
(4845, 1063, "MF", "Manafahi"),
(4846, 1063, "OE", "Oecussi"),
(4847, 1063, "VI", "Viqueque"),
(4848, 1208, "CHA", "Changhua County"),
(4849, 1208, "CYQ", "Chiayi County"),
(4850, 1208, "HSQ", "Hsinchu County"),
(4851, 1208, "HUA", "Hualien County"),
(4852, 1208, "ILA", "Ilan County"),
(4853, 1208, "KHQ", "Kaohsiung County"),
(4854, 1208, "MIA", "Miaoli County"),
(4855, 1208, "NAN", "Nantou County"),
(4856, 1208, "PEN", "Penghu County"),
(4857, 1208, "PIF", "Pingtung County"),
(4858, 1208, "TXQ", "Taichung County"),
(4859, 1208, "TNQ", "Tainan County"),
(4860, 1208, "TPQ", "Taipei County"),
(4861, 1208, "TTT", "Taitung County"),
(4862, 1208, "TAO", "Taoyuan County"),
(4863, 1208, "YUN", "Yunlin County"),
(4864, 1208, "KEE", "Keelung City"),
(4865, 1210, "01", "Arusha"),
(4866, 1210, "02", "Dar-es-Salaam"),
(4867, 1210, "03", "Dodoma"),
(4868, 1210, "04", "Iringa"),
(4869, 1210, "05", "Kagera"),
(4870, 1210, "06", "Kaskazini Pemba"),
(4871, 1210, "07", "Kaskazini Unguja"),
(4872, 1210, "08", "Xigoma"),
(4873, 1210, "09", "Kilimanjaro"),
(4874, 1210, "10", "Rusini Pemba"),
(4875, 1210, "11", "Kusini Unguja"),
(4876, 1210, "12", "Lindi"),
(4877, 1210, "26", "Manyara"),
(4878, 1210, "13", "Mara"),
(4879, 1210, "14", "Mbeya"),
(4880, 1210, "15", "Mjini Magharibi"),
(4881, 1210, "16", "Morogoro"),
(4882, 1210, "17", "Mtwara"),
(4883, 1210, "19", "Pwani"),
(4884, 1210, "20", "Rukwa"),
(4885, 1210, "21", "Ruvuma"),
(4886, 1210, "22", "Shinyanga"),
(4887, 1210, "23", "Singida"),
(4888, 1210, "24", "Tabora"),
(4889, 1210, "25", "Tanga"),
(4890, 1224, "71", "Cherkas\'ka Oblast\'"),
(4891, 1224, "74", "Chernihivs\'ka Oblast\'"),
(4892, 1224, "77", "Chernivets\'ka Oblast\'"),
(4893, 1224, "12", "Dnipropetrovs\'ka Oblast\'"),
(4894, 1224, "14", "Donets\'ka Oblast\'"),
(4895, 1224, "26", "Ivano-Frankivs\'ka Oblast\'"),
(4896, 1224, "63", "Kharkivs\'ka Oblast\'"),
(4897, 1224, "65", "Khersons\'ka Oblast\'"),
(4898, 1224, "68", "Khmel\'nyts\'ka Oblast\'"),
(4899, 1224, "35", "Kirovohrads\'ka Oblast\'"),
(4900, 1224, "32", "Kyivs\'ka Oblast\'"),
(4901, 1224, "09", "Luhans\'ka Oblast\'"),
(4902, 1224, "46", "L\'vivs\'ka Oblast\'"),
(4903, 1224, "48", "Mykolaivs\'ka Oblast\'"),
(4904, 1224, "51", "Odes \'ka Oblast\'"),
(4905, 1224, "53", "Poltavs\'ka Oblast\'"),
(4906, 1224, "56", "Rivnens\'ka Oblast\'"),
(4907, 1224, "59", "Sums \'ka Oblast\'"),
(4908, 1224, "61", "Ternopil\'s\'ka Oblast\'"),
(4909, 1224, "05", "Vinnyts\'ka Oblast\'"),
(4910, 1224, "07", "Volyos\'ka Oblast\'"),
(4911, 1224, "21", "Zakarpats\'ka Oblast\'"),
(4912, 1224, "23", "Zaporiz\'ka Oblast\'"),
(4913, 1224, "18", "Zhytomyrs\'ka Oblast\'"),
(4914, 1224, "43", "Respublika Krym"),
(4915, 1224, "30", "Kyiv"),
(4916, 1224, "40", "Sevastopol"),
(4917, 1223, "301", "Adjumani"),
(4918, 1223, "302", "Apac"),
(4919, 1223, "303", "Arua"),
(4920, 1223, "201", "Bugiri"),
(4921, 1223, "401", "Bundibugyo"),
(4922, 1223, "402", "Bushenyi"),
(4923, 1223, "202", "Busia"),
(4924, 1223, "304", "Gulu"),
(4925, 1223, "403", "Hoima"),
(4926, 1223, "203", "Iganga"),
(4927, 1223, "204", "Jinja"),
(4928, 1223, "404", "Kabale"),
(4929, 1223, "405", "Kabarole"),
(4930, 1223, "213", "Kaberamaido"),
(4931, 1223, "101", "Kalangala"),
(4932, 1223, "102", "Kampala"),
(4933, 1223, "205", "Kamuli"),
(4934, 1223, "413", "Kamwenge"),
(4935, 1223, "414", "Kanungu"),
(4936, 1223, "206", "Kapchorwa"),
(4937, 1223, "406", "Kasese"),
(4938, 1223, "207", "Katakwi"),
(4939, 1223, "112", "Kayunga"),
(4940, 1223, "407", "Kibaale"),
(4941, 1223, "103", "Kiboga"),
(4942, 1223, "408", "Kisoro"),
(4943, 1223, "305", "Kitgum"),
(4944, 1223, "306", "Kotido"),
(4945, 1223, "208", "Kumi"),
(4946, 1223, "415", "Kyenjojo"),
(4947, 1223, "307", "Lira"),
(4948, 1223, "104", "Luwero"),
(4949, 1223, "105", "Masaka"),
(4950, 1223, "409", "Masindi"),
(4951, 1223, "214", "Mayuge"),
(4952, 1223, "209", "Mbale"),
(4953, 1223, "410", "Mbarara"),
(4954, 1223, "308", "Moroto"),
(4955, 1223, "309", "Moyo"),
(4956, 1223, "106", "Mpigi"),
(4957, 1223, "107", "Mubende"),
(4958, 1223, "108", "Mukono"),
(4959, 1223, "311", "Nakapiripirit"),
(4960, 1223, "109", "Nakasongola"),
(4961, 1223, "310", "Nebbi"),
(4962, 1223, "411", "Ntungamo"),
(4963, 1223, "312", "Pader"),
(4964, 1223, "210", "Pallisa"),
(4965, 1223, "110", "Rakai"),
(4966, 1223, "412", "Rukungiri"),
(4967, 1223, "111", "Sembabule"),
(4968, 1223, "215", "Sironko"),
(4969, 1223, "211", "Soroti"),
(4970, 1223, "212", "Tororo"),
(4971, 1223, "113", "Wakiso"),
(4972, 1223, "313", "Yumbe"),
(4973, 1227, "81", "Baker Island"),
(4974, 1227, "84", "Howland Island"),
(4975, 1227, "86", "Jarvis Island"),
(4976, 1227, "67", "Johnston Atoll"),
(4977, 1227, "89", "Kingman Reef"),
(4978, 1227, "71", "Midway Islands"),
(4979, 1227, "76", "Navassa Island"),
(4980, 1227, "95", "Palmyra Atoll"),
(4981, 1227, "79", "Wake Island"),
(4982, 1229, "AR", "Artigsa"),
(4983, 1229, "CA", "Canelones"),
(4984, 1229, "CL", "Cerro Largo"),
(4985, 1229, "CO", "Colonia"),
(4986, 1229, "DU", "Durazno"),
(4987, 1229, "FS", "Flores"),
(4988, 1229, "LA", "Lavalleja"),
(4989, 1229, "MA", "Maldonado"),
(4990, 1229, "MO", "Montevideo"),
(4991, 1229, "PA", "Paysandu"),
(4992, 1229, "RV", "Rivera"),
(4993, 1229, "RO", "Rocha"),
(4994, 1229, "SA", "Salto"),
(4995, 1229, "SO", "Soriano"),
(4996, 1229, "TA", "Tacuarembo"),
(4997, 1229, "TT", "Treinta y Tres"),
(4998, 1230, "TK", "Toshkent (city)"),
(4999, 1230, "QR", "Qoraqalpogiston Respublikasi"),
(5000, 1230, "AN", "Andijon"),
(5001, 1230, "BU", "Buxoro"),
(5002, 1230, "FA", "Farg\'ona"),
(5003, 1230, "JI", "Jizzax"),
(5004, 1230, "KH", "Khorazm"),
(5005, 1230, "NG", "Namangan"),
(5006, 1230, "NW", "Navoiy"),
(5007, 1230, "QA", "Qashqadaryo"),
(5008, 1230, "SA", "Samarqand"),
(5009, 1230, "SI", "Sirdaryo"),
(5010, 1230, "SU", "Surxondaryo"),
(5011, 1230, "TO", "Toshkent"),
(5012, 1230, "XO", "Xorazm"),
(5013, 1232, "A", "Distrito Federal"),
(5014, 1232, "B", "Anzoategui"),
(5015, 1232, "C", "Apure"),
(5016, 1232, "D", "Aragua"),
(5017, 1232, "E", "Barinas"),
(5018, 1232, "G", "Carabobo"),
(5019, 1232, "H", "Cojedes"),
(5020, 1232, "I", "Falcon"),
(5021, 1232, "J", "Guarico"),
(5022, 1232, "K", "Lara"),
(5023, 1232, "L", "Merida"),
(5024, 1232, "M", "Miranda"),
(5025, 1232, "N", "Monagas"),
(5026, 1232, "O", "Nueva Esparta"),
(5027, 1232, "P", "Portuguesa"),
(5028, 1232, "S", "Tachira"),
(5029, 1232, "T", "Trujillo"),
(5030, 1232, "X", "Vargas"),
(5031, 1232, "U", "Yaracuy"),
(5032, 1232, "V", "Zulia"),
(5033, 1232, "Y", "Delta Amacuro"),
(5034, 1232, "W", "Dependencias Federales"),
(5035, 1233, "44", "An Giang"),
(5036, 1233, "43", "Ba Ria - Vung Tau"),
(5037, 1233, "53", "Bac Can"),
(5038, 1233, "54", "Bac Giang"),
(5039, 1233, "55", "Bac Lieu"),
(5040, 1233, "56", "Bac Ninh"),
(5041, 1233, "50", "Ben Tre"),
(5042, 1233, "31", "Binh Dinh"),
(5043, 1233, "57", "Binh Duong"),
(5044, 1233, "58", "Binh Phuoc"),
(5045, 1233, "40", "Binh Thuan"),
(5046, 1233, "59", "Ca Mau"),
(5047, 1233, "48", "Can Tho"),
(5048, 1233, "04", "Cao Bang"),
(5049, 1233, "60", "Da Nang, thanh pho"),
(5050, 1233, "39", "Dong Nai"),
(5051, 1233, "45", "Dong Thap"),
(5052, 1233, "30", "Gia Lai"),
(5053, 1233, "03", "Ha Giang"),
(5054, 1233, "63", "Ha Nam"),
(5055, 1233, "64", "Ha Noi, thu do"),
(5056, 1233, "15", "Ha Tay"),
(5057, 1233, "23", "Ha Tinh"),
(5058, 1233, "61", "Hai Duong"),
(5059, 1233, "62", "Hai Phong, thanh pho"),
(5060, 1233, "14", "Hoa Binh"),
(5061, 1233, "65", "Ho Chi Minh, thanh pho [Sai Gon]"),
(5062, 1233, "66", "Hung Yen"),
(5063, 1233, "34", "Khanh Hoa"),
(5064, 1233, "47", "Kien Giang"),
(5065, 1233, "28", "Kon Tum"),
(5066, 1233, "01", "Lai Chau"),
(5067, 1233, "35", "Lam Dong"),
(5068, 1233, "09", "Lang Son"),
(5069, 1233, "02", "Lao Cai"),
(5070, 1233, "41", "Long An"),
(5071, 1233, "67", "Nam Dinh"),
(5072, 1233, "22", "Nghe An"),
(5073, 1233, "18", "Ninh Binh"),
(5074, 1233, "36", "Ninh Thuan"),
(5075, 1233, "68", "Phu Tho"),
(5076, 1233, "32", "Phu Yen"),
(5077, 1233, "24", "Quang Binh"),
(5078, 1233, "27", "Quang Nam"),
(5079, 1233, "29", "Quang Ngai"),
(5080, 1233, "13", "Quang Ninh"),
(5081, 1233, "25", "Quang Tri"),
(5082, 1233, "52", "Soc Trang"),
(5083, 1233, "05", "Son La"),
(5084, 1233, "37", "Tay Ninh"),
(5085, 1233, "20", "Thai Binh"),
(5086, 1233, "69", "Thai Nguyen"),
(5087, 1233, "21", "Thanh Hoa"),
(5088, 1233, "26", "Thua Thien-Hue"),
(5089, 1233, "46", "Tien Giang"),
(5090, 1233, "51", "Tra Vinh"),
(5091, 1233, "07", "Tuyen Quang"),
(5092, 1233, "49", "Vinh Long"),
(5093, 1233, "70", "Vinh Phuc"),
(5094, 1233, "06", "Yen Bai"),
(5095, 1231, "MAP", "Malampa"),
(5096, 1231, "PAM", "Penama"),
(5097, 1231, "SAM", "Sanma"),
(5098, 1231, "SEE", "Shefa"),
(5099, 1231, "TAE", "Tafea"),
(5100, 1231, "TOB", "Torba"),
(5101, 1185, "AA", "A\'ana"),
(5102, 1185, "AL", "Aiga-i-le-Tai"),
(5103, 1185, "AT", "Atua"),
(5104, 1185, "FA", "Fa\'aaaleleaga"),
(5105, 1185, "GE", "Gaga\'emauga"),
(5106, 1185, "GI", "Gagaifomauga"),
(5107, 1185, "PA", "Palauli"),
(5108, 1185, "SA", "Satupa\'itea"),
(5109, 1185, "TU", "Tuamasaga"),
(5110, 1185, "VF", "Va\'a-o-Fonoti"),
(5111, 1185, "VS", "Vaisigano"),
(5112, 1243, "CG", "Crna Gora"),
(5113, 1242, "SR", "Srbija"),
(5114, 1242, "KM", "Kosovo-Metohija"),
(5115, 1242, "VO", "Vojvodina"),
(5116, 1237, "AB", "Abyan"),
(5117, 1237, "AD", "Adan"),
(5118, 1237, "DA", "Ad Dali"),
(5119, 1237, "BA", "Al Bayda\'"),
(5120, 1237, "MU", "Al Hudaydah"),
(5121, 1237, "MR", "Al Mahrah"),
(5122, 1237, "MW", "Al Mahwit"),
(5123, 1237, "AM", "Amran"),
(5124, 1237, "DH", "Dhamar"),
(5125, 1237, "HD", "Hadramawt"),
(5126, 1237, "HJ", "Hajjah"),
(5127, 1237, "IB", "Ibb"),
(5128, 1237, "LA", "Lahij"),
(5129, 1237, "MA", "Ma\'rib"),
(5130, 1237, "SD", "Sa\'dah"),
(5131, 1237, "SN", "San\'a\'"),
(5132, 1237, "SH", "Shabwah"),
(5133, 1237, "TA", "Ta\'izz"),
(5134, 1196, "EC", "Eastern Cape"),
(5135, 1196, "FS", "Free State"),
(5136, 1196, "GT", "Gauteng"),
(5137, 1196, "NL", "Kwazulu-Natal"),
(5138, 1196, "MP", "Mpumalanga"),
(5139, 1196, "NC", "Northern Cape"),
(5140, 1196, "NP", "Limpopo"),
(5141, 1196, "WC", "Western Cape"),
(5142, 1239, "08", "Copperbelt"),
(5143, 1239, "04", "Luapula"),
(5144, 1239, "09", "Lusaka"),
(5145, 1239, "06", "North-Western"),
(5146, 1240, "BU", "Bulawayo"),
(5147, 1240, "HA", "Harare"),
(5148, 1240, "MA", "Manicaland"),
(5149, 1240, "MC", "Mashonaland Central"),
(5150, 1240, "ME", "Mashonaland East"),
(5151, 1240, "MW", "Mashonaland West"),
(5152, 1240, "MV", "Masvingo"),
(5153, 1240, "MN", "Matabeleland North"),
(5154, 1240, "MS", "Matabeleland South"),
(5155, 1240, "MI", "Midlands"),
(5156, 1075, "SK", "South Karelia"),
(5157, 1075, "SO", "South Ostrobothnia"),
(5158, 1075, "ES", "Etelä-Savo"),
(5159, 1075, "HH", "Häme"),
(5160, 1075, "IU", "Itä-Uusimaa"),
(5161, 1075, "KA", "Kainuu"),
(5162, 1075, "CO", "Central Ostrobothnia"),
(5163, 1075, "CF", "Central Finland"),
(5164, 1075, "KY", "Kymenlaakso"),
(5165, 1075, "LA", "Lapland"),
(5166, 1075, "TR", "Tampere Region"),
(5167, 1075, "OB", "Ostrobothnia"),
(5168, 1075, "NK", "North Karelia"),
(5169, 1075, "NO", "Northern Ostrobothnia"),
(5170, 1075, "NS", "Northern Savo"),
(5171, 1075, "PH", "Päijät-Häme"),
(5172, 1075, "SK", "Satakunta"),
(5173, 1075, "UM", "Uusimaa"),
(5174, 1075, "SW", "South-West Finland"),
(5175, 1075, "AL", "Åland"),
(5176, 1152, "LI", "Limburg"),
(5177, 1098, "CW", "Central and Western"),
(5178, 1098, "EA", "Eastern"),
(5179, 1098, "SO", "Southern"),
(5180, 1098, "WC", "Wan Chai"),
(5181, 1098, "KC", "Kowloon City"),
(5182, 1098, "KU", "Kwun Tong"),
(5183, 1098, "SS", "Sham Shui Po"),
(5184, 1098, "WT", "Wong Tai Sin"),
(5185, 1098, "YT", "Yau Tsim Mong"),
(5186, 1098, "IS", "Islands"),
(5187, 1098, "KI", "Kwai Tsing"),
(5188, 1098, "NO", "North"),
(5189, 1098, "SK", "Sai Kung"),
(5190, 1098, "ST", "Sha Tin"),
(5191, 1098, "TP", "Tai Po"),
(5192, 1098, "TW", "Tsuen Wan"),
(5193, 1098, "TM", "Tuen Mun"),
(5194, 1098, "YL", "Yuen Long"),
(5195, 1108, "MR", "Manchester"),
(5196, 1016, "13", "Al Manāmah (Al Āşimah)"),
(5197, 1016, "14", "Al Janūbīyah"),
-- (5198, 1016, "15", "Al Muḩarraq"), -- conflicts with id 1872, Al Muharraq
(5199, 1016, "16", "Al Wusţá"),
(5200, 1016, "17", "Ash Shamālīyah"),
-- Palestinian governorates from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Governorates_of_the_Palestinian_National_Authority (no ISO 3166-2 entries yet, hence temporary codes)
(5201, 1165, "_A", "Jenin"),
(5202, 1165, "_B", "Tubas"),
(5203, 1165, "_C", "Tulkarm"),
(5204, 1165, "_D", "Nablus"),
(5205, 1165, "_E", "Qalqilya"),
(5206, 1165, "_F", "Salfit"),
(5207, 1165, "_G", "Ramallah and Al-Bireh"),
(5208, 1165, "_H", "Jericho"),
(5209, 1165, "_I", "Jerusalem"),
(5210, 1165, "_J", "Bethlehem"),
(5211, 1165, "_K", "Hebron"),
(5212, 1165, "_L", "North Gaza"),
(5213, 1165, "_M", "Gaza"),
(5214, 1165, "_N", "Deir el-Balah"),
(5215, 1165, "_O", "Khan Yunis"),
(5216, 1165, "_P", "Rafah"),
(5217, 1020, "BRU", "Brussels"),
(5218, 1140, "DIF", "Distrito Federal"),
(5219, 1208, "TXG", "Taichung City"),
(5220, 1208, "KHH", "Kaohsiung City"),
(5221, 1208, "TPE", "Taipei City"),
(5222, 1208, "CYI", "Chiayi City"),
(5223, 1208, "HSZ", "Hsinchu City"),
(5224, 1208, "TNN", "Tainan City"),
(9000, 1196, "NW", "North West"),
(9986, 1226, "TWR", "Tyne and Wear"),
(9988, 1226, "GTM", "Greater Manchester"),
(9989, 1226, "TYR", "Co Tyrone"),
(9990, 1226, "WYK", "West Yorkshire"),
(9991, 1226, "SYK", "South Yorkshire"),
(9992, 1226, "MSY", "Merseyside"),
(9993, 1226, "BRK", "Berkshire"),
(9994, 1226, "WMD", "West Midlands"),
(9998, 1226, "WGM", "West Glamorgan"),
(9999, 1226, "LON", "London"),
(10000, 1107, "CI", "Carbonia-Iglesias"),
(10001, 1107, "OT", "Olbia-Tempio"),
(10002, 1107, "VS", "Medio Campidano"),
(10003, 1107, "OG", "Ogliastra"),
-- department of France (CRM-4769)
(10009, 1076, "39", "Jura"),
-- new Italian provinces, as yet without codes (CRM-5048)
(10010, 1107, "Bar", "Barletta-Andria-Trani"),
(10011, 1107, "Fer", "Fermo"),
(10012, 1107, "Mon", "Monza e Brianza"),
-- new UK provinces (CRM-5224)
(10013, 1226, "CWD", "Clwyd"),
(10014, 1226, "DFD", "Dyfed"),
(10015, 1226, "SGM", "South Glamorgan"),
-- Haiti (CRM-5628)
(10016, 1094, "AR", "Artibonite"),
(10017, 1094, "CE", "Centre"),
(10018, 1094, "NI", "Nippes"),
(10019, 1094, "ND", "Nord"),
-- CRM-6002 - Argentinian provinces suplemented
(10020, 1010, "F", "La Rioja"),
-- CRM-6063 - Added states for Andorra
(10021, 1005, "07", "Andorra la Vella"),
(10022, 1005, "02", "Canillo"),
(10023, 1005, "03", "Encamp"),
(10024, 1005, "08", "Escaldes-Engordany"),
(10025, 1005, "04", "La Massana"),
(10026, 1005, "05", "Ordino"),
(10027, 1005, "06", "Sant Julia de Loria"),
-- CRM-6198 - Added provinces of Bahamas
(NULL, 1212, "AB", "Abaco Islands"),
(NULL, 1212, "AN", "Andros Island"),
(NULL, 1212, "BR", "Berry Islands"),
(NULL, 1212, "EL", "Eleuthera"),
(NULL, 1212, "GB", "Grand Bahama"),
(NULL, 1212, "RC", "Rum Cay"),
(NULL, 1212, "SS", "San Salvador Island"),
-- Added provinces of The Democratic Republic of the Congo
(NULL, 1050, "01", "Kongo central"),
(NULL, 1050, "02", "Kwango"),
(NULL, 1050, "03", "Kwilu"),
(NULL, 1050, "04", "Mai-Ndombe"),
(NULL, 1050, "05", "Kasai"),
(NULL, 1050, "06", "Lulua"),
(NULL, 1050, "07", "Lomami"),
(NULL, 1050, "08", "Sankuru"),
(NULL, 1050, "09", "Ituri"),
(NULL, 1050, "10", "Haut-Uele"),
(NULL, 1050, "11", "Tshopo"),
(NULL, 1050, "12", "Bas-Uele"),
(NULL, 1050, "13", "Nord-Ubangi"),
(NULL, 1050, "14", "Mongala"),
(NULL, 1050, "15", "Sud-Ubangi"),
(NULL, 1050, "16", "Tshuapa"),
(NULL, 1050, "17", "Haut-Lomami"),
(NULL, 1050, "18", "Lualaba"),
(NULL, 1050, "19", "Haut-Katanga"),
(NULL, 1050, "20", "Tanganyika"),
-- CRM-8009 Added Missing Provinces for Spain
(NULL, 1198, "TO", "Toledo" ),
(NULL, 1198, "CO", "Córdoba" ),
-- CRM-8769 Added Missing Province for Philippines
(NULL, 1170, "MNL", "Metropolitan Manila" ),
-- CRM-9686 Added Missing Province for Honduras
(NULL, 1097, "LP", "La Paz"),
-- CRM-10473 Added Missing Provinces of Ningxia Autonomous Region of China
(NULL, 1045, "YN", "Yinchuan"),
(NULL, 1045, "SZ", "Shizuishan"),
(NULL, 1045, "WZ", "Wuzhong"),
(NULL, 1045, "GY", "Guyuan"),
(NULL, 1045, "ZW", "Zhongwei"),
-- CRM-10863 Added Missing Province for Luxembourg
(NULL, 1126, "L", "Luxembourg"),
-- CRM-11367 Latvian regions
(NULL, 1119, "002", "Aizkraukles novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "038", "Jaunjelgavas novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "072", "Pļaviņu novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "046", "Kokneses novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "065", "Neretas novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "092", "Skrīveru novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "007", "Alūksnes novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "009", "Apes novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "015", "Balvu novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "108", "Viļakas novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "014", "Baltinavas novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "082", "Rugāju novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "016", "Bauskas novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "034", "Iecavas novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "083", "Rundāles novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "105", "Vecumnieku novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "022", "Cēsu novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "055", "Līgatnes novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "008", "Amatas novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "039", "Jaunpiebalgas novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "075", "Priekuļu novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "070", "Pārgaujas novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "076", "Raunas novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "104", "Vecpiebalgas novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "025", "Daugavpils novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "036", "Ilūkstes novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "026", "Dobeles novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "010", "Auces novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "098", "Tērvetes novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "033", "Gulbenes novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "041", "Jelgavas novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "069", "Ozolnieku novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "042", "Jēkabpils novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "004", "Aknīstes novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "107", "Viesītes novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "049", "Krustpils novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "085", "Salas novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "047", "Krāslavas novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "024", "Dagdas novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "001", "Aglonas novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "050", "Kuldīgas novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "093", "Skrundas novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "006", "Alsungas novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "003", "Aizputes novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "028", "Durbes novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "032", "Grobiņas novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "071", "Pāvilostas novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "074", "Priekules novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "066", "Nīcas novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "081", "Rucavas novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "100", "Vaiņodes novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "054", "Limbažu novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "005", "Alojas novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "086", "Salacgrīvas novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "058", "Ludzas novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "044", "Kārsavas novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "110", "Zilupes novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "023", "Ciblas novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "059", "Madonas novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "021", "Cesvaines novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "057", "Lubānas novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "102", "Varakļānu novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "030", "Ērgļu novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "067", "Ogres novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "035", "Ikšķiles novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "051", "Ķeguma novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "053", "Lielvārdes novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "073", "Preiļu novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "056", "Līvānu novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "078", "Riebiņu novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "103", "Vārkavas novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "077", "Rēzeknes novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "109", "Viļānu novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "013", "Baldones novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "052", "Ķekavas novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "068", "Olaines novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "087", "Salaspils novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "089", "Saulkrastu novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "091", "Siguldas novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "037", "Inčukalna novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "011", "Ādažu novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "012", "Babītes novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "020", "Carnikavas novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "031", "Garkalnes novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "048", "Krimuldas novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "061", "Mālpils novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "062", "Mārupes novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "080", "Ropažu novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "090", "Sējas novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "095", "Stopiņu novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "088", "Saldus novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "018", "Brocēnu novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "097", "Talsu novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "027", "Dundagas novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "063", "Mērsraga novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "079", "Rojas novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "099", "Tukuma novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "043", "Kandavas novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "029", "Engures novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "040", "Jaunpils novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "101", "Valkas novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "094", "Smiltenes novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "096", "Strenču novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "045", "Kocēnu novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "060", "Mazsalacas novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "084", "Rūjienas novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "017", "Beverīnas novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "019", "Burtnieku novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "064", "Naukšēnu novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "106", "Ventspils novads"),
(NULL, 1119, "JKB", "Jēkabpils"),
(NULL, 1119, "VMR", "Valmiera"),
-- CRM-13314 Added States for Uruguay
(NULL, 1229, "FL", "Florida"),
(NULL, 1229, "RN", "Rio Negro"),
(NULL, 1229, "SJ", "San Jose"),
-- Added Nigeria States(CRM-14183)
(NULL, 1157, "PL", "Plateau"),
-- CRM-14493 Added State for Greece
(NULL, 1085, "61", "Pieria"),
-- CRM-14843 Added States for Chile and Modify Santiago Metropolitan for consistency
(NULL, 1044, "LR", "Los Rios"),
(NULL, 1044, "AP", "Arica y Parinacota"),
-- Add missing Peruvian State (Amazonas)
(NULL, 1169, "AMA", "Amazonas"),
-- Add missing Indonesian provinces (Kalimantan Tengah, Sulawesi Barat, Kalimantan Utara) and revised outdated names in code above
(NULL, 1102, "KT", "Kalimantan Tengah"),
(NULL, 1102, "SR", "Sulawesi Barat"),
(NULL, 1102, "KU", "Kalimantan Utara"),
-- Add missing Slovenian municipalities
(NULL, 1193, "86", "Ankaran"),
(NULL, 1193, "87", "Apače"),
(NULL, 1193, "88", "Cirkulane"),
(NULL, 1193, "89", "Gorje"),
(NULL, 1193, "90", "Kostanjevica na Krki"),
(NULL, 1193, "91", "Log-Dragomer"),
(NULL, 1193, "92", "Makole"),
(NULL, 1193, "93", "Mirna"),
(NULL, 1193, "94", "Mokronog-Trebelno"),
(NULL, 1193, "95", "Odranci"),
(NULL, 1193, "96", "Oplotnica"),
(NULL, 1193, "97", "Ormož"),
(NULL, 1193, "98", "Osilnica"),
(NULL, 1193, "99", "Pesnica"),
(NULL, 1193, "100", "Piran"),
(NULL, 1193, "101", "Pivka"),
(NULL, 1193, "102", "Podčetrtek"),
(NULL, 1193, "103", "Podlehnik"),
(NULL, 1193, "104", "Podvelka"),
(NULL, 1193, "105", "Poljčane"),
(NULL, 1193, "106", "Polzela"),
(NULL, 1193, "107", "Postojna"),
(NULL, 1193, "108", "Prebold"),
(NULL, 1193, "109", "Preddvor"),
(NULL, 1193, "110", "Prevalje"),
(NULL, 1193, "111", "Ptuj"),
(NULL, 1193, "112", "Puconci"),
(NULL, 1193, "113", "Rače-Fram"),
(NULL, 1193, "114", "Radeče"),
(NULL, 1193, "115", "Radenci"),
(NULL, 1193, "139", "Radlje ob Dravi"),
(NULL, 1193, "145", "Radovljica"),
(NULL, 1193, "171", "Ravne na Koroškem"),
(NULL, 1193, "172", "Razkrižje"),
(NULL, 1193, "173", "Rečica ob Savinji"),
(NULL, 1193, "174", "Renče-Vogrsko"),
(NULL, 1193, "175", "Ribnica"),
(NULL, 1193, "176", "Ribnica na Pohorju"),
(NULL, 1193, "177", "Rogaška Slatina"),
(NULL, 1193, "178", "Rogašovci"),
(NULL, 1193, "179", "Rogatec"),
(NULL, 1193, "180", "Ruše"),
(NULL, 1193, "195", "Selnica ob Dravi"),
(NULL, 1193, "196", "Semič"),
(NULL, 1193, "197", "Šentrupert"),
(NULL, 1193, "198", "Sevnica"),
(NULL, 1193, "199", "Sežana"),
(NULL, 1193, "200", "Slovenj Gradec"),
(NULL, 1193, "201", "Slovenska Bistrica"),
(NULL, 1193, "202", "Slovenske Konjice"),
(NULL, 1193, "203", "Šmarješke Toplice"),
(NULL, 1193, "204", "Sodražica"),
(NULL, 1193, "205", "Solčava"),
(NULL, 1193, "206", "Središče ob Dravi"),
(NULL, 1193, "207", "Starše"),
(NULL, 1193, "208", "Straža"),
(NULL, 1193, "209", "Sveta Trojica v Slovenskih goricah"),
(NULL, 1193, "210", "Sveti Jurij v Slovenskih goricah"),
(NULL, 1193, "211", "Sveti Tomaž"),
(NULL, 1193, "212", "Vodice"),
-- CRM-16452 Missing administrative divisions for Georgia
(NULL, 1081, "AB", "Abkhazia"),
(NULL, 1081, "AJ", "Adjara"),
(NULL, 1081, "TB", "Tbilisi"),
(NULL, 1081, "GU", "Guria"),
(NULL, 1081, "IM", "Imereti"),
(NULL, 1081, "KA", "Kakheti"),
(NULL, 1081, "KK", "Kvemo Kartli"),
(NULL, 1081, "MM", "Mtskheta-Mtianeti"),
(NULL, 1081, "RL", "Racha-Lechkhumi and Kvemo Svaneti"),
(NULL, 1081, "SZ", "Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti"),
(NULL, 1081, "SJ", "Samtskhe-Javakheti"),
(NULL, 1081, "SK", "Shida Kartli"),
(NULL, 1074, "C", "Central"),
-- CRM-17136 Add missing Pakistani Province (Punjab)
(NULL, 1163, "PB", "Punjab"),
-- CRM-17184
(NULL, 1066, "LI", "La Libertad"),
(NULL, 1066, "PA", "La Paz"),
(NULL, 1066, "UN", "La Union"),
-- CRM-17660 Add missing Cameroon Provinces
(NULL, 1038, "LT", "Littoral"),
(NULL, 1038, "NW", "Nord-Ouest"),
-- Add Indian province of Telangana
(NULL, 1101, "TG", "Telangana"),
-- CRM-17800
(NULL, 1187, "04", "Ash Sharqiyah"),
-- CRM-19134 Missing French overseas departments.
(NULL, 1076, "GP", "Guadeloupe"),
(NULL, 1076, "MQ", "Martinique"),
(NULL, 1076, "GF", "Guyane"),
(NULL, 1076, "RE", "La Réunion"),
(NULL, 1076, "YT", "Mayotte"),
-- CRM-20062 New counties of Kenya.
(NULL, 1112, "01", "Baringo"),
(NULL, 1112, "02", "Bomet"),
(NULL, 1112, "03", "Bungoma"),
(NULL, 1112, "04", "Busia"),
(NULL, 1112, "05", "Elgeyo/Marakwet"),
(NULL, 1112, "06", "Embu"),
(NULL, 1112, "07", "Garissa"),
(NULL, 1112, "08", "Homa Bay"),
(NULL, 1112, "09", "Isiolo"),
(NULL, 1112, "10", "Kajiado"),
(NULL, 1112, "11", "Kakamega"),
(NULL, 1112, "12", "Kericho"),
(NULL, 1112, "13", "Kiambu"),
(NULL, 1112, "14", "Kilifi"),
(NULL, 1112, "15", "Kirinyaga"),
(NULL, 1112, "16", "Kisii"),
(NULL, 1112, "17", "Kisumu"),
(NULL, 1112, "18", "Kitui"),
(NULL, 1112, "19", "Kwale"),
(NULL, 1112, "20", "Laikipia"),
(NULL, 1112, "21", "Lamu"),
(NULL, 1112, "22", "Machakos"),
(NULL, 1112, "23", "Makueni"),
(NULL, 1112, "24", "Mandera"),
(NULL, 1112, "25", "Marsabit"),
(NULL, 1112, "26", "Meru"),
(NULL, 1112, "27", "Migori"),
(NULL, 1112, "28", "Mombasa"),
(NULL, 1112, "29", "Murang'a"),
(NULL, 1112, "30", "Nairobi City"),
(NULL, 1112, "31", "Nakuru"),
(NULL, 1112, "32", "Nandi"),
(NULL, 1112, "33", "Narok"),
(NULL, 1112, "34", "Nyamira"),
(NULL, 1112, "35", "Nyandarua"),
(NULL, 1112, "36", "Nyeri"),
(NULL, 1112, "37", "Samburu"),
(NULL, 1112, "38", "Siaya"),
(NULL, 1112, "39", "Taita/Taveta"),
(NULL, 1112, "40", "Tana River"),
(NULL, 1112, "41", "Tharaka-Nithi"),
(NULL, 1112, "42", "Trans Nzoia"),
(NULL, 1112, "43", "Turkana"),
(NULL, 1112, "44", "Uasin Gishu"),
(NULL, 1112, "45", "Vihiga"),
(NULL, 1112, "46", "Wajir"),
(NULL, 1112, "47", "West Pokot"),
-- CRM-19993 Fixes for ISO compliance with countries and counties
-- Add states for: India, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Saint Kitts & Nevis
(NULL, 1101, "CH", "Chandigarh"),
(NULL, 1083, "CP", "Central"),
(NULL, 1083, "EP", "Eastern"),
(NULL, 1083, "NP", "Northern"),
(NULL, 1083, "WP", "Western"),
(NULL, 1181, "K", "Saint Kitts"),
(NULL, 1181, "N", "Nevis"),
(NULL, 1190, "E", "Eastern"),
(NULL, 1190, "N", "Northern"),
(NULL, 1190, "S", "Southern"),
-- CRM-21234 Missing subdivisions of Tajikistan.
(NULL, 1209, "DU", "Dushanbe"),
(NULL, 1209, "RA", "Nohiyahoi Tobei Jumhurí"),
-- CRM-21268 Missing French overseas departments.
(NULL, 1076, "WF", "Wallis-et-Futuna"),
(NULL, 1076, "NC", "Nouvelle-Calédonie"),
-- Add states for: Barbados and Antigua and Barbuda
(NULL, 1009, "03", "Saint George"),
(NULL, 1009, "04", "Saint John"),
(NULL, 1009, "05", "Saint Mary"),
(NULL, 1009, "06", "Saint Paul"),
(NULL, 1009, "07", "Saint Peter"),
(NULL, 1009, "08", "Saint Philip"),
(NULL, 1009, "10", "Barbuda"),
(NULL, 1009, "11", "Redonda"),
(NULL, 1018, "01", "Christ Church"),
(NULL, 1018, "02", "Saint Andrew"),
(NULL, 1018, "03", "Saint George"),
(NULL, 1018, "04", "Saint James"),
(NULL, 1018, "05", "Saint John"),
(NULL, 1018, "06", "Saint Joseph"),
(NULL, 1018, "07", "Saint Lucy"),
(NULL, 1018, "08", "Saint Michael"),
(NULL, 1018, "09", "Saint Peter"),
(NULL, 1018, "10", "Saint Philip"),
(NULL, 1018, "11", "Saint Thomas");
-- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-- | CiviCRM version 4.7 |
-- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-- | Copyright CiviCRM LLC (c) 2004-2017 |
-- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-- | This file is a part of CiviCRM. |
-- | |
-- | CiviCRM is free software; you can copy, modify, and distribute it |
-- | under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License |
-- | Version 3, 19 November 2007 and the CiviCRM Licensing Exception. |
-- | |
-- | CiviCRM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but |
-- | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
-- | See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. |
-- | |
-- | You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public |
-- | License and the CiviCRM Licensing Exception along |
-- | with this program; if not, contact CiviCRM LLC |
-- | at info[AT]civicrm[DOT]org. If you have questions about the |
-- | GNU Affero General Public License or the licensing of CiviCRM, |
-- | see the CiviCRM license FAQ at http://civicrm.org/licensing |
-- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-- Generated from civicrm_currency.tpl
-- DO NOT EDIT. Generated by CRM_Core_CodeGen
-- currencies
INSERT INTO civicrm_currency (id, name, symbol, numeric_code, full_name) VALUES
( 1, "AUD", "$", "036", "Australian Dollar"),
( 2, "CAD", "$", "124", "Canadian Dollar"),
( 3, "EUR", "€", "978", "Euro"),
( 4, "GBP", "£", "826", "Pound Sterling"),
( 5, "ILS", "₪", "826", "New Israeli Shekel"),
( 6, "INR", "₨", "356", "Indian Rupee"),
( 7, "JPY", "¥", "392", "Japanese Yen"),
( 8, "KRW", "₩", "410", "South Korean Won"),
( 9, "LAK", "₭", "418", "Lao Kip"),
( 10, "MNT", "₮", "496", "Mongolian Tugrik"),
( 11, "NGN", "₦", "566", "Nigerian Naira"),
( 12, "PLN", "zł", "985", "Polish Złoty"),
( 13, "THB", "฿", "764", "Thai Baht"),
( 14, "USD", "$", "840", "US Dollar"),
( 15, "VND", "₫", "704", "Viet Nam Dong"),
( 16, "ZAR", "R", "710", "South African Rand"),
( 17, "AED", NULL, "784", "UAE Dirham"),
( 18, "AFN", "؋", "971", "Afghani"),
( 19, "ALL","Lek", "008", "Albanian Lek"),
( 20, "AMD", NULL, "051", "Armenian Dram"),
( 21, "ANG", "ƒ", "532", "Netherlands Antillian Guilder"),
( 22, "AOA", NULL, "973", "Angola Kwanza"),
( 23, "ARS", "$", "032", "Argentine Peso"),
( 24, "AWG", "ƒ", "533", "Aruban Guilder"),
( 25, "AZN","ман", "944", "Azerbaijanian Manat"),
( 26, "BAM", "KM", "977", "Convertible Marks"),
( 27, "BBD", "$", "052", "Barbados Dollar"),
( 28, "BDT", NULL, "050", "Bangladeshi Taka"),
( 29, "BGN", "лв", "975", "Bulgarian Lev"),
( 30, "BHD", NULL, "048", "Bahraini Dinar"),
( 31, "BIF", NULL, "108", "Burundi Franc"),
( 32, "BMD", "$", "060", "Bermudian Dollar"),
( 33, "BND", "$", "096", "Brunei Dollar"),
( 34, "BOB", "$b", "068", "Boliviano"),
( 35, "BOV", NULL, "984", "Bolivian Mvdol"),
( 36, "BRL", "R$", "986", "Brazilian Real"),
( 37, "BSD", "$", "044", "Bahamian Dollar"),
( 38, "BTN", NULL, "064", "Bhutan Ngultrum"),
( 39, "BWP", "P", "072", "Botswana Pula"),
( 40, "BYR", "p.", "974", "Belarussian Rouble"),
( 41, "BZD","BZ$", "084", "Belize Dollar"),
( 42, "CDF", NULL, "976", "Franc Congolais"),
( 43, "CHE", NULL, "947", "WIR Euro"),
( 44, "CHF","CHF", "756", "Swiss Franc"),
( 45, "CHW", NULL, "948", "WIR Franc"),
( 46, "CLF", NULL, "990", "Unidades de fomento"),
( 47, "CLP", "$", "152", "Chilean Peso"),
( 48, "CNY", "元", "156", "Chinese Yuan Renminbi"),
( 49, "COP", "$", "170", "Colombian Peso"),
( 50, "COU", NULL, "970", "Unidad de Valor Real"),
( 51, "CRC", "₡", "188", "Costa Rican Colon"),
( 52, "RSD", "Дин.","941", "Serbian Dinar"),
( 53, "CUP", "₱", "192", "Cuban Peso"),
( 54, "CVE", NULL, "132", "Cape Verde Escudo"),
( 55, "CYP", "£", "196", "Cyprus Pound"),
( 56, "CZK", "Kč", "203", "Czech Koruna"),
( 57, "DJF", NULL, "262", "Djibouti Franc"),
( 58, "DKK", "kr", "208", "Danish Krone"),
( 59, "DOP","RD$", "214", "Dominican Peso"),
( 60, "DZD", NULL, "012", "Algerian Dinar"),
( 62, "EGP", "£", "818", "Egyptian Pound"),
( 63, "ERN", NULL, "232", "Eritrean Nakfa"),
( 64, "ETB", NULL, "230", "Ethiopian Birr"),
( 65, "FJD", "$", "242", "Fiji Dollar"),
( 66, "FKP", "£", "238", "Falkland Islands Pound"),
( 67, "GEL", NULL, "981", "Georgian Lari"),
( 68, "GHC", "¢", "288", "Ghanaian Cedi"),
( 69, "GIP", "£", "292", "Gibraltar Pound"),
( 70, "GMD", NULL, "270", "Gambian Dalasi"),
( 71, "GNF", NULL, "324", "Guinea Franc"),
( 72, "GTQ", "Q", "320", "Guatemalan Quetzal"),
( 73, "GWP", NULL, "624", "Guinea-Bissau Peso"),
( 74, "GYD", "$", "328", "Guyana Dollar"),
( 75, "HKD","HK$", "344", "Hong Kong Dollar"),
( 76, "HNL", "L", "340", "Honduran Lempira"),
( 77, "HRK", "kn", "191", "Croatian Kuna"),
( 78, "HTG", NULL, "332", "Haitian Gourde"),
( 79, "HUF", "Ft", "348", "Hungarian Forint"),
( 80, "IDR", "Rp", "360", "Indonesian Rupiah"),
( 81, "IQD", NULL, "368", "Iraqi Dinar"),
( 82, "IRR", "﷼", "364", "Iranian Rial"),
( 83, "ISK", "kr", "352", "Iceland Krona"),
( 84, "JMD", "J$", "388", "Jamaican Dollar"),
( 85, "JOD", NULL, "400", "Jordanian Dinar"),
( 86, "KES", NULL, "404", "Kenyan Shilling"),
( 87, "KGS", "лв", "417", "Kyrgyzstan Som"),
( 88, "KHR", "៛", "116", "Cambodian Riel"),
( 89, "KMF", NULL, "174", "Comoro Franc"),
( 90, "KPW", "₩", "408", "North Korean Won"),
( 91, "KWD", NULL, "414", "Kuwaiti Dinar"),
( 92, "KYD", "$", "136", "Cayman Islands Dollar"),
( 93, "KZT", "лв", "398", "Kazakhstan Tenge"),
( 94, "LBP", "£", "422", "Lebanese Pound"),
( 95, "LKR", "₨", "144", "Sri Lanka Rupee"),
( 96, "LRD", "$", "430", "Liberian Dollar"),
( 97, "LSL", NULL, "426", "Lesotho Loti"),
( 98, "LTL", "Lt", "440", "Lithuanian Litas"),
( 99, "LVL", "Ls", "428", "Latvian Lats"),
(100, "LYD", NULL, "434", "Libyan Dinar"),
(101, "MAD", NULL, "504", "Moroccan Dirham"),
(102, "MDL", NULL, "498", "Moldovan Leu"),
(103, "MGA", NULL, "969", "Malagascy Ariary"),
(104, "MKD","ден", "807", "Macedonian Denar"),
(105, "MMK", NULL, "104", "Myanmar Kyat"),
(106, "MOP", NULL, "446", "Macao Pataca"),
(107, "MRO", NULL, "478", "Mauritanian Ouguiya"),
(108, "MTL", "Lm", "470", "Maltese Lira"),
(109, "MUR", "₨", "480", "Mauritius Rupee"),
(110, "MVR", NULL, "462", "Maldive Rufiyaa"),
(111, "MWK", NULL, "454", "Malawi Kwacha"),
(112, "MXN", "$", "484", "Mexican Peso"),
(113, "MXV", NULL, "979", "Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UID)"),
(114, "MYR", "RM", "458", "Malaysian Ringgit"),
(115, "MZN", "MT", "943", "Mozambique Metical"),
(116, "NAD", "N$", "516", "Namibian Dollar"),
(117, "NIO", "C$", "558", "Nicaraguan Cordoba Oro"),
(118, "NOK", "kr", "578", "Norwegian Krone"),
(119, "NPR", "₨", "524", "Nepalese Rupee"),
(120, "NZD", "$", "554", "New Zealand Dollar"),
(121, "OMR", "﷼", "512", "Rial Omani"),
(122, "PAB","B/.", "590", "Panamanian Balboa"),
(123, "PEN","S/.", "604", "Peruvian Nuevo Sol"),
(124, "PGK", NULL, "598", "Papua New Guinea Kina"),
(125, "PHP","Php", "608", "Philippine Peso"),
(126, "PKR", "₨", "586", "Pakistan Rupee"),
(127, "PYG", "Gs", "600", "Paraguay Guarani"),
(128, "QAR", "﷼", "634", "Qatari Rial"),
(129, "ROL", NULL, "642", "Romanian Old Leu"),
(130, "RON","lei", "946", "Romanian New Leu"),
(131, "RUB","руб", "643", "Russian Rouble"),
(132, "RWF", NULL, "646", "Rwanda Franc"),
(133, "SAR", "﷼", "682", "Saudi Riyal"),
(134, "SBD", "$", "090", "Solomon Islands Dollar"),
(135, "SCR", "₨", "690", "Seychelles Rupee"),
(136, "SDD", NULL, "736", "Sudanese Dinar"),
(137, "SEK", "kr", "752", "Swedish Krona"),
(138, "SGD", "$", "702", "Singapore Dollar"),
(139, "SHP", "£", "654", "Saint Helena Pound"),
(140, "SIT", NULL, "705", "Slovenian Tolar"),
(141, "SKK","SIT", "703", "Slovak Koruna"),
(142, "SLL", NULL, "694", "Leone"),
(143, "SOS", "S", "706", "Somali Shilling"),
(144, "SRD", "$", "968", "Surinam Dollar"),
(145, "STD", NULL, "678", "São Tome and Principe Dobra"),
(146, "SVC", "$", "222", "El Salvador Colon"),
(147, "SYP", "£", "760", "Syrian Pound"),
(148, "SZL", NULL, "748", "Swaziland Lilangeni"),
(149, "TJS", NULL, "972", "Tajik Somoni"),
(150, "TMM", NULL, "795", "Turkmenistan Manat"),
(151, "TND", NULL, "788", "Tunisian Dinar"),
(152, "TOP", NULL, "776", "Tongan Pa'anga"),
(153, "TRY","YTL", "949", "New Turkish Lira"),
(154, "TTD","TT$", "780", "Trinidad and Tobago Dollar"),
(155, "TWD","NT$", "901", "New Taiwan Dollar"),
(156, "TZS", NULL, "834", "Tanzanian Shilling"),
(157, "UAH", "₴", "980", "Ukrainian Hryvnia"),
(158, "UGX", NULL, "800", "Ugandan Shilling"),
(159, "USN", NULL, "997", "US Dollar (Next day)"),
(160, "USS", NULL, "998", "US Dollar (Same day)"),
(161, "UYU", "$U", "858", "Peso Uruguayo"),
(162, "UZS", "лв", "860", "Uzbekistan Sum"),
(163, "VEF", "Bs", "937", "Venezuela Bolivar"),
(164, "VUV", NULL, "548", "Vanuatu Vatu"),
(165, "WST", NULL, "882", "Samoan Tala"),
(166, "XAF", NULL, "950", "CFA Franc BEAC"),
(167, "XAG", NULL, "961", "Silver"),
(168, "XAU", NULL, "959", "Gold"),
(169, "XBA", NULL, "955", "Bond Markets Units European Composite Unit (EURCO)"),
(170, "XBB", NULL, "956", "European Monetary Unit (E.M.U.-6)"),
(171, "XBC", NULL, "957", "European Unit of Account 9 (E.U.A.-9)"),
(172, "XBD", NULL, "958", "European Unit of Account 17 (E.U.A.-17)"),
(173, "XCD", "$", "951", "East Caribbean Dollar"),
(174, "XDR", NULL, "960", "Special Drawing Right"),
(175, "XFO", NULL, NULL, "Gold-Franc"),
(176, "XFU", NULL, NULL, "UIC-Franc"),
(177, "XOF", NULL, "952", "CFA Franc BCEAO"),
(178, "XPD", NULL, "964", "Palladium"),
(179, "XPF", NULL, "953", "CFP Franc"),
(180, "XPT", NULL, "962", "Platinum"),
(181, "XTS", NULL, "963", "Code for testing purposes"),
(182, "XXX", NULL, "999", "No currency involved"),
(183, "YER", "﷼", "886", "Yemeni Rial"),
(184, "ZMK", NULL, "894", "Zambian Kwacha"),
(185, "ZWD", "Z$", "716", "Zimbabwe Dollar");
-- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-- | CiviCRM version 4.7 |
-- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-- | Copyright CiviCRM LLC (c) 2004-2017 |
-- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-- | This file is a part of CiviCRM. |
-- | |
-- | CiviCRM is free software; you can copy, modify, and distribute it |
-- | under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License |
-- | Version 3, 19 November 2007 and the CiviCRM Licensing Exception. |
-- | |
-- | CiviCRM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but |
-- | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
-- | See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. |
-- | |
-- | You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public |
-- | License and the CiviCRM Licensing Exception along |
-- | with this program; if not, contact CiviCRM LLC |
-- | at info[AT]civicrm[DOT]org. If you have questions about the |
-- | GNU Affero General Public License or the licensing of CiviCRM, |
-- | see the CiviCRM license FAQ at http://civicrm.org/licensing |
-- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-- Generated from civicrm_data.tpl
-- DO NOT EDIT. Generated by CRM_Core_CodeGen
-- This file provides template to civicrm_data.mysql. Inserts all base data needed for a new CiviCRM DB
SET @domainName := 'Default Domain Name';
SET @defaultOrganization := 'Default Organization';
-- Add components to system wide registry
-- We're doing it early to avoid constraint errors.
INSERT INTO civicrm_component (name, namespace) VALUES ('CiviEvent' , 'CRM_Event' );
INSERT INTO civicrm_component (name, namespace) VALUES ('CiviContribute', 'CRM_Contribute' );
INSERT INTO civicrm_component (name, namespace) VALUES ('CiviMember' , 'CRM_Member' );
INSERT INTO civicrm_component (name, namespace) VALUES ('CiviMail' , 'CRM_Mailing' );
INSERT INTO civicrm_component (name, namespace) VALUES ('CiviGrant' , 'CRM_Grant' );
INSERT INTO civicrm_component (name, namespace) VALUES ('CiviPledge' , 'CRM_Pledge' );
INSERT INTO civicrm_component (name, namespace) VALUES ('CiviCase' , 'CRM_Case' );
INSERT INTO civicrm_component (name, namespace) VALUES ('CiviReport' , 'CRM_Report' );
INSERT INTO civicrm_component (name, namespace) VALUES ('CiviCampaign' , 'CRM_Campaign' );
-- Create organization contact
INSERT INTO civicrm_contact( `contact_type`, `sort_name`, `display_name`, `legal_name`, `organization_name`)
VALUES ('Organization', @defaultOrganization, @defaultOrganization, @defaultOrganization, @defaultOrganization);
SET @contactID := LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO civicrm_email (contact_id, location_type_id, email, is_primary, is_billing, on_hold, hold_date, reset_date)
(@contactID, 1, 'fixme.domainemail@example.org', 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO civicrm_domain (name, version, contact_id) VALUES (@domainName, '2.2', @contactID);
SELECT @domainID := id FROM civicrm_domain where name = 'Default Domain Name';
-- Sample location types
-- CRM-9120 for legacy reasons we are continuing to translate the 'name', but this
-- field is used mainly as an ID, and display_name will be shown to the user, but
-- we have not yet finished modifying all places where the 'name' is shown.
INSERT INTO civicrm_location_type( name, display_name, vcard_name, description, is_reserved, is_active, is_default ) VALUES( 'Home', 'Home', 'HOME', 'Place of residence', 0, 1, 1 );
INSERT INTO civicrm_location_type( name, display_name, vcard_name, description, is_reserved, is_active ) VALUES( 'Work', 'Work', 'WORK', 'Work location', 0, 1 );
INSERT INTO civicrm_location_type( name, display_name, vcard_name, description, is_reserved, is_active ) VALUES( 'Main', 'Main', NULL, 'Main office location', 0, 1 );
INSERT INTO civicrm_location_type( name, display_name, vcard_name, description, is_reserved, is_active ) VALUES( 'Other', 'Other', NULL, 'Other location', 0, 1 );
-- the following location must stay with the untranslated Billing name, CRM-2064
INSERT INTO civicrm_location_type( name, display_name, vcard_name, description, is_reserved, is_active ) VALUES( 'Billing', 'Billing', NULL, 'Billing Address location', 1, 1 );
-- Sample relationship types
INSERT INTO civicrm_relationship_type( name_a_b,label_a_b, name_b_a,label_b_a, description, contact_type_a, contact_type_b, is_reserved )
VALUES( 'Child of', 'Child of', 'Parent of', 'Parent of', 'Parent/child relationship.', 'Individual', 'Individual', 0 ),
( 'Spouse of', 'Spouse of', 'Spouse of', 'Spouse of', 'Spousal relationship.', 'Individual', 'Individual', 0 ),
( 'Partner of', 'Partner of', 'Partner of', 'Partner of', 'Partner relationship.', 'Individual', 'Individual', 0 ),
( 'Sibling of', 'Sibling of', 'Sibling of', 'Sibling of', 'Sibling relationship.', 'Individual','Individual', 0 ),
( 'Employee of', 'Employee of', 'Employer of', 'Employer of', 'Employment relationship.','Individual','Organization', 1 ),
( 'Volunteer for', 'Volunteer for', 'Volunteer is', 'Volunteer is', 'Volunteer relationship.','Individual','Organization', 0 ),
( 'Head of Household for', 'Head of Household for', 'Head of Household is', 'Head of Household is', 'Head of household.','Individual','Household', 1 ),
( 'Household Member of', 'Household Member of', 'Household Member is', 'Household Member is', 'Household membership.','Individual','Household', 1 );
-- Relationship Types for CiviCase
INSERT INTO civicrm_relationship_type( name_a_b,label_a_b, name_b_a,label_b_a, description, contact_type_a, contact_type_b, is_reserved )
VALUES( 'Case Coordinator is', 'Case Coordinator is', 'Case Coordinator', 'Case Coordinator', 'Case Coordinator', 'Individual', 'Individual', 0 );
INSERT INTO civicrm_relationship_type( name_a_b,label_a_b, name_b_a,label_b_a, description, contact_type_a, contact_type_b, is_reserved )
VALUES( 'Supervised by', 'Supervised by', 'Supervisor', 'Supervisor', 'Immediate workplace supervisor', 'Individual', 'Individual', 0 );
-- Sample Tags
INSERT INTO civicrm_tag( name, description, parent_id,used_for )
( 'Non-profit', 'Any not-for-profit organization.', NULL,'civicrm_contact'),
( 'Company', 'For-profit organization.', NULL,'civicrm_contact'),
( 'Government Entity', 'Any governmental entity.', NULL,'civicrm_contact'),
( 'Major Donor', 'High-value supporter of our organization.', NULL,'civicrm_contact'),
( 'Volunteer', 'Active volunteers.', NULL,'civicrm_contact' );
-- sample CiviCRM mailing components
INSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_component
('Mailing Header','Header','Descriptive Title for this Header','Sample Header for HTML formatted content.','Sample Header for TEXT formatted content.',1,1),
('Mailing Footer','Footer','Descriptive Title for this Footer.','Sample Footer for HTML formatted content<br/><a href=\"{action.optOutUrl}\">Unsubscribe</a> <br/> {domain.address}','to unsubscribe: {action.optOutUrl}\n{domain.address}',1,1),
('Subscribe Message','Subscribe','Subscription Confirmation Request','You have a pending subscription to the {subscribe.group} mailing list. To confirm this subscription, reply to this email or click <a href=\"{subscribe.url}\">here</a>.','You have a pending subscription to the {subscribe.group} mailing list. To confirm this subscription, reply to this email or click on this link: {subscribe.url}',1,1),
('Welcome Message','Welcome','Your Subscription has been Activated','Welcome. Your subscription to the {welcome.group} mailing list has been activated.','Welcome. Your subscription to the {welcome.group} mailing list has been activated.',1,1),
('Unsubscribe Message','Unsubscribe','Un-subscribe Confirmation','You have been un-subscribed from the following groups: {unsubscribe.group}. You can re-subscribe by mailing {action.resubscribe} or clicking <a href=\"{action.resubscribeUrl}\">here</a>.','You have been un-subscribed from the following groups: {unsubscribe.group}. You can re-subscribe by mailing {action.resubscribe} or clicking ',1,1),
('Resubscribe Message','Resubscribe','Re-subscribe Confirmation','You have been re-subscribed to the following groups: {resubscribe.group}. You can un-subscribe by mailing {action.unsubscribe} or clicking <a href=\"{action.unsubscribeUrl}\">here</a>.','You have been re-subscribed to the following groups: {resubscribe.group}. You can un-subscribe by mailing {action.unsubscribe} or clicking {action.unsubscribeUrl}',1,1),
('Opt-out Message','OptOut','Opt-out Confirmation','Your email address has been removed from {domain.name} mailing lists.','Your email address has been removed from {domain.name} mailing lists.',1,1),
('Auto-responder','Reply','Please Send Inquiries to Our Contact Email Address','This is an automated reply from an un-attended mailbox. Please send any inquiries to the contact email address listed on our web-site.','This is an automated reply from an un-attended mailbox. Please send any inquiries to the contact email address listed on our web-site.',1,1);
-- contribution types
civicrm_financial_type(name, is_reserved, is_active, is_deductible)
( 'Donation' , 0, 1, 1 ),
( 'Member Dues' , 0, 1, 1 ),
( 'Campaign Contribution', 0, 1, 0 ),
( 'Event Fee' , 0, 1, 0 );
-- option groups and values for 'preferred communication methods' , 'activity types', 'gender', etc.
`civicrm_option_group` (`name`, `title`, `data_type`, `is_reserved`, `is_active`, `is_locked`)
('preferred_communication_method', 'Preferred Communication Method' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('activity_type' , 'Activity Type' , 'Integer', 1, 1, 0),
('gender' , 'Gender' , 'Integer', 1, 1, 0),
('instant_messenger_service' , 'Instant Messenger (IM) screen-names', NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('mobile_provider' , 'Mobile Phone Providers' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('individual_prefix' , 'Individual contact prefixes' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('individual_suffix' , 'Individual contact suffixes' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('acl_role' , 'ACL Role' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('accept_creditcard' , 'Accepted Credit Cards' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('payment_instrument' , 'Payment Methods' , 'Integer', 1, 1, 0),
('contribution_status' , 'Contribution Status' , NULL, 1, 1, 1),
('pcp_status' , 'PCP Status' , NULL, 1, 1, 1),
('pcp_owner_notify' , 'PCP owner notifications' , NULL, 1, 1, 1),
('participant_role' , 'Participant Role' , 'Integer', 1, 1, 0),
('event_type' , 'Event Type' , 'Integer', 1, 1, 0),
('contact_view_options' , 'Contact View Options' , NULL, 1, 1, 1),
('contact_smart_group_display' , 'Contact Smart Group View Options' , NULL, 1, 1, 1),
('contact_edit_options' , 'Contact Edit Options' , NULL, 1, 1, 1),
('advanced_search_options' , 'Advanced Search Options' , NULL, 1, 1, 1),
('user_dashboard_options' , 'User Dashboard Options' , NULL, 1, 1, 1),
('address_options' , 'Addressing Options' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('group_type' , 'Group Type' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('grant_status' , 'Grant status' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('grant_type' , 'Grant Type' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('custom_search' , 'Custom Search' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('activity_status' , 'Activity Status' , 'Integer', 1, 1, 0),
('case_type' , 'Case Type' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('case_status' , 'Case Status' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('participant_listing' , 'Participant Listing' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('safe_file_extension' , 'Safe File Extension' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('from_email_address' , 'From Email Address' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('mapping_type' , 'Mapping Type' , NULL, 1, 1, 1),
('wysiwyg_editor' , 'WYSIWYG Editor' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('recur_frequency_units' , 'Recurring Frequency Units' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('phone_type' , 'Phone Type' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('custom_data_type' , 'Custom Data Type' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('visibility' , 'Visibility' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('mail_protocol' , 'Mail Protocol' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('priority' , 'Priority' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('redaction_rule' , 'Redaction Rule' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('report_template' , 'Report Template' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('email_greeting' , 'Email Greeting Type' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('postal_greeting' , 'Postal Greeting Type' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('addressee' , 'Addressee Type' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('contact_autocomplete_options' , 'Autocomplete Contact Search' , NULL, 1, 1, 1),
('contact_reference_options' , 'Contact Reference Autocomplete Options', NULL, 1, 1, 1),
('website_type' , 'Website Type' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('tag_used_for' , 'Tag Used For' , NULL, 1, 1, 1),
('currencies_enabled' , 'Currencies Enabled' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('event_badge' , 'Event Name Badge' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('note_privacy' , 'Privacy levels for notes' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('campaign_type' , 'Campaign Type' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('campaign_status' , 'Campaign Status' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('system_extensions' , 'CiviCRM Extensions' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('mail_approval_status' , 'CiviMail Approval Status' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('engagement_index' , 'Engagement Index' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('cg_extend_objects' , 'Objects a custom group extends to' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('paper_size' , 'Paper Size' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('pdf_format' , 'PDF Page Format' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('label_format' , 'Mailing Label Format' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('activity_contacts' , 'Activity Contacts' , NULL, 1, 1, 1),
('account_relationship' , 'Account Relationship' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('event_contacts' , 'Event Recipients' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('conference_slot' , 'Conference Slot' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('batch_type' , 'Batch Type' , NULL, 1, 1, 1),
('batch_mode' , 'Batch Mode' , NULL, 1, 1, 1),
('batch_status' , 'Batch Status' , NULL, 1, 1, 1),
('sms_api_type' , 'Api Type' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('sms_provider_name' , 'Sms Provider Internal Name' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('auto_renew_options' , 'Auto Renew Options' , NULL, 1, 1, 1),
('financial_account_type' , 'Financial Account Type' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('financial_item_status' , 'Financial Item Status' , NULL, 1, 1, 1),
('label_type' , 'Label Type' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('name_badge' , 'Name Badge Format' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('communication_style' , 'Communication Style' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('msg_mode' , 'Message Mode' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('contact_date_reminder_options' , 'Contact Date Reminder Options' , NULL, 1, 1, 1),
('wysiwyg_presets' , 'WYSIWYG Editor Presets' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('relative_date_filters' , 'Relative Date Filters' , NULL, 1, 1, 0),
('pledge_status' , 'Pledge Status' , NULL, 1, 1, 1),
('environment' , 'Environment' , NULL, 0, 1, 0);
SELECT @option_group_id_pcm := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'preferred_communication_method';
SELECT @option_group_id_act := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'activity_type';
SELECT @option_group_id_gender := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'gender';
SELECT @option_group_id_IMProvider := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'instant_messenger_service';
SELECT @option_group_id_mobileProvider := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'mobile_provider';
SELECT @option_group_id_prefix := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'individual_prefix';
SELECT @option_group_id_suffix := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'individual_suffix';
SELECT @option_group_id_aclRole := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'acl_role';
SELECT @option_group_id_acc := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'accept_creditcard';
SELECT @option_group_id_pi := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'payment_instrument';
SELECT @option_group_id_cs := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'contribution_status';
SELECT @option_group_id_pcp := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'pcp_status';
SELECT @option_group_id_pcpOwnerNotify := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'pcp_owner_notify';
SELECT @option_group_id_pRole := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'participant_role';
SELECT @option_group_id_etype := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'event_type';
SELECT @option_group_id_cvOpt := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'contact_view_options';
SELECT @option_group_id_csgOpt := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'contact_smart_group_display';
SELECT @option_group_id_ceOpt := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'contact_edit_options';
SELECT @option_group_id_asOpt := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'advanced_search_options';
SELECT @option_group_id_udOpt := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'user_dashboard_options';
SELECT @option_group_id_adOpt := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'address_options';
SELECT @option_group_id_gType := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'group_type';
SELECT @option_group_id_grantSt := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'grant_status';
SELECT @option_group_id_grantTyp := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'grant_type';
SELECT @option_group_id_csearch := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'custom_search';
SELECT @option_group_id_acs := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'activity_status';
SELECT @option_group_id_ct := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'case_type';
SELECT @option_group_id_cas := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'case_status';
SELECT @option_group_id_pl := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'participant_listing';
SELECT @option_group_id_sfe := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'safe_file_extension';
SELECT @option_group_id_mt := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'mapping_type';
SELECT @option_group_id_we := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'wysiwyg_editor';
SELECT @option_group_id_fu := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'recur_frequency_units';
SELECT @option_group_id_pht := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'phone_type';
SELECT @option_group_id_fma := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'from_email_address';
SELECT @option_group_id_cdt := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'custom_data_type';
SELECT @option_group_id_vis := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'visibility';
SELECT @option_group_id_mp := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'mail_protocol';
SELECT @option_group_id_priority := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'priority';
SELECT @option_group_id_rr := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'redaction_rule';
SELECT @option_group_id_emailGreeting := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'email_greeting';
SELECT @option_group_id_postalGreeting := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'postal_greeting';
SELECT @option_group_id_addressee := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'addressee';
SELECT @option_group_id_report := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'report_template';
SELECT @option_group_id_acsOpt := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'contact_autocomplete_options';
SELECT @option_group_id_acConRef := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'contact_reference_options';
SELECT @option_group_id_website := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'website_type';
SELECT @option_group_id_tuf := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'tag_used_for';
SELECT @option_group_id_currency := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'currencies_enabled';
SELECT @option_group_id_eventBadge := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'event_badge';
SELECT @option_group_id_notePrivacy := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'note_privacy';
SELECT @option_group_id_campaignType := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'campaign_type';
SELECT @option_group_id_campaignStatus := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'campaign_status';
SELECT @option_group_id_extensions := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'system_extensions';
SELECT @option_group_id_mail_approval_status := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'mail_approval_status';
SELECT @option_group_id_engagement_index := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'engagement_index';
SELECT @option_group_id_cgeo := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'cg_extend_objects';
SELECT @option_group_id_paperSize := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'paper_size';
SELECT @option_group_id_label := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'label_format';
SELECT @option_group_id_aco := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'activity_contacts';
SELECT @option_group_id_arel := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'account_relationship';
SELECT @option_group_id_ere := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'event_contacts';
SELECT @option_group_id_conference_slot := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'conference_slot';
SELECT @option_group_id_batch_type := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'batch_type';
SELECT @option_group_id_batch_status := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'batch_status';
SELECT @option_group_id_batch_mode := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'batch_mode';
SELECT @option_group_id_sms_api_type := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'sms_api_type';
SELECT @option_group_id_sms_provider_name := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'sms_provider_name';
SELECT @option_group_id_aro := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'auto_renew_options';
SELECT @option_group_id_fat := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'financial_account_type';
SELECT @option_group_id_financial_item_status := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'financial_item_status';
SELECT @option_group_id_label_type := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'label_type';
SELECT @option_group_id_name_badge := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'name_badge';
SELECT @option_group_id_communication_style := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'communication_style';
SELECT @option_group_id_msg_mode := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'msg_mode';
SELECT @option_group_id_contactDateMode := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'contact_date_reminder_options';
SELECT @option_group_id_date_filter := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'relative_date_filters';
SELECT @option_group_id_wysiwyg_presets := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'wysiwyg_presets';
SELECT @option_group_id_ps := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'pledge_status';
SELECT @option_group_id_env := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'environment';
SELECT @contributeCompId := max(id) FROM civicrm_component where name = 'CiviContribute';
SELECT @eventCompId := max(id) FROM civicrm_component where name = 'CiviEvent';
SELECT @memberCompId := max(id) FROM civicrm_component where name = 'CiviMember';
SELECT @pledgeCompId := max(id) FROM civicrm_component where name = 'CiviPledge';
SELECT @caseCompId := max(id) FROM civicrm_component where name = 'CiviCase';
SELECT @grantCompId := max(id) FROM civicrm_component where name = 'CiviGrant';
SELECT @campaignCompId := max(id) FROM civicrm_component where name = 'CiviCampaign';
SELECT @mailCompId := max(id) FROM civicrm_component where name = 'CiviMail';
`civicrm_option_value` (`option_group_id`, `label`, `value`, `name`, `grouping`, `filter`, `is_default`, `weight`, `description`, `is_optgroup`, `is_reserved`, `is_active`, `component_id`, `visibility_id`, `icon`)
(@option_group_id_pcm, 'Phone', 1, 'Phone', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_pcm, 'Email', 2, 'Email', NULL, 0, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_pcm, 'Postal Mail', 3, 'Postal Mail', NULL, 0, NULL, 3, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_pcm, 'SMS', 4, 'SMS', NULL, 0, NULL, 4, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_pcm, 'Fax', 5, 'Fax', NULL, 0, NULL, 5, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_act, 'Meeting', 1, 'Meeting', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, 'fa-slideshare'),
(@option_group_id_act, 'Phone Call', 2, 'Phone Call', NULL, 0, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, 'fa-phone'),
(@option_group_id_act, 'Email', 3, 'Email', NULL, 1, NULL, 3, 'Email sent.', 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, 'fa-envelope-o'),
(@option_group_id_act, 'Outbound SMS', 4, 'SMS', NULL, 1, NULL, 4, 'Text message (SMS) sent.', 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, 'fa-mobile'),
(@option_group_id_act, 'Event Registration', 5, 'Event Registration', NULL, 1, NULL, 5, 'Online or offline event registration.', 0, 1, 1, @eventCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_act, 'Contribution', 6, 'Contribution', NULL, 1, NULL, 6, 'Online or offline contribution.', 0, 1, 1, @contributeCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_act, 'Membership Signup', 7, 'Membership Signup', NULL, 1, NULL, 7, 'Online or offline membership signup.', 0, 1, 1, @memberCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_act, 'Membership Renewal', 8, 'Membership Renewal', NULL, 1, NULL, 8, 'Online or offline membership renewal.', 0, 1, 1, @memberCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_act, 'Tell a Friend', 9, 'Tell a Friend', NULL, 1, NULL, 9, 'Send information about a contribution campaign or event to a friend.', 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_act, 'Pledge Acknowledgment', 10, 'Pledge Acknowledgment', NULL, 1, NULL, 10, 'Send Pledge Acknowledgment.', 0, 1, 1, @pledgeCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_act, 'Pledge Reminder', 11, 'Pledge Reminder', NULL, 1, NULL, 11, 'Send Pledge Reminder.', 0, 1, 1, @pledgeCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_act, 'Inbound Email', 12, 'Inbound Email', NULL, 1, NULL, 12, 'Inbound Email.', 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
-- Activity Types for case activities
(@option_group_id_act, 'Open Case', 13, 'Open Case', NULL, 0, 0, 13, '', 0, 1, 1, @caseCompId, NULL, 'fa-folder-open-o'),
(@option_group_id_act, 'Follow up', 14, 'Follow up', NULL, 0, 0, 14, '', 0, 1, 1, @caseCompId, NULL, 'fa-share-square-o'),
(@option_group_id_act, 'Change Case Type', 15, 'Change Case Type', NULL, 0, 0, 15, '', 0, 1, 1, @caseCompId, NULL, 'fa-random'),
(@option_group_id_act, 'Change Case Status', 16, 'Change Case Status', NULL, 0, 0, 16, '', 0, 1, 1, @caseCompId, NULL, 'fa-pencil-square-o'),
(@option_group_id_act, 'Change Case Subject',53, 'Change Case Subject',NULL, 0, 0, 53, '', 0, 1, 1, @caseCompId, NULL, 'fa-pencil-square-o'),
(@option_group_id_act, 'Change Custom Data', 33, 'Change Custom Data', NULL, 0, 0, 33, '', 0, 1, 1, @caseCompId, NULL, 'fa-table'),
(@option_group_id_act, 'Membership Renewal Reminder', 17, 'Membership Renewal Reminder', NULL, 1, NULL, 17, 'offline membership renewal reminder.', 0, 1, 1, @memberCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_act, 'Change Case Start Date', 18, 'Change Case Start Date', NULL, 0, 0, 18, '', 0, 1, 1, @caseCompId, NULL , 'fa-calendar'),
(@option_group_id_act, 'Bulk Email', 19, 'Bulk Email', NULL, 1, NULL, 19, 'Bulk Email Sent.', 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_act, 'Assign Case Role', 20, 'Assign Case Role', NULL,0, 0, 20, '', 0, 1, 1, @caseCompId, NULL, 'fa-user-plus'),
(@option_group_id_act, 'Remove Case Role', 21, 'Remove Case Role', NULL,0, 0, 21, '', 0, 1, 1, @caseCompId, NULL, 'fa-user-times'),
(@option_group_id_act, 'Print/Merge Document', 22, 'Print PDF Letter', NULL, 0, NULL, 22, 'Export letters and other printable documents.', 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, 'fa-file-pdf-o'),
(@option_group_id_act, 'Merge Case', 23, 'Merge Case', NULL, 0, NULL, 23, '', 0, 1, 1, @caseCompId, NULL , 'fa-compress'),
(@option_group_id_act, 'Reassigned Case', 24, 'Reassigned Case', NULL, 0, NULL, 24, '', 0, 1, 1, @caseCompId, NULL , 'fa-user-circle-o'),
(@option_group_id_act, 'Link Cases', 25, 'Link Cases', NULL, 0, NULL, 25, '', 0, 1, 1, @caseCompId, NULL , 'fa-link'),
(@option_group_id_act, 'Change Case Tags', 26, 'Change Case Tags', NULL,0, 0, 26, '', 0, 1, 1, @caseCompId, NULL, 'fa-tags'),
(@option_group_id_act, 'Add Client To Case', 27, 'Add Client To Case', NULL,0, 0, 26, '', 0, 1, 1, @caseCompId, NULL, 'fa-users'),
-- Activity Types for CiviCampaign
(@option_group_id_act, 'Survey', 28, 'Survey', NULL,0, 0, 27, '', 0, 1, 1, @campaignCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_act, 'Canvass', 29, 'Canvass', NULL,0, 0, 28, '', 0, 1, 1, @campaignCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_act, 'PhoneBank', 30, 'PhoneBank', NULL,0, 0, 29, '', 0, 1, 1, @campaignCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_act, 'WalkList', 31, 'WalkList', NULL,0, 0, 30, '', 0, 1, 1, @campaignCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_act, 'Petition Signature', 32, 'Petition', NULL,0, 0, 31, '', 0, 1, 1, @campaignCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_act, 'Mass SMS', 34, 'Mass SMS', NULL, 1, NULL, 34, 'Mass SMS', 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
-- Additional Membership-related Activity Types
(@option_group_id_act, 'Change Membership Status', 35, 'Change Membership Status', NULL, 1, NULL, 35, 'Change Membership Status.', 0, 1, 1, @memberCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_act, 'Change Membership Type', 36, 'Change Membership Type', NULL, 1, NULL, 36, 'Change Membership Type.', 0, 1, 1, @memberCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_act, 'Cancel Recurring Contribution', 37, 'Cancel Recurring Contribution', NULL,1, 0, 37, '', 0, 1, 1, @contributeCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_act, 'Update Recurring Contribution Billing Details', 38, 'Update Recurring Contribution Billing Details', NULL,1, 0, 38, '', 0, 1, 1, @contributeCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_act, 'Update Recurring Contribution', 39, 'Update Recurring Contribution', NULL,1, 0, 39, '', 0, 1, 1, @contributeCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_act, 'Reminder Sent', 40, 'Reminder Sent', NULL, 1, 0, 40, '', 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
-- Activity Types for Financial Transactions Batch
(@option_group_id_act, 'Export Accounting Batch', 41, 'Export Accounting Batch', NULL, 1, 0, 41, 'Export Accounting Batch', 0, 1, 1, @contributeCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_act, 'Create Batch', 42, 'Create Batch', NULL, 1, 0, 42, 'Create Batch', 0, 1, 1, @contributeCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_act, 'Edit Batch', 43, 'Edit Batch', NULL, 1, 0, 43, 'Edit Batch', 0, 1, 1, @contributeCompId, NULL, NULL),
-- new sms options
(@option_group_id_act, 'SMS delivery', 44, 'SMS delivery', NULL, 1, NULL, 44, 'SMS delivery', 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_act, 'Inbound SMS', 45, 'Inbound SMS', NULL, 1, NULL, 45, 'Inbound SMS', 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
-- Activity types for particial payment
(@option_group_id_act, 'Payment', 46, 'Payment', NULL, 1, NULL, 46, 'Additional payment recorded for event or membership fee.', 0, 1, 1, @contributeCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_act, 'Refund', 47, 'Refund', NULL, 1, NULL, 47, 'Refund recorded for event or membership fee.', 0, 1, 1, @contributeCompId, NULL, NULL),
-- for selection changes
(@option_group_id_act, 'Change Registration', 48, 'Change Registration', NULL, 1, NULL, 48, 'Changes to an existing event registration.', 0, 1, 1, @eventCompId, NULL, NULL),
-- for Print or Email Contribution Invoices
(@option_group_id_act, 'Downloaded Invoice', 49, 'Downloaded Invoice', NULL, 1, NULL, 49, 'Downloaded Invoice.',0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_act, 'Emailed Invoice', 50, 'Emailed Invoice', NULL, 1, NULL, 50, 'Emailed Invoice.',0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
-- for manual contact merge
(@option_group_id_act, 'Contact Merged', 51, 'Contact Merged', NULL, 1, NULL, 51, 'Contact Merged',0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_act, 'Contact Deleted by Merge', 52, 'Contact Deleted by Merge', NULL, 1, NULL, 52, 'Contact was merged into another contact',0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
-- Activity Type for failed payment
(@option_group_id_act, 'Failed Payment', 54, 'Failed Payment', NULL, 1, 0, 54, 'Failed Payment', 0, 1, 1, @contributeCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_gender, 'Female', 1, 'Female', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_gender, 'Male', 2, 'Male', NULL, 0, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_gender, 'Other', 3, 'Other', NULL, 0, NULL, 3, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_IMProvider, 'Yahoo', 1, 'Yahoo', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_IMProvider, 'MSN', 2, 'Msn', NULL, 0, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_IMProvider, 'AIM', 3, 'Aim', NULL, 0, NULL, 3, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_IMProvider, 'GTalk', 4, 'Gtalk', NULL, 0, NULL, 4, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_IMProvider, 'Jabber',5, 'Jabber',NULL, 0, NULL, 5, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_IMProvider, 'Skype', 6, 'Skype', NULL, 0, NULL, 6, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_mobileProvider, 'Sprint' , 1, 'Sprint' , NULL, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_mobileProvider, 'Verizon' , 2, 'Verizon' , NULL, 0, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_mobileProvider, 'Cingular', 3, 'Cingular', NULL, 0, NULL, 3, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_prefix, 'Mrs.', 1, 'Mrs.', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_prefix, 'Ms.', 2, 'Ms.', NULL, 0, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_prefix, 'Mr.', 3, 'Mr.', NULL, 0, NULL, 3, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_prefix, 'Dr.', 4, 'Dr.', NULL, 0, NULL, 4, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_suffix, 'Jr.', 1, 'Jr.', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_suffix, 'Sr.', 2, 'Sr.', NULL, 0, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_suffix, 'II', 3, 'II', NULL, 0, NULL, 3, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_suffix, 'III', 4, 'III', NULL, 0, NULL, 4, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_suffix, 'IV', 5, 'IV', NULL, 0, NULL, 5, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_suffix, 'V', 6, 'V', NULL, 0, NULL, 6, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_suffix, 'VI', 7, 'VI', NULL, 0, NULL, 7, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_suffix, 'VII', 8, 'VII', NULL, 0, NULL, 8, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_aclRole, 'Administrator', 1, 'Admin', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_aclRole, 'Authenticated', 2, 'Auth' , NULL, 0, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_acc, 'Visa' , 1, 'Visa' , NULL, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_acc, 'MasterCard', 2, 'MasterCard', NULL, 0, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_acc, 'Amex' , 3, 'Amex' , NULL, 0, NULL, 3, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_acc, 'Discover' , 4, 'Discover' , NULL, 0, NULL, 4, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_pi, 'Credit Card', 1, 'Credit Card', NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_pi, 'Debit Card', 2, 'Debit Card', NULL, 0, 0, 2, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_pi, 'Cash', 3, 'Cash', NULL, 0, 0, 3, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_pi, 'Check', 4, 'Check', NULL, 0, 1, 4, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_pi, 'EFT', 5, 'EFT', NULL, 0, 0, 5, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_cs, 'Completed' , 1, 'Completed' , NULL, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_cs, 'Pending' , 2, 'Pending' , NULL, 0, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_cs, 'Cancelled' , 3, 'Cancelled' , NULL, 0, NULL, 3, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_cs, 'Failed' , 4, 'Failed' , NULL, 0, NULL, 4, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_cs, 'In Progress', 5, 'In Progress', NULL, 0, NULL, 5, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_cs, 'Overdue' , 6, 'Overdue' , NULL, 0, NULL, 6, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_cs, 'Refunded' , 7, 'Refunded' , NULL, 0, NULL, 7, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_cs, 'Partially paid', 8, 'Partially paid', NULL, 0, NULL, 8, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_cs, 'Pending refund', 9, 'Pending refund', NULL, 0, NULL, 9, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_cs, 'Chargeback', 10, 'Chargeback', NULL, 0, NULL, 10, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_pcp, 'Waiting Review', 1, 'Waiting Review', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_pcp, 'Approved' , 2, 'Approved' , NULL, 0, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_pcp, 'Not Approved' , 3, 'Not Approved' , NULL, 0, NULL, 3, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_pcpOwnerNotify, 'Owner chooses whether to receive notifications', 1, 'owner_chooses', NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_pcpOwnerNotify, 'Notifications are sent to ALL owners' , 2, 'all_owners' , NULL, 0, 0, 2, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_pcpOwnerNotify, 'Notifications are NOT available' , 3, 'no_notifications' , NULL, 0, 0, 3, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_pRole, 'Attendee', 1, 'Attendee', NULL, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_pRole, 'Volunteer', 2, 'Volunteer', NULL, 1, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_pRole, 'Host', 3, 'Host', NULL, 1, NULL, 3, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_pRole, 'Speaker', 4, 'Speaker', NULL, 1, NULL, 4, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_etype, 'Conference', 1, 'Conference', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_etype, 'Exhibition', 2, 'Exhibition', NULL, 0, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_etype, 'Fundraiser', 3, 'Fundraiser', NULL, 0, NULL, 3, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_etype, 'Meeting', 4, 'Meeting', NULL, 0, NULL, 4, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_etype, 'Performance',5, 'Performance', NULL, 0, NULL, 5, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_etype, 'Workshop', 6, 'Workshop', NULL, 0, NULL, 6, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
-- note that these are not ts'ed since they are used for logic in most cases and not display
-- they are used for display only in the prefernces field settings
(@option_group_id_cvOpt, 'Activities' , 1, 'activity', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_cvOpt, 'Relationships', 2, 'rel', NULL, 0, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_cvOpt, 'Groups' , 3, 'group', NULL, 0, NULL, 3, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_cvOpt, 'Notes' , 4, 'note', NULL, 0, NULL, 4, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_cvOpt, 'Tags' , 5, 'tag', NULL, 0, NULL, 5, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_cvOpt, 'Change Log' , 6, 'log', NULL, 0, NULL, 6, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_cvOpt, 'Contributions', 7, 'CiviContribute', NULL, 0, NULL, 7, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_cvOpt, 'Memberships' , 8, 'CiviMember', NULL, 0, NULL, 8, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_cvOpt, 'Events' , 9, 'CiviEvent', NULL, 0, NULL, 9, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_cvOpt, 'Cases' , 10, 'CiviCase', NULL, 0, NULL, 10, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_cvOpt, 'Grants' , 11, 'CiviGrant', NULL, 0, NULL, 11, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_cvOpt, 'Pledges' , 13, 'CiviPledge', NULL, 0, NULL, 13, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_cvOpt, 'Mailings' , 14, 'CiviMail', NULL, 0, NULL, 14, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_csgOpt, 'Show Smart Groups on Demand',1, 'showondemand', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_csgOpt, 'Always Show Smart Groups', 2, 'alwaysshow', NULL, 0, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_csgOpt, 'Hide Smart Groups' , 3, 'hide', NULL, 0, NULL, 3, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_ceOpt, 'Custom Data' , 1, 'CustomData', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_ceOpt, 'Address' , 2, 'Address', NULL, 0, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_ceOpt, 'Communication Preferences', 3, 'CommunicationPreferences', NULL, 0, NULL, 3, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_ceOpt, 'Notes' , 4, 'Notes', NULL, 0, NULL, 4, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_ceOpt, 'Demographics' , 5, 'Demographics', NULL, 0, NULL, 5, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_ceOpt, 'Tags and Groups' , 6, 'TagsAndGroups', NULL, 0, NULL, 6, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_ceOpt, 'Email' , 7, 'Email', NULL, 1, NULL, 7, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_ceOpt, 'Phone' , 8, 'Phone', NULL, 1, NULL, 8, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_ceOpt, 'Instant Messenger' , 9, 'IM', NULL, 1, NULL, 9, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_ceOpt, 'Open ID' , 10, 'OpenID', NULL, 1, NULL, 10, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_ceOpt, 'Website' , 11, 'Website', NULL, 1, NULL, 11, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_ceOpt, 'Prefix' , 12, 'Prefix', NULL, 2, NULL, 12, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_ceOpt, 'Formal Title' , 13, 'Formal Title', NULL, 2, NULL, 13, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_ceOpt, 'First Name' , 14, 'First Name', NULL, 2, NULL, 14, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_ceOpt, 'Middle Name' , 15, 'Middle Name', NULL, 2, NULL, 15, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_ceOpt, 'Last Name' , 16, 'Last Name', NULL, 2, NULL, 16, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_ceOpt, 'Suffix' , 17, 'Suffix', NULL, 2, NULL, 17, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_asOpt, 'Address Fields' , 1, 'location', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_asOpt, 'Custom Fields' , 2, 'custom', NULL, 0, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_asOpt, 'Activities' , 3, 'activity', NULL, 0, NULL, 4, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_asOpt, 'Relationships' , 4, 'relationship', NULL, 0, NULL, 5, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_asOpt, 'Notes' , 5, 'notes', NULL, 0, NULL, 6, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_asOpt, 'Change Log' , 6, 'changeLog', NULL, 0, NULL, 7, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_asOpt, 'Contributions' , 7, 'CiviContribute', NULL, 0, NULL, 8, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_asOpt, 'Memberships' , 8, 'CiviMember', NULL, 0, NULL, 9, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_asOpt, 'Events' , 9, 'CiviEvent', NULL, 0, NULL, 10, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_asOpt, 'Cases' , 10, 'CiviCase', NULL, 0, NULL, 11, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_asOpt, 'Grants' , 12, 'CiviGrant', NULL, 0, NULL, 14, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_asOpt, 'Demographics' , 13, 'demographics', NULL, 0, NULL, 15, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_asOpt, 'Pledges' , 15, 'CiviPledge', NULL, 0, NULL, 17, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_asOpt, 'Contact Type' , 16, 'contactType', NULL, 0, NULL, 18, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_asOpt, 'Groups' , 17, 'groups', NULL, 0, NULL, 19, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_asOpt, 'Tags' , 18, 'tags', NULL, 0, NULL, 20, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_asOpt, 'Mailing' , 19, 'CiviMail', NULL, 0, NULL, 21, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_udOpt, 'Groups' , 1, 'Groups', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_udOpt, 'Contributions' , 2, 'CiviContribute', NULL, 0, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_udOpt, 'Memberships' , 3, 'CiviMember', NULL, 0, NULL, 3, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_udOpt, 'Events' , 4, 'CiviEvent', NULL, 0, NULL, 4, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_udOpt, 'My Contacts / Organizations', 5, 'Permissioned Orgs', NULL, 0, NULL, 5, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_udOpt, 'Pledges' , 7, 'CiviPledge', NULL, 0, NULL, 7, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_udOpt, 'Personal Campaign Pages' , 8, 'PCP', NULL, 0, NULL, 8, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_udOpt, 'Assigned Activities' , 9, 'Assigned Activities', NULL, 0, NULL, 9, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_udOpt, 'Invoices / Credit Notes' , 10, 'Invoices / Credit Notes', NULL, 0, NULL, 10, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_acsOpt, 'Email Address' , 2, 'email' , NULL, 0, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_acsOpt, 'Phone' , 3, 'phone' , NULL, 0, NULL, 3, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_acsOpt, 'Street Address' , 4, 'street_address', NULL, 0, NULL, 4, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_acsOpt, 'City' , 5, 'city' , NULL, 0, NULL, 5, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_acsOpt, 'State/Province' , 6, 'state_province', NULL, 0, NULL, 6, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_acsOpt, 'Country' , 7, 'country' , NULL, 0, NULL, 7, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_acsOpt, 'Postal Code' , 8, 'postal_code' , NULL, 0, NULL, 8, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_acConRef, 'Email Address' , 2, 'email' , NULL, 0, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_acConRef, 'Phone' , 3, 'phone' , NULL, 0, NULL, 3, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_acConRef, 'Street Address' , 4, 'street_address', NULL, 0, NULL, 4, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_acConRef, 'City' , 5, 'city' , NULL, 0, NULL, 5, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_acConRef, 'State/Province' , 6, 'state_province', NULL, 0, NULL, 6, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_acConRef, 'Country' , 7, 'country' , NULL, 0, NULL, 7, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_acConRef, 'Postal Code' , 8, 'country' , NULL, 0, NULL, 8, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_adOpt, 'Street Address' , 1, 'street_address', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_adOpt, 'Supplemental Address 1' , 2, 'supplemental_address_1', NULL, 0, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_adOpt, 'Supplemental Address 2' , 3, 'supplemental_address_2', NULL, 0, NULL, 3, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_adOpt, 'Supplemental Address 3' , 4, 'supplemental_address_3', NULL, 0, NULL, 4, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_adOpt, 'City' , 5, 'city' , NULL, 0, NULL, 5, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_adOpt, 'Postal Code' , 6, 'postal_code' , NULL, 0, NULL, 6, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_adOpt, 'Postal Code Suffix', 7, 'postal_code_suffix', NULL, 0, NULL, 7, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_adOpt, 'County' , 8, 'county' , NULL, 0, NULL, 8, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_adOpt, 'State/Province' , 9, 'state_province', NULL, 0, NULL, 9, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_adOpt, 'Country' , 10, 'country' , NULL, 0, NULL, 10, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_adOpt, 'Latitude' , 11, 'geo_code_1' , NULL, 0, NULL, 11, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_adOpt, 'Longitude' , 12, 'geo_code_2', NULL, 0, NULL, 12, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_adOpt, 'Address Name' , 13, 'address_name', NULL, 0, NULL, 13, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_adOpt, 'Street Address Parsing', 14, 'street_address_parsing', NULL, 0, NULL, 14, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_gType, 'Access Control', 1, 'Access Control', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_gType, 'Mailing List', 2, 'Mailing List', NULL, 0, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_grantSt, 'Submitted', 1, 'Submitted', NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_grantSt, 'Eligible', 2, 'Eligible', NULL, 0, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_grantSt, 'Ineligible', 3, 'Ineligible', NULL, 0, NULL, 3, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_grantSt, 'Paid', 4, 'Paid', NULL, 0, NULL, 4, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_grantSt, 'Awaiting Information', 5, 'Awaiting Information', NULL, 0, NULL, 5, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_grantSt, 'Withdrawn', 6, 'Withdrawn', NULL, 0, NULL, 6, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_grantSt, 'Approved for Payment', 7, 'Approved for Payment', NULL, 0, NULL, 7, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_csearch , 'CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_Sample' , 1, 'CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_Sample' , NULL, 0, NULL, 1, 'Household Name and State', 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_csearch , 'CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_ContributionAggregate', 2, 'CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_ContributionAggregate', NULL, 0, NULL, 2, 'Contribution Aggregate', 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_csearch , 'CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_Basic' , 3, 'CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_Basic' , NULL, 0, NULL, 3, 'Basic Search', 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_csearch , 'CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_Group' , 4, 'CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_Group' , NULL, 0, NULL, 4, 'Include / Exclude Search', 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_csearch , 'CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_PostalMailing' , 5, 'CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_PostalMailing', NULL, 0, NULL, 5, 'Postal Mailing', 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_csearch , 'CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_Proximity' , 6, 'CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_Proximity', NULL, 0, NULL, 6, 'Proximity Search', 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_csearch , 'CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_EventAggregate' , 7, 'CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_EventAggregate', NULL, 0, NULL, 7, 'Event Aggregate', 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_csearch , 'CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_ActivitySearch' , 8, 'CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_ActivitySearch', NULL, 0, NULL, 8, 'Activity Search', 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_csearch , 'CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_PriceSet' , 9, 'CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_PriceSet', NULL, 0, NULL, 9, 'Price Set Details for Event Participants', 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_csearch , 'CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_ZipCodeRange' ,10, 'CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_ZipCodeRange', NULL, 0, NULL, 10, 'Zip Code Range', 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_csearch , 'CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_DateAdded' ,11, 'CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_DateAdded', NULL, 0, NULL, 11, 'Date Added to CiviCRM', 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_csearch , 'CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_MultipleValues' ,12, 'CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_MultipleValues', NULL, 0, NULL, 12, 'Custom Group Multiple Values Listing', 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_csearch , 'CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_ContribSYBNT' ,13, 'CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_ContribSYBNT', NULL, 0, NULL, 13, 'Contributions made in Year X and not Year Y', 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_csearch , 'CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_TagContributions' ,14, 'CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_TagContributions', NULL, 0, NULL, 14, 'Find Contribution Amounts by Tag', 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_csearch , 'CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_FullText' ,15, 'CRM_Contact_Form_Search_Custom_FullText', NULL, 0, NULL, 15, 'Full-text Search', 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
-- report templates
(@option_group_id_report , 'Constituent Report (Summary)', 'contact/summary', 'CRM_Report_Form_Contact_Summary', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, 'Provides a list of address and telephone information for constituent records in your system.', 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_report , 'Constituent Report (Detail)', 'contact/detail', 'CRM_Report_Form_Contact_Detail', NULL, 0, NULL, 2, 'Provides contact-related information on contributions, memberships, events and activities.', 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_report , 'Activity Details Report', 'activity', 'CRM_Report_Form_Activity', NULL, 0, NULL, 3, 'Provides a list of constituent activity including activity statistics for one/all contacts during a given date range(required)', 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_report , 'Walk / Phone List Report', 'walklist', 'CRM_Report_Form_Walklist_Walklist', NULL, 0, NULL, 4, 'Provides a detailed report for your walk/phonelist for targeted contacts', 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_report , 'Current Employer Report', 'contact/currentEmployer', 'CRM_Report_Form_Contact_CurrentEmployer', NULL, 0, NULL, 5, 'Provides detail list of employer employee relationships along with employment details Ex Join Date', 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_report , 'Contribution Summary Report', 'contribute/summary', 'CRM_Report_Form_Contribute_Summary', NULL, 0, NULL, 6, 'Groups and totals contributions by criteria including contact, time period, financial type, contributor location, etc.', 0, 0, 1, @contributeCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_report , 'Contribution Detail Report', 'contribute/detail', 'CRM_Report_Form_Contribute_Detail', NULL, 0, NULL, 7, 'Lists specific contributions by criteria including contact, time period, financial type, contributor location, etc. Contribution summary report points to this report for contribution details.', 0, 0, 1, @contributeCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_report , 'Repeat Contributions Report', 'contribute/repeat', 'CRM_Report_Form_Contribute_Repeat', NULL, 0, NULL, 8, 'Given two date ranges, shows contacts who contributed in both the date ranges with the amount contributed in each and the percentage increase / decrease.', 0, 0, 1, @contributeCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_report , 'Contributions by Organization Report', 'contribute/organizationSummary', 'CRM_Report_Form_Contribute_OrganizationSummary', NULL, 0, NULL, 9, 'Displays a detailed list of contributions grouped by organization, which includes contributions made by employees for the organisation.', 0, 0, 1, @contributeCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_report , 'Contributions by Household Report', 'contribute/householdSummary', 'CRM_Report_Form_Contribute_HouseholdSummary', NULL, 0, NULL, 10, 'Displays a detailed list of contributions grouped by household which includes contributions made by members of the household.', 0, 0, 1, @contributeCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_report , 'Top Donors Report', 'contribute/topDonor', 'CRM_Report_Form_Contribute_TopDonor', NULL, 0, NULL, 11, 'Provides a list of the top donors during a time period you define. You can include as many donors as you want (for example, top 100 of your donors).', 0, 0, 1, @contributeCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_report , 'SYBUNT Report', 'contribute/sybunt', 'CRM_Report_Form_Contribute_Sybunt', NULL, 0, NULL, 12, 'SYBUNT means some year(s) but not this year. Provides a list of constituents who donated at some time in the history of your organization but did not donate during the time period you specify.', 0, 0, 1, @contributeCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_report , 'LYBUNT Report', 'contribute/lybunt', 'CRM_Report_Form_Contribute_Lybunt', NULL, 0, NULL, 13, 'LYBUNT means last year but not this year. Provides a list of constituents who donated last year but did not donate during the time period you specify as the current year.', 0, 0, 1, @contributeCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_report , 'Soft Credit Report', 'contribute/softcredit', 'CRM_Report_Form_Contribute_SoftCredit', NULL, 0, NULL, 14, 'Shows contributions made by contacts that have been soft-credited to other contacts.', 0, 0, 1,@contributeCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_report , 'Membership Report (Summary)', 'member/summary', 'CRM_Report_Form_Member_Summary', NULL, 0, NULL, 15, 'Provides a summary of memberships by type and join date.', 0, 0, 1, @memberCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_report , 'Membership Report (Detail)', 'member/detail', 'CRM_Report_Form_Member_Detail', NULL, 0, NULL, 16, 'Provides a list of members along with their membership status and membership details (Join Date, Start Date, End Date). Can also display contributions (payments) associated with each membership.', 0, 0, 1, @memberCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_report , 'Membership Report (Lapsed)', 'member/lapse', 'CRM_Report_Form_Member_Lapse', NULL, 0, NULL, 17, 'Provides a list of memberships that lapsed or will lapse before the date you specify.', 0, 0, 1, @memberCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_report , 'Event Participant Report (List)', 'event/participantListing', 'CRM_Report_Form_Event_ParticipantListing', NULL, 0, NULL, 18, 'Provides lists of participants for an event.', 0, 0, 1, @eventCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_report , 'Event Income Report (Summary)', 'event/summary', 'CRM_Report_Form_Event_Summary', NULL, 0, NULL, 19, 'Provides an overview of event income. You can include key information such as event ID, registration, attendance, and income generated to help you determine the success of an event.', 0, 0, 1, @eventCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_report , 'Event Income Report (Detail)', 'event/income', 'CRM_Report_Form_Event_Income', NULL, 0, NULL, 20, 'Helps you to analyze the income generated by an event. The report can include details by participant type, status and payment method.', 0, 0, 1, @eventCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_report , 'Pledge Detail Report', 'pledge/detail', 'CRM_Report_Form_Pledge_Detail', NULL, 0, NULL, 21, 'List of pledges including amount pledged, pledge status, next payment date, balance due, total amount paid etc.', 0, 0, 1, @pledgeCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_report , 'Pledged but not Paid Report', 'pledge/pbnp', 'CRM_Report_Form_Pledge_Pbnp', NULL, 0, NULL, 22, 'Pledged but not Paid Report', 0, 0, 1, @pledgeCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_report , 'Relationship Report', 'contact/relationship', 'CRM_Report_Form_Contact_Relationship', NULL, 0, NULL, 23, 'Relationship Report', 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_report , 'Case Summary Report', 'case/summary', 'CRM_Report_Form_Case_Summary', NULL, 0, NULL, 24, 'Provides a summary of cases and their duration by date range, status, staff member and / or case role.', 0, 0, 1, @caseCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_report , 'Case Time Spent Report', 'case/timespent', 'CRM_Report_Form_Case_TimeSpent', NULL, 0, NULL, 25, 'Aggregates time spent on case and / or non-case activities by activity type and contact.', 0, 0, 1, @caseCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_report , 'Contact Demographics Report', 'case/demographics', 'CRM_Report_Form_Case_Demographics', NULL, 0, NULL, 26, 'Demographic breakdown for case clients (and or non-case contacts) in your database. Includes custom contact fields.', 0, 0, 1, @caseCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_report , 'Database Log Report', 'contact/log', 'CRM_Report_Form_Contact_Log', NULL, 0, NULL, 27, 'Log of contact and activity records created or updated in a given date range.', 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_report , 'Activity Summary Report', 'activitySummary', 'CRM_Report_Form_ActivitySummary', NULL, 0, NULL, 28, 'Shows activity statistics by type / date', 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_report, 'Bookkeeping Transactions Report', 'contribute/bookkeeping', 'CRM_Report_Form_Contribute_Bookkeeping', NULL, 0, 0, 29, 'Shows Bookkeeping Transactions Report', 0, 0, 1, 2, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_report , 'Grant Report (Detail)', 'grant/detail', 'CRM_Report_Form_Grant_Detail', NULL, 0, 0, 30, 'Grant Report Detail', 0, 0, 1, @grantCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_report, 'Participant list Count Report', 'event/participantlist', 'CRM_Report_Form_Event_ParticipantListCount', NULL, 0, 0, 31, 'Shows the Participant list with Participant Count.', 0, 0, 1, @eventCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_report, 'Income Count Summary Report', 'event/incomesummary', 'CRM_Report_Form_Event_IncomeCountSummary', NULL, 0, 0, 32, 'Shows the Income Summary of events with Count.', 0, 0, 1, @eventCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_report, 'Case Detail Report', 'case/detail', 'CRM_Report_Form_Case_Detail', NULL, 0, 0, 33, 'Case Details', 0, 0, 1, @caseCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_report, 'Mail Bounce Report', 'Mailing/bounce', 'CRM_Report_Form_Mailing_Bounce', NULL, 0, NULL, 34, 'Bounce Report for mailings', 0, 0, 1, @mailCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_report, 'Mail Summary Report', 'Mailing/summary', 'CRM_Report_Form_Mailing_Summary', NULL, 0, NULL, 35, 'Summary statistics for mailings', 0, 0, 1, @mailCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_report, 'Mail Opened Report', 'Mailing/opened', 'CRM_Report_Form_Mailing_Opened', NULL, 0, NULL, 36, 'Display contacts who opened emails from a mailing', 0, 0, 1, @mailCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_report, 'Mail Click-Through Report', 'Mailing/clicks', 'CRM_Report_Form_Mailing_Clicks', NULL, 0, NULL, 37, 'Display clicks from each mailing', 0, 0, 1, @mailCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_report, 'Contact Logging Report (Summary)', 'logging/contact/summary', 'CRM_Report_Form_Contact_LoggingSummary', NULL, 0, NULL, 38, 'Contact modification report for the logging infrastructure (summary).', 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_report, 'Contact Logging Report (Detail)', 'logging/contact/detail', 'CRM_Report_Form_Contact_LoggingDetail', NULL, 0, NULL, 39, 'Contact modification report for the logging infrastructure (detail).', 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_report, 'Grant Report (Statistics)', 'grant/statistics', 'CRM_Report_Form_Grant_Statistics', NULL, 0, NULL, 42, 'Shows statistics for Grants.', 0, 0, 1, @grantCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_report, 'Survey Report (Detail)', 'survey/detail', 'CRM_Report_Form_Campaign_SurveyDetails', NULL, 0, NULL, 43, 'Detailed report for canvassing, phone-banking, walk lists or other surveys.', 0, 0, 1, @campaignCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_report, 'Personal Campaign Page Report', 'contribute/pcp', 'CRM_Report_Form_Contribute_PCP', NULL, 0, NULL, 44, 'Summarizes amount raised and number of contributors for each Personal Campaign Page.', 0, 0, 1, @contributeCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_report , 'Pledge Summary Report', 'pledge/summary', 'CRM_Report_Form_Pledge_Summary', NULL, 0, NULL, 45, 'Groups and totals pledges by criteria including contact, time period, pledge status, location, etc.', 0, 0, 1, @pledgeCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_report , 'Contribution Aggregate by Relationship', 'contribute/history', 'CRM_Report_Form_Contribute_History', NULL, 0, NULL, 46, 'List contact\'s donation history, grouped by year, along with contributions attributed to any of the contact\'s related contacts.', 0, 0, 1, @contributeCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_report, 'Mail Detail Report', 'mailing/detail', 'CRM_Report_Form_Mailing_Detail', NULL, 0, NULL, 47, 'Provides reporting on Intended and Successful Deliveries, Unsubscribes and Opt-outs, Replies and Forwards.', 0, 0, 1, @mailCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_report, 'Contribution and Membership Details', 'member/contributionDetail', 'CRM_Report_Form_Member_ContributionDetail', NULL, 0, NULL, 48, 'Contribution details for any type of contribution, plus associated membership information for contributions which are in payment for memberships.', 0, 0, 1, @memberCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_report, 'Recurring Contributions Report', 'contribute/recur', 'CRM_Report_Form_Contribute_Recur', NULL, 0, NULL, 49, 'Provides information about the status of recurring contributions', 0, 0, 1, @contributeCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_report, 'Recurring Contributions Summary', 'contribute/recursummary', 'CRM_Report_Form_Contribute_RecurSummary', NULL, 0, NULL, 49, 'Provides simple summary for each payment instrument for which there are recurring contributions (e.g. Credit Card, Standing Order, Direct Debit, etc., NULL), showing within a given date range.', 0, 0, 1, @contributeCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_report, 'Deferred Revenue Details', 'contribute/deferredrevenue', 'CRM_Report_Form_Contribute_DeferredRevenue', NULL, 0, NULL, 50, 'Deferred Revenue Details Report', 0, 0, 1, @contributeCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_acs, 'Scheduled', 1, 'Scheduled', NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_acs, 'Completed', 2, 'Completed', NULL, 1, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_acs, 'Cancelled', 3, 'Cancelled', NULL, 2, NULL, 3, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_acs, 'Left Message', 4, 'Left Message', NULL, 0, NULL, 4, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_acs, 'Unreachable', 5, 'Unreachable', NULL, 2, NULL, 5, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_acs, 'Not Required', 6, 'Not Required', NULL, 2, NULL, 6, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_acs, 'Available', 7, 'Available', NULL, 0, NULL, 7, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_acs, 'No-show', 8, 'No_show', NULL, 2, NULL, 8, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_cas, 'Ongoing' , 1, 'Open' , 'Opened', 0, 1, 1, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_cas, 'Resolved', 2, 'Closed', 'Closed', 0, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_cas, 'Urgent' , 3, 'Urgent', 'Opened', 0, NULL, 3, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_pl, 'Name Only' , 1, 'Name Only' , NULL, 0, 0, 1, 'CRM_Event_Page_ParticipantListing_Name', 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_pl, 'Name and Email', 2, 'Name and Email' , NULL, 0, 0, 2, 'CRM_Event_Page_ParticipantListing_NameAndEmail', 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_pl, 'Name, Status and Register Date' , 3, 'Name, Status and Register Date', NULL, 0, 0, 3, 'CRM_Event_Page_ParticipantListing_NameStatusAndDate', 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_sfe, 'jpg', 1, 'jpg', NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_sfe, 'jpeg', 2, 'jpeg', NULL, 0, 0, 2, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_sfe, 'png', 3, 'png', NULL, 0, 0, 3, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_sfe, 'gif', 4, 'gif', NULL, 0, 0, 4, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_sfe, 'txt', 5, 'txt', NULL, 0, 0, 5, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_sfe, 'pdf', 6, 'pdf', NULL, 0, 0, 6, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_sfe, 'doc', 7, 'doc', NULL, 0, 0, 7, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_sfe, 'xls', 8, 'xls', NULL, 0, 0, 8, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_sfe, 'rtf', 9, 'rtf', NULL, 0, 0, 9, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_sfe, 'csv', 10, 'csv', NULL, 0, 0, 10, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_sfe, 'ppt', 11, 'ppt', NULL, 0, 0, 11, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_sfe, 'docx', 12, 'docx', NULL, 0, 0, 12, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_sfe, 'xlsx', 13, 'xlsx', NULL, 0, 0, 13, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_sfe, 'odt', 14, 'odt', NULL, 0, 0, 14, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_we, 'Textarea', 1, 'Textarea', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_we, 'CKEditor', 2, 'CKEditor', NULL, 0, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_mt, 'Search Builder', 1, 'Search Builder', NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_mt, 'Import Contact', 2, 'Import Contact', NULL, 0, 0, 2, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_mt, 'Import Activity', 3, 'Import Activity', NULL, 0, 0, 3, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_mt, 'Import Contribution', 4, 'Import Contribution', NULL, 0, 0, 4, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_mt, 'Import Membership', 5, 'Import Membership', NULL, 0, 0, 5, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_mt, 'Import Participant', 6, 'Import Participant', NULL, 0, 0, 6, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_mt, 'Export Contact', 7, 'Export Contact', NULL, 0, 0, 7, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_mt, 'Export Contribution', 8, 'Export Contribution', NULL, 0, 0, 8, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_mt, 'Export Membership', 9, 'Export Membership', NULL, 0, 0, 9, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_mt, 'Export Participant', 10, 'Export Participant', NULL, 0, 0, 10, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_mt, 'Export Pledge', 11, 'Export Pledge', NULL, 0, 0, 11, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_mt, 'Export Case', 12, 'Export Case', NULL, 0, 0, 12, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_mt, 'Export Grant', 13, 'Export Grant', NULL, 0, 0, 13, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_mt, 'Export Activity', 14, 'Export Activity', NULL, 0, 0, 14, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_fu, 'day' , 'day' , 'day', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_fu, 'week' , 'week' , 'week', NULL, 0, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_fu, 'month' , 'month', 'month', NULL, 0, NULL, 3, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_fu, 'year' , 'year' , 'year', NULL, 0, NULL, 4, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
-- phone types.
(@option_group_id_pht, 'Phone' , 1, 'Phone' , NULL, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_pht, 'Mobile', 2, 'Mobile' , NULL, 0, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_pht, 'Fax' , 3, 'Fax' , NULL, 0, NULL, 3, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_pht, 'Pager' , 4, 'Pager' , NULL, 0, NULL, 4, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_pht, 'Voicemail' , 5, 'Voicemail' , NULL, 0, NULL, 5, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
-- custom data types.
(@option_group_id_cdt, 'Participant Role', '1', 'ParticipantRole', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL , NULL),
(@option_group_id_cdt, 'Participant Event Name', '2', 'ParticipantEventName', NULL, 0, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL , NULL),
(@option_group_id_cdt, 'Participant Event Type', '3', 'ParticipantEventType', NULL, 0, NULL, 3, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL , NULL),
-- visibility.
(@option_group_id_vis, 'Public', 1, 'public', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL , NULL),
(@option_group_id_vis, 'Admin', 2, 'admin', NULL, 0, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL , NULL),
-- mail protocol.
(@option_group_id_mp, 'IMAP', 1, 'IMAP', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL , NULL),
(@option_group_id_mp, 'Maildir', 2, 'Maildir', NULL, 0, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL , NULL),
(@option_group_id_mp, 'POP3', 3, 'POP3', NULL, 0, NULL, 3, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL , NULL),
(@option_group_id_mp, 'Localdir', 4, 'Localdir', NULL, 0, NULL, 4, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL , NULL),
-- priority
(@option_group_id_priority, 'Urgent', 1, 'Urgent', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_priority, 'Normal', 2, 'Normal', NULL, 0, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_priority, 'Low', 3, 'Low', NULL, 0, NULL, 3, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
-- redaction rule FIXME: should this be in sample data instead?
(@option_group_id_rr, 'Vancouver', 'city_', 'city_', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_rr, '/(19|20)(\\d{2})-(\\d{1,2})-(\\d{1,2})/', 'date_', 'date_', NULL, 1, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL),
-- email greeting.
(@option_group_id_emailGreeting, 'Dear {contact.first_name}', 1, 'Dear {contact.first_name}', NULL, 1, 1, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_emailGreeting, 'Dear {contact.individual_prefix} {contact.first_name} {contact.last_name}', 2, 'Dear {contact.individual_prefix} {contact.first_name} {contact.last_name}', NULL, 1, 0, 2, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_emailGreeting, 'Dear {contact.individual_prefix} {contact.last_name}', 3, 'Dear {contact.individual_prefix} {contact.last_name}', NULL, 1, 0, 3, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_emailGreeting, 'Customized', 4, 'Customized', NULL, 0, 0, 4, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_emailGreeting, 'Dear {contact.household_name}', 5, 'Dear {contact.household_name}', NULL, 2, 1, 5, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
-- postal greeting.
(@option_group_id_postalGreeting, 'Dear {contact.first_name}', 1, 'Dear {contact.first_name}', NULL, 1, 1, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_postalGreeting, 'Dear {contact.individual_prefix} {contact.first_name} {contact.last_name}', 2, 'Dear {contact.individual_prefix} {contact.first_name} {contact.last_name}', NULL, 1, 0, 2, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_postalGreeting, 'Dear {contact.individual_prefix} {contact.last_name}', 3, 'Dear {contact.individual_prefix} {contact.last_name}', NULL, 1, 0, 3, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_postalGreeting, 'Customized', 4, 'Customized', NULL, 0, 0, 4, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_postalGreeting, 'Dear {contact.household_name}', 5, 'Dear {contact.household_name}', NULL, 2, 1, 5, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
-- addressee
(@option_group_id_addressee, '{contact.individual_prefix}{ } {contact.first_name}{ }{contact.middle_name}{ }{contact.last_name}{ }{contact.individual_suffix}', '1', '}{contact.individual_prefix}{ } {contact.first_name}{ }{contact.middle_name}{ }{contact.last_name}{ }{contact.individual_suffix}', NULL , '1', '1', '1', NULL , '0', '0', '1', NULL , NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_addressee, '{contact.household_name}', '2', '{contact.household_name}', NULL , '2', '1', '2', NULL , '0', '0', '1', NULL , NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_addressee, '{contact.organization_name}', '3', '{contact.organization_name}', NULL , '3', '1', '3', NULL , '0', '0', '1', NULL , NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_addressee, 'Customized', '4', 'Customized', NULL , 0 , '0', '4', NULL , '0', '1', '1', NULL , NULL, NULL),
-- website type
(@option_group_id_website, 'Work', 1, 'Work', NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_website, 'Main', 2, 'Main', NULL, 0, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_website, 'Facebook', 3, 'Facebook', NULL, 0, NULL, 3, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_website, 'Google+', 4, 'Google_', NULL, 0, NULL, 4, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_website, 'Instagram', 5, 'Instagram', NULL, 0, NULL, 5, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_website, 'LinkedIn', 6, 'LinkedIn', NULL, 0, NULL, 6, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_website, 'MySpace', 7, 'MySpace', NULL, 0, NULL, 7, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_website, 'Pinterest', 8, 'Pinterest', NULL, 0, NULL, 8, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_website, 'SnapChat', 9, 'SnapChat', NULL, 0, NULL, 9, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_website, 'Tumblr', 10, 'Tumblr', NULL, 0, NULL, 10, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_website, 'Twitter', 11, 'Twitter', NULL, 0, NULL, 11, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_website, 'Vine', 12, 'Vine ', NULL, 0, NULL, 12, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
-- Tag used for
(@option_group_id_tuf, 'Contacts', 'civicrm_contact', 'Contacts', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_tuf, 'Activities', 'civicrm_activity', 'Activities', NULL, 0, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_tuf, 'Cases', 'civicrm_case', 'Cases', NULL, 0, NULL, 3, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_tuf, 'Attachments','civicrm_file', 'Attachements', NULL, 0, NULL, 4, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_currency, 'USD ($)', 'USD', 'USD', NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
-- event name badges
(@option_group_id_eventBadge, 'Name Only' , 1, 'CRM_Event_Badge_Simple' , NULL, 0, 0, 1, 'Simple Event Name Badge', 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_eventBadge, 'Name Tent' , 2, 'CRM_Event_Badge_NameTent', NULL, 0, 0, 2, 'Name Tent', 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_eventBadge , 'With Logo' , 3, 'CRM_Event_Badge_Logo' , NULL, 0, 0, 3, 'You can set your own background image', 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL , NULL),
(@option_group_id_eventBadge , '5395 with Logo', 4, 'CRM_Event_Badge_Logo5395', NULL, 0, 0, 4, 'Avery 5395 compatible labels with logo (4 up by 2, 59.2mm x 85.7mm)', 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL , NULL),
-- note privacy levels
(@option_group_id_notePrivacy, 'None', 0, 'None', NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_notePrivacy, 'Author Only', 1, 'Author Only', NULL, 0, 0, 2, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
-- Compaign Types
(@option_group_id_campaignType, 'Direct Mail', 1, 'Direct Mail', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_campaignType, 'Referral Program', 2, 'Referral Program', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_campaignType, 'Constituent Engagement', 3, 'Constituent Engagement', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
-- Campaign Status
(@option_group_id_campaignStatus, 'Planned', 1, 'Planned', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_campaignStatus, 'In Progress', 2, 'In Progress', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_campaignStatus, 'Completed', 3, 'Completed', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_campaignStatus, 'Cancelled', 4, 'Cancelled', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
-- Engagement Level
(@option_group_id_engagement_index, '1', 1, '1', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL , NULL),
(@option_group_id_engagement_index, '2', 2, '2', NULL, 0, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL , NULL),
(@option_group_id_engagement_index, '3', 3, '3', NULL, 0, NULL, 3, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL , NULL),
(@option_group_id_engagement_index, '4', 4, '4', NULL, 0, NULL, 4, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL , NULL),
(@option_group_id_engagement_index, '5', 5, '5', NULL, 0, NULL, 5, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL , NULL),
-- Paper Sizes
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'Letter', '{"metric":"in","width":8.5,"height":11}', 'letter', NULL, NULL, 1, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'Legal', '{"metric":"in","width":8.5,"height":14}', 'legal', NULL, NULL, 0, 2, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'Ledger', '{"metric":"in","width":17,"height":11}', 'ledger', NULL, NULL, 0, 3, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'Tabloid', '{"metric":"in","width":11,"height":17}', 'tabloid', NULL, NULL, 0, 4, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'Executive', '{"metric":"in","width":7.25,"height":10.5}', 'executive', NULL, NULL, 0, 5, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'Folio', '{"metric":"in","width":8.5,"height":13}', 'folio', NULL, NULL, 0, 6, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'Envelope #9', '{"metric":"pt","width":638.93,"height":278.93}', 'envelope-9', NULL, NULL, 0, 7, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'Envelope #10', '{"metric":"pt","width":684,"height":297}', 'envelope-10', NULL, NULL, 0, 8, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'Envelope #11', '{"metric":"pt","width":747,"height":324}', 'envelope-11', NULL, NULL, 0, 9, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'Envelope #12', '{"metric":"pt","width":792,"height":342}', 'envelope-12', NULL, NULL, 0, 10, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'Envelope #14', '{"metric":"pt","width":828,"height":360}', 'envelope-14', NULL, NULL, 0, 11, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'Envelope ISO B4', '{"metric":"pt","width":1000.63,"height":708.66}', 'envelope-b4', NULL, NULL, 0, 12, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'Envelope ISO B5', '{"metric":"pt","width":708.66,"height":498.9}', 'envelope-b5', NULL, NULL, 0, 13, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'Envelope ISO B6', '{"metric":"pt","width":498.9,"height":354.33}', 'envelope-b6', NULL, NULL, 0, 14, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'Envelope ISO C3', '{"metric":"pt","width":1298.27,"height":918.42}', 'envelope-c3', NULL, NULL, 0, 15, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'Envelope ISO C4', '{"metric":"pt","width":918.42,"height":649.13}', 'envelope-c4', NULL, NULL, 0, 16, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'Envelope ISO C5', '{"metric":"pt","width":649.13,"height":459.21}', 'envelope-c5', NULL, NULL, 0, 17, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'Envelope ISO C6', '{"metric":"pt","width":459.21,"height":323.15}', 'envelope-c6', NULL, NULL, 0, 18, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'Envelope ISO DL', '{"metric":"pt","width":623.622,"height":311.811}', 'envelope-dl', NULL, NULL, 0, 19, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'ISO A0', '{"metric":"pt","width":2383.94,"height":3370.39}', 'a0', NULL, NULL, 0, 20, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'ISO A1', '{"metric":"pt","width":1683.78,"height":2383.94}', 'a1', NULL, NULL, 0, 21, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'ISO A2', '{"metric":"pt","width":1190.55,"height":1683.78}', 'a2', NULL, NULL, 0, 22, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'ISO A3', '{"metric":"pt","width":841.89,"height":1190.55}', 'a3', NULL, NULL, 0, 23, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'ISO A4', '{"metric":"pt","width":595.28,"height":841.89}', 'a4', NULL, NULL, 0, 24, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'ISO A5', '{"metric":"pt","width":419.53,"height":595.28}', 'a5', NULL, NULL, 0, 25, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'ISO A6', '{"metric":"pt","width":297.64,"height":419.53}', 'a6', NULL, NULL, 0, 26, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'ISO A7', '{"metric":"pt","width":209.76,"height":297.64}', 'a7', NULL, NULL, 0, 27, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'ISO A8', '{"metric":"pt","width":147.4,"height":209.76}', 'a8', NULL, NULL, 0, 28, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'ISO A9', '{"metric":"pt","width":104.88,"height":147.4}', 'a9', NULL, NULL, 0, 29, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'ISO A10', '{"metric":"pt","width":73.7,"height":104.88}', 'a10', NULL, NULL, 0, 30, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'ISO B0', '{"metric":"pt","width":2834.65,"height":4008.19}', 'b0', NULL, NULL, 0, 31, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'ISO B1', '{"metric":"pt","width":2004.09,"height":2834.65}', 'b1', NULL, NULL, 0, 32, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'ISO B2', '{"metric":"pt","width":1417.32,"height":2004.09}', 'b2', NULL, NULL, 0, 33, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'ISO B3', '{"metric":"pt","width":1000.63,"height":1417.32}', 'b3', NULL, NULL, 0, 34, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'ISO B4', '{"metric":"pt","width":708.66,"height":1000.63}', 'b4', NULL, NULL, 0, 35, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'ISO B5', '{"metric":"pt","width":498.9,"height":708.66}', 'b5', NULL, NULL, 0, 36, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'ISO B6', '{"metric":"pt","width":354.33,"height":498.9}', 'b6', NULL, NULL, 0, 37, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'ISO B7', '{"metric":"pt","width":249.45,"height":354.33}', 'b7', NULL, NULL, 0, 38, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'ISO B8', '{"metric":"pt","width":175.75,"height":249.45}', 'b8', NULL, NULL, 0, 39, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'ISO B9', '{"metric":"pt","width":124.72,"height":175.75}', 'b9', NULL, NULL, 0, 40, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'ISO B10', '{"metric":"pt","width":87.87,"height":124.72}', 'b10', NULL, NULL, 0, 41, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'ISO C0', '{"metric":"pt","width":2599.37,"height":3676.54}', 'c0', NULL, NULL, 0, 42, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'ISO C1', '{"metric":"pt","width":1836.85,"height":2599.37}', 'c1', NULL, NULL, 0, 43, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'ISO C2', '{"metric":"pt","width":1298.27,"height":1836.85}', 'c2', NULL, NULL, 0, 44, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'ISO C3', '{"metric":"pt","width":918.43,"height":1298.27}', 'c3', NULL, NULL, 0, 45, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'ISO C4', '{"metric":"pt","width":649.13,"height":918.43}', 'c4', NULL, NULL, 0, 46, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'ISO C5', '{"metric":"pt","width":459.21,"height":649.13}', 'c5', NULL, NULL, 0, 47, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'ISO C6', '{"metric":"pt","width":323.15,"height":459.21}', 'c6', NULL, NULL, 0, 48, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'ISO C7', '{"metric":"pt","width":229.61,"height":323.15}', 'c7', NULL, NULL, 0, 49, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'ISO C8', '{"metric":"pt","width":161.57,"height":229.61}', 'c8', NULL, NULL, 0, 50, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'ISO C9', '{"metric":"pt","width":113.39,"height":161.57}', 'c9', NULL, NULL, 0, 51, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'ISO C10', '{"metric":"pt","width":79.37,"height":113.39}', 'c10', NULL, NULL, 0, 52, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'ISO RA0', '{"metric":"pt","width":2437.8,"height":3458.27}', 'ra0', NULL, NULL, 0, 53, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'ISO RA1', '{"metric":"pt","width":1729.13,"height":2437.8}', 'ra1', NULL, NULL, 0, 54, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'ISO RA2', '{"metric":"pt","width":1218.9,"height":1729.13}', 'ra2', NULL, NULL, 0, 55, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'ISO RA3', '{"metric":"pt","width":864.57,"height":1218.9}', 'ra3', NULL, NULL, 0, 56, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'ISO RA4', '{"metric":"pt","width":609.45,"height":864.57}', 'ra4', NULL, NULL, 0, 57, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'ISO SRA0', '{"metric":"pt","width":2551.18,"height":3628.35}', 'sra0', NULL, NULL, 0, 58, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'ISO SRA1', '{"metric":"pt","width":1814.17,"height":2551.18}', 'sra1', NULL, NULL, 0, 59, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'ISO SRA2', '{"metric":"pt","width":1275.59,"height":1814.17}', 'sra2', NULL, NULL, 0, 60, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'ISO SRA3', '{"metric":"pt","width":907.09,"height":1275.59}', 'sra3', NULL, NULL, 0, 61, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_paperSize, 'ISO SRA4', '{"metric":"pt","width":637.8,"height":907.09}', 'sra4', NULL, NULL, 0, 62, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
-- activity_contacts
(@option_group_id_aco, 'Activity Assignees', 1, 'Activity Assignees', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_aco, 'Activity Source', 2, 'Activity Source', NULL, 0, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_aco, 'Activity Targets', 3, 'Activity Targets', NULL, 0, NULL, 3, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
-- financial_account_type
-- grouping field is specific to Quickbooks for mapping to .iif format
(@option_group_id_fat, 'Asset', 1, 'Asset', NULL, 0, 0, 1, 'Things you own', 0, 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_fat, 'Liability', 2, 'Liability', NULL, 0, 0, 2, 'Things you owe, like a grant still to be disbursed', 0, 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_fat, 'Revenue', 3, 'Revenue', NULL, 0, 1, 3, 'Income from contributions and sales of tickets and memberships', 0, 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_fat, 'Cost of Sales', 4, 'Cost of Sales', NULL, 0, 0, 4, 'Costs incurred to get revenue, e.g. premiums for donations, dinner for a fundraising dinner ticket', 0, 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_fat, 'Expenses', 5, 'Expenses', NULL, 0, 0, 5, 'Things that are paid for that are consumable, e.g. grants disbursed', 0, 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL),
-- account_relationship
(@option_group_id_arel, 'Income Account is', 1, 'Income Account is', NULL, 0, 1, 1, 'Income Account is', 0, 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_arel, 'Credit/Contra Revenue Account is', 2, 'Credit/Contra Revenue Account is', NULL, 0, 0, 2, 'Credit/Contra Revenue Account is', 0, 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_arel, 'Accounts Receivable Account is', 3, 'Accounts Receivable Account is', NULL, 0, 0, 3, 'Accounts Receivable Account is', 0, 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_arel, 'Credit Liability Account is', 4, 'Credit Liability Account is', NULL, 0, 0, 4, 'Credit Liability Account is', 0, 1, 0, 2, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_arel, 'Expense Account is', 5, 'Expense Account is', NULL, 0, 0, 5, 'Expense Account is', 0, 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_arel, 'Asset Account is', 6, 'Asset Account is', NULL, 0, 0, 6, 'Asset Account is', 0, 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_arel, 'Cost of Sales Account is', 7, 'Cost of Sales Account is', NULL, 0, 0, 7, 'Cost of Sales Account is', 0, 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_arel, 'Premiums Inventory Account is', 8, 'Premiums Inventory Account is', NULL, 0, 0, 8, 'Premiums Inventory Account is', 0, 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_arel, 'Discounts Account is', 9, 'Discounts Account is', NULL, 0, 0, 9, 'Discounts Account is', 0, 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_arel, 'Sales Tax Account is', 10, 'Sales Tax Account is', NULL, 0, 0, 10, 'Sales Tax Account is', 0, 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_arel, 'Chargeback Account is', 11, 'Chargeback Account is', NULL, 0, 0, 11, 'Chargeback Account is', 0, 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_arel, 'Deferred Revenue Account is', 12, 'Deferred Revenue Account is', NULL, 0, 0, 12, 'Deferred Revenue Account is', 0, 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL),
-- event_contacts
(@option_group_id_ere, 'Participant Role', 1, 'participant_role', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
-- default conference slots
(@option_group_id_conference_slot, 'Morning Sessions', 1, 'Morning Sessions', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_conference_slot, 'Evening Sessions', 2, 'Evening Sessions', NULL, 0, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
-- default batch types
(@option_group_id_batch_type, 'Contribution', 1, 'Contribution', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_batch_type, 'Membership', 2, 'Membership', NULL, 0, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_batch_type, 'Pledge Payment', 3, 'Pledge Payment', NULL, 0, NULL, 3, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
-- default batch statuses
(@option_group_id_batch_status, 'Open', 1, 'Open', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_batch_status, 'Closed', 2, 'Closed', NULL, 0, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_batch_status, 'Data Entry', 3, 'Data Entry', NULL, 0, NULL, 3, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_batch_status, 'Reopened', 4, 'Reopened', NULL, 0, NULL, 4, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_batch_status, 'Exported', 5, 'Exported', NULL, 0, NULL, 5, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
-- default batch modes
(@option_group_id_batch_mode, 'Manual Batch', 1, 'Manual Batch', NULL, 0, 0, 1, 'Manual Batch', 0, 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_batch_mode, 'Automatic Batch', 2, 'Automatic Batch', NULL, 0, 0, 2, 'Automatic Batch', 0, 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL),
-- Financial Item Status
(@option_group_id_financial_item_status, 'Paid', 1, 'Paid', NULL, 0, 0, 1, 'Paid', 0, 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_financial_item_status, 'Partially paid', 2, 'Partially paid', NULL, 0, 0, 2, 'Partially paid', 0, 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_financial_item_status, 'Unpaid', 3, 'Unpaid', NULL, 0, 0, 1, 'Unpaid', 0, 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL),
-- sms_api_type
(@option_group_id_sms_api_type, 'http', 1, 'http', NULL, NULL, 0, 1, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_sms_api_type, 'xml', 2, 'xml', NULL, NULL, 0, 2, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_sms_api_type, 'smtp', 3, 'smtp', NULL, NULL, 0, 3, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
-- auto renew options
(@option_group_id_aro, 'Renewal Reminder (non-auto-renew memberships only)', 1, 'Renewal Reminder (non-auto-renew memberships only)', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_aro, 'Auto-renew Memberships Only', 2, 'Auto-renew Memberships Only', NULL, 0, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_aro, 'Reminder for Both', 3, 'Reminder for Both', NULL, 0, NULL, 3, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
-- Label Type
(@option_group_id_label_type, 'Event Badge', 1, 'Event Badge', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
-- Name Label format
(@option_group_id_name_badge, 'Avery 5395', '{"name":"Avery 5395","paper-size":"a4","metric":"mm","lMargin":15,"tMargin":26,"NX":2,"NY":4,"SpaceX":10,"SpaceY":5,"width":83,"height":57,"font-size":12,"orientation":"portrait","font-name":"helvetica","font-style":"","lPadding":3,"tPadding":3}', 'Avery 5395', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_name_badge, 'A6 Badge Portrait 150x106', '{"paper-size":"a4","orientation":"landscape","font-name":"times","font-size":6,"font-style":"","NX":2,"NY":1,"metric":"mm","lMargin":25,"tMargin":27,"SpaceX":0,"SpaceY":35,"width":106,"height":150,"lPadding":5,"tPadding":5}', 'A6 Badge Portrait 150x106', NULL, 0, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_name_badge, 'Fattorini Name Badge 100x65', '{"paper-size":"a4","orientation":"portrait","font-name":"times","font-size":6,"font-style":"","NX":2,"NY":4,"metric":"mm","lMargin":6,"tMargin":19,"SpaceX":0,"SpaceY":0,"width":100,"height":65,"lPadding":0,"tPadding":0}', 'Fattorini Name Badge 100x65', NULL, 0, NULL, 3, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_name_badge, 'Hanging Badge 3-3/4\" x 4-3\"/4', '{"paper-size":"a4","orientation":"portrait","font-name":"times","font-size":6,"font-style":"","NX":2,"NY":2,"metric":"mm","lMargin":10,"tMargin":28,"SpaceX":0,"SpaceY":0,"width":96,"height":121,"lPadding":5,"tPadding":5}', 'Hanging Badge 3-3/4" x 4-3"/4', NULL, 0, NULL, 4, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
-- Mailing Label Formats
(@option_group_id_label, 'Avery 3475', '{"paper-size":"a4","orientation":"portrait","font-name":"helvetica","font-size":10,"font-style":"","metric":"mm","lMargin":0,"tMargin":5,"NX":3,"NY":8,"SpaceX":0,"SpaceY":0,"width":70,"height":36,"lPadding":5.08,"tPadding":5.08}', '3475', 'Avery', NULL, 0, 1, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_label, 'Avery 5160', '{"paper-size":"letter","orientation":"portrait","font-name":"helvetica","font-size":8,"font-style":"","metric":"in","lMargin":0.21975,"tMargin":0.5,"NX":3,"NY":10,"SpaceX":0.14,"SpaceY":0,"width":2.5935,"height":1,"lPadding":0.20,"tPadding":0.20}', '5160', 'Avery', NULL, 0, 2, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_label, 'Avery 5161', '{"paper-size":"letter","orientation":"portrait","font-name":"helvetica","font-size":8,"font-style":"","metric":"in","lMargin":0.175,"tMargin":0.5,"NX":2,"NY":10,"SpaceX":0.15625,"SpaceY":0,"width":4,"height":1,"lPadding":0.20,"tPadding":0.20}', '5161', 'Avery', NULL, 0, 3, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_label, 'Avery 5162', '{"paper-size":"letter","orientation":"portrait","font-name":"helvetica","font-size":8,"font-style":"","metric":"in","lMargin":0.1525,"tMargin":0.88,"NX":2,"NY":7,"SpaceX":0.195,"SpaceY":0,"width":4,"height":1.33,"lPadding":0.20,"tPadding":0.20}', '5162', 'Avery', NULL, 0, 4, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_label, 'Avery 5163', '{"paper-size":"letter","orientation":"portrait","font-name":"helvetica","font-size":8,"font-style":"","metric":"in","lMargin":0.18,"tMargin":0.5,"NX":2,"NY":5,"SpaceX":0.14,"SpaceY":0,"width":4,"height":2,"lPadding":0.20,"tPadding":0.20}', '5163', 'Avery', NULL, 0, 5, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_label, 'Avery 5164', '{"paper-size":"letter","orientation":"portrait","font-name":"helvetica","font-size":12,"font-style":"","metric":"in","lMargin":0.156,"tMargin":0.5,"NX":2,"NY":3,"SpaceX":0.1875,"SpaceY":0,"width":4,"height":3.33,"lPadding":0.20,"tPadding":0.20}', '5164', 'Avery', NULL, 0, 6, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_label, 'Avery 8600', '{"paper-size":"letter","orientation":"portrait","font-name":"helvetica","font-size":8,"font-style":"","metric":"mm","lMargin":7.1,"tMargin":19,"NX":3,"NY":10,"SpaceX":9.5,"SpaceY":3.1,"width":66.6,"height":25.4,"lPadding":5.08,"tPadding":5.08}', '8600', 'Avery', NULL, 0, 7, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_label, 'Avery L7160', '{"paper-size":"a4","orientation":"portrait","font-name":"helvetica","font-size":9,"font-style":"","metric":"in","lMargin":0.28,"tMargin":0.6,"NX":3,"NY":7,"SpaceX":0.1,"SpaceY":0,"width":2.5,"height":1.5,"lPadding":0.20,"tPadding":0.20}', 'L7160', 'Avery', NULL, 0, 8, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_label, 'Avery L7161', '{"paper-size":"a4","orientation":"portrait","font-name":"helvetica","font-size":9,"font-style":"","metric":"in","lMargin":0.28,"tMargin":0.35,"NX":3,"NY":6,"SpaceX":0.1,"SpaceY":0,"width":2.5,"height":1.83,"lPadding":0.20,"tPadding":0.20}', 'L7161', 'Avery', NULL, 0, 9, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_label, 'Avery L7162', '{"paper-size":"a4","orientation":"portrait","font-name":"helvetica","font-size":9,"font-style":"","metric":"in","lMargin":0.18,"tMargin":0.51,"NX":2,"NY":8,"SpaceX":0.1,"SpaceY":0,"width":3.9,"height":1.33,"lPadding":0.20,"tPadding":0.20}', 'L7162', 'Avery', NULL, 0, 10, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_label, 'Avery L7163', '{"paper-size":"a4","orientation":"portrait","font-name":"helvetica","font-size":9,"font-style":"","metric":"in","lMargin":0.18,"tMargin":0.6,"NX":2,"NY":7,"SpaceX":0.1,"SpaceY":0,"width":3.9,"height":1.5,"lPadding":0.20,"tPadding":0.20}', 'L7163', 'Avery', NULL, 0, 11, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
-- Communication Styles
(@option_group_id_communication_style, 'Formal' , 1, 'formal' , NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_communication_style, 'Familiar', 2, 'familiar', NULL, 0, 0, 2, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
-- Message Mode
(@option_group_id_msg_mode, 'Email', 'Email', 'Email', NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_msg_mode, 'SMS', 'SMS', 'SMS', NULL, 0, 0, 2, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_msg_mode, 'User Preference', 'User_Preference', 'User Preference', NULL, 0, 0, 3, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
-- Reminder Options for Contact Date Fields
(@option_group_id_contactDateMode, 'Actual date only', '1', 'Actual date only', NULL, NULL, 0, 1, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_contactDateMode, 'Each anniversary', '2', 'Each anniversary', NULL, NULL, 0, 2, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
-- WYSIWYG Editor Presets
(@option_group_id_wysiwyg_presets, 'Default', '1', 'default', NULL, NULL, 1, 1, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_wysiwyg_presets, 'CiviMail', '2', 'civimail', NULL, NULL, 0, 2, NULL, 0, 1, 1, @mailCompId, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_wysiwyg_presets, 'CiviEvent', '3', 'civievent', NULL, NULL, 0, 3, NULL, 0, 1, 1, @eventCompId, NULL, NULL),
-- Environment
(@option_group_id_env, 'Production', 'Production', 'Production', NULL, NULL, 1, 1, 'Production Environment', 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_env, 'Staging', 'Staging', 'Staging', NULL, NULL, 0, 2, 'Staging Environment', 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_env, 'Development', 'Development', 'Development', NULL, NULL, 0, 3, 'Development Environment', 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
-- Relative Date Filters
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'Today', 'this.day', 'this.day', NULL, NULL, NULL,1, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'This week', 'this.week', 'this.week', NULL, NULL, NULL,2, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'This calendar month', 'this.month', 'this.month', NULL, NULL, NULL,3, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'This quarter', 'this.quarter', 'this.quarter', NULL, NULL, NULL,4, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'This fiscal year', 'this.fiscal_year', 'this.fiscal_year', NULL, NULL, NULL,5, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'This calendar year', 'this.year', 'this.year', NULL, NULL, NULL,6, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'Yesterday', 'previous.day', 'previous.day', NULL, NULL, NULL,7, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'Previous week', 'previous.week', 'previous.week', NULL, NULL, NULL,8, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'Previous calendar month', 'previous.month', 'previous.month', NULL, NULL, NULL,9, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'Previous quarter', 'previous.quarter', 'previous.quarter', NULL, NULL, NULL,10, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'Previous fiscal year', 'previous.fiscal_year', 'previous.fiscal_year', NULL, NULL, NULL,11, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'Previous calendar year', 'previous.year', 'previous.year', NULL, NULL, NULL,12, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'Last 7 days including today', 'ending.week', 'ending.week', NULL, NULL, NULL,13, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'Last 30 days including today', 'ending.month', 'ending.month', NULL, NULL, NULL,14, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'Last 60 days including today', 'ending_2.month', 'ending_2.month', NULL, NULL, NULL,15, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'Last 90 days including today', 'ending.quarter', 'ending.quarter', NULL, NULL, NULL,16, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'Last 12 months including today', 'ending.year', 'ending.year', NULL, NULL, NULL,17, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'Last 2 years including today', 'ending_2.year', 'ending_2.year', NULL, NULL, NULL,18, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'Last 3 years including today', 'ending_3.year', 'ending_3.year', NULL, NULL, NULL,19, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'Tomorrow', 'starting.day', 'starting.day', NULL, NULL, NULL,20, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'Next week', 'next.week', 'next.week', NULL, NULL, NULL,21, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'Next calendar month', 'next.month', 'next.month', NULL, NULL, NULL,22, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'Next quarter', 'next.quarter', 'next.quarter', NULL, NULL, NULL,23, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'Next fiscal year', 'next.fiscal_year', 'next.fiscal_year', NULL, NULL, NULL,24, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'Next calendar year', 'next.year', 'next.year', NULL, NULL, NULL,25, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'Next 7 days including today', 'starting.week', 'starting.week', NULL, NULL, NULL,26, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'Next 30 days including today', 'starting.month', 'starting.month', NULL, NULL, NULL,27, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'Next 60 days including today', 'starting_2.month', 'starting_2.month', NULL, NULL, NULL,28, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'Next 90 days including today', 'starting.quarter', 'starting.quarter', NULL, NULL, NULL,29, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'Next 12 months including today', 'starting.year', 'starting.year', NULL, NULL, NULL,30, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'Current week to-date', 'current.week', 'current.week', NULL, NULL, NULL,31, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'Current calendar month to-date', 'current.month', 'current.month', NULL, NULL, NULL,32, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'Current quarter to-date', 'current.quarter', 'current.quarter', NULL, NULL, NULL,33, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'Current calendar year to-date', 'current.year', 'current.year', NULL, NULL, NULL,34, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'To end of yesterday', 'earlier.day', 'earlier.day', NULL, NULL, NULL,35, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'To end of previous week', 'earlier.week', 'earlier.week', NULL, NULL, NULL,36, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'To end of previous calendar month', 'earlier.month', 'earlier.month', NULL, NULL, NULL,37, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'To end of previous quarter', 'earlier.quarter', 'earlier.quarter', NULL, NULL, NULL,38, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'To end of previous calendar year', 'earlier.year', 'earlier.year', NULL, NULL, NULL,39, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'From start of current day', 'greater.day', 'greater.day', NULL, NULL, NULL,40, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'From start of current week', 'greater.week', 'greater.week', NULL, NULL, NULL,41, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'From start of current calendar month', 'greater.month', 'greater.month', NULL, NULL, NULL,42, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'From start of current quarter', 'greater.quarter', 'greater.quarter', NULL, NULL, NULL,43, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'From start of current calendar year', 'greater.year', 'greater.year', NULL, NULL, NULL,44, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'To end of current week', 'less.week', 'less.week', NULL, NULL, NULL,45, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'To end of current calendar month', 'less.month', 'less.month', NULL, NULL, NULL,46, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'To end of current quarter', 'less.quarter', 'less.quarter', NULL, NULL, NULL,47, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'To end of current calendar year', 'less.year', 'less.year', NULL, NULL, NULL,48, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'Previous 2 days', 'previous_2.day', 'previous_2.day', NULL, NULL, NULL,49, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'Previous 2 weeks', 'previous_2.week', 'previous_2.week', NULL, NULL, NULL,50, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'Previous 2 calendar months', 'previous_2.month', 'previous_2.month', NULL, NULL, NULL,51, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'Previous 2 quarters', 'previous_2.quarter', 'previous_2.quarter', NULL, NULL, NULL,52, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'Previous 2 calendar years', 'previous_2.year', 'previous_2.year', NULL, NULL, NULL,53, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'Day prior to yesterday', 'previous_before.day', 'previous_before.day', NULL, NULL, NULL,54, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'Week prior to previous week', 'previous_before.week', 'previous_before.week', NULL, NULL, NULL,55, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'Month prior to previous calendar month', 'previous_before.month', 'previous_before.month', NULL, NULL, NULL,56, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'Quarter prior to previous quarter', 'previous_before.quarter', 'previous_before.quarter', NULL, NULL, NULL,57, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'Year prior to previous calendar year', 'previous_before.year', 'previous_before.year', NULL, NULL, NULL,58, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'From end of previous week', 'greater_previous.week', 'greater_previous.week', NULL, NULL, NULL,59, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'From end of previous calendar month', 'greater_previous.month', 'greater_previous.month', NULL, NULL, NULL,60, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'From end of previous quarter', 'greater_previous.quarter', 'greater_previous.quarter', NULL, NULL, NULL,61, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_date_filter, 'From end of previous calendar year', 'greater_previous.year', 'greater_previous.year', NULL, NULL, NULL,62, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
-- Pledge Status
(@option_group_id_ps, 'Completed' , 1, 'Completed' , NULL, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_ps, 'Pending' , 2, 'Pending' , NULL, 0, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_ps, 'Cancelled' , 3, 'Cancelled' , NULL, 0, NULL, 3, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_ps, 'In Progress', 5, 'In Progress', NULL, 0, NULL, 4, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_ps, 'Overdue' , 6, 'Overdue' , NULL, 0, NULL, 5, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-- financial accounts
SELECT @opval := value FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE name = 'Revenue' and option_group_id = @option_group_id_fat;
SELECT @opexp := value FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE name = 'Expenses' and option_group_id = @option_group_id_fat;
SELECT @opAsset := value FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE name = 'Asset' and option_group_id = @option_group_id_fat;
SELECT @opLiability := value FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE name = 'Liability' and option_group_id = @option_group_id_fat;
SELECT @opCost := value FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE name = 'Cost of Sales' and option_group_id = @option_group_id_fat;
`civicrm_financial_account` (`name`, `contact_id`, `financial_account_type_id`, `description`, `accounting_code`, `account_type_code`, `is_reserved`, `is_active`, `is_deductible`, `is_default`)
( 'Donation' , @contactID, @opval, 'Default account for donations', '4200', 'INC', 0, 1, 1, 1 ),
( 'Member Dues' , @contactID, @opval, 'Default account for membership sales', '4400', 'INC', 0, 1, 1, 0 ),
( 'Campaign Contribution', @contactID, @opval, 'Sample account for recording payments to a campaign', '4100', 'INC', 0, 1, 0, 0 ),
( 'Event Fee' , @contactID, @opval, 'Default account for event ticket sales', '4300', 'INC', 0, 1, 0, 0 ),
( 'Banking Fees' , @contactID, @opexp, 'Payment processor fees and manually recorded banking fees', '5200', 'EXP', 0, 1, 0, 1 ),
( 'Deposit Bank Account' , @contactID, @opAsset, 'All manually recorded cash and cheques go to this account', '1100', 'BANK', 0, 1, 0, 1 ),
( 'Accounts Receivable' , @contactID, @opAsset, 'Amounts to be received later (eg pay later event revenues)', '1200', 'AR', 0, 1, 0, 0 ),
( 'Accounts Payable' , @contactID, @opLiability, 'Amounts to be paid out such as grants and refunds', '2200', 'AP', 0, 1, 0, 1 ),
( 'Premiums' , @contactID, @opCost, 'Account to record cost of premiums provided to payors', '5100', 'COGS', 0, 1, 0, 1 ),
( 'Premiums inventory' , @contactID, @opAsset, 'Account representing value of premiums inventory', '1375', 'OCASSET', 0, 1, 0, 0 ),
( 'Discounts' , @contactID, @opval, 'Contra-revenue account for amounts discounted from sales', '4900', 'INC', 0, 1, 0, 0 ),
( 'Payment Processor Account', @contactID, @opAsset, 'Account to record payments into a payment processor merchant account', '1150', 'BANK', 0, 1, 0, 0),
( 'Deferred Revenue - Event Fee', @contactID, @opLiability, 'Event revenue to be recognized in future months when the events occur', '2730', 'OCLIAB', 0, 1, 0, 0),
( 'Deferred Revenue - Member Dues', @contactID, @opLiability, 'Membership revenue to be recognized in future months', '2740', 'OCLIAB', 0, 1, 0, 0
-- Now insert option values which require domainID
`civicrm_option_value` (`option_group_id`, `label`, `value`, `name`, `grouping`, `filter`, `is_default`, `weight`, `description`, `is_optgroup`, `is_reserved`, `is_active`, `component_id`, `domain_id`, `visibility_id`)
-- from email address.
(@option_group_id_fma, '"FIXME" <info@EXAMPLE.ORG>', '1', '"FIXME" <info@EXAMPLE.ORG>', NULL, 0, 1, 1, 'Default domain email address and from name.', 0, 0, 1, NULL, @domainID, NULL ),
-- grant types
(@option_group_id_grantTyp, 'Emergency' , 1, 'Emergency' , NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, @domainID, NULL),
(@option_group_id_grantTyp, 'Family Support' , 2, 'Family Support' , NULL, 0, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, @domainID, NULL),
(@option_group_id_grantTyp, 'General Protection' , 3, 'General Protection', NULL, 0, NULL, 3, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, @domainID, NULL),
(@option_group_id_grantTyp, 'Impunity' , 4, 'Impunity' , NULL, 0, NULL, 4, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, @domainID, NULL),
-- Mail Approval Status Preferences
(@option_group_id_mail_approval_status, 'Approved' , 1, 'Approved', NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, 0, 1, 1, @mailCompId, @domainID, NULL),
(@option_group_id_mail_approval_status, 'Rejected' , 2, 'Rejected', NULL, 0, 0, 2, NULL, 0, 1, 1, @mailCompId, @domainID, NULL),
(@option_group_id_mail_approval_status, 'None' , 3, 'None', NULL, 0, 0, 3, NULL, 0, 1, 1, @mailCompId, @domainID, NULL),
-- custom group objects
(@option_group_id_cgeo, 'Survey', 'Survey', 'civicrm_survey', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(@option_group_id_cgeo, 'Cases', 'Case', 'civicrm_case', NULL, 0, NULL, 2, 'CRM_Case_PseudoConstant::caseType;', 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-- CRM-6138
-- Generated from languages.tpl
-- DO NOT EDIT. Generated by CRM_Core_CodeGen
-- CRM-6138
-- language list from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes
-- most common languages, according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_languages_by_number_of_native_speakers enabled
INSERT INTO `civicrm_option_group`
(`name`, `title`, `description`, `is_reserved`, `is_active`)
('languages', 'Languages', 'List of Languages', 1, 1);
SELECT @option_group_id_languages := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'languages';
SELECT @counter := 0;
INSERT INTO civicrm_option_value
(option_group_id, is_default, is_active, name, value, label, weight)
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'ab_GE', 'ab', 'Abkhaz', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'aa_ET', 'aa', 'Afar', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 1, 'af_ZA', 'af', 'Afrikaans', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'ak_GH', 'ak', 'Akan', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 1, 'sq_AL', 'sq', 'Albanian', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'am_ET', 'am', 'Amharic', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 1, 'ar_EG', 'ar', 'Arabic', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'an_ES', 'an', 'Aragonese', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'hy_AM', 'hy', 'Armenian', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'as_IN', 'as', 'Assamese', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'av_RU', 'av', 'Avaric', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'ae_XX', 'ae', 'Avestan', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'ay_BO', 'ay', 'Aymara', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'az_AZ', 'az', 'Azerbaijani', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'bm_ML', 'bm', 'Bambara', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'ba_RU', 'ba', 'Bashkir', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'eu_ES', 'eu', 'Basque', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'be_BY', 'be', 'Belarusian', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'bn_BD', 'bn', 'Bengali', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'bh_IN', 'bh', 'Bihari', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'bi_VU', 'bi', 'Bislama', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'bs_BA', 'bs', 'Bosnian', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'br_FR', 'br', 'Breton', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 1, 'bg_BG', 'bg', 'Bulgarian', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'my_MM', 'my', 'Burmese', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 1, 'ca_ES', 'ca', 'Catalan; Valencian', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'ch_GU', 'ch', 'Chamorro', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'ce_RU', 'ce', 'Chechen', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'ny_MW', 'ny', 'Chichewa; Chewa; Nyanja', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 1, 'zh_CN', 'zh', 'Chinese (China)', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 1, 'zh_TW', 'zh', 'Chinese (Taiwan)', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'cv_RU', 'cv', 'Chuvash', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'kw_GB', 'kw', 'Cornish', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'co_FR', 'co', 'Corsican', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'cr_CA', 'cr', 'Cree', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'hr_HR', 'hr', 'Croatian', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 1, 'cs_CZ', 'cs', 'Czech', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 1, 'da_DK', 'da', 'Danish', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'dv_MV', 'dv', 'Divehi; Dhivehi; Maldivian;', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 1, 'nl_NL', 'nl', 'Dutch', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'dz_BT', 'dz', 'Dzongkha', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 1, 'en_AU', 'en', 'English (Australia)', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 1, 'en_CA', 'en', 'English (Canada)', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 1, 'en_GB', 'en', 'English (United Kingdom)', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 1, 1, 'en_US', 'en', 'English (United States)', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'eo_XX', 'eo', 'Esperanto', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 1, 'et_EE', 'et', 'Estonian', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'ee_GH', 'ee', 'Ewe', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'fo_FO', 'fo', 'Faroese', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'fj_FJ', 'fj', 'Fijian', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 1, 'fi_FI', 'fi', 'Finnish', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 1, 'fr_CA', 'fr', 'French (Canada)', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 1, 'fr_FR', 'fr', 'French (France)', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'ff_SN', 'ff', 'Fula; Fulah; Pulaar; Pular', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'gl_ES', 'gl', 'Galician', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'ka_GE', 'ka', 'Georgian', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 1, 'de_DE', 'de', 'German', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 1, 'de_CH', 'de', 'German (Swiss)', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 1, 'el_GR', 'el', 'Greek, Modern', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'gn_PY', 'gn', 'Guarani­', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'gu_IN', 'gu', 'Gujarati', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'ht_HT', 'ht', 'Haitian; Haitian Creole', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'ha_NG', 'ha', 'Hausa', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 1, 'he_IL', 'he', 'Hebrew (modern)', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'hz_NA', 'hz', 'Herero', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 1, 'hi_IN', 'hi', 'Hindi', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'ho_PG', 'ho', 'Hiri Motu', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 1, 'hu_HU', 'hu', 'Hungarian', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'ia_XX', 'ia', 'Interlingua', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 1, 'id_ID', 'id', 'Indonesian', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'ie_XX', 'ie', 'Interlingue', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'ga_IE', 'ga', 'Irish', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'ig_NG', 'ig', 'Igbo', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'ik_US', 'ik', 'Inupiaq', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'io_XX', 'io', 'Ido', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'is_IS', 'is', 'Icelandic', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 1, 'it_IT', 'it', 'Italian', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'iu_CA', 'iu', 'Inuktitut', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 1, 'ja_JP', 'ja', 'Japanese', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'jv_ID', 'jv', 'Javanese', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'kl_GL', 'kl', 'Kalaallisut, Greenlandic', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'kn_IN', 'kn', 'Kannada', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'kr_NE', 'kr', 'Kanuri', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'ks_IN', 'ks', 'Kashmiri', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'kk_KZ', 'kk', 'Kazakh', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 1, 'km_KH', 'km', 'Khmer', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'ki_KE', 'ki', 'Kikuyu, Gikuyu', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'rw_RW', 'rw', 'Kinyarwanda', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'ky_KG', 'ky', 'Kirghiz, Kyrgyz', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'kv_RU', 'kv', 'Komi', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'kg_CD', 'kg', 'Kongo', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'ko_KR', 'ko', 'Korean', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'ku_IQ', 'ku', 'Kurdish', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'kj_NA', 'kj', 'Kwanyama, Kuanyama', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'la_VA', 'la', 'Latin', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'lb_LU', 'lb', 'Luxembourgish, Letzeburgesch', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'lg_UG', 'lg', 'Luganda', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'li_NL', 'li', 'Limburgish, Limburgan, Limburger', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'ln_CD', 'ln', 'Lingala', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'lo_LA', 'lo', 'Lao', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 1, 'lt_LT', 'lt', 'Lithuanian', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'lu_CD', 'lu', 'Luba-Katanga', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'lv_LV', 'lv', 'Latvian', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'gv_IM', 'gv', 'Manx', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'mk_MK', 'mk', 'Macedonian', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'mg_MG', 'mg', 'Malagasy', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'ms_MY', 'ms', 'Malay', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'ml_IN', 'ml', 'Malayalam', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'mt_MT', 'mt', 'Maltese', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'mi_NZ', 'mi', 'Māori', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'mr_IN', 'mr', 'Marathi', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'mh_MH', 'mh', 'Marshallese', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'mn_MN', 'mn', 'Mongolian', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'na_NR', 'na', 'Nauru', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'nv_US', 'nv', 'Navajo, Navaho', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 1, 'nb_NO', 'nb', 'Norwegian Bokmål', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'nd_ZW', 'nd', 'North Ndebele', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'ne_NP', 'ne', 'Nepali', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'ng_NA', 'ng', 'Ndonga', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'nn_NO', 'nn', 'Norwegian Nynorsk', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'no_NO', 'no', 'Norwegian', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'ii_CN', 'ii', 'Nuosu', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'nr_ZA', 'nr', 'South Ndebele', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'oc_FR', 'oc', 'Occitan (after 1500)', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'oj_CA', 'oj', 'Ojibwa', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'cu_BG', 'cu', 'Old Church Slavonic, Church Slavic, Church Slavonic, Old Bulgarian, Old Slavonic', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'om_ET', 'om', 'Oromo', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'or_IN', 'or', 'Oriya', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'os_GE', 'os', 'Ossetian, Ossetic', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'pa_IN', 'pa', 'Panjabi, Punjabi', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'pi_KH', 'pi', 'Pali', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 1, 'fa_IR', 'fa', 'Persian (Iran)', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 1, 'pl_PL', 'pl', 'Polish', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'ps_AF', 'ps', 'Pashto, Pushto', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 1, 'pt_BR', 'pt', 'Portuguese (Brazil)', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 1, 'pt_PT', 'pt', 'Portuguese (Portugal)', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'qu_PE', 'qu', 'Quechua', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'rm_CH', 'rm', 'Romansh', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'rn_BI', 'rn', 'Kirundi', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 1, 'ro_RO', 'ro', 'Romanian, Moldavian, Moldovan', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 1, 'ru_RU', 'ru', 'Russian', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'sa_IN', 'sa', 'Sanskrit', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'sc_IT', 'sc', 'Sardinian', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'sd_IN', 'sd', 'Sindhi', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'se_NO', 'se', 'Northern Sami', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'sm_WS', 'sm', 'Samoan', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'sg_CF', 'sg', 'Sango', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 1, 'sr_RS', 'sr', 'Serbian', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'gd_GB', 'gd', 'Scottish Gaelic; Gaelic', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'sn_ZW', 'sn', 'Shona', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'si_LK', 'si', 'Sinhala, Sinhalese', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 1, 'sk_SK', 'sk', 'Slovak', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 1, 'sl_SI', 'sl', 'Slovene', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'so_SO', 'so', 'Somali', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'st_ZA', 'st', 'Southern Sotho', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 1, 'es_ES', 'es', 'Spanish; Castilian (Spain)', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 1, 'es_MX', 'es', 'Spanish; Castilian (Mexico)', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 1, 'es_PR', 'es', 'Spanish; Castilian (Puerto Rico)', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'su_ID', 'su', 'Sundanese', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'sw_TZ', 'sw', 'Swahili', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'ss_ZA', 'ss', 'Swati', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 1, 'sv_SE', 'sv', 'Swedish', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'ta_IN', 'ta', 'Tamil', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 1, 'te_IN', 'te', 'Telugu', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'tg_TJ', 'tg', 'Tajik', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 1, 'th_TH', 'th', 'Thai', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'ti_ET', 'ti', 'Tigrinya', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'bo_CN', 'bo', 'Tibetan Standard, Tibetan, Central', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'tk_TM', 'tk', 'Turkmen', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'tl_PH', 'tl', 'Tagalog', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'tn_ZA', 'tn', 'Tswana', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'to_TO', 'to', 'Tonga (Tonga Islands)', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 1, 'tr_TR', 'tr', 'Turkish', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'ts_ZA', 'ts', 'Tsonga', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'tt_RU', 'tt', 'Tatar', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'tw_GH', 'tw', 'Twi', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'ty_PF', 'ty', 'Tahitian', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'ug_CN', 'ug', 'Uighur, Uyghur', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 1, 'uk_UA', 'uk', 'Ukrainian', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'ur_PK', 'ur', 'Urdu', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'uz_UZ', 'uz', 'Uzbek', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 've_ZA', 've', 'Venda', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 1, 'vi_VN', 'vi', 'Vietnamese', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'vo_XX', 'vo', 'Volapük', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'wa_BE', 'wa', 'Walloon', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'cy_GB', 'cy', 'Welsh', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'wo_SN', 'wo', 'Wolof', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'fy_NL', 'fy', 'Western Frisian', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'xh_ZA', 'xh', 'Xhosa', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'yi_US', 'yi', 'Yiddish', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'yo_NG', 'yo', 'Yoruba', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'za_CN', 'za', 'Zhuang, Chuang', @counter := @counter + 1),
(@option_group_id_languages, 0, 0, 'zu_ZA', 'zu', 'Zulu', @counter := @counter + 1);
-- /*******************************************************
-- *
-- * Encounter Medium Option Values (for case activities)
-- *
-- *******************************************************/
INSERT INTO `civicrm_option_group` (name, title, description, is_reserved, is_active)
VALUES ('encounter_medium', 'Encounter Medium', 'Encounter medium for case activities (e.g. In Person, By Phone, etc.)', 1, 1);
SELECT @option_group_id_medium := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'encounter_medium';
`civicrm_option_value` (`option_group_id`, `label`, `value`, `name`, `grouping`, `filter`, `is_default`, `weight`, `description`, `is_optgroup`, `is_reserved`, `is_active`)
(@option_group_id_medium, 'In Person', 1, 'in_person', NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL, 0, 1, 1),
(@option_group_id_medium, 'Phone', 2, 'phone', NULL, 0, 1, 2, NULL, 0, 1, 1),
(@option_group_id_medium, 'Email', 3, 'email', NULL, 0, 0, 3, NULL, 0, 1, 1),
(@option_group_id_medium, 'Fax', 4, 'fax', NULL, 0, 0, 4, NULL, 0, 1, 1),
(@option_group_id_medium, 'Letter Mail', 5, 'letter_mail', NULL, 0, 0, 5, NULL, 0, 1, 1);
-- sample membership status entries
civicrm_membership_status(name, label, start_event, start_event_adjust_unit, start_event_adjust_interval, end_event, end_event_adjust_unit, end_event_adjust_interval, is_current_member, is_admin, weight, is_default, is_active, is_reserved)
('New', 'New', 'join_date', null, null,'join_date','month',3, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0),
('Current', 'Current', 'start_date', null, null,'end_date', null, null, 1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0),
('Grace', 'Grace', 'end_date', null, null,'end_date','month', 1, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0),
('Expired', 'Expired', 'end_date', 'month', 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0),
('Pending', 'Pending', 'join_date', null, null,'join_date',null,null, 0, 0, 5, 0, 1, 1),
('Cancelled', 'Cancelled', 'join_date', null, null,'join_date',null,null, 0, 0, 6, 0, 1, 1),
('Deceased', 'Deceased', null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 1, 7, 0, 1, 1);
INSERT INTO `civicrm_preferences_date`
(name, start, end, date_format, time_format, description)
( 'activityDate' , 20, 10, '', '', 'Date for activities including contributions: receive, receipt, cancel. membership: join, start, renew. case: start, end.' ),
( 'activityDateTime', 20, 10, '', 1, 'Date and time for activity: scheduled. participant: registered.' ),
( 'birth' , 100, 0, '', '', 'Birth and deceased dates. Only year, month and day fields are supported.' ),
( 'creditCard' , 0, 10, 'M Y', '', 'Month and year only for credit card expiration.' ),
( 'custom' , 20, 20, '', '', 'Uses date range passed in by form field. Can pass in a posix date part parameter. Start and end offsets defined here are ignored.'),
( 'mailing' , 0, 1, '', '', 'Date and time. Used for scheduling mailings.' ),
( 'searchDate' , 20, 20, '', '', 'Used in search forms and for relationships.' );
-- various processor options
-- Table structure for table `civicrm_payment_processor_type`
INSERT INTO `civicrm_payment_processor_type`
(name, title, description, is_active, is_default, user_name_label, password_label, signature_label, subject_label, class_name, url_site_default, url_api_default, url_recur_default, url_button_default, url_site_test_default, url_api_test_default, url_recur_test_default, url_button_test_default, billing_mode, is_recur )
('PayPal_Standard', 'PayPal - Website Payments Standard', NULL,1,0,'Merchant Account Email',NULL,NULL,NULL,'Payment_PayPalImpl','https://www.paypal.com/',NULL,'https://www.paypal.com/',NULL,'https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/',NULL,'https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/',NULL,4,1),
('PayPal', 'PayPal - Website Payments Pro', NULL,1,0,'User Name','Password','Signature',NULL,'Payment_PayPalImpl','https://www.paypal.com/','https://api-3t.paypal.com/','https://www.paypal.com/','https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_xpressCheckout.gif','https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/','https://api-3t.sandbox.paypal.com/','https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/','https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_xpressCheckout.gif',3, 1),
('PayPal_Express', 'PayPal - Express', NULL,1,0,'User Name','Password','Signature',NULL,'Payment_PayPalImpl','https://www.paypal.com/','https://api-3t.paypal.com/',NULL,'https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_xpressCheckout.gif','https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/','https://api-3t.sandbox.paypal.com/',NULL,'https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_xpressCheckout.gif',2, 1),
('AuthNet', 'Authorize.Net', NULL,1,0,'API Login','Payment Key','MD5 Hash',NULL,'Payment_AuthorizeNet','https://secure2.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll',NULL,'https://api2.authorize.net/xml/v1/request.api',NULL,'https://test.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll',NULL,'https://apitest.authorize.net/xml/v1/request.api',NULL,1,1),
('PayJunction', 'PayJunction', NULL,1,0,'User Name','Password',NULL,NULL,'Payment_PayJunction','https://payjunction.com/quick_link',NULL,NULL,NULL,'https://www.payjunctionlabs.com/quick_link',NULL,NULL,NULL,1,1),
('eWAY', 'eWAY (Single Currency)', NULL,1,0,'Customer ID',NULL,NULL,NULL,'Payment_eWAY','https://www.eway.com.au/gateway_cvn/xmlpayment.asp',NULL,NULL,NULL,'https://www.eway.com.au/gateway_cvn/xmltest/testpage.asp',NULL,NULL,NULL,1,0),
('Payment_Express', 'DPS Payment Express', NULL,1,0,'User ID','Key','Mac Key - pxaccess only',NULL,'Payment_PaymentExpress','https://www.paymentexpress.com/pleaseenteraurl',NULL,NULL,NULL,'https://www.paymentexpress.com/pleaseenteratesturl',NULL,NULL,NULL,4,0),
('Dummy', 'Dummy Payment Processor',NULL,1,1,'User Name',NULL,NULL,NULL,'Payment_Dummy',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,1,1),
('Elavon', 'Elavon Payment Processor','Elavon / Nova Virtual Merchant',1,0,'SSL Merchant ID ','SSL User ID','SSL PIN',NULL,'Payment_Elavon','https://www.myvirtualmerchant.com/VirtualMerchant/processxml.do',NULL,NULL,NULL,'https://www.myvirtualmerchant.com/VirtualMerchant/processxml.do',NULL,NULL,NULL,1,0),
('Realex', 'Realex Payment', NULL,1,0,'Merchant ID', 'Password', NULL, 'Account', 'Payment_Realex', 'https://epage.payandshop.com/epage.cgi', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'https://epage.payandshop.com/epage-remote.cgi', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 0),
('PayflowPro', 'PayflowPro', NULL,1,0,'Vendor ID', 'Password', 'Partner (merchant)', 'User', 'Payment_PayflowPro', 'https://Payflowpro.paypal.com', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'https://pilot-Payflowpro.paypal.com', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 0),
('FirstData', 'FirstData (aka linkpoint)', 'FirstData (aka linkpoint)', 1, 0, 'Store name', 'certificate path', NULL, NULL, 'Payment_FirstData', 'https://secure.linkpt.net', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'https://staging.linkpt.net', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL);
-- the fuzzy default dedupe rules
-- IndividualSupervised uses hard-coded optimized query (CRM_Dedupe_BAO_QueryBuilder_IndividualSupervised)
INSERT INTO civicrm_dedupe_rule_group (contact_type, threshold, used, name, title, is_reserved)
VALUES ('Individual', 20, 'Supervised', 'IndividualSupervised', 'Name and Email (reserved)', 1);
SELECT @drgid := MAX(id) FROM civicrm_dedupe_rule_group;
INSERT INTO civicrm_dedupe_rule (dedupe_rule_group_id, rule_table, rule_field, rule_weight)
VALUES (@drgid, 'civicrm_contact', 'first_name', 5),
(@drgid, 'civicrm_contact', 'last_name', 7),
(@drgid, 'civicrm_email' , 'email', 10);
INSERT INTO civicrm_dedupe_rule_group (contact_type, threshold, used, name, title, is_reserved)
VALUES ('Organization', 10, 'Supervised', 'OrganizationSupervised', 'Name and Email', 0);
SELECT @drgid := MAX(id) FROM civicrm_dedupe_rule_group;
INSERT INTO civicrm_dedupe_rule (dedupe_rule_group_id, rule_table, rule_field, rule_weight)
VALUES (@drgid, 'civicrm_contact', 'organization_name', 10),
(@drgid, 'civicrm_email' , 'email', 10);
INSERT INTO civicrm_dedupe_rule_group (contact_type, threshold, used, name, title, is_reserved)
VALUES ('Household', 10, 'Supervised', 'HouseholdSupervised', 'Name and Email', 0);
SELECT @drgid := MAX(id) FROM civicrm_dedupe_rule_group;
INSERT INTO civicrm_dedupe_rule (dedupe_rule_group_id, rule_table, rule_field, rule_weight)
VALUES (@drgid, 'civicrm_contact', 'household_name', 10),
(@drgid, 'civicrm_email' , 'email', 10);
-- the strict dedupe rules
-- IndividualUnsupervised uses hard-coded optimized query (CRM_Dedupe_BAO_QueryBuilder_IndividualUnsupervised)
INSERT INTO civicrm_dedupe_rule_group (contact_type, threshold, used, name, title, is_reserved)
VALUES ('Individual', 10, 'Unsupervised', 'IndividualUnsupervised', 'Email (reserved)', 1);
SELECT @drgid := MAX(id) FROM civicrm_dedupe_rule_group;
INSERT INTO civicrm_dedupe_rule (dedupe_rule_group_id, rule_table, rule_field, rule_weight)
VALUES (@drgid, 'civicrm_email', 'email', 10);
INSERT INTO civicrm_dedupe_rule_group (contact_type, threshold, used, name, title, is_reserved)
VALUES ('Organization', 10, 'Unsupervised', 'OrganizationUnsupervised', 'Name and Email', 0);
SELECT @drgid := MAX(id) FROM civicrm_dedupe_rule_group;
INSERT INTO civicrm_dedupe_rule (dedupe_rule_group_id, rule_table, rule_field, rule_weight)
VALUES (@drgid, 'civicrm_contact', 'organization_name', 10),
(@drgid, 'civicrm_email' , 'email', 10);
INSERT INTO civicrm_dedupe_rule_group (contact_type, threshold, used, name, title, is_reserved)
VALUES ('Household', 10, 'Unsupervised', 'HouseholdUnsupervised', 'Name and Email', 0);
SELECT @drgid := MAX(id) FROM civicrm_dedupe_rule_group;
INSERT INTO civicrm_dedupe_rule (dedupe_rule_group_id, rule_table, rule_field, rule_weight)
VALUES (@drgid, 'civicrm_contact', 'household_name', 10),
(@drgid, 'civicrm_email' , 'email', 10);
-- IndividualGeneral uses hard-coded optimized query (CRM_Dedupe_BAO_QueryBuilder_IndividualGeneral)
INSERT INTO civicrm_dedupe_rule_group (contact_type, threshold, used, name, title, is_reserved)
VALUES ('Individual', 15, 'General', 'IndividualGeneral', 'Name and Address (reserved)', 1);
SELECT @drgid := MAX(id) FROM civicrm_dedupe_rule_group;
INSERT INTO civicrm_dedupe_rule (dedupe_rule_group_id, rule_table, rule_field, rule_weight)
VALUES (@drgid, 'civicrm_contact', 'first_name', '5'),
(@drgid, 'civicrm_contact', 'last_name', '5'),
(@drgid, 'civicrm_address', 'street_address', '5'),
(@drgid, 'civicrm_contact', 'middle_name', '1'),
(@drgid, 'civicrm_contact', 'suffix_id', '1');
-- Sample counties (state-province and country lists defined in a separate tpl files)
INSERT INTO civicrm_county (name, state_province_id) VALUES ('Alameda', 1004);
INSERT INTO civicrm_county (name, state_province_id) VALUES ('Contra Costa', 1004);
INSERT INTO civicrm_county (name, state_province_id) VALUES ('Marin', 1004);
INSERT INTO civicrm_county (name, state_province_id) VALUES ('San Francisco', 1004);
INSERT INTO civicrm_county (name, state_province_id) VALUES ('San Mateo', 1004);
INSERT INTO civicrm_county (name, state_province_id) VALUES ('Santa Clara', 1004);
-- Bounce classification patterns
INSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_bounce_type
(name, description, hold_threshold)
VALUES ('AOL', 'AOL Terms of Service complaint', 1);
SELECT @bounceTypeID := max(id) FROM civicrm_mailing_bounce_type WHERE name = 'AOL';
INSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_bounce_pattern
(bounce_type_id, pattern)
(@bounceTypeID, 'Client TOS Notification');
INSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_bounce_type
(name, description, hold_threshold)
VALUES ('Away', 'Recipient is on vacation', 30);
SELECT @bounceTypeID := max(id) FROM civicrm_mailing_bounce_type WHERE name = 'Away';
INSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_bounce_pattern
(bounce_type_id, pattern)
(@bounceTypeID, '(be|am)? (out of|away from) (the|my)? (office|computer|town)'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'i am on vacation');
INSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_bounce_type
(name, description, hold_threshold)
VALUES ('Dns', 'Unable to resolve recipient domain', 3);
SELECT @bounceTypeID := max(id) FROM civicrm_mailing_bounce_type WHERE name = 'Dns';
INSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_bounce_pattern
(bounce_type_id, pattern)
(@bounceTypeID, 'name(server entry| lookup failure)'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'no (mail server|matches to nameserver query|dns entries)'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'reverse dns entry'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'Host or domain name not found'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'Unable to resolve MX record for');
INSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_bounce_type
(name, description, hold_threshold)
VALUES ('Host', 'Unable to deliver to destintation mail server', 3);
SELECT @bounceTypeID := max(id) FROM civicrm_mailing_bounce_type WHERE name = 'Host';
INSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_bounce_pattern
(bounce_type_id, pattern)
(@bounceTypeID, '(unknown|not local) host'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'all hosts have been failing'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'allowed rcpthosts'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'connection (refused|timed out)'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'not connected'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'couldn\'t find any host named'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'error involving remote host'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'host unknown'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'invalid host name'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'isn\'t in my control/locals file'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'local configuration error'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'not a gateway'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'server is (down or unreachable|not responding)'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'too many connections'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'unable to connect'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'lost connection'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'conversation with [^ ]* timed out while'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'server requires authentication'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'authentication (is )?required');
INSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_bounce_type
(name, description, hold_threshold)
VALUES ('Inactive', 'User account is no longer active', 1);
SELECT @bounceTypeID := max(id) FROM civicrm_mailing_bounce_type WHERE name = 'Inactive';
INSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_bounce_pattern
(bounce_type_id, pattern)
(@bounceTypeID, '(my )?e-?mail( address)? has changed'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'account (inactive|expired|deactivated)'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'account is locked'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'changed \w+( e-?mail)? address'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'deactivated mailbox'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'disabled or discontinued'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'inactive user'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'is inactive on this domain'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'mail receiving disabled'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'mail( ?)address is administrative?ly disabled'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'mailbox (temporarily disabled|currently suspended)'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'no longer (accepting mail|on server|in use|with|employed|on staff|works for|using this account)'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'not accepting (mail|messages)'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'please use my new e-?mail address'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'this address no longer accepts mail'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'user account suspended'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'account that you tried to reach is disabled'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'User banned');
INSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_bounce_type
(name, description, hold_threshold)
VALUES ('Invalid', 'Email address is not valid', 1);
SELECT @bounceTypeID := max(id) FROM civicrm_mailing_bounce_type WHERE name = 'Invalid';
INSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_bounce_pattern
(bounce_type_id, pattern)
(@bounceTypeID, '(user|recipient( name)?) is not recognized'),
(@bounceTypeID, '554 delivery error'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'address does not exist'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'address(es)?( you (entered|specified))? (could|was)( not|n.t)( be)? found'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'address(ee)? (unknown|invalid)'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'bad destination'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'badly formatted address'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'can\'t open mailbox for'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'cannot deliver'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'delivery to the following recipient(s)? failed'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'destination addresses were unknown'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'did not reach the following recipient'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'does not exist'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'does not like recipient'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'does not specify a valid notes mail file'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'illegal alias'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'invalid (mailbox|(e-?mail )?address|recipient|final delivery)'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'invalid( or unknown)?( virtual)? user'),
(@bounceTypeID, '(mail )?delivery (to this user )?is not allowed'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'mailbox (not found|unavailable|name not allowed)'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'message could not be forwarded'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'missing or malformed local(-| )part'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'no e-?mail address registered'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'no such (mail drop|mailbox( \\w+)?|(e-?mail )?address|recipient|(local )?user|person)( here)?'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'no mailbox (here )?by that name'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'not (listed in|found in directory|known at this site|our customer)'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'not a valid( (user|mailbox))?'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'not present in directory entry'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'recipient (does not exist|(is )?unknown|rejected|denied|not found)'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'this user doesn\'t have a yahoo.com address'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'unavailable to take delivery of the message'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'unavailable mailbox'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'unknown (local( |-)part|recipient|address error)'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'unknown( or illegal)? user( account)?'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'unrecognized recipient'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'unregistered address'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'user (unknown|does not exist)'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'user doesn\'t have an? \w+ account'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'user(\'s e-?mail name is)? not found'),
(@bounceTypeID, '^Validation failed for:'),
(@bounceTypeID, '5.1.0 Address rejected'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'no valid recipients?'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'RecipNotFound'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'no one at this address'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'misconfigured forwarding address'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'account is not allowed'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'Address .<[^>]*>. not known here'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'Recipient address rejected: ([a-zA-Z0-9-]+\\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'Non sono riuscito a trovare l.indirizzo e-mail'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'nadie con esta direcci..?n'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'ni bilo mogo..?e najti prejemnikovega e-po..?tnega naslova'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'Elektronski naslov (je ukinjen|ne obstaja)'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'nepravilno nastavljen predal');
INSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_bounce_type
(name, description, hold_threshold)
VALUES ('Loop', 'Mail routing error', 3);
SELECT @bounceTypeID := max(id) FROM civicrm_mailing_bounce_type WHERE name = 'Loop';
INSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_bounce_pattern
(bounce_type_id, pattern)
(@bounceTypeID, '(mail( forwarding)?|routing).loop'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'excessive recursion'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'loop detected'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'maximum hop count exceeded'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'message was forwarded more than the maximum allowed times'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'too many (hops|recursive forwards)');
INSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_bounce_type
(name, description, hold_threshold)
VALUES ('Quota', 'User inbox is full', 3);
SELECT @bounceTypeID := max(id) FROM civicrm_mailing_bounce_type WHERE name = 'Quota';
INSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_bounce_pattern
(bounce_type_id, pattern)
(@bounceTypeID, '(disk(space)?|over the allowed|exceed(ed|s)?|storage) quota'),
(@bounceTypeID, '522_mailbox_full'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'exceeds allowed message count'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'file too large'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'full mailbox'),
(@bounceTypeID, '(mail|in)(box|folder) ((for user \\w+ )?is )?full'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'mailbox (has exceeded|is over) the limit'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'mailbox( exceeds allowed)? size'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'no space left for this user'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'over\\s?quota'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'quota (for the mailbox )?has been exceeded'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'quota ?(usage|violation|exceeded)'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'recipient storage full'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'not able to receive more mail'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'doesn.t have enough disk space left'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'exceeded storage allocation'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'running out of disk space');
INSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_bounce_type
(name, description, hold_threshold)
VALUES ('Relay', 'Unable to reach destination mail server', 3);
SELECT @bounceTypeID := max(id) FROM civicrm_mailing_bounce_type WHERE name = 'Relay';
INSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_bounce_pattern
(bounce_type_id, pattern)
(@bounceTypeID, 'cannot find your hostname'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'ip name lookup'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'not configured to relay mail'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'relay(ing)? (not permitted|(access )?denied)'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'relayed mail to .+? not allowed'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'sender ip must resolve'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'unable to relay'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'No route to host'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'Network is unreachable'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'unrouteable address'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'We don.t handle mail for'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'we do not relay'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'Rejected by next-hop'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'not permitted to( *550)? relay through this server');
INSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_bounce_type
(name, description, hold_threshold)
VALUES ('Spam', 'Message caught by a content filter', 1);
SELECT @bounceTypeID := max(id) FROM civicrm_mailing_bounce_type WHERE name = 'Spam';
INSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_bounce_pattern
(bounce_type_id, pattern)
(@bounceTypeID, '(bulk( e-?mail)|content|attachment blocking|virus|mail system) filters?'),
(@bounceTypeID, '(hostile|questionable|unacceptable) content'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'address .+? has not been verified'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'anti-?spam (polic\w+|software)'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'anti-?virus gateway has detected'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'blacklisted'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'blocked message'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'content control'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'delivery not authorized'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'does not conform to our e-?mail policy'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'excessive spam content'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'message looks suspicious'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'open relay'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'sender was rejected'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'spam(check| reduction software| filters?)'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'blocked by a user configured filter'),
(@bounceTypeID, '(detected|rejected) (as|due to) spam'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'X-HmXmrOriginalRecipient'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'Client host .[^ ]*. blocked'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'automatic(ally-generated)? messages are not accepted'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'denied by policy'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'has no corresponding reverse \\(PTR\\) address'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'has a policy that( [^ ]*)? prohibited the mail that you sent'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'is likely unsolicited mail'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'Local Policy Violation'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'ni bilo mogo..?e dostaviti zaradi varnostnega pravilnika');
INSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_bounce_type
(name, description, hold_threshold)
VALUES ('Syntax', 'Error in SMTP transaction', 3);
SELECT @bounceTypeID := max(id) FROM civicrm_mailing_bounce_type WHERE name = 'Syntax';
INSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_bounce_pattern
(bounce_type_id, pattern)
(@bounceTypeID, 'nonstandard smtp line terminator'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'syntax error in from address'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'unknown smtp code');
-- add sample and reserved profiles
INSERT INTO civicrm_uf_group
(id, name, group_type, title, is_cms_user, is_reserved, help_post) VALUES
(1, 'name_and_address', 'Individual,Contact', 'Name and Address', 0, 0, NULL),
(2, 'supporter_profile', 'Individual,Contact', 'Supporter Profile', 2, 0, '<p><strong>The information you provide will NOT be shared with any third party organisations.</strong></p><p>Thank you for getting involved in our campaign!</p>'),
(3, 'participant_status', 'Participant', 'Participant Status', 0, 1, NULL),
(4, 'new_individual', 'Individual,Contact', 'New Individual' , 0, 1, NULL),
(5, 'new_organization', 'Organization,Contact','New Organization' , 0, 1, NULL),
(6, 'new_household', 'Household,Contact', 'New Household' , 0, 1, NULL),
(7, 'summary_overlay', 'Contact', 'Summary Overlay' , 0, 1, NULL),
(8, 'shared_address', 'Contact', 'Shared Address' , 0, 1, NULL),
(9, 'on_behalf_organization', 'Contact,Organization','On Behalf Of Organization', 0, 1, NULL),
(10, 'contribution_batch_entry', 'Contribution', 'Contribution Bulk Entry' , 0, 1, NULL),
(11, 'membership_batch_entry', 'Membership', 'Membership Bulk Entry' , 0, 1, NULL),
(12, 'event_registration', 'Individual,Contact', 'Your Registration Info', 0, 0, NULL),
(13, 'honoree_individual', 'Individual,Contact', 'Honoree Individual', 0, 1, NULL);
INSERT INTO civicrm_uf_join
(1, 'User Registration',NULL, NULL,1,1),
(1, 'User Account', NULL, NULL, 1, 1),
(1, 'Profile', NULL, NULL, 1, 1),
(1, 'Profile', NULL, NULL, 2, 2),
(1, 'Profile', NULL, NULL, 11, 12);
INSERT INTO civicrm_uf_field
( uf_group_id, field_name, is_required, is_reserved, weight, visibility, in_selector, is_searchable, location_type_id, label, field_type, help_post, phone_type_id ) VALUES
( 1, 'first_name', 1, 0, 1, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'First Name', 'Individual', NULL, NULL),
( 1, 'last_name', 1, 0, 2, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'Last Name', 'Individual', NULL, NULL),
( 1, 'street_address', 0, 0, 3, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, 1, 'Street Address (Home)', 'Contact', NULL, NULL),
( 1, 'city', 0, 0, 4, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, 1, 'City (Home)', 'Contact', NULL, NULL),
( 1, 'postal_code', 0, 0, 5, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, 1, 'Postal Code (Home)', 'Contact', NULL, NULL),
( 1, 'country', 0, 0, 6, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, 1, 'Country (Home)', 'Contact', NULL, NULL),
( 1, 'state_province', 0, 0, 7, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, 1, 'State (Home)', 'Contact', NULL, NULL),
( 2, 'first_name', 1, 0, 1, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'First Name', 'Individual', NULL, NULL),
( 2, 'last_name', 1, 0, 2, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'Last Name', 'Individual', NULL, NULL),
( 2, 'email', 1, 0, 3, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'Email Address', 'Contact', NULL, NULL),
( 3, 'participant_status', 1, 1, 1, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'Participant Status', 'Participant', NULL, NULL),
( 4, 'first_name', 1, 0, 1, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'First Name', 'Individual', NULL, NULL),
( 4, 'last_name', 1, 0, 2, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'Last Name', 'Individual', NULL, NULL),
( 4, 'email', 0, 0, 3, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'Email Address', 'Contact', NULL, NULL),
( 5, 'organization_name', 1, 0, 2, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'Organization Name', 'Organization', NULL, NULL),
( 5, 'email', 0, 0, 3, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'Email Address', 'Contact', NULL, NULL),
( 6, 'household_name', 1, 0, 2, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'Household Name', 'Household', NULL, NULL),
( 6, 'email', 0, 0, 3, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'Email Address', 'Contact', NULL, NULL),
( 7, 'phone', 1, 0, 1, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, 1, 'Home Phone', 'Contact', NULL, 1 ),
( 7, 'phone', 1, 0, 2, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, 1, 'Home Mobile', 'Contact', NULL, 2 ),
( 7, 'street_address', 1, 0, 3, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'Primary Address', 'Contact', NULL, NULL),
( 7, 'city', 1, 0, 4, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'City', 'Contact', NULL, NULL),
( 7, 'state_province', 1, 0, 5, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'State', 'Contact', NULL, NULL),
( 7, 'postal_code', 1, 0, 6, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'Postal Code', 'Contact', NULL, NULL),
( 7, 'email', 1, 0, 7, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'Primary Email', 'Contact', NULL, NULL),
( 7, 'group', 1, 0, 8, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'Groups', 'Contact', NULL, NULL),
( 7, 'tag', 1, 0, 9, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'Tags', 'Contact', NULL, NULL),
( 7, 'gender_id', 1, 0, 10, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'Gender', 'Individual', NULL, NULL),
( 7, 'birth_date', 1, 0, 11, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'Date of Birth', 'Individual', NULL, NULL),
( 8, 'street_address', 1, 1, 1, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, 1, 'Street Address (Home)', 'Contact', NULL, NULL),
( 8, 'city', 1, 1, 2, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, 1, 'City (Home)', 'Contact', NULL, NULL),
( 8, 'postal_code', 0, 0, 3, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, 1, 'Postal Code (Home)', 'Contact', NULL, NULL),
( 8, 'country', 0, 0, 4, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, 1, 'Country (Home)', 'Contact', NULL, NULL),
( 8, 'state_province', 0, 0, 5, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, 1, 'State (Home)', 'Contact', NULL, NULL),
( 9, 'organization_name', 1, 0, 1, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'Organization Name', 'Organization', NULL, NULL),
( 9, 'phone', 1, 0, 2, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, 3, 'Phone (Main) ', 'Contact', NULL, 1),
( 9, 'email', 1, 0, 3, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, 3, 'Email (Main) ', 'Contact', NULL, NULL),
( 9, 'street_address', 1, 0, 4, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, 3, 'Street Address', 'Contact', NULL, NULL),
( 9, 'city', 1, 0, 5, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, 3, 'City', 'Contact', NULL, NULL),
( 9, 'postal_code', 1, 0, 6, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, 3, 'Postal Code', 'Contact', NULL, NULL),
( 9, 'country', 1, 0, 7, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, 3, 'Country', 'Contact', NULL, NULL),
( 9, 'state_province', 1, 0, 8, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, 3, 'State/Province', 'Contact', NULL, NULL),
( 10, 'financial_type', 0, 1, 1, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'Financial Type', 'Contribution', NULL, NULL ),
( 10, 'total_amount', 0, 1, 2, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'Amount', 'Contribution', NULL, NULL ),
( 10, 'contribution_status_id', 1, 1, 3, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'Status', 'Contribution', NULL, NULL ),
( 10, 'receive_date', 1, 1, 4, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'Received', 'Contribution', NULL, NULL ),
( 10, 'contribution_source', 0, 0, 5, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'Source', 'Contribution', NULL, NULL ),
( 10, 'payment_instrument', 0, 0, 6, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'Payment Method', 'Contribution', NULL, NULL ),
( 10, 'contribution_check_number', 0, 0, 7, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'Check Number', 'Contribution', NULL, NULL ),
( 10, 'send_receipt', 0, 0, 8, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'Send Receipt', 'Contribution', NULL, NULL ),
( 10, 'invoice_id', 0, 0, 9, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'Invoice ID', 'Contribution', NULL, NULL ),
( 10, 'soft_credit', 0, 0, 10, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'Soft Credit', 'Contribution', NULL, NULL ),
( 10, 'soft_credit_type', 0, 0, 11, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'Soft Credit Type', 'Contribution', NULL, NULL ),
( 11, 'membership_type', 1, 1, 1, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'Membership Type', 'Membership', NULL, NULL ),
( 11, 'join_date', 1, 1, 2, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'Member Since', 'Membership', NULL, NULL ),
( 11, 'membership_start_date', 0, 1, 3, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'Start Date', 'Membership', NULL, NULL ),
( 11, 'membership_end_date', 0, 1, 4, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'End Date', 'Membership', NULL, NULL ),
( 11, 'membership_source', 0, 0, 5, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'Source', 'Membership', NULL, NULL ),
( 11, 'send_receipt', 0, 0, 6, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'Send Receipt', 'Membership', NULL, NULL ),
( 11, 'financial_type', 0, 1, 7, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'Financial Type', 'Membership', NULL, NULL ),
( 11, 'total_amount', 0, 1, 8, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'Amount', 'Membership', NULL, NULL ),
( 11, 'receive_date', 1, 1, 9, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'Received', 'Membership', NULL, NULL ),
( 11, 'payment_instrument', 0, 0, 10, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'Payment Method', 'Membership', NULL, NULL ),
( 11, 'contribution_check_number', 0, 0, 11, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'Check Number', 'Membership', NULL, NULL ),
( 11, 'contribution_status_id', 1, 1, 12, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'Payment Status', 'Membership', NULL, NULL ),
( 11, 'soft_credit', 0, 0, 13, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'Soft Credit', 'Membership', NULL, NULL ),
( 11, 'soft_credit_type', 0, 0, 14, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'Soft Credit Type', 'Membership', NULL, NULL ),
( 12, 'first_name', 1, 0, 1, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'First Name', 'Individual', NULL, NULL),
( 12, 'last_name', 1, 0, 2, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'Last Name', 'Individual', NULL, NULL),
( 12, 'email', 1, 0, 3, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'Email Address', 'Contact', NULL, NULL),
( 13, 'prefix_id', 0, 1, 1, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'Individual Prefix', 'Individual', NULL, NULL),
( 13, 'first_name', 1, 1, 2, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'First Name', 'Individual', NULL, NULL),
( 13, 'last_name', 1, 1, 3, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, 'Last Name', 'Individual', NULL, NULL),
( 13, 'email', 0, 1, 4, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, 1, 'Email Address', 'Contact', NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO civicrm_participant_status_type
(id, name, label, class, is_reserved, is_active, is_counted, weight, visibility_id) VALUES
(1, 'Registered', 'Registered', 'Positive', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ),
(2, 'Attended', 'Attended', 'Positive', 0, 1, 1, 2, 2 ),
(3, 'No-show', 'No-show', 'Negative', 0, 1, 0, 3, 2 ),
(4, 'Cancelled', 'Cancelled', 'Negative', 1, 1, 0, 4, 2 ),
(5, 'Pending from pay later', 'Pending (pay later)', 'Pending', 1, 1, 1, 5, 2 ),
(6, 'Pending from incomplete transaction', 'Pending (incomplete transaction)', 'Pending', 1, 1, 0, 6, 2 ),
(7, 'On waitlist', 'On waitlist', 'Waiting', 1, 0, 0, 7, 2 ),
(8, 'Awaiting approval', 'Awaiting approval', 'Waiting', 1, 0, 1, 8, 2 ),
(9, 'Pending from waitlist', 'Pending from waitlist', 'Pending', 1, 0, 1, 9, 2 ),
(10, 'Pending from approval', 'Pending from approval', 'Pending', 1, 0, 1, 10, 2 ),
(11, 'Rejected', 'Rejected', 'Negative', 1, 0, 0, 11, 2 ),
(12, 'Expired', 'Expired', 'Negative', 1, 1, 0, 12, 2 ),
(13, 'Pending in cart', 'Pending in cart', 'Pending', 1, 1, 0, 13, 2 ),
(14, 'Partially paid', 'Partially paid', 'Positive', 1, 1, 1, 14, 2 ),
(15, 'Pending refund', 'Pending refund', 'Positive', 1, 1, 1, 15, 2 ),
(16, 'Transferred', 'Transferred', 'Negative', 1, 1, 0, 16, 2);
-- CRM-8150
INSERT INTO civicrm_action_mapping
(entity, entity_value, entity_value_label, entity_status, entity_status_label, entity_date_start, entity_date_end, entity_recipient)
( 'civicrm_activity', 'activity_type', 'Activity Type', 'activity_status', 'Activity Status', 'activity_date_time', NULL, 'activity_contacts'),
( 'civicrm_participant', 'event_type', 'Event Type', 'civicrm_participant_status_type', 'Participant Status', 'event_start_date', 'event_end_date', 'event_contacts'),
( 'civicrm_participant', 'civicrm_event', 'Event Name', 'civicrm_participant_status_type', 'Participant Status', 'event_start_date', 'event_end_date', 'event_contacts'),
( 'civicrm_membership', 'civicrm_membership_type', 'Membership Type', 'auto_renew_options', 'Auto Renew Options', 'membership_join_date', 'membership_end_date', NULL),
( 'civicrm_participant', 'event_template', 'Event Template', 'civicrm_participant_status_type', 'Participant Status', 'event_start_date', 'event_end_date', 'event_contacts'),
( 'civicrm_contact', 'civicrm_contact', 'Date Field', 'contact_date_reminder_options', 'Annual Options', 'date_field', NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `civicrm_contact_type`
(`id`, `name`, `label`,`image_URL`, `parent_id`, `is_active`,`is_reserved`)
( 1, 'Individual' , 'Individual' , NULL, NULL, 1, 1),
( 2, 'Household' , 'Household' , NULL, NULL, 1, 1),
( 3, 'Organization', 'Organization', NULL, NULL, 1, 1);
-- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-- | CiviCRM version 4.7 |
-- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-- | Copyright CiviCRM LLC (c) 2004-2017 |
-- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-- | This file is a part of CiviCRM. |
-- | |
-- | CiviCRM is free software; you can copy, modify, and distribute it |
-- | under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License |
-- | Version 3, 19 November 2007 and the CiviCRM Licensing Exception. |
-- | |
-- | CiviCRM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but |
-- | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
-- | See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. |
-- | |
-- | You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public |
-- | License and the CiviCRM Licensing Exception along |
-- | with this program; if not, contact CiviCRM LLC |
-- | at info[AT]civicrm[DOT]org. If you have questions about the |
-- | GNU Affero General Public License or the licensing of CiviCRM, |
-- | see the CiviCRM license FAQ at http://civicrm.org/licensing |
-- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-- Generated from civicrm_msg_template.tpl
-- DO NOT EDIT. Generated by CRM_Core_CodeGen
INSERT INTO civicrm_option_group
(name, title, description, is_reserved, is_active) VALUES
('msg_tpl_workflow_case', 'Message Template Workflow for Cases', 'Message Template Workflow for Cases', 1, 1) , ('msg_tpl_workflow_contribution', 'Message Template Workflow for Contributions', 'Message Template Workflow for Contributions', 1, 1) , ('msg_tpl_workflow_event', 'Message Template Workflow for Events', 'Message Template Workflow for Events', 1, 1) , ('msg_tpl_workflow_friend', 'Message Template Workflow for Tell-a-Friend', 'Message Template Workflow for Tell-a-Friend', 1, 1) , ('msg_tpl_workflow_membership', 'Message Template Workflow for Memberships', 'Message Template Workflow for Memberships', 1, 1) , ('msg_tpl_workflow_meta', 'Message Template Workflow for Meta Templates', 'Message Template Workflow for Meta Templates', 1, 1) , ('msg_tpl_workflow_pledge', 'Message Template Workflow for Pledges', 'Message Template Workflow for Pledges', 1, 1) , ('msg_tpl_workflow_uf', 'Message Template Workflow for Profiles', 'Message Template Workflow for Profiles', 1, 1) , ('msg_tpl_workflow_petition', 'Message Template Workflow for Petition', 'Message Template Workflow for Petition', 1, 1) ;
SELECT @tpl_ogid_case := MAX(id) FROM civicrm_option_group WHERE name = 'msg_tpl_workflow_case';
SELECT @tpl_ogid_contribution := MAX(id) FROM civicrm_option_group WHERE name = 'msg_tpl_workflow_contribution';
SELECT @tpl_ogid_event := MAX(id) FROM civicrm_option_group WHERE name = 'msg_tpl_workflow_event';
SELECT @tpl_ogid_friend := MAX(id) FROM civicrm_option_group WHERE name = 'msg_tpl_workflow_friend';
SELECT @tpl_ogid_membership := MAX(id) FROM civicrm_option_group WHERE name = 'msg_tpl_workflow_membership';
SELECT @tpl_ogid_meta := MAX(id) FROM civicrm_option_group WHERE name = 'msg_tpl_workflow_meta';
SELECT @tpl_ogid_pledge := MAX(id) FROM civicrm_option_group WHERE name = 'msg_tpl_workflow_pledge';
SELECT @tpl_ogid_uf := MAX(id) FROM civicrm_option_group WHERE name = 'msg_tpl_workflow_uf';
SELECT @tpl_ogid_petition := MAX(id) FROM civicrm_option_group WHERE name = 'msg_tpl_workflow_petition';
INSERT INTO civicrm_option_value
(option_group_id, name, label, value, weight) VALUES
(@tpl_ogid_case, 'case_activity', 'Cases - Send Copy of an Activity', 1, 1) , (@tpl_ogid_contribution, 'contribution_dupalert', 'Contributions - Duplicate Organization Alert', 1, 1) , (@tpl_ogid_contribution, 'contribution_offline_receipt', 'Contributions - Receipt (off-line)', 2, 2) , (@tpl_ogid_contribution, 'contribution_online_receipt', 'Contributions - Receipt (on-line)', 3, 3) , (@tpl_ogid_contribution, 'contribution_invoice_receipt', 'Contributions - Invoice', 4, 4) , (@tpl_ogid_contribution, 'contribution_recurring_notify', 'Contributions - Recurring Start and End Notification', 5, 5) , (@tpl_ogid_contribution, 'contribution_recurring_cancelled', 'Contributions - Recurring Cancellation Notification', 6, 6) , (@tpl_ogid_contribution, 'contribution_recurring_billing', 'Contributions - Recurring Billing Updates', 7, 7) , (@tpl_ogid_contribution, 'contribution_recurring_edit', 'Contributions - Recurring Updates', 8, 8) , (@tpl_ogid_contribution, 'pcp_notify', 'Personal Campaign Pages - Admin Notification', 9, 9) , (@tpl_ogid_contribution, 'pcp_status_change', 'Personal Campaign Pages - Supporter Status Change Notification', 10, 10) , (@tpl_ogid_contribution, 'pcp_supporter_notify', 'Personal Campaign Pages - Supporter Welcome', 11, 11) , (@tpl_ogid_contribution, 'pcp_owner_notify', 'Personal Campaign Pages - Owner Notification', 12, 12) , (@tpl_ogid_contribution, 'payment_or_refund_notification', 'Additional Payment Receipt or Refund Notification', 13, 13) , (@tpl_ogid_event, 'event_offline_receipt', 'Events - Registration Confirmation and Receipt (off-line)', 1, 1) , (@tpl_ogid_event, 'event_online_receipt', 'Events - Registration Confirmation and Receipt (on-line)', 2, 2) , (@tpl_ogid_event, 'event_registration_receipt', 'Events - Receipt only', 3, 3) , (@tpl_ogid_event, 'participant_cancelled', 'Events - Registration Cancellation Notice', 4, 4) , (@tpl_ogid_event, 'participant_confirm', 'Events - Registration Confirmation Invite', 5, 5) , (@tpl_ogid_event, 'participant_expired', 'Events - Pending Registration Expiration Notice', 6, 6) , (@tpl_ogid_event, 'participant_transferred', 'Events - Registration Transferred Notice', 7, 7) , (@tpl_ogid_friend, 'friend', 'Tell-a-Friend Email', 1, 1) , (@tpl_ogid_membership, 'membership_offline_receipt', 'Memberships - Signup and Renewal Receipts (off-line)', 1, 1) , (@tpl_ogid_membership, 'membership_online_receipt', 'Memberships - Receipt (on-line)', 2, 2) , (@tpl_ogid_membership, 'membership_autorenew_cancelled', 'Memberships - Auto-renew Cancellation Notification', 3, 3) , (@tpl_ogid_membership, 'membership_autorenew_billing', 'Memberships - Auto-renew Billing Updates', 4, 4) , (@tpl_ogid_meta, 'test_preview', 'Test-drive - Receipt Header', 1, 1) , (@tpl_ogid_pledge, 'pledge_acknowledge', 'Pledges - Acknowledgement', 1, 1) , (@tpl_ogid_pledge, 'pledge_reminder', 'Pledges - Payment Reminder', 2, 2) , (@tpl_ogid_uf, 'uf_notify', 'Profiles - Admin Notification', 1, 1) , (@tpl_ogid_petition, 'petition_sign', 'Petition - signature added', 1, 1) , (@tpl_ogid_petition, 'petition_confirmation_needed', 'Petition - need verification', 2, 2) ;
SELECT @tpl_ovid_case_activity := MAX(id) FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE option_group_id = @tpl_ogid_case AND name = 'case_activity';
SELECT @tpl_ovid_contribution_dupalert := MAX(id) FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE option_group_id = @tpl_ogid_contribution AND name = 'contribution_dupalert';
SELECT @tpl_ovid_contribution_offline_receipt := MAX(id) FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE option_group_id = @tpl_ogid_contribution AND name = 'contribution_offline_receipt';
SELECT @tpl_ovid_contribution_online_receipt := MAX(id) FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE option_group_id = @tpl_ogid_contribution AND name = 'contribution_online_receipt';
SELECT @tpl_ovid_contribution_invoice_receipt := MAX(id) FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE option_group_id = @tpl_ogid_contribution AND name = 'contribution_invoice_receipt';
SELECT @tpl_ovid_contribution_recurring_notify := MAX(id) FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE option_group_id = @tpl_ogid_contribution AND name = 'contribution_recurring_notify';
SELECT @tpl_ovid_contribution_recurring_cancelled := MAX(id) FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE option_group_id = @tpl_ogid_contribution AND name = 'contribution_recurring_cancelled';
SELECT @tpl_ovid_contribution_recurring_billing := MAX(id) FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE option_group_id = @tpl_ogid_contribution AND name = 'contribution_recurring_billing';
SELECT @tpl_ovid_contribution_recurring_edit := MAX(id) FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE option_group_id = @tpl_ogid_contribution AND name = 'contribution_recurring_edit';
SELECT @tpl_ovid_pcp_notify := MAX(id) FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE option_group_id = @tpl_ogid_contribution AND name = 'pcp_notify';
SELECT @tpl_ovid_pcp_status_change := MAX(id) FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE option_group_id = @tpl_ogid_contribution AND name = 'pcp_status_change';
SELECT @tpl_ovid_pcp_supporter_notify := MAX(id) FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE option_group_id = @tpl_ogid_contribution AND name = 'pcp_supporter_notify';
SELECT @tpl_ovid_pcp_owner_notify := MAX(id) FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE option_group_id = @tpl_ogid_contribution AND name = 'pcp_owner_notify';
SELECT @tpl_ovid_payment_or_refund_notification := MAX(id) FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE option_group_id = @tpl_ogid_contribution AND name = 'payment_or_refund_notification';
SELECT @tpl_ovid_event_offline_receipt := MAX(id) FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE option_group_id = @tpl_ogid_event AND name = 'event_offline_receipt';
SELECT @tpl_ovid_event_online_receipt := MAX(id) FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE option_group_id = @tpl_ogid_event AND name = 'event_online_receipt';
SELECT @tpl_ovid_event_registration_receipt := MAX(id) FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE option_group_id = @tpl_ogid_event AND name = 'event_registration_receipt';
SELECT @tpl_ovid_participant_cancelled := MAX(id) FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE option_group_id = @tpl_ogid_event AND name = 'participant_cancelled';
SELECT @tpl_ovid_participant_confirm := MAX(id) FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE option_group_id = @tpl_ogid_event AND name = 'participant_confirm';
SELECT @tpl_ovid_participant_expired := MAX(id) FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE option_group_id = @tpl_ogid_event AND name = 'participant_expired';
SELECT @tpl_ovid_participant_transferred := MAX(id) FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE option_group_id = @tpl_ogid_event AND name = 'participant_transferred';
SELECT @tpl_ovid_friend := MAX(id) FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE option_group_id = @tpl_ogid_friend AND name = 'friend';
SELECT @tpl_ovid_membership_offline_receipt := MAX(id) FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE option_group_id = @tpl_ogid_membership AND name = 'membership_offline_receipt';
SELECT @tpl_ovid_membership_online_receipt := MAX(id) FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE option_group_id = @tpl_ogid_membership AND name = 'membership_online_receipt';
SELECT @tpl_ovid_membership_autorenew_cancelled := MAX(id) FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE option_group_id = @tpl_ogid_membership AND name = 'membership_autorenew_cancelled';
SELECT @tpl_ovid_membership_autorenew_billing := MAX(id) FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE option_group_id = @tpl_ogid_membership AND name = 'membership_autorenew_billing';
SELECT @tpl_ovid_test_preview := MAX(id) FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE option_group_id = @tpl_ogid_meta AND name = 'test_preview';
SELECT @tpl_ovid_pledge_acknowledge := MAX(id) FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE option_group_id = @tpl_ogid_pledge AND name = 'pledge_acknowledge';
SELECT @tpl_ovid_pledge_reminder := MAX(id) FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE option_group_id = @tpl_ogid_pledge AND name = 'pledge_reminder';
SELECT @tpl_ovid_uf_notify := MAX(id) FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE option_group_id = @tpl_ogid_uf AND name = 'uf_notify';
SELECT @tpl_ovid_petition_sign := MAX(id) FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE option_group_id = @tpl_ogid_petition AND name = 'petition_sign';
SELECT @tpl_ovid_petition_confirmation_needed := MAX(id) FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE option_group_id = @tpl_ogid_petition AND name = 'petition_confirmation_needed';
INSERT INTO civicrm_msg_template
(msg_title, msg_subject, msg_text, msg_html, workflow_id, is_default, is_reserved) VALUES
('Cases - Send Copy of an Activity', '{if $idHash}[case #{$idHash}]{/if} {$activitySubject}
', '===========================================================
{ts}Activity Summary{/ts} - {$activityTypeName}
{if $isCaseActivity}
{ts}Your Case Role(s){/ts} : {$contact.role}
{if $manageCaseURL}
{ts}Manage Case{/ts} : {$manageCaseURL}
{if $editActURL}
{ts}Edit activity{/ts} : {$editActURL}
{if $viewActURL}
{ts}View activity{/ts} : {$viewActURL}
{foreach from=$activity.fields item=field}
{if $field.type eq \'Date\'}
{$field.label}{if $field.category}({$field.category}){/if} : {$field.value|crmDate:$config->dateformatDatetime}
{$field.label}{if $field.category}({$field.category}){/if} : {$field.value}
{foreach from=$activity.customGroups key=customGroupName item=customGroup}
{foreach from=$customGroup item=field}
{if $field.type eq \'Date\'}
{$field.label} : {$field.value|crmDate:$config->dateformatDatetime}
{$field.label} : {$field.value}
', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
{capture assign=headerStyle}colspan="2" style="text-align: left; padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #eee;"{/capture}
{capture assign=labelStyle }style="padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #f7f7f7;"{/capture}
{capture assign=valueStyle }style="padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999;"{/capture}
<table width="620" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
<table style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse; width:100%;">
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Activity Summary{/ts} - {$activityTypeName}
{if $isCaseActivity}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Your Case Role(s){/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $manageCaseURL}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
<a href="{$manageCaseURL}" title="{ts}Manage Case{/ts}">{ts}Manage Case{/ts}</a>
{if $editActURL}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
<a href="{$editActURL}" title="{ts}Edit activity{/ts}">{ts}Edit activity{/ts}</a>
{if $viewActURL}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
<a href="{$viewActURL}" title="{ts}View activity{/ts}">{ts}View activity{/ts}</a>
{foreach from=$activity.fields item=field}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{$field.label}{if $field.category}({$field.category}){/if}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $field.type eq \'Date\'}
{foreach from=$activity.customGroups key=customGroupName item=customGroup}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{foreach from=$customGroup item=field}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $field.type eq \'Date\'}
', @tpl_ovid_case_activity, 1, 0),
('Cases - Send Copy of an Activity', '{if $idHash}[case #{$idHash}]{/if} {$activitySubject}
', '===========================================================
{ts}Activity Summary{/ts} - {$activityTypeName}
{if $isCaseActivity}
{ts}Your Case Role(s){/ts} : {$contact.role}
{if $manageCaseURL}
{ts}Manage Case{/ts} : {$manageCaseURL}
{if $editActURL}
{ts}Edit activity{/ts} : {$editActURL}
{if $viewActURL}
{ts}View activity{/ts} : {$viewActURL}
{foreach from=$activity.fields item=field}
{if $field.type eq \'Date\'}
{$field.label}{if $field.category}({$field.category}){/if} : {$field.value|crmDate:$config->dateformatDatetime}
{$field.label}{if $field.category}({$field.category}){/if} : {$field.value}
{foreach from=$activity.customGroups key=customGroupName item=customGroup}
{foreach from=$customGroup item=field}
{if $field.type eq \'Date\'}
{$field.label} : {$field.value|crmDate:$config->dateformatDatetime}
{$field.label} : {$field.value}
', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
{capture assign=headerStyle}colspan="2" style="text-align: left; padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #eee;"{/capture}
{capture assign=labelStyle }style="padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #f7f7f7;"{/capture}
{capture assign=valueStyle }style="padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999;"{/capture}
<table width="620" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
<table style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse; width:100%;">
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Activity Summary{/ts} - {$activityTypeName}
{if $isCaseActivity}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Your Case Role(s){/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $manageCaseURL}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
<a href="{$manageCaseURL}" title="{ts}Manage Case{/ts}">{ts}Manage Case{/ts}</a>
{if $editActURL}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
<a href="{$editActURL}" title="{ts}Edit activity{/ts}">{ts}Edit activity{/ts}</a>
{if $viewActURL}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
<a href="{$viewActURL}" title="{ts}View activity{/ts}">{ts}View activity{/ts}</a>
{foreach from=$activity.fields item=field}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{$field.label}{if $field.category}({$field.category}){/if}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $field.type eq \'Date\'}
{foreach from=$activity.customGroups key=customGroupName item=customGroup}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{foreach from=$customGroup item=field}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $field.type eq \'Date\'}
', @tpl_ovid_case_activity, 0, 1) ,
('Contributions - Duplicate Organization Alert', '{ts}CiviContribute Alert: Possible Duplicate Contact Record{/ts}
', '{ts}A contribution / membership signup was made on behalf of the organization listed below.{/ts}
{ts}The information provided matched multiple existing database records based on the configured Duplicate Matching Rules for your site.{/ts}
{ts}Organization Name{/ts}: {$onBehalfName}
{ts}Organization Email{/ts}: {$onBehalfEmail}
{ts}Organization Contact ID{/ts}: {$onBehalfID}
{ts}If you think this may be a duplicate contact which should be merged with an existing record - Go to "Contacts >> Find and Merge Duplicate Contacts". Use the strict rule for Organizations to find the potential duplicates and merge them if appropriate.{/ts}
{if $receiptMessage}
{ts}Copy of Contribution Receipt{/ts}
', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
{capture assign=headerStyle}colspan="2" style="text-align: left; padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #eee;"{/capture}
{capture assign=labelStyle }style="padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #f7f7f7;"{/capture}
{capture assign=valueStyle }style="padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999;"{/capture}
<table width="620" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
<p>{ts}A contribution / membership signup was made on behalf of the organization listed below.{/ts}</p>
<p>{ts}The information provided matched multiple existing database records based on the configured Duplicate Matching Rules for your site.{/ts}</p>
<table style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse; width:100%;">
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Organization Name{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Organization Email{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Organization Contact ID{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<p>{ts}If you think this may be a duplicate contact which should be merged with an existing record - Go to "Contacts >> Find and Merge Duplicate Contacts". Use the strict rule for Organizations to find the potential duplicates and merge them if appropriate.{/ts}</p>
{if $receiptMessage}
<table style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse; width:100%;">
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Copy of Contribution Receipt{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{* FIXME: the below is most probably not HTML-ised *}
', @tpl_ovid_contribution_dupalert, 1, 0),
('Contributions - Duplicate Organization Alert', '{ts}CiviContribute Alert: Possible Duplicate Contact Record{/ts}
', '{ts}A contribution / membership signup was made on behalf of the organization listed below.{/ts}
{ts}The information provided matched multiple existing database records based on the configured Duplicate Matching Rules for your site.{/ts}
{ts}Organization Name{/ts}: {$onBehalfName}
{ts}Organization Email{/ts}: {$onBehalfEmail}
{ts}Organization Contact ID{/ts}: {$onBehalfID}
{ts}If you think this may be a duplicate contact which should be merged with an existing record - Go to "Contacts >> Find and Merge Duplicate Contacts". Use the strict rule for Organizations to find the potential duplicates and merge them if appropriate.{/ts}
{if $receiptMessage}
{ts}Copy of Contribution Receipt{/ts}
', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
{capture assign=headerStyle}colspan="2" style="text-align: left; padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #eee;"{/capture}
{capture assign=labelStyle }style="padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #f7f7f7;"{/capture}
{capture assign=valueStyle }style="padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999;"{/capture}
<table width="620" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
<p>{ts}A contribution / membership signup was made on behalf of the organization listed below.{/ts}</p>
<p>{ts}The information provided matched multiple existing database records based on the configured Duplicate Matching Rules for your site.{/ts}</p>
<table style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse; width:100%;">
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Organization Name{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Organization Email{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Organization Contact ID{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<p>{ts}If you think this may be a duplicate contact which should be merged with an existing record - Go to "Contacts >> Find and Merge Duplicate Contacts". Use the strict rule for Organizations to find the potential duplicates and merge them if appropriate.{/ts}</p>
{if $receiptMessage}
<table style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse; width:100%;">
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Copy of Contribution Receipt{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{* FIXME: the below is most probably not HTML-ised *}
', @tpl_ovid_contribution_dupalert, 0, 1) ,
('Contributions - Receipt (off-line)', '{ts}Contribution Receipt{/ts}
', '{if $formValues.receipt_text}
{else}{ts}Thank you for your support.{/ts}{/if}
{ts}Please print this receipt for your records.{/ts}
{ts}Contribution Information{/ts}
{ts}Financial Type{/ts}: {$formValues.contributionType_name}
{if $lineItem}
{foreach from=$lineItem item=value key=priceset}
{capture assign=ts_item}{ts}Item{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_qty}{ts}Qty{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_each}{ts}Each{/ts}{/capture}
{if $getTaxDetails}
{capture assign=ts_subtotal}{ts}Subtotal{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_taxRate}{ts}Tax Rate{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_taxAmount}{ts}Tax Amount{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_total}{ts}Total{/ts}{/capture}
{$ts_item|string_format:"%-30s"} {$ts_qty|string_format:"%5s"} {$ts_each|string_format:"%10s"} {if $getTaxDetails} {$ts_subtotal|string_format:"%10s"} {$ts_taxRate} {$ts_taxAmount|string_format:"%10s"} {/if} {$ts_total|string_format:"%10s"}
{foreach from=$value item=line}
{capture assign=ts_item}{if $line.html_type eq \'Text\'}{$line.label}{else}{$line.field_title} - {$line.label}{/if} {if $line.description} {$line.description}{/if}{/capture}{$ts_item|truncate:30:"..."|string_format:"%-30s"} {$line.qty|string_format:"%5s"} {$line.unit_price|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%10s"} {if $getTaxDetails}{$line.unit_price*$line.qty|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%10s"} {if $line.tax_rate != "" || $line.tax_amount != ""} {$line.tax_rate|string_format:"%.2f"} % {$line.tax_amount|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%10s"} {else} {/if} {/if} {$line.line_total+$line.tax_amount|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%10s"}
{if $getTaxDetails && $dataArray}
{ts}Amount before Tax{/ts} : {$formValues.total_amount-$totalTaxAmount|crmMoney:$currency}
{foreach from=$dataArray item=value key=priceset}
{if $priceset || $priceset == 0 || $value != \'\'}
{$taxTerm} {$priceset|string_format:"%.2f"}% : {$value|crmMoney:$currency}
{ts}No{/ts} {$taxTerm} : {$value|crmMoney:$currency}
{if isset($totalTaxAmount) && $totalTaxAmount !== \'null\'}
{ts}Total Tax Amount{/ts} : {$totalTaxAmount|crmMoney:$currency}
{ts}Total Amount{/ts} : {$formValues.total_amount|crmMoney:$currency}
{if $receive_date}
{ts}Date Received{/ts}: {$receive_date|truncate:10:\'\'|crmDate}
{if $receipt_date}
{ts}Receipt Date{/ts}: {$receipt_date|truncate:10:\'\'|crmDate}
{if $formValues.paidBy and !$formValues.hidden_CreditCard}
{ts}Paid By{/ts}: {$formValues.paidBy}
{if $formValues.check_number}
{ts}Check Number{/ts}: {$formValues.check_number}
{if $formValues.trxn_id}
{ts}Transaction ID{/ts}: {$formValues.trxn_id}
{if $ccContribution}
{ts}Billing Name and Address{/ts}
{ts}Credit Card Information{/ts}
{ts}Expires{/ts}: {$credit_card_exp_date|truncate:7:\'\'|crmDate}
{if $customGroup}
{foreach from=$customGroup item=value key=customName}
{foreach from=$value item=v key=n}
{$n}: {$v}
{if $softCreditTypes and $softCredits}
{foreach from=$softCreditTypes item=softCreditType key=n}
{foreach from=$softCredits.$n item=value key=label}
{$label}: {$value}
{if $formValues.product_name}
{ts}Premium Information{/ts}
{if $formValues.product_option}
{ts}Option{/ts}: {$formValues.product_option}
{if $formValues.product_sku}
{ts}SKU{/ts}: {$formValues.product_sku}
{if $fulfilled_date}
{ts}Sent{/ts}: {$fulfilled_date|crmDate}
', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
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<table width="620" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
{if $formValues.receipt_text}
<p>{ts}Thank you for your support.{/ts}</p>
<p>{ts}Please print this receipt for your records.{/ts}</p>
<table style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse; width:100%;">
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Contribution Information{/ts}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Financial Type{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $lineItem and !$is_quick_config}
{foreach from=$lineItem item=value key=priceset}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
<table> {* FIXME: style this table so that it looks like the text version (justification, etc.) *}
{if $getTaxDetails}
<th>{ts}Tax Rate{/ts}</th>
<th>{ts}Tax Amount{/ts}</th>
{foreach from=$value item=line}
{if $line.html_type eq \'Text\'}{$line.label}{else}{$line.field_title} - {$line.label}{/if} {if $line.description}<div>{$line.description|truncate:30:"..."}</div>{/if}
{if $getTaxDetails}
{if $line.tax_rate != "" || $line.tax_amount != ""}
{if $getTaxDetails && $dataArray}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts} Amount before Tax : {/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{foreach from=$dataArray item=value key=priceset}
{if $priceset || $priceset == 0 || $value != \'\'}
<td>&nbsp;{$taxTerm} {$priceset|string_format:"%.2f"}%</td>
<td>&nbsp;{ts}No{/ts} {$taxTerm}</td>
{if isset($totalTaxAmount) && $totalTaxAmount !== \'null\'}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Total Tax Amount{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Total Amount{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $receive_date}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Date Received{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $receipt_date}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Receipt Date{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $formValues.paidBy and !$formValues.hidden_CreditCard}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Paid By{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $formValues.check_number}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Check Number{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $formValues.trxn_id}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Transaction ID{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $ccContribution}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Billing Name and Address{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$billingName}<br />
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Credit Card Information{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$credit_card_type}<br />
{$credit_card_number}<br />
{ts}Expires{/ts}: {$credit_card_exp_date|truncate:7:\'\'|crmDate}
{if $softCreditTypes and $softCredits}
{foreach from=$softCreditTypes item=softCreditType key=n}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{foreach from=$softCredits.$n item=value key=label}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $customGroup}
{foreach from=$customGroup item=value key=customName}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{foreach from=$value item=v key=n}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $formValues.product_name}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Premium Information{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$labelStyle}>
{if $formValues.product_option}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $formValues.product_sku}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $fulfilled_date}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
', @tpl_ovid_contribution_offline_receipt, 1, 0),
('Contributions - Receipt (off-line)', '{ts}Contribution Receipt{/ts}
', '{if $formValues.receipt_text}
{else}{ts}Thank you for your support.{/ts}{/if}
{ts}Please print this receipt for your records.{/ts}
{ts}Contribution Information{/ts}
{ts}Financial Type{/ts}: {$formValues.contributionType_name}
{if $lineItem}
{foreach from=$lineItem item=value key=priceset}
{capture assign=ts_item}{ts}Item{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_qty}{ts}Qty{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_each}{ts}Each{/ts}{/capture}
{if $getTaxDetails}
{capture assign=ts_subtotal}{ts}Subtotal{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_taxRate}{ts}Tax Rate{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_taxAmount}{ts}Tax Amount{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_total}{ts}Total{/ts}{/capture}
{$ts_item|string_format:"%-30s"} {$ts_qty|string_format:"%5s"} {$ts_each|string_format:"%10s"} {if $getTaxDetails} {$ts_subtotal|string_format:"%10s"} {$ts_taxRate} {$ts_taxAmount|string_format:"%10s"} {/if} {$ts_total|string_format:"%10s"}
{foreach from=$value item=line}
{capture assign=ts_item}{if $line.html_type eq \'Text\'}{$line.label}{else}{$line.field_title} - {$line.label}{/if} {if $line.description} {$line.description}{/if}{/capture}{$ts_item|truncate:30:"..."|string_format:"%-30s"} {$line.qty|string_format:"%5s"} {$line.unit_price|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%10s"} {if $getTaxDetails}{$line.unit_price*$line.qty|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%10s"} {if $line.tax_rate != "" || $line.tax_amount != ""} {$line.tax_rate|string_format:"%.2f"} % {$line.tax_amount|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%10s"} {else} {/if} {/if} {$line.line_total+$line.tax_amount|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%10s"}
{if $getTaxDetails && $dataArray}
{ts}Amount before Tax{/ts} : {$formValues.total_amount-$totalTaxAmount|crmMoney:$currency}
{foreach from=$dataArray item=value key=priceset}
{if $priceset || $priceset == 0 || $value != \'\'}
{$taxTerm} {$priceset|string_format:"%.2f"}% : {$value|crmMoney:$currency}
{ts}No{/ts} {$taxTerm} : {$value|crmMoney:$currency}
{if isset($totalTaxAmount) && $totalTaxAmount !== \'null\'}
{ts}Total Tax Amount{/ts} : {$totalTaxAmount|crmMoney:$currency}
{ts}Total Amount{/ts} : {$formValues.total_amount|crmMoney:$currency}
{if $receive_date}
{ts}Date Received{/ts}: {$receive_date|truncate:10:\'\'|crmDate}
{if $receipt_date}
{ts}Receipt Date{/ts}: {$receipt_date|truncate:10:\'\'|crmDate}
{if $formValues.paidBy and !$formValues.hidden_CreditCard}
{ts}Paid By{/ts}: {$formValues.paidBy}
{if $formValues.check_number}
{ts}Check Number{/ts}: {$formValues.check_number}
{if $formValues.trxn_id}
{ts}Transaction ID{/ts}: {$formValues.trxn_id}
{if $ccContribution}
{ts}Billing Name and Address{/ts}
{ts}Credit Card Information{/ts}
{ts}Expires{/ts}: {$credit_card_exp_date|truncate:7:\'\'|crmDate}
{if $customGroup}
{foreach from=$customGroup item=value key=customName}
{foreach from=$value item=v key=n}
{$n}: {$v}
{if $softCreditTypes and $softCredits}
{foreach from=$softCreditTypes item=softCreditType key=n}
{foreach from=$softCredits.$n item=value key=label}
{$label}: {$value}
{if $formValues.product_name}
{ts}Premium Information{/ts}
{if $formValues.product_option}
{ts}Option{/ts}: {$formValues.product_option}
{if $formValues.product_sku}
{ts}SKU{/ts}: {$formValues.product_sku}
{if $fulfilled_date}
{ts}Sent{/ts}: {$fulfilled_date|crmDate}
', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
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<table width="620" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
{if $formValues.receipt_text}
<p>{ts}Thank you for your support.{/ts}</p>
<p>{ts}Please print this receipt for your records.{/ts}</p>
<table style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse; width:100%;">
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Contribution Information{/ts}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Financial Type{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $lineItem and !$is_quick_config}
{foreach from=$lineItem item=value key=priceset}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
<table> {* FIXME: style this table so that it looks like the text version (justification, etc.) *}
{if $getTaxDetails}
<th>{ts}Tax Rate{/ts}</th>
<th>{ts}Tax Amount{/ts}</th>
{foreach from=$value item=line}
{if $line.html_type eq \'Text\'}{$line.label}{else}{$line.field_title} - {$line.label}{/if} {if $line.description}<div>{$line.description|truncate:30:"..."}</div>{/if}
{if $getTaxDetails}
{if $line.tax_rate != "" || $line.tax_amount != ""}
{if $getTaxDetails && $dataArray}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts} Amount before Tax : {/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{foreach from=$dataArray item=value key=priceset}
{if $priceset || $priceset == 0 || $value != \'\'}
<td>&nbsp;{$taxTerm} {$priceset|string_format:"%.2f"}%</td>
<td>&nbsp;{ts}No{/ts} {$taxTerm}</td>
{if isset($totalTaxAmount) && $totalTaxAmount !== \'null\'}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Total Tax Amount{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Total Amount{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $receive_date}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Date Received{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $receipt_date}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Receipt Date{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $formValues.paidBy and !$formValues.hidden_CreditCard}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Paid By{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $formValues.check_number}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Check Number{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $formValues.trxn_id}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Transaction ID{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $ccContribution}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Billing Name and Address{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$billingName}<br />
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Credit Card Information{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$credit_card_type}<br />
{$credit_card_number}<br />
{ts}Expires{/ts}: {$credit_card_exp_date|truncate:7:\'\'|crmDate}
{if $softCreditTypes and $softCredits}
{foreach from=$softCreditTypes item=softCreditType key=n}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{foreach from=$softCredits.$n item=value key=label}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $customGroup}
{foreach from=$customGroup item=value key=customName}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{foreach from=$value item=v key=n}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $formValues.product_name}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Premium Information{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$labelStyle}>
{if $formValues.product_option}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $formValues.product_sku}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $fulfilled_date}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
', @tpl_ovid_contribution_offline_receipt, 0, 1) ,
('Contributions - Receipt (on-line)', '{if $is_pay_later}{ts}Invoice{/ts}{else}{ts}Receipt{/ts}{/if} - {$title}
', '{if $receipt_text}
{if $is_pay_later}
{ts}Please print this receipt for your records.{/ts}
{if $amount}
{ts}Contribution Information{/ts}
{if $lineItem and $priceSetID and !$is_quick_config}
{foreach from=$lineItem item=value key=priceset}
{capture assign=ts_item}{ts}Item{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_qty}{ts}Qty{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_each}{ts}Each{/ts}{/capture}
{if $dataArray}
{capture assign=ts_subtotal}{ts}Subtotal{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_taxRate}{ts}Tax Rate{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_taxAmount}{ts}Tax Amount{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_total}{ts}Total{/ts}{/capture}
{$ts_item|string_format:"%-30s"} {$ts_qty|string_format:"%5s"} {$ts_each|string_format:"%10s"} {if $dataArray} {$ts_subtotal|string_format:"%10s"} {$ts_taxRate} {$ts_taxAmount|string_format:"%10s"} {/if} {$ts_total|string_format:"%10s"}
{foreach from=$value item=line}
{capture assign=ts_item}{if $line.html_type eq \'Text\'}{$line.label}{else}{$line.field_title} - {$line.label}{/if} {if $line.description} {$line.description}{/if}{/capture}{$ts_item|truncate:30:"..."|string_format:"%-30s"} {$line.qty|string_format:"%5s"} {$line.unit_price|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%10s"} {if $dataArray}{$line.unit_price*$line.qty|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%10s"} {if $line.tax_rate != "" || $line.tax_amount != ""} {$line.tax_rate|string_format:"%.2f"} % {$line.tax_amount|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%10s"} {else} {/if} {/if} {$line.line_total+$line.tax_amount|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%10s"}
{if $dataArray}
{ts}Amount before Tax{/ts}: {$amount-$totalTaxAmount|crmMoney:$currency}
{foreach from=$dataArray item=value key=priceset}
{if $priceset || $priceset == 0}
{$taxTerm} {$priceset|string_format:"%.2f"}%: {$value|crmMoney:$currency}
{ts}No{/ts} {$taxTerm}: {$value|crmMoney:$currency}
{if $totalTaxAmount}
{ts}Total Tax Amount{/ts}: {$totalTaxAmount|crmMoney:$currency}
{ts}Total Amount{/ts}: {$amount|crmMoney:$currency}
{ts}Amount{/ts}: {$amount|crmMoney:$currency} {if $amount_level } - {$amount_level} {/if}
{if $receive_date}
{ts}Date{/ts}: {$receive_date|crmDate}
{if $is_monetary and $trxn_id}
{ts}Transaction #{/ts}: {$trxn_id}
{if $is_recur and ($contributeMode eq \'notify\' or $contributeMode eq \'directIPN\')}
{ts}This is a recurring contribution. You can cancel future contributions at:{/ts}
{if $updateSubscriptionBillingUrl}
{ts}You can update billing details for this recurring contribution at:{/ts}
{ts}You can update recurring contribution amount or change the number of installments for this recurring contribution at:{/ts}
{if $honor_block_is_active}
{foreach from=$honoreeProfile item=value key=label}
{$label}: {$value}
{elseif $softCreditTypes and $softCredits}
{foreach from=$softCreditTypes item=softCreditType key=n}
{foreach from=$softCredits.$n item=value key=label}
{$label}: {$value}
{if $pcpBlock}
{ts}Personal Campaign Page{/ts}
{ts}Display In Honor Roll{/ts}: {if $pcp_display_in_roll}{ts}Yes{/ts}{else}{ts}No{/ts}{/if}
{if $pcp_roll_nickname}{ts}Nickname{/ts}: {$pcp_roll_nickname}{/if}
{if $pcp_personal_note}{ts}Personal Note{/ts}: {$pcp_personal_note}{/if}
{if $onBehalfProfile}
{ts}On Behalf Of{/ts}
{foreach from=$onBehalfProfile item=onBehalfValue key=onBehalfName}
{$onBehalfName}: {$onBehalfValue}
{if !( $contributeMode eq \'notify\' OR $contributeMode eq \'directIPN\' ) and $is_monetary}
{if $is_pay_later && !$isBillingAddressRequiredForPayLater}
{ts}Registered Email{/ts}
{elseif $amount GT 0}
{ts}Billing Name and Address{/ts}
{/if} {* End ! is_pay_later condition. *}
{if $contributeMode eq \'direct\' AND !$is_pay_later AND $amount GT 0}
{ts}Credit Card Information{/ts}
{ts}Expires{/ts}: {$credit_card_exp_date|truncate:7:\'\'|crmDate}
{if $selectPremium }
{ts}Premium Information{/ts}
{if $option}
{ts}Option{/ts}: {$option}
{if $sku}
{ts}SKU{/ts}: {$sku}
{if $start_date}
{ts}Start Date{/ts}: {$start_date|crmDate}
{if $end_date}
{ts}End Date{/ts}: {$end_date|crmDate}
{if $contact_email OR $contact_phone}
{ts}For information about this premium, contact:{/ts}
{if $contact_email}
{if $contact_phone}
{if $is_deductible AND $price}
{ts 1=$price|crmMoney:$currency}The value of this premium is %1. This may affect the amount of the tax deduction you can claim. Consult your tax advisor for more information.{/ts}{/if}
{if $customPre}
{foreach from=$customPre item=customValue key=customName}
{if ( $trackingFields and ! in_array( $customName, $trackingFields ) ) or ! $trackingFields}
{$customName}: {$customValue}
{if $customPost}
{foreach from=$customPost item=customValue key=customName}
{if ( $trackingFields and ! in_array( $customName, $trackingFields ) ) or ! $trackingFields}
{$customName}: {$customValue}
{/if}', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
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{capture assign=valueStyle }style="padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999;"{/capture}
<table width="500" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
{if $receipt_text}
{if $is_pay_later}
<p>{$pay_later_receipt}</p> {* FIXME: this might be text rather than HTML *}
<p>{ts}Please print this confirmation for your records.{/ts}</p>
<table width="500" style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse;">
{if $amount}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Contribution Information{/ts}
{if $lineItem and $priceSetID and !$is_quick_config}
{foreach from=$lineItem item=value key=priceset}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
<table> {* FIXME: style this table so that it looks like the text version (justification, etc.) *}
{if $dataArray}
<th>{ts}Tax Rate{/ts}</th>
<th>{ts}Tax Amount{/ts}</th>
{foreach from=$value item=line}
{if $line.html_type eq \'Text\'}{$line.label}{else}{$line.field_title} - {$line.label}{/if} {if $line.description}<div>{$line.description|truncate:30:"..."}</div>{/if}
{if $getTaxDetails}
{if $line.tax_rate != "" || $line.tax_amount != ""}
{if $dataArray}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts} Amount before Tax : {/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{foreach from=$dataArray item=value key=priceset}
{if $priceset || $priceset == 0}
<td>&nbsp;{$taxTerm} {$priceset|string_format:"%.2f"}%</td>
<td>&nbsp;{ts}No{/ts} {$taxTerm}</td>
{if $totalTaxAmount}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Total Tax{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Total Amount{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $totalTaxAmount}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Total Tax Amount{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{$amount|crmMoney:$currency} {if $amount_level} - {$amount_level}{/if}
{if $receive_date}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $is_monetary and $trxn_id}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Transaction #{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $is_recur}
{if $contributeMode eq \'notify\' or $contributeMode eq \'directIPN\'}
<td colspan="2" {$labelStyle}>
{ts 1=$cancelSubscriptionUrl}This is a recurring contribution. You can cancel future contributions by <a href="%1">visiting this web page</a>.{/ts}
{if $updateSubscriptionBillingUrl}
<td colspan="2" {$labelStyle}>
{ts 1=$updateSubscriptionBillingUrl}You can update billing details for this recurring contribution by <a href="%1">visiting this web page</a>.{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$labelStyle}>
{ts 1=$updateSubscriptionUrl}You can update recurring contribution amount or change the number of installments for this recurring contribution by <a href="%1">visiting this web page</a>.{/ts}
{if $honor_block_is_active}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{foreach from=$honoreeProfile item=value key=label}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{elseif $softCreditTypes and $softCredits}
{foreach from=$softCreditTypes item=softCreditType key=n}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{foreach from=$softCredits.$n item=value key=label}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $pcpBlock}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Personal Campaign Page{/ts}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Display In Honor Roll{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $pcp_display_in_roll}{ts}Yes{/ts}{else}{ts}No{/ts}{/if}
{if $pcp_roll_nickname}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $pcp_personal_note}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Personal Note{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $onBehalfProfile}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{foreach from=$onBehalfProfile item=onBehalfValue key=onBehalfName}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $isShare}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{capture assign=contributionUrl}{crmURL p=\'civicrm/contribute/transact\' q="reset=1&id=`$contributionPageId`" a=true fe=1 h=1}{/capture}
{include file="CRM/common/SocialNetwork.tpl" emailMode=true url=$contributionUrl title=$title pageURL=$contributionUrl}
{if ! ($contributeMode eq \'notify\' OR $contributeMode eq \'directIPN\') and $is_monetary}
{if $is_pay_later && !$isBillingAddressRequiredForPayLater}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Registered Email{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{elseif $amount GT 0}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Billing Name and Address{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$billingName}<br />
{$address|nl2br}<br />
{if $contributeMode eq \'direct\' AND !$is_pay_later AND $amount GT 0}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Credit Card Information{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$credit_card_type}<br />
{$credit_card_number}<br />
{ts}Expires{/ts}: {$credit_card_exp_date|truncate:7:\'\'|crmDate}<br />
{if $selectPremium}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Premium Information{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$labelStyle}>
{if $option}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $sku}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $start_date}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Start Date{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $end_date}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}End Date{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $contact_email OR $contact_phone}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
<p>{ts}For information about this premium, contact:{/ts}</p>
{if $contact_email}
{if $contact_phone}
{if $is_deductible AND $price}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
<p>{ts 1=$price|crmMoney:$currency}The value of this premium is %1. This may affect the amount of the tax deduction you can claim. Consult your tax advisor for more information.{/ts}</p>
{if $customPre}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{foreach from=$customPre item=customValue key=customName}
{if ($trackingFields and ! in_array($customName, $trackingFields)) or ! $trackingFields}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $customPost}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{foreach from=$customPost item=customValue key=customName}
{if ($trackingFields and ! in_array($customName, $trackingFields)) or ! $trackingFields}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
', @tpl_ovid_contribution_online_receipt, 1, 0),
('Contributions - Receipt (on-line)', '{if $is_pay_later}{ts}Invoice{/ts}{else}{ts}Receipt{/ts}{/if} - {$title}
', '{if $receipt_text}
{if $is_pay_later}
{ts}Please print this receipt for your records.{/ts}
{if $amount}
{ts}Contribution Information{/ts}
{if $lineItem and $priceSetID and !$is_quick_config}
{foreach from=$lineItem item=value key=priceset}
{capture assign=ts_item}{ts}Item{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_qty}{ts}Qty{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_each}{ts}Each{/ts}{/capture}
{if $dataArray}
{capture assign=ts_subtotal}{ts}Subtotal{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_taxRate}{ts}Tax Rate{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_taxAmount}{ts}Tax Amount{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_total}{ts}Total{/ts}{/capture}
{$ts_item|string_format:"%-30s"} {$ts_qty|string_format:"%5s"} {$ts_each|string_format:"%10s"} {if $dataArray} {$ts_subtotal|string_format:"%10s"} {$ts_taxRate} {$ts_taxAmount|string_format:"%10s"} {/if} {$ts_total|string_format:"%10s"}
{foreach from=$value item=line}
{capture assign=ts_item}{if $line.html_type eq \'Text\'}{$line.label}{else}{$line.field_title} - {$line.label}{/if} {if $line.description} {$line.description}{/if}{/capture}{$ts_item|truncate:30:"..."|string_format:"%-30s"} {$line.qty|string_format:"%5s"} {$line.unit_price|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%10s"} {if $dataArray}{$line.unit_price*$line.qty|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%10s"} {if $line.tax_rate != "" || $line.tax_amount != ""} {$line.tax_rate|string_format:"%.2f"} % {$line.tax_amount|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%10s"} {else} {/if} {/if} {$line.line_total+$line.tax_amount|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%10s"}
{if $dataArray}
{ts}Amount before Tax{/ts}: {$amount-$totalTaxAmount|crmMoney:$currency}
{foreach from=$dataArray item=value key=priceset}
{if $priceset || $priceset == 0}
{$taxTerm} {$priceset|string_format:"%.2f"}%: {$value|crmMoney:$currency}
{ts}No{/ts} {$taxTerm}: {$value|crmMoney:$currency}
{if $totalTaxAmount}
{ts}Total Tax Amount{/ts}: {$totalTaxAmount|crmMoney:$currency}
{ts}Total Amount{/ts}: {$amount|crmMoney:$currency}
{ts}Amount{/ts}: {$amount|crmMoney:$currency} {if $amount_level } - {$amount_level} {/if}
{if $receive_date}
{ts}Date{/ts}: {$receive_date|crmDate}
{if $is_monetary and $trxn_id}
{ts}Transaction #{/ts}: {$trxn_id}
{if $is_recur and ($contributeMode eq \'notify\' or $contributeMode eq \'directIPN\')}
{ts}This is a recurring contribution. You can cancel future contributions at:{/ts}
{if $updateSubscriptionBillingUrl}
{ts}You can update billing details for this recurring contribution at:{/ts}
{ts}You can update recurring contribution amount or change the number of installments for this recurring contribution at:{/ts}
{if $honor_block_is_active}
{foreach from=$honoreeProfile item=value key=label}
{$label}: {$value}
{elseif $softCreditTypes and $softCredits}
{foreach from=$softCreditTypes item=softCreditType key=n}
{foreach from=$softCredits.$n item=value key=label}
{$label}: {$value}
{if $pcpBlock}
{ts}Personal Campaign Page{/ts}
{ts}Display In Honor Roll{/ts}: {if $pcp_display_in_roll}{ts}Yes{/ts}{else}{ts}No{/ts}{/if}
{if $pcp_roll_nickname}{ts}Nickname{/ts}: {$pcp_roll_nickname}{/if}
{if $pcp_personal_note}{ts}Personal Note{/ts}: {$pcp_personal_note}{/if}
{if $onBehalfProfile}
{ts}On Behalf Of{/ts}
{foreach from=$onBehalfProfile item=onBehalfValue key=onBehalfName}
{$onBehalfName}: {$onBehalfValue}
{if !( $contributeMode eq \'notify\' OR $contributeMode eq \'directIPN\' ) and $is_monetary}
{if $is_pay_later && !$isBillingAddressRequiredForPayLater}
{ts}Registered Email{/ts}
{elseif $amount GT 0}
{ts}Billing Name and Address{/ts}
{/if} {* End ! is_pay_later condition. *}
{if $contributeMode eq \'direct\' AND !$is_pay_later AND $amount GT 0}
{ts}Credit Card Information{/ts}
{ts}Expires{/ts}: {$credit_card_exp_date|truncate:7:\'\'|crmDate}
{if $selectPremium }
{ts}Premium Information{/ts}
{if $option}
{ts}Option{/ts}: {$option}
{if $sku}
{ts}SKU{/ts}: {$sku}
{if $start_date}
{ts}Start Date{/ts}: {$start_date|crmDate}
{if $end_date}
{ts}End Date{/ts}: {$end_date|crmDate}
{if $contact_email OR $contact_phone}
{ts}For information about this premium, contact:{/ts}
{if $contact_email}
{if $contact_phone}
{if $is_deductible AND $price}
{ts 1=$price|crmMoney:$currency}The value of this premium is %1. This may affect the amount of the tax deduction you can claim. Consult your tax advisor for more information.{/ts}{/if}
{if $customPre}
{foreach from=$customPre item=customValue key=customName}
{if ( $trackingFields and ! in_array( $customName, $trackingFields ) ) or ! $trackingFields}
{$customName}: {$customValue}
{if $customPost}
{foreach from=$customPost item=customValue key=customName}
{if ( $trackingFields and ! in_array( $customName, $trackingFields ) ) or ! $trackingFields}
{$customName}: {$customValue}
{/if}', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
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{capture assign=valueStyle }style="padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999;"{/capture}
<table width="500" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
{if $receipt_text}
{if $is_pay_later}
<p>{$pay_later_receipt}</p> {* FIXME: this might be text rather than HTML *}
<p>{ts}Please print this confirmation for your records.{/ts}</p>
<table width="500" style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse;">
{if $amount}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Contribution Information{/ts}
{if $lineItem and $priceSetID and !$is_quick_config}
{foreach from=$lineItem item=value key=priceset}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
<table> {* FIXME: style this table so that it looks like the text version (justification, etc.) *}
{if $dataArray}
<th>{ts}Tax Rate{/ts}</th>
<th>{ts}Tax Amount{/ts}</th>
{foreach from=$value item=line}
{if $line.html_type eq \'Text\'}{$line.label}{else}{$line.field_title} - {$line.label}{/if} {if $line.description}<div>{$line.description|truncate:30:"..."}</div>{/if}
{if $getTaxDetails}
{if $line.tax_rate != "" || $line.tax_amount != ""}
{if $dataArray}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts} Amount before Tax : {/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{foreach from=$dataArray item=value key=priceset}
{if $priceset || $priceset == 0}
<td>&nbsp;{$taxTerm} {$priceset|string_format:"%.2f"}%</td>
<td>&nbsp;{ts}No{/ts} {$taxTerm}</td>
{if $totalTaxAmount}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Total Tax{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Total Amount{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $totalTaxAmount}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Total Tax Amount{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{$amount|crmMoney:$currency} {if $amount_level} - {$amount_level}{/if}
{if $receive_date}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $is_monetary and $trxn_id}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Transaction #{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $is_recur}
{if $contributeMode eq \'notify\' or $contributeMode eq \'directIPN\'}
<td colspan="2" {$labelStyle}>
{ts 1=$cancelSubscriptionUrl}This is a recurring contribution. You can cancel future contributions by <a href="%1">visiting this web page</a>.{/ts}
{if $updateSubscriptionBillingUrl}
<td colspan="2" {$labelStyle}>
{ts 1=$updateSubscriptionBillingUrl}You can update billing details for this recurring contribution by <a href="%1">visiting this web page</a>.{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$labelStyle}>
{ts 1=$updateSubscriptionUrl}You can update recurring contribution amount or change the number of installments for this recurring contribution by <a href="%1">visiting this web page</a>.{/ts}
{if $honor_block_is_active}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{foreach from=$honoreeProfile item=value key=label}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{elseif $softCreditTypes and $softCredits}
{foreach from=$softCreditTypes item=softCreditType key=n}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{foreach from=$softCredits.$n item=value key=label}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $pcpBlock}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Personal Campaign Page{/ts}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Display In Honor Roll{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $pcp_display_in_roll}{ts}Yes{/ts}{else}{ts}No{/ts}{/if}
{if $pcp_roll_nickname}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $pcp_personal_note}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Personal Note{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $onBehalfProfile}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{foreach from=$onBehalfProfile item=onBehalfValue key=onBehalfName}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $isShare}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{capture assign=contributionUrl}{crmURL p=\'civicrm/contribute/transact\' q="reset=1&id=`$contributionPageId`" a=true fe=1 h=1}{/capture}
{include file="CRM/common/SocialNetwork.tpl" emailMode=true url=$contributionUrl title=$title pageURL=$contributionUrl}
{if ! ($contributeMode eq \'notify\' OR $contributeMode eq \'directIPN\') and $is_monetary}
{if $is_pay_later && !$isBillingAddressRequiredForPayLater}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Registered Email{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{elseif $amount GT 0}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Billing Name and Address{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$billingName}<br />
{$address|nl2br}<br />
{if $contributeMode eq \'direct\' AND !$is_pay_later AND $amount GT 0}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Credit Card Information{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$credit_card_type}<br />
{$credit_card_number}<br />
{ts}Expires{/ts}: {$credit_card_exp_date|truncate:7:\'\'|crmDate}<br />
{if $selectPremium}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Premium Information{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$labelStyle}>
{if $option}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $sku}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $start_date}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Start Date{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $end_date}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}End Date{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $contact_email OR $contact_phone}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
<p>{ts}For information about this premium, contact:{/ts}</p>
{if $contact_email}
{if $contact_phone}
{if $is_deductible AND $price}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
<p>{ts 1=$price|crmMoney:$currency}The value of this premium is %1. This may affect the amount of the tax deduction you can claim. Consult your tax advisor for more information.{/ts}</p>
{if $customPre}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{foreach from=$customPre item=customValue key=customName}
{if ($trackingFields and ! in_array($customName, $trackingFields)) or ! $trackingFields}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $customPost}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{foreach from=$customPost item=customValue key=customName}
{if ($trackingFields and ! in_array($customName, $trackingFields)) or ! $trackingFields}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
', @tpl_ovid_contribution_online_receipt, 0, 1) ,
('Contributions - Invoice', '{if $title}
{if $component}
{if $component == \'event\'}
{ts 1=$title}Event Registration Invoice: %1{/ts}
{ts 1=$title}Contribution Invoice: %1{/ts}
', '{ts}Contribution Invoice{/ts}
', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv = "Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<table style = "margin-top:2px;padding-left:7px;">
<td><img src = "{$resourceBase}/i/civi99.png" height = "34px" width = "99px"></td>
<table style = "padding-right:19px;font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;" width = "500" height = "100" border = "0" cellpadding = "2" cellspacing = "1">
<td style = "padding-left:15px;" ><b><font size = "4" align = "center">{ts}INVOICE{/ts}</font></b></td>
<td colspan = "1"></td>
<td style = "padding-left:70px;"><b><font size = "1" align = "center" >{ts}Invoice Date:{/ts}</font></b></td>
<td><font size = "1" align = "right">{$domain_organization}</font></td>
{if $organization_name}
<td style = "padding-left:17px;"><font size = "1" align = "center" >{$display_name} ({$organization_name})</font></td>
<td style = "padding-left:15px;"><font size = "1" align = "center" >{$display_name}</font></td>
<td colspan = "1"></td>
<td style = "padding-left:70px;"><font size = "1" align = "right">{$invoice_date}</font></td>
<font size = "1" align = "right">
{if $domain_street_address }{$domain_street_address}{/if}
{if $domain_supplemental_address_1 }{$domain_supplemental_address_1}{/if}
<td style = "padding-left:17px;"><font size = "1" align = "center">{$street_address} {$supplemental_address_1}</font></td>
<td colspan = "1"></td>
<td style = "padding-left:70px;"><b><font size = "1" align = "right">{ts}Invoice Number:{/ts}</font></b></td>
<font size = "1" align = "right">
{if $domain_supplemental_address_2 }{$domain_supplemental_address_2}{/if}
{if $domain_state }{$domain_state}{/if}
<td style = "padding-left:17px;"><font size = "1" align = "center">{$supplemental_address_2} {$stateProvinceAbbreviation}</font></td>
<td colspan="1"></td>
<td style = "padding-left:70px;"><font size = "1" align = "right">{$invoice_number}</font></td>
<font size = "1" align = "right">
{if $domain_city}{$domain_city}{/if}
{if $domain_postal_code }{$domain_postal_code}{/if}
<td style = "padding-left:17px;"><font size = "1" align = "right">{$city} {$postal_code}</font></td>
<td colspan="1"></td>
<td height = "10" style = "padding-left:70px;"><b><font size = "1"align = "right">{ts}Reference:{/ts}</font></b></td>
<td><font size = "1" align = "right"> {if $domain_country}{$domain_country}{/if}</font></td>
<td style = "padding-left:70px;"><font size = "1"align = "right">{$source}</font></td>
<td><font size = "1" align = "right"> {if $domain_phone}{$domain_phone}{/if}</font> </td>
<td><font size = "1" align = "right"> {if $domain_email}{$domain_email}{/if}</font> </td>
<table style = "margin-top:75px;font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif" width = "590" border = "0"cellpadding = "-5" cellspacing = "19" id = "desc">
<td colspan = "2" {$valueStyle}>
<table> {* FIXME: style this table so that it looks like the text version (justification, etc.) *}
<th style = "padding-right:34px;text-align:left;font-weight:bold;width:200px;"><font size = "1">{ts}Description{/ts}</font></th>
<th style = "padding-left:34px;text-align:right;font-weight:bold;" ><font size = "1">{ts}Quantity{/ts}</font></th>
<th style = "padding-left:34px;text-align:right;font-weight:bold;"><font size = "1">{ts}Unit Price{/ts}</font></th>
<th style = "padding-left:34px;text-align:right;font-weight:bold;width:20px;"><font size = "1">{$taxTerm} </font></th>
<th style = "padding-left:34px;text-align:right;font-weight:bold;"><font size = "1">{ts 1=$defaultCurrency}Amount %1{/ts}</font></th>
{foreach from=$lineItem item=value key=priceset name=taxpricevalue}
{if $smarty.foreach.taxpricevalue.index eq 0}
<td colspan = "5" ><hr size="3" style = "color:#000;"></hr></td>
<td colspan = "5" style = "color:#F5F5F5;"><hr></hr></td>
<td style="text-align:left;" ><font size = "1">
{if $value.html_type eq \'Text\'}
{$value.field_title} - {$value.label}
{if $value.description}
<td style = "padding-left:34px;text-align:right;"><font size = "1"> {$value.qty}</font></td>
<td style = "padding-left:34px;text-align:right;"><font size = "1"> {$value.unit_price|crmMoney:$currency}</font></td>
{if $value.tax_amount != \'\'}
<td style = "padding-left:34px;text-align:right;width:20px;"><font size = "1"> {$value.tax_rate}%</font></td>
<td style = "padding-left:34px;text-align:right;width:20px;"><font size = "1">{ts 1=$taxTerm}No %1{/ts}</font></td>
<td style = "padding-left:34px;text-align:right;"><font size = "1">{$value.subTotal|crmMoney:$currency}</font></td>
<tr><td colspan = "5" style = "color:#F5F5F5;"><hr></hr></td></tr>
<td colspan = "3"></td>
<td style = "padding-left:20px;text-align:right;"><font size = "1">{ts}Sub Total{/ts}</font></td>
<td style = "padding-left:34px;text-align:right;"><font size = "1"> {$subTotal|crmMoney:$currency}</font></td>
{foreach from = $dataArray item = value key = priceset}
<td colspan = "3"></td>
{if $priceset}
<td style = "padding-left:20px;text-align:right;"><font size = "1"> {ts 1=$taxTerm 2=$priceset}TOTAL %1 %2%{/ts}</font></td>
<td style = "padding-left:34px;text-align:right"><font size = "1" align = "right">{$value|crmMoney:$currency}</font> </td>
{elseif $priceset == 0}
<td style = "padding-left:20px;text-align:right;"><font size = "1">{ts 1=$taxTerm}TOTAL NO %1{/ts}</font></td>
<td style = "padding-left:34px;text-align:right"><font size = "1" align = "right">{$value|crmMoney:$currency}</font> </td>
<td colspan = "3"></td>
<td colspan = "2"><hr></hr></td>
<td colspan = "3"></td>
<td style = "padding-left:20px;text-align:right;"><b><font size = "1">{ts 1=$defaultCurrency}TOTAL %1{/ts}</font></b></td>
<td style = "padding-left:34px;text-align:right;"><font size = "1">{$amount|crmMoney:$currency}</font></td>
<td style = "padding-left:34px;"><font size = "1" align = "right"></font></td>
{if $is_pay_later == 0}
<td colspan = "3"></td>
<td style = "padding-left:20px;text-align:right;"><font size = "1">
{if $contribution_status_id == $refundedStatusId}
{ts}LESS Amount Credited{/ts}
{ts}LESS Amount Paid{/ts}
<td style = "padding-left:34px;text-align:right;"><font size = "1">{$amountPaid|crmMoney:$currency}</font></td>
<td colspan = "3"></td>
<td colspan = "2" ><hr></hr></td>
<td colspan = "3"></td>
<td style = "padding-left:20px;text-align:right;"><b><font size = "1">{ts}AMOUNT DUE:{/ts} </font></b></td>
<td style = "padding-left:34px;text-align:right;"><b><font size = "1">{$amountDue|crmMoney:$currency}</font></b></td>
<td style = "padding-left:34px;"><font size = "1" align = "right"></font></td>
<td colspan = "3"></td>
{if $contribution_status_id == $pendingStatusId && $is_pay_later == 1}
<td><b><font size = "1" align = "center">{ts 1=$dueDate}DUE DATE: %1{/ts}</font></b></td>
<td colspan = "3"></td>
{if $contribution_status_id == $pendingStatusId && $is_pay_later == 1}
<table style = "margin-top:5px;padding-right:45px;">
<td><img src = "{$resourceBase}/i/contribute/cut_line.png" height = "15" width = "630"></td>
<table style = "margin-top:6px;padding-right:20px;font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif" width = "480" border = "0"cellpadding = "-5" cellspacing="19" id = "desc">
<td width="60%"><b><font size = "4" align = "right">{ts}PAYMENT ADVICE{/ts}</font></b> <br/><br/> <font size = "1" align = "right"><b>{ts}To: {/ts}</b><div style="width:17em;word-wrap:break-word;">
{$domain_organization} <br />
{$domain_street_address} {$domain_supplemental_address_1} <br />
{$domain_supplemental_address_2} {$domain_state} <br />
{$domain_city} {$domain_postal_code} <br />
{$domain_country} <br />
{$domain_phone} <br />
</font><br/><br/><font size="1" align="right">{$notes}</font>
<td width="40%">
<table cellpadding = "-10" cellspacing = "22" align="right" >
<td colspan = "2"></td>
<td><font size = "1" align = "right" style="font-weight:bold;">{ts}Customer: {/ts}</font></td>
<td ><font size = "1" align = "right">{$display_name}</font></td>
<td colspan = "2"></td>
<td><font size = "1" align = "right" style="font-weight:bold;">{ts}Invoice Number: {/ts}</font></td>
<td><font size = "1" align = "right">{$invoice_id}</font></td>
<tr><td colspan = "5"style = "color:#F5F5F5;"><hr></hr></td></tr>
{if $is_pay_later == 1}
<td colspan = "2"></td>
<td><font size = "1" align = "right" style="font-weight:bold;">{ts}Amount Due:{/ts}</font></td>
<td><font size = "1" align = "right" style="font-weight:bold;">{$amount|crmMoney:$currency}</font></td>
<td colspan = "2"></td>
<td><font size = "1" align = "right" style="font-weight:bold;">{ts}Amount Due: {/ts}</font></td>
<td><font size = "1" align = "right" style="font-weight:bold;">{$amountDue|crmMoney:$currency}</font></td>
<td colspan = "2"></td>
<td><font size = "1" align = "right" style="font-weight:bold;">{ts}Due Date: {/ts}</font></td>
<td><font size = "1" align = "right">{$dueDate}</font></td>
<td colspan = "5" style = "color:#F5F5F5;"><hr></hr></td>
{if $contribution_status_id == $refundedStatusId || $contribution_status_id == $cancelledStatusId}
<table style = "margin-top:2px;padding-left:7px;page-break-before: always;">
<td><img src = "{$resourceBase}/i/civi99.png" height = "34px" width = "99px"></td>
<table style = "padding-right:19px;font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif" width = "500" height = "100" border = "0" cellpadding = "2" cellspacing = "1">
<td style = "padding-left:15px;" ><b><font size = "4" align = "center">{ts}CREDIT NOTE{/ts}</font></b></td>
<td colspan = "1"></td>
<td style = "padding-left:70px;"><b><font size = "1" align = "right">{ts}Date:{/ts}</font></b></td>
<td><font size = "1" align = "right">{$domain_organization}</font></td>
{if $organization_name}
<td style = "padding-left:17px;"><font size = "1" align = "center">{$display_name} ({$organization_name})</font></td>
<td style = "padding-left:17px;"><font size = "1" align = "center">{$display_name}</font></td>
<td colspan = "1"></td>
<td style = "padding-left:70px;"><font size = "1" align = "right">{$invoice_date}</font></td>
<font size = "1" align = "right">
{if $domain_street_address }{$domain_street_address}{/if}
{if $domain_supplemental_address_1 }{$domain_supplemental_address_1}{/if}
<td style = "padding-left:17px;"><font size = "1" align = "center">{$street_address} {$supplemental_address_1}</font></td>
<td colspan = "1"></td>
<td style = "padding-left:70px;"><b><font size = "1" align = "right">{ts}Credit Note Number:{/ts}</font></b></td>
<font size = "1" align = "right">
{if $domain_supplemental_address_2 }{$domain_supplemental_address_2}{/if}
{if $domain_state }{$domain_state}{/if}
<td style = "padding-left:17px;"><font size = "1" align = "center">{$supplemental_address_2} {$stateProvinceAbbreviation}</font></td>
<td colspan="1"></td>
<td style = "padding-left:70px;"><font size = "1" align = "right">{$creditnote_id}</font></td>
<font size = "1" align = "right">
{if $domain_city}{$domain_city}{/if}
{if $domain_postal_code }{$domain_postal_code}{/if}
<td style = "padding-left:17px;"><font size = "1" align = "right">{$city} {$postal_code}</font></td>
<td colspan="1"></td>
<td height = "10" style = "padding-left:70px;"><b><font size = "1"align = "right">{ts}Reference:{/ts}</font></b></td>
<font size = "1" align = "right">
{if $domain_country}{$domain_country}{/if}
<td style = "padding-left:70px;"><font size = "1"align = "right">{$source}</font></td>
<font size = "1" align = "right">
{if $domain_phone}{$domain_phone}{/if}
<font size = "1" align = "right">
{if $domain_email}{$domain_email}{/if}
<table style = "margin-top:75px;font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif" width = "590" border = "0"cellpadding = "-5" cellspacing = "19" id = "desc">
<td colspan = "2" {$valueStyle}>
<table> {* FIXME: style this table so that it looks like the text version (justification, etc.) *}
<th style = "padding-right:28px;text-align:left;font-weight:bold;width:200px;"><font size = "1">{ts}Description{/ts}</font></th>
<th style = "padding-left:28px;text-align:right;font-weight:bold;"><font size = "1">{ts}Quantity{/ts}</font></th>
<th style = "padding-left:28px;text-align:right;font-weight:bold;"><font size = "1">{ts}Unit Price{/ts}</font></th>
<th style = "padding-left:28px;text-align:right;font-weight:bold;"><font size = "1">{$taxTerm} </font></th>
<th style = "padding-left:28px;text-align:right;font-weight:bold;"><font size = "1">{ts 1=$defaultCurrency}Amount %1{/ts}</font></th>
{foreach from=$lineItem item=value key=priceset name=pricevalue}
{if $smarty.foreach.pricevalue.index eq 0}
<tr><td colspan = "5" ><hr size="3" style = "color:#000;"></hr></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan = "5" style = "color:#F5F5F5;"><hr></hr></td></tr>
<td style ="text-align:left;" >
<font size = "1">
{if $value.html_type eq \'Text\'}
{$value.field_title} - {$value.label}
{if $value.description}
<td style = "padding-left:28px;text-align:right;"><font size = "1"> {$value.qty}</font></td>
<td style = "padding-left:28px;text-align:right;"><font size = "1"> {$value.unit_price|crmMoney:$currency}</font></td>
{if $value.tax_amount != \'\'}
<td style = "padding-left:28px;text-align:right;"><font size = "1"> {$value.tax_rate}%</font></td>
<td style = "padding-left:28px;text-align:right"><font size = "1" >{ts 1=$taxTerm}No %1{/ts}</font></td>
<td style = "padding-left:28px;text-align:right;"><font size = "1" >{$value.subTotal|crmMoney:$currency}</font></td>
<tr><td colspan = "5" style = "color:#F5F5F5;"><hr></hr></td></tr>
<td colspan = "3"></td>
<td style = "padding-left:28px;text-align:right;"><font size = "1">{ts}Sub Total{/ts}</font></td>
<td style = "padding-left:28px;text-align:right;"><font size = "1"> {$subTotal|crmMoney:$currency}</font></td>
{foreach from = $dataArray item = value key = priceset}
<td colspan = "3"></td>
{if $priceset}
<td style = "padding-left:28px;text-align:right;"><font size = "1"> {ts 1=$taxTerm 2=$priceset}TOTAL %1 %2%{/ts}</font></td>
<td style = "padding-left:28px;text-align:right;"><font size = "1" align = "right">{$value|crmMoney:$currency}</font> </td>
{elseif $priceset == 0}
<td style = "padding-left:28px;text-align:right;"><font size = "1">{ts 1=$taxTerm}TOTAL NO %1{/ts}</font></td>
<td style = "padding-left:28px;text-align:right;"><font size = "1" align = "right">{$value|crmMoney:$currency}</font> </td>
<td colspan = "3"></td>
<td colspan = "2"><hr></hr></td>
<td colspan = "3"></td>
<td style = "padding-left:28px;text-align:right;"><b><font size = "1">{ts 1=$defaultCurrency}TOTAL %1{/ts}</font></b></td>
<td style = "padding-left:28px;text-align:right;"><font size = "1">{$amount|crmMoney:$currency}</font></td>
{if $is_pay_later == 0}
<td colspan = "3"></td>
<td style = "padding-left:28px;text-align:right;"><font size = "1" >{ts}LESS Credit to invoice(s){/ts}</font></td>
<td style = "padding-left:28px;text-align:right;"><font size = "1">{$amount|crmMoney:$currency}</font></td>
<td colspan = "3"></td>
<td colspan = "2" ><hr></hr></td>
<td colspan = "3"></td>
<td style = "padding-left:28px;text-align:right;"><b><font size = "1">{ts}REMAINING CREDIT{/ts}</font></b></td>
<td style = "padding-left:28px;text-align:right;"><b><font size = "1">{$amountDue|crmMoney:$currency}</font></b></td>
<td style = "padding-left:28px;"><font size = "1" align = "right"></font></td>
<td colspan = "3"></td>
<td colspan = "3"></td>
<table style = "margin-top:5px;padding-right:45px;">
<td><img src = "{$resourceBase}/i/contribute/cut_line.png" height = "15" width = "630"></td>
<table style = "margin-top:6px;padding-right:20px;font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif" width = "507" border = "0"cellpadding = "-5" cellspacing="19" id = "desc">
<td width="60%"><font size = "4" align = "right"><b>{ts}CREDIT ADVICE{/ts}</b><br/><br /><div style="font-size:10px;max-width:300px;">{ts}Please do not pay on this advice. Deduct the amount of this Credit Note from your next payment to us{/ts}</div><br/></font></td>
<td width="40%">
<table align="right" >
<td colspan = "2"></td>
<td><font size = "1" align = "right" style="font-weight:bold;">{ts}Customer:{/ts} </font></td>
<td><font size = "1" align = "right" >{$display_name}</font></td>
<td colspan = "2"></td>
<td><font size = "1" align = "right" style="font-weight:bold;">{ts}Credit Note#:{/ts} </font></td>
<td><font size = "1" align = "right">{$creditnote_id}</font></td>
<tr><td colspan = "5"style = "color:#F5F5F5;"><hr></hr></td></tr>
<td colspan = "2"></td>
<td><font size = "1" align = "right" style="font-weight:bold;">{ts}Credit Amount:{/ts}</font></td>
<td width=\'50px\'><font size = "1" align = "right" style="font-weight:bold;">{$amount|crmMoney:$currency}</font></td>
', @tpl_ovid_contribution_invoice_receipt, 1, 0),
('Contributions - Invoice', '{if $title}
{if $component}
{if $component == \'event\'}
{ts 1=$title}Event Registration Invoice: %1{/ts}
{ts 1=$title}Contribution Invoice: %1{/ts}
', '{ts}Contribution Invoice{/ts}
', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv = "Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<table style = "margin-top:2px;padding-left:7px;">
<td><img src = "{$resourceBase}/i/civi99.png" height = "34px" width = "99px"></td>
<table style = "padding-right:19px;font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;" width = "500" height = "100" border = "0" cellpadding = "2" cellspacing = "1">
<td style = "padding-left:15px;" ><b><font size = "4" align = "center">{ts}INVOICE{/ts}</font></b></td>
<td colspan = "1"></td>
<td style = "padding-left:70px;"><b><font size = "1" align = "center" >{ts}Invoice Date:{/ts}</font></b></td>
<td><font size = "1" align = "right">{$domain_organization}</font></td>
{if $organization_name}
<td style = "padding-left:17px;"><font size = "1" align = "center" >{$display_name} ({$organization_name})</font></td>
<td style = "padding-left:15px;"><font size = "1" align = "center" >{$display_name}</font></td>
<td colspan = "1"></td>
<td style = "padding-left:70px;"><font size = "1" align = "right">{$invoice_date}</font></td>
<font size = "1" align = "right">
{if $domain_street_address }{$domain_street_address}{/if}
{if $domain_supplemental_address_1 }{$domain_supplemental_address_1}{/if}
<td style = "padding-left:17px;"><font size = "1" align = "center">{$street_address} {$supplemental_address_1}</font></td>
<td colspan = "1"></td>
<td style = "padding-left:70px;"><b><font size = "1" align = "right">{ts}Invoice Number:{/ts}</font></b></td>
<font size = "1" align = "right">
{if $domain_supplemental_address_2 }{$domain_supplemental_address_2}{/if}
{if $domain_state }{$domain_state}{/if}
<td style = "padding-left:17px;"><font size = "1" align = "center">{$supplemental_address_2} {$stateProvinceAbbreviation}</font></td>
<td colspan="1"></td>
<td style = "padding-left:70px;"><font size = "1" align = "right">{$invoice_number}</font></td>
<font size = "1" align = "right">
{if $domain_city}{$domain_city}{/if}
{if $domain_postal_code }{$domain_postal_code}{/if}
<td style = "padding-left:17px;"><font size = "1" align = "right">{$city} {$postal_code}</font></td>
<td colspan="1"></td>
<td height = "10" style = "padding-left:70px;"><b><font size = "1"align = "right">{ts}Reference:{/ts}</font></b></td>
<td><font size = "1" align = "right"> {if $domain_country}{$domain_country}{/if}</font></td>
<td style = "padding-left:70px;"><font size = "1"align = "right">{$source}</font></td>
<td><font size = "1" align = "right"> {if $domain_phone}{$domain_phone}{/if}</font> </td>
<td><font size = "1" align = "right"> {if $domain_email}{$domain_email}{/if}</font> </td>
<table style = "margin-top:75px;font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif" width = "590" border = "0"cellpadding = "-5" cellspacing = "19" id = "desc">
<td colspan = "2" {$valueStyle}>
<table> {* FIXME: style this table so that it looks like the text version (justification, etc.) *}
<th style = "padding-right:34px;text-align:left;font-weight:bold;width:200px;"><font size = "1">{ts}Description{/ts}</font></th>
<th style = "padding-left:34px;text-align:right;font-weight:bold;" ><font size = "1">{ts}Quantity{/ts}</font></th>
<th style = "padding-left:34px;text-align:right;font-weight:bold;"><font size = "1">{ts}Unit Price{/ts}</font></th>
<th style = "padding-left:34px;text-align:right;font-weight:bold;width:20px;"><font size = "1">{$taxTerm} </font></th>
<th style = "padding-left:34px;text-align:right;font-weight:bold;"><font size = "1">{ts 1=$defaultCurrency}Amount %1{/ts}</font></th>
{foreach from=$lineItem item=value key=priceset name=taxpricevalue}
{if $smarty.foreach.taxpricevalue.index eq 0}
<td colspan = "5" ><hr size="3" style = "color:#000;"></hr></td>
<td colspan = "5" style = "color:#F5F5F5;"><hr></hr></td>
<td style="text-align:left;" ><font size = "1">
{if $value.html_type eq \'Text\'}
{$value.field_title} - {$value.label}
{if $value.description}
<td style = "padding-left:34px;text-align:right;"><font size = "1"> {$value.qty}</font></td>
<td style = "padding-left:34px;text-align:right;"><font size = "1"> {$value.unit_price|crmMoney:$currency}</font></td>
{if $value.tax_amount != \'\'}
<td style = "padding-left:34px;text-align:right;width:20px;"><font size = "1"> {$value.tax_rate}%</font></td>
<td style = "padding-left:34px;text-align:right;width:20px;"><font size = "1">{ts 1=$taxTerm}No %1{/ts}</font></td>
<td style = "padding-left:34px;text-align:right;"><font size = "1">{$value.subTotal|crmMoney:$currency}</font></td>
<tr><td colspan = "5" style = "color:#F5F5F5;"><hr></hr></td></tr>
<td colspan = "3"></td>
<td style = "padding-left:20px;text-align:right;"><font size = "1">{ts}Sub Total{/ts}</font></td>
<td style = "padding-left:34px;text-align:right;"><font size = "1"> {$subTotal|crmMoney:$currency}</font></td>
{foreach from = $dataArray item = value key = priceset}
<td colspan = "3"></td>
{if $priceset}
<td style = "padding-left:20px;text-align:right;"><font size = "1"> {ts 1=$taxTerm 2=$priceset}TOTAL %1 %2%{/ts}</font></td>
<td style = "padding-left:34px;text-align:right"><font size = "1" align = "right">{$value|crmMoney:$currency}</font> </td>
{elseif $priceset == 0}
<td style = "padding-left:20px;text-align:right;"><font size = "1">{ts 1=$taxTerm}TOTAL NO %1{/ts}</font></td>
<td style = "padding-left:34px;text-align:right"><font size = "1" align = "right">{$value|crmMoney:$currency}</font> </td>
<td colspan = "3"></td>
<td colspan = "2"><hr></hr></td>
<td colspan = "3"></td>
<td style = "padding-left:20px;text-align:right;"><b><font size = "1">{ts 1=$defaultCurrency}TOTAL %1{/ts}</font></b></td>
<td style = "padding-left:34px;text-align:right;"><font size = "1">{$amount|crmMoney:$currency}</font></td>
<td style = "padding-left:34px;"><font size = "1" align = "right"></font></td>
{if $is_pay_later == 0}
<td colspan = "3"></td>
<td style = "padding-left:20px;text-align:right;"><font size = "1">
{if $contribution_status_id == $refundedStatusId}
{ts}LESS Amount Credited{/ts}
{ts}LESS Amount Paid{/ts}
<td style = "padding-left:34px;text-align:right;"><font size = "1">{$amountPaid|crmMoney:$currency}</font></td>
<td colspan = "3"></td>
<td colspan = "2" ><hr></hr></td>
<td colspan = "3"></td>
<td style = "padding-left:20px;text-align:right;"><b><font size = "1">{ts}AMOUNT DUE:{/ts} </font></b></td>
<td style = "padding-left:34px;text-align:right;"><b><font size = "1">{$amountDue|crmMoney:$currency}</font></b></td>
<td style = "padding-left:34px;"><font size = "1" align = "right"></font></td>
<td colspan = "3"></td>
{if $contribution_status_id == $pendingStatusId && $is_pay_later == 1}
<td><b><font size = "1" align = "center">{ts 1=$dueDate}DUE DATE: %1{/ts}</font></b></td>
<td colspan = "3"></td>
{if $contribution_status_id == $pendingStatusId && $is_pay_later == 1}
<table style = "margin-top:5px;padding-right:45px;">
<td><img src = "{$resourceBase}/i/contribute/cut_line.png" height = "15" width = "630"></td>
<table style = "margin-top:6px;padding-right:20px;font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif" width = "480" border = "0"cellpadding = "-5" cellspacing="19" id = "desc">
<td width="60%"><b><font size = "4" align = "right">{ts}PAYMENT ADVICE{/ts}</font></b> <br/><br/> <font size = "1" align = "right"><b>{ts}To: {/ts}</b><div style="width:17em;word-wrap:break-word;">
{$domain_organization} <br />
{$domain_street_address} {$domain_supplemental_address_1} <br />
{$domain_supplemental_address_2} {$domain_state} <br />
{$domain_city} {$domain_postal_code} <br />
{$domain_country} <br />
{$domain_phone} <br />
</font><br/><br/><font size="1" align="right">{$notes}</font>
<td width="40%">
<table cellpadding = "-10" cellspacing = "22" align="right" >
<td colspan = "2"></td>
<td><font size = "1" align = "right" style="font-weight:bold;">{ts}Customer: {/ts}</font></td>
<td ><font size = "1" align = "right">{$display_name}</font></td>
<td colspan = "2"></td>
<td><font size = "1" align = "right" style="font-weight:bold;">{ts}Invoice Number: {/ts}</font></td>
<td><font size = "1" align = "right">{$invoice_id}</font></td>
<tr><td colspan = "5"style = "color:#F5F5F5;"><hr></hr></td></tr>
{if $is_pay_later == 1}
<td colspan = "2"></td>
<td><font size = "1" align = "right" style="font-weight:bold;">{ts}Amount Due:{/ts}</font></td>
<td><font size = "1" align = "right" style="font-weight:bold;">{$amount|crmMoney:$currency}</font></td>
<td colspan = "2"></td>
<td><font size = "1" align = "right" style="font-weight:bold;">{ts}Amount Due: {/ts}</font></td>
<td><font size = "1" align = "right" style="font-weight:bold;">{$amountDue|crmMoney:$currency}</font></td>
<td colspan = "2"></td>
<td><font size = "1" align = "right" style="font-weight:bold;">{ts}Due Date: {/ts}</font></td>
<td><font size = "1" align = "right">{$dueDate}</font></td>
<td colspan = "5" style = "color:#F5F5F5;"><hr></hr></td>
{if $contribution_status_id == $refundedStatusId || $contribution_status_id == $cancelledStatusId}
<table style = "margin-top:2px;padding-left:7px;page-break-before: always;">
<td><img src = "{$resourceBase}/i/civi99.png" height = "34px" width = "99px"></td>
<table style = "padding-right:19px;font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif" width = "500" height = "100" border = "0" cellpadding = "2" cellspacing = "1">
<td style = "padding-left:15px;" ><b><font size = "4" align = "center">{ts}CREDIT NOTE{/ts}</font></b></td>
<td colspan = "1"></td>
<td style = "padding-left:70px;"><b><font size = "1" align = "right">{ts}Date:{/ts}</font></b></td>
<td><font size = "1" align = "right">{$domain_organization}</font></td>
{if $organization_name}
<td style = "padding-left:17px;"><font size = "1" align = "center">{$display_name} ({$organization_name})</font></td>
<td style = "padding-left:17px;"><font size = "1" align = "center">{$display_name}</font></td>
<td colspan = "1"></td>
<td style = "padding-left:70px;"><font size = "1" align = "right">{$invoice_date}</font></td>
<font size = "1" align = "right">
{if $domain_street_address }{$domain_street_address}{/if}
{if $domain_supplemental_address_1 }{$domain_supplemental_address_1}{/if}
<td style = "padding-left:17px;"><font size = "1" align = "center">{$street_address} {$supplemental_address_1}</font></td>
<td colspan = "1"></td>
<td style = "padding-left:70px;"><b><font size = "1" align = "right">{ts}Credit Note Number:{/ts}</font></b></td>
<font size = "1" align = "right">
{if $domain_supplemental_address_2 }{$domain_supplemental_address_2}{/if}
{if $domain_state }{$domain_state}{/if}
<td style = "padding-left:17px;"><font size = "1" align = "center">{$supplemental_address_2} {$stateProvinceAbbreviation}</font></td>
<td colspan="1"></td>
<td style = "padding-left:70px;"><font size = "1" align = "right">{$creditnote_id}</font></td>
<font size = "1" align = "right">
{if $domain_city}{$domain_city}{/if}
{if $domain_postal_code }{$domain_postal_code}{/if}
<td style = "padding-left:17px;"><font size = "1" align = "right">{$city} {$postal_code}</font></td>
<td colspan="1"></td>
<td height = "10" style = "padding-left:70px;"><b><font size = "1"align = "right">{ts}Reference:{/ts}</font></b></td>
<font size = "1" align = "right">
{if $domain_country}{$domain_country}{/if}
<td style = "padding-left:70px;"><font size = "1"align = "right">{$source}</font></td>
<font size = "1" align = "right">
{if $domain_phone}{$domain_phone}{/if}
<font size = "1" align = "right">
{if $domain_email}{$domain_email}{/if}
<table style = "margin-top:75px;font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif" width = "590" border = "0"cellpadding = "-5" cellspacing = "19" id = "desc">
<td colspan = "2" {$valueStyle}>
<table> {* FIXME: style this table so that it looks like the text version (justification, etc.) *}
<th style = "padding-right:28px;text-align:left;font-weight:bold;width:200px;"><font size = "1">{ts}Description{/ts}</font></th>
<th style = "padding-left:28px;text-align:right;font-weight:bold;"><font size = "1">{ts}Quantity{/ts}</font></th>
<th style = "padding-left:28px;text-align:right;font-weight:bold;"><font size = "1">{ts}Unit Price{/ts}</font></th>
<th style = "padding-left:28px;text-align:right;font-weight:bold;"><font size = "1">{$taxTerm} </font></th>
<th style = "padding-left:28px;text-align:right;font-weight:bold;"><font size = "1">{ts 1=$defaultCurrency}Amount %1{/ts}</font></th>
{foreach from=$lineItem item=value key=priceset name=pricevalue}
{if $smarty.foreach.pricevalue.index eq 0}
<tr><td colspan = "5" ><hr size="3" style = "color:#000;"></hr></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan = "5" style = "color:#F5F5F5;"><hr></hr></td></tr>
<td style ="text-align:left;" >
<font size = "1">
{if $value.html_type eq \'Text\'}
{$value.field_title} - {$value.label}
{if $value.description}
<td style = "padding-left:28px;text-align:right;"><font size = "1"> {$value.qty}</font></td>
<td style = "padding-left:28px;text-align:right;"><font size = "1"> {$value.unit_price|crmMoney:$currency}</font></td>
{if $value.tax_amount != \'\'}
<td style = "padding-left:28px;text-align:right;"><font size = "1"> {$value.tax_rate}%</font></td>
<td style = "padding-left:28px;text-align:right"><font size = "1" >{ts 1=$taxTerm}No %1{/ts}</font></td>
<td style = "padding-left:28px;text-align:right;"><font size = "1" >{$value.subTotal|crmMoney:$currency}</font></td>
<tr><td colspan = "5" style = "color:#F5F5F5;"><hr></hr></td></tr>
<td colspan = "3"></td>
<td style = "padding-left:28px;text-align:right;"><font size = "1">{ts}Sub Total{/ts}</font></td>
<td style = "padding-left:28px;text-align:right;"><font size = "1"> {$subTotal|crmMoney:$currency}</font></td>
{foreach from = $dataArray item = value key = priceset}
<td colspan = "3"></td>
{if $priceset}
<td style = "padding-left:28px;text-align:right;"><font size = "1"> {ts 1=$taxTerm 2=$priceset}TOTAL %1 %2%{/ts}</font></td>
<td style = "padding-left:28px;text-align:right;"><font size = "1" align = "right">{$value|crmMoney:$currency}</font> </td>
{elseif $priceset == 0}
<td style = "padding-left:28px;text-align:right;"><font size = "1">{ts 1=$taxTerm}TOTAL NO %1{/ts}</font></td>
<td style = "padding-left:28px;text-align:right;"><font size = "1" align = "right">{$value|crmMoney:$currency}</font> </td>
<td colspan = "3"></td>
<td colspan = "2"><hr></hr></td>
<td colspan = "3"></td>
<td style = "padding-left:28px;text-align:right;"><b><font size = "1">{ts 1=$defaultCurrency}TOTAL %1{/ts}</font></b></td>
<td style = "padding-left:28px;text-align:right;"><font size = "1">{$amount|crmMoney:$currency}</font></td>
{if $is_pay_later == 0}
<td colspan = "3"></td>
<td style = "padding-left:28px;text-align:right;"><font size = "1" >{ts}LESS Credit to invoice(s){/ts}</font></td>
<td style = "padding-left:28px;text-align:right;"><font size = "1">{$amount|crmMoney:$currency}</font></td>
<td colspan = "3"></td>
<td colspan = "2" ><hr></hr></td>
<td colspan = "3"></td>
<td style = "padding-left:28px;text-align:right;"><b><font size = "1">{ts}REMAINING CREDIT{/ts}</font></b></td>
<td style = "padding-left:28px;text-align:right;"><b><font size = "1">{$amountDue|crmMoney:$currency}</font></b></td>
<td style = "padding-left:28px;"><font size = "1" align = "right"></font></td>
<td colspan = "3"></td>
<td colspan = "3"></td>
<table style = "margin-top:5px;padding-right:45px;">
<td><img src = "{$resourceBase}/i/contribute/cut_line.png" height = "15" width = "630"></td>
<table style = "margin-top:6px;padding-right:20px;font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif" width = "507" border = "0"cellpadding = "-5" cellspacing="19" id = "desc">
<td width="60%"><font size = "4" align = "right"><b>{ts}CREDIT ADVICE{/ts}</b><br/><br /><div style="font-size:10px;max-width:300px;">{ts}Please do not pay on this advice. Deduct the amount of this Credit Note from your next payment to us{/ts}</div><br/></font></td>
<td width="40%">
<table align="right" >
<td colspan = "2"></td>
<td><font size = "1" align = "right" style="font-weight:bold;">{ts}Customer:{/ts} </font></td>
<td><font size = "1" align = "right" >{$display_name}</font></td>
<td colspan = "2"></td>
<td><font size = "1" align = "right" style="font-weight:bold;">{ts}Credit Note#:{/ts} </font></td>
<td><font size = "1" align = "right">{$creditnote_id}</font></td>
<tr><td colspan = "5"style = "color:#F5F5F5;"><hr></hr></td></tr>
<td colspan = "2"></td>
<td><font size = "1" align = "right" style="font-weight:bold;">{ts}Credit Amount:{/ts}</font></td>
<td width=\'50px\'><font size = "1" align = "right" style="font-weight:bold;">{$amount|crmMoney:$currency}</font></td>
', @tpl_ovid_contribution_invoice_receipt, 0, 1) ,
('Contributions - Recurring Start and End Notification', '{ts}Recurring Contribution Notification{/ts}
', '{ts 1=$displayName}Dear %1{/ts},
{if $recur_txnType eq \'START\'}
{if $auto_renew_membership}
{ts}Thanks for your auto renew membership sign-up.{/ts}
{ts 1=$recur_frequency_interval 2=$recur_frequency_unit}This membership will be automatically renewed every %1 %2(s).{/ts}
{ts 1=$cancelSubscriptionUrl}This membership will be renewed automatically. You can cancel the auto-renewal option by <a href="%1">visiting this web page</a>.{/ts}
{if $updateSubscriptionBillingUrl}
{ts 1=$updateSubscriptionBillingUrl}You can update billing details for this automatically renewed membership by <a href="%1">visiting this web page</a>.{/ts}
{ts}Thanks for your recurring contribution sign-up.{/ts}
{ts 1=$recur_frequency_interval 2=$recur_frequency_unit 3=$recur_installments}This recurring contribution will be automatically processed every %1 %2(s){/ts}{if $recur_installments } {ts 1=$recur_installments} for a total of %1 installment(s){/ts}{/if}.
{ts}Start Date{/ts}: {$recur_start_date|crmDate}
{ts 1=$cancelSubscriptionUrl}You can cancel the recurring contribution option by <a href="%1">visiting this web page</a>.{/ts}
{if $updateSubscriptionBillingUrl}
{ts 1=$updateSubscriptionBillingUrl}You can update billing details for this recurring contribution by <a href="%1">visiting this web page</a>.{/ts}
{ts 1=$updateSubscriptionUrl}You can update recurring contribution amount or change the number of installments for this recurring contribution by <a href="%1">visiting this web page</a>.{/ts}
{elseif $recur_txnType eq \'END\'}
{if $auto_renew_membership}
{ts}Your auto renew membership sign-up has ended and your membership will not be automatically renewed.{/ts}
{ts}Your recurring contribution term has ended.{/ts}
{ts 1=$recur_installments}You have successfully completed %1 recurring contributions. Thank you for your support.{/ts}
{ts 1=$recur_installments}Interval of Subscription for %1 installment(s){/ts}
{ts}Start Date{/ts}: {$recur_start_date|crmDate}
{ts}End Date{/ts}: {$recur_end_date|crmDate}
', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
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<table width="620" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
<p>{ts 1=$displayName}Dear %1{/ts},</p>
{if $recur_txnType eq \'START\'}
{if $auto_renew_membership}
<p>{ts}Thanks for your auto renew membership sign-up.{/ts}</p>
<p>{ts 1=$recur_frequency_interval 2=$recur_frequency_unit}This membership will be automatically renewed every %1 %2(s). {/ts}</p>
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts 1=$cancelSubscriptionUrl}This membership will be renewed automatically. You can cancel the auto-renewal option by <a href="%1">visiting this web page</a>.{/ts}
{if $updateSubscriptionBillingUrl}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts 1=$updateSubscriptionBillingUrl}You can update billing details for this automatically renewed membership by <a href="%1">visiting this web page</a>.{/ts}
<p>{ts}Thanks for your recurring contribution sign-up.{/ts}</p>
<p>{ts 1=$recur_frequency_interval 2=$recur_frequency_unit}This recurring contribution will be automatically processed every %1 %2(s){/ts}{if $recur_installments }{ts 1=$recur_installments} for a total of %1 installment(s){/ts}{/if}.</p>
<p>{ts}Start Date{/ts}: {$recur_start_date|crmDate}</p>
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts 1=$cancelSubscriptionUrl} You can cancel the recurring contribution option by <a href="%1">visiting this web page</a>.{/ts}
{if $updateSubscriptionBillingUrl}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts 1=$updateSubscriptionBillingUrl}You can update billing details for this recurring contribution by <a href="%1">visiting this web page</a>.{/ts}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts 1=$updateSubscriptionUrl}You can update recurring contribution amount or change the number of installments details for this recurring contribution by <a href="%1">visiting this web page</a>.{/ts}
{elseif $recur_txnType eq \'END\'}
{if $auto_renew_membership}
<p>{ts}Your auto renew membership sign-up has ended and your membership will not be automatically renewed.{/ts}</p>
<p>{ts}Your recurring contribution term has ended.{/ts}</p>
<p>{ts 1=$recur_installments}You have successfully completed %1 recurring contributions. Thank you for your support.{/ts}</p>
<table style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse; width:100%;">
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts 1=$recur_installments}Interval of Subscription for %1 installment(s){/ts}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Start Date{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}End Date{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
', @tpl_ovid_contribution_recurring_notify, 1, 0),
('Contributions - Recurring Start and End Notification', '{ts}Recurring Contribution Notification{/ts}
', '{ts 1=$displayName}Dear %1{/ts},
{if $recur_txnType eq \'START\'}
{if $auto_renew_membership}
{ts}Thanks for your auto renew membership sign-up.{/ts}
{ts 1=$recur_frequency_interval 2=$recur_frequency_unit}This membership will be automatically renewed every %1 %2(s).{/ts}
{ts 1=$cancelSubscriptionUrl}This membership will be renewed automatically. You can cancel the auto-renewal option by <a href="%1">visiting this web page</a>.{/ts}
{if $updateSubscriptionBillingUrl}
{ts 1=$updateSubscriptionBillingUrl}You can update billing details for this automatically renewed membership by <a href="%1">visiting this web page</a>.{/ts}
{ts}Thanks for your recurring contribution sign-up.{/ts}
{ts 1=$recur_frequency_interval 2=$recur_frequency_unit 3=$recur_installments}This recurring contribution will be automatically processed every %1 %2(s){/ts}{if $recur_installments } {ts 1=$recur_installments} for a total of %1 installment(s){/ts}{/if}.
{ts}Start Date{/ts}: {$recur_start_date|crmDate}
{ts 1=$cancelSubscriptionUrl}You can cancel the recurring contribution option by <a href="%1">visiting this web page</a>.{/ts}
{if $updateSubscriptionBillingUrl}
{ts 1=$updateSubscriptionBillingUrl}You can update billing details for this recurring contribution by <a href="%1">visiting this web page</a>.{/ts}
{ts 1=$updateSubscriptionUrl}You can update recurring contribution amount or change the number of installments for this recurring contribution by <a href="%1">visiting this web page</a>.{/ts}
{elseif $recur_txnType eq \'END\'}
{if $auto_renew_membership}
{ts}Your auto renew membership sign-up has ended and your membership will not be automatically renewed.{/ts}
{ts}Your recurring contribution term has ended.{/ts}
{ts 1=$recur_installments}You have successfully completed %1 recurring contributions. Thank you for your support.{/ts}
{ts 1=$recur_installments}Interval of Subscription for %1 installment(s){/ts}
{ts}Start Date{/ts}: {$recur_start_date|crmDate}
{ts}End Date{/ts}: {$recur_end_date|crmDate}
', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
{capture assign=headerStyle}colspan="2" style="text-align: left; padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #eee;"{/capture}
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{capture assign=valueStyle }style="padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999;"{/capture}
<table width="620" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
<p>{ts 1=$displayName}Dear %1{/ts},</p>
{if $recur_txnType eq \'START\'}
{if $auto_renew_membership}
<p>{ts}Thanks for your auto renew membership sign-up.{/ts}</p>
<p>{ts 1=$recur_frequency_interval 2=$recur_frequency_unit}This membership will be automatically renewed every %1 %2(s). {/ts}</p>
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts 1=$cancelSubscriptionUrl}This membership will be renewed automatically. You can cancel the auto-renewal option by <a href="%1">visiting this web page</a>.{/ts}
{if $updateSubscriptionBillingUrl}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts 1=$updateSubscriptionBillingUrl}You can update billing details for this automatically renewed membership by <a href="%1">visiting this web page</a>.{/ts}
<p>{ts}Thanks for your recurring contribution sign-up.{/ts}</p>
<p>{ts 1=$recur_frequency_interval 2=$recur_frequency_unit}This recurring contribution will be automatically processed every %1 %2(s){/ts}{if $recur_installments }{ts 1=$recur_installments} for a total of %1 installment(s){/ts}{/if}.</p>
<p>{ts}Start Date{/ts}: {$recur_start_date|crmDate}</p>
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts 1=$cancelSubscriptionUrl} You can cancel the recurring contribution option by <a href="%1">visiting this web page</a>.{/ts}
{if $updateSubscriptionBillingUrl}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts 1=$updateSubscriptionBillingUrl}You can update billing details for this recurring contribution by <a href="%1">visiting this web page</a>.{/ts}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts 1=$updateSubscriptionUrl}You can update recurring contribution amount or change the number of installments details for this recurring contribution by <a href="%1">visiting this web page</a>.{/ts}
{elseif $recur_txnType eq \'END\'}
{if $auto_renew_membership}
<p>{ts}Your auto renew membership sign-up has ended and your membership will not be automatically renewed.{/ts}</p>
<p>{ts}Your recurring contribution term has ended.{/ts}</p>
<p>{ts 1=$recur_installments}You have successfully completed %1 recurring contributions. Thank you for your support.{/ts}</p>
<table style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse; width:100%;">
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts 1=$recur_installments}Interval of Subscription for %1 installment(s){/ts}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Start Date{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}End Date{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
', @tpl_ovid_contribution_recurring_notify, 0, 1) ,
('Contributions - Recurring Cancellation Notification', '{ts}Recurring Contribution Cancellation Notification{/ts}
', '{ts 1=$contact.display_name}Dear %1{/ts},
{ts 1=$amount 2=$recur_frequency_interval 3=$recur_frequency_unit}Your recurring contribution of %1, every %2 %3 has been cancelled as requested.{/ts}
', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
{capture assign=headerStyle}colspan="2" style="text-align: left; padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #eee;"{/capture}
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<table width="620" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
<p>{ts 1=$contact.display_name}Dear %1{/ts},</p>
<p>{ts 1=$amount 2=$recur_frequency_interval 3=$recur_frequency_unit}Your recurring contribution of %1, every %2 %3 has been cancelled as requested.{/ts}</p>
', @tpl_ovid_contribution_recurring_cancelled, 1, 0),
('Contributions - Recurring Cancellation Notification', '{ts}Recurring Contribution Cancellation Notification{/ts}
', '{ts 1=$contact.display_name}Dear %1{/ts},
{ts 1=$amount 2=$recur_frequency_interval 3=$recur_frequency_unit}Your recurring contribution of %1, every %2 %3 has been cancelled as requested.{/ts}
', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
{capture assign=headerStyle}colspan="2" style="text-align: left; padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #eee;"{/capture}
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{capture assign=valueStyle }style="padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999;"{/capture}
<table width="620" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
<p>{ts 1=$contact.display_name}Dear %1{/ts},</p>
<p>{ts 1=$amount 2=$recur_frequency_interval 3=$recur_frequency_unit}Your recurring contribution of %1, every %2 %3 has been cancelled as requested.{/ts}</p>
', @tpl_ovid_contribution_recurring_cancelled, 0, 1) ,
('Contributions - Recurring Billing Updates', '{ts}Recurring Contribution Billing Updates{/ts}', '{ts 1=$contact.display_name}Dear %1{/ts},
{ts 1=$amount 2=$recur_frequency_interval 3=$recur_frequency_unit}Billing details for your recurring contribution of %1, every %2 %3 have been updated.{/ts}
{ts}Billing Name and Address{/ts}
{ts}Credit Card Information{/ts}
{ts}Expires{/ts}: {$credit_card_exp_date|truncate:7:\'\'|crmDate}
{ts 1=$receipt_from_email}If you have questions please contact us at %1{/ts}', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
{capture assign=headerStyle}colspan="2" style="text-align: left; padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #eee;"{/capture}
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<table width="620" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
<p>{ts 1=$contact.display_name}Dear %1{/ts},</p>
<p>{ts 1=$amount 2=$recur_frequency_interval 3=$recur_frequency_unit}Billing details for your recurring contribution of %1, every %2 %3 have been updated.{/ts}</p>
<table width="500" style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse;">
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Billing Name and Address{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$billingName}<br />
{$address|nl2br}<br />
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Credit Card Information{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$credit_card_type}<br />
{$credit_card_number}<br />
{ts}Expires{/ts}: {$credit_card_exp_date|truncate:7:\'\'|crmDate}<br />
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts 1=$receipt_from_email}If you have questions please contact us at %1{/ts}
</html>', @tpl_ovid_contribution_recurring_billing, 1, 0),
('Contributions - Recurring Billing Updates', '{ts}Recurring Contribution Billing Updates{/ts}', '{ts 1=$contact.display_name}Dear %1{/ts},
{ts 1=$amount 2=$recur_frequency_interval 3=$recur_frequency_unit}Billing details for your recurring contribution of %1, every %2 %3 have been updated.{/ts}
{ts}Billing Name and Address{/ts}
{ts}Credit Card Information{/ts}
{ts}Expires{/ts}: {$credit_card_exp_date|truncate:7:\'\'|crmDate}
{ts 1=$receipt_from_email}If you have questions please contact us at %1{/ts}', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
{capture assign=headerStyle}colspan="2" style="text-align: left; padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #eee;"{/capture}
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<table width="620" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
<p>{ts 1=$contact.display_name}Dear %1{/ts},</p>
<p>{ts 1=$amount 2=$recur_frequency_interval 3=$recur_frequency_unit}Billing details for your recurring contribution of %1, every %2 %3 have been updated.{/ts}</p>
<table width="500" style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse;">
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Billing Name and Address{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$billingName}<br />
{$address|nl2br}<br />
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Credit Card Information{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$credit_card_type}<br />
{$credit_card_number}<br />
{ts}Expires{/ts}: {$credit_card_exp_date|truncate:7:\'\'|crmDate}<br />
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts 1=$receipt_from_email}If you have questions please contact us at %1{/ts}
</html>', @tpl_ovid_contribution_recurring_billing, 0, 1) ,
('Contributions - Recurring Updates', '{ts}Recurring Contribution Update Notification{/ts}', '{ts 1=$contact.display_name}Dear %1{/ts},
{ts}Your recurring contribution has been updated as requested:{/ts}
{ts 1=$amount 2=$recur_frequency_interval 3=$recur_frequency_unit}Recurring contribution is for %1, every %2 %3(s){/ts}
{if $installments}{ts 1=$installments} for %1 installments.{/ts}{/if}
{ts 1=$receipt_from_email}If you have questions please contact us at %1.{/ts}', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
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<table width="620" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
<p>{ts 1=$contact.display_name}Dear %1{/ts},</p>
<p>{ts}Your recurring contribution has been updated as requested:{/ts}
<p>{ts 1=$amount 2=$recur_frequency_interval 3=$recur_frequency_unit}Recurring contribution is for %1, every %2 %3(s){/ts}{if $installments}{ts 1=$installments} for %1 installments{/ts}{/if}.</p>
<p>{ts 1=$receipt_from_email}If you have questions please contact us at %1.{/ts}</p>
', @tpl_ovid_contribution_recurring_edit, 1, 0),
('Contributions - Recurring Updates', '{ts}Recurring Contribution Update Notification{/ts}', '{ts 1=$contact.display_name}Dear %1{/ts},
{ts}Your recurring contribution has been updated as requested:{/ts}
{ts 1=$amount 2=$recur_frequency_interval 3=$recur_frequency_unit}Recurring contribution is for %1, every %2 %3(s){/ts}
{if $installments}{ts 1=$installments} for %1 installments.{/ts}{/if}
{ts 1=$receipt_from_email}If you have questions please contact us at %1.{/ts}', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
{capture assign=headerStyle}colspan="2" style="text-align: left; padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #eee;"{/capture}
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<table width="620" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
<p>{ts 1=$contact.display_name}Dear %1{/ts},</p>
<p>{ts}Your recurring contribution has been updated as requested:{/ts}
<p>{ts 1=$amount 2=$recur_frequency_interval 3=$recur_frequency_unit}Recurring contribution is for %1, every %2 %3(s){/ts}{if $installments}{ts 1=$installments} for %1 installments{/ts}{/if}.</p>
<p>{ts 1=$receipt_from_email}If you have questions please contact us at %1.{/ts}</p>
', @tpl_ovid_contribution_recurring_edit, 0, 1) ,
('Personal Campaign Pages - Admin Notification', '{ts}Personal Campaign Page Notification{/ts}
', '===========================================================
{ts}Personal Campaign Page Notification{/ts}
{ts}Action{/ts}: {if $mode EQ \'Update\'}{ts}Updated personal campaign page{/ts}{else}{ts}New personal campaign page{/ts}{/if}
{ts}Personal Campaign Page Title{/ts}: {$pcpTitle}
{ts}Current Status{/ts}: {$pcpStatus}
{capture assign=pcpURL}{crmURL p="civicrm/pcp/info" q="reset=1&id=`$pcpId`" h=0 a=1}{/capture}
{ts}View Page{/ts}:
>> {$pcpURL}
{ts}Supporter{/ts}: {$supporterName}
>> {$supporterUrl}
{ts}Linked to Contribution Page{/ts}: {$contribPageTitle}
>> {$contribPageUrl}
{ts}Manage Personal Campaign Pages{/ts}:
>> {$managePCPUrl}
', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
{capture assign=headerStyle}colspan="2" style="text-align: left; padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #eee;"{/capture}
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{capture assign=valueStyle }style="padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999;"{/capture}
{capture assign=pcpURL }{crmURL p="civicrm/pcp/info" q="reset=1&id=`$pcpId`" h=0 a=1}{/capture}
<table width="620" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
<table style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse; width:100%;">
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Personal Campaign Page Notification{/ts}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $mode EQ \'Update\'}
{ts}Updated personal campaign page{/ts}
{ts}New personal campaign page{/ts}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Personal Campaign Page Title{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Current Status{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<td {$labelStyle}>
<a href="{$pcpURL}">{ts}View Page{/ts}</a>
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
<a href="{$supporterUrl}">{$supporterName}</a>
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Linked to Contribution Page{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<a href="{$contribPageUrl}">{$contribPageTitle}</a>
<td {$labelStyle}>
<a href="{$managePCPUrl}">{ts}Manage Personal Campaign Pages{/ts}</a>
', @tpl_ovid_pcp_notify, 1, 0),
('Personal Campaign Pages - Admin Notification', '{ts}Personal Campaign Page Notification{/ts}
', '===========================================================
{ts}Personal Campaign Page Notification{/ts}
{ts}Action{/ts}: {if $mode EQ \'Update\'}{ts}Updated personal campaign page{/ts}{else}{ts}New personal campaign page{/ts}{/if}
{ts}Personal Campaign Page Title{/ts}: {$pcpTitle}
{ts}Current Status{/ts}: {$pcpStatus}
{capture assign=pcpURL}{crmURL p="civicrm/pcp/info" q="reset=1&id=`$pcpId`" h=0 a=1}{/capture}
{ts}View Page{/ts}:
>> {$pcpURL}
{ts}Supporter{/ts}: {$supporterName}
>> {$supporterUrl}
{ts}Linked to Contribution Page{/ts}: {$contribPageTitle}
>> {$contribPageUrl}
{ts}Manage Personal Campaign Pages{/ts}:
>> {$managePCPUrl}
', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
{capture assign=headerStyle}colspan="2" style="text-align: left; padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #eee;"{/capture}
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{capture assign=valueStyle }style="padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999;"{/capture}
{capture assign=pcpURL }{crmURL p="civicrm/pcp/info" q="reset=1&id=`$pcpId`" h=0 a=1}{/capture}
<table width="620" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
<table style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse; width:100%;">
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Personal Campaign Page Notification{/ts}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $mode EQ \'Update\'}
{ts}Updated personal campaign page{/ts}
{ts}New personal campaign page{/ts}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Personal Campaign Page Title{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Current Status{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<td {$labelStyle}>
<a href="{$pcpURL}">{ts}View Page{/ts}</a>
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
<a href="{$supporterUrl}">{$supporterName}</a>
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Linked to Contribution Page{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<a href="{$contribPageUrl}">{$contribPageTitle}</a>
<td {$labelStyle}>
<a href="{$managePCPUrl}">{ts}Manage Personal Campaign Pages{/ts}</a>
', @tpl_ovid_pcp_notify, 0, 1) ,
('Personal Campaign Pages - Supporter Status Change Notification', '{ts 1=$contribPageTitle}Your Personal Campaign Page for %1{/ts}
', '{if $pcpStatus eq \'Approved\'}
{ts}Your Personal Campaign Page{/ts}
{ts}Your personal campaign page has been approved and is now live.{/ts}
{ts}Whenever you want to preview, update or promote your page{/ts}:
1. {ts}Login to your account at{/ts}:
2. {ts}Click or paste this link into your browser to go to your page{/ts}:
{ts}When you view your campaign page WHILE LOGGED IN, the page includes links to edit your page, tell friends, and update your contact info.{/ts}
{if $isTellFriendEnabled}
{ts}After logging in, you can use this form to promote your fundraising page{/ts}:
{if $pcpNotifyEmailAddress}
{ts}Questions? Send email to{/ts}:
{* Rejected message *}
{elseif $pcpStatus eq \'Not Approved\'}
{ts}Your Personal Campaign Page{/ts}
{ts}Your personal campaign page has been reviewed. There were some issues with the content which prevented us from approving the page. We are sorry for any inconvenience.{/ts}
{if $pcpNotifyEmailAddress}
{ts}Please contact our site administrator for more information{/ts}:
', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<table width="620" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
<h1>{ts}Your Personal Campaign Page{/ts}</h1>
{if $pcpStatus eq \'Approved\'}
<p>{ts}Your personal campaign page has been approved and is now live.{/ts}</p>
<p>{ts}Whenever you want to preview, update or promote your page{/ts}:</p>
<li><a href="{$loginUrl}">{ts}Login to your account{/ts}</a></li>
<li><a href="{$pcpInfoURL}">{ts}Go to your page{/ts}</a></li>
<p>{ts}When you view your campaign page WHILE LOGGED IN, the page includes links to edit your page, tell friends, and update your contact info.{/ts}</p>
{if $isTellFriendEnabled}
<p><a href="{$pcpTellFriendURL}">{ts}After logging in, you can use this form to promote your fundraising page{/ts}</a></p>
{if $pcpNotifyEmailAddress}
<p>{ts}Questions? Send email to{/ts}: {$pcpNotifyEmailAddress}</p>
{elseif $pcpStatus eq \'Not Approved\'}
<p>{ts}Your personal campaign page has been reviewed. There were some issues with the content which prevented us from approving the page. We are sorry for any inconvenience.{/ts}</p>
{if $pcpNotifyEmailAddress}
<p>{ts}Please contact our site administrator for more information{/ts}: {$pcpNotifyEmailAddress}</p>
', @tpl_ovid_pcp_status_change, 1, 0),
('Personal Campaign Pages - Supporter Status Change Notification', '{ts 1=$contribPageTitle}Your Personal Campaign Page for %1{/ts}
', '{if $pcpStatus eq \'Approved\'}
{ts}Your Personal Campaign Page{/ts}
{ts}Your personal campaign page has been approved and is now live.{/ts}
{ts}Whenever you want to preview, update or promote your page{/ts}:
1. {ts}Login to your account at{/ts}:
2. {ts}Click or paste this link into your browser to go to your page{/ts}:
{ts}When you view your campaign page WHILE LOGGED IN, the page includes links to edit your page, tell friends, and update your contact info.{/ts}
{if $isTellFriendEnabled}
{ts}After logging in, you can use this form to promote your fundraising page{/ts}:
{if $pcpNotifyEmailAddress}
{ts}Questions? Send email to{/ts}:
{* Rejected message *}
{elseif $pcpStatus eq \'Not Approved\'}
{ts}Your Personal Campaign Page{/ts}
{ts}Your personal campaign page has been reviewed. There were some issues with the content which prevented us from approving the page. We are sorry for any inconvenience.{/ts}
{if $pcpNotifyEmailAddress}
{ts}Please contact our site administrator for more information{/ts}:
', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<table width="620" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
<h1>{ts}Your Personal Campaign Page{/ts}</h1>
{if $pcpStatus eq \'Approved\'}
<p>{ts}Your personal campaign page has been approved and is now live.{/ts}</p>
<p>{ts}Whenever you want to preview, update or promote your page{/ts}:</p>
<li><a href="{$loginUrl}">{ts}Login to your account{/ts}</a></li>
<li><a href="{$pcpInfoURL}">{ts}Go to your page{/ts}</a></li>
<p>{ts}When you view your campaign page WHILE LOGGED IN, the page includes links to edit your page, tell friends, and update your contact info.{/ts}</p>
{if $isTellFriendEnabled}
<p><a href="{$pcpTellFriendURL}">{ts}After logging in, you can use this form to promote your fundraising page{/ts}</a></p>
{if $pcpNotifyEmailAddress}
<p>{ts}Questions? Send email to{/ts}: {$pcpNotifyEmailAddress}</p>
{elseif $pcpStatus eq \'Not Approved\'}
<p>{ts}Your personal campaign page has been reviewed. There were some issues with the content which prevented us from approving the page. We are sorry for any inconvenience.{/ts}</p>
{if $pcpNotifyEmailAddress}
<p>{ts}Please contact our site administrator for more information{/ts}: {$pcpNotifyEmailAddress}</p>
', @tpl_ovid_pcp_status_change, 0, 1) ,
('Personal Campaign Pages - Supporter Welcome', '{ts 1=$contribPageTitle}Your Personal Campaign Page for %1{/ts}
', '{ts}Dear supporter{/ts},
{ts 1="$contribPageTitle"}Thanks for creating a personal campaign page in support of %1.{/ts}
{if $pcpStatus eq \'Approved\'}
{ts}Promoting Your Page{/ts}
{if $isTellFriendEnabled}
{ts}You can begin your fundraising efforts using our "Tell a Friend" form{/ts}:
1. {ts}Login to your account at{/ts}:
2. {ts}Click or paste this link into your browser and follow the prompts{/ts}:
{ts}Send email to family, friends and colleagues with a personal message about this campaign.{/ts}
{ts}Include this link to your fundraising page in your emails{/ts}:
{ts}Managing Your Page{/ts}
{ts}Whenever you want to preview, update or promote your page{/ts}:
1. {ts}Login to your account at{/ts}:
2. {ts}Click or paste this link into your browser to go to your page{/ts}:
{ts}When you view your campaign page WHILE LOGGED IN, the page includes links to edit your page, tell friends, and update your contact info.{/ts}
{elseif $pcpStatus EQ \'Waiting Review\'}
{ts}Your page requires administrator review before you can begin your fundraising efforts.{/ts}
{ts}A notification email has been sent to the site administrator, and you will receive another notification from them as soon as the review process is complete.{/ts}
{ts}You can still preview your page prior to approval{/ts}:
1. {ts}Login to your account at{/ts}:
2. {ts}Click or paste this link into your browser{/ts}:
{if $pcpNotifyEmailAddress}
{ts}Questions? Send email to{/ts}:
', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
{capture assign=headerStyle}colspan="2" style="text-align: left; padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #eee;"{/capture}
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{capture assign=valueStyle }style="padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999;"{/capture}
<table width="620" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
<p>{ts}Dear supporter{/ts},</p>
<p>{ts 1="$contribPageTitle"}Thanks for creating a personal campaign page in support of %1.{/ts}</p>
{if $pcpStatus eq \'Approved\'}
<table style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse; width:100%;">
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Promoting Your Page{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{if $isTellFriendEnabled}
<p>{ts}You can begin your fundraising efforts using our "Tell a Friend" form{/ts}:</p>
<li><a href="{$loginUrl}">{ts}Login to your account{/ts}</a></li>
<li><a href="{$pcpTellFriendURL}">{ts}Click this link and follow the prompts{/ts}</a></li>
<p>{ts}Send email to family, friends and colleagues with a personal message about this campaign.{/ts} {ts}Include this link to your fundraising page in your emails{/ts}: {$pcpInfoURL}</p>
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Managing Your Page{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
<p>{ts}Whenever you want to preview, update or promote your page{/ts}:</p>
<li><a href="{$loginUrl}">{ts}Login to your account{/ts}</a></li>
<li><a href="{$pcpInfoURL}">{ts}Go to your page{/ts}</a></li>
<p>{ts}When you view your campaign page WHILE LOGGED IN, the page includes links to edit your page, tell friends, and update your contact info.{/ts}</p>
{elseif $pcpStatus EQ \'Waiting Review\'}
<p>{ts}Your page requires administrator review before you can begin your fundraising efforts.{/ts}</p>
<p>{ts}A notification email has been sent to the site administrator, and you will receive another notification from them as soon as the review process is complete.{/ts}</p>
<p>{ts}You can still preview your page prior to approval{/ts}:</p>
<li><a href="{$loginUrl}">{ts}Login to your account{/ts}</a></li>
<li><a href="{$pcpInfoURL}">{ts}Click this link{/ts}</a></li>
{if $pcpNotifyEmailAddress}
<p>{ts}Questions? Send email to{/ts}: {$pcpNotifyEmailAddress}</p>
', @tpl_ovid_pcp_supporter_notify, 1, 0),
('Personal Campaign Pages - Supporter Welcome', '{ts 1=$contribPageTitle}Your Personal Campaign Page for %1{/ts}
', '{ts}Dear supporter{/ts},
{ts 1="$contribPageTitle"}Thanks for creating a personal campaign page in support of %1.{/ts}
{if $pcpStatus eq \'Approved\'}
{ts}Promoting Your Page{/ts}
{if $isTellFriendEnabled}
{ts}You can begin your fundraising efforts using our "Tell a Friend" form{/ts}:
1. {ts}Login to your account at{/ts}:
2. {ts}Click or paste this link into your browser and follow the prompts{/ts}:
{ts}Send email to family, friends and colleagues with a personal message about this campaign.{/ts}
{ts}Include this link to your fundraising page in your emails{/ts}:
{ts}Managing Your Page{/ts}
{ts}Whenever you want to preview, update or promote your page{/ts}:
1. {ts}Login to your account at{/ts}:
2. {ts}Click or paste this link into your browser to go to your page{/ts}:
{ts}When you view your campaign page WHILE LOGGED IN, the page includes links to edit your page, tell friends, and update your contact info.{/ts}
{elseif $pcpStatus EQ \'Waiting Review\'}
{ts}Your page requires administrator review before you can begin your fundraising efforts.{/ts}
{ts}A notification email has been sent to the site administrator, and you will receive another notification from them as soon as the review process is complete.{/ts}
{ts}You can still preview your page prior to approval{/ts}:
1. {ts}Login to your account at{/ts}:
2. {ts}Click or paste this link into your browser{/ts}:
{if $pcpNotifyEmailAddress}
{ts}Questions? Send email to{/ts}:
', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
{capture assign=headerStyle}colspan="2" style="text-align: left; padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #eee;"{/capture}
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<table width="620" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
<p>{ts}Dear supporter{/ts},</p>
<p>{ts 1="$contribPageTitle"}Thanks for creating a personal campaign page in support of %1.{/ts}</p>
{if $pcpStatus eq \'Approved\'}
<table style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse; width:100%;">
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Promoting Your Page{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{if $isTellFriendEnabled}
<p>{ts}You can begin your fundraising efforts using our "Tell a Friend" form{/ts}:</p>
<li><a href="{$loginUrl}">{ts}Login to your account{/ts}</a></li>
<li><a href="{$pcpTellFriendURL}">{ts}Click this link and follow the prompts{/ts}</a></li>
<p>{ts}Send email to family, friends and colleagues with a personal message about this campaign.{/ts} {ts}Include this link to your fundraising page in your emails{/ts}: {$pcpInfoURL}</p>
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Managing Your Page{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
<p>{ts}Whenever you want to preview, update or promote your page{/ts}:</p>
<li><a href="{$loginUrl}">{ts}Login to your account{/ts}</a></li>
<li><a href="{$pcpInfoURL}">{ts}Go to your page{/ts}</a></li>
<p>{ts}When you view your campaign page WHILE LOGGED IN, the page includes links to edit your page, tell friends, and update your contact info.{/ts}</p>
{elseif $pcpStatus EQ \'Waiting Review\'}
<p>{ts}Your page requires administrator review before you can begin your fundraising efforts.{/ts}</p>
<p>{ts}A notification email has been sent to the site administrator, and you will receive another notification from them as soon as the review process is complete.{/ts}</p>
<p>{ts}You can still preview your page prior to approval{/ts}:</p>
<li><a href="{$loginUrl}">{ts}Login to your account{/ts}</a></li>
<li><a href="{$pcpInfoURL}">{ts}Click this link{/ts}</a></li>
{if $pcpNotifyEmailAddress}
<p>{ts}Questions? Send email to{/ts}: {$pcpNotifyEmailAddress}</p>
', @tpl_ovid_pcp_supporter_notify, 0, 1) ,
('Personal Campaign Pages - Owner Notification', '{ts}Someone has just donated to your personal campaign page{/ts}
', '===========================================================
{ts}Personal Campaign Page Owner Notification{/ts}
{ts}You have received a donation at your personal page{/ts}: {$page_title}
>> {$pcpInfoURL}
{ts}Your fundraising total has been updated.{/ts}
{ts}The donor\'s information is listed below. You can choose to contact them and convey your thanks if you wish.{/ts}
{if $is_honor_roll_enabled}
{ts}The donor\'s name has been added to your honor roll unless they asked not to be included.{/ts}
{ts}Received{/ts}: {$receive_date|crmDate}
{ts}Amount{/ts}: {$total_amount|crmMoney:$currency}
{ts}Name{/ts}: {$donors_display_name}
{ts}Email{/ts}: {$donors_email}
', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
{capture assign=headerStyle}colspan="2" style="text-align: left; padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #eee;"{/capture}
{capture assign=labelStyle }style="padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #f7f7f7;"{/capture}
{capture assign=valueStyle }style="padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999;"{/capture}
<p>{ts}You have received a donation at your personal page{/ts}: <a href="{$pcpInfoURL}">{$page_title}</a></p>
<p>{ts}Your fundraising total has been updated.{/ts}<br/>
{ts}The donor\'s information is listed below. You can choose to contact them and convey your thanks if you wish.{/ts} <br/>
{if $is_honor_roll_enabled}
{ts}The donor\'s name has been added to your honor roll unless they asked not to be included.{/ts}<br/>
<table width="620" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<tr><td>{ts}Received{/ts}:</td><td> {$receive_date|crmDate}</td></tr>
<tr><td>{ts}Amount{/ts}:</td><td> {$total_amount|crmMoney:$currency}</td></tr>
<tr><td>{ts}Name{/ts}:</td><td> {$donors_display_name}</td></tr>
<tr><td>{ts}Email{/ts}:</td><td> {$donors_email}</td></tr>
', @tpl_ovid_pcp_owner_notify, 1, 0),
('Personal Campaign Pages - Owner Notification', '{ts}Someone has just donated to your personal campaign page{/ts}
', '===========================================================
{ts}Personal Campaign Page Owner Notification{/ts}
{ts}You have received a donation at your personal page{/ts}: {$page_title}
>> {$pcpInfoURL}
{ts}Your fundraising total has been updated.{/ts}
{ts}The donor\'s information is listed below. You can choose to contact them and convey your thanks if you wish.{/ts}
{if $is_honor_roll_enabled}
{ts}The donor\'s name has been added to your honor roll unless they asked not to be included.{/ts}
{ts}Received{/ts}: {$receive_date|crmDate}
{ts}Amount{/ts}: {$total_amount|crmMoney:$currency}
{ts}Name{/ts}: {$donors_display_name}
{ts}Email{/ts}: {$donors_email}
', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
{capture assign=headerStyle}colspan="2" style="text-align: left; padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #eee;"{/capture}
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{capture assign=valueStyle }style="padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999;"{/capture}
<p>{ts}You have received a donation at your personal page{/ts}: <a href="{$pcpInfoURL}">{$page_title}</a></p>
<p>{ts}Your fundraising total has been updated.{/ts}<br/>
{ts}The donor\'s information is listed below. You can choose to contact them and convey your thanks if you wish.{/ts} <br/>
{if $is_honor_roll_enabled}
{ts}The donor\'s name has been added to your honor roll unless they asked not to be included.{/ts}<br/>
<table width="620" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<tr><td>{ts}Received{/ts}:</td><td> {$receive_date|crmDate}</td></tr>
<tr><td>{ts}Amount{/ts}:</td><td> {$total_amount|crmMoney:$currency}</td></tr>
<tr><td>{ts}Name{/ts}:</td><td> {$donors_display_name}</td></tr>
<tr><td>{ts}Email{/ts}:</td><td> {$donors_email}</td></tr>
', @tpl_ovid_pcp_owner_notify, 0, 1) ,
('Additional Payment Receipt or Refund Notification', '{if $isRefund}{ts}Refund Notification{/ts}{else}{ts}Payment Receipt{/ts}{/if} - {if $component eq \'event\'}{$event.title}{/if}', 'Dear {$contactDisplayName}
{if $isRefund}
{ts}A refund has been issued based on changes in your registration selections.{/ts}
{ts}A payment has been received.{/ts}
{ts}Please print this confirmation for your records.{/ts}
{if $isRefund}
{ts}Refund Details{/ts}
{ts}Total Fees{/ts}: {$totalAmount|crmMoney}
{ts}You Paid{/ts}: {$totalPaid|crmMoney}
{ts}Refund Amount{/ts}: {$refundAmount|crmMoney}
{ts}Payment Details{/ts}
{ts}Total Fees{/ts}: {$totalAmount|crmMoney}
{ts}This Payment Amount{/ts}: {$paymentAmount|crmMoney}
{ts}Balance Owed{/ts}: {$amountOwed|crmMoney} {* This will be zero after final payment. *}
{if $paymentsComplete}
{ts}Thank you for completing payment.{/ts}
{if $receive_date}
{ts}Transaction Date{/ts}: {$receive_date|crmDate}
{if $trxn_id}
{ts}Transaction #{/ts}: {$trxn_id}
{if $paidBy}
{ts}Paid By{/ts}: {$paidBy}
{if $checkNumber}
{ts}Check Number{/ts}: {$checkNumber}
{if $contributeMode eq \'direct\' and !$isAmountzero}
{ts}Billing Name and Address{/ts}
{if $contributeMode eq \'direct\' and !$isAmountzero}
{ts}Credit Card Information{/ts}
{ts}Expires{/ts}: {$credit_card_exp_date|truncate:7:\'\'|crmDate}
{if $component eq \'event\'}
{ts}Event Information and Location{/ts}
{$event.event_start_date|crmDate}{if $event.event_end_date}-{if $event.event_end_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d" == $event.event_start_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d"}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate:0:1}{else}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate}{/if}{/if}
{if $event.participant_role}
{ts}Participant Role{/ts}: {$event.participant_role}
{if $isShowLocation}
{/if}{*End of isShowLocation condition*}
{if $location.phone.1.phone || $location.email.1.email}
{ts}Event Contacts:{/ts}
{foreach from=$location.phone item=phone}
{if $phone.phone}
{if $phone.phone_type}{$phone.phone_type_display}{else}{ts}Phone{/ts}{/if}: {$phone.phone}{/if} {if $phone.phone_ext} {ts}ext.{/ts} {$phone.phone_ext}{/if}
{foreach from=$location.email item=eventEmail}
{if $eventEmail.email}
{ts}Email{/ts}: {$eventEmail.email}{/if}{/foreach}
', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
{capture assign=headerStyle}colspan="2" style="text-align: left; padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #eee;"{/capture}
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{capture assign=emptyBlockValueStyle }style="padding: 10px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999;"{/capture}
<p>Dear {$contactDisplayName}</p>
<table width="620" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
{if $isRefund}
<p>{ts}A refund has been issued based on changes in your registration selections.{/ts}</p>
<p>{ts}A payment has been received.{/ts}</p>
<p>{ts}Please print this confirmation for your records.{/ts}</p>
<table style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse; width:100%;">
{if $isRefund}
<th {$headerStyle}>{ts}Refund Details{/ts}</th>
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Total Amount{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}You Paid{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Refund Amount{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<th {$headerStyle}>{ts}Payment Details{/ts}</th>
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Total Amount{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}This Payment Amount{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Balance Owed{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
</td> {* This will be zero after final payment. *}
<tr> <td {$emptyBlockStyle}></td>
<td {$emptyBlockValueStyle}></td></tr>
{if $paymentsComplete}
<td colspan=\'2\' {$valueStyle}>
{ts}Thank you for completing payment.{/ts}
{if $receive_date}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Transaction Date{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $trxn_id}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Transaction #{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $paidBy}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Paid By{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $checkNumber}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Check Number{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<table style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse; width:100%;">
{if $contributeMode eq \'direct\' and !$isAmountzero}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Billing Name and Address{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$billingName}<br />
{if $contributeMode eq\'direct\' and !$isAmountzero}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Credit Card Information{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$credit_card_type}<br />
{$credit_card_number}<br />
{ts}Expires:{/ts} {$credit_card_exp_date|truncate:7:\'\'|crmDate}
{if $component eq \'event\'}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Event Information and Location{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$event.event_title}<br />
{$event.event_start_date|crmDate}{if $event.event_end_date}-{if $event.event_end_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d" == $event.event_start_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d"}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate:0:1}{else}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate}{/if}{/if}
{if $event.participant_role}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Participant Role{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $isShowLocation}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{if $location.phone.1.phone || $location.email.1.email}
<td colspan="2" {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Event Contacts:{/ts}
{foreach from=$location.phone item=phone}
{if $phone.phone}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{if $phone.phone_type}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{$phone.phone} {if $phone.phone_ext}&nbsp;{ts}ext.{/ts} {$phone.phone_ext}{/if}
{foreach from=$location.email item=eventEmail}
{if $eventEmail.email}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{/if} {*phone block close*}
', @tpl_ovid_payment_or_refund_notification, 1, 0),
('Additional Payment Receipt or Refund Notification', '{if $isRefund}{ts}Refund Notification{/ts}{else}{ts}Payment Receipt{/ts}{/if} - {if $component eq \'event\'}{$event.title}{/if}', 'Dear {$contactDisplayName}
{if $isRefund}
{ts}A refund has been issued based on changes in your registration selections.{/ts}
{ts}A payment has been received.{/ts}
{ts}Please print this confirmation for your records.{/ts}
{if $isRefund}
{ts}Refund Details{/ts}
{ts}Total Fees{/ts}: {$totalAmount|crmMoney}
{ts}You Paid{/ts}: {$totalPaid|crmMoney}
{ts}Refund Amount{/ts}: {$refundAmount|crmMoney}
{ts}Payment Details{/ts}
{ts}Total Fees{/ts}: {$totalAmount|crmMoney}
{ts}This Payment Amount{/ts}: {$paymentAmount|crmMoney}
{ts}Balance Owed{/ts}: {$amountOwed|crmMoney} {* This will be zero after final payment. *}
{if $paymentsComplete}
{ts}Thank you for completing payment.{/ts}
{if $receive_date}
{ts}Transaction Date{/ts}: {$receive_date|crmDate}
{if $trxn_id}
{ts}Transaction #{/ts}: {$trxn_id}
{if $paidBy}
{ts}Paid By{/ts}: {$paidBy}
{if $checkNumber}
{ts}Check Number{/ts}: {$checkNumber}
{if $contributeMode eq \'direct\' and !$isAmountzero}
{ts}Billing Name and Address{/ts}
{if $contributeMode eq \'direct\' and !$isAmountzero}
{ts}Credit Card Information{/ts}
{ts}Expires{/ts}: {$credit_card_exp_date|truncate:7:\'\'|crmDate}
{if $component eq \'event\'}
{ts}Event Information and Location{/ts}
{$event.event_start_date|crmDate}{if $event.event_end_date}-{if $event.event_end_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d" == $event.event_start_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d"}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate:0:1}{else}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate}{/if}{/if}
{if $event.participant_role}
{ts}Participant Role{/ts}: {$event.participant_role}
{if $isShowLocation}
{/if}{*End of isShowLocation condition*}
{if $location.phone.1.phone || $location.email.1.email}
{ts}Event Contacts:{/ts}
{foreach from=$location.phone item=phone}
{if $phone.phone}
{if $phone.phone_type}{$phone.phone_type_display}{else}{ts}Phone{/ts}{/if}: {$phone.phone}{/if} {if $phone.phone_ext} {ts}ext.{/ts} {$phone.phone_ext}{/if}
{foreach from=$location.email item=eventEmail}
{if $eventEmail.email}
{ts}Email{/ts}: {$eventEmail.email}{/if}{/foreach}
', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
{capture assign=headerStyle}colspan="2" style="text-align: left; padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #eee;"{/capture}
{capture assign=labelStyle }style="padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #f7f7f7;"{/capture}
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{capture assign=emptyBlockValueStyle }style="padding: 10px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999;"{/capture}
<p>Dear {$contactDisplayName}</p>
<table width="620" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
{if $isRefund}
<p>{ts}A refund has been issued based on changes in your registration selections.{/ts}</p>
<p>{ts}A payment has been received.{/ts}</p>
<p>{ts}Please print this confirmation for your records.{/ts}</p>
<table style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse; width:100%;">
{if $isRefund}
<th {$headerStyle}>{ts}Refund Details{/ts}</th>
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Total Amount{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}You Paid{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Refund Amount{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<th {$headerStyle}>{ts}Payment Details{/ts}</th>
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Total Amount{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}This Payment Amount{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Balance Owed{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
</td> {* This will be zero after final payment. *}
<tr> <td {$emptyBlockStyle}></td>
<td {$emptyBlockValueStyle}></td></tr>
{if $paymentsComplete}
<td colspan=\'2\' {$valueStyle}>
{ts}Thank you for completing payment.{/ts}
{if $receive_date}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Transaction Date{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $trxn_id}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Transaction #{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $paidBy}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Paid By{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $checkNumber}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Check Number{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<table style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse; width:100%;">
{if $contributeMode eq \'direct\' and !$isAmountzero}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Billing Name and Address{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$billingName}<br />
{if $contributeMode eq\'direct\' and !$isAmountzero}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Credit Card Information{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$credit_card_type}<br />
{$credit_card_number}<br />
{ts}Expires:{/ts} {$credit_card_exp_date|truncate:7:\'\'|crmDate}
{if $component eq \'event\'}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Event Information and Location{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$event.event_title}<br />
{$event.event_start_date|crmDate}{if $event.event_end_date}-{if $event.event_end_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d" == $event.event_start_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d"}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate:0:1}{else}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate}{/if}{/if}
{if $event.participant_role}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Participant Role{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $isShowLocation}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{if $location.phone.1.phone || $location.email.1.email}
<td colspan="2" {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Event Contacts:{/ts}
{foreach from=$location.phone item=phone}
{if $phone.phone}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{if $phone.phone_type}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{$phone.phone} {if $phone.phone_ext}&nbsp;{ts}ext.{/ts} {$phone.phone_ext}{/if}
{foreach from=$location.email item=eventEmail}
{if $eventEmail.email}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{/if} {*phone block close*}
', @tpl_ovid_payment_or_refund_notification, 0, 1) ,
('Events - Registration Confirmation and Receipt (off-line)', '{ts}Event Confirmation{/ts} - {$event.title}
', '{contact.email_greeting}
{if $event.confirm_email_text AND (not $isOnWaitlist AND not $isRequireApproval)}
{if $isOnWaitlist}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{ts}You have been added to the WAIT LIST for this event.{/ts}
{if $isPrimary}
{ts}If space becomes available you will receive an email with a link to a web page where you can complete your registration.{/ts}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{elseif $isRequireApproval}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{ts}Your registration has been submitted.{/ts}
{if $isPrimary}
{ts}Once your registration has been reviewed, you will receive an email with a link to a web page where you can complete the registration process.{/ts}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{elseif $is_pay_later}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{ts}Please print this confirmation for your records.{/ts}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{ts}Event Information and Location{/ts}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{$event.event_start_date|crmDate}{if $event.event_end_date}-{if $event.event_end_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d" == $event.event_start_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d"}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate:0:1}{else}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate}{/if}{/if}
{if $event.participant_role neq \'Attendee\' and $defaultRole}
{ts}Participant Role{/ts}: {$event.participant_role}
{if $isShowLocation}
{/if}{*End of isShowLocation condition*}
{if $location.phone.1.phone || $location.email.1.email}
{ts}Event Contacts:{/ts}
{foreach from=$location.phone item=phone}
{if $phone.phone}
{if $phone.phone_type}{$phone.phone_type_display}{else}{ts}Phone{/ts}{/if}: {$phone.phone}{/if} {if $phone.phone_ext} {ts}ext.{/ts} {$phone.phone_ext}{/if}
{foreach from=$location.email item=eventEmail}
{if $eventEmail.email}
{ts}Email{/ts}: {$eventEmail.email}{/if}{/foreach}
{if $event.is_public}
{capture assign=icalFeed}{crmURL p=\'civicrm/event/ical\' q="reset=1&id=`$event.id`" h=0 a=1 fe=1}{/capture}
{ts}Download iCalendar File:{/ts} {$icalFeed}
{if $email}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{ts}Registered Email{/ts}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{if $event.is_monetary} {* This section for Paid events only.*}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{if $lineItem}{foreach from=$lineItem item=value key=priceset}
{if $value neq \'skip\'}
{if $isPrimary}
{if $lineItem|@count GT 1} {* Header for multi participant registration cases. *}
{ts 1=$priceset+1}Participant %1{/ts}
---------------------------------------------------------{if $pricesetFieldsCount }--------------------{/if}
{capture assign=ts_item}{ts}Item{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_qty}{ts}Qty{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_each}{ts}Each{/ts}{/capture}
{if $dataArray}
{capture assign=ts_subtotal}{ts}Subtotal{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_taxRate}{ts}Tax Rate{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_taxAmount}{ts}Tax Amount{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_total}{ts}Total{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_participant_total}{if $pricesetFieldsCount }{ts}Total Participants{/ts}{/if}{/capture}
{$ts_item|string_format:"%-30s"} {$ts_qty|string_format:"%5s"} {$ts_each|string_format:"%10s"} {if $dataArray} {$ts_subtotal|string_format:"%10s"} {$ts_taxRate|string_format:"%10s"} {$ts_taxAmount|string_format:"%10s"} {/if} {$ts_total|string_format:"%10s"} {$ts_participant_total|string_format:"%10s"}
----------------------------------------------------------{if $pricesetFieldsCount }--------------------{/if}
{foreach from=$value item=line}
{if $pricesetFieldsCount }{capture assign=ts_participant_count}{$line.participant_count}{/capture}{/if}
{capture assign=ts_item}{if $line.html_type eq \'Text\'}{$line.label}{else}{$line.field_title} - {$line.label}{/if} {if $line.description} {$line.description}{/if}{/capture}{$ts_item|truncate:30:"..."|string_format:"%-30s"} {$line.qty|string_format:"%5s"} {$line.unit_price|crmMoney|string_format:"%10s"} {if $dataArray} {$line.unit_price*$line.qty|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%10s"} {if $line.tax_rate != "" || $line.tax_amount != ""} {$line.tax_rate|string_format:"%.2f"} % {$line.tax_amount|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%10s"} {else} {/if} {/if} {$line.line_total+$line.tax_amount|crmMoney|string_format:"%10s"} {$ts_participant_count|string_format:"%10s"}
{if $dataArray}
{ts}Amount before Tax{/ts}: {$totalAmount-$totalTaxAmount|crmMoney:$currency}
{foreach from=$dataArray item=value key=priceset}
{if $priceset || $priceset == 0}
{$taxTerm} {$priceset|string_format:"%.2f"}%: {$value|crmMoney:$currency}
{ts}No{/ts} {$taxTerm}: {$value|crmMoney:$currency}
{if $amount && !$lineItem}
{foreach from=$amount item=amnt key=level}{$amnt.amount|crmMoney} {$amnt.label}
{if $totalTaxAmount}
{ts}Total Tax Amount{/ts}: {$totalTaxAmount|crmMoney:$currency}
{if $isPrimary}
{if $balanceAmount}{ts}Total Paid{/ts}{else}{ts}Total Amount{/ts}{/if}: {$totalAmount|crmMoney} {if $hookDiscount.message}({$hookDiscount.message}){/if}
{if $balanceAmount}
{ts}Balance{/ts}: {$balanceAmount|crmMoney}
{if $pricesetFieldsCount }
{assign var="count" value= 0}
{foreach from=$lineItem item=pcount}
{assign var="lineItemCount" value=0}
{if $pcount neq \'skip\'}
{foreach from=$pcount item=p_count}
{assign var="lineItemCount" value=$lineItemCount+$p_count.participant_count}
{if $lineItemCount < 1 }
{assign var="lineItemCount" value=1}
{assign var="count" value=$count+$lineItemCount}
{ts}Total Participants{/ts}: {$count}
{if $is_pay_later }
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{if $register_date}
{ts}Registration Date{/ts}: {$register_date|crmDate}
{if $receive_date}
{ts}Transaction Date{/ts}: {$receive_date|crmDate}
{if $financialTypeName}
{ts}Financial Type{/ts}: {$financialTypeName}
{if $trxn_id}
{ts}Transaction #{/ts}: {$trxn_id}
{if $paidBy}
{ts}Paid By{/ts}: {$paidBy}
{if $checkNumber}
{ts}Check Number{/ts}: {$checkNumber}
{if $contributeMode ne \'notify\' and !$isAmountzero and !$is_pay_later and !$isOnWaitlist and !$isRequireApproval}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{ts}Billing Name and Address{/ts}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{if $contributeMode eq \'direct\' and !$isAmountzero and !$is_pay_later and !$isOnWaitlist and !$isRequireApproval}
{ts}Credit Card Information{/ts}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{ts}Expires{/ts}: {$credit_card_exp_date|truncate:7:\'\'|crmDate}
{/if} {* End of conditional section for Paid events *}
{if $customPre}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{foreach from=$customPre item=value key=customName}
{if ( $trackingFields and ! in_array( $customName, $trackingFields ) ) or ! $trackingFields}
{$customName}: {$value}
{if $customPost}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{foreach from=$customPost item=value key=customName}
{if ( $trackingFields and ! in_array( $customName, $trackingFields ) ) or ! $trackingFields}
{$customName}: {$value}
{if $customProfile}
{foreach from=$customProfile item=value key=customName}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{ts 1=$customName+1}Participant Information - Participant %1{/ts}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{foreach from=$value item=val key=field}
{if $field eq \'additionalCustomPre\' or $field eq \'additionalCustomPost\' }
{if $field eq \'additionalCustomPre\' }
----------------------------------------------------------{if $pricesetFieldsCount }--------------------{/if}
----------------------------------------------------------{if $pricesetFieldsCount }--------------------{/if}
----------------------------------------------------------{if $pricesetFieldsCount }--------------------{/if}
----------------------------------------------------------{if $pricesetFieldsCount }--------------------{/if}
{foreach from=$val item=v key=f}
{$f}: {$v}
{if $customGroup}
{foreach from=$customGroup item=value key=customName}
=========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
=========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{foreach from=$value item=v key=n}
{$n}: {$v}
', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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{capture assign=labelStyle }style="padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #f7f7f7;"{/capture}
{capture assign=valueStyle }style="padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999;"{/capture}
<table width="620" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
{if $event.confirm_email_text AND (not $isOnWaitlist AND not $isRequireApproval)}
{if $isOnWaitlist}
<p>{ts}You have been added to the WAIT LIST for this event.{/ts}</p>
{if $isPrimary}
<p>{ts}If space becomes available you will receive an email with a link to a web page where you can complete your registration.{/ts}</p>
{elseif $isRequireApproval}
<p>{ts}Your registration has been submitted.{/ts}</p>
{if $isPrimary}
<p>{ts}Once your registration has been reviewed, you will receive an email with a link to a web page where you can complete the registration process.{/ts}</p>
{elseif $is_pay_later}
<p>{$pay_later_receipt}</p> {* FIXME: this might be text rather than HTML *}
<p>{ts}Please print this confirmation for your records.{/ts}</p>
<table style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse; width:100%;">
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Event Information and Location{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$event.event_title}<br />
{$event.event_start_date|crmDate}{if $event.event_end_date}-{if $event.event_end_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d" == $event.event_start_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d"}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate:0:1}{else}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate}{/if}{/if}
{if $event.participant_role neq \'Attendee\' and $defaultRole}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Participant Role{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $isShowLocation}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{if $location.phone.1.phone || $location.email.1.email}
<td colspan="2" {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Event Contacts:{/ts}
{foreach from=$location.phone item=phone}
{if $phone.phone}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{if $phone.phone_type}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{$phone.phone} {if $phone.phone_ext}&nbsp;{ts}ext.{/ts} {$phone.phone_ext}{/if}
{foreach from=$location.email item=eventEmail}
{if $eventEmail.email}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $event.is_public}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{capture assign=icalFeed}{crmURL p=\'civicrm/event/ical\' q="reset=1&id=`$event.id`" h=0 a=1 fe=1}{/capture}
<a href="{$icalFeed}">{ts}Download iCalendar File{/ts}</a>
{if $email}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Registered Email{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{if $event.is_monetary}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{if $lineItem}
{foreach from=$lineItem item=value key=priceset}
{if $value neq \'skip\'}
{if $isPrimary}
{if $lineItem|@count GT 1} {* Header for multi participant registration cases. *}
<td colspan="2" {$labelStyle}>
{ts 1=$priceset+1}Participant %1{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
<table> {* FIXME: style this table so that it looks like the text version (justification, etc.) *}
{if $dataArray}
<th>{ts}Tax Rate{/ts}</th>
<th>{ts}Tax Amount{/ts}</th>
{if $pricesetFieldsCount }<th>{ts}Total Participants{/ts}</th>{/if}
{foreach from=$value item=line}
{if $line.html_type eq \'Text\'}{$line.label}{else}{$line.field_title} - {$line.label}{/if} {if $line.description}<div>{$line.description|truncate:30:"..."}</div>{/if}
{if $dataArray}
{if $line.tax_rate != "" || $line.tax_amount != ""}
{if $pricesetFieldsCount }
{if $dataArray}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Amount Before Tax:{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{foreach from=$dataArray item=value key=priceset}
{if $priceset || $priceset == 0}
<td>&nbsp;{$taxTerm} {$priceset|string_format:"%.2f"}%</td>
<td>&nbsp;{ts}No{/ts} {$taxTerm}</td>
{if $amount && !$lineItem}
{foreach from=$amount item=amnt key=level}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$amnt.amount|crmMoney} {$amnt.label}
{if $totalTaxAmount}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Total Tax Amount{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $isPrimary}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{if $balanceAmount}
{ts}Total Paid{/ts}
{ts}Total Amount{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{$totalAmount|crmMoney} {if $hookDiscount.message}({$hookDiscount.message}){/if}
{if $balanceAmount}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $pricesetFieldsCount }
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Total Participants{/ts}</td>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{assign var="count" value= 0}
{foreach from=$lineItem item=pcount}
{assign var="lineItemCount" value=0}
{if $pcount neq \'skip\'}
{foreach from=$pcount item=p_count}
{assign var="lineItemCount" value=$lineItemCount+$p_count.participant_count}
{if $lineItemCount < 1 }
assign var="lineItemCount" value=1}
{assign var="count" value=$count+$lineItemCount}
{if $is_pay_later}
<td colspan="2" {$labelStyle}>
{if $register_date}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Registration Date{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $receive_date}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Transaction Date{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $financialTypeName}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Financial Type{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $trxn_id}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Transaction #{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $paidBy}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Paid By{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $checkNumber}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Check Number{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $contributeMode ne \'notify\' and !$isAmountzero and !$is_pay_later and !$isOnWaitlist and !$isRequireApproval}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Billing Name and Address{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$billingName}<br />
{if $contributeMode eq \'direct\' and !$isAmountzero and !$is_pay_later and !$isOnWaitlist and !$isRequireApproval}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Credit Card Information{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$credit_card_type}<br />
{$credit_card_number}<br />
{ts}Expires{/ts}: {$credit_card_exp_date|truncate:7:\'\'|crmDate}
{/if} {* End of conditional section for Paid events *}
{if $customPre}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{foreach from=$customPre item=value key=customName}
{if ( $trackingFields and ! in_array( $customName, $trackingFields ) ) or ! $trackingFields}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $customPost}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{foreach from=$customPost item=value key=customName}
{if ( $trackingFields and ! in_array( $customName, $trackingFields ) ) or ! $trackingFields}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $customProfile}
{foreach from=$customProfile item=value key=customName}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts 1=$customName+1}Participant Information - Participant %1{/ts}
{foreach from=$value item=val key=field}
{if $field eq \'additionalCustomPre\' or $field eq \'additionalCustomPost\'}
<td colspan="2" {$labelStyle}>
{if $field eq \'additionalCustomPre\'}
{foreach from=$val item=v key=f}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $customGroup}
{foreach from=$customGroup item=value key=customName}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{foreach from=$value item=v key=n}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
', @tpl_ovid_event_offline_receipt, 1, 0),
('Events - Registration Confirmation and Receipt (off-line)', '{ts}Event Confirmation{/ts} - {$event.title}
', '{contact.email_greeting}
{if $event.confirm_email_text AND (not $isOnWaitlist AND not $isRequireApproval)}
{if $isOnWaitlist}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{ts}You have been added to the WAIT LIST for this event.{/ts}
{if $isPrimary}
{ts}If space becomes available you will receive an email with a link to a web page where you can complete your registration.{/ts}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{elseif $isRequireApproval}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{ts}Your registration has been submitted.{/ts}
{if $isPrimary}
{ts}Once your registration has been reviewed, you will receive an email with a link to a web page where you can complete the registration process.{/ts}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{elseif $is_pay_later}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{ts}Please print this confirmation for your records.{/ts}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{ts}Event Information and Location{/ts}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{$event.event_start_date|crmDate}{if $event.event_end_date}-{if $event.event_end_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d" == $event.event_start_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d"}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate:0:1}{else}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate}{/if}{/if}
{if $event.participant_role neq \'Attendee\' and $defaultRole}
{ts}Participant Role{/ts}: {$event.participant_role}
{if $isShowLocation}
{/if}{*End of isShowLocation condition*}
{if $location.phone.1.phone || $location.email.1.email}
{ts}Event Contacts:{/ts}
{foreach from=$location.phone item=phone}
{if $phone.phone}
{if $phone.phone_type}{$phone.phone_type_display}{else}{ts}Phone{/ts}{/if}: {$phone.phone}{/if} {if $phone.phone_ext} {ts}ext.{/ts} {$phone.phone_ext}{/if}
{foreach from=$location.email item=eventEmail}
{if $eventEmail.email}
{ts}Email{/ts}: {$eventEmail.email}{/if}{/foreach}
{if $event.is_public}
{capture assign=icalFeed}{crmURL p=\'civicrm/event/ical\' q="reset=1&id=`$event.id`" h=0 a=1 fe=1}{/capture}
{ts}Download iCalendar File:{/ts} {$icalFeed}
{if $email}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{ts}Registered Email{/ts}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{if $event.is_monetary} {* This section for Paid events only.*}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{if $lineItem}{foreach from=$lineItem item=value key=priceset}
{if $value neq \'skip\'}
{if $isPrimary}
{if $lineItem|@count GT 1} {* Header for multi participant registration cases. *}
{ts 1=$priceset+1}Participant %1{/ts}
---------------------------------------------------------{if $pricesetFieldsCount }--------------------{/if}
{capture assign=ts_item}{ts}Item{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_qty}{ts}Qty{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_each}{ts}Each{/ts}{/capture}
{if $dataArray}
{capture assign=ts_subtotal}{ts}Subtotal{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_taxRate}{ts}Tax Rate{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_taxAmount}{ts}Tax Amount{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_total}{ts}Total{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_participant_total}{if $pricesetFieldsCount }{ts}Total Participants{/ts}{/if}{/capture}
{$ts_item|string_format:"%-30s"} {$ts_qty|string_format:"%5s"} {$ts_each|string_format:"%10s"} {if $dataArray} {$ts_subtotal|string_format:"%10s"} {$ts_taxRate|string_format:"%10s"} {$ts_taxAmount|string_format:"%10s"} {/if} {$ts_total|string_format:"%10s"} {$ts_participant_total|string_format:"%10s"}
----------------------------------------------------------{if $pricesetFieldsCount }--------------------{/if}
{foreach from=$value item=line}
{if $pricesetFieldsCount }{capture assign=ts_participant_count}{$line.participant_count}{/capture}{/if}
{capture assign=ts_item}{if $line.html_type eq \'Text\'}{$line.label}{else}{$line.field_title} - {$line.label}{/if} {if $line.description} {$line.description}{/if}{/capture}{$ts_item|truncate:30:"..."|string_format:"%-30s"} {$line.qty|string_format:"%5s"} {$line.unit_price|crmMoney|string_format:"%10s"} {if $dataArray} {$line.unit_price*$line.qty|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%10s"} {if $line.tax_rate != "" || $line.tax_amount != ""} {$line.tax_rate|string_format:"%.2f"} % {$line.tax_amount|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%10s"} {else} {/if} {/if} {$line.line_total+$line.tax_amount|crmMoney|string_format:"%10s"} {$ts_participant_count|string_format:"%10s"}
{if $dataArray}
{ts}Amount before Tax{/ts}: {$totalAmount-$totalTaxAmount|crmMoney:$currency}
{foreach from=$dataArray item=value key=priceset}
{if $priceset || $priceset == 0}
{$taxTerm} {$priceset|string_format:"%.2f"}%: {$value|crmMoney:$currency}
{ts}No{/ts} {$taxTerm}: {$value|crmMoney:$currency}
{if $amount && !$lineItem}
{foreach from=$amount item=amnt key=level}{$amnt.amount|crmMoney} {$amnt.label}
{if $totalTaxAmount}
{ts}Total Tax Amount{/ts}: {$totalTaxAmount|crmMoney:$currency}
{if $isPrimary}
{if $balanceAmount}{ts}Total Paid{/ts}{else}{ts}Total Amount{/ts}{/if}: {$totalAmount|crmMoney} {if $hookDiscount.message}({$hookDiscount.message}){/if}
{if $balanceAmount}
{ts}Balance{/ts}: {$balanceAmount|crmMoney}
{if $pricesetFieldsCount }
{assign var="count" value= 0}
{foreach from=$lineItem item=pcount}
{assign var="lineItemCount" value=0}
{if $pcount neq \'skip\'}
{foreach from=$pcount item=p_count}
{assign var="lineItemCount" value=$lineItemCount+$p_count.participant_count}
{if $lineItemCount < 1 }
{assign var="lineItemCount" value=1}
{assign var="count" value=$count+$lineItemCount}
{ts}Total Participants{/ts}: {$count}
{if $is_pay_later }
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{if $register_date}
{ts}Registration Date{/ts}: {$register_date|crmDate}
{if $receive_date}
{ts}Transaction Date{/ts}: {$receive_date|crmDate}
{if $financialTypeName}
{ts}Financial Type{/ts}: {$financialTypeName}
{if $trxn_id}
{ts}Transaction #{/ts}: {$trxn_id}
{if $paidBy}
{ts}Paid By{/ts}: {$paidBy}
{if $checkNumber}
{ts}Check Number{/ts}: {$checkNumber}
{if $contributeMode ne \'notify\' and !$isAmountzero and !$is_pay_later and !$isOnWaitlist and !$isRequireApproval}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{ts}Billing Name and Address{/ts}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{if $contributeMode eq \'direct\' and !$isAmountzero and !$is_pay_later and !$isOnWaitlist and !$isRequireApproval}
{ts}Credit Card Information{/ts}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{ts}Expires{/ts}: {$credit_card_exp_date|truncate:7:\'\'|crmDate}
{/if} {* End of conditional section for Paid events *}
{if $customPre}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{foreach from=$customPre item=value key=customName}
{if ( $trackingFields and ! in_array( $customName, $trackingFields ) ) or ! $trackingFields}
{$customName}: {$value}
{if $customPost}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{foreach from=$customPost item=value key=customName}
{if ( $trackingFields and ! in_array( $customName, $trackingFields ) ) or ! $trackingFields}
{$customName}: {$value}
{if $customProfile}
{foreach from=$customProfile item=value key=customName}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{ts 1=$customName+1}Participant Information - Participant %1{/ts}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{foreach from=$value item=val key=field}
{if $field eq \'additionalCustomPre\' or $field eq \'additionalCustomPost\' }
{if $field eq \'additionalCustomPre\' }
----------------------------------------------------------{if $pricesetFieldsCount }--------------------{/if}
----------------------------------------------------------{if $pricesetFieldsCount }--------------------{/if}
----------------------------------------------------------{if $pricesetFieldsCount }--------------------{/if}
----------------------------------------------------------{if $pricesetFieldsCount }--------------------{/if}
{foreach from=$val item=v key=f}
{$f}: {$v}
{if $customGroup}
{foreach from=$customGroup item=value key=customName}
=========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
=========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{foreach from=$value item=v key=n}
{$n}: {$v}
', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
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<table width="620" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
{if $event.confirm_email_text AND (not $isOnWaitlist AND not $isRequireApproval)}
{if $isOnWaitlist}
<p>{ts}You have been added to the WAIT LIST for this event.{/ts}</p>
{if $isPrimary}
<p>{ts}If space becomes available you will receive an email with a link to a web page where you can complete your registration.{/ts}</p>
{elseif $isRequireApproval}
<p>{ts}Your registration has been submitted.{/ts}</p>
{if $isPrimary}
<p>{ts}Once your registration has been reviewed, you will receive an email with a link to a web page where you can complete the registration process.{/ts}</p>
{elseif $is_pay_later}
<p>{$pay_later_receipt}</p> {* FIXME: this might be text rather than HTML *}
<p>{ts}Please print this confirmation for your records.{/ts}</p>
<table style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse; width:100%;">
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Event Information and Location{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$event.event_title}<br />
{$event.event_start_date|crmDate}{if $event.event_end_date}-{if $event.event_end_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d" == $event.event_start_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d"}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate:0:1}{else}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate}{/if}{/if}
{if $event.participant_role neq \'Attendee\' and $defaultRole}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Participant Role{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $isShowLocation}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{if $location.phone.1.phone || $location.email.1.email}
<td colspan="2" {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Event Contacts:{/ts}
{foreach from=$location.phone item=phone}
{if $phone.phone}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{if $phone.phone_type}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{$phone.phone} {if $phone.phone_ext}&nbsp;{ts}ext.{/ts} {$phone.phone_ext}{/if}
{foreach from=$location.email item=eventEmail}
{if $eventEmail.email}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $event.is_public}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{capture assign=icalFeed}{crmURL p=\'civicrm/event/ical\' q="reset=1&id=`$event.id`" h=0 a=1 fe=1}{/capture}
<a href="{$icalFeed}">{ts}Download iCalendar File{/ts}</a>
{if $email}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Registered Email{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{if $event.is_monetary}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{if $lineItem}
{foreach from=$lineItem item=value key=priceset}
{if $value neq \'skip\'}
{if $isPrimary}
{if $lineItem|@count GT 1} {* Header for multi participant registration cases. *}
<td colspan="2" {$labelStyle}>
{ts 1=$priceset+1}Participant %1{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
<table> {* FIXME: style this table so that it looks like the text version (justification, etc.) *}
{if $dataArray}
<th>{ts}Tax Rate{/ts}</th>
<th>{ts}Tax Amount{/ts}</th>
{if $pricesetFieldsCount }<th>{ts}Total Participants{/ts}</th>{/if}
{foreach from=$value item=line}
{if $line.html_type eq \'Text\'}{$line.label}{else}{$line.field_title} - {$line.label}{/if} {if $line.description}<div>{$line.description|truncate:30:"..."}</div>{/if}
{if $dataArray}
{if $line.tax_rate != "" || $line.tax_amount != ""}
{if $pricesetFieldsCount }
{if $dataArray}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Amount Before Tax:{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{foreach from=$dataArray item=value key=priceset}
{if $priceset || $priceset == 0}
<td>&nbsp;{$taxTerm} {$priceset|string_format:"%.2f"}%</td>
<td>&nbsp;{ts}No{/ts} {$taxTerm}</td>
{if $amount && !$lineItem}
{foreach from=$amount item=amnt key=level}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$amnt.amount|crmMoney} {$amnt.label}
{if $totalTaxAmount}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Total Tax Amount{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $isPrimary}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{if $balanceAmount}
{ts}Total Paid{/ts}
{ts}Total Amount{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{$totalAmount|crmMoney} {if $hookDiscount.message}({$hookDiscount.message}){/if}
{if $balanceAmount}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $pricesetFieldsCount }
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Total Participants{/ts}</td>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{assign var="count" value= 0}
{foreach from=$lineItem item=pcount}
{assign var="lineItemCount" value=0}
{if $pcount neq \'skip\'}
{foreach from=$pcount item=p_count}
{assign var="lineItemCount" value=$lineItemCount+$p_count.participant_count}
{if $lineItemCount < 1 }
assign var="lineItemCount" value=1}
{assign var="count" value=$count+$lineItemCount}
{if $is_pay_later}
<td colspan="2" {$labelStyle}>
{if $register_date}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Registration Date{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $receive_date}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Transaction Date{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $financialTypeName}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Financial Type{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $trxn_id}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Transaction #{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $paidBy}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Paid By{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $checkNumber}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Check Number{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $contributeMode ne \'notify\' and !$isAmountzero and !$is_pay_later and !$isOnWaitlist and !$isRequireApproval}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Billing Name and Address{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$billingName}<br />
{if $contributeMode eq \'direct\' and !$isAmountzero and !$is_pay_later and !$isOnWaitlist and !$isRequireApproval}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Credit Card Information{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$credit_card_type}<br />
{$credit_card_number}<br />
{ts}Expires{/ts}: {$credit_card_exp_date|truncate:7:\'\'|crmDate}
{/if} {* End of conditional section for Paid events *}
{if $customPre}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{foreach from=$customPre item=value key=customName}
{if ( $trackingFields and ! in_array( $customName, $trackingFields ) ) or ! $trackingFields}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $customPost}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{foreach from=$customPost item=value key=customName}
{if ( $trackingFields and ! in_array( $customName, $trackingFields ) ) or ! $trackingFields}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $customProfile}
{foreach from=$customProfile item=value key=customName}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts 1=$customName+1}Participant Information - Participant %1{/ts}
{foreach from=$value item=val key=field}
{if $field eq \'additionalCustomPre\' or $field eq \'additionalCustomPost\'}
<td colspan="2" {$labelStyle}>
{if $field eq \'additionalCustomPre\'}
{foreach from=$val item=v key=f}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $customGroup}
{foreach from=$customGroup item=value key=customName}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{foreach from=$value item=v key=n}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
', @tpl_ovid_event_offline_receipt, 0, 1) ,
('Events - Registration Confirmation and Receipt (on-line)', '{if $isOnWaitlist}{ts}Wait List Confirmation{/ts}{else}{ts}Registration Confirmation{/ts}{/if} - {$event.event_title}', '{contact.email_greeting},
{if $event.confirm_email_text AND (not $isOnWaitlist AND not $isRequireApproval)}
{ts}Thank you for your participation.{/ts}
{if $participant_status}{ts 1=$participant_status}This letter is a confirmation that your registration has been received and your status has been updated to %1.{/ts}
{else}{if $isOnWaitlist}{ts}This letter is a confirmation that your registration has been received and your status has been updated to waitlisted.{/ts}{else}{ts}This letter is a confirmation that your registration has been received and your status has been updated to registered.{/ts}{/if}
{if $isOnWaitlist}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{ts}You have been added to the WAIT LIST for this event.{/ts}
{if $isPrimary}
{ts}If space becomes available you will receive an email with a link to a web page where you can complete your registration.{/ts}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{elseif $isRequireApproval}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{ts}Your registration has been submitted.{/ts}
{if $isPrimary}
{ts}Once your registration has been reviewed, you will receive an email with a link to a web page where you can complete the registration process.{/ts}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{elseif $is_pay_later && !$isAmountzero && !$isAdditionalParticipant}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{ts}Please print this confirmation for your records.{/ts}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{ts}Event Information and Location{/ts}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{$event.event_start_date|date_format:"%A"} {$event.event_start_date|crmDate}{if $event.event_end_date}-{if $event.event_end_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d" == $event.event_start_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d"}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate:0:1}{else}{$event.event_end_date|date_format:"%A"} {$event.event_end_date|crmDate}{/if}{/if}
{if $conference_sessions}
{ts}Your schedule:{/ts}
{assign var=\'group_by_day\' value=\'NA\'}
{foreach from=$conference_sessions item=session}
{if $session.start_date|date_format:"%Y/%m/%d" != $group_by_day|date_format:"%Y/%m/%d"}
{assign var=\'group_by_day\' value=$session.start_date}
{$session.start_date|crmDate:0:1}{if $session.end_date}-{$session.end_date|crmDate:0:1}{/if} {$session.title}
{if $session.location} {$session.location}{/if}
{if $event.participant_role neq \'Attendee\' and $defaultRole}
{ts}Participant Role{/ts}: {$event.participant_role}
{if $isShowLocation}
{/if}{*End of isShowLocation condition*}
{if $location.phone.1.phone || $location.email.1.email}
{ts}Event Contacts:{/ts}
{foreach from=$location.phone item=phone}
{if $phone.phone}
{if $phone.phone_type}{$phone.phone_type_display}{else}{ts}Phone{/ts}{/if}: {$phone.phone}{/if} {if $phone.phone_ext} {ts}ext.{/ts} {$phone.phone_ext}{/if}
{foreach from=$location.email item=eventEmail}
{if $eventEmail.email}
{ts}Email{/ts}: {$eventEmail.email}{/if}{/foreach}
{if $event.is_public}
{capture assign=icalFeed}{crmURL p=\'civicrm/event/ical\' q="reset=1&id=`$event.id`" h=0 a=1 fe=1}{/capture}
{ts}Download iCalendar File:{/ts} {$icalFeed}
{if $payer.name}
You were registered by: {$payer.name}
{if $event.is_monetary} {* This section for Paid events only.*}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{if $lineItem}{foreach from=$lineItem item=value key=priceset}
{if $value neq \'skip\'}
{if $isPrimary}
{if $lineItem|@count GT 1} {* Header for multi participant registration cases. *}
{ts 1=$priceset+1}Participant %1{/ts} {$part.$priceset.info}
-----------------------------------------------------------{if $pricesetFieldsCount }-----------------------------------------------------{/if}
{capture assign=ts_item}{ts}Item{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_qty}{ts}Qty{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_each}{ts}Each{/ts}{/capture}
{if $dataArray}
{capture assign=ts_subtotal}{ts}Subtotal{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_taxRate}{ts}Tax Rate{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_taxAmount}{ts}Tax Amount{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_total}{ts}Total{/ts}{/capture}
{if $pricesetFieldsCount }{capture assign=ts_participant_total}{ts}Total Participants{/ts}{/capture}{/if}
{$ts_item|string_format:"%-30s"} {$ts_qty|string_format:"%5s"} {$ts_each|string_format:"%10s"} {if $dataArray} {$ts_subtotal|string_format:"%10s"} {$ts_taxRate|string_format:"%10s"} {$ts_taxAmount|string_format:"%10s"} {/if} {$ts_total|string_format:"%10s"} {$ts_participant_total|string_format:"%10s"}
-----------------------------------------------------------{if $pricesetFieldsCount }-----------------------------------------------------{/if}
{foreach from=$value item=line}
{if $pricesetFieldsCount }{capture assign=ts_participant_count}{$line.participant_count}{/capture}{/if}
{capture assign=ts_item}{if $line.html_type eq \'Text\'}{$line.label}{else}{$line.field_title} - {$line.label}{/if} {if $line.description} {$line.description}{/if}{/capture}{$ts_item|truncate:30:"..."|string_format:"%-30s"} {$line.qty|string_format:"%5s"} {$line.unit_price|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%10s"} {if $dataArray} {$line.unit_price*$line.qty|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%10s"} {if $line.tax_rate != "" || $line.tax_amount != ""} {$line.tax_rate|string_format:"%.2f"} % {$line.tax_amount|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%10s"} {else} {/if} {/if} {$line.line_total+$line.tax_amount|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%10s"}{$ts_participant_count|string_format:"%10s"}
{if $individual}{ts}Participant Total{/ts} {$individual.$priceset.totalAmtWithTax-$individual.$priceset.totalTaxAmt|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%29s"} {$individual.$priceset.totalTaxAmt|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%33s"} {$individual.$priceset.totalAmtWithTax|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%12s"}{/if}
{if $dataArray}
{ts}Amount before Tax{/ts}: {$totalAmount-$totalTaxAmount|crmMoney:$currency}
{foreach from=$dataArray item=value key=priceset}
{if $priceset || $priceset == 0}
{$taxTerm} {$priceset|string_format:"%.2f"}%: {$value|crmMoney:$currency}
{ts}No{/ts} {$taxTerm}: {$value|crmMoney:$currency}
{if $amounts && !$lineItem}
{foreach from=$amounts item=amnt key=level}{$amnt.amount|crmMoney:$currency} {$amnt.label}
{if $totalTaxAmount}
{ts}Total Tax Amount{/ts}: {$totalTaxAmount|crmMoney:$currency}
{if $isPrimary }
{ts}Total Amount{/ts}: {$totalAmount|crmMoney:$currency} {if $hookDiscount.message}({$hookDiscount.message}){/if}
{if $pricesetFieldsCount }
{assign var="count" value= 0}
{foreach from=$lineItem item=pcount}
{assign var="lineItemCount" value=0}
{if $pcount neq \'skip\'}
{foreach from=$pcount item=p_count}
{assign var="lineItemCount" value=$lineItemCount+$p_count.participant_count}
{if $lineItemCount < 1 }
{assign var="lineItemCount" value=1}
{assign var="count" value=$count+$lineItemCount}
{ts}Total Participants{/ts}: {$count}
{if $register_date}
{ts}Registration Date{/ts}: {$register_date|crmDate}
{if $receive_date}
{ts}Transaction Date{/ts}: {$receive_date|crmDate}
{if $financialTypeName}
{ts}Financial Type{/ts}: {$financialTypeName}
{if $trxn_id}
{ts}Transaction #{/ts}: {$trxn_id}
{if $paidBy}
{ts}Paid By{/ts}: {$paidBy}
{if $checkNumber}
{ts}Check Number{/ts}: {$checkNumber}
{if $contributeMode ne \'notify\' and !$isAmountzero and (!$is_pay_later or $isBillingAddressRequiredForPayLater) and !$isOnWaitlist and !$isRequireApproval}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{ts}Billing Name and Address{/ts}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{if $contributeMode eq \'direct\' and !$isAmountzero and !$is_pay_later and !$isOnWaitlist and !$isRequireApproval}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{ts}Credit Card Information{/ts}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{ts}Expires{/ts}: {$credit_card_exp_date|truncate:7:\'\'|crmDate}
{/if} {* End of conditional section for Paid events *}
{if $customPre}
{foreach from=$customPre item=customPr key=i}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{foreach from=$customPr item=customValue key=customName}
{if ( $trackingFields and ! in_array( $customName, $trackingFields ) ) or ! $trackingFields}
{$customName}: {$customValue}
{if $customPost}
{foreach from=$customPost item=customPos key=j}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{foreach from=$customPos item=customValue key=customName}
{if ( $trackingFields and ! in_array( $customName, $trackingFields ) ) or ! $trackingFields}
{$customName}: {$customValue}
{if $customProfile}
{foreach from=$customProfile.profile item=eachParticipant key=participantID}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{ts 1=$participantID+2}Participant Information - Participant %1{/ts}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{foreach from=$eachParticipant item=eachProfile key=pid}
----------------------------------------------------------{if $pricesetFieldsCount }--------------------{/if}
----------------------------------------------------------{if $pricesetFieldsCount }--------------------{/if}
{foreach from=$eachProfile item=val key=field}
{foreach from=$val item=v key=f}
{$field}: {$v}
{if $customGroup}
{foreach from=$customGroup item=value key=customName}
=========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
=========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{foreach from=$value item=v key=n}
{$n}: {$v}
{if $event.allow_selfcancelxfer }
{ts 1=$event.selfcancelxfer_time}You may transfer your registration to another participant or cancel your registration up to %1 hours before the event.{/ts} {if $totalAmount}{ts}Cancellations are not refundable.{/ts}{/if}
{capture assign=selfService}{crmURL p=\'civicrm/event/selfsvcupdate\' q="reset=1&pid=`$participant.id`&{contact.checksum}" h=0 a=1 fe=1}{/capture}
{ts}Transfer or cancel your registration:{/ts} {$selfService}
', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
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{capture assign=labelStyle }style="padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #f7f7f7;"{/capture}
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{capture assign=tdfirstStyle}style="width: 180px; padding-bottom: 15px;"{/capture}
{capture assign=tdStyle}style="width: 100px;"{/capture}
{capture assign=participantTotal}style="margin: 0.5em 0 0.5em;padding: 0.5em;background-color: #999999;font-weight: bold;color: #FAFAFA;border-radius: 2px;"{/capture}
<table width="700" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
{if $event.confirm_email_text AND (not $isOnWaitlist AND not $isRequireApproval)}
<p>{ts}Thank you for your participation.{/ts}
{if $participant_status}{ts 1=$participant_status}This letter is a confirmation that your registration has been received and your status has been updated to <strong> %1</strong>.{/ts}
{else}{if $isOnWaitlist}{ts}This letter is a confirmation that your registration has been received and your status has been updated to <strong>waitlisted</strong>.{/ts}{else}{ts}This letter is a confirmation that your registration has been received and your status has been updated to <strong>registered<strong>.{/ts}{/if}{/if}.</p>
{if $isOnWaitlist}
<p>{ts}You have been added to the WAIT LIST for this event.{/ts}</p>
{if $isPrimary}
<p>{ts}If space becomes available you will receive an email with a link to a web page where you can complete your registration.{/ts}</p>
{elseif $isRequireApproval}
<p>{ts}Your registration has been submitted.{/ts}</p>
{if $isPrimary}
<p>{ts}Once your registration has been reviewed, you will receive an email with a link to a web page where you can complete the registration process.{/ts}</p>
{elseif $is_pay_later && !$isAmountzero && !$isAdditionalParticipant}
<p>{$pay_later_receipt}</p> {* FIXME: this might be text rather than HTML *}
<p>{ts}Please print this confirmation for your records.{/ts}</p>
<table width="700" style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse;">
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Event Information and Location{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$event.event_title}<br />
{$event.event_start_date|date_format:"%A"} {$event.event_start_date|crmDate}{if $event.event_end_date}-{if $event.event_end_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d" == $event.event_start_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d"}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate:0:1}{else}{$event.event_end_date|date_format:"%A"} {$event.event_end_date|crmDate}{/if}{/if}
{if $conference_sessions}
<td colspan="2" {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Your schedule:{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{assign var=\'group_by_day\' value=\'NA\'}
{foreach from=$conference_sessions item=session}
{if $session.start_date|date_format:"%Y/%m/%d" != $group_by_day|date_format:"%Y/%m/%d"}
{assign var=\'group_by_day\' value=$session.start_date}
<em>{$group_by_day|date_format:"%m/%d/%Y"}</em><br />
{$session.start_date|crmDate:0:1}{if $session.end_date}-{$session.end_date|crmDate:0:1}{/if} {$session.title}<br />
{if $session.location}&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;{$session.location}<br />{/if}
{if $event.participant_role neq \'Attendee\' and $defaultRole}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Participant Role{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $isShowLocation}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{if $location.phone.1.phone || $location.email.1.email}
<td colspan="2" {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Event Contacts:{/ts}
{foreach from=$location.phone item=phone}
{if $phone.phone}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{if $phone.phone_type}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{$phone.phone} {if $phone.phone_ext}&nbsp;{ts}ext.{/ts} {$phone.phone_ext}{/if}
{foreach from=$location.email item=eventEmail}
{if $eventEmail.email}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $event.is_public}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{capture assign=icalFeed}{crmURL p=\'civicrm/event/ical\' q="reset=1&id=`$event.id`" h=0 a=1 fe=1}{/capture}
<a href="{$icalFeed}">{ts}Download iCalendar File{/ts}</a>
{if $event.is_share}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{capture assign=eventUrl}{crmURL p=\'civicrm/event/info\' q="id=`$event.id`&reset=1" a=true fe=1 h=1}{/capture}
{include file="CRM/common/SocialNetwork.tpl" emailMode=true url=$eventUrl title=$event.title pageURL=$eventUrl}
{if $payer.name}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}You were registered by:{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{if $event.is_monetary}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{if $lineItem}
{foreach from=$lineItem item=value key=priceset}
{if $value neq \'skip\'}
{if $isPrimary}
{if $lineItem|@count GT 1} {* Header for multi participant registration cases. *}
<td colspan="2" {$labelStyle}>
{ts 1=$priceset+1}Participant %1{/ts} {$part.$priceset.info}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
<table> {* FIXME: style this table so that it looks like the text version (justification, etc.) *}
{if $dataArray}
<th>{ts}Tax Rate{/ts}</th>
<th>{ts}Tax Amount{/ts}</th>
{if $pricesetFieldsCount }<th>{ts}Total Participants{/ts}</th>{/if}
{foreach from=$value item=line}
<td {$tdfirstStyle}>
{if $line.html_type eq \'Text\'}{$line.label}{else}{$line.field_title} - {$line.label}{/if} {if $line.description}<div>{$line.description|truncate:30:"..."}</div>{/if}
<td {$tdStyle} align="middle">
<td {$tdStyle}>
{if $dataArray}
<td {$tdStyle}>
{if $line.tax_rate != "" || $line.tax_amount != ""}
<td {$tdStyle}>
<td {$tdStyle}>
<td {$tdStyle}>
{if $pricesetFieldsCount }<td {$tdStyle}>{$line.participant_count}</td> {/if}
{if $individual}
<tr {$participantTotal}>
<td colspan=3>{ts}Participant Total{/ts}</td>
<td colspan=2>{$individual.$priceset.totalAmtWithTax-$individual.$priceset.totalTaxAmt|crmMoney}</td>
<td colspan=1>{$individual.$priceset.totalTaxAmt|crmMoney}</td>
<td colspan=2>{$individual.$priceset.totalAmtWithTax|crmMoney}</td>
{if $dataArray}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts} Amount Before Tax: {/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{foreach from=$dataArray item=value key=priceset}
{if $priceset || $priceset == 0}
<td>&nbsp;{$taxTerm} {$priceset|string_format:"%.2f"}%</td>
<td>&nbsp;{ts}No{/ts} {$taxTerm}</td>
{if $amounts && !$lineItem}
{foreach from=$amounts item=amnt key=level}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$amnt.amount|crmMoney:$currency} {$amnt.label}
{if $totalTaxAmount}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Total Tax Amount{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $isPrimary}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Total Amount{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{$totalAmount|crmMoney:$currency} {if $hookDiscount.message}({$hookDiscount.message}){/if}
{if $pricesetFieldsCount }
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Total Participants{/ts}</td>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{assign var="count" value= 0}
{foreach from=$lineItem item=pcount}
{assign var="lineItemCount" value=0}
{if $pcount neq \'skip\'}
{foreach from=$pcount item=p_count}
{assign var="lineItemCount" value=$lineItemCount+$p_count.participant_count}
{if $lineItemCount < 1 }
{assign var="lineItemCount" value=1}
{assign var="count" value=$count+$lineItemCount}
</td> </tr>
{if $register_date}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Registration Date{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $receive_date}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Transaction Date{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $financialTypeName}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Financial Type{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $trxn_id}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Transaction #{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $paidBy}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Paid By{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $checkNumber}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Check Number{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $contributeMode ne \'notify\' and !$isAmountzero and (!$is_pay_later or $isBillingAddressRequiredForPayLater) and !$isOnWaitlist and !$isRequireApproval}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Billing Name and Address{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$billingName}<br />
{if $contributeMode eq \'direct\' and !$isAmountzero and !$is_pay_later and !$isOnWaitlist and !$isRequireApproval}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Credit Card Information{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$credit_card_type}<br />
{$credit_card_number}<br />
{ts}Expires{/ts}: {$credit_card_exp_date|truncate:7:\'\'|crmDate}
{/if} {* End of conditional section for Paid events *}
{if $customPre}
{foreach from=$customPre item=customPr key=i}
<tr> <th {$headerStyle}>{$customPre_grouptitle.$i}</th></tr>
{foreach from=$customPr item=customValue key=customName}
{if ( $trackingFields and ! in_array( $customName, $trackingFields ) ) or ! $trackingFields}
<td {$labelStyle}>{$customName}</td>
<td {$valueStyle}>{$customValue}</td>
{if $customPost}
{foreach from=$customPost item=customPos key=j}
<tr> <th {$headerStyle}>{$customPost_grouptitle.$j}</th></tr>
{foreach from=$customPos item=customValue key=customName}
{if ( $trackingFields and ! in_array( $customName, $trackingFields ) ) or ! $trackingFields}
<td {$labelStyle}>{$customName}</td>
<td {$valueStyle}>{$customValue}</td>
{if $customProfile}
{foreach from=$customProfile.profile item=eachParticipant key=participantID}
<tr><th {$headerStyle}>{ts 1=$participantID+2}Participant %1{/ts} </th></tr>
{foreach from=$eachParticipant item=eachProfile key=pid}
<tr><th {$headerStyle}>{$customProfile.title.$pid}</th></tr>
{foreach from=$eachProfile item=val key=field}
<tr>{foreach from=$val item=v key=f}
<td {$labelStyle}>{$field}</td>
<td {$valueStyle}>{$v}</td>
{if $customGroup}
{foreach from=$customGroup item=value key=customName}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{foreach from=$value item=v key=n}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $event.allow_selfcancelxfer }
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{ts 1=$event.selfcancelxfer_time}You may transfer your registration to another participant or cancel your registration up to %1 hours before the event.{/ts} {if $totalAmount}{ts}Cancellations are not refundable.{/ts}{/if}<br />
{capture assign=selfService}{crmURL p=\'civicrm/event/selfsvcupdate\' q="reset=1&pid=`$participant.id`&{contact.checksum}" h=0 a=1 fe=1}{/capture}
<a href="{$selfService}">{ts}Click here to transfer or cancel your registration.{/ts}</a>
', @tpl_ovid_event_online_receipt, 1, 0),
('Events - Registration Confirmation and Receipt (on-line)', '{if $isOnWaitlist}{ts}Wait List Confirmation{/ts}{else}{ts}Registration Confirmation{/ts}{/if} - {$event.event_title}', '{contact.email_greeting},
{if $event.confirm_email_text AND (not $isOnWaitlist AND not $isRequireApproval)}
{ts}Thank you for your participation.{/ts}
{if $participant_status}{ts 1=$participant_status}This letter is a confirmation that your registration has been received and your status has been updated to %1.{/ts}
{else}{if $isOnWaitlist}{ts}This letter is a confirmation that your registration has been received and your status has been updated to waitlisted.{/ts}{else}{ts}This letter is a confirmation that your registration has been received and your status has been updated to registered.{/ts}{/if}
{if $isOnWaitlist}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{ts}You have been added to the WAIT LIST for this event.{/ts}
{if $isPrimary}
{ts}If space becomes available you will receive an email with a link to a web page where you can complete your registration.{/ts}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{elseif $isRequireApproval}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{ts}Your registration has been submitted.{/ts}
{if $isPrimary}
{ts}Once your registration has been reviewed, you will receive an email with a link to a web page where you can complete the registration process.{/ts}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{elseif $is_pay_later && !$isAmountzero && !$isAdditionalParticipant}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{ts}Please print this confirmation for your records.{/ts}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{ts}Event Information and Location{/ts}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{$event.event_start_date|date_format:"%A"} {$event.event_start_date|crmDate}{if $event.event_end_date}-{if $event.event_end_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d" == $event.event_start_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d"}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate:0:1}{else}{$event.event_end_date|date_format:"%A"} {$event.event_end_date|crmDate}{/if}{/if}
{if $conference_sessions}
{ts}Your schedule:{/ts}
{assign var=\'group_by_day\' value=\'NA\'}
{foreach from=$conference_sessions item=session}
{if $session.start_date|date_format:"%Y/%m/%d" != $group_by_day|date_format:"%Y/%m/%d"}
{assign var=\'group_by_day\' value=$session.start_date}
{$session.start_date|crmDate:0:1}{if $session.end_date}-{$session.end_date|crmDate:0:1}{/if} {$session.title}
{if $session.location} {$session.location}{/if}
{if $event.participant_role neq \'Attendee\' and $defaultRole}
{ts}Participant Role{/ts}: {$event.participant_role}
{if $isShowLocation}
{/if}{*End of isShowLocation condition*}
{if $location.phone.1.phone || $location.email.1.email}
{ts}Event Contacts:{/ts}
{foreach from=$location.phone item=phone}
{if $phone.phone}
{if $phone.phone_type}{$phone.phone_type_display}{else}{ts}Phone{/ts}{/if}: {$phone.phone}{/if} {if $phone.phone_ext} {ts}ext.{/ts} {$phone.phone_ext}{/if}
{foreach from=$location.email item=eventEmail}
{if $eventEmail.email}
{ts}Email{/ts}: {$eventEmail.email}{/if}{/foreach}
{if $event.is_public}
{capture assign=icalFeed}{crmURL p=\'civicrm/event/ical\' q="reset=1&id=`$event.id`" h=0 a=1 fe=1}{/capture}
{ts}Download iCalendar File:{/ts} {$icalFeed}
{if $payer.name}
You were registered by: {$payer.name}
{if $event.is_monetary} {* This section for Paid events only.*}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{if $lineItem}{foreach from=$lineItem item=value key=priceset}
{if $value neq \'skip\'}
{if $isPrimary}
{if $lineItem|@count GT 1} {* Header for multi participant registration cases. *}
{ts 1=$priceset+1}Participant %1{/ts} {$part.$priceset.info}
-----------------------------------------------------------{if $pricesetFieldsCount }-----------------------------------------------------{/if}
{capture assign=ts_item}{ts}Item{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_qty}{ts}Qty{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_each}{ts}Each{/ts}{/capture}
{if $dataArray}
{capture assign=ts_subtotal}{ts}Subtotal{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_taxRate}{ts}Tax Rate{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_taxAmount}{ts}Tax Amount{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_total}{ts}Total{/ts}{/capture}
{if $pricesetFieldsCount }{capture assign=ts_participant_total}{ts}Total Participants{/ts}{/capture}{/if}
{$ts_item|string_format:"%-30s"} {$ts_qty|string_format:"%5s"} {$ts_each|string_format:"%10s"} {if $dataArray} {$ts_subtotal|string_format:"%10s"} {$ts_taxRate|string_format:"%10s"} {$ts_taxAmount|string_format:"%10s"} {/if} {$ts_total|string_format:"%10s"} {$ts_participant_total|string_format:"%10s"}
-----------------------------------------------------------{if $pricesetFieldsCount }-----------------------------------------------------{/if}
{foreach from=$value item=line}
{if $pricesetFieldsCount }{capture assign=ts_participant_count}{$line.participant_count}{/capture}{/if}
{capture assign=ts_item}{if $line.html_type eq \'Text\'}{$line.label}{else}{$line.field_title} - {$line.label}{/if} {if $line.description} {$line.description}{/if}{/capture}{$ts_item|truncate:30:"..."|string_format:"%-30s"} {$line.qty|string_format:"%5s"} {$line.unit_price|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%10s"} {if $dataArray} {$line.unit_price*$line.qty|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%10s"} {if $line.tax_rate != "" || $line.tax_amount != ""} {$line.tax_rate|string_format:"%.2f"} % {$line.tax_amount|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%10s"} {else} {/if} {/if} {$line.line_total+$line.tax_amount|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%10s"}{$ts_participant_count|string_format:"%10s"}
{if $individual}{ts}Participant Total{/ts} {$individual.$priceset.totalAmtWithTax-$individual.$priceset.totalTaxAmt|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%29s"} {$individual.$priceset.totalTaxAmt|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%33s"} {$individual.$priceset.totalAmtWithTax|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%12s"}{/if}
{if $dataArray}
{ts}Amount before Tax{/ts}: {$totalAmount-$totalTaxAmount|crmMoney:$currency}
{foreach from=$dataArray item=value key=priceset}
{if $priceset || $priceset == 0}
{$taxTerm} {$priceset|string_format:"%.2f"}%: {$value|crmMoney:$currency}
{ts}No{/ts} {$taxTerm}: {$value|crmMoney:$currency}
{if $amounts && !$lineItem}
{foreach from=$amounts item=amnt key=level}{$amnt.amount|crmMoney:$currency} {$amnt.label}
{if $totalTaxAmount}
{ts}Total Tax Amount{/ts}: {$totalTaxAmount|crmMoney:$currency}
{if $isPrimary }
{ts}Total Amount{/ts}: {$totalAmount|crmMoney:$currency} {if $hookDiscount.message}({$hookDiscount.message}){/if}
{if $pricesetFieldsCount }
{assign var="count" value= 0}
{foreach from=$lineItem item=pcount}
{assign var="lineItemCount" value=0}
{if $pcount neq \'skip\'}
{foreach from=$pcount item=p_count}
{assign var="lineItemCount" value=$lineItemCount+$p_count.participant_count}
{if $lineItemCount < 1 }
{assign var="lineItemCount" value=1}
{assign var="count" value=$count+$lineItemCount}
{ts}Total Participants{/ts}: {$count}
{if $register_date}
{ts}Registration Date{/ts}: {$register_date|crmDate}
{if $receive_date}
{ts}Transaction Date{/ts}: {$receive_date|crmDate}
{if $financialTypeName}
{ts}Financial Type{/ts}: {$financialTypeName}
{if $trxn_id}
{ts}Transaction #{/ts}: {$trxn_id}
{if $paidBy}
{ts}Paid By{/ts}: {$paidBy}
{if $checkNumber}
{ts}Check Number{/ts}: {$checkNumber}
{if $contributeMode ne \'notify\' and !$isAmountzero and (!$is_pay_later or $isBillingAddressRequiredForPayLater) and !$isOnWaitlist and !$isRequireApproval}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{ts}Billing Name and Address{/ts}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{if $contributeMode eq \'direct\' and !$isAmountzero and !$is_pay_later and !$isOnWaitlist and !$isRequireApproval}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{ts}Credit Card Information{/ts}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{ts}Expires{/ts}: {$credit_card_exp_date|truncate:7:\'\'|crmDate}
{/if} {* End of conditional section for Paid events *}
{if $customPre}
{foreach from=$customPre item=customPr key=i}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{foreach from=$customPr item=customValue key=customName}
{if ( $trackingFields and ! in_array( $customName, $trackingFields ) ) or ! $trackingFields}
{$customName}: {$customValue}
{if $customPost}
{foreach from=$customPost item=customPos key=j}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{foreach from=$customPos item=customValue key=customName}
{if ( $trackingFields and ! in_array( $customName, $trackingFields ) ) or ! $trackingFields}
{$customName}: {$customValue}
{if $customProfile}
{foreach from=$customProfile.profile item=eachParticipant key=participantID}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{ts 1=$participantID+2}Participant Information - Participant %1{/ts}
==========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{foreach from=$eachParticipant item=eachProfile key=pid}
----------------------------------------------------------{if $pricesetFieldsCount }--------------------{/if}
----------------------------------------------------------{if $pricesetFieldsCount }--------------------{/if}
{foreach from=$eachProfile item=val key=field}
{foreach from=$val item=v key=f}
{$field}: {$v}
{if $customGroup}
{foreach from=$customGroup item=value key=customName}
=========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
=========================================================={if $pricesetFieldsCount }===================={/if}
{foreach from=$value item=v key=n}
{$n}: {$v}
{if $event.allow_selfcancelxfer }
{ts 1=$event.selfcancelxfer_time}You may transfer your registration to another participant or cancel your registration up to %1 hours before the event.{/ts} {if $totalAmount}{ts}Cancellations are not refundable.{/ts}{/if}
{capture assign=selfService}{crmURL p=\'civicrm/event/selfsvcupdate\' q="reset=1&pid=`$participant.id`&{contact.checksum}" h=0 a=1 fe=1}{/capture}
{ts}Transfer or cancel your registration:{/ts} {$selfService}
', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
{capture assign=headerStyle}colspan="2" style="text-align: left; padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #eee;"{/capture}
{capture assign=labelStyle }style="padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #f7f7f7;"{/capture}
{capture assign=valueStyle }style="padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999;"{/capture}
{capture assign=tdfirstStyle}style="width: 180px; padding-bottom: 15px;"{/capture}
{capture assign=tdStyle}style="width: 100px;"{/capture}
{capture assign=participantTotal}style="margin: 0.5em 0 0.5em;padding: 0.5em;background-color: #999999;font-weight: bold;color: #FAFAFA;border-radius: 2px;"{/capture}
<table width="700" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
{if $event.confirm_email_text AND (not $isOnWaitlist AND not $isRequireApproval)}
<p>{ts}Thank you for your participation.{/ts}
{if $participant_status}{ts 1=$participant_status}This letter is a confirmation that your registration has been received and your status has been updated to <strong> %1</strong>.{/ts}
{else}{if $isOnWaitlist}{ts}This letter is a confirmation that your registration has been received and your status has been updated to <strong>waitlisted</strong>.{/ts}{else}{ts}This letter is a confirmation that your registration has been received and your status has been updated to <strong>registered<strong>.{/ts}{/if}{/if}.</p>
{if $isOnWaitlist}
<p>{ts}You have been added to the WAIT LIST for this event.{/ts}</p>
{if $isPrimary}
<p>{ts}If space becomes available you will receive an email with a link to a web page where you can complete your registration.{/ts}</p>
{elseif $isRequireApproval}
<p>{ts}Your registration has been submitted.{/ts}</p>
{if $isPrimary}
<p>{ts}Once your registration has been reviewed, you will receive an email with a link to a web page where you can complete the registration process.{/ts}</p>
{elseif $is_pay_later && !$isAmountzero && !$isAdditionalParticipant}
<p>{$pay_later_receipt}</p> {* FIXME: this might be text rather than HTML *}
<p>{ts}Please print this confirmation for your records.{/ts}</p>
<table width="700" style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse;">
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Event Information and Location{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$event.event_title}<br />
{$event.event_start_date|date_format:"%A"} {$event.event_start_date|crmDate}{if $event.event_end_date}-{if $event.event_end_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d" == $event.event_start_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d"}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate:0:1}{else}{$event.event_end_date|date_format:"%A"} {$event.event_end_date|crmDate}{/if}{/if}
{if $conference_sessions}
<td colspan="2" {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Your schedule:{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{assign var=\'group_by_day\' value=\'NA\'}
{foreach from=$conference_sessions item=session}
{if $session.start_date|date_format:"%Y/%m/%d" != $group_by_day|date_format:"%Y/%m/%d"}
{assign var=\'group_by_day\' value=$session.start_date}
<em>{$group_by_day|date_format:"%m/%d/%Y"}</em><br />
{$session.start_date|crmDate:0:1}{if $session.end_date}-{$session.end_date|crmDate:0:1}{/if} {$session.title}<br />
{if $session.location}&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;{$session.location}<br />{/if}
{if $event.participant_role neq \'Attendee\' and $defaultRole}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Participant Role{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $isShowLocation}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{if $location.phone.1.phone || $location.email.1.email}
<td colspan="2" {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Event Contacts:{/ts}
{foreach from=$location.phone item=phone}
{if $phone.phone}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{if $phone.phone_type}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{$phone.phone} {if $phone.phone_ext}&nbsp;{ts}ext.{/ts} {$phone.phone_ext}{/if}
{foreach from=$location.email item=eventEmail}
{if $eventEmail.email}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $event.is_public}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{capture assign=icalFeed}{crmURL p=\'civicrm/event/ical\' q="reset=1&id=`$event.id`" h=0 a=1 fe=1}{/capture}
<a href="{$icalFeed}">{ts}Download iCalendar File{/ts}</a>
{if $event.is_share}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{capture assign=eventUrl}{crmURL p=\'civicrm/event/info\' q="id=`$event.id`&reset=1" a=true fe=1 h=1}{/capture}
{include file="CRM/common/SocialNetwork.tpl" emailMode=true url=$eventUrl title=$event.title pageURL=$eventUrl}
{if $payer.name}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}You were registered by:{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{if $event.is_monetary}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{if $lineItem}
{foreach from=$lineItem item=value key=priceset}
{if $value neq \'skip\'}
{if $isPrimary}
{if $lineItem|@count GT 1} {* Header for multi participant registration cases. *}
<td colspan="2" {$labelStyle}>
{ts 1=$priceset+1}Participant %1{/ts} {$part.$priceset.info}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
<table> {* FIXME: style this table so that it looks like the text version (justification, etc.) *}
{if $dataArray}
<th>{ts}Tax Rate{/ts}</th>
<th>{ts}Tax Amount{/ts}</th>
{if $pricesetFieldsCount }<th>{ts}Total Participants{/ts}</th>{/if}
{foreach from=$value item=line}
<td {$tdfirstStyle}>
{if $line.html_type eq \'Text\'}{$line.label}{else}{$line.field_title} - {$line.label}{/if} {if $line.description}<div>{$line.description|truncate:30:"..."}</div>{/if}
<td {$tdStyle} align="middle">
<td {$tdStyle}>
{if $dataArray}
<td {$tdStyle}>
{if $line.tax_rate != "" || $line.tax_amount != ""}
<td {$tdStyle}>
<td {$tdStyle}>
<td {$tdStyle}>
{if $pricesetFieldsCount }<td {$tdStyle}>{$line.participant_count}</td> {/if}
{if $individual}
<tr {$participantTotal}>
<td colspan=3>{ts}Participant Total{/ts}</td>
<td colspan=2>{$individual.$priceset.totalAmtWithTax-$individual.$priceset.totalTaxAmt|crmMoney}</td>
<td colspan=1>{$individual.$priceset.totalTaxAmt|crmMoney}</td>
<td colspan=2>{$individual.$priceset.totalAmtWithTax|crmMoney}</td>
{if $dataArray}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts} Amount Before Tax: {/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{foreach from=$dataArray item=value key=priceset}
{if $priceset || $priceset == 0}
<td>&nbsp;{$taxTerm} {$priceset|string_format:"%.2f"}%</td>
<td>&nbsp;{ts}No{/ts} {$taxTerm}</td>
{if $amounts && !$lineItem}
{foreach from=$amounts item=amnt key=level}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$amnt.amount|crmMoney:$currency} {$amnt.label}
{if $totalTaxAmount}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Total Tax Amount{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $isPrimary}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Total Amount{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{$totalAmount|crmMoney:$currency} {if $hookDiscount.message}({$hookDiscount.message}){/if}
{if $pricesetFieldsCount }
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Total Participants{/ts}</td>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{assign var="count" value= 0}
{foreach from=$lineItem item=pcount}
{assign var="lineItemCount" value=0}
{if $pcount neq \'skip\'}
{foreach from=$pcount item=p_count}
{assign var="lineItemCount" value=$lineItemCount+$p_count.participant_count}
{if $lineItemCount < 1 }
{assign var="lineItemCount" value=1}
{assign var="count" value=$count+$lineItemCount}
</td> </tr>
{if $register_date}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Registration Date{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $receive_date}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Transaction Date{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $financialTypeName}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Financial Type{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $trxn_id}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Transaction #{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $paidBy}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Paid By{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $checkNumber}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Check Number{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $contributeMode ne \'notify\' and !$isAmountzero and (!$is_pay_later or $isBillingAddressRequiredForPayLater) and !$isOnWaitlist and !$isRequireApproval}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Billing Name and Address{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$billingName}<br />
{if $contributeMode eq \'direct\' and !$isAmountzero and !$is_pay_later and !$isOnWaitlist and !$isRequireApproval}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Credit Card Information{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$credit_card_type}<br />
{$credit_card_number}<br />
{ts}Expires{/ts}: {$credit_card_exp_date|truncate:7:\'\'|crmDate}
{/if} {* End of conditional section for Paid events *}
{if $customPre}
{foreach from=$customPre item=customPr key=i}
<tr> <th {$headerStyle}>{$customPre_grouptitle.$i}</th></tr>
{foreach from=$customPr item=customValue key=customName}
{if ( $trackingFields and ! in_array( $customName, $trackingFields ) ) or ! $trackingFields}
<td {$labelStyle}>{$customName}</td>
<td {$valueStyle}>{$customValue}</td>
{if $customPost}
{foreach from=$customPost item=customPos key=j}
<tr> <th {$headerStyle}>{$customPost_grouptitle.$j}</th></tr>
{foreach from=$customPos item=customValue key=customName}
{if ( $trackingFields and ! in_array( $customName, $trackingFields ) ) or ! $trackingFields}
<td {$labelStyle}>{$customName}</td>
<td {$valueStyle}>{$customValue}</td>
{if $customProfile}
{foreach from=$customProfile.profile item=eachParticipant key=participantID}
<tr><th {$headerStyle}>{ts 1=$participantID+2}Participant %1{/ts} </th></tr>
{foreach from=$eachParticipant item=eachProfile key=pid}
<tr><th {$headerStyle}>{$customProfile.title.$pid}</th></tr>
{foreach from=$eachProfile item=val key=field}
<tr>{foreach from=$val item=v key=f}
<td {$labelStyle}>{$field}</td>
<td {$valueStyle}>{$v}</td>
{if $customGroup}
{foreach from=$customGroup item=value key=customName}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{foreach from=$value item=v key=n}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $event.allow_selfcancelxfer }
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{ts 1=$event.selfcancelxfer_time}You may transfer your registration to another participant or cancel your registration up to %1 hours before the event.{/ts} {if $totalAmount}{ts}Cancellations are not refundable.{/ts}{/if}<br />
{capture assign=selfService}{crmURL p=\'civicrm/event/selfsvcupdate\' q="reset=1&pid=`$participant.id`&{contact.checksum}" h=0 a=1 fe=1}{/capture}
<a href="{$selfService}">{ts}Click here to transfer or cancel your registration.{/ts}</a>
', @tpl_ovid_event_online_receipt, 0, 1) ,
('Events - Receipt only', 'Receipt for {if $events_in_cart} Event Registration{/if}
', 'Dear {contact.display_name},
{if $is_pay_later}
This is being sent to you as an acknowledgement that you have registered one or more members for the following workshop, event or purchase. Please note, however, that the status of your payment is pending, and the registration for this event will not be completed until your payment is received.
This is being sent to you as a {if $is_refund}confirmation of refund{else}receipt of payment made{/if} for the following workshop, event registration or purchase.
{if $is_pay_later}
Your order number is #{$transaction_id}. Please print this confirmation for your records.{if $line_items && !$is_refund} Information about the workshops will be sent separately to each participant.{/if}
Here\'s a summary of your transaction placed on {$transaction_date|date_format:"%D %I:%M %p %Z"}:
{if $billing_name}
{ts}Billing Name and Address{/ts}
{$billing_city}, {$billing_state} {$billing_postal_code}
{if $source}
{foreach from=$line_items item=line_item}
{$line_item.event->title} ({$line_item.event->start_date|date_format:"%D"})
{if $line_item.event->is_show_location}
{/if}{*End of isShowLocation condition*}
{$line_item.event->start_date|date_format:"%D %I:%M %p"} - {$line_item.event->end_date|date_format:"%I:%M %p"}
Quantity: {$line_item.num_participants}
{if $line_item.num_participants > 0}
{foreach from=$line_item.participants item=participant}
{if $line_item.num_waiting_participants > 0}
{foreach from=$line_item.waiting_participants item=participant}
Cost: {$line_item.cost|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%10s"}
Total For This Event: {$line_item.amount|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%10s"}
{if $discounts}
Subtotal: {$sub_total|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%10s"}
{foreach from=$discounts key=myId item=i}
{$i.title}: -{$i.amount|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%10s"}
Total: {$total|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%10s"}
{if $credit_card_type}
{ts}Payment Information{/ts}
{ts}Expires{/ts}: {$credit_card_exp_date.M}/{$credit_card_exp_date.Y}
If you have questions about the status of your registration or purchase please feel free to contact us.
', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
{capture assign=headerStyle}colspan="2" style="text-align: left; padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #eee;"{/capture}
{capture assign=labelStyle }style="padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #f7f7f7;"{/capture}
{capture assign=valueStyle }style="padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999;"{/capture}
<p>Dear {contact.display_name},</p>
{if $is_pay_later}
This is being sent to you as an acknowledgement that you have registered one or more members for the following workshop, event or purchase. Please note, however, that the status of your payment is pending, and the registration for this event will not be completed until your payment is received.
This is being sent to you as a {if $is_refund}confirmation of refund{else}receipt of payment made{/if} for the following workshop, event registration or purchase.
{if $is_pay_later}
<p>Your order number is #{$transaction_id}. Please print this confirmation for your records.{if $line_items && !$is_refund} Information about the workshops will be sent separately to each participant.{/if}
Here\'s a summary of your transaction placed on {$transaction_date|date_format:"%D %I:%M %p %Z"}:</p>
{if $billing_name}
<table class="billing-info">
<th style="text-align: left;">
{ts}Billing Name and Address{/ts}
{$billing_name}<br />
{$billing_street_address}<br />
{$billing_city}, {$billing_state} {$billing_postal_code}<br/>
{if $credit_card_type}
<table class="billing-info">
<th style="text-align: left;">
{ts}Credit Card Information{/ts}
{$credit_card_type}<br />
{$credit_card_number}<br />
{ts}Expires{/ts}: {$credit_card_exp_date.M}/{$credit_card_exp_date.Y}
{if $source}
<table width="600">
{if $line_items}
<th style="text-align: left;">
<th style="text-align: left;">
<th style="text-align: left;">
<th style="text-align: left;">
{foreach from=$line_items item=line_item}
<td style="width: 220px">
{$line_item.event->title} ({$line_item.event->start_date|date_format:"%D"})<br />
{if $line_item.event->is_show_location}
{/if}{*End of isShowLocation condition*}<br /><br />
{$line_item.event->start_date|date_format:"%D %I:%M %p"} - {$line_item.event->end_date|date_format:"%I:%M %p"}
<td style="width: 180px">
{if $line_item.num_participants > 0}
<div class="participants" style="padding-left: 10px;">
{foreach from=$line_item.participants item=participant}
{$participant.display_name}<br />
{if $line_item.num_waiting_participants > 0}
<div class="participants" style="padding-left: 10px;">
{foreach from=$line_item.waiting_participants item=participant}
{$participant.display_name}<br />
<td style="width: 100px">
<td style="width: 100px">
{if $discounts}
{foreach from=$discounts key=myId item=i}
{if $line_items}
If you have questions about the status of your registration or purchase please feel free to contact us.
', @tpl_ovid_event_registration_receipt, 1, 0),
('Events - Receipt only', 'Receipt for {if $events_in_cart} Event Registration{/if}
', 'Dear {contact.display_name},
{if $is_pay_later}
This is being sent to you as an acknowledgement that you have registered one or more members for the following workshop, event or purchase. Please note, however, that the status of your payment is pending, and the registration for this event will not be completed until your payment is received.
This is being sent to you as a {if $is_refund}confirmation of refund{else}receipt of payment made{/if} for the following workshop, event registration or purchase.
{if $is_pay_later}
Your order number is #{$transaction_id}. Please print this confirmation for your records.{if $line_items && !$is_refund} Information about the workshops will be sent separately to each participant.{/if}
Here\'s a summary of your transaction placed on {$transaction_date|date_format:"%D %I:%M %p %Z"}:
{if $billing_name}
{ts}Billing Name and Address{/ts}
{$billing_city}, {$billing_state} {$billing_postal_code}
{if $source}
{foreach from=$line_items item=line_item}
{$line_item.event->title} ({$line_item.event->start_date|date_format:"%D"})
{if $line_item.event->is_show_location}
{/if}{*End of isShowLocation condition*}
{$line_item.event->start_date|date_format:"%D %I:%M %p"} - {$line_item.event->end_date|date_format:"%I:%M %p"}
Quantity: {$line_item.num_participants}
{if $line_item.num_participants > 0}
{foreach from=$line_item.participants item=participant}
{if $line_item.num_waiting_participants > 0}
{foreach from=$line_item.waiting_participants item=participant}
Cost: {$line_item.cost|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%10s"}
Total For This Event: {$line_item.amount|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%10s"}
{if $discounts}
Subtotal: {$sub_total|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%10s"}
{foreach from=$discounts key=myId item=i}
{$i.title}: -{$i.amount|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%10s"}
Total: {$total|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%10s"}
{if $credit_card_type}
{ts}Payment Information{/ts}
{ts}Expires{/ts}: {$credit_card_exp_date.M}/{$credit_card_exp_date.Y}
If you have questions about the status of your registration or purchase please feel free to contact us.
', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
{capture assign=headerStyle}colspan="2" style="text-align: left; padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #eee;"{/capture}
{capture assign=labelStyle }style="padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #f7f7f7;"{/capture}
{capture assign=valueStyle }style="padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999;"{/capture}
<p>Dear {contact.display_name},</p>
{if $is_pay_later}
This is being sent to you as an acknowledgement that you have registered one or more members for the following workshop, event or purchase. Please note, however, that the status of your payment is pending, and the registration for this event will not be completed until your payment is received.
This is being sent to you as a {if $is_refund}confirmation of refund{else}receipt of payment made{/if} for the following workshop, event registration or purchase.
{if $is_pay_later}
<p>Your order number is #{$transaction_id}. Please print this confirmation for your records.{if $line_items && !$is_refund} Information about the workshops will be sent separately to each participant.{/if}
Here\'s a summary of your transaction placed on {$transaction_date|date_format:"%D %I:%M %p %Z"}:</p>
{if $billing_name}
<table class="billing-info">
<th style="text-align: left;">
{ts}Billing Name and Address{/ts}
{$billing_name}<br />
{$billing_street_address}<br />
{$billing_city}, {$billing_state} {$billing_postal_code}<br/>
{if $credit_card_type}
<table class="billing-info">
<th style="text-align: left;">
{ts}Credit Card Information{/ts}
{$credit_card_type}<br />
{$credit_card_number}<br />
{ts}Expires{/ts}: {$credit_card_exp_date.M}/{$credit_card_exp_date.Y}
{if $source}
<table width="600">
{if $line_items}
<th style="text-align: left;">
<th style="text-align: left;">
<th style="text-align: left;">
<th style="text-align: left;">
{foreach from=$line_items item=line_item}
<td style="width: 220px">
{$line_item.event->title} ({$line_item.event->start_date|date_format:"%D"})<br />
{if $line_item.event->is_show_location}
{/if}{*End of isShowLocation condition*}<br /><br />
{$line_item.event->start_date|date_format:"%D %I:%M %p"} - {$line_item.event->end_date|date_format:"%I:%M %p"}
<td style="width: 180px">
{if $line_item.num_participants > 0}
<div class="participants" style="padding-left: 10px;">
{foreach from=$line_item.participants item=participant}
{$participant.display_name}<br />
{if $line_item.num_waiting_participants > 0}
<div class="participants" style="padding-left: 10px;">
{foreach from=$line_item.waiting_participants item=participant}
{$participant.display_name}<br />
<td style="width: 100px">
<td style="width: 100px">
{if $discounts}
{foreach from=$discounts key=myId item=i}
{if $line_items}
If you have questions about the status of your registration or purchase please feel free to contact us.
', @tpl_ovid_event_registration_receipt, 0, 1) ,
('Events - Registration Cancellation Notice', '{ts 1=$event.event_title}Event Registration Cancelled for %1{/ts}
', '{ts 1=$contact.display_name}Dear %1{/ts},
{ts}Your Event Registration has been cancelled.{/ts}
{ts}Event Information and Location{/ts}
{$event.event_start_date|crmDate}{if $event.event_end_date}-{if $event.event_end_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d" == $event.event_start_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d"}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate:0:1}{else}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate}{/if}{/if}
{ts}Participant Role{/ts}: {$participant.role}
{if $isShowLocation}
{/if}{*End of isShowLocation condition*}
{if $event.location.phone.1.phone || $event.location.email.1.email}
{ts}Event Contacts:{/ts}
{foreach from=$event.location.phone item=phone}
{if $phone.phone}
{if $phone.phone_type}{$phone.phone_type_display}{else}{ts}Phone{/ts}{/if}: {$phone.phone}{/if}
{foreach from=$event.location.email item=eventEmail}
{if $eventEmail.email}
{ts}Email{/ts}: {$eventEmail.email}{/if}{/foreach}
{if $contact.email}
{ts}Registered Email{/ts}
{if $register_date}
{ts}Registration Date{/ts}: {$participant.register_date|crmDate}
{ts 1=$domain.phone 2=$domain.email}Please contact us at %1 or send email to %2 if you have questions.{/ts}
', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
{capture assign=headerStyle}colspan="2" style="text-align: left; padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #eee;"{/capture}
{capture assign=labelStyle }style="padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #f7f7f7;"{/capture}
{capture assign=valueStyle }style="padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999;"{/capture}
<table width="620" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
<p>{ts 1=$contact.display_name}Dear %1{/ts},</p>
<p>{ts}Your Event Registration has been cancelled.{/ts}</p>
<table style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse; width:100%;">
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Event Information and Location{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$event.event_title}<br />
{$event.event_start_date|crmDate}{if $event.event_end_date}-{if $event.event_end_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d" == $event.event_start_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d"}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate:0:1}{else}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate}{/if}{/if}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Participant Role{/ts}:
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $isShowLocation}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{if $event.location.phone.1.phone || $event.location.email.1.email}
<td colspan="2" {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Event Contacts:{/ts}
{foreach from=$event.location.phone item=phone}
{if $phone.phone}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{if $phone.phone_type}{$phone.phone_type_display}{else}{ts}Phone{/ts}{/if}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{foreach from=$event.location.email item=eventEmail}
{if $eventEmail.email}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $contact.email}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Registered Email{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{if $register_date}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Registration Date{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<p>{ts 1=$domain.phone 2=$domain.email}Please contact us at %1 or send email to %2 if you have questions.{/ts}</p>
', @tpl_ovid_participant_cancelled, 1, 0),
('Events - Registration Cancellation Notice', '{ts 1=$event.event_title}Event Registration Cancelled for %1{/ts}
', '{ts 1=$contact.display_name}Dear %1{/ts},
{ts}Your Event Registration has been cancelled.{/ts}
{ts}Event Information and Location{/ts}
{$event.event_start_date|crmDate}{if $event.event_end_date}-{if $event.event_end_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d" == $event.event_start_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d"}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate:0:1}{else}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate}{/if}{/if}
{ts}Participant Role{/ts}: {$participant.role}
{if $isShowLocation}
{/if}{*End of isShowLocation condition*}
{if $event.location.phone.1.phone || $event.location.email.1.email}
{ts}Event Contacts:{/ts}
{foreach from=$event.location.phone item=phone}
{if $phone.phone}
{if $phone.phone_type}{$phone.phone_type_display}{else}{ts}Phone{/ts}{/if}: {$phone.phone}{/if}
{foreach from=$event.location.email item=eventEmail}
{if $eventEmail.email}
{ts}Email{/ts}: {$eventEmail.email}{/if}{/foreach}
{if $contact.email}
{ts}Registered Email{/ts}
{if $register_date}
{ts}Registration Date{/ts}: {$participant.register_date|crmDate}
{ts 1=$domain.phone 2=$domain.email}Please contact us at %1 or send email to %2 if you have questions.{/ts}
', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
{capture assign=headerStyle}colspan="2" style="text-align: left; padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #eee;"{/capture}
{capture assign=labelStyle }style="padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #f7f7f7;"{/capture}
{capture assign=valueStyle }style="padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999;"{/capture}
<table width="620" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
<p>{ts 1=$contact.display_name}Dear %1{/ts},</p>
<p>{ts}Your Event Registration has been cancelled.{/ts}</p>
<table style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse; width:100%;">
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Event Information and Location{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$event.event_title}<br />
{$event.event_start_date|crmDate}{if $event.event_end_date}-{if $event.event_end_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d" == $event.event_start_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d"}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate:0:1}{else}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate}{/if}{/if}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Participant Role{/ts}:
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $isShowLocation}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{if $event.location.phone.1.phone || $event.location.email.1.email}
<td colspan="2" {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Event Contacts:{/ts}
{foreach from=$event.location.phone item=phone}
{if $phone.phone}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{if $phone.phone_type}{$phone.phone_type_display}{else}{ts}Phone{/ts}{/if}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{foreach from=$event.location.email item=eventEmail}
{if $eventEmail.email}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $contact.email}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Registered Email{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{if $register_date}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Registration Date{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<p>{ts 1=$domain.phone 2=$domain.email}Please contact us at %1 or send email to %2 if you have questions.{/ts}</p>
', @tpl_ovid_participant_cancelled, 0, 1) ,
('Events - Registration Confirmation Invite', '{ts 1=$event.event_title}Confirm your registration for %1{/ts}
', '{ts 1=$contact.display_name}Dear %1{/ts},
{if !$isAdditional and $participant.id}
{ts}Confirm Your Registration{/ts}
{capture assign=confirmUrl}{crmURL p=\'civicrm/event/confirm\' q="reset=1&participantId=`$participant.id`&cs=`$checksumValue`" a=true h=0 fe=1}{/capture}
Click this link to go to a web page where you can confirm your registration online:
{if $event.allow_selfcancelxfer }
{ts 1=$event.selfcancelxfer_time}You may transfer your registration to another participant or cancel your registration up to %1 hours before the event.{/ts} {if $totalAmount}{ts}Cancellations are not refundable.{/ts}{/if}
{capture assign=selfService}{crmURL p=\'civicrm/event/selfsvcupdate\' q="reset=1&pid=`$participant.id`&{contact.checksum}" h=0 a=1 fe=1}{/capture}
{ts}Transfer or cancel your registration:{/ts} {$selfService}
{ts}Event Information and Location{/ts}
{$event.event_start_date|crmDate}{if $event.event_end_date}-{if $event.event_end_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d" == $event.event_start_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d"}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate:0:1}{else}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate}{/if}{/if}
{if $conference_sessions}
{ts}Your schedule:{/ts}
{assign var=\'group_by_day\' value=\'NA\'}
{foreach from=$conference_sessions item=session}
{if $session.start_date|date_format:"%Y/%m/%d" != $group_by_day|date_format:"%Y/%m/%d"}
{assign var=\'group_by_day\' value=$session.start_date}
{$session.start_date|crmDate:0:1}{if $session.end_date}-{$session.end_date|crmDate:0:1}{/if} {$session.title}
{if $session.location} {$session.location}{/if}
{ts}Participant Role{/ts}: {$participant.role}
{if $isShowLocation}
{/if}{*End of isShowLocation condition*}
{if $event.location.phone.1.phone || $event.location.email.1.email}
{ts}Event Contacts:{/ts}
{foreach from=$event.location.phone item=phone}
{if $phone.phone}
{if $phone.phone_type}{$phone.phone_type_display}{else}{ts}Phone{/ts}{/if}: {$phone.phone}{/if}
{foreach from=$event.location.email item=eventEmail}
{if $eventEmail.email}
{ts}Email{/ts}: {$eventEmail.email}{/if}{/foreach}
{if $event.is_public}
{capture assign=icalFeed}{crmURL p=\'civicrm/event/ical\' q="reset=1&id=`$event.id`" h=0 a=1 fe=1}{/capture}
{ts}Download iCalendar File:{/ts} {$icalFeed}
{if $contact.email}
{ts}Registered Email{/ts}
{if $register_date}
{ts}Registration Date{/ts}: {$participant.register_date|crmDate}
{ts 1=$domain.phone 2=$domain.email}Please contact us at %1 or send email to %2 if you have questions.{/ts}
', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
{capture assign=headerStyle}colspan="2" style="text-align: left; padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #eee;"{/capture}
{capture assign=labelStyle }style="padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #f7f7f7;"{/capture}
{capture assign=valueStyle }style="padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999;"{/capture}
<table width="620" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
<p>{ts 1=$contact.display_name}Dear %1{/ts},</p>
{if !$isAdditional and $participant.id}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Confirm Your Registration{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{capture assign=confirmUrl}{crmURL p=\'civicrm/event/confirm\' q="reset=1&participantId=`$participant.id`&cs=`$checksumValue`" a=true h=0 fe=1}{/capture}
<a href="{$confirmUrl}">Go to a web page where you can confirm your registration online</a>
{if $event.allow_selfcancelxfer }
This event allows for self-cancel or transfer
{capture assign=selfService}{crmURL p=\'civicrm/event/selfsvcupdate\' q="reset=1&pid=`$participantID`&{contact.checksum}" h=0 a=1 fe=1}{/capture}
<a href="{$selfService}">{ts}Self service cancel transfer{/ts}</a>
<table style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse; width:100%;">
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Event Information and Location{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$event.event_title}<br />
{$event.event_start_date|crmDate}{if $event.event_end_date}-{if $event.event_end_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d" == $event.event_start_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d"}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate:0:1}{else}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate}{/if}{/if}
{if $conference_sessions}
<td colspan="2" {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Your schedule:{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{assign var=\'group_by_day\' value=\'NA\'}
{foreach from=$conference_sessions item=session}
{if $session.start_date|date_format:"%Y/%m/%d" != $group_by_day|date_format:"%Y/%m/%d"}
{assign var=\'group_by_day\' value=$session.start_date}
<em>{$group_by_day|date_format:"%m/%d/%Y"}</em><br />
{$session.start_date|crmDate:0:1}{if $session.end_date}-{$session.end_date|crmDate:0:1}{/if} {$session.title}<br />
{if $session.location}&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;{$session.location}<br />{/if}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Participant Role{/ts}:
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $isShowLocation}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{if $event.location.phone.1.phone || $event.location.email.1.email}
<td colspan="2" {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Event Contacts:{/ts}
{foreach from=$event.location.phone item=phone}
{if $phone.phone}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{if $phone.phone_type}{$phone.phone_type_display}{else}{ts}Phone{/ts}{/if}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{foreach from=$event.location.email item=eventEmail}
{if $eventEmail.email}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $event.is_public}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{capture assign=icalFeed}{crmURL p=\'civicrm/event/ical\' q="reset=1&id=`$event.id`" h=0 a=1 fe=1}{/capture}
<a href="{$icalFeed}">{ts}Download iCalendar File{/ts}</a>
{if $contact.email}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Registered Email{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{if $register_date}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Registration Date{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $event.allow_selfcancelxfer }
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{ts 1=$event.selfcancelxfer_time}You may transfer your registration to another participant or cancel your registration up to %1 hours before the event.{/ts} {if $totalAmount}{ts}Cancellations are not refundable.{/ts}{/if}<br />
{capture assign=selfService}{crmURL p=\'civicrm/event/selfsvcupdate\' q="reset=1&pid=`$participant.id`&{contact.checksum}" h=0 a=1 fe=1}{/capture}
<a href="{$selfService}">{ts}Click here to transfer or cancel your registration.{/ts}</a>
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
<p>{ts 1=$domain.phone 2=$domain.email}Please contact us at %1 or send email to %2 if you have questions.{/ts}</p>
', @tpl_ovid_participant_confirm, 1, 0),
('Events - Registration Confirmation Invite', '{ts 1=$event.event_title}Confirm your registration for %1{/ts}
', '{ts 1=$contact.display_name}Dear %1{/ts},
{if !$isAdditional and $participant.id}
{ts}Confirm Your Registration{/ts}
{capture assign=confirmUrl}{crmURL p=\'civicrm/event/confirm\' q="reset=1&participantId=`$participant.id`&cs=`$checksumValue`" a=true h=0 fe=1}{/capture}
Click this link to go to a web page where you can confirm your registration online:
{if $event.allow_selfcancelxfer }
{ts 1=$event.selfcancelxfer_time}You may transfer your registration to another participant or cancel your registration up to %1 hours before the event.{/ts} {if $totalAmount}{ts}Cancellations are not refundable.{/ts}{/if}
{capture assign=selfService}{crmURL p=\'civicrm/event/selfsvcupdate\' q="reset=1&pid=`$participant.id`&{contact.checksum}" h=0 a=1 fe=1}{/capture}
{ts}Transfer or cancel your registration:{/ts} {$selfService}
{ts}Event Information and Location{/ts}
{$event.event_start_date|crmDate}{if $event.event_end_date}-{if $event.event_end_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d" == $event.event_start_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d"}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate:0:1}{else}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate}{/if}{/if}
{if $conference_sessions}
{ts}Your schedule:{/ts}
{assign var=\'group_by_day\' value=\'NA\'}
{foreach from=$conference_sessions item=session}
{if $session.start_date|date_format:"%Y/%m/%d" != $group_by_day|date_format:"%Y/%m/%d"}
{assign var=\'group_by_day\' value=$session.start_date}
{$session.start_date|crmDate:0:1}{if $session.end_date}-{$session.end_date|crmDate:0:1}{/if} {$session.title}
{if $session.location} {$session.location}{/if}
{ts}Participant Role{/ts}: {$participant.role}
{if $isShowLocation}
{/if}{*End of isShowLocation condition*}
{if $event.location.phone.1.phone || $event.location.email.1.email}
{ts}Event Contacts:{/ts}
{foreach from=$event.location.phone item=phone}
{if $phone.phone}
{if $phone.phone_type}{$phone.phone_type_display}{else}{ts}Phone{/ts}{/if}: {$phone.phone}{/if}
{foreach from=$event.location.email item=eventEmail}
{if $eventEmail.email}
{ts}Email{/ts}: {$eventEmail.email}{/if}{/foreach}
{if $event.is_public}
{capture assign=icalFeed}{crmURL p=\'civicrm/event/ical\' q="reset=1&id=`$event.id`" h=0 a=1 fe=1}{/capture}
{ts}Download iCalendar File:{/ts} {$icalFeed}
{if $contact.email}
{ts}Registered Email{/ts}
{if $register_date}
{ts}Registration Date{/ts}: {$participant.register_date|crmDate}
{ts 1=$domain.phone 2=$domain.email}Please contact us at %1 or send email to %2 if you have questions.{/ts}
', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
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<table width="620" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
<p>{ts 1=$contact.display_name}Dear %1{/ts},</p>
{if !$isAdditional and $participant.id}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Confirm Your Registration{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{capture assign=confirmUrl}{crmURL p=\'civicrm/event/confirm\' q="reset=1&participantId=`$participant.id`&cs=`$checksumValue`" a=true h=0 fe=1}{/capture}
<a href="{$confirmUrl}">Go to a web page where you can confirm your registration online</a>
{if $event.allow_selfcancelxfer }
This event allows for self-cancel or transfer
{capture assign=selfService}{crmURL p=\'civicrm/event/selfsvcupdate\' q="reset=1&pid=`$participantID`&{contact.checksum}" h=0 a=1 fe=1}{/capture}
<a href="{$selfService}">{ts}Self service cancel transfer{/ts}</a>
<table style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse; width:100%;">
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Event Information and Location{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$event.event_title}<br />
{$event.event_start_date|crmDate}{if $event.event_end_date}-{if $event.event_end_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d" == $event.event_start_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d"}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate:0:1}{else}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate}{/if}{/if}
{if $conference_sessions}
<td colspan="2" {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Your schedule:{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{assign var=\'group_by_day\' value=\'NA\'}
{foreach from=$conference_sessions item=session}
{if $session.start_date|date_format:"%Y/%m/%d" != $group_by_day|date_format:"%Y/%m/%d"}
{assign var=\'group_by_day\' value=$session.start_date}
<em>{$group_by_day|date_format:"%m/%d/%Y"}</em><br />
{$session.start_date|crmDate:0:1}{if $session.end_date}-{$session.end_date|crmDate:0:1}{/if} {$session.title}<br />
{if $session.location}&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;{$session.location}<br />{/if}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Participant Role{/ts}:
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $isShowLocation}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{if $event.location.phone.1.phone || $event.location.email.1.email}
<td colspan="2" {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Event Contacts:{/ts}
{foreach from=$event.location.phone item=phone}
{if $phone.phone}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{if $phone.phone_type}{$phone.phone_type_display}{else}{ts}Phone{/ts}{/if}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{foreach from=$event.location.email item=eventEmail}
{if $eventEmail.email}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $event.is_public}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{capture assign=icalFeed}{crmURL p=\'civicrm/event/ical\' q="reset=1&id=`$event.id`" h=0 a=1 fe=1}{/capture}
<a href="{$icalFeed}">{ts}Download iCalendar File{/ts}</a>
{if $contact.email}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Registered Email{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{if $register_date}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Registration Date{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $event.allow_selfcancelxfer }
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{ts 1=$event.selfcancelxfer_time}You may transfer your registration to another participant or cancel your registration up to %1 hours before the event.{/ts} {if $totalAmount}{ts}Cancellations are not refundable.{/ts}{/if}<br />
{capture assign=selfService}{crmURL p=\'civicrm/event/selfsvcupdate\' q="reset=1&pid=`$participant.id`&{contact.checksum}" h=0 a=1 fe=1}{/capture}
<a href="{$selfService}">{ts}Click here to transfer or cancel your registration.{/ts}</a>
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
<p>{ts 1=$domain.phone 2=$domain.email}Please contact us at %1 or send email to %2 if you have questions.{/ts}</p>
', @tpl_ovid_participant_confirm, 0, 1) ,
('Events - Pending Registration Expiration Notice', '{ts 1=$event.event_title}Event registration has expired for %1{/ts}
', '{ts 1=$contact.display_name}Dear %1{/ts},
{ts 1=$event.event_title}Your pending event registration for %1 has expired
because you did not confirm your registration.{/ts}
{ts 1=$domain.phone 2=$domain.email}Please contact us at %1 or send email to %2 if you have questions
or want to inquire about reinstating your registration for this event.{/ts}
{ts}Event Information and Location{/ts}
{$event.event_start_date|crmDate}{if $event.event_end_date}-{if $event.event_end_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d" == $event.event_start_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d"}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate:0:1}{else}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate}{/if}{/if}
{ts}Participant Role{/ts}: {$participant.role}
{if $isShowLocation}
{/if}{*End of isShowLocation condition*}
{if $event.location.phone.1.phone || $event.location.email.1.email}
{ts}Event Contacts:{/ts}
{foreach from=$event.location.phone item=phone}
{if $phone.phone}
{if $phone.phone_type}{$phone.phone_type_display}{else}{ts}Phone{/ts}{/if}: {$phone.phone}{/if}
{foreach from=$event.location.email item=eventEmail}
{if $eventEmail.email}
{ts}Email{/ts}: {$eventEmail.email}{/if}{/foreach}
{if $contact.email}
{ts}Registered Email{/ts}
{if $register_date}
{ts}Registration Date{/ts}: {$participant.register_date|crmDate}
{ts 1=$domain.phone 2=$domain.email}Please contact us at %1 or send email to %2 if you have questions.{/ts}
', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
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<table width="620" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
<p>{ts 1=$contact.display_name}Dear %1{/ts},</p>
<p>{ts 1=$event.event_title}Your pending event registration for %1 has expired
because you did not confirm your registration.{/ts}</p>
<p>{ts 1=$domain.phone 2=$domain.email}Please contact us at %1 or send email to %2 if you have questions
or want to inquire about reinstating your registration for this event.{/ts}</p>
<table style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse; width:100%;">
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Event Information and Location{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$event.event_title}<br />
{$event.event_start_date|crmDate}{if $event.event_end_date}-{if $event.event_end_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d" == $event.event_start_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d"}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate:0:1}{else}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate}{/if}{/if}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Participant Role{/ts}:
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $isShowLocation}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{if $event.location.phone.1.phone || $event.location.email.1.email}
<td colspan="2" {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Event Contacts:{/ts}
{foreach from=$event.location.phone item=phone}
{if $phone.phone}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{if $phone.phone_type}{$phone.phone_type_display}{else}{ts}Phone{/ts}{/if}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{foreach from=$event.location.email item=eventEmail}
{if $eventEmail.email}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $contact.email}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Registered Email{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{if $register_date}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Registration Date{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<p>{ts 1=$domain.phone 2=$domain.email}Please contact us at %1 or send email to %2 if you have questions.{/ts}</p>
', @tpl_ovid_participant_expired, 1, 0),
('Events - Pending Registration Expiration Notice', '{ts 1=$event.event_title}Event registration has expired for %1{/ts}
', '{ts 1=$contact.display_name}Dear %1{/ts},
{ts 1=$event.event_title}Your pending event registration for %1 has expired
because you did not confirm your registration.{/ts}
{ts 1=$domain.phone 2=$domain.email}Please contact us at %1 or send email to %2 if you have questions
or want to inquire about reinstating your registration for this event.{/ts}
{ts}Event Information and Location{/ts}
{$event.event_start_date|crmDate}{if $event.event_end_date}-{if $event.event_end_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d" == $event.event_start_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d"}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate:0:1}{else}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate}{/if}{/if}
{ts}Participant Role{/ts}: {$participant.role}
{if $isShowLocation}
{/if}{*End of isShowLocation condition*}
{if $event.location.phone.1.phone || $event.location.email.1.email}
{ts}Event Contacts:{/ts}
{foreach from=$event.location.phone item=phone}
{if $phone.phone}
{if $phone.phone_type}{$phone.phone_type_display}{else}{ts}Phone{/ts}{/if}: {$phone.phone}{/if}
{foreach from=$event.location.email item=eventEmail}
{if $eventEmail.email}
{ts}Email{/ts}: {$eventEmail.email}{/if}{/foreach}
{if $contact.email}
{ts}Registered Email{/ts}
{if $register_date}
{ts}Registration Date{/ts}: {$participant.register_date|crmDate}
{ts 1=$domain.phone 2=$domain.email}Please contact us at %1 or send email to %2 if you have questions.{/ts}
', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
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<table width="620" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
<p>{ts 1=$contact.display_name}Dear %1{/ts},</p>
<p>{ts 1=$event.event_title}Your pending event registration for %1 has expired
because you did not confirm your registration.{/ts}</p>
<p>{ts 1=$domain.phone 2=$domain.email}Please contact us at %1 or send email to %2 if you have questions
or want to inquire about reinstating your registration for this event.{/ts}</p>
<table style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse; width:100%;">
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Event Information and Location{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$event.event_title}<br />
{$event.event_start_date|crmDate}{if $event.event_end_date}-{if $event.event_end_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d" == $event.event_start_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d"}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate:0:1}{else}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate}{/if}{/if}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Participant Role{/ts}:
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $isShowLocation}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{if $event.location.phone.1.phone || $event.location.email.1.email}
<td colspan="2" {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Event Contacts:{/ts}
{foreach from=$event.location.phone item=phone}
{if $phone.phone}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{if $phone.phone_type}{$phone.phone_type_display}{else}{ts}Phone{/ts}{/if}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{foreach from=$event.location.email item=eventEmail}
{if $eventEmail.email}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $contact.email}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Registered Email{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{if $register_date}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Registration Date{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<p>{ts 1=$domain.phone 2=$domain.email}Please contact us at %1 or send email to %2 if you have questions.{/ts}</p>
', @tpl_ovid_participant_expired, 0, 1) ,
('Events - Registration Transferred Notice', '{ts 1=$event.event_title}Event Registration Transferred for %1{/ts}
', '{ts 1=$contact.display_name}Dear %1{/ts},
{ts 1=$to_participant}Your Event Registration has been transferred to %1.{/ts}
{ts}Event Information and Location{/ts}
{$event.event_start_date|crmDate}{if $event.event_end_date}-{if $event.event_end_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d" == $event.event_start_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d"}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate:0:1}{else}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate}{/if}{/if}
{ts}Participant Role{/ts}: {$participant.role}
{if $isShowLocation}
{/if}{*End of isShowLocation condition*}
{if $event.location.phone.1.phone || $event.location.email.1.email}
{ts}Event Contacts:{/ts}
{foreach from=$event.location.phone item=phone}
{if $phone.phone}
{if $phone.phone_type}{$phone.phone_type_display}{else}{ts}Phone{/ts}{/if}: {$phone.phone}{/if}
{foreach from=$event.location.email item=eventEmail}
{if $eventEmail.email}
{ts}Email{/ts}: {$eventEmail.email}{/if}{/foreach}
{if $contact.email}
{ts}Registered Email{/ts}
{if $register_date}
{ts}Registration Date{/ts}: {$participant.register_date|crmDate}
{ts 1=$domain.phone 2=$domain.email}Please contact us at %1 or send email to %2 if you have questions.{/ts}
', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
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<table width="620" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
<p>{ts 1=$contact.display_name}Dear %1{/ts},</p>
<p>{ts 1=$to_participant}Your Event Registration has been Transferred to %1.{/ts}</p>
<table style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse; width:100%;">
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Event Information and Location{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$event.event_title}<br />
{$event.event_start_date|crmDate}{if $event.event_end_date}-{if $event.event_end_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d" == $event.event_start_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d"}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate:0:1}{else}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate}{/if}{/if}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Participant Role{/ts}:
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $isShowLocation}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{if $event.location.phone.1.phone || $event.location.email.1.email}
<td colspan="2" {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Event Contacts:{/ts}
{foreach from=$event.location.phone item=phone}
{if $phone.phone}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{if $phone.phone_type}{$phone.phone_type_display}{else}{ts}Phone{/ts}{/if}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{foreach from=$event.location.email item=eventEmail}
{if $eventEmail.email}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $contact.email}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Registered Email{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{if $register_date}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Registration Date{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<p>{ts 1=$domain.phone 2=$domain.email}Please contact us at %1 or send email to %2 if you have questions.{/ts}</p>
', @tpl_ovid_participant_transferred, 1, 0),
('Events - Registration Transferred Notice', '{ts 1=$event.event_title}Event Registration Transferred for %1{/ts}
', '{ts 1=$contact.display_name}Dear %1{/ts},
{ts 1=$to_participant}Your Event Registration has been transferred to %1.{/ts}
{ts}Event Information and Location{/ts}
{$event.event_start_date|crmDate}{if $event.event_end_date}-{if $event.event_end_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d" == $event.event_start_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d"}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate:0:1}{else}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate}{/if}{/if}
{ts}Participant Role{/ts}: {$participant.role}
{if $isShowLocation}
{/if}{*End of isShowLocation condition*}
{if $event.location.phone.1.phone || $event.location.email.1.email}
{ts}Event Contacts:{/ts}
{foreach from=$event.location.phone item=phone}
{if $phone.phone}
{if $phone.phone_type}{$phone.phone_type_display}{else}{ts}Phone{/ts}{/if}: {$phone.phone}{/if}
{foreach from=$event.location.email item=eventEmail}
{if $eventEmail.email}
{ts}Email{/ts}: {$eventEmail.email}{/if}{/foreach}
{if $contact.email}
{ts}Registered Email{/ts}
{if $register_date}
{ts}Registration Date{/ts}: {$participant.register_date|crmDate}
{ts 1=$domain.phone 2=$domain.email}Please contact us at %1 or send email to %2 if you have questions.{/ts}
', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
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<table width="620" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
<p>{ts 1=$contact.display_name}Dear %1{/ts},</p>
<p>{ts 1=$to_participant}Your Event Registration has been Transferred to %1.{/ts}</p>
<table style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse; width:100%;">
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Event Information and Location{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$event.event_title}<br />
{$event.event_start_date|crmDate}{if $event.event_end_date}-{if $event.event_end_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d" == $event.event_start_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d"}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate:0:1}{else}{$event.event_end_date|crmDate}{/if}{/if}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Participant Role{/ts}:
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $isShowLocation}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{if $event.location.phone.1.phone || $event.location.email.1.email}
<td colspan="2" {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Event Contacts:{/ts}
{foreach from=$event.location.phone item=phone}
{if $phone.phone}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{if $phone.phone_type}{$phone.phone_type_display}{else}{ts}Phone{/ts}{/if}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{foreach from=$event.location.email item=eventEmail}
{if $eventEmail.email}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $contact.email}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Registered Email{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{if $register_date}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Registration Date{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<p>{ts 1=$domain.phone 2=$domain.email}Please contact us at %1 or send email to %2 if you have questions.{/ts}</p>
', @tpl_ovid_participant_transferred, 0, 1) ,
('Tell-a-Friend Email', '{ts 1=$senderContactName 2=$title}%1 wants you to know about %2{/ts}
', '{$senderMessage}
{if $generalLink}{ts}For more information, visit:{/ts}
>> {$generalLink}
{if $contribute}{ts}To make a contribution, go to:{/ts}
>> {$pageURL}
{if $event}{ts}To find out more about this event, go to:{/ts}
>> {$pageURL}
', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
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<table width="620" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
{if $generalLink}
<p><a href="{$generalLink}">{ts}More information{/ts}</a></p>
{if $contribute}
<p><a href="{$pageURL}">{ts}Make a contribution{/ts}</a></p>
{if $event}
<p><a href="{$pageURL}">{ts}Find out more about this event{/ts}</a></p>
', @tpl_ovid_friend, 1, 0),
('Tell-a-Friend Email', '{ts 1=$senderContactName 2=$title}%1 wants you to know about %2{/ts}
', '{$senderMessage}
{if $generalLink}{ts}For more information, visit:{/ts}
>> {$generalLink}
{if $contribute}{ts}To make a contribution, go to:{/ts}
>> {$pageURL}
{if $event}{ts}To find out more about this event, go to:{/ts}
>> {$pageURL}
', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
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<table width="620" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
{if $generalLink}
<p><a href="{$generalLink}">{ts}More information{/ts}</a></p>
{if $contribute}
<p><a href="{$pageURL}">{ts}Make a contribution{/ts}</a></p>
{if $event}
<p><a href="{$pageURL}">{ts}Find out more about this event{/ts}</a></p>
', @tpl_ovid_friend, 0, 1) ,
('Memberships - Signup and Renewal Receipts (off-line)', '{if $receiptType EQ \'membership signup\'}
{ts}Membership Confirmation and Receipt{/ts}
{elseif $receiptType EQ \'membership renewal\'}
{ts}Membership Renewal Confirmation and Receipt{/ts}
', '{if $formValues.receipt_text_signup}
{elseif $formValues.receipt_text_renewal}
{else}{ts}Thank you for your support.{/ts}{/if}
{if ! $cancelled}{ts}Please print this receipt for your records.{/ts}
{if !$lineItem}
{ts}Membership Information{/ts}
{ts}Membership Type{/ts}: {$membership_name}
{if ! $cancelled}
{if !$lineItem}
{ts}Membership Start Date{/ts}: {$mem_start_date}
{ts}Membership End Date{/ts}: {$mem_end_date}
{if $formValues.total_amount OR $formValues.total_amount eq 0 }
{ts}Membership Fee{/ts}
{if $formValues.contributionType_name}
{ts}Financial Type{/ts}: {$formValues.contributionType_name}
{if $lineItem}
{foreach from=$lineItem item=value key=priceset}
{capture assign=ts_item}{ts}Item{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_total}{ts}Fee{/ts}{/capture}
{if $dataArray}
{capture assign=ts_subtotal}{ts}Subtotal{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_taxRate}{ts}Tax Rate{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_taxAmount}{ts}Tax Amount{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_total}{ts}Total{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_start_date}{ts}Membership Start Date{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_end_date}{ts}Membership End Date{/ts}{/capture}
{$ts_item|string_format:"%-30s"} {$ts_total|string_format:"%10s"} {if $dataArray} {$ts_subtotal|string_format:"%10s"} {$ts_taxRate|string_format:"%10s"} {$ts_taxAmount|string_format:"%10s"} {$ts_total|string_format:"%10s"} {/if} {$ts_start_date|string_format:"%20s"} {$ts_end_date|string_format:"%20s"}
{foreach from=$value item=line}
{capture assign=ts_item}{if $line.html_type eq \'Text\'}{$line.label}{else}{$line.field_title} - {$line.label}{/if} {if $line.description} {$line.description}{/if}{/capture}{$ts_item|truncate:30:"..."|string_format:"%-30s"} {$line.line_total|crmMoney|string_format:"%10s"} {if $dataArray} {$line.unit_price*$line.qty|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%10s"} {if $line.tax_rate != "" || $line.tax_amount != ""} {$line.tax_rate|string_format:"%.2f"} % {$line.tax_amount|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%10s"} {else} {/if} {$line.line_total+$line.tax_amount|crmMoney|string_format:"%10s"} {/if} {$line.start_date|string_format:"%20s"} {$line.end_date|string_format:"%20s"}
{if $dataArray}
{ts}Amount before Tax{/ts}: {$formValues.total_amount-$totalTaxAmount|crmMoney:$currency}
{foreach from=$dataArray item=value key=priceset}
{if $priceset}
{$taxTerm} {$priceset|string_format:"%.2f"} %: {$value|crmMoney:$currency}
{elseif $priceset == 0}
{ts}No{/ts} {$taxTerm}: {$value|crmMoney:$currency}
{if isset($totalTaxAmount)}
{ts}Total Tax Amount{/ts}: {$totalTaxAmount|crmMoney:$currency}
{ts}Amount{/ts}: {$formValues.total_amount|crmMoney}
{if $receive_date}
{ts}Date Received{/ts}: {$receive_date|truncate:10:\'\'|crmDate}
{if $formValues.paidBy}
{ts}Paid By{/ts}: {$formValues.paidBy}
{if $formValues.check_number}
{ts}Check Number{/ts}: {$formValues.check_number}
{if $isPrimary }
{if $contributeMode ne \'notify\' and !$isAmountzero and !$is_pay_later }
{ts}Billing Name and Address{/ts}
{if $contributeMode eq \'direct\' and !$isAmountzero and !$is_pay_later}
{ts}Credit Card Information{/ts}
{ts}Expires{/ts}: {$credit_card_exp_date|truncate:7:\'\'|crmDate}
{if $customValues}
{ts}Membership Options{/ts}
{foreach from=$customValues item=value key=customName}
{$customName} : {$value}
', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
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<table width="620" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
{if $formValues.receipt_text_signup}
{elseif $formValues.receipt_text_renewal}
<p>{ts}Thank you for your support.{/ts}</p>
{if ! $cancelled}
<p>{ts}Please print this receipt for your records.{/ts}</p>
<table style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse; width:100%;">
{if !$lineItem}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Membership Information{/ts}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Membership Type{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if ! $cancelled}
{if !$lineItem}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Membership Start Date{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Membership End Date{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $formValues.total_amount OR $formValues.total_amount eq 0 }
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Membership Fee{/ts}
{if $formValues.contributionType_name}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Financial Type{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $lineItem}
{foreach from=$lineItem item=value key=priceset}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
<table> {* FIXME: style this table so that it looks like the text version (justification, etc.) *}
{if $dataArray}
<th>{ts}Tax Rate{/ts}</th>
<th>{ts}Tax Amount{/ts}</th>
<th>{ts}Membership Start Date{/ts}</th>
<th>{ts}Membership End Date{/ts}</th>
{foreach from=$value item=line}
{if $line.html_type eq \'Text\'}{$line.label}{else}{$line.field_title} - {$line.label}{/if} {if $line.description}<div>{$line.description|truncate:30:"..."}</div>{/if}
{if $dataArray}
{if $line.tax_rate != "" || $line.tax_amount != ""}
{if $dataArray}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Amount Before Tax:{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{foreach from=$dataArray item=value key=priceset}
{if $priceset}
<td>&nbsp;{$taxTerm} {$priceset|string_format:"%.2f"}%</td>
{elseif $priceset == 0}
<td>&nbsp;{ts}No{/ts} {$taxTerm}</td>
{if isset($totalTaxAmount)}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Total Tax Amount{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $receive_date}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Date Received{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $formValues.paidBy}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Paid By{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $formValues.check_number}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Check Number{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $isPrimary}
<table style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse; width:100%;">
{if $contributeMode ne \'notify\' and !$isAmountzero and !$is_pay_later }
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Billing Name and Address{/ts}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{$billingName}<br />
{if $contributeMode eq \'direct\' and !$isAmountzero and !$is_pay_later}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Credit Card Information{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{$credit_card_type}<br />
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $customValues}
<table style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse; width:100%;">
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Membership Options{/ts}
{foreach from=$customValues item=value key=customName}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
', @tpl_ovid_membership_offline_receipt, 1, 0),
('Memberships - Signup and Renewal Receipts (off-line)', '{if $receiptType EQ \'membership signup\'}
{ts}Membership Confirmation and Receipt{/ts}
{elseif $receiptType EQ \'membership renewal\'}
{ts}Membership Renewal Confirmation and Receipt{/ts}
', '{if $formValues.receipt_text_signup}
{elseif $formValues.receipt_text_renewal}
{else}{ts}Thank you for your support.{/ts}{/if}
{if ! $cancelled}{ts}Please print this receipt for your records.{/ts}
{if !$lineItem}
{ts}Membership Information{/ts}
{ts}Membership Type{/ts}: {$membership_name}
{if ! $cancelled}
{if !$lineItem}
{ts}Membership Start Date{/ts}: {$mem_start_date}
{ts}Membership End Date{/ts}: {$mem_end_date}
{if $formValues.total_amount OR $formValues.total_amount eq 0 }
{ts}Membership Fee{/ts}
{if $formValues.contributionType_name}
{ts}Financial Type{/ts}: {$formValues.contributionType_name}
{if $lineItem}
{foreach from=$lineItem item=value key=priceset}
{capture assign=ts_item}{ts}Item{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_total}{ts}Fee{/ts}{/capture}
{if $dataArray}
{capture assign=ts_subtotal}{ts}Subtotal{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_taxRate}{ts}Tax Rate{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_taxAmount}{ts}Tax Amount{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_total}{ts}Total{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_start_date}{ts}Membership Start Date{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_end_date}{ts}Membership End Date{/ts}{/capture}
{$ts_item|string_format:"%-30s"} {$ts_total|string_format:"%10s"} {if $dataArray} {$ts_subtotal|string_format:"%10s"} {$ts_taxRate|string_format:"%10s"} {$ts_taxAmount|string_format:"%10s"} {$ts_total|string_format:"%10s"} {/if} {$ts_start_date|string_format:"%20s"} {$ts_end_date|string_format:"%20s"}
{foreach from=$value item=line}
{capture assign=ts_item}{if $line.html_type eq \'Text\'}{$line.label}{else}{$line.field_title} - {$line.label}{/if} {if $line.description} {$line.description}{/if}{/capture}{$ts_item|truncate:30:"..."|string_format:"%-30s"} {$line.line_total|crmMoney|string_format:"%10s"} {if $dataArray} {$line.unit_price*$line.qty|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%10s"} {if $line.tax_rate != "" || $line.tax_amount != ""} {$line.tax_rate|string_format:"%.2f"} % {$line.tax_amount|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%10s"} {else} {/if} {$line.line_total+$line.tax_amount|crmMoney|string_format:"%10s"} {/if} {$line.start_date|string_format:"%20s"} {$line.end_date|string_format:"%20s"}
{if $dataArray}
{ts}Amount before Tax{/ts}: {$formValues.total_amount-$totalTaxAmount|crmMoney:$currency}
{foreach from=$dataArray item=value key=priceset}
{if $priceset}
{$taxTerm} {$priceset|string_format:"%.2f"} %: {$value|crmMoney:$currency}
{elseif $priceset == 0}
{ts}No{/ts} {$taxTerm}: {$value|crmMoney:$currency}
{if isset($totalTaxAmount)}
{ts}Total Tax Amount{/ts}: {$totalTaxAmount|crmMoney:$currency}
{ts}Amount{/ts}: {$formValues.total_amount|crmMoney}
{if $receive_date}
{ts}Date Received{/ts}: {$receive_date|truncate:10:\'\'|crmDate}
{if $formValues.paidBy}
{ts}Paid By{/ts}: {$formValues.paidBy}
{if $formValues.check_number}
{ts}Check Number{/ts}: {$formValues.check_number}
{if $isPrimary }
{if $contributeMode ne \'notify\' and !$isAmountzero and !$is_pay_later }
{ts}Billing Name and Address{/ts}
{if $contributeMode eq \'direct\' and !$isAmountzero and !$is_pay_later}
{ts}Credit Card Information{/ts}
{ts}Expires{/ts}: {$credit_card_exp_date|truncate:7:\'\'|crmDate}
{if $customValues}
{ts}Membership Options{/ts}
{foreach from=$customValues item=value key=customName}
{$customName} : {$value}
', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
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<table width="620" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
{if $formValues.receipt_text_signup}
{elseif $formValues.receipt_text_renewal}
<p>{ts}Thank you for your support.{/ts}</p>
{if ! $cancelled}
<p>{ts}Please print this receipt for your records.{/ts}</p>
<table style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse; width:100%;">
{if !$lineItem}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Membership Information{/ts}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Membership Type{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if ! $cancelled}
{if !$lineItem}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Membership Start Date{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Membership End Date{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $formValues.total_amount OR $formValues.total_amount eq 0 }
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Membership Fee{/ts}
{if $formValues.contributionType_name}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Financial Type{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $lineItem}
{foreach from=$lineItem item=value key=priceset}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
<table> {* FIXME: style this table so that it looks like the text version (justification, etc.) *}
{if $dataArray}
<th>{ts}Tax Rate{/ts}</th>
<th>{ts}Tax Amount{/ts}</th>
<th>{ts}Membership Start Date{/ts}</th>
<th>{ts}Membership End Date{/ts}</th>
{foreach from=$value item=line}
{if $line.html_type eq \'Text\'}{$line.label}{else}{$line.field_title} - {$line.label}{/if} {if $line.description}<div>{$line.description|truncate:30:"..."}</div>{/if}
{if $dataArray}
{if $line.tax_rate != "" || $line.tax_amount != ""}
{if $dataArray}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Amount Before Tax:{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{foreach from=$dataArray item=value key=priceset}
{if $priceset}
<td>&nbsp;{$taxTerm} {$priceset|string_format:"%.2f"}%</td>
{elseif $priceset == 0}
<td>&nbsp;{ts}No{/ts} {$taxTerm}</td>
{if isset($totalTaxAmount)}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Total Tax Amount{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $receive_date}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Date Received{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $formValues.paidBy}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Paid By{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $formValues.check_number}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Check Number{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $isPrimary}
<table style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse; width:100%;">
{if $contributeMode ne \'notify\' and !$isAmountzero and !$is_pay_later }
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Billing Name and Address{/ts}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{$billingName}<br />
{if $contributeMode eq \'direct\' and !$isAmountzero and !$is_pay_later}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Credit Card Information{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{$credit_card_type}<br />
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $customValues}
<table style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse; width:100%;">
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Membership Options{/ts}
{foreach from=$customValues item=value key=customName}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
', @tpl_ovid_membership_offline_receipt, 0, 1) ,
('Memberships - Receipt (on-line)', '{if $is_pay_later}{ts}Invoice{/ts}{else}{ts}Receipt{/ts}{/if} - {$title}
', '{if $receipt_text}
{if $is_pay_later}
{ts}Please print this receipt for your records.{/ts}
{if $membership_assign && !$useForMember}
{ts}Membership Information{/ts}
{ts}Membership Type{/ts}: {$membership_name}
{if $mem_start_date}{ts}Membership Start Date{/ts}: {$mem_start_date|crmDate}
{if $mem_end_date}{ts}Membership End Date{/ts}: {$mem_end_date|crmDate}
{if $amount}
{ts}Membership Fee{/ts}
{if !$useForMember && $membership_amount && $is_quick_config}
{ts 1=$membership_name}%1 Membership{/ts}: {$membership_amount|crmMoney}
{if $amount && !$is_separate_payment }
{ts}Contribution Amount{/ts}: {$amount|crmMoney}
{ts}Total{/ts}: {$amount+$membership_amount|crmMoney}
{elseif !$useForMember && $lineItem and $priceSetID & !$is_quick_config}
{foreach from=$lineItem item=value key=priceset}
{capture assign=ts_item}{ts}Item{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_qty}{ts}Qty{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_each}{ts}Each{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_total}{ts}Total{/ts}{/capture}
{$ts_item|string_format:"%-30s"} {$ts_qty|string_format:"%5s"} {$ts_each|string_format:"%10s"} {$ts_total|string_format:"%10s"}
{foreach from=$value item=line}
{$line.description|truncate:30:"..."|string_format:"%-30s"} {$line.qty|string_format:"%5s"} {$line.unit_price|crmMoney|string_format:"%10s"} {$line.line_total|crmMoney|string_format:"%10s"}
{ts}Total Amount{/ts}: {$amount|crmMoney}
{if $useForMember && $lineItem && !$is_quick_config}
{foreach from=$lineItem item=value key=priceset}
{capture assign=ts_item}{ts}Item{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_total}{ts}Fee{/ts}{/capture}
{if $dataArray}
{capture assign=ts_subtotal}{ts}Subtotal{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_taxRate}{ts}Tax Rate{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_taxAmount}{ts}Tax Amount{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_total}{ts}Total{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_start_date}{ts}Membership Start Date{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_end_date}{ts}Membership End Date{/ts}{/capture}
{$ts_item|string_format:"%-30s"} {$ts_total|string_format:"%10s"} {if $dataArray} {$ts_subtotal|string_format:"%10s"} {$ts_taxRate|string_format:"%10s"} {$ts_taxAmount|string_format:"%10s"} {$ts_total|string_format:"%10s"} {/if} {$ts_start_date|string_format:"%20s"} {$ts_end_date|string_format:"%20s"}
{foreach from=$value item=line}
{capture assign=ts_item}{if $line.html_type eq \'Text\'}{$line.label}{else}{$line.field_title} - {$line.label}{/if} {if $line.description} {$line.description}{/if}{/capture}{$ts_item|truncate:30:"..."|string_format:"%-30s"} {$line.line_total|crmMoney|string_format:"%10s"} {if $dataArray} {$line.unit_price*$line.qty|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%10s"} {if $line.tax_rate != "" || $line.tax_amount != ""} {$line.tax_rate|string_format:"%.2f"} % {$line.tax_amount|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%10s"} {else} {/if} {$line.line_total+$line.tax_amount|crmMoney|string_format:"%10s"} {/if} {$line.start_date|string_format:"%20s"} {$line.end_date|string_format:"%20s"}
{if $dataArray}
{ts}Amount before Tax{/ts}: {$amount-$totalTaxAmount|crmMoney:$currency}
{foreach from=$dataArray item=value key=priceset}
{if $priceset || $priceset == 0}
{$taxTerm} {$priceset|string_format:"%.2f"}%: {$value|crmMoney:$currency}
{ts}No{/ts} {$taxTerm}: {$value|crmMoney:$currency}
{if $totalTaxAmount}
{ts}Total Tax Amount{/ts}: {$totalTaxAmount|crmMoney:$currency}
{ts}Amount{/ts}: {$amount|crmMoney} {if $amount_level } - {$amount_level} {/if}
{elseif $membership_amount}
{ts}Membership Fee{/ts}
{ts 1=$membership_name}%1 Membership{/ts}: {$membership_amount|crmMoney}
{if $receive_date}
{ts}Date{/ts}: {$receive_date|crmDate}
{if $is_monetary and $trxn_id}
{ts}Transaction #{/ts}: {$trxn_id}
{if $membership_trx_id}
{ts}Membership Transaction #{/ts}: {$membership_trx_id}
{if $is_recur}
{if $contributeMode eq \'notify\' or $contributeMode eq \'directIPN\'}
{ts 1=$cancelSubscriptionUrl}This membership will be renewed automatically. You can cancel the auto-renewal option by visiting this web page: %1.{/ts}
{if $updateSubscriptionBillingUrl}
{ts 1=$updateSubscriptionBillingUrl}You can update billing details for this automatically renewed membership by <a href="%1">visiting this web page</a>.{/ts}
{if $honor_block_is_active }
{foreach from=$honoreeProfile item=value key=label}
{$label}: {$value}
{if $pcpBlock}
{ts}Personal Campaign Page{/ts}
{ts}Display In Honor Roll{/ts}: {if $pcp_display_in_roll}{ts}Yes{/ts}{else}{ts}No{/ts}{/if}
{if $pcp_roll_nickname}{ts}Nickname{/ts}: {$pcp_roll_nickname}{/if}
{if $pcp_personal_note}{ts}Personal Note{/ts}: {$pcp_personal_note}{/if}
{if $onBehalfProfile}
{ts}On Behalf Of{/ts}
{foreach from=$onBehalfProfile item=onBehalfValue key=onBehalfName}
{$onBehalfName}: {$onBehalfValue}
{if !( $contributeMode eq \'notify\' OR $contributeMode eq \'directIPN\' ) and $is_monetary}
{if $is_pay_later}
{ts}Registered Email{/ts}
{elseif $amount GT 0 OR $membership_amount GT 0 }
{ts}Billing Name and Address{/ts}
{/if} {* End ! is_pay_later condition. *}
{if $contributeMode eq \'direct\' AND !$is_pay_later AND ( $amount GT 0 OR $membership_amount GT 0 ) }
{ts}Credit Card Information{/ts}
{ts}Expires{/ts}: {$credit_card_exp_date|truncate:7:\'\'|crmDate}
{if $selectPremium }
{ts}Premium Information{/ts}
{if $option}
{ts}Option{/ts}: {$option}
{if $sku}
{ts}SKU{/ts}: {$sku}
{if $start_date}
{ts}Start Date{/ts}: {$start_date|crmDate}
{if $end_date}
{ts}End Date{/ts}: {$end_date|crmDate}
{if $contact_email OR $contact_phone}
{ts}For information about this premium, contact:{/ts}
{if $contact_email}
{if $contact_phone}
{if $is_deductible AND $price}
{ts 1=$price|crmMoney}The value of this premium is %1. This may affect the amount of the tax deduction you can claim. Consult your tax advisor for more information.{/ts}{/if}
{if $customPre}
{foreach from=$customPre item=customValue key=customName}
{if ( $trackingFields and ! in_array( $customName, $trackingFields ) ) or ! $trackingFields}
{$customName}: {$customValue}
{if $customPost}
{foreach from=$customPost item=customValue key=customName}
{if ( $trackingFields and ! in_array( $customName, $trackingFields ) ) or ! $trackingFields}
{$customName}: {$customValue}
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{capture assign=valueStyle }style="padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999;"{/capture}
<table width="500" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
{if $receipt_text}
{if $is_pay_later}
<p>{$pay_later_receipt}</p> {* FIXME: this might be text rather than HTML *}
<p>{ts}Please print this confirmation for your records.{/ts}</p>
<table width="500" style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse;">
{if $membership_assign && !$useForMember}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Membership Information{/ts}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Membership Type{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $mem_start_date}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Membership Start Date{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $mem_end_date}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Membership End Date{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $amount}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Membership Fee{/ts}
{if !$useForMember and $membership_amount and $is_quick_config}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts 1=$membership_name}%1 Membership{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $amount && !$is_separate_payment }
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Contribution Amount{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{elseif !$useForMember && $lineItem and $priceSetID and !$is_quick_config}
{foreach from=$lineItem item=value key=priceset}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
<table> {* FIXME: style this table so that it looks like the text version (justification, etc.) *}
{foreach from=$value item=line}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Total Amount{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $useForMember && $lineItem and !$is_quick_config}
{foreach from=$lineItem item=value key=priceset}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
<table> {* FIXME: style this table so that it looks like the text version (justification, etc.) *}
{if $dataArray}
<th>{ts}Tax Rate{/ts}</th>
<th>{ts}Tax Amount{/ts}</th>
<th>{ts}Membership Start Date{/ts}</th>
<th>{ts}Membership End Date{/ts}</th>
{foreach from=$value item=line}
{if $line.html_type eq \'Text\'}{$line.label}{else}{$line.field_title} - {$line.label}{/if} {if $line.description}<div>{$line.description|truncate:30:"..."}</div>{/if}
{if $dataArray}
{if $line.tax_rate != "" || $line.tax_amount != ""}
{if $dataArray}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Amount Before Tax:{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{foreach from=$dataArray item=value key=priceset}
{if $priceset || $priceset == 0}
<td>&nbsp;{$taxTerm} {$priceset|string_format:"%.2f"}%</td>
<td>&nbsp;{ts}NO{/ts} {$taxTerm}</td>
{if $totalTaxAmount}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Total Tax Amount{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{$amount|crmMoney} {if $amount_level} - {$amount_level}{/if}
{elseif $membership_amount}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Membership Fee{/ts}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts 1=$membership_name}%1 Membership{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $receive_date}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $is_monetary and $trxn_id}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Transaction #{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $membership_trx_id}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Membership Transaction #{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $is_recur}
{if $contributeMode eq \'notify\' or $contributeMode eq \'directIPN\'}
<td colspan="2" {$labelStyle}>
{ts 1=$cancelSubscriptionUrl}This membership will be renewed automatically. You can cancel the auto-renewal option by <a href="%1">visiting this web page</a>.{/ts}
{if $updateSubscriptionBillingUrl}
<td colspan="2" {$labelStyle}>
{ts 1=$updateSubscriptionBillingUrl}You can update billing details for this automatically renewed membership by <a href="%1">visiting this web page</a>.{/ts}
{if $honor_block_is_active}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{foreach from=$honoreeProfile item=value key=label}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $pcpBlock}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Personal Campaign Page{/ts}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Display In Honor Roll{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $pcp_display_in_roll}{ts}Yes{/ts}{else}{ts}No{/ts}{/if}
{if $pcp_roll_nickname}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $pcp_personal_note}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Personal Note{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $onBehalfProfile}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{foreach from=$onBehalfProfile item=onBehalfValue key=onBehalfName}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if ! ($contributeMode eq \'notify\' OR $contributeMode eq \'directIPN\') and $is_monetary}
{if $is_pay_later}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Registered Email{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{elseif $amount GT 0 OR $membership_amount GT 0}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Billing Name and Address{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$billingName}<br />
{$address|nl2br}<br />
{if $contributeMode eq \'direct\' AND !$is_pay_later AND ($amount GT 0 OR $membership_amount GT 0)}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Credit Card Information{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$credit_card_type}<br />
{$credit_card_number}<br />
{ts}Expires{/ts}: {$credit_card_exp_date|truncate:7:\'\'|crmDate}<br />
{if $selectPremium}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Premium Information{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$labelStyle}>
{if $option}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $sku}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $start_date}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Start Date{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $end_date}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}End Date{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $contact_email OR $contact_phone}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
<p>{ts}For information about this premium, contact:{/ts}</p>
{if $contact_email}
{if $contact_phone}
{if $is_deductible AND $price}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
<p>{ts 1=$price|crmMoney}The value of this premium is %1. This may affect the amount of the tax deduction you can claim. Consult your tax advisor for more information.{/ts}</p>
{if $customPre}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{foreach from=$customPre item=customValue key=customName}
{if ($trackingFields and ! in_array($customName, $trackingFields)) or ! $trackingFields}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $customPost}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{foreach from=$customPost item=customValue key=customName}
{if ($trackingFields and ! in_array($customName, $trackingFields)) or ! $trackingFields}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
', @tpl_ovid_membership_online_receipt, 1, 0),
('Memberships - Receipt (on-line)', '{if $is_pay_later}{ts}Invoice{/ts}{else}{ts}Receipt{/ts}{/if} - {$title}
', '{if $receipt_text}
{if $is_pay_later}
{ts}Please print this receipt for your records.{/ts}
{if $membership_assign && !$useForMember}
{ts}Membership Information{/ts}
{ts}Membership Type{/ts}: {$membership_name}
{if $mem_start_date}{ts}Membership Start Date{/ts}: {$mem_start_date|crmDate}
{if $mem_end_date}{ts}Membership End Date{/ts}: {$mem_end_date|crmDate}
{if $amount}
{ts}Membership Fee{/ts}
{if !$useForMember && $membership_amount && $is_quick_config}
{ts 1=$membership_name}%1 Membership{/ts}: {$membership_amount|crmMoney}
{if $amount && !$is_separate_payment }
{ts}Contribution Amount{/ts}: {$amount|crmMoney}
{ts}Total{/ts}: {$amount+$membership_amount|crmMoney}
{elseif !$useForMember && $lineItem and $priceSetID & !$is_quick_config}
{foreach from=$lineItem item=value key=priceset}
{capture assign=ts_item}{ts}Item{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_qty}{ts}Qty{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_each}{ts}Each{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_total}{ts}Total{/ts}{/capture}
{$ts_item|string_format:"%-30s"} {$ts_qty|string_format:"%5s"} {$ts_each|string_format:"%10s"} {$ts_total|string_format:"%10s"}
{foreach from=$value item=line}
{$line.description|truncate:30:"..."|string_format:"%-30s"} {$line.qty|string_format:"%5s"} {$line.unit_price|crmMoney|string_format:"%10s"} {$line.line_total|crmMoney|string_format:"%10s"}
{ts}Total Amount{/ts}: {$amount|crmMoney}
{if $useForMember && $lineItem && !$is_quick_config}
{foreach from=$lineItem item=value key=priceset}
{capture assign=ts_item}{ts}Item{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_total}{ts}Fee{/ts}{/capture}
{if $dataArray}
{capture assign=ts_subtotal}{ts}Subtotal{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_taxRate}{ts}Tax Rate{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_taxAmount}{ts}Tax Amount{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_total}{ts}Total{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_start_date}{ts}Membership Start Date{/ts}{/capture}
{capture assign=ts_end_date}{ts}Membership End Date{/ts}{/capture}
{$ts_item|string_format:"%-30s"} {$ts_total|string_format:"%10s"} {if $dataArray} {$ts_subtotal|string_format:"%10s"} {$ts_taxRate|string_format:"%10s"} {$ts_taxAmount|string_format:"%10s"} {$ts_total|string_format:"%10s"} {/if} {$ts_start_date|string_format:"%20s"} {$ts_end_date|string_format:"%20s"}
{foreach from=$value item=line}
{capture assign=ts_item}{if $line.html_type eq \'Text\'}{$line.label}{else}{$line.field_title} - {$line.label}{/if} {if $line.description} {$line.description}{/if}{/capture}{$ts_item|truncate:30:"..."|string_format:"%-30s"} {$line.line_total|crmMoney|string_format:"%10s"} {if $dataArray} {$line.unit_price*$line.qty|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%10s"} {if $line.tax_rate != "" || $line.tax_amount != ""} {$line.tax_rate|string_format:"%.2f"} % {$line.tax_amount|crmMoney:$currency|string_format:"%10s"} {else} {/if} {$line.line_total+$line.tax_amount|crmMoney|string_format:"%10s"} {/if} {$line.start_date|string_format:"%20s"} {$line.end_date|string_format:"%20s"}
{if $dataArray}
{ts}Amount before Tax{/ts}: {$amount-$totalTaxAmount|crmMoney:$currency}
{foreach from=$dataArray item=value key=priceset}
{if $priceset || $priceset == 0}
{$taxTerm} {$priceset|string_format:"%.2f"}%: {$value|crmMoney:$currency}
{ts}No{/ts} {$taxTerm}: {$value|crmMoney:$currency}
{if $totalTaxAmount}
{ts}Total Tax Amount{/ts}: {$totalTaxAmount|crmMoney:$currency}
{ts}Amount{/ts}: {$amount|crmMoney} {if $amount_level } - {$amount_level} {/if}
{elseif $membership_amount}
{ts}Membership Fee{/ts}
{ts 1=$membership_name}%1 Membership{/ts}: {$membership_amount|crmMoney}
{if $receive_date}
{ts}Date{/ts}: {$receive_date|crmDate}
{if $is_monetary and $trxn_id}
{ts}Transaction #{/ts}: {$trxn_id}
{if $membership_trx_id}
{ts}Membership Transaction #{/ts}: {$membership_trx_id}
{if $is_recur}
{if $contributeMode eq \'notify\' or $contributeMode eq \'directIPN\'}
{ts 1=$cancelSubscriptionUrl}This membership will be renewed automatically. You can cancel the auto-renewal option by visiting this web page: %1.{/ts}
{if $updateSubscriptionBillingUrl}
{ts 1=$updateSubscriptionBillingUrl}You can update billing details for this automatically renewed membership by <a href="%1">visiting this web page</a>.{/ts}
{if $honor_block_is_active }
{foreach from=$honoreeProfile item=value key=label}
{$label}: {$value}
{if $pcpBlock}
{ts}Personal Campaign Page{/ts}
{ts}Display In Honor Roll{/ts}: {if $pcp_display_in_roll}{ts}Yes{/ts}{else}{ts}No{/ts}{/if}
{if $pcp_roll_nickname}{ts}Nickname{/ts}: {$pcp_roll_nickname}{/if}
{if $pcp_personal_note}{ts}Personal Note{/ts}: {$pcp_personal_note}{/if}
{if $onBehalfProfile}
{ts}On Behalf Of{/ts}
{foreach from=$onBehalfProfile item=onBehalfValue key=onBehalfName}
{$onBehalfName}: {$onBehalfValue}
{if !( $contributeMode eq \'notify\' OR $contributeMode eq \'directIPN\' ) and $is_monetary}
{if $is_pay_later}
{ts}Registered Email{/ts}
{elseif $amount GT 0 OR $membership_amount GT 0 }
{ts}Billing Name and Address{/ts}
{/if} {* End ! is_pay_later condition. *}
{if $contributeMode eq \'direct\' AND !$is_pay_later AND ( $amount GT 0 OR $membership_amount GT 0 ) }
{ts}Credit Card Information{/ts}
{ts}Expires{/ts}: {$credit_card_exp_date|truncate:7:\'\'|crmDate}
{if $selectPremium }
{ts}Premium Information{/ts}
{if $option}
{ts}Option{/ts}: {$option}
{if $sku}
{ts}SKU{/ts}: {$sku}
{if $start_date}
{ts}Start Date{/ts}: {$start_date|crmDate}
{if $end_date}
{ts}End Date{/ts}: {$end_date|crmDate}
{if $contact_email OR $contact_phone}
{ts}For information about this premium, contact:{/ts}
{if $contact_email}
{if $contact_phone}
{if $is_deductible AND $price}
{ts 1=$price|crmMoney}The value of this premium is %1. This may affect the amount of the tax deduction you can claim. Consult your tax advisor for more information.{/ts}{/if}
{if $customPre}
{foreach from=$customPre item=customValue key=customName}
{if ( $trackingFields and ! in_array( $customName, $trackingFields ) ) or ! $trackingFields}
{$customName}: {$customValue}
{if $customPost}
{foreach from=$customPost item=customValue key=customName}
{if ( $trackingFields and ! in_array( $customName, $trackingFields ) ) or ! $trackingFields}
{$customName}: {$customValue}
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<!-- END HEADER -->
{if $receipt_text}
{if $is_pay_later}
<p>{$pay_later_receipt}</p> {* FIXME: this might be text rather than HTML *}
<p>{ts}Please print this confirmation for your records.{/ts}</p>
<table width="500" style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse;">
{if $membership_assign && !$useForMember}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Membership Information{/ts}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Membership Type{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $mem_start_date}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Membership Start Date{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $mem_end_date}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Membership End Date{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $amount}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Membership Fee{/ts}
{if !$useForMember and $membership_amount and $is_quick_config}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts 1=$membership_name}%1 Membership{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $amount && !$is_separate_payment }
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Contribution Amount{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{elseif !$useForMember && $lineItem and $priceSetID and !$is_quick_config}
{foreach from=$lineItem item=value key=priceset}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
<table> {* FIXME: style this table so that it looks like the text version (justification, etc.) *}
{foreach from=$value item=line}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Total Amount{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $useForMember && $lineItem and !$is_quick_config}
{foreach from=$lineItem item=value key=priceset}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
<table> {* FIXME: style this table so that it looks like the text version (justification, etc.) *}
{if $dataArray}
<th>{ts}Tax Rate{/ts}</th>
<th>{ts}Tax Amount{/ts}</th>
<th>{ts}Membership Start Date{/ts}</th>
<th>{ts}Membership End Date{/ts}</th>
{foreach from=$value item=line}
{if $line.html_type eq \'Text\'}{$line.label}{else}{$line.field_title} - {$line.label}{/if} {if $line.description}<div>{$line.description|truncate:30:"..."}</div>{/if}
{if $dataArray}
{if $line.tax_rate != "" || $line.tax_amount != ""}
{if $dataArray}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Amount Before Tax:{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{foreach from=$dataArray item=value key=priceset}
{if $priceset || $priceset == 0}
<td>&nbsp;{$taxTerm} {$priceset|string_format:"%.2f"}%</td>
<td>&nbsp;{ts}NO{/ts} {$taxTerm}</td>
{if $totalTaxAmount}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Total Tax Amount{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{$amount|crmMoney} {if $amount_level} - {$amount_level}{/if}
{elseif $membership_amount}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Membership Fee{/ts}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts 1=$membership_name}%1 Membership{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $receive_date}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $is_monetary and $trxn_id}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Transaction #{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $membership_trx_id}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Membership Transaction #{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $is_recur}
{if $contributeMode eq \'notify\' or $contributeMode eq \'directIPN\'}
<td colspan="2" {$labelStyle}>
{ts 1=$cancelSubscriptionUrl}This membership will be renewed automatically. You can cancel the auto-renewal option by <a href="%1">visiting this web page</a>.{/ts}
{if $updateSubscriptionBillingUrl}
<td colspan="2" {$labelStyle}>
{ts 1=$updateSubscriptionBillingUrl}You can update billing details for this automatically renewed membership by <a href="%1">visiting this web page</a>.{/ts}
{if $honor_block_is_active}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{foreach from=$honoreeProfile item=value key=label}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $pcpBlock}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Personal Campaign Page{/ts}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Display In Honor Roll{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $pcp_display_in_roll}{ts}Yes{/ts}{else}{ts}No{/ts}{/if}
{if $pcp_roll_nickname}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $pcp_personal_note}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Personal Note{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $onBehalfProfile}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{foreach from=$onBehalfProfile item=onBehalfValue key=onBehalfName}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if ! ($contributeMode eq \'notify\' OR $contributeMode eq \'directIPN\') and $is_monetary}
{if $is_pay_later}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Registered Email{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{elseif $amount GT 0 OR $membership_amount GT 0}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Billing Name and Address{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$billingName}<br />
{$address|nl2br}<br />
{if $contributeMode eq \'direct\' AND !$is_pay_later AND ($amount GT 0 OR $membership_amount GT 0)}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Credit Card Information{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$credit_card_type}<br />
{$credit_card_number}<br />
{ts}Expires{/ts}: {$credit_card_exp_date|truncate:7:\'\'|crmDate}<br />
{if $selectPremium}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Premium Information{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$labelStyle}>
{if $option}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $sku}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $start_date}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Start Date{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $end_date}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}End Date{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $contact_email OR $contact_phone}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
<p>{ts}For information about this premium, contact:{/ts}</p>
{if $contact_email}
{if $contact_phone}
{if $is_deductible AND $price}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
<p>{ts 1=$price|crmMoney}The value of this premium is %1. This may affect the amount of the tax deduction you can claim. Consult your tax advisor for more information.{/ts}</p>
{if $customPre}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{foreach from=$customPre item=customValue key=customName}
{if ($trackingFields and ! in_array($customName, $trackingFields)) or ! $trackingFields}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $customPost}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{foreach from=$customPost item=customValue key=customName}
{if ($trackingFields and ! in_array($customName, $trackingFields)) or ! $trackingFields}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
', @tpl_ovid_membership_online_receipt, 0, 1) ,
('Memberships - Auto-renew Cancellation Notification', '{ts}Autorenew Membership Cancellation Notification{/ts}
', '{ts 1=$membershipType}The automatic renewal of your %1 membership has been cancelled as requested. This does not affect the status of your membership - you will receive a separate notification when your membership is up for renewal.{/ts}
{ts}Membership Information{/ts}
{ts}Membership Status{/ts}: {$membership_status}
{if $mem_start_date}{ts}Membership Start Date{/ts}: {$mem_start_date|crmDate}
{if $mem_end_date}{ts}Membership End Date{/ts}: {$mem_end_date|crmDate}
', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
{capture assign=headerStyle}colspan="2" style="text-align: left; padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #eee;"{/capture}
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<table width="500" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
<p>{ts 1=$membershipType}The automatic renewal of your %1 membership has been cancelled as requested. This does not affect the status of your membership - you will receive a separate notification when your membership is up for renewal.{/ts}</p>
<table width="500" style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse;">
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Membership Information{/ts}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Membership Status{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $mem_start_date}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Membership Start Date{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $mem_end_date}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Membership End Date{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
', @tpl_ovid_membership_autorenew_cancelled, 1, 0),
('Memberships - Auto-renew Cancellation Notification', '{ts}Autorenew Membership Cancellation Notification{/ts}
', '{ts 1=$membershipType}The automatic renewal of your %1 membership has been cancelled as requested. This does not affect the status of your membership - you will receive a separate notification when your membership is up for renewal.{/ts}
{ts}Membership Information{/ts}
{ts}Membership Status{/ts}: {$membership_status}
{if $mem_start_date}{ts}Membership Start Date{/ts}: {$mem_start_date|crmDate}
{if $mem_end_date}{ts}Membership End Date{/ts}: {$mem_end_date|crmDate}
', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
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<table width="500" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
<p>{ts 1=$membershipType}The automatic renewal of your %1 membership has been cancelled as requested. This does not affect the status of your membership - you will receive a separate notification when your membership is up for renewal.{/ts}</p>
<table width="500" style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse;">
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Membership Information{/ts}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Membership Status{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $mem_start_date}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Membership Start Date{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $mem_end_date}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Membership End Date{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
', @tpl_ovid_membership_autorenew_cancelled, 0, 1) ,
('Memberships - Auto-renew Billing Updates', '{ts}Membership Autorenewal Billing Updates{/ts}', '{ts 1=$contact.display_name}Dear %1{/ts},
{ts 1=$membershipType}Billing details for your automatically renewed %1 membership have been updated.{/ts}
{ts}Billing Name and Address{/ts}
{ts}Credit Card Information{/ts}
{ts}Expires{/ts}: {$credit_card_exp_date|truncate:7:\'\'|crmDate}
{ts 1=$receipt_from_email}If you have questions please contact us at %1{/ts}', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
{capture assign=headerStyle}colspan="2" style="text-align: left; padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #eee;"{/capture}
{capture assign=labelStyle }style="padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #f7f7f7;"{/capture}
{capture assign=valueStyle }style="padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999;"{/capture}
<table width="620" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
<p>{ts 1=$contact.display_name}Dear %1{/ts},</p>
<p>{ts 1=$membershipType}Billing details for your automatically renewed %1 membership have been updated.{/ts}</p>
<table width="500" style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse;">
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Billing Name and Address{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$billingName}<br />
{$address|nl2br}<br />
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Credit Card Information{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$credit_card_type}<br />
{$credit_card_number}<br />
{ts}Expires{/ts}: {$credit_card_exp_date|truncate:7:\'\'|crmDate}<br />
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts 1=$receipt_from_email}If you have questions please contact us at %1{/ts}
', @tpl_ovid_membership_autorenew_billing, 1, 0),
('Memberships - Auto-renew Billing Updates', '{ts}Membership Autorenewal Billing Updates{/ts}', '{ts 1=$contact.display_name}Dear %1{/ts},
{ts 1=$membershipType}Billing details for your automatically renewed %1 membership have been updated.{/ts}
{ts}Billing Name and Address{/ts}
{ts}Credit Card Information{/ts}
{ts}Expires{/ts}: {$credit_card_exp_date|truncate:7:\'\'|crmDate}
{ts 1=$receipt_from_email}If you have questions please contact us at %1{/ts}', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
{capture assign=headerStyle}colspan="2" style="text-align: left; padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #eee;"{/capture}
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{capture assign=valueStyle }style="padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999;"{/capture}
<table width="620" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
<p>{ts 1=$contact.display_name}Dear %1{/ts},</p>
<p>{ts 1=$membershipType}Billing details for your automatically renewed %1 membership have been updated.{/ts}</p>
<table width="500" style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse;">
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Billing Name and Address{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$billingName}<br />
{$address|nl2br}<br />
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Credit Card Information{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
{$credit_card_type}<br />
{$credit_card_number}<br />
{ts}Expires{/ts}: {$credit_card_exp_date|truncate:7:\'\'|crmDate}<br />
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts 1=$receipt_from_email}If you have questions please contact us at %1{/ts}
', @tpl_ovid_membership_autorenew_billing, 0, 1) ,
('Test-drive - Receipt Header', '[TEST]
', '***********************************************************
{ts}Test-drive Email / Receipt{/ts}
{ts}This is a test-drive email. No live financial transaction has occurred.{/ts}
', '<center>
<table width="620" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt_test" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left">
<p>{ts}Test-drive Email / Receipt{/ts}</p>
<p>{ts}This is a test-drive email. No live financial transaction has occurred.{/ts}</p>
', @tpl_ovid_test_preview, 1, 0),
('Test-drive - Receipt Header', '[TEST]
', '***********************************************************
{ts}Test-drive Email / Receipt{/ts}
{ts}This is a test-drive email. No live financial transaction has occurred.{/ts}
', '<center>
<table width="620" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt_test" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left">
<p>{ts}Test-drive Email / Receipt{/ts}</p>
<p>{ts}This is a test-drive email. No live financial transaction has occurred.{/ts}</p>
', @tpl_ovid_test_preview, 0, 1) ,
('Pledges - Acknowledgement', '{ts}Thank you for your Pledge{/ts}
', '{ts 1=$contact.display_name}Dear %1{/ts},
{ts}Thank you for your generous pledge. Please print this acknowledgment for your records.{/ts}
{ts}Pledge Information{/ts}
{ts}Pledge Received{/ts}: {$create_date|truncate:10:\'\'|crmDate}
{ts}Total Pledge Amount{/ts}: {$total_pledge_amount|crmMoney:$currency}
{ts}Payment Schedule{/ts}
{ts 1=$scheduled_amount|crmMoney:$currency 2=$frequency_interval 3=$frequency_unit 4=$installments}%1 every %2 %3 for %4 installments.{/ts}
{if $frequency_day}
{ts 1=$frequency_day 2=$frequency_unit}Payments are due on day %1 of the %2.{/ts}
{if $payments}
{assign var="count" value="1"}
{foreach from=$payments item=payment}
{ts 1=$count}Payment %1{/ts}: {$payment.amount|crmMoney:$currency} {if $payment.status eq 1}{ts}paid{/ts} {$payment.receive_date|truncate:10:\'\'|crmDate}{else}{ts}due{/ts} {$payment.due_date|truncate:10:\'\'|crmDate}{/if}
{assign var="count" value=`$count+1`}
{ts 1=$domain.phone 2=$domain.email}Please contact us at %1 or send email to %2 if you have questions
or need to modify your payment schedule.{/ts}
{if $customGroup}
{foreach from=$customGroup item=value key=customName}
{foreach from=$value item=v key=n}
{$n}: {$v}
', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
{capture assign=headerStyle}colspan="2" style="text-align: left; padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #eee;"{/capture}
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<table width="620" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
<p>{ts 1=$contact.display_name}dear %1{/ts},</p>
<p>{ts}thank you for your generous pledge. please print this acknowledgment for your records.{/ts}</p>
<table style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse; width:100%;">
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Pledge Information{/ts}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Pledge Received{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Total Pledge Amount{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Payment Schedule{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
<p>{ts 1=$scheduled_amount|crmMoney:$currency 2=$frequency_interval 3=$frequency_unit 4=$installments}%1 every %2 %3 for %4 installments.{/ts}</p>
{if $frequency_day}
<p>{ts 1=$frequency_day 2=$frequency_unit}Payments are due on day %1 of the %2.{/ts}</p>
{if $payments}
{assign var="count" value="1"}
{foreach from=$payments item=payment}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts 1=$count}Payment %1{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{$payment.amount|crmMoney:$currency} {if $payment.status eq 1}{ts}paid{/ts} {$payment.receive_date|truncate:10:\'\'|crmDate}{else}{ts}due{/ts} {$payment.due_date|truncate:10:\'\'|crmDate}{/if}
{assign var="count" value=`$count+1`}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
<p>{ts 1=$domain.phone 2=$domain.email}Please contact us at %1 or send email to %2 if you have questions
or need to modify your payment schedule.{/ts}</p>
{if $customGroup}
{foreach from=$customGroup item=value key=customName}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{foreach from=$value item=v key=n}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
', @tpl_ovid_pledge_acknowledge, 1, 0),
('Pledges - Acknowledgement', '{ts}Thank you for your Pledge{/ts}
', '{ts 1=$contact.display_name}Dear %1{/ts},
{ts}Thank you for your generous pledge. Please print this acknowledgment for your records.{/ts}
{ts}Pledge Information{/ts}
{ts}Pledge Received{/ts}: {$create_date|truncate:10:\'\'|crmDate}
{ts}Total Pledge Amount{/ts}: {$total_pledge_amount|crmMoney:$currency}
{ts}Payment Schedule{/ts}
{ts 1=$scheduled_amount|crmMoney:$currency 2=$frequency_interval 3=$frequency_unit 4=$installments}%1 every %2 %3 for %4 installments.{/ts}
{if $frequency_day}
{ts 1=$frequency_day 2=$frequency_unit}Payments are due on day %1 of the %2.{/ts}
{if $payments}
{assign var="count" value="1"}
{foreach from=$payments item=payment}
{ts 1=$count}Payment %1{/ts}: {$payment.amount|crmMoney:$currency} {if $payment.status eq 1}{ts}paid{/ts} {$payment.receive_date|truncate:10:\'\'|crmDate}{else}{ts}due{/ts} {$payment.due_date|truncate:10:\'\'|crmDate}{/if}
{assign var="count" value=`$count+1`}
{ts 1=$domain.phone 2=$domain.email}Please contact us at %1 or send email to %2 if you have questions
or need to modify your payment schedule.{/ts}
{if $customGroup}
{foreach from=$customGroup item=value key=customName}
{foreach from=$value item=v key=n}
{$n}: {$v}
', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
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<table width="620" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
<p>{ts 1=$contact.display_name}dear %1{/ts},</p>
<p>{ts}thank you for your generous pledge. please print this acknowledgment for your records.{/ts}</p>
<table style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse; width:100%;">
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Pledge Information{/ts}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Pledge Received{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Total Pledge Amount{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Payment Schedule{/ts}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
<p>{ts 1=$scheduled_amount|crmMoney:$currency 2=$frequency_interval 3=$frequency_unit 4=$installments}%1 every %2 %3 for %4 installments.{/ts}</p>
{if $frequency_day}
<p>{ts 1=$frequency_day 2=$frequency_unit}Payments are due on day %1 of the %2.{/ts}</p>
{if $payments}
{assign var="count" value="1"}
{foreach from=$payments item=payment}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts 1=$count}Payment %1{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{$payment.amount|crmMoney:$currency} {if $payment.status eq 1}{ts}paid{/ts} {$payment.receive_date|truncate:10:\'\'|crmDate}{else}{ts}due{/ts} {$payment.due_date|truncate:10:\'\'|crmDate}{/if}
{assign var="count" value=`$count+1`}
<td colspan="2" {$valueStyle}>
<p>{ts 1=$domain.phone 2=$domain.email}Please contact us at %1 or send email to %2 if you have questions
or need to modify your payment schedule.{/ts}</p>
{if $customGroup}
{foreach from=$customGroup item=value key=customName}
<th {$headerStyle}>
{foreach from=$value item=v key=n}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
', @tpl_ovid_pledge_acknowledge, 0, 1) ,
('Pledges - Payment Reminder', '{ts}Pledge Payment Reminder{/ts}
', '{ts 1=$contact.display_name}Dear %1{/ts},
{ts 1=$next_payment|truncate:10:\'\'|crmDate}This is a reminder that the next payment on your pledge is due on %1.{/ts}
{ts}Payment Due{/ts}
{ts}Amount Due{/ts}: {$amount_due|crmMoney:$currency}
{ts}Due Date{/ts}: {$scheduled_payment_date|truncate:10:\'\'|crmDate}
{if $contribution_page_id}
{capture assign=contributionUrl}{crmURL p=\'civicrm/contribute/transact\' q="reset=1&id=`$contribution_page_id`&cid=`$contact.contact_id`&pledgeId=`$pledge_id`&cs=`$checksumValue`" a=true h=0}{/capture}
Click this link to go to a web page where you can make your payment online:
{ts}Please mail your payment to{/ts}:
{ts}Pledge Information{/ts}
{ts}Pledge Received{/ts}: {$create_date|truncate:10:\'\'|crmDate}
{ts}Total Pledge Amount{/ts}: {$amount|crmMoney:$currency}
{ts}Total Paid{/ts}: {$amount_paid|crmMoney:$currency}
{ts 1=$domain.phone 2=$domain.email}Please contact us at %1 or send email to %2 if you have questions
or need to modify your payment schedule.{/ts}
{ts}Thank your for your generous support.{/ts}
', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
{capture assign=headerStyle}colspan="2" style="text-align: left; padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #eee;"{/capture}
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<table width="620" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
<p>{ts 1=$contact.display_name}Dear %1{/ts},</p>
<p>{ts 1=$next_payment|truncate:10:\'\'|crmDate}This is a reminder that the next payment on your pledge is due on %1.{/ts}</p>
<table style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse; width:100%;">
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Payment Due{/ts}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Amount Due{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $contribution_page_id}
{capture assign=contributionUrl}{crmURL p=\'civicrm/contribute/transact\' q="reset=1&id=`$contribution_page_id`&cid=`$contact.contact_id`&pledgeId=`$pledge_id`&cs=`$checksumValue`" a=true h=0}{/capture}
<p><a href="{$contributionUrl}">{ts}Go to a web page where you can make your payment online{/ts}</a></p>
<p>{ts}Please mail your payment to{/ts}: {$domain.address}</p>
<table style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse; width:100%;">
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Pledge Information{/ts}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Pledge Received{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Total Pledge Amount{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Total Paid{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<p>{ts 1=$domain.phone 2=$domain.email}Please contact us at %1 or send email to %2 if you have questions
or need to modify your payment schedule.{/ts}</p>
<p>{ts}Thank your for your generous support.{/ts}</p>
', @tpl_ovid_pledge_reminder, 1, 0),
('Pledges - Payment Reminder', '{ts}Pledge Payment Reminder{/ts}
', '{ts 1=$contact.display_name}Dear %1{/ts},
{ts 1=$next_payment|truncate:10:\'\'|crmDate}This is a reminder that the next payment on your pledge is due on %1.{/ts}
{ts}Payment Due{/ts}
{ts}Amount Due{/ts}: {$amount_due|crmMoney:$currency}
{ts}Due Date{/ts}: {$scheduled_payment_date|truncate:10:\'\'|crmDate}
{if $contribution_page_id}
{capture assign=contributionUrl}{crmURL p=\'civicrm/contribute/transact\' q="reset=1&id=`$contribution_page_id`&cid=`$contact.contact_id`&pledgeId=`$pledge_id`&cs=`$checksumValue`" a=true h=0}{/capture}
Click this link to go to a web page where you can make your payment online:
{ts}Please mail your payment to{/ts}:
{ts}Pledge Information{/ts}
{ts}Pledge Received{/ts}: {$create_date|truncate:10:\'\'|crmDate}
{ts}Total Pledge Amount{/ts}: {$amount|crmMoney:$currency}
{ts}Total Paid{/ts}: {$amount_paid|crmMoney:$currency}
{ts 1=$domain.phone 2=$domain.email}Please contact us at %1 or send email to %2 if you have questions
or need to modify your payment schedule.{/ts}
{ts}Thank your for your generous support.{/ts}
', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
{capture assign=headerStyle}colspan="2" style="text-align: left; padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #eee;"{/capture}
{capture assign=labelStyle }style="padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #f7f7f7;"{/capture}
{capture assign=valueStyle }style="padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999;"{/capture}
<table width="620" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
<p>{ts 1=$contact.display_name}Dear %1{/ts},</p>
<p>{ts 1=$next_payment|truncate:10:\'\'|crmDate}This is a reminder that the next payment on your pledge is due on %1.{/ts}</p>
<table style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse; width:100%;">
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Payment Due{/ts}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Amount Due{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
{if $contribution_page_id}
{capture assign=contributionUrl}{crmURL p=\'civicrm/contribute/transact\' q="reset=1&id=`$contribution_page_id`&cid=`$contact.contact_id`&pledgeId=`$pledge_id`&cs=`$checksumValue`" a=true h=0}{/capture}
<p><a href="{$contributionUrl}">{ts}Go to a web page where you can make your payment online{/ts}</a></p>
<p>{ts}Please mail your payment to{/ts}: {$domain.address}</p>
<table style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse; width:100%;">
<th {$headerStyle}>
{ts}Pledge Information{/ts}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Pledge Received{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Total Pledge Amount{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Total Paid{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<p>{ts 1=$domain.phone 2=$domain.email}Please contact us at %1 or send email to %2 if you have questions
or need to modify your payment schedule.{/ts}</p>
<p>{ts}Thank your for your generous support.{/ts}</p>
', @tpl_ovid_pledge_reminder, 0, 1) ,
('Profiles - Admin Notification', '{$grouptitle} {ts 1=$displayName}Submitted by %1{/ts}
', '{ts}Submitted For:{/ts} {$displayName}
{ts}Date:{/ts} {$currentDate}
{ts}Contact Summary:{/ts} {$contactLink}
{foreach from=$values item=value key=valueName}
{$valueName}: {$value}
', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
{capture assign=headerStyle}colspan="2" style="text-align: left; padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #eee;"{/capture}
{capture assign=labelStyle }style="padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #f7f7f7;"{/capture}
{capture assign=valueStyle }style="padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999;"{/capture}
<table width="620" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
<table style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse; width:100%;">
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Submitted For{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Contact Summary{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<th {$headerStyle}>
{foreach from=$values item=value key=valueName}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
', @tpl_ovid_uf_notify, 1, 0),
('Profiles - Admin Notification', '{$grouptitle} {ts 1=$displayName}Submitted by %1{/ts}
', '{ts}Submitted For:{/ts} {$displayName}
{ts}Date:{/ts} {$currentDate}
{ts}Contact Summary:{/ts} {$contactLink}
{foreach from=$values item=value key=valueName}
{$valueName}: {$value}
', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
{capture assign=headerStyle}colspan="2" style="text-align: left; padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #eee;"{/capture}
{capture assign=labelStyle }style="padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; background-color: #f7f7f7;"{/capture}
{capture assign=valueStyle }style="padding: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid #999;"{/capture}
<table width="620" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="crm-event_receipt" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;">
<!-- You can add table row(s) here with logo or other header elements -->
<!-- END HEADER -->
<table style="border: 1px solid #999; margin: 1em 0em 1em; border-collapse: collapse; width:100%;">
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Submitted For{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts}Contact Summary{/ts}
<td {$valueStyle}>
<th {$headerStyle}>
{foreach from=$values item=value key=valueName}
<td {$labelStyle}>
<td {$valueStyle}>
', @tpl_ovid_uf_notify, 0, 1) ,
('Petition - signature added', 'Thank you for signing {$petition.title}', 'Thank you for signing {$petition.title}.
', '<p>Thank you for signing {$petition.title}.</p>
{include file="CRM/Campaign/Page/Petition/SocialNetwork.tpl" petition_id=$survey_id noscript=true emailMode=true}
', @tpl_ovid_petition_sign, 1, 0),
('Petition - signature added', 'Thank you for signing {$petition.title}', 'Thank you for signing {$petition.title}.
', '<p>Thank you for signing {$petition.title}.</p>
{include file="CRM/Campaign/Page/Petition/SocialNetwork.tpl" petition_id=$survey_id noscript=true emailMode=true}
', @tpl_ovid_petition_sign, 0, 1) ,
('Petition - need verification', 'Confirmation of signature needed for {$petition.title}
', 'Thank you for signing {$petition.title}.
In order to complete your signature, we must confirm your e-mail.
Please do so by visiting the following email confirmation web page:
If you did not sign this petition, please ignore this message.
', '<p>Thank you for signing {$petition.title}.</p>
<p>In order to <b>complete your signature</b>, we must confirm your e-mail.
<br />
Please do so by visiting the following web page by clicking
on the link below or pasting the link into your browser.
<br /><br />
Email confirmation page: <a href="{$petition.confirmUrl} ">{$petition.confirmUrl}</a></p>
<p>If you did not sign this petition, please ignore this message.</p>
', @tpl_ovid_petition_confirmation_needed, 1, 0),
('Petition - need verification', 'Confirmation of signature needed for {$petition.title}
', 'Thank you for signing {$petition.title}.
In order to complete your signature, we must confirm your e-mail.
Please do so by visiting the following email confirmation web page:
If you did not sign this petition, please ignore this message.
', '<p>Thank you for signing {$petition.title}.</p>
<p>In order to <b>complete your signature</b>, we must confirm your e-mail.
<br />
Please do so by visiting the following web page by clicking
on the link below or pasting the link into your browser.
<br /><br />
Email confirmation page: <a href="{$petition.confirmUrl} ">{$petition.confirmUrl}</a></p>
<p>If you did not sign this petition, please ignore this message.</p>
', @tpl_ovid_petition_confirmation_needed, 0, 1) ;
INSERT INTO civicrm_msg_template
(msg_title, msg_subject, msg_text, msg_html, workflow_id, is_default, is_reserved) VALUES
('Sample CiviMail Newsletter Template', 'Sample CiviMail Newsletter', '', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<table width=612 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 bgcolor="#ffffff">
<td colspan="2" bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="middle" >
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" >
<a href="https://civicrm.org"><img src="https://civicrm.org/sites/civicrm.org/files/top-logo_2.png" border=0 alt="Replace this logo with the URL to your own"></a>
<td>&nbsp; &nbsp;</td>
<a href="https://civicrm.org" style="text-decoration: none;"><font size=5 face="Arial, Verdana, sans-serif" color="#8bc539">Your Newsletter Title</font></a>
<td valign="top" width="70%">
<!-- left column -->
<table cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<td style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px;" >
<font face="Arial, Verdana, sans-serif" size="2" >
Greetings {contact.display_name},
<br /><br />
This is a sample template designed to help you get started creating and sending your own CiviMail messages. This template uses an HTML layout that is generally compatible with the wide variety of email clients that your recipients might be using (e.g. Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, etc.).
<br /><br />You can select this "Sample CiviMail Newsletter Template" from the "Use Template" drop-down in Step 3 of creating a mailing, and customize it to your needs. Then check the "Save as New Template" box on the bottom the page to save your customized version for use in future mailings.
<br /><br />The logo you use must be uploaded to your server. Copy and paste the URL path to the logo into the &lt;img src= tag in the HTML at the top. Click "Source" or the Image button if you are using the text editor.
<br /><br />
Edit the color of the links and headers using the color button or by editing the HTML.
<br /><br />
Your newsletter message and donation appeal can go here. Click the link button to <a href="#">create links</a> - remember to use a fully qualified URL starting with http:// in all your links!
<br /><br />
To use CiviMail:
<li><a href="http://book.civicrm.org/user/advanced-configuration/email-system-configuration/">Configure your Email System</a>.</li>
<li>Make sure your web hosting provider allows outgoing bulk mail, and see if they have a restriction on quantity. If they don\'t allow bulk mail, consider <a href="https://civicrm.org/providers/hosting">finding a new host</a>.</li>
<br /><br />
Your Team
<br /><br />
<td valign="top" width="30%" bgcolor="#ffffff" style="border: 1px solid #056085;">
<!-- right column -->
<table cellpadding=10 cellspacing=0 border=0>
<td bgcolor="#056085"><font face="Arial, Verdana, sans-serif" size="4" color="#ffffff">News and Events</font></td>
<td style="color: #000; font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px;" >
<font face="Arial, Verdana, sans-serif" size="2" >
<font color="#056085"><strong>Featured Events</strong> </font><br />
Fundraising Dinner<br />
Training Meeting<br />
Board of Directors Annual Meeting<br />
<br /><br />
<font color="#056085"><strong>Community Events</strong></font><br />
Bake Sale<br />
Charity Auction<br />
Art Exhibit<br />
<br /><br />
<font color="#056085"><strong>Important Dates</strong></font><br />
Tuesday August 27<br />
Wednesday September 8<br />
Thursday September 29<br />
Saturday October 1<br />
Sunday October 20<br />
<td colspan="2">
<table cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<font face="Arial, Verdana, sans-serif" size="2" >
<font color="#7dc857"><strong>Helpful Tips</strong></font>
<br /><br />
<font color="#3b5187">Tokens</font><br />
Click "Insert Tokens" to dynamically insert names, addresses, and other contact data of your recipients.
<br /><br />
<font color="#3b5187">Plain Text Version</font><br />
Some people refuse HTML emails altogether. We recommend sending a plain-text version of your important communications to accommodate them. Luckily, CiviCRM accommodates for this! Just click "Plain Text" and copy and paste in some text. Line breaks (carriage returns) and fully qualified URLs like http://www.example.com are all you get, no HTML here!
<br /><br />
<font color="#3b5187">Play by the Rules</font><br />
The address of the sender is required by the Can Spam Act law. This is an available token called domain.address. An unsubscribe or opt-out link is also required. There are several available tokens for this. <em>{action.optOutUrl}</em> creates a link for recipients to click if they want to opt out of receiving emails from your organization. <em>{action.unsubscribeUrl}</em> creates a link to unsubscribe from the specific mailing list used to send this message. Click on "Insert Tokens" to find these and look for tokens named "Domain" or "Unsubscribe". This sample template includes both required tokens at the bottom of the message. You can also configure a default Mailing Footer containing these tokens.
<br /><br />
<font color="#3b5187">Composing Offline</font><br />
If you prefer to compose an HTML email offline in your own text editor, you can upload this HTML content into CiviMail or simply click "Source" and then copy and paste the HTML in.
<br /><br />
<font color="#3b5187">Images</font><br />
Most email clients these days (Outlook, Gmail, etc) block image loading by default. This is to protect their users from annoying or harmful email. Not much we can do about this, so encourage recipients to add you to their contacts or "whitelist". Also use images sparingly, do not rely on images to convey vital information, and always use HTML "alt" tags which describe the image content.
<td colspan="2" style="color: #000; font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 10px;">
<font face="Arial, Verdana, sans-serif" size="2" >
<hr />
<a href="{action.unsubscribeUrl}" title="click to unsubscribe">Click here</a> to unsubscribe from this mailing list.<br /><br />
Our mailing address is:<br />
' ,NULL, 1, 0);
INSERT INTO civicrm_msg_template
(msg_title, msg_subject, msg_text, msg_html, workflow_id, is_default, is_reserved) VALUES
('Sample Responsive Design Newsletter - Single Column Template', 'Sample Responsive Design Newsletter - Single Column', '', '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type" />
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/* Client-specific Styles */
#outlook a {padding:0;} /* Force Outlook to provide a "view in browser" menu link. */
body{width:100% !important; -webkit-text-size-adjust:100%; -ms-text-size-adjust:100%; margin:0; padding:0;}
/* Prevent Webkit and Windows Mobile platforms from changing default font sizes, while not breaking desktop design. */
.ExternalClass {width:100%;} /* Force Hotmail to display emails at full width */
.ExternalClass, .ExternalClass p, .ExternalClass span, .ExternalClass font, .ExternalClass td, .ExternalClass div {line-height: 100%;} /* Force Hotmail to display normal line spacing. */
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<table bgcolor="#89c66b" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="backgroundTable" width="100%">
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<tbody><!-- Spacing -->
<td height="20" width="100%">&nbsp;</td>
<!-- Spacing -->
<table align="left" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="devicewidthinner" width="310">
<td align="left" style="font-family: Helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; line-height:120%; color: #f8f8f8;padding-left:15px; padding-bottom:5px;" valign="middle">Organization or Program Name Here</td>
<table align="right" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="emhide" width="310">
<td align="right" style="font-family: Helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px;color: #f8f8f8;padding-right:15px; text-align:right;" valign="middle">Month and Year</td>
<!-- Spacing -->
<td height="20" width="100%">&nbsp;</td>
<!-- Spacing -->
<!-- End of main-banner-->
<table bgcolor="#d8d8d8" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="backgroundTable" st-sortable="left-image" width="100%">
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<td height="20" width="100%">
<table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="93%">
<td rowspan="2" style="padding-top:10px; padding-bottom:10px;" width="38%"><img src="https://civicrm.org/sites/default/files/civicrm/custom/images/civicrm-logo-transparent.png" alt="Replace with your own logo" width="220" border="0" /></td>
<td align="right" width="62%">
<h6 class="collapse">&nbsp;</h6>
<td align="right">
<h5 style="font-family: Gill Sans, Gill Sans MT, Myriad Pro, DejaVu Sans Condensed, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; color:#136388;">&nbsp;</h5>
<table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="devicewidth" width="650">
<td width="100%">
<table align="center" bgcolor="#ffffff" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="devicewidth" width="650">
<tbody><!-- /Spacing -->
<td style="font-family: Helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 23px; color:#f8f8f8; text-align:left; line-height: 32px; padding:5px 15px; background-color:#136388;">Headline Here</td>
<!-- Spacing -->
<table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="devicewidthinner" width="650">
<tbody><!-- hero story -->
<td align="center" class="devicewidthinner" width="100%">
<div class="imgpop"><a href="#"><img alt="" border="0" class="blog" height="auto" src="https://civicrm.org/sites/default/files/civicrm/custom/images/650x396.png" style="display:block; border:none; outline:none; text-decoration:none; padding:0; line-height:0;" width="650" /></a></div>
<!-- /hero image --><!-- Spacing -->
<td height="15" style="font-size:1px; line-height:1px; mso-line-height-rule: exactly;" width="100%">&nbsp;</td>
<!-- /Spacing -->
<td style="font-family: Helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 18px; text-align:left; line-height: 26px; padding:0 15px; color:#89c66b;"><a href="#" style="color:#89c66b;">Your Heading Here</a></td>
<!-- Spacing -->
<td height="15" style="font-size:1px; line-height:1px; mso-line-height-rule: exactly;" width="100%">&nbsp;</td>
<!-- /Spacing --><!-- content -->
<td style="padding:0 15px;">
<p style="font-family: Helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; color: #7a6e67; text-align:left; line-height: 26px; padding-bottom:10px;">{contact.email_greeting}, </p>
<p style="font-family: Helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; color: #7a6e67; text-align:left; line-height: 26px; padding-bottom:10px;"><span class="padding-right15" style="font-family: Helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: #7a6e67; text-align:left; line-height: 24px;">Replace with your text and images, and remember to link the facebook and twitter links in the footer to your pages. Have fun!</span></p>
<td class="padding-right15" style="font-family: Helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; font-weight:bold; color: #333333; text-align:left;line-height: 24px; padding-top:10px; padding-left:15px;"><a href="#" style="color:#136388;text-decoration:none;font-weight:bold;" target="_blank" title="read more">Read More</a></td>
<!-- /button --><!-- Spacing -->
<td height="20" style="font-size:1px; line-height:1px; mso-line-height-rule: exactly;">&nbsp;</td>
<!-- Spacing --><!-- end of content -->
<!-- end of hero image and story --><!-- story 1 -->
<table bgcolor="#d8d8d8" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="backgroundTable" st-sortable="left-image" width="100%">
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<td width="100%">
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<tbody><!-- image -->
<td align="center" class="devicewidthinner" width="100%">
<div class="imgpop"><a href="#" target="_blank"><img alt="" border="0" class="blog" height="250" src="https://civicrm.org/sites/default/files/civicrm/custom/images/banner-image-650-250.png" style="display:block; border:none; outline:none; text-decoration:none; padding:0; line-height:0;" width="650" /></a></div>
<!-- /image --><!-- Spacing -->
<td height="15" style="font-size:1px; line-height:1px; mso-line-height-rule: exactly;" width="100%">&nbsp;</td>
<!-- /Spacing -->
<td style="font-family: Helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 18px; text-align:left; line-height: 26px; padding:0 15px;"><a href="#" style="color:#89c66b;">Your Heading Here</a></td>
<!-- Spacing -->
<td height="15" style="font-size:1px; line-height:1px; mso-line-height-rule: exactly;" width="100%">&nbsp;</td>
<!-- /Spacing --><!-- content -->
<td style="padding:0 15px;">
<p style="font-family: Helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; color: #7a6e67; text-align:left; line-height: 26px; padding-bottom:10px;">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna </p>
<td class="padding-right15" style="font-family: Helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; font-weight:bold; color: #333333; text-align:left;line-height: 24px; padding-top:10px; padding-left:15px;"><a href="#" style="color:#136388;text-decoration:none;font-weight:bold;" target="_blank" title="read more">Read More</a></td>
<!-- /button --><!-- Spacing -->
<td height="20" style="font-size:1px; line-height:1px; mso-line-height-rule: exactly;">&nbsp;</td>
<!-- Spacing --><!-- end of content -->
<!-- /story 2--><!-- banner1 -->
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<td style="padding:15px;">
<p style="font-family: Helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; color: #f0f0f0; text-align:left; line-height: 26px; padding-bottom:10px;">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna </p>
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<table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="devicewidth" width="650">
<td width="100%">
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<tbody><!-- image -->
<td align="center" class="devicewidthinner" width="100%">
<div class="imgpop"><a href="#" target="_blank"><img alt="" border="0" class="blog" height="auto" src="https://civicrm.org/sites/default/files/civicrm/custom/images/banner-image-650-250.png" style="display:block; border:none; outline:none; text-decoration:none; padding:0; line-height:0;" width="650" /></a></div>
<!-- /image --><!-- content --><!-- Spacing -->
<td height="15" style="font-size:1px; line-height:1px; mso-line-height-rule: exactly;" width="100%">&nbsp;</td>
<!-- /Spacing -->
<td style="padding: 15px;">
<p style="font-family: Helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; color: #f0f0f0; text-align:left; line-height: 26px; padding-bottom:10px;">Remember to link the facebook and twitter links below to your pages!</p>
<!-- /button --><!-- white button -->
<td class="padding-right15" style="font-family: Helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; font-weight:bold; color: #333333; text-align:left;line-height: 24px; padding-top:10px; padding-bottom:10px; padding-left:15px;"><a href="#" style="color:#ffffff;text-decoration:none;font-weight:bold;" target="_blank" title="read more">Read More</a></td>
<!-- /button --><!-- Spacing --><!-- end of content -->
<!-- /banner2 --><!-- footer -->
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<tbody><!-- Spacing -->
<td height="10" style="font-size:1px; line-height:1px; mso-line-height-rule: exactly;">&nbsp;</td>
<!-- Spacing -->
<td><!-- logo -->
<table align="left" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="250">
<td width="20">&nbsp;</td>
<td align="left" height="40" width="250"><span style="font-family: Helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; text-align:left; line-height: 26px; padding-bottom:10px;"><a href="{action.unsubscribeUrl}" style="color: #f0f0f0; ">Unsubscribe | </a><a href="{action.subscribeUrl}" style="color: #f0f0f0;">Subscribe |</a> <a href="{action.optOutUrl}" style="color: #f0f0f0;">Opt out</a></span></td>
<td width="20">&nbsp;</td>
<td align="left" height="40" width="250"><span style="font-family: Helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; text-align:left; line-height: 26px; padding-bottom:10px; color: #f0f0f0;">{domain.address}</span></td>
<!-- end of logo --><!-- start of social icons -->
<table align="right" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" height="40" vaalign="middle" width="60">
<td align="left" height="22" width="22">
<div class="imgpop"><a href="#" target="_blank"><img alt="" border="0" height="22" src="https://civicrm.org/sites/default/files/civicrm/custom/images/facebook.png" style="display:block; border:none; outline:none; text-decoration:none;" width="22" /> </a></div>
<td align="left" style="font-size:1px; line-height:1px;" width="10">&nbsp;</td>
<td align="right" height="22" width="22">
<div class="imgpop"><a href="#" target="_blank"><img alt="" border="0" height="22" src="https://civicrm.org/sites/default/files/civicrm/custom/images/twitter.png" style="display:block; border:none; outline:none; text-decoration:none;" width="22" /> </a></div>
<td align="left" style="font-size:1px; line-height:1px;" width="20">&nbsp;</td>
<!-- end of social icons --></td>
<!-- Spacing -->
<td height="10" style="font-size:1px; line-height:1px; mso-line-height-rule: exactly;">&nbsp;</td>
<!-- Spacing -->
' ,NULL, 1, 0);
INSERT INTO civicrm_msg_template
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<td align="left" style="font-family: Helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height:120%; color: #f8f8f8;padding-left:15px;" valign="middle">Organization or Program Name Here</td>
<table align="right" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="emhide" width="320">
<td align="right" style="font-family: Helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px;color: #f8f8f8;padding-right:15px;" valign="middle">Month Year</td>
<!-- Spacing -->
<td height="20" width="100%">&nbsp;</td>
<!-- Spacing -->
<!-- End of preheader --><!-- start of logo -->
<table bgcolor="#d8d8d8" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="backgroundTable" st-sortable="left-image" width="100%">
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<td height="20" width="100%">
<table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="93%">
<td rowspan="2" width="330"><a href="#"> <div class="imgpop"><img src="https://civicrm.org/sites/default/files/civicrm/custom/images/civicrm-logo-transparent.png" alt="Replace with your own logo" width="220" border="0" style="display:block;"/></div></a></td>
<td align="right" >
<h6 class="collapse">&nbsp;</h6>
<td align="right">
<!-- end of logo --> <!-- hero story 1 -->
<table bgcolor="#d8d8d8" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="backgroundTable" st-sortable="left-image" width="101%">
<table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="devicewidth" width="700">
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<tbody><!-- /Spacing -->
<td style="font-family: Helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 24px; color:#f8f8f8; text-align:left; line-height: 26px; padding:5px 15px; background-color: #80C457">Hero Story Heading</td>
<!-- Spacing -->
<table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="devicewidthinner" width="700">
<tbody><!-- image -->
<td align="center" class="devicewidthinner" width="100%">
<div class="imgpop"><a href="#" target="_blank"><img alt="" border="0" class="blog" height="396" src="https://civicrm.org/sites/default/files/civicrm/custom/images/700x396.png" style="display:block; border:none; outline:none; text-decoration:none; padding:0; line-height:0;" width="700" /></a></div>
<!-- /image --><!-- Spacing -->
<td height="15" style="font-size:1px; line-height:1px; mso-line-height-rule: exactly;" width="100%">&nbsp;</td>
<!-- /Spacing --><!-- hero story -->
<td style="font-family: Helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 18px; text-align:left; line-height: 26px; padding:0 15px;"><a href="#" style="color:#076187; text-decoration:none; " target="_blank">Subheading Here</a></td>
<!-- Spacing -->
<td height="15" style="font-size:1px; line-height:1px; mso-line-height-rule: exactly;" width="100%">&nbsp;</td>
</tr><!-- /Spacing -->
<td style="font-family: Helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: #7a6e67; text-align:left; line-height: 26px; padding:0 15px;"><span class="padding-right15" style="font-family: Helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: #7a6e67; text-align:left; line-height: 24px;">Replace with your text and images, and remember to link the facebook and twitter links in the footer to your pages. Have fun!</span></td>
<!-- Spacing -->
<td height="15" style="font-size:1px; line-height:1px; mso-line-height-rule: exactly;" width="100%">&nbsp;</td>
</tr><!-- /Spacing -->
<!-- /Spacing --><!-- /hero story -->
<!-- Spacing --> <!-- Spacing -->
<!-- Spacing --><!-- end of content -->
<!-- Section Heading -->
<td style="font-family: Helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 24px; color:#f8f8f8; text-align:left; line-height: 26px; padding:5px 15px; background-color: #80C457">Section Heading Here</td>
<!-- /Section Heading -->
<!-- /hero story 1 --><!-- story one -->
<table bgcolor="#d8d8d8" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="backgroundTable" st-sortable="left-image" width="100%">
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<td><!-- Start of left column -->
<table align="left" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="devicewidth" width="330">
<tbody><!-- image -->
<td align="center" class="devicewidth" height="150" valign="top" width="330"><a href="#"><img alt="" border="0" class="col2img" src="https://civicrm.org/sites/default/files/civicrm/custom/images/330x150.png" style="display:block; border:none; outline:none; text-decoration:none; display:block;" width="330" /></a></td>
<!-- /image -->
<!-- end of left column --><!-- spacing for mobile devices-->
<table align="left" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="mobilespacing">
<td height="15" style="font-size:1px; line-height:1px; mso-line-height-rule: exactly;" width="100%">&nbsp;</td>
<!-- end of for mobile devices--><!-- start of right column -->
<table align="right" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="devicewidthmob" width="310">
<td class="padding-top-right15" style="font-family: Helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 18px; text-align:left; line-height: 24px;"><a href="#" style="color:#076187; text-decoration:none; " target="_blank">Heading Here</a><a href="#" style="color:#076187; text-decoration:none;" target="_blank" title="CiviCRM helps keep the “City Beautiful” Movement”going strong"></a></td>
<!-- end of title --><!-- Spacing -->
<td height="15" style="font-size:1px; line-height:1px; mso-line-height-rule: exactly;" width="100%">&nbsp;</td>
<!-- /Spacing --><!-- content -->
<td class="padding-right15" style="font-family: Helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: #7a6e67; text-align:left; line-height: 24px;"><span class="padding-right15" style="font-family: Helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: #7a6e67; text-align:left; line-height: 24px;">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod
tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna </span></td>
<td class="padding-right15" style="font-family: Helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold; color: #333333; text-align:left;line-height: 24px; padding-top:10px;"><a href="#" style="color:#80C457;text-decoration:none;font-weight:bold;" target="_blank" title="CiviCRM helps keep the “City Beautiful” Movement”going strong">Read More</a></td>
<!-- /button --><!-- end of content -->
<!-- end of right column --></td>
<!-- Spacing -->
<td height="20" style="font-size:1px; line-height:1px; mso-line-height-rule: exactly;">&nbsp;</td>
<!-- /story one -->
<!-- story two -->
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<!-- Spacing --><!-- Spacing -->
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<!-- Spacing -->
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<td><!-- Start of left column -->
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<tbody><!-- image -->
<td align="center" class="devicewidth" height="150" valign="top" width="330"><a href="#"><img alt="" border="0" class="col2img" src="https://civicrm.org/sites/default/files/civicrm/custom/images/330x150.png" style="display:block; border:none; outline:none; text-decoration:none; display:block;" width="330" /></a></td>
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<td class="padding-top-right15" style="font-family: Helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 18px; text-align:left; line-height: 24px;"><a href="#" style="color:#076187; text-decoration:none; " target="_blank">Heading Here</a><a href="#" style="color:#076187; text-decoration:none;" target="_blank" title="How CiviCRM will take Tribodar Eco Learning Center to another level"></a></td>
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<td class="padding-right15" style="font-family: Helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: #7a6e67; text-align:left; line-height: 24px;"><span class="padding-right15" style="font-family: Helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: #7a6e67; text-align:left; line-height: 24px;">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod
tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna </span></td>
<td class="padding-right15" style="font-family: Helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold; color: #333333; text-align:left;line-height: 24px; padding-top:10px;"><a href="#" style="color:#80C457;text-decoration:none;font-weight:bold;" target="_blank" title="How CiviCRM will take Tribodar Eco Learning Center to another level">Read More</a></td>
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<td height="20" style="font-size:1px; line-height:1px; mso-line-height-rule: exactly;">&nbsp;</td>
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<td class="padding-top-right15" style="font-family: Helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 18px; text-align:left; line-height: 24px;"><a href="#" style="color:#076187; text-decoration:none; " target="_blank">Heading Here</a><a href="#" style="color:#076187; text-decoration:none;" target="_blank" title="CiviCRM provides a soup-to-nuts open-source solution for Friends of the San Pedro River"></a></td>
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<td height="15" style="font-size:1px; line-height:1px; mso-line-height-rule: exactly;" width="100%">&nbsp;</td>
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<td class="padding-right15" style="font-family: Helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: #7a6e67; text-align:left; line-height: 24px;"><span class="padding-right15" style="font-family: Helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: #7a6e67; text-align:left; line-height: 24px;">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod
tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna </span></td>
<td style="font-family: Helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold; color: #333333; text-align:left;line-height: 24px; padding-top:10px;"><a href="#" style="color:#80C457;text-decoration:none;font-weight:bold;" target="_blank" title="CiviCRM provides a soup-to-nuts open-source solution for Friends of the San Pedro River">Read More</a></td>
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<td class="padding-top-right15" style="font-family: Helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 18px;text-align:left; line-height: 24px;"><a href="#" style="color:#076187; text-decoration:none; " target="_blank">Heading Here</a><a href="#" style="color:#076187; text-decoration:none;" target="_blank" title="Google Summer of Code"></a></td>
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<td class="padding-right15" style="font-family: Helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: #7a6e67; text-align:left; line-height: 24px;"><span class="padding-right15" style="font-family: Helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: #7a6e67; text-align:left; line-height: 24px;">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod
tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna </span></td>
<td style="font-family: Helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold; color: #333333; text-align:left;line-height: 24px; padding-top:10px;"><a href="#" style="color:#80C457;text-decoration:none;font-weight:bold;" target="_blank" title="Google Summer of Code">Read More</a></td>
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' ,NULL, 1, 0);
-- CRM-8358
INSERT INTO `civicrm_job`
( domain_id, run_frequency, last_run, name, description, api_entity, api_action, parameters, is_active )
( @domainID, 'Daily' , NULL, 'CiviCRM Update Check', 'Checks for CiviCRM version updates. Important for keeping the database secure. Also sends anonymous usage statistics to civicrm.org to to assist in prioritizing ongoing development efforts.', 'job', 'version_check', NULL, 1),
( @domainID, 'Always' , NULL, 'Send Scheduled Mailings', 'Sends out scheduled CiviMail mailings', 'job', 'process_mailing', NULL, 0),
( @domainID, 'Hourly' , NULL, 'Fetch Bounces', 'Fetches bounces from mailings and writes them to mailing statistics', 'job', 'fetch_bounces', NULL, 0),
( @domainID, 'Hourly' , NULL, 'Process Inbound Emails', 'Inserts activity for a contact or a case by retrieving inbound emails from a mail directory', 'job', 'fetch_activities', NULL, 0),
( @domainID, 'Daily' , NULL, 'Process Pledges', 'Updates pledge records and sends out reminders', 'job', 'process_pledge','send_reminders=[1 or 0] optional- 1 to send payment reminders', 0),
( @domainID, 'Daily' , NULL, 'Geocode and Parse Addresses', 'Retrieves geocodes (lat and long) and / or parses street addresses (populates street number, street name, etc.)', 'job', 'geocode', 'geocoding=[1 or 0] required\nparse=[1 or 0] required\nstart=[contact ID] optional-begin with this contact ID\nend=[contact ID] optional-process contacts with IDs less than this\nthrottle=[1 or 0] optional-1 adds five second sleep', 0),
( @domainID, 'Daily' , NULL, 'Update Greetings and Addressees','Goes through contact records and updates email and postal greetings, or addressee value', 'job', 'update_greeting','ct=[Individual or Household or Organization] required\ngt=[email_greeting or postal_greeting or addressee] required\nforce=[0 or 1] optional-0 update contacts with null value, 1 update all\nlimit=Number optional-Limit the number of contacts to update', 0),
( @domainID, 'Daily' , NULL, 'Mail Reports', 'Generates and sends out reports via email', 'job', 'mail_report','instanceId=[ID of report instance] required\nformat=[csv or print] optional-output CSV or print-friendly HTML, else PDF', 0),
( @domainID, 'Daily' , NULL, 'Send Scheduled Reminders', 'Sends out scheduled reminders via email', 'job', 'send_reminder', NULL, 0),
( @domainID, 'Always' , NULL, 'Update Participant Statuses', 'Updates pending event participant statuses based on time', 'job', 'process_participant', NULL, 0),
( @domainID, 'Daily' , NULL, 'Update Membership Statuses', 'Updates membership statuses. WARNING: Membership renewal reminders have been migrated to the Schedule Reminders functionality, which supports multiple renewal reminders.', 'job', 'process_membership', NULL, 0),
( @domainID, 'Always' , NULL, 'Process Survey Respondents', 'Releases reserved survey respondents when they have been reserved for longer than the Release Frequency days specified for that survey.', 'job', 'process_respondent',NULL, 0),
( @domainID, 'Hourly' , NULL, 'Clean-up Temporary Data and Files','Removes temporary data and files, and clears old data from cache tables. Recommend running this job every hour to help prevent database and file system bloat.', 'job', 'cleanup', NULL, 0),
( @domainID, 'Always' , NULL, 'Send Scheduled SMS', 'Sends out scheduled SMS', 'job', 'process_sms', NULL, 0),
( @domainID, 'Always' , NULL, 'Rebuild Smart Group Cache', 'Rebuilds the smart group cache.', 'job', 'group_rebuild', 'limit=Number optional-Limit the number of smart groups rebuild', 0),
( @domainID, 'Daily' , NULL, 'Disable expired relationships','Disables relationships that have expired (ie. those relationships whose end date is in the past).', 'job', 'disable_expired_relationships', NULL, 0),
( @domainID, 'Daily' , NULL, 'Validate Email Address from Mailings.', 'Updates the reset_date on an email address to indicate that there was a valid delivery to this email address.', 'mailing', 'update_email_resetdate', 'minDays, maxDays=Consider mailings that have completed between minDays and maxDays', 0);
SELECT @option_value_rel_id := value FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE option_group_id = @option_group_id_arel AND name = 'Income Account is';
SELECT @option_value_rel_id_exp := value FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE option_group_id = @option_group_id_arel AND name = 'Expense Account is';
SELECT @option_value_rel_id_ar := value FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE option_group_id = @option_group_id_arel AND name = 'Accounts Receivable Account is';
SELECT @option_value_rel_id_as := value FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE option_group_id = @option_group_id_arel AND name = 'Asset Account is';
SELECT @option_value_rel_id_cg := value FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE option_group_id = @option_group_id_arel AND name = 'Cost of Sales Account is';
SELECT @option_value_rel_id_dr := value FROM civicrm_option_value WHERE option_group_id = @option_group_id_arel AND name = 'Deferred Revenue Account is';
SELECT @financial_type_id_dtn := max(id) FROM civicrm_financial_type WHERE name = 'Donation';
SELECT @financial_type_id_md := max(id) FROM civicrm_financial_type WHERE name = 'Member Dues';
SELECT @financial_type_id_cc := max(id) FROM civicrm_financial_type WHERE name = 'Campaign Contribution';
SELECT @financial_type_id_ef := max(id) FROM civicrm_financial_type WHERE name = 'Event Fee';
SELECT @financial_account_id_dtn := max(id) FROM civicrm_financial_account WHERE name = 'Donation';
SELECT @financial_account_id_md := max(id) FROM civicrm_financial_account WHERE name = 'Member Dues';
SELECT @financial_account_id_cc := max(id) FROM civicrm_financial_account WHERE name = 'Campaign Contribution';
SELECT @financial_account_id_ef := max(id) FROM civicrm_financial_account WHERE name = 'Event Fee';
SELECT @financial_account_id_bf := max(id) FROM civicrm_financial_account WHERE name = 'Banking Fees';
SELECT @financial_account_id_ap := max(id) FROM civicrm_financial_account WHERE name = 'Accounts Receivable';
SELECT @financial_account_id_ar := max(id) FROM civicrm_financial_account WHERE name = 'Deposit Bank Account';
SELECT @financial_account_id_pp := max(id) FROM civicrm_financial_account WHERE name = 'Payment Processor Account';
SELECT @financial_account_id_pr := max(id) FROM civicrm_financial_account WHERE name = 'Premiums';
SELECT @financial_account_id_dref := max(id) FROM civicrm_financial_account WHERE name = 'Deferred Revenue - Event Fee';
SELECT @financial_account_id_drmd := max(id) FROM civicrm_financial_account WHERE name = 'Deferred Revenue - Member Dues';
INSERT INTO `civicrm_entity_financial_account`
( entity_table, entity_id, account_relationship, financial_account_id )
( 'civicrm_financial_type', @financial_type_id_dtn, @option_value_rel_id, @financial_account_id_dtn ),
( 'civicrm_financial_type', @financial_type_id_dtn, @option_value_rel_id_exp, @financial_account_id_bf ),
( 'civicrm_financial_type', @financial_type_id_dtn, @option_value_rel_id_ar, @financial_account_id_ap ),
( 'civicrm_financial_type', @financial_type_id_dtn, @option_value_rel_id_cg, @financial_account_id_pr ),
( 'civicrm_financial_type', @financial_type_id_md, @option_value_rel_id, @financial_account_id_md ),
( 'civicrm_financial_type', @financial_type_id_md, @option_value_rel_id_exp, @financial_account_id_bf ),
( 'civicrm_financial_type', @financial_type_id_md, @option_value_rel_id_ar, @financial_account_id_ap ),
( 'civicrm_financial_type', @financial_type_id_md, @option_value_rel_id_cg, @financial_account_id_pr ),
( 'civicrm_financial_type', @financial_type_id_md, @option_value_rel_id_dr, @financial_account_id_drmd ),
( 'civicrm_financial_type', @financial_type_id_cc, @option_value_rel_id, @financial_account_id_cc ),
( 'civicrm_financial_type', @financial_type_id_cc, @option_value_rel_id_exp, @financial_account_id_bf ),
( 'civicrm_financial_type', @financial_type_id_cc, @option_value_rel_id_ar, @financial_account_id_ap ),
( 'civicrm_financial_type', @financial_type_id_cc, @option_value_rel_id_cg, @financial_account_id_pr ),
( 'civicrm_financial_type', @financial_type_id_ef, @option_value_rel_id_exp, @financial_account_id_bf ),
( 'civicrm_financial_type', @financial_type_id_ef, @option_value_rel_id_ar, @financial_account_id_ap ),
( 'civicrm_financial_type', @financial_type_id_ef, @option_value_rel_id, @financial_account_id_ef ),
( 'civicrm_financial_type', @financial_type_id_ef, @option_value_rel_id_dr, @financial_account_id_dref ),
( 'civicrm_financial_type', @financial_type_id_ef, @option_value_rel_id_cg, @financial_account_id_pr );
-- CRM-11516
INSERT INTO civicrm_entity_financial_account (entity_table, entity_id, account_relationship, financial_account_id)
SELECT 'civicrm_option_value', cov.id, @option_value_rel_id_as, @financial_account_id_ar FROM `civicrm_option_group` cog
LEFT JOIN civicrm_option_value cov ON cog.id = cov.option_group_id
WHERE cog.name = 'payment_instrument' AND cov.name NOT IN ('Credit Card', 'Debit Card');
SELECT @option_value_cc_id := max(id) FROM `civicrm_option_value` WHERE `option_group_id` = @option_group_id_pi AND `name` = 'Credit Card';
SELECT @option_value_dc_id := max(id) FROM `civicrm_option_value` WHERE `option_group_id` = @option_group_id_pi AND `name` = 'Debit Card';
INSERT INTO `civicrm_entity_financial_account`
( entity_table, entity_id, account_relationship, financial_account_id )
( 'civicrm_option_value', @option_value_cc_id, @option_value_rel_id_as, @financial_account_id_pp),
( 'civicrm_option_value', @option_value_dc_id, @option_value_rel_id_as, @financial_account_id_pp);
-- CRM-9714
SELECT @financial_type_id := max(id) FROM `civicrm_financial_type` WHERE `name` = 'Member Dues';
INSERT INTO `civicrm_price_set` ( `name`, `title`, `is_active`, `extends`, `is_quick_config`, `financial_type_id`, `is_reserved` )
VALUES ( 'default_contribution_amount', 'Contribution Amount', '1', '2', '1', NULL,1),
( 'default_membership_type_amount', 'Membership Amount', '1', '3', '1', @financial_type_id,1);
SELECT @setID := max(id) FROM civicrm_price_set WHERE name = 'default_contribution_amount' AND extends = 2 AND is_quick_config = 1 ;
INSERT INTO `civicrm_price_field` (`price_set_id`, `name`, `label`, `html_type`,`weight`, `is_display_amounts`, `options_per_line`, `is_active`, `is_required`,`visibility_id` )
VALUES ( @setID, 'contribution_amount', 'Contribution Amount', 'Text', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1' );
SELECT @fieldID := max(id) FROM civicrm_price_field WHERE name = 'contribution_amount' AND price_set_id = @setID;
INSERT INTO `civicrm_price_field_value` ( `price_field_id`, `name`, `label`, `amount`, `weight`, `is_default`, `is_active`, `financial_type_id`)
VALUES ( @fieldID, 'contribution_amount', 'Contribution Amount', '1', '1', '0', '1', 1);
-- CRM-13833
INSERT INTO civicrm_option_group (`name`, `title`, `is_reserved`, `is_active`) VALUES ('soft_credit_type', 'Soft Credit Types', 1, 1);
SELECT @option_group_id_soft_credit_type := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'soft_credit_type';
INSERT INTO `civicrm_option_value` (`option_group_id`, `label`, `value`, `name`, `weight`, `is_default`, `is_active`, `is_reserved`)
(@option_group_id_soft_credit_type , 'In Honor of', 1, 'in_honor_of', 1, 0, 1, 1),
(@option_group_id_soft_credit_type , 'In Memory of', 2, 'in_memory_of', 2, 0, 1, 1),
(@option_group_id_soft_credit_type , 'Solicited', 3, 'solicited', 3, 1, 1, 1),
(@option_group_id_soft_credit_type , 'Household', 4, 'household', 4, 0, 1, 0),
(@option_group_id_soft_credit_type , 'Workplace Giving', 5, 'workplace', 5, 0, 1, 0),
(@option_group_id_soft_credit_type , 'Foundation Affiliate', 6, 'foundation_affiliate', 6, 0, 1, 0),
(@option_group_id_soft_credit_type , '3rd-party Service', 7, '3rd-party_service', 7, 0, 1, 0),
(@option_group_id_soft_credit_type , 'Donor-advised Fund', 8, 'donor-advised_fund', 8, 0, 1, 0),
(@option_group_id_soft_credit_type , 'Matched Gift', 9, 'matched_gift', 9, 0, 1, 0),
(@option_group_id_soft_credit_type , 'Personal Campaign Page', 10, 'pcp', 10, 0, 1, 1),
(@option_group_id_soft_credit_type , 'Gift', 11, 'gift', 11, 0, 1, 1);
-- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-- | CiviCRM version 4.7 |
-- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-- | Copyright CiviCRM LLC (c) 2004-2017 |
-- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-- | This file is a part of CiviCRM. |
-- | |
-- | CiviCRM is free software; you can copy, modify, and distribute it |
-- | under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License |
-- | Version 3, 19 November 2007 and the CiviCRM Licensing Exception. |
-- | |
-- | CiviCRM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but |
-- | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
-- | See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. |
-- | |
-- | You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public |
-- | License and the CiviCRM Licensing Exception along |
-- | with this program; if not, contact CiviCRM LLC |
-- | at info[AT]civicrm[DOT]org. If you have questions about the |
-- | GNU Affero General Public License or the licensing of CiviCRM, |
-- | see the CiviCRM license FAQ at http://civicrm.org/licensing |
-- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-- Navigation Menu, Preferences and Mail Settings
-- Generated from civicrm_navigation.tpl
-- DO NOT EDIT. Generated by CRM_Core_CodeGen
SELECT @domainID := id FROM civicrm_domain where name = 'Default Domain Name';
-- Initial default state of system preferences
-- mail settings
INSERT INTO civicrm_mail_settings (domain_id, name, is_default, domain) VALUES (@domainID, 'default', true, 'EXAMPLE.ORG');
-- activity and case dashlets
INSERT INTO `civicrm_dashboard`
( `domain_id`, `name`, `label`, `url`, `permission`, `permission_operator`, `is_active`, `fullscreen_url`, `is_reserved`, `cache_minutes`)
( @domainID, 'blog', 'CiviCRM News', 'civicrm/dashlet/blog?reset=1', 'access CiviCRM', NULL, 1, 'civicrm/dashlet/blog?reset=1&context=dashletFullscreen', 1, 1440),
( @domainID, 'getting-started', 'CiviCRM Resources', 'civicrm/dashlet/getting-started?reset=1', 'access CiviCRM', NULL, 1, 'civicrm/dashlet/getting-started?reset=1&context=dashletFullscreen', 1, 7200),
( @domainID, 'activity', 'Activities', 'civicrm/dashlet/activity?reset=1', 'access CiviCRM', NULL, 1, 'civicrm/dashlet/activity?reset=1&context=dashletFullscreen', 1, 7200),
( @domainID, 'myCases', 'My Cases', 'civicrm/dashlet/myCases?reset=1', 'access my cases and activities', NULL, 1, 'civicrm/dashlet/myCases?reset=1&context=dashletFullscreen', 1, 60),
( @domainID, 'allCases', 'All Cases', 'civicrm/dashlet/allCases?reset=1', 'access all cases and activities', NULL, 1, 'civicrm/dashlet/allCases?reset=1&context=dashletFullscreen', 1, 60),
( @domainID, 'casedashboard', 'Case Dashboard Dashlet', 'civicrm/dashlet/casedashboard?reset=1', 'access my cases and activities,access all cases and activities', 'OR', 1, 'civicrm/dashlet/casedashboard?reset=1&context=dashletFullscreen', 1, 60);
-- event badge
INSERT INTO civicrm_print_label (title, name, description, label_format_name, label_type_id, is_default, is_reserved, is_active, data)
('Annual Conference Hanging Badge (Avery 5395)', 'Annual_Conference_Hanging_Badge', 'For our annual conference', 'Avery 5395', 1, 1, 1, 1, '{"title":"Annual Conference Hanging Badge (Avery 5395)","label_format_name":"Avery 5395","description":"For our annual conference","token":{"1":"{event.title}","2":"{contact.display_name}","3":"{contact.current_employer}","4":"{event.start_date}"},"font_name":{"1":"dejavusans","2":"dejavusans","3":"dejavusans","4":"dejavusans"},"font_size":{"1":"9","2":"20","3":"15","4":"9"},"font_style":{"1":"","2":"","3":"","4":""},"text_alignment":{"1":"L","2":"C","3":"C","4":"R"},"barcode_type":"barcode","barcode_alignment":"R","image_1":"","image_2":"","is_default":"1","is_active":"1","is_reserved":"1","_qf_default":"Layout:next","_qf_Layout_refresh":"Save and Preview"}');
-- navigation
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, label, name, url, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, 'Home', 'Home', 'civicrm/dashboard?reset=1', NULL, '', NULL, 1, NULL, 0);
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, NULL, 'Search', 'Search...', NULL, '', NULL, '1', NULL, 10 );
SET @searchlastID:=LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, 'civicrm/contact/search?reset=1', 'Find Contacts', 'Find Contacts', NULL, '', @searchlastID, '1', NULL, 1 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/contact/search/advanced?reset=1', 'Advanced Search', 'Advanced Search', NULL, '', @searchlastID, '1', NULL, 2 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/contact/search/custom?csid=15&reset=1', 'Full-text Search', 'Full-text Search', NULL, '', @searchlastID, '1', NULL, 3 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/contact/search/builder?reset=1', 'Search Builder', 'Search Builder', NULL, '', @searchlastID, '1', '1', 4 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/case/search?reset=1', 'Find Cases', 'Find Cases', 'access my cases and activities,access all cases and activities', 'OR', @searchlastID, '1', NULL, 5 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/contribute/search?reset=1', 'Find Contributions', 'Find Contributions', 'access CiviContribute', '', @searchlastID, '1', NULL, 6 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/mailing?reset=1', 'Find Mailings', 'Find Mailings', 'access CiviMail', '', @searchlastID, '1', NULL, 7 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/member/search?reset=1', 'Find Memberships', 'Find Memberships', 'access CiviMember', '', @searchlastID, '1', NULL, 8 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/event/search?reset=1', 'Find Participants', 'Find Participants', 'access CiviEvent', '', @searchlastID, '1', NULL, 9 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/pledge/search?reset=1', 'Find Pledges', 'Find Pledges', 'access CiviPledge', '', @searchlastID, '1', NULL, 10 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/activity/search?reset=1', 'Find Activities', 'Find Activities', NULL, '', @searchlastID, '1', '1', 11 );
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, 'civicrm/contact/search/custom/list?reset=1', 'Custom Searches', 'Custom Searches', NULL, '', @searchlastID, '1', NULL, 12 );
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, NULL, 'Contacts', 'Contacts', NULL, '', NULL, '1', NULL, 20 );
SET @contactlastID:=LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, 'civicrm/contact/add?reset=1&ct=Individual', 'New Individual', 'New Individual', 'add contacts', '', @contactlastID, '1', NULL, 1 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/contact/add?reset=1&ct=Household', 'New Household', 'New Household', 'add contacts', '', @contactlastID, '1', NULL, 2 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/contact/add?reset=1&ct=Organization', 'New Organization', 'New Organization', 'add contacts', '', @contactlastID, '1', 1, 3 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/report/list?compid=99&reset=1', 'Contact Reports', 'Contact Reports', 'access CiviReport', '', @contactlastID, '1', 1, 4 );
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, 'civicrm/activity?reset=1&action=add&context=standalone', 'New Activity', 'New Activity', NULL, '', @contactlastID, '1', NULL, 5 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/activity/email/add?atype=3&action=add&reset=1&context=standalone', 'New Email', 'New Email', NULL, '', @contactlastID, '1', '1', 6 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/import/contact?reset=1', 'Import Contacts', 'Import Contacts', 'import contacts', '', @contactlastID, '1', NULL, 7 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/import/activity?reset=1', 'Import Activities', 'Import Activities', 'import contacts', '', @contactlastID, '1', '1', 8 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/group/add?reset=1', 'New Group', 'New Group', 'edit groups', '', @contactlastID, '1', NULL, 9 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/group?reset=1', 'Manage Groups', 'Manage Groups', 'access CiviCRM', '', @contactlastID, '1', '1', 10 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/tag?reset=1&action=add', 'New Tag', 'New Tag', 'manage tags', '', @contactlastID, '1', NULL, 11 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/tag?reset=1', 'Manage Tags (Categories)', 'Manage Tags (Categories)', 'manage tags', '', @contactlastID, '1','1', 12 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/contact/deduperules?reset=1', 'Find and Merge Duplicate Contacts', 'Find and Merge Duplicate Contacts', 'administer dedupe rules,merge duplicate contacts', 'OR', @contactlastID, '1', NULL, 13 );
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, NULL, 'Contributions', 'Contributions', 'access CiviContribute', '', NULL, '1', NULL, 30 );
SET @contributionlastID:=LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, 'civicrm/contribute?reset=1', 'Dashboard', 'Dashboard', 'access CiviContribute', '', @contributionlastID, '1', NULL, 1 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/contribute/add?reset=1&action=add&context=standalone', 'New Contribution', 'New Contribution', 'access CiviContribute,edit contributions', 'AND', @contributionlastID, '1', NULL, 2 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/contribute/search?reset=1', 'Find Contributions', 'Find Contributions', 'access CiviContribute', '', @contributionlastID, '1', NULL, 3 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/report/list?compid=2&reset=1', 'Contribution Reports', 'Contribution Reports', 'access CiviContribute', '', @contributionlastID, '1', 1, 4 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/contribute/import?reset=1', 'Import Contributions', 'Import Contributions', 'access CiviContribute,edit contributions', 'AND', @contributionlastID, '1', '1', 5 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/batch?reset=1', 'Batch Data Entry', 'Batch Data Entry', 'access CiviContribute', '', @contributionlastID, '1', NULL, 7 );
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID,NULL, 'Pledges', 'Pledges', 'access CiviPledge', '', @contributionlastID, '1', 1, 6 );
SET @pledgelastID:=LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID,NULL, 'Accounting Batches', 'Accounting Batches', 'view own manual batches,view all manual batches', 'OR', @contributionlastID, '1', 1, 8 );
SET @financialTransactionID:=LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, 'civicrm/pledge?reset=1', 'Dashboard', 'Dashboard', 'access CiviPledge', '', @pledgelastID, '1', NULL, 1 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/pledge/add?reset=1&action=add&context=standalone', 'New Pledge', 'New Pledge', 'access CiviPledge,edit pledges', 'AND', @pledgelastID, '1', NULL, 2 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/pledge/search?reset=1', 'Find Pledges', 'Find Pledges', 'access CiviPledge', '', @pledgelastID, '1', NULL, 3 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/report/list?compid=6&reset=1', 'Pledge Reports', 'Pledge Reports', 'access CiviPledge', '', @pledgelastID, '1', 0, 4 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/contribute/add?reset=1&action=add', 'New Contribution Page', 'New Contribution Page', 'access CiviContribute,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @contributionlastID, '1', NULL, 9 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/contribute?reset=1', 'Manage Contribution Pages', 'Manage Contribution Pages', 'access CiviContribute,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @contributionlastID, '1', '1', 10 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/pcp?reset=1&page_type=contribute', 'Personal Campaign Pages', 'Personal Campaign Pages', 'access CiviContribute,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @contributionlastID, '1', NULL, 11 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/contribute/managePremiums?reset=1', 'Premiums (Thank-you Gifts)', 'Premiums', 'access CiviContribute,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @contributionlastID, '1', 1, 12 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/price?reset=1&action=add', 'New Price Set', 'New Price Set', 'access CiviContribute,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @contributionlastID, '1', NULL, 13 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/price?reset=1', 'Manage Price Sets', 'Manage Price Sets', 'access CiviContribute,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @contributionlastID, '1', 1, 14 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/financial/batch?reset=1&action=add', 'New Batch', 'New Batch', 'create manual batch', 'AND', @financialTransactionID, '1', NULL, 1 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/financial/financialbatches?reset=1&batchStatus=1', 'Open Batches', 'Open Batches', 'view own manual batches,view all manual batches', 'OR', @financialTransactionID, '1', NULL, 2 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/financial/financialbatches?reset=1&batchStatus=2', 'Closed Batches', 'Closed Batches', 'view own manual batches,view all manual batches', 'OR', @financialTransactionID, '1', NULL, 3 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/financial/financialbatches?reset=1&batchStatus=5', 'Exported Batches', 'Exported Batches', 'view own manual batches,view all manual batches', 'OR', @financialTransactionID, '1', NULL, 4 );
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, NULL, 'Events', 'Events', 'access CiviEvent', '', NULL, '1', NULL, 40 );
SET @eventlastID:=LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, 'civicrm/event?reset=1', 'Dashboard', 'CiviEvent Dashboard', 'access CiviEvent', '', @eventlastID, '1', NULL, 1 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/participant/add?reset=1&action=add&context=standalone', 'Register Event Participant', 'Register Event Participant', 'access CiviEvent,edit event participants', 'AND', @eventlastID, '1', NULL, 2 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/event/search?reset=1', 'Find Participants', 'Find Participants', 'access CiviEvent', '', @eventlastID, '1', NULL, 3 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/report/list?compid=1&reset=1', 'Event Reports', 'Event Reports', 'access CiviEvent', '', @eventlastID, '1', 1, 4 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/event/import?reset=1', 'Import Participants','Import Participants', 'access CiviEvent,edit event participants', 'AND', @eventlastID, '1', '1', 5 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/event/add?reset=1&action=add', 'New Event', 'New Event', 'access CiviEvent,edit all events', 'AND', @eventlastID, '1', NULL, 6 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/event/manage?reset=1', 'Manage Events', 'Manage Events', 'access CiviEvent,edit all events', 'AND', @eventlastID, '1', 1, 7 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/pcp?reset=1&page_type=event', 'Personal Campaign Pages', 'Personal Campaign Pages', 'access CiviEvent,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @eventlastID, '1', 1, 8 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/eventTemplate?reset=1', 'Event Templates', 'Event Templates', 'access CiviEvent,edit all events', 'AND', @eventlastID, '1', 1, 9 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/price?reset=1&action=add', 'New Price Set', 'New Price Set', 'access CiviEvent,edit all events', 'AND', @eventlastID, '1', NULL, 10 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/price?reset=1', 'Manage Price Sets', 'Manage Price Sets', 'access CiviEvent,edit all events', 'AND', @eventlastID, '1', NULL, 11 );
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, NULL, 'Mailings', 'Mailings', 'access CiviMail,create mailings,approve mailings,schedule mailings', 'OR', NULL, '1', NULL, 50 );
SET @mailinglastID:=LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, 'civicrm/mailing/send?reset=1', 'New Mailing', 'New Mailing', 'access CiviMail,create mailings', 'OR', @mailinglastID, '1', NULL, 1 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/mailing/browse/unscheduled?reset=1&scheduled=false', 'Draft and Unscheduled Mailings', 'Draft and Unscheduled Mailings', 'access CiviMail,create mailings,schedule mailings', 'OR', @mailinglastID, '1', NULL, 2 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/mailing/browse/scheduled?reset=1&scheduled=true', 'Scheduled and Sent Mailings', 'Scheduled and Sent Mailings', 'access CiviMail,approve mailings,create mailings,schedule mailings', 'OR', @mailinglastID, '1', NULL, 3 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/mailing/browse/archived?reset=1', 'Archived Mailings', 'Archived Mailings', 'access CiviMail,create mailings', 'OR', @mailinglastID, '1', NULL, 4 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/report/list?compid=4&reset=1', 'Mailing Reports', 'Mailing Reports', 'access CiviMail', '', @mailinglastID, '1', 1, 5 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/component?reset=1', 'Headers, Footers, and Automated Messages', 'Headers, Footers, and Automated Messages', 'access CiviMail,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @mailinglastID, '1', NULL, 6 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/messageTemplates?reset=1', 'Message Templates', 'Message Templates', 'edit message templates', '', @mailinglastID, '1', NULL, 7 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/options/from_email_address?reset=1', 'From Email Addresses', 'From Email Addresses', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @mailinglastID, '1', 1, 8 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/sms/send?reset=1', 'New SMS', 'New SMS', 'administer CiviCRM', NULL, @mailinglastID, '1', NULL, 9 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/mailing/browse?reset=1&sms=1', 'Find Mass SMS', 'Find Mass SMS', 'administer CiviCRM', NULL, @mailinglastID, '1', 1, 10 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/a/#/abtest/new', 'New A/B Test', 'New A/B Test', 'access CiviMail', '', @mailinglastID, '1', NULL, 15 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/a/#/abtest', 'Manage A/B Tests', 'Manage A/B Tests', 'access CiviMail', '', @mailinglastID, '1', 1, 16 );
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, NULL, 'Memberships', 'Memberships', 'access CiviMember', '', NULL, '1', NULL, 60 );
SET @memberlastID:=LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, 'civicrm/member?reset=1', 'Dashboard', 'Dashboard', 'access CiviMember', '', @memberlastID, '1', NULL, 1 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/member/add?reset=1&action=add&context=standalone', 'New Membership', 'New Membership', 'access CiviMember,edit memberships', 'AND', @memberlastID, '1', NULL, 2 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/member/search?reset=1', 'Find Memberships', 'Find Memberships','access CiviMember', '', @memberlastID, '1', NULL, 3 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/report/list?compid=3&reset=1', 'Membership Reports', 'Membership Reports', 'access CiviMember', '', @memberlastID, '1', 1, 4 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/batch?reset=1', 'Batch Data Entry', 'Batch Data Entry','access CiviContribute', '', @memberlastID, '1', NULL, 5 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/member/import?reset=1', 'Import Memberships', 'Import Members', 'access CiviMember,edit memberships', 'AND', @memberlastID, '1', 1, 6 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/price?reset=1&action=add', 'New Price Set', 'New Price Set', 'access CiviMember,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @memberlastID, '1', NULL, 7 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/price?reset=1', 'Manage Price Sets', 'Manage Price Sets', 'access CiviMember,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @memberlastID, '1', NULL, 8 );
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, NULL, 'Campaigns', 'Campaigns', 'interview campaign contacts,release campaign contacts,reserve campaign contacts,manage campaign,administer CiviCampaign,gotv campaign contacts', 'OR', NULL, '1', NULL, 70 );
SET @campaignlastID:=LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, 'civicrm/campaign?reset=1', 'Dashboard', 'Dashboard', 'manage campaign,administer CiviCampaign', 'OR', @campaignlastID, '1', NULL, 1 );
SET @campaigndashboardlastID:=LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, 'civicrm/campaign?reset=1&subPage=survey', 'Surveys', 'Survey Dashboard', 'manage campaign,administer CiviCampaign', 'OR', @campaigndashboardlastID, '1', NULL, 1 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/campaign?reset=1&subPage=petition', 'Petitions', 'Petition Dashboard', 'manage campaign,administer CiviCampaign', 'OR', @campaigndashboardlastID, '1', NULL, 2 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/campaign?reset=1&subPage=campaign', 'Campaigns', 'Campaign Dashboard', 'manage campaign,administer CiviCampaign', 'OR', @campaigndashboardlastID, '1', NULL, 3 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/campaign/add?reset=1', 'New Campaign', 'New Campaign', 'manage campaign,administer CiviCampaign', 'OR', @campaignlastID, '1', NULL, 2 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/survey/add?reset=1', 'New Survey', 'New Survey', 'manage campaign,administer CiviCampaign', 'OR', @campaignlastID, '1', NULL, 3 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/petition/add?reset=1', 'New Petition', 'New Petition', 'manage campaign,administer CiviCampaign', 'OR', @campaignlastID, '1', NULL, 4 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/survey/search?reset=1&op=reserve', 'Reserve Respondents', 'Reserve Respondents', 'administer CiviCampaign,manage campaign,reserve campaign contacts', 'OR', @campaignlastID, '1', NULL, 5 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/survey/search?reset=1&op=interview', 'Interview Respondents', 'Interview Respondents', 'administer CiviCampaign,manage campaign,interview campaign contacts', 'OR', @campaignlastID, '1', NULL, 6 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/survey/search?reset=1&op=release', 'Release Respondents', 'Release Respondents', 'administer CiviCampaign,manage campaign,release campaign contacts', 'OR', @campaignlastID, '1', NULL, 7 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/report/list?compid=9&reset=1', 'Campaign Reports', 'Campaign Reports', 'interview campaign contacts,release campaign contacts,reserve campaign contacts,manage campaign,administer CiviCampaign,gotv campaign contacts', 'OR', @campaignlastID, '1', 1, 8 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/campaign/vote?reset=1', 'Conduct Survey', 'Conduct Survey', 'administer CiviCampaign,manage campaign,reserve campaign contacts,interview campaign contacts', 'OR', @campaignlastID, '1', NULL, 9 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/campaign/gotv?reset=1', 'GOTV (Voter Tracking)', 'Voter Listing', 'administer CiviCampaign,manage campaign,release campaign contacts,gotv campaign contacts', 'OR', @campaignlastID, '1', NULL, 10 );
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, NULL, 'Cases', 'Cases', 'access my cases and activities,access all cases and activities', 'OR', NULL, '1', NULL, 80 );
SET @caselastID:=LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, 'civicrm/case?reset=1', 'Dashboard', 'Dashboard', 'access my cases and activities,access all cases and activities', 'OR', @caselastID, '1', NULL, 1 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/case/add?reset=1&action=add&atype=13&context=standalone', 'New Case', 'New Case', 'add cases,access all cases and activities', 'OR', @caselastID, '1', NULL, 2 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/case/search?reset=1', 'Find Cases', 'Find Cases', 'access my cases and activities,access all cases and activities', 'OR', @caselastID, '1', 1, 3 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/report/list?compid=7&reset=1', 'Case Reports', 'Case Reports', 'access my cases and activities,access all cases and activities,administer CiviCase', 'OR', @caselastID, '1', 0, 4 );
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, NULL, 'Grants', 'Grants', 'access CiviGrant', '', NULL, '1', NULL, 90 );
SET @grantlastID:=LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, 'civicrm/grant?reset=1', 'Dashboard', 'Dashboard', 'access CiviGrant', '', @grantlastID, '1', NULL, 1 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/grant/add?reset=1&action=add&context=standalone', 'New Grant', 'New Grant', 'access CiviGrant,edit grants', 'AND', @grantlastID, '1', NULL, 2 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/grant/search?reset=1', 'Find Grants', 'Find Grants', 'access CiviGrant', '', @grantlastID, '1', 1, 3 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/report/list?compid=5&reset=1', 'Grant Reports', 'Grant Reports', 'access CiviGrant', '', @grantlastID, '1', 0, 4 );
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, NULL, 'Administer', 'Administer', 'administer CiviCRM', '', NULL, '1', NULL, 100 );
SET @adminlastID:=LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin?reset=1', 'Administration Console', 'Administration Console', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @adminlastID, '1', NULL, 1 );
SET @adminConsolelastID:=LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, 'civicrm/a/#/status', 'System Status', 'System Status', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @adminConsolelastID, '1', NULL, 0 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/configtask?reset=1', 'Configuration Checklist', 'Configuration Checklist', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @adminConsolelastID, '1', NULL, 1 );
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, NULL, 'Customize Data and Screens', 'Customize Data and Screens', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @adminlastID, '1', NULL, 3 );
SET @CustomizelastID:=LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/custom/group?reset=1', 'Custom Fields', 'Custom Fields', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @CustomizelastID, '1', NULL, 1 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/uf/group?reset=1', 'Profiles', 'Profiles', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @CustomizelastID, '1', NULL, 2 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/tag?reset=1', 'Tags (Categories)', 'Tags (Categories)', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @CustomizelastID, '1', NULL, 3 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/options/activity_type?reset=1', 'Activity Types', 'Activity Types', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @CustomizelastID, '1', NULL, 4 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/reltype?reset=1', 'Relationship Types', 'Relationship Types', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @CustomizelastID, '1', NULL, 5 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/options/subtype?reset=1', 'Contact Types','Contact Types', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @CustomizelastID, '1', NULL, 6 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/setting/preferences/display?reset=1', 'Display Preferences', 'Display Preferences', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @CustomizelastID, '1', NULL, 9 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/setting/search?reset=1', 'Search Preferences', 'Search Preferences', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @CustomizelastID, '1', NULL, 10 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/setting/preferences/date?reset=1', 'Date Preferences', 'Date Preferences', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @CustomizelastID, '1', NULL, 11 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/menu?reset=1', 'Navigation Menu', 'Navigation Menu', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @CustomizelastID, '1', NULL, 12 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/options/wordreplacements?reset=1','Word Replacements','Word Replacements', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @CustomizelastID, '1', NULL, 13 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/options/custom_search?reset=1', 'Manage Custom Searches', 'Manage Custom Searches', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @CustomizelastID, '1', NULL, 14 );
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, NULL, 'Dropdown Options', 'Dropdown Options', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @CustomizelastID, '1', NULL, 8 );
SET @optionListlastID:=LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/options/gender?reset=1', 'Gender Options', 'Gender Options', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @optionListlastID, '1', NULL, 1 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/options/individual_prefix?reset=1', 'Individual Prefixes (Ms, Mr...)', 'Individual Prefixes (Ms, Mr...)', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @optionListlastID, '1', NULL, 2 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/options/individual_suffix?reset=1', 'Individual Suffixes (Jr, Sr...)', 'Individual Suffixes (Jr, Sr...)', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @optionListlastID, '1', NULL, 3 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/options/instant_messenger_service?reset=1', 'Instant Messenger Services', 'Instant Messenger Services', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @optionListlastID, '1', NULL, 4 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/locationType?reset=1', 'Location Types (Home, Work...)', 'Location Types (Home, Work...)', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @optionListlastID, '1', NULL, 5 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/options/mobile_provider?reset=1', 'Mobile Phone Providers', 'Mobile Phone Providers', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @optionListlastID, '1', NULL, 6 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/options/phone_type?reset=1', 'Phone Types', 'Phone Types', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @optionListlastID, '1', NULL, 7 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/options/website_type?reset=1', 'Website Types', 'Website Types', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @optionListlastID, '1', NULL, 8 );
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, NULL, 'Communications', 'Communications', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @adminlastID, '1', NULL, 4 );
SET @communicationslastID:=LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/domain?action=update&reset=1', 'Organization Address and Contact Info', 'Organization Address and Contact Info', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @communicationslastID, '1', NULL, 1 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/options/from_email_address?reset=1', 'FROM Email Addresses', 'FROM Email Addresses', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @communicationslastID, '1', NULL, 2 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/messageTemplates?reset=1', 'Message Templates', 'Message Templates', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @communicationslastID, '1', NULL, 3 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/scheduleReminders?reset=1', 'Schedule Reminders', 'Schedule Reminders', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @communicationslastID, '1', NULL, 4 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/options/preferred_communication_method?reset=1', 'Preferred Communication Methods', 'Preferred Communication Methods', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @communicationslastID, '1', NULL, 5 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/labelFormats?reset=1', 'Label Formats', 'Label Formats', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @communicationslastID, '1', NULL, 6 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/pdfFormats?reset=1', 'Print Page (PDF) Formats', 'Print Page (PDF) Formats', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @communicationslastID, '1', NULL, 7 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/options/communication_style?reset=1', 'Communication Style Options', 'Communication Style Options', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @communicationslastID, '1', NULL, 8 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/options/email_greeting?reset=1', 'Email Greeting Formats', 'Email Greeting Formats', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @communicationslastID, '1', NULL, 9 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/options/postal_greeting?reset=1', 'Postal Greeting Formats', 'Postal Greeting Formats', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @communicationslastID, '1', NULL, 10 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/options/addressee?reset=1', 'Addressee Formats', 'Addressee Formats', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @communicationslastID, '1', NULL, 11 );
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, NULL, 'Localization', 'Localization', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @adminlastID, '1', NULL, 6 );
SET @locallastID:=LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/setting/localization?reset=1', 'Languages, Currency, Locations', 'Languages, Currency, Locations', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @locallastID, '1', NULL, 1 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/setting/preferences/address?reset=1', 'Address Settings', 'Address Settings', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @locallastID, '1', NULL, 2 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/setting/date?reset=1', 'Date Formats', 'Date Formats', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @locallastID, '1', NULL, 3 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/options/languages?reset=1', 'Preferred Language Options', 'Preferred Language Options', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @locallastID, '1', NULL, 4 );
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, NULL, 'Users and Permissions', 'Users and Permissions', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @adminlastID, '1', NULL, 7 );
SET @usersPermslastID:=LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/access?reset=1', 'Permissions (Access Control)', 'Permissions (Access Control)', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @usersPermslastID, '1', NULL, 1 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/synchUser?reset=1', 'Synchronize Users to Contacts', 'Synchronize Users to Contacts', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @usersPermslastID, '1', NULL, 2 );
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, NULL, 'System Settings', 'System Settings', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @adminlastID, '1', NULL, 8 );
SET @systemSettingslastID:=LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/setting/component?reset=1', 'Components', 'Enable Components', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @systemSettingslastID, '1', NULL, 1 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/a/#/cxn', 'Connections', 'Connections', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @systemSettingslastID, '1', NULL, 2 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/extensions?reset=1', 'Extensions', 'Manage Extensions', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @systemSettingslastID, '1', 1, 3 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/setting/updateConfigBackend?reset=1', 'Cleanup Caches and Update Paths', 'Cleanup Caches and Update Paths', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @systemSettingslastID, '1', NULL, 4 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/setting/uf?reset=1', 'CMS Database Integration', 'CMS Integration', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @systemSettingslastID, '1', NULL, 5 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/setting/debug?reset=1', 'Debugging and Error Handling','Debugging and Error Handling', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @systemSettingslastID, '1', NULL, 6 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/setting/path?reset=1', 'Directories', 'Directories', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @systemSettingslastID, '1', NULL, 7 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/mapping?reset=1', 'Import/Export Mappings', 'Import/Export Mappings', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @systemSettingslastID, '1', NULL, 8 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/setting/mapping?reset=1', 'Mapping and Geocoding', 'Mapping and Geocoding', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @systemSettingslastID, '1', NULL, 9 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/setting/misc?reset=1', 'Misc (Undelete, PDFs, Limits, Logging, Captcha, etc.)', 'Misc (Undelete, PDFs, Limits, Logging, Captcha, etc.)', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @systemSettingslastID, '1', NULL, 10 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/setting/preferences/multisite?reset=1', 'Multi Site Settings', 'Multi Site Settings', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @systemSettingslastID, '1', NULL, 11 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/options?reset=1', 'Option Groups', 'Option Groups', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @systemSettingslastID, '1', NULL, 12 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/setting/smtp?reset=1', 'Outbound Email (SMTP/Sendmail)', 'Outbound Email', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @systemSettingslastID, '1', NULL, 13 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/paymentProcessor?reset=1', 'Payment Processors', 'Payment Processors', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @systemSettingslastID, '1', NULL, 14 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/setting/url?reset=1', 'Resource URLs', 'Resource URLs', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @systemSettingslastID, '1', NULL, 15 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/options/safe_file_extension?reset=1', 'Safe File Extensions', 'Safe File Extensions','administer CiviCRM', '',@systemSettingslastID, '1', NULL, 16 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/job?reset=1', 'Scheduled Jobs', 'Scheduled Jobs', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @systemSettingslastID, '1', NULL, 17 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/sms/provider?reset=1', 'SMS Providers', 'SMS Providers', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @systemSettingslastID, '1', NULL, 18 );
-- begin component admin menus
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, NULL, 'CiviCampaign', 'CiviCampaign', 'administer CiviCampaign,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @adminlastID, '1', NULL, 9 );
SET @adminCampaignlastID:=LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/campaign/surveyType?reset=1', 'Survey Types', 'Survey Types', 'administer CiviCampaign', '', @adminCampaignlastID, '1', NULL, 1 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/options/campaign_type?reset=1', 'Campaign Types', 'Campaign Types', 'administer CiviCampaign', '', @adminCampaignlastID, '1', NULL, 2 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/options/campaign_status?reset=1', 'Campaign Status', 'Campaign Status', 'administer CiviCampaign', '', @adminCampaignlastID, '1', NULL, 3 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/options/engagement_index?reset=1', 'Engagement Index', 'Engagement Index', 'administer CiviCampaign', '', @adminCampaignlastID, '1', NULL, 4 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/setting/preferences/campaign?reset=1', 'CiviCampaign Component Settings', 'CiviCampaign Component Settings','administer CiviCampaign', '', @adminCampaignlastID, '1', NULL, 5 );
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, NULL, 'CiviCase', 'CiviCase', 'administer CiviCase', NULL, @adminlastID, '1', NULL, 10 );
SET @adminCaselastID:=LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/setting/case?reset=1', 'CiviCase Settings', 'CiviCase Settings', 'administer CiviCase', NULL, @adminCaselastID, '1', NULL, 1 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/a/#/caseType', 'Case Types', 'Case Types', 'administer CiviCase', NULL, @adminCaselastID, '1', NULL, 2 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/options/redaction_rule?reset=1', 'Redaction Rules', 'Redaction Rules', 'administer CiviCase', NULL, @adminCaselastID, '1', NULL, 3 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/options/case_status?reset=1', 'Case Statuses', 'Case Statuses', 'administer CiviCase', NULL, @adminCaselastID, '1', NULL, 4 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/options/encounter_medium?reset=1', 'Encounter Medium', 'Encounter Medium', 'administer CiviCase', NULL, @adminCaselastID, '1', NULL, 5 );
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, NULL, 'CiviContribute', 'CiviContribute', 'access CiviContribute,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @adminlastID, '1', NULL, 11 );
SET @adminContributelastID:=LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/contribute?reset=1&action=add', 'New Contribution Page', 'New Contribution Page', 'access CiviContribute,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @adminContributelastID, '1', NULL, 6 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/contribute?reset=1', 'Manage Contribution Pages', 'Manage Contribution Pages', 'access CiviContribute,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @adminContributelastID, '1', '1', 7 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/pcp?reset=1&page_type=contribute', 'Personal Campaign Pages', 'Personal Campaign Pages', 'access CiviContribute,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @adminContributelastID, '1', NULL, 8 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/contribute/managePremiums?reset=1', 'Premiums (Thank-you Gifts)', 'Premiums', 'access CiviContribute,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @adminContributelastID, '1', 1, 9 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/financial/financialType?reset=1', 'Financial Types', 'Financial Types', 'access CiviContribute,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @adminContributelastID, '1', NULL, 10),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/financial/financialAccount?reset=1', 'Financial Accounts', 'Financial Accounts', 'access CiviContribute,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @adminContributelastID, '1', NULL, 11),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/options/payment_instrument?reset=1', 'Payment Methods', 'Payment Instruments', 'access CiviContribute,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @adminContributelastID, '1', NULL, 12 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/options/accept_creditcard?reset=1', 'Accepted Credit Cards', 'Accepted Credit Cards', 'access CiviContribute,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @adminContributelastID, '1', NULL, 13 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/options/soft_credit_type?reset=1', 'Soft Credit Types', 'Soft Credit Types', 'access CiviContribute,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @adminContributelastID, '1', 1, 14 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/price?reset=1&action=add', 'New Price Set', 'New Price Set', 'access CiviContribute,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @adminContributelastID, '1', NULL, 15 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/price?reset=1', 'Manage Price Sets', 'Manage Price Sets', 'access CiviContribute,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @adminContributelastID, '1', NULL, 16 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/paymentProcessor?reset=1', 'Payment Processors', 'Payment Processors', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @adminContributelastID, '1', NULL, 17 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/setting/preferences/contribute?reset=1', 'CiviContribute Component Settings', 'CiviContribute Component Settings', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @adminContributelastID, '1', NULL, 18 ) ;
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, NULL, 'CiviEvent', 'CiviEvent', 'access CiviEvent,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @adminlastID, '1', NULL, 12 );
SET @adminEventlastID:=LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, 'civicrm/event/add?reset=1&action=add', 'New Event', 'New Event', 'access CiviEvent,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @adminEventlastID, '1', NULL, 1 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/event/manage?reset=1', 'Manage Events', 'Manage Events', 'access CiviEvent,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @adminEventlastID, '1', 1, 2 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/pcp?reset=1&page_type=event', 'Personal Campaign Pages', 'Personal Campaign Pages', 'access CiviEvent,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @adminEventlastID, '1', 1, 3 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/eventTemplate?reset=1', 'Event Templates', 'Event Templates', 'access CiviEvent,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @adminEventlastID, '1', 1, 4 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/price?reset=1&action=add', 'New Price Set', 'New Price Set', 'access CiviEvent,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @adminEventlastID, '1', NULL, 5 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/price?reset=1', 'Manage Price Sets', 'Manage Price Sets', 'access CiviEvent,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @adminEventlastID, '1', 1, 6 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/options/event_type?reset=1', 'Event Types', 'Event Types', 'access CiviEvent,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @adminEventlastID, '1', NULL, 7 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/participant_status?reset=1', 'Participant Statuses', 'Participant Statuses', 'access CiviEvent,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @adminEventlastID, '1', NULL, 8 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/options/participant_role?reset=1', 'Participant Roles', 'Participant Roles', 'access CiviEvent,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @adminEventlastID, '1', NULL, 9 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/options/participant_listing?reset=1', 'Participant Listing Options', 'Participant Listing Options', 'access CiviEvent,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @adminEventlastID, '1', NULL, 10 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/badgelayout?reset=1', 'Event Name Badge Layouts', 'Event Name Badge Layouts', 'access CiviEvent,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @adminEventlastID, '1', NULL, 11 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/paymentProcessor?reset=1', 'Payment Processors', 'Payment Processors', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @adminEventlastID, '1', NULL, 12),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/setting/preferences/event?reset=1', 'CiviEvent Component Settings', 'CiviEvent Component Settings','access CiviEvent,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @adminEventlastID, '1', NULL, 13 );
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, NULL, 'CiviGrant', 'CiviGrant', 'access CiviGrant,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @adminlastID, '1', NULL, 13 );
SET @adminGrantlastID:=LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/options/grant_type?reset=1', 'Grant Types', 'Grant Types', 'access CiviGrant,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @adminGrantlastID, '1', NULL, 1 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/options/grant_status?reset=1', 'Grant Status', 'Grant Status', 'access CiviGrant,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @adminGrantlastID, '1', NULL, 2 );
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, NULL, 'CiviMail', 'CiviMail', 'access CiviMail,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @adminlastID, '1', NULL, 14 );
SET @adminMailinglastID:=LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/component?reset=1', 'Headers, Footers, and Automated Messages', 'Headers, Footers, and Automated Messages', 'access CiviMail,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @adminMailinglastID, '1', NULL, 1 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/messageTemplates?reset=1', 'Message Templates', 'Message Templates', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @adminMailinglastID, '1', NULL, 2 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/options/from_email_address?reset=1', 'From Email Addresses', 'From Email Addresses', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @adminMailinglastID, '1', NULL, 3 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/mailSettings?reset=1', 'Mail Accounts', 'Mail Accounts', 'access CiviMail,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @adminMailinglastID, '1', NULL, 4 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/mail?reset=1', 'Mailer Settings', 'Mailer Settings', 'access CiviMail,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @adminMailinglastID, '1', NULL, 5 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/setting/preferences/mailing?reset=1', 'CiviMail Component Settings', 'CiviMail Component Settings','access CiviMail,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @adminMailinglastID, '1', NULL, 6 );
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, NULL, 'CiviMember', 'CiviMember', 'access CiviMember,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @adminlastID, '1', NULL, 15 );
SET @adminMemberlastID:=LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/member/membershipType?reset=1', 'Membership Types', 'Membership Types', 'access CiviMember,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @adminMemberlastID, '1', NULL, 1 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/member/membershipStatus?reset=1', 'Membership Status Rules', 'Membership Status Rules', 'access CiviMember,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @adminMemberlastID, '1', 1, 2 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/price?reset=1&action=add', 'New Price Set', 'New Price Set', 'access CiviMember,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @adminMemberlastID, '1', NULL, 3 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/price?reset=1', 'Manage Price Sets', 'Manage Price Sets', 'access CiviMember,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @adminMemberlastID, '1', NULL, 4 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/setting/preferences/member?reset=1', 'CiviMember Component Settings', 'CiviMember Component Settings','access CiviMember,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @adminMemberlastID, '1', NULL, 5 );
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, NULL, 'CiviReport', 'CiviReport', 'access CiviReport,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @adminlastID, '1', NULL, 16 );
SET @adminReportlastID:=LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, 'civicrm/report/list?reset=1', 'All Reports', 'All Reports', 'access CiviReport', '', @adminReportlastID, '1', NULL, 1 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/report/template/list?reset=1', 'Create New Report from Template', 'Create New Report from Template', 'administer Reports', '', @adminReportlastID, '1', NULL, 2 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/report/options/report_template?reset=1', 'Manage Templates', 'Manage Templates', 'administer Reports', '', @adminReportlastID, '1', NULL, 3 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/report/register?reset=1', 'Register Report', 'Register Report', 'administer Reports', '', @adminReportlastID, '1', NULL, 4 );
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, NULL, 'Support', 'Support', NULL, '', NULL, '1', NULL, 110);
SET @adminHelplastID:=LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, 'https://civicrm.org/get-started?src=iam', 'Get started', 'Get started', NULL, 'AND', @adminHelplastID, '1', NULL, 1 ),
( @domainID, 'https://civicrm.org/documentation?src=iam', 'Documentation', 'Documentation', NULL, 'AND', @adminHelplastID, '1', NULL, 2 ),
( @domainID, 'https://civicrm.org/ask-a-question?src=iam', 'Ask a question', 'Ask a question', NULL, 'AND', @adminHelplastID, '1', NULL, 3 ),
( @domainID, 'https://civicrm.org/experts?src=iam', 'Get expert help', 'Get expert help', NULL, 'AND', @adminHelplastID, '1', NULL, 4 ),
( @domainID, 'https://civicrm.org/about?src=iam', 'About CiviCRM', 'About CiviCRM', NULL, 'AND', @adminHelplastID, '1', 1, 5 ),
( @domainID, 'https://civicrm.org/register-your-site?src=iam&sid={sid}', 'Register your site', 'Register your site', NULL, 'AND', @adminHelplastID, '1', NULL, 6 ),
( @domainID, 'https://civicrm.org/become-a-member?src=iam&sid={sid}', 'Join CiviCRM', 'Join CiviCRM', NULL, 'AND', @adminHelplastID, '1', NULL, 7 );
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, NULL, 'Developer', 'Developer', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @adminHelplastID, '1', 1, 8 );
SET @devellastID:=LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, 'civicrm/api', 'API Explorer','API Explorer', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @devellastID, '1', NULL, 1 ),
( @domainID, 'https://civicrm.org/developer-documentation?src=iam', 'Developer Docs', 'Developer Docs', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @devellastID, '1', NULL, 3 );
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, NULL, 'Reports', 'Reports', 'access CiviReport', '', NULL, '1', NULL, 95 );
SET @reportlastID:=LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, 'civicrm/report/list?compid=99&reset=1', 'Contact Reports', 'Contact Reports', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @reportlastID, '1', 0, 1 );
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, 'civicrm/report/list?compid=2&reset=1', 'Contribution Reports', 'Contribution Reports', 'access CiviContribute', '', @reportlastID, '1', 0, 2 );
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, 'civicrm/report/list?compid=6&reset=1', 'Pledge Reports', 'Pledge Reports', 'access CiviPledge', '', @reportlastID, '1', 0, 3 );
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, 'civicrm/report/list?compid=1&reset=1', 'Event Reports', 'Event Reports', 'access CiviEvent', '', @reportlastID, '1', 0, 4 );
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, 'civicrm/report/list?compid=4&reset=1', 'Mailing Reports', 'Mailing Reports', 'access CiviMail', '', @reportlastID, '1', 0, 5 );
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, 'civicrm/report/list?compid=3&reset=1', 'Membership Reports', 'Membership Reports', 'access CiviMember', '', @reportlastID, '1', 0, 6 );
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, 'civicrm/report/list?compid=9&reset=1', 'Campaign Reports', 'Campaign Reports', 'interview campaign contacts,release campaign contacts,reserve campaign contacts,manage campaign,administer CiviCampaign,gotv campaign contacts', 'OR', @reportlastID, '1', 0, 7 );
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, 'civicrm/report/list?compid=7&reset=1', 'Case Reports', 'Case Reports', 'access my cases and activities,access all cases and activities,administer CiviCase', 'OR', @reportlastID, '1', 0, 8 );
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, 'civicrm/report/list?compid=5&reset=1', 'Grant Reports', 'Grant Reports', 'access CiviGrant', '', @reportlastID, '1', 0, 9 );
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
( @domainID, 'civicrm/report/list?reset=1', 'All Reports', 'All Reports', 'access CiviReport', '', @reportlastID, '1', 1, 10 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/report/list?myreports=1&reset=1', 'My Reports', 'My Reports', 'access CiviReport', '', @reportlastID, '1', 1, 11);
-- sample report instances
INSERT INTO `civicrm_report_instance`
( `domain_id`, `title`, `report_id`, `description`, `permission`, `form_values`)
( @domainID, 'Constituent Summary', 'contact/summary', 'Provides a list of address and telephone information for constituent records in your system.', 'view all contacts', 'a:31:{s:6:"fields";a:4:{s:9:"sort_name";s:1:"1";s:14:"street_address";s:1:"1";s:4:"city";s:1:"1";s:10:"country_id";s:1:"1";}s:12:"sort_name_op";s:3:"has";s:15:"sort_name_value";s:0:"";s:9:"source_op";s:3:"has";s:12:"source_value";s:0:"";s:6:"id_min";s:0:"";s:6:"id_max";s:0:"";s:5:"id_op";s:3:"lte";s:8:"id_value";s:0:"";s:13:"country_id_op";s:2:"in";s:16:"country_id_value";a:0:{}s:20:"state_province_id_op";s:2:"in";s:23:"state_province_id_value";a:0:{}s:6:"gid_op";s:2:"in";s:9:"gid_value";a:0:{}s:8:"tagid_op";s:2:"in";s:11:"tagid_value";a:0:{}s:11:"custom_1_op";s:2:"in";s:14:"custom_1_value";a:0:{}s:11:"custom_2_op";s:2:"in";s:14:"custom_2_value";a:0:{}s:17:"custom_3_relative";s:1:"0";s:13:"custom_3_from";s:0:"";s:11:"custom_3_to";s:0:"";s:11:"description";s:92:"Provides a list of address and telephone information for constituent records in your system.";s:13:"email_subject";s:0:"";s:8:"email_to";s:0:"";s:8:"email_cc";s:0:"";s:10:"permission";s:17:"view all contacts";s:6:"groups";s:0:"";s:9:"domain_id";i:1;}');
INSERT INTO `civicrm_report_instance`
( `domain_id`, `title`, `report_id`, `description`, `permission`, `form_values`)
( @domainID, 'Constituent Detail', 'contact/detail', 'Provides contact-related information on contributions, memberships, events and activities.', 'view all contacts', 'a:25:{s:6:"fields";a:30:{s:9:"sort_name";s:1:"1";s:10:"country_id";s:1:"1";s:15:"contribution_id";s:1:"1";s:12:"total_amount";s:1:"1";s:17:"financial_type_id";s:1:"1";s:12:"receive_date";s:1:"1";s:22:"contribution_status_id";s:1:"1";s:13:"membership_id";s:1:"1";s:18:"membership_type_id";s:1:"1";s:21:"membership_start_date";s:1:"1";s:19:"membership_end_date";s:1:"1";s:20:"membership_status_id";s:1:"1";s:14:"participant_id";s:1:"1";s:8:"event_id";s:1:"1";s:21:"participant_status_id";s:1:"1";s:7:"role_id";s:1:"1";s:25:"participant_register_date";s:1:"1";s:9:"fee_level";s:1:"1";s:10:"fee_amount";s:1:"1";s:15:"relationship_id";s:1:"1";s:20:"relationship_type_id";s:1:"1";s:12:"contact_id_b";s:1:"1";s:2:"id";s:1:"1";s:16:"activity_type_id";s:1:"1";s:7:"subject";s:1:"1";s:17:"source_contact_id";s:1:"1";s:18:"activity_date_time";s:1:"1";s:18:"activity_status_id";s:1:"1";s:17:"target_contact_id";s:1:"1";s:19:"assignee_contact_id";s:1:"1";}s:6:"id_min";s:0:"";s:6:"id_max";s:0:"";s:5:"id_op";s:3:"lte";s:8:"id_value";s:0:"";s:12:"sort_name_op";s:3:"has";s:15:"sort_name_value";s:0:"";s:6:"gid_op";s:2:"in";s:9:"gid_value";a:0:{}s:8:"tagid_op";s:2:"in";s:11:"tagid_value";a:0:{}s:11:"custom_1_op";s:2:"in";s:14:"custom_1_value";a:0:{}s:11:"custom_2_op";s:2:"in";s:14:"custom_2_value";a:0:{}s:17:"custom_3_relative";s:1:"0";s:13:"custom_3_from";s:0:"";s:11:"custom_3_to";s:0:"";s:11:"description";s:90:"Provides contact-related information on contributions, memberships, events and activities.";s:13:"email_subject";s:0:"";s:8:"email_to";s:0:"";s:8:"email_cc";s:0:"";s:10:"permission";s:17:"view all contacts";s:6:"groups";s:0:"";s:9:"domain_id";i:1;}');
INSERT INTO `civicrm_report_instance`
( `domain_id`, `title`, `report_id`, `description`, `permission`, `form_values`)
( @domainID, 'Activity Details', 'activity', 'Provides a list of constituent activity including activity statistics for one/all contacts during a given date range(required)', 'view all contacts', 'a:26:{s:6:"fields";a:6:{s:16:"contact_assignee";s:1:"1";s:14:"contact_target";s:1:"1";s:16:"activity_type_id";s:1:"1";s:16:"activity_subject";s:1:"1";s:18:"activity_date_time";s:1:"1";s:9:"status_id";s:1:"1";}s:17:"contact_source_op";s:3:"has";s:20:"contact_source_value";s:0:"";s:19:"contact_assignee_op";s:3:"has";s:22:"contact_assignee_value";s:0:"";s:17:"contact_target_op";s:3:"has";s:20:"contact_target_value";s:0:"";s:15:"current_user_op";s:2:"eq";s:18:"current_user_value";s:1:"0";s:27:"activity_date_time_relative";s:10:"this.month";s:23:"activity_date_time_from";s:0:"";s:21:"activity_date_time_to";s:0:"";s:19:"activity_subject_op";s:3:"has";s:22:"activity_subject_value";s:0:"";s:19:"activity_type_id_op";s:2:"in";s:22:"activity_type_id_value";a:0:{}s:12:"status_id_op";s:2:"in";s:15:"status_id_value";a:0:{}s:11:"description";s:126:"Provides a list of constituent activity including activity statistics for one/all contacts during a given date range(required)";s:13:"email_subject";s:0:"";s:8:"email_to";s:0:"";s:8:"email_cc";s:0:"";s:10:"permission";s:17:"view all contacts";s:6:"groups";s:0:"";s:9:"group_bys";N;s:9:"domain_id";i:1;}');
INSERT INTO `civicrm_report_instance`
(`domain_id`, `title`, `report_id`, `description`, `permission`, `form_values`)
( @domainID, 'Current Employers', 'contact/currentEmployer', 'Provides detail list of employer employee relationships along with employment details.', 'view all contacts', 'a:33:{s:6:"fields";a:5:{s:17:"organization_name";s:1:"1";s:9:"sort_name";s:1:"1";s:9:"job_title";s:1:"1";s:10:"start_date";s:1:"1";s:5:"email";s:1:"1";}s:20:"organization_name_op";s:3:"has";s:23:"organization_name_value";s:0:"";s:12:"sort_name_op";s:3:"has";s:15:"sort_name_value";s:0:"";s:6:"id_min";s:0:"";s:6:"id_max";s:0:"";s:5:"id_op";s:3:"lte";s:8:"id_value";s:0:"";s:19:"start_date_relative";s:1:"0";s:15:"start_date_from";s:0:"";s:13:"start_date_to";s:0:"";s:13:"country_id_op";s:2:"in";s:16:"country_id_value";a:0:{}s:20:"state_province_id_op";s:2:"in";s:23:"state_province_id_value";a:0:{}s:6:"gid_op";s:2:"in";s:9:"gid_value";a:0:{}s:8:"tagid_op";s:2:"in";s:11:"tagid_value";a:0:{}s:11:"custom_1_op";s:2:"in";s:14:"custom_1_value";a:0:{}s:11:"custom_2_op";s:2:"in";s:14:"custom_2_value";a:0:{}s:17:"custom_3_relative";s:1:"0";s:13:"custom_3_from";s:0:"";s:11:"custom_3_to";s:0:"";s:11:"description";s:98:"Provides detail list of employer employee relationships along with employment details Ex Join Date";s:13:"email_subject";s:0:"";s:8:"email_to";s:0:"";s:8:"email_cc";s:0:"";s:10:"permission";s:17:"view all contacts";s:9:"domain_id";i:1;}');
INSERT INTO `civicrm_report_instance`
( `domain_id`, `title`, `report_id`, `description`, `permission`, `form_values`)
( @domainID, 'Relationships', 'contact/relationship', 'Gives relationship details between two contacts', 'view all contacts', 'a:28:{s:6:"fields";a:4:{s:11:"sort_name_a";s:1:"1";s:11:"sort_name_b";s:1:"1";s:9:"label_a_b";s:1:"1";s:9:"label_b_a";s:1:"1";}s:14:"sort_name_a_op";s:3:"has";s:17:"sort_name_a_value";s:0:"";s:14:"sort_name_b_op";s:3:"has";s:17:"sort_name_b_value";s:0:"";s:17:"contact_type_a_op";s:2:"in";s:20:"contact_type_a_value";a:0:{}s:17:"contact_type_b_op";s:2:"in";s:20:"contact_type_b_value";a:0:{}s:12:"is_active_op";s:2:"eq";s:15:"is_active_value";s:0:"";s:23:"relationship_type_id_op";s:2:"eq";s:26:"relationship_type_id_value";s:0:"";s:13:"country_id_op";s:2:"in";s:16:"country_id_value";a:0:{}s:20:"state_province_id_op";s:2:"in";s:23:"state_province_id_value";a:0:{}s:6:"gid_op";s:2:"in";s:9:"gid_value";a:0:{}s:8:"tagid_op";s:2:"in";s:11:"tagid_value";a:0:{}s:11:"description";s:19:"Relationship Report";s:13:"email_subject";s:0:"";s:8:"email_to";s:0:"";s:8:"email_cc";s:0:"";s:10:"permission";s:17:"view all contacts";s:6:"groups";s:0:"";s:9:"domain_id";i:1;}');
INSERT INTO `civicrm_report_instance`
( `domain_id`, `title`, `report_id`, `description`, `permission`, `form_values`)
( @domainID, 'Activity Summary', 'activitySummary', 'Shows activity statistics by type / date', 'view all contacts', 'a:26:{s:6:"fields";a:4:{s:16:"activity_type_id";s:1:"1";s:9:"status_id";s:1:"1";s:8:"duration";s:1:"1";s:2:"id";s:1:"1";}s:12:"sort_name_op";s:3:"has";s:15:"sort_name_value";s:0:"";s:27:"activity_date_time_relative";s:0:"";s:23:"activity_date_time_from";s:0:"";s:21:"activity_date_time_to";s:0:"";s:19:"activity_type_id_op";s:2:"in";s:22:"activity_type_id_value";a:0:{}s:12:"status_id_op";s:2:"in";s:15:"status_id_value";a:0:{}s:14:"priority_id_op";s:2:"in";s:17:"priority_id_value";a:0:{}s:6:"gid_op";s:2:"in";s:9:"gid_value";a:0:{}s:9:"group_bys";a:2:{s:16:"activity_type_id";s:1:"1";s:9:"status_id";s:1:"1";}s:14:"group_bys_freq";a:1:{s:18:"activity_date_time";s:5:"MONTH";}s:9:"order_bys";a:1:{i:1;a:2:{s:6:"column";s:16:"activity_type_id";s:5:"order";s:3:"ASC";}}s:11:"description";s:40:"Shows activity statistics by type / date";s:13:"email_subject";s:0:"";s:8:"email_to";s:0:"";s:8:"email_cc";s:0:"";s:9:"row_count";s:0:"";s:10:"permission";s:17:"view all contacts";s:9:"parent_id";s:0:"";s:6:"groups";s:0:"";s:11:"instance_id";N;}');
-- Contribution reports
INSERT INTO `civicrm_report_instance`
( `domain_id`, `title`, `report_id`, `description`, `permission`, `form_values`)
( @domainID, 'Contribution Summary', 'contribute/summary', 'Groups and totals contributions by criteria including contact, time period, contribution type, contributor location, etc.', 'access CiviContribute', 'a:42:{s:6:"fields";a:1:{s:12:"total_amount";s:1:"1";}s:13:"country_id_op";s:2:"in";s:16:"country_id_value";a:0:{}s:20:"state_province_id_op";s:2:"in";s:23:"state_province_id_value";a:0:{}s:21:"receive_date_relative";s:1:"0";s:17:"receive_date_from";s:0:"";s:15:"receive_date_to";s:0:"";s:25:"contribution_status_id_op";s:2:"in";s:28:"contribution_status_id_value";a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}s:20:"financial_type_id_op";s:2:"in";s:23:"financial_type_id_value";a:0:{}s:16:"total_amount_min";s:0:"";s:16:"total_amount_max";s:0:"";s:15:"total_amount_op";s:3:"lte";s:18:"total_amount_value";s:0:"";s:13:"total_sum_min";s:0:"";s:13:"total_sum_max";s:0:"";s:12:"total_sum_op";s:3:"lte";s:15:"total_sum_value";s:0:"";s:15:"total_count_min";s:0:"";s:15:"total_count_max";s:0:"";s:14:"total_count_op";s:3:"lte";s:17:"total_count_value";s:0:"";s:13:"total_avg_min";s:0:"";s:13:"total_avg_max";s:0:"";s:12:"total_avg_op";s:3:"lte";s:15:"total_avg_value";s:0:"";s:6:"gid_op";s:2:"in";s:9:"gid_value";a:0:{}s:8:"tagid_op";s:2:"in";s:11:"tagid_value";a:0:{}s:9:"group_bys";a:1:{s:12:"receive_date";s:1:"1";}s:14:"group_bys_freq";a:1:{s:12:"receive_date";s:5:"MONTH";}s:11:"description";s:80:"Shows contribution statistics by month / week / year .. country / state .. type.";s:13:"email_subject";s:0:"";s:8:"email_to";s:0:"";s:8:"email_cc";s:0:"";s:10:"permission";s:21:"access CiviContribute";s:6:"groups";s:0:"";s:6:"charts";s:0:"";s:9:"domain_id";i:1;}');
INSERT INTO `civicrm_report_instance`
( `domain_id`, `title`, `report_id`, `description`, `permission`, `form_values`)
( @domainID, 'Contribution Details', 'contribute/detail', 'Lists specific contributions by criteria including contact, time period, contribution type, contributor location, etc. Contribution summary report points to this report for contribution details.', 'access CiviContribute', 'a:56:{s:6:"fields";a:7:{s:9:"sort_name";s:1:"1";s:5:"email";s:1:"1";s:5:"phone";s:1:"1";s:17:"financial_type_id";s:1:"1";s:12:"receive_date";s:1:"1";s:12:"total_amount";s:1:"1";s:10:"country_id";s:1:"1";}s:12:"sort_name_op";s:3:"has";s:15:"sort_name_value";s:0:"";s:6:"id_min";s:0:"";s:6:"id_max";s:0:"";s:5:"id_op";s:3:"lte";s:8:"id_value";s:0:"";s:21:"receive_date_relative";s:0:"";s:17:"receive_date_from";s:0:"";s:15:"receive_date_to";s:0:"";s:20:"financial_type_id_op";s:2:"in";s:23:"financial_type_id_value";a:0:{}s:24:"payment_instrument_id_op";s:2:"in";s:27:"payment_instrument_id_value";a:0:{}s:25:"contribution_status_id_op";s:2:"in";s:28:"contribution_status_id_value";a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}s:16:"total_amount_min";s:0:"";s:16:"total_amount_max";s:0:"";s:15:"total_amount_op";s:3:"lte";s:18:"total_amount_value";s:0:"";s:6:"gid_op";s:2:"in";s:9:"gid_value";a:0:{}s:13:"ordinality_op";s:2:"in";s:16:"ordinality_value";a:0:{}s:7:"note_op";s:3:"has";s:10:"note_value";s:0:"";s:17:"street_number_min";s:0:"";s:17:"street_number_max";s:0:"";s:16:"street_number_op";s:3:"lte";s:19:"street_number_value";s:0:"";s:14:"street_name_op";s:3:"has";s:17:"street_name_value";s:0:"";s:15:"postal_code_min";s:0:"";s:15:"postal_code_max";s:0:"";s:14:"postal_code_op";s:3:"lte";s:17:"postal_code_value";s:0:"";s:7:"city_op";s:3:"has";s:10:"city_value";s:0:"";s:12:"county_id_op";s:2:"in";s:15:"county_id_value";a:0:{}s:20:"state_province_id_op";s:2:"in";s:23:"state_province_id_value";a:0:{}s:13:"country_id_op";s:2:"in";s:16:"country_id_value";a:0:{}s:8:"tagid_op";s:2:"in";s:11:"tagid_value";a:0:{}s:9:"order_bys";a:1:{i:1;a:2:{s:6:"column";s:9:"sort_name";s:5:"order";s:3:"ASC";}}s:11:"description";s:194:"Lists specific contributions by criteria including contact, time period, contribution type, contributor location, etc. Contribution summary report points to this report for contribution details.";s:13:"email_subject";s:0:"";s:8:"email_to";s:0:"";s:8:"email_cc";s:0:"";s:10:"permission";s:21:"access CiviContribute";s:9:"parent_id";s:0:"";s:6:"groups";s:0:"";s:9:"domain_id";i:1;s:11:"is_reserved";b:0;}');
INSERT INTO `civicrm_report_instance`
( `domain_id`, `title`, `report_id`, `description`, `permission`, `form_values`)
( @domainID, 'Repeat Contributions', 'contribute/repeat', 'Given two date ranges, shows contacts who contributed in both the date ranges with the amount contributed in each and the percentage increase / decrease.', 'access CiviContribute', 'a:29:{s:6:"fields";a:3:{s:9:"sort_name";s:1:"1";s:13:"total_amount1";s:1:"1";s:13:"total_amount2";s:1:"1";}s:22:"receive_date1_relative";s:13:"previous.year";s:18:"receive_date1_from";s:0:"";s:16:"receive_date1_to";s:0:"";s:22:"receive_date2_relative";s:9:"this.year";s:18:"receive_date2_from";s:0:"";s:16:"receive_date2_to";s:0:"";s:17:"total_amount1_min";s:0:"";s:17:"total_amount1_max";s:0:"";s:16:"total_amount1_op";s:3:"lte";s:19:"total_amount1_value";s:0:"";s:17:"total_amount2_min";s:0:"";s:17:"total_amount2_max";s:0:"";s:16:"total_amount2_op";s:3:"lte";s:19:"total_amount2_value";s:0:"";s:25:"contribution_status_id_op";s:2:"in";s:28:"contribution_status_id_value";a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}s:6:"gid_op";s:2:"in";s:9:"gid_value";a:0:{}s:8:"tagid_op";s:2:"in";s:11:"tagid_value";a:0:{}s:9:"group_bys";a:1:{s:2:"id";s:1:"1";}s:11:"description";s:140:"Given two date ranges, shows contacts (and their contributions) who contributed in both the date ranges with percentage increase / decrease.";s:13:"email_subject";s:0:"";s:8:"email_to";s:0:"";s:8:"email_cc";s:0:"";s:10:"permission";s:21:"access CiviContribute";s:6:"groups";s:0:"";s:9:"domain_id";i:1;}');
INSERT INTO `civicrm_report_instance`
( `domain_id`, `title`, `report_id`, `description`, `permission`, `form_values`)
( @domainID, 'SYBUNT (some year but not this year)', 'contribute/sybunt', 'Some year(s) but not this year. Provides a list of constituents who donated at some time in the history of your organization but did not donate during the time period you specify.', 'access CiviContribute', 'a:18:{s:6:"fields";a:3:{s:9:"sort_name";s:1:"1";s:5:"email";s:1:"1";s:5:"phone";s:1:"1";}s:12:"sort_name_op";s:3:"has";s:15:"sort_name_value";s:0:"";s:6:"yid_op";s:2:"eq";s:9:"yid_value";s:4:"2011";s:25:"contribution_status_id_op";s:2:"in";s:28:"contribution_status_id_value";a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}s:6:"gid_op";s:2:"in";s:9:"gid_value";a:0:{}s:8:"tagid_op";s:2:"in";s:11:"tagid_value";a:0:{}s:11:"description";s:179:"Some year(s) but not this year. Provides a list of constituents who donated at some time in the history of your organization but did not donate during the time period you specify.";s:13:"email_subject";s:0:"";s:8:"email_to";s:0:"";s:8:"email_cc";s:0:"";s:10:"permission";s:21:"access CiviContribute";s:6:"charts";s:0:"";s:9:"domain_id";i:1;}');
INSERT INTO `civicrm_report_instance`
( `domain_id`, `title`, `report_id`, `description`, `permission`, `form_values`)
( @domainID, 'LYBUNT (last year but not this year)', 'contribute/lybunt', 'Last year but not this year. Provides a list of constituents who donated last year but did not donate during the time period you specify as the current year.', 'access CiviContribute', 'a:19:{s:6:"fields";a:3:{s:9:"sort_name";s:1:"1";s:5:"email";s:1:"1";s:5:"phone";s:1:"1";}s:12:"sort_name_op";s:3:"has";s:15:"sort_name_value";s:0:"";s:6:"yid_op";s:2:"eq";s:9:"yid_value";s:4:"2011";s:25:"contribution_status_id_op";s:2:"in";s:28:"contribution_status_id_value";a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}s:6:"gid_op";s:2:"in";s:9:"gid_value";a:0:{}s:8:"tagid_op";s:2:"in";s:11:"tagid_value";a:0:{}s:11:"description";s:157:"Last year but not this year. Provides a list of constituents who donated last year but did not donate during the time period you specify as the current year.";s:13:"email_subject";s:0:"";s:8:"email_to";s:0:"";s:8:"email_cc";s:0:"";s:10:"permission";s:21:"access CiviContribute";s:6:"groups";s:0:"";s:6:"charts";s:0:"";s:9:"domain_id";i:1;}');
INSERT INTO `civicrm_report_instance`
( `domain_id`, `title`, `report_id`, `description`, `permission`, `form_values`)
( @domainID, 'Contributions by Organization', 'contribute/organizationSummary', 'Displays a detailed list of contributions grouped by organization, which includes contributions made by employees for the organisation.', 'access CiviContribute', 'a:20:{s:6:"fields";a:5:{s:17:"organization_name";s:1:"1";s:9:"sort_name";s:1:"1";s:12:"total_amount";s:1:"1";s:22:"contribution_status_id";s:1:"1";s:12:"receive_date";s:1:"1";}s:20:"organization_name_op";s:3:"has";s:23:"organization_name_value";s:0:"";s:23:"relationship_type_id_op";s:2:"eq";s:26:"relationship_type_id_value";s:5:"4_b_a";s:21:"receive_date_relative";s:1:"0";s:17:"receive_date_from";s:0:"";s:15:"receive_date_to";s:0:"";s:16:"total_amount_min";s:0:"";s:16:"total_amount_max";s:0:"";s:15:"total_amount_op";s:3:"lte";s:18:"total_amount_value";s:0:"";s:25:"contribution_status_id_op";s:2:"in";s:28:"contribution_status_id_value";a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}s:11:"description";s:193:"Displays a detailed contribution report for Organization relationships with contributors, as to if contribution done was from an employee of some organization or from that Organization itself.";s:13:"email_subject";s:0:"";s:8:"email_to";s:0:"";s:8:"email_cc";s:0:"";s:10:"permission";s:21:"access CiviContribute";s:9:"domain_id";i:1;}');
INSERT INTO `civicrm_report_instance`
( `domain_id`, `title`, `report_id`, `description`, `permission`, `form_values`)
( @domainID, 'Contributions by Household', 'contribute/householdSummary', 'Displays a detailed list of contributions grouped by household which includes contributions made by members of the household.', 'access CiviContribute', 'a:21:{s:6:"fields";a:5:{s:14:"household_name";s:1:"1";s:9:"sort_name";s:1:"1";s:12:"total_amount";s:1:"1";s:22:"contribution_status_id";s:1:"1";s:12:"receive_date";s:1:"1";}s:17:"household_name_op";s:3:"has";s:20:"household_name_value";s:0:"";s:23:"relationship_type_id_op";s:2:"eq";s:26:"relationship_type_id_value";s:5:"6_b_a";s:21:"receive_date_relative";s:1:"0";s:17:"receive_date_from";s:0:"";s:15:"receive_date_to";s:0:"";s:16:"total_amount_min";s:0:"";s:16:"total_amount_max";s:0:"";s:15:"total_amount_op";s:3:"lte";s:18:"total_amount_value";s:0:"";s:25:"contribution_status_id_op";s:2:"in";s:28:"contribution_status_id_value";a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}s:11:"description";s:213:"Provides a detailed report for Contributions made by contributors(Or Household itself) who are having a relationship with household (For ex a Contributor is Head of Household for some household or is a member of.)";s:13:"email_subject";s:0:"";s:8:"email_to";s:0:"";s:8:"email_cc";s:0:"";s:10:"permission";s:21:"access CiviContribute";s:6:"groups";s:0:"";s:9:"domain_id";i:1;}');
INSERT INTO `civicrm_report_instance`
( `domain_id`, `title`, `report_id`, `description`, `permission`, `form_values`)
( @domainID, 'Top Donors', 'contribute/topDonor', 'Provides a list of the top donors during a time period you define. You can include as many donors as you want (for example, top 100 of your donors).', 'access CiviContribute', 'a:20:{s:6:"fields";a:2:{s:12:"display_name";s:1:"1";s:12:"total_amount";s:1:"1";}s:21:"receive_date_relative";s:9:"this.year";s:17:"receive_date_from";s:0:"";s:15:"receive_date_to";s:0:"";s:15:"total_range_min";s:0:"";s:15:"total_range_max";s:0:"";s:14:"total_range_op";s:2:"eq";s:17:"total_range_value";s:0:"";s:20:"financial_type_id_op";s:2:"in";s:23:"financial_type_id_value";a:0:{}s:25:"contribution_status_id_op";s:2:"in";s:28:"contribution_status_id_value";a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}s:6:"gid_op";s:2:"in";s:9:"gid_value";a:0:{}s:11:"description";s:148:"Provides a list of the top donors during a time period you define. You can include as many donors as you want (for example, top 100 of your donors).";s:13:"email_subject";s:0:"";s:8:"email_to";s:0:"";s:8:"email_cc";s:0:"";s:10:"permission";s:21:"access CiviContribute";s:6:"groups";s:0:"";}');
INSERT INTO `civicrm_report_instance`
( `domain_id`, `title`, `report_id`, `description`, `permission`, `form_values`)
( @domainID, 'Soft Credits', 'contribute/softcredit', 'Shows contributions made by contacts that have been soft-credited to other contacts.', 'access CiviContribute', 'a:23:{s:6:"fields";a:5:{s:21:"display_name_creditor";s:1:"1";s:24:"display_name_constituent";s:1:"1";s:14:"email_creditor";s:1:"1";s:14:"phone_creditor";s:1:"1";s:6:"amount";s:1:"1";}s:5:"id_op";s:2:"in";s:8:"id_value";a:0:{}s:21:"receive_date_relative";s:1:"0";s:17:"receive_date_from";s:0:"";s:15:"receive_date_to";s:0:"";s:25:"contribution_status_id_op";s:2:"in";s:28:"contribution_status_id_value";a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}s:10:"amount_min";s:0:"";s:10:"amount_max";s:0:"";s:9:"amount_op";s:3:"lte";s:12:"amount_value";s:0:"";s:6:"gid_op";s:2:"in";s:9:"gid_value";a:0:{}s:8:"tagid_op";s:2:"in";s:11:"tagid_value";a:0:{}s:11:"description";s:20:"Soft Credit details.";s:13:"email_subject";s:0:"";s:8:"email_to";s:0:"";s:8:"email_cc";s:0:"";s:10:"permission";s:21:"access CiviContribute";s:6:"groups";s:0:"";s:9:"domain_id";i:1;}');
INSERT INTO `civicrm_report_instance`
( `domain_id`, `title`, `report_id`, `description`, `permission`, `form_values`)
(@domainID,'Contribution Aggregate by Relationship', 'contribute/history','List contact\'s donation history, grouped by year, along with contributions attributed to any of the contact\'s related contacts.', 'access CiviContribute','a:41:{s:6:"fields";a:7:{s:9:"sort_name";s:1:"1";s:20:"relationship_type_id";s:1:"1";s:17:"civicrm_upto_2009";s:1:"1";i:2010;s:1:"1";i:2011;s:1:"1";i:2012;s:1:"1";i:2013;s:1:"1";}s:12:"sort_name_op";s:3:"has";s:15:"sort_name_value";s:0:"";s:6:"id_min";s:0:"";s:6:"id_max";s:0:"";s:5:"id_op";s:3:"lte";s:8:"id_value";s:0:"";s:23:"relationship_type_id_op";s:2:"in";s:26:"relationship_type_id_value";a:0:{}s:12:"this_year_op";s:2:"eq";s:15:"this_year_value";s:0:"";s:13:"other_year_op";s:2:"eq";s:16:"other_year_value";s:0:"";s:21:"receive_date_relative";s:0:"";s:17:"receive_date_from";s:0:"";s:15:"receive_date_to";s:0:"";s:25:"contribution_status_id_op";s:2:"in";s:28:"contribution_status_id_value";a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}s:20:"financial_type_id_op";s:2:"in";s:23:"financial_type_id_value";a:0:{}s:16:"total_amount_min";s:0:"";s:16:"total_amount_max";s:0:"";s:15:"total_amount_op";s:3:"lte";s:18:"total_amount_value";s:0:"";s:13:"total_sum_min";s:0:"";s:13:"total_sum_max";s:0:"";s:12:"total_sum_op";s:3:"lte";s:15:"total_sum_value";s:0:"";s:6:"gid_op";s:2:"in";s:9:"gid_value";a:0:{}s:8:"tagid_op";s:2:"in";s:11:"tagid_value";a:0:{}s:11:"description";s:127:"List contact''s donation history, grouped by year, along with contributions attributed to any of the contact''s related contacts.";s:13:"email_subject";s:0:"";s:8:"email_to";s:0:"";s:8:"email_cc";s:0:"";s:10:"permission";s:21:"access CiviContribute";s:9:"parent_id";s:0:"";s:6:"groups";s:0:"";s:9:"domain_id";i:1;s:11:"is_reserved";b:0;}');
INSERT INTO `civicrm_report_instance`
( `domain_id`, `title`, `report_id`, `description`, `permission`, `form_values`)
( @domainID, 'Personal Campaign Page Summary', 'contribute/pcp', 'Summarizes amount raised and number of contributors for each Personal Campaign Page.', 'access CiviContribute', 'a:22:{s:6:"fields";a:8:{s:9:"sort_name";s:1:"1";s:10:"page_title";s:1:"1";s:5:"title";s:1:"1";s:11:"goal_amount";s:1:"1";s:8:"amount_1";s:1:"1";s:8:"amount_2";s:1:"1";s:7:"soft_id";s:1:"1";s:12:"receive_date";s:1:"1";}s:12:"sort_name_op";s:3:"has";s:15:"sort_name_value";s:0:"";s:6:"id_min";s:0:"";s:6:"id_max";s:0:"";s:5:"id_op";s:3:"lte";s:8:"id_value";s:0:"";s:13:"page_title_op";s:3:"has";s:16:"page_title_value";s:0:"";s:8:"title_op";s:3:"has";s:11:"title_value";s:0:"";s:12:"amount_2_min";s:0:"";s:12:"amount_2_max";s:0:"";s:11:"amount_2_op";s:3:"lte";s:14:"amount_2_value";s:0:"";s:11:"description";s:35:"Shows Personal Campaign Page Report";s:13:"email_subject";s:0:"";s:8:"email_to";s:0:"";s:8:"email_cc";s:0:"";s:10:"permission";s:21:"access CiviContribute";s:6:"groups";s:0:"";s:9:"domain_id";i:1;}');
INSERT INTO `civicrm_report_instance`
( `domain_id`, `title`, `report_id`, `description`, `permission`, `form_values`)
( @domainID, 'Pledge Detail', 'pledge/detail', 'List of pledges including amount pledged, pledge status, next payment date, balance due, total amount paid etc.', 'access CiviPledge', 'a:27:{s:6:"fields";a:4:{s:9:"sort_name";s:1:"1";s:10:"country_id";s:1:"1";s:6:"amount";s:1:"1";s:9:"status_id";s:1:"1";}s:12:"sort_name_op";s:3:"has";s:15:"sort_name_value";s:0:"";s:6:"id_min";s:0:"";s:6:"id_max";s:0:"";s:5:"id_op";s:3:"lte";s:8:"id_value";s:0:"";s:27:"pledge_create_date_relative";s:1:"0";s:23:"pledge_create_date_from";s:0:"";s:21:"pledge_create_date_to";s:0:"";s:17:"pledge_amount_min";s:0:"";s:17:"pledge_amount_max";s:0:"";s:16:"pledge_amount_op";s:3:"lte";s:19:"pledge_amount_value";s:0:"";s:6:"sid_op";s:2:"in";s:9:"sid_value";a:0:{}s:6:"gid_op";s:2:"in";s:9:"gid_value";a:0:{}s:8:"tagid_op";s:2:"in";s:11:"tagid_value";a:0:{}s:11:"description";s:13:"Pledge Report";s:13:"email_subject";s:0:"";s:8:"email_to";s:0:"";s:8:"email_cc";s:0:"";s:10:"permission";s:17:"access CiviPledge";s:6:"groups";s:0:"";s:9:"domain_id";i:1;}');
INSERT INTO `civicrm_report_instance`
( `domain_id`, `title`, `report_id`, `description`, `permission`, `form_values`)
( @domainID, 'Pledged But not Paid', 'pledge/pbnp', 'Pledged but not Paid Report', 'access CiviPledge', 'a:17:{s:6:"fields";a:5:{s:9:"sort_name";s:1:"1";s:18:"pledge_create_date";s:1:"1";s:6:"amount";s:1:"1";s:14:"scheduled_date";s:1:"1";s:10:"country_id";s:1:"1";}s:27:"pledge_create_date_relative";s:1:"0";s:23:"pledge_create_date_from";s:0:"";s:21:"pledge_create_date_to";s:0:"";s:20:"financial_type_id_op";s:2:"in";s:23:"financial_type_id_value";a:0:{}s:6:"gid_op";s:2:"in";s:9:"gid_value";a:0:{}s:8:"tagid_op";s:2:"in";s:11:"tagid_value";a:0:{}s:11:"description";s:27:"Pledged but not Paid Report";s:13:"email_subject";s:0:"";s:8:"email_to";s:0:"";s:8:"email_cc";s:0:"";s:10:"permission";s:17:"access CiviPledge";s:6:"groups";s:0:"";s:9:"domain_id";i:1;}');
INSERT INTO `civicrm_report_instance`
( `domain_id`, `title`, `report_id`, `description`, `permission`, `form_values`)
( @domainID, 'Bookkeeping Transactions', 'contribute/bookkeeping', 'Provides transaction details for all contributions and payments, including Transaction #, Invoice ID, Payment Instrument and Check #.', 'access CiviContribute', 'a:40:{s:6:"fields";a:12:{s:9:"sort_name";s:1:"1";s:21:"debit_accounting_code";s:1:"1";s:22:"credit_accounting_code";s:1:"1";s:17:"financial_type_id";s:1:"1";s:12:"receive_date";s:1:"1";s:22:"contribution_status_id";s:1:"1";s:2:"id";s:1:"1";s:12:"check_number";s:1:"1";s:21:"payment_instrument_id";s:1:"1";s:9:"trxn_date";s:1:"1";s:7:"trxn_id";s:1:"1";s:6:"amount";s:1:"1";}s:12:"sort_name_op";s:3:"has";s:15:"sort_name_value";s:0:"";s:6:"id_min";s:0:"";s:6:"id_max";s:0:"";s:5:"id_op";s:3:"lte";s:8:"id_value";s:0:"";s:24:"debit_accounting_code_op";s:2:"in";s:27:"debit_accounting_code_value";a:0:{}s:25:"credit_accounting_code_op";s:2:"in";s:28:"credit_accounting_code_value";a:0:{}s:13:"debit_name_op";s:2:"in";s:16:"debit_name_value";a:0:{}s:14:"credit_name_op";s:2:"in";s:17:"credit_name_value";a:0:{}s:20:"financial_type_id_op";s:2:"in";s:23:"financial_type_id_value";a:0:{}s:21:"receive_date_relative";s:1:"0";s:17:"receive_date_from";s:0:"";s:15:"receive_date_to";s:0:"";s:25:"contribution_status_id_op";s:2:"in";s:28:"contribution_status_id_value";a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}s:24:"payment_instrument_id_op";s:2:"in";s:27:"payment_instrument_id_value";a:0:{}s:18:"trxn_date_relative";s:1:"0";s:14:"trxn_date_from";s:0:"";s:12:"trxn_date_to";s:0:"";s:10:"amount_min";s:0:"";s:10:"amount_max";s:0:"";s:9:"amount_op";s:3:"lte";s:12:"amount_value";s:0:"";s:11:"description";s:133:"Provides transaction details for all contributions and payments, including Transaction #, Invoice ID, Payment Instrument and Check #.";s:13:"email_subject";s:0:"";s:8:"email_to";s:0:"";s:8:"email_cc";s:0:"";s:10:"permission";s:21:"access CiviContribute";s:9:"parent_id";s:0:"";s:6:"groups";s:0:"";s:9:"domain_id";i:1;s:11:"is_reserved";b:0;}');
INSERT INTO `civicrm_report_instance`
( `domain_id`, `title`, `report_id`, `description`, `permission`, `form_values`)
( @domainID, 'Recurring Contributions', 'contribute/recur', 'Provides information about the status of recurring contributions', 'access CiviContribute', 'a:39:{s:6:"fields";a:7:{s:9:"sort_name";s:1:"1";s:6:"amount";s:1:"1";s:22:"contribution_status_id";s:1:"1";s:18:"frequency_interval";s:1:"1";s:14:"frequency_unit";s:1:"1";s:12:"installments";s:1:"1";s:8:"end_date";s:1:"1";}s:25:"contribution_status_id_op";s:2:"in";s:28:"contribution_status_id_value";a:1:{i:0;s:1:"5";}s:11:"currency_op";s:2:"in";s:14:"currency_value";a:0:{}s:20:"financial_type_id_op";s:2:"in";s:23:"financial_type_id_value";a:0:{}s:17:"frequency_unit_op";s:2:"in";s:20:"frequency_unit_value";a:0:{}s:22:"frequency_interval_min";s:0:"";s:22:"frequency_interval_max";s:0:"";s:21:"frequency_interval_op";s:3:"lte";s:24:"frequency_interval_value";s:0:"";s:16:"installments_min";s:0:"";s:16:"installments_max";s:0:"";s:15:"installments_op";s:3:"lte";s:18:"installments_value";s:0:"";s:19:"start_date_relative";s:0:"";s:15:"start_date_from";s:0:"";s:13:"start_date_to";s:0:"";s:37:"next_sched_contribution_date_relative";s:0:"";s:33:"next_sched_contribution_date_from";s:0:"";s:31:"next_sched_contribution_date_to";s:0:"";s:17:"end_date_relative";s:0:"";s:13:"end_date_from";s:0:"";s:11:"end_date_to";s:0:"";s:28:"calculated_end_date_relative";s:0:"";s:24:"calculated_end_date_from";s:0:"";s:22:"calculated_end_date_to";s:0:"";s:9:"order_bys";a:1:{i:1;a:1:{s:6:"column";s:1:"-";}}s:11:"description";s:41:"Shows all pending recurring contributions";s:13:"email_subject";s:0:"";s:8:"email_to";s:0:"";s:8:"email_cc";s:0:"";s:9:"row_count";s:0:"";s:14:"addToDashboard";s:1:"1";s:10:"permission";s:21:"access CiviContribute";s:9:"parent_id";s:0:"";s:11:"instance_id";N;}');
-- Membership reports
INSERT INTO `civicrm_report_instance`
( `domain_id`, `title`, `report_id`, `description`, `permission`, `form_values`)
( @domainID, 'Membership Summary', 'member/summary', 'Provides a summary of memberships by type and join date.', 'access CiviMember', 'a:18:{s:6:"fields";a:2:{s:18:"membership_type_id";s:1:"1";s:12:"total_amount";s:1:"1";}s:18:"join_date_relative";s:1:"0";s:14:"join_date_from";s:0:"";s:12:"join_date_to";s:0:"";s:21:"membership_type_id_op";s:2:"in";s:24:"membership_type_id_value";a:0:{}s:12:"status_id_op";s:2:"in";s:15:"status_id_value";a:0:{}s:25:"contribution_status_id_op";s:2:"in";s:28:"contribution_status_id_value";a:0:{}s:9:"group_bys";a:2:{s:9:"join_date";s:1:"1";s:18:"membership_type_id";s:1:"1";}s:14:"group_bys_freq";a:1:{s:9:"join_date";s:5:"MONTH";}s:11:"description";s:56:"Provides a summary of memberships by type and join date.";s:13:"email_subject";s:0:"";s:8:"email_to";s:0:"";s:8:"email_cc";s:0:"";s:10:"permission";s:17:"access CiviMember";s:9:"domain_id";i:1;}');
INSERT INTO `civicrm_report_instance`
( `domain_id`, `title`, `report_id`, `description`, `permission`, `form_values`)
( @domainID, 'Membership Details', 'member/detail', 'Provides a list of members along with their membership status and membership details (Join Date, Start Date, End Date). Can also display contributions (payments) associated with each membership.', 'access CiviMember', 'a:28:{s:6:"fields";a:5:{s:9:"sort_name";s:1:"1";s:18:"membership_type_id";s:1:"1";s:21:"membership_start_date";s:1:"1";s:19:"membership_end_date";s:1:"1";s:4:"name";s:1:"1";}s:12:"sort_name_op";s:3:"has";s:15:"sort_name_value";s:0:"";s:6:"id_min";s:0:"";s:6:"id_max";s:0:"";s:5:"id_op";s:3:"lte";s:8:"id_value";s:0:"";s:18:"join_date_relative";s:1:"0";s:14:"join_date_from";s:0:"";s:12:"join_date_to";s:0:"";s:23:"owner_membership_id_min";s:0:"";s:23:"owner_membership_id_max";s:0:"";s:22:"owner_membership_id_op";s:3:"lte";s:25:"owner_membership_id_value";s:0:"";s:6:"tid_op";s:2:"in";s:9:"tid_value";a:0:{}s:6:"sid_op";s:2:"in";s:9:"sid_value";a:0:{}s:6:"gid_op";s:2:"in";s:9:"gid_value";a:0:{}s:8:"tagid_op";s:2:"in";s:11:"tagid_value";a:0:{}s:11:"description";s:119:"Provides a list of members along with their membership status and membership details (Join Date, Start Date, End Date).";s:13:"email_subject";s:0:"";s:8:"email_to";s:0:"";s:8:"email_cc";s:0:"";s:10:"permission";s:17:"access CiviMember";s:9:"domain_id";i:1;}');
INSERT INTO `civicrm_report_instance`
( `domain_id`, `title`, `report_id`, `description`, `permission`, `form_values`)
( @domainID, 'Contribution and Membership Details', 'member/contributionDetail', 'Contribution details for any type of contribution, plus associated membership information for contributions which are in payment for memberships.', 'access CiviMember', 'a:67:{s:6:"fields";a:12:{s:9:"sort_name";s:1:"1";s:5:"email";s:1:"1";s:5:"phone";s:1:"1";s:17:"financial_type_id";s:1:"1";s:12:"receive_date";s:1:"1";s:12:"total_amount";s:1:"1";s:18:"membership_type_id";s:1:"1";s:21:"membership_start_date";s:1:"1";s:19:"membership_end_date";s:1:"1";s:9:"join_date";s:1:"1";s:22:"membership_status_name";s:1:"1";s:10:"country_id";s:1:"1";}s:12:"sort_name_op";s:3:"has";s:15:"sort_name_value";s:0:"";s:6:"id_min";s:0:"";s:6:"id_max";s:0:"";s:5:"id_op";s:3:"lte";s:8:"id_value";s:0:"";s:21:"receive_date_relative";s:1:"0";s:17:"receive_date_from";s:0:"";s:15:"receive_date_to";s:0:"";s:20:"financial_type_id_op";s:2:"in";s:23:"financial_type_id_value";a:0:{}s:24:"payment_instrument_id_op";s:2:"in";s:27:"payment_instrument_id_value";a:0:{}s:25:"contribution_status_id_op";s:2:"in";s:28:"contribution_status_id_value";a:0:{}s:16:"total_amount_min";s:0:"";s:16:"total_amount_max";s:0:"";s:15:"total_amount_op";s:3:"lte";s:18:"total_amount_value";s:0:"";s:6:"gid_op";s:2:"in";s:9:"gid_value";a:0:{}s:13:"ordinality_op";s:2:"in";s:16:"ordinality_value";a:0:{}s:18:"join_date_relative";s:1:"0";s:14:"join_date_from";s:0:"";s:12:"join_date_to";s:0:"";s:30:"membership_start_date_relative";s:1:"0";s:26:"membership_start_date_from";s:0:"";s:24:"membership_start_date_to";s:0:"";s:28:"membership_end_date_relative";s:1:"0";s:24:"membership_end_date_from";s:0:"";s:22:"membership_end_date_to";s:0:"";s:23:"owner_membership_id_min";s:0:"";s:23:"owner_membership_id_max";s:0:"";s:22:"owner_membership_id_op";s:3:"lte";s:25:"owner_membership_id_value";s:0:"";s:6:"tid_op";s:2:"in";s:9:"tid_value";a:0:{}s:6:"sid_op";s:2:"in";s:9:"sid_value";a:0:{}s:17:"street_number_min";s:0:"";s:17:"street_number_max";s:0:"";s:16:"street_number_op";s:3:"lte";s:19:"street_number_value";s:0:"";s:14:"street_name_op";s:3:"has";s:17:"street_name_value";s:0:"";s:15:"postal_code_min";s:0:"";s:15:"postal_code_max";s:0:"";s:14:"postal_code_op";s:3:"lte";s:17:"postal_code_value";s:0:"";s:7:"city_op";s:3:"has";s:10:"city_value";s:0:"";s:12:"county_id_op";s:2:"in";s:15:"county_id_value";a:0:{}s:20:"state_province_id_op";s:2:"in";s:23:"state_province_id_value";a:0:{}s:13:"country_id_op";s:2:"in";s:16:"country_id_value";a:0:{}s:8:"tagid_op";s:2:"in";s:11:"tagid_value";a:0:{}s:11:"description";s:35:"Contribution and Membership Details";s:13:"email_subject";s:0:"";s:8:"email_to";s:0:"";s:8:"email_cc";s:0:"";s:10:"permission";s:1:"0";s:9:"domain_id";i:1;}{s:6:"fields";a:12:{s:9:"sort_name";s:1:"1";s:5:"email";s:1:"1";s:5:"phone";s:1:"1";s:17:"financial_type_id";s:1:"1";s:12:"receive_date";s:1:"1";s:12:"total_amount";s:1:"1";s:18:"membership_type_id";s:1:"1";s:21:"membership_start_date";s:1:"1";s:19:"membership_end_date";s:1:"1";s:9:"join_date";s:1:"1";s:22:"membership_status_name";s:1:"1";s:10:"country_id";s:1:"1";}s:12:"sort_name_op";s:3:"has";s:15:"sort_name_value";s:0:"";s:6:"id_min";s:0:"";s:6:"id_max";s:0:"";s:5:"id_op";s:3:"lte";s:8:"id_value";s:0:"";s:21:"receive_date_relative";s:1:"0";s:17:"receive_date_from";s:0:"";s:15:"receive_date_to";s:0:"";s:20:"financial_type_id_op";s:2:"in";s:23:"financial_type_id_value";a:0:{}s:24:"payment_instrument_id_op";s:2:"in";s:27:"payment_instrument_id_value";a:0:{}s:25:"contribution_status_id_op";s:2:"in";s:28:"contribution_status_id_value";a:0:{}s:16:"total_amount_min";s:0:"";s:16:"total_amount_max";s:0:"";s:15:"total_amount_op";s:3:"lte";s:18:"total_amount_value";s:0:"";s:6:"gid_op";s:2:"in";s:9:"gid_value";a:0:{}s:13:"ordinality_op";s:2:"in";s:16:"ordinality_value";a:0:{}s:18:"join_date_relative";s:1:"0";s:14:"join_date_from";s:0:"";s:12:"join_date_to";s:0:"";s:30:"membership_start_date_relative";s:1:"0";s:26:"membership_start_date_from";s:0:"";s:24:"membership_start_date_to";s:0:"";s:28:"membership_end_date_relative";s:1:"0";s:24:"membership_end_date_from";s:0:"
INSERT INTO `civicrm_report_instance`
( `domain_id`, `title`, `report_id`, `description`, `permission`, `form_values`)
( @domainID, 'Lapsed Memberships', 'member/lapse', 'Provides a list of memberships that have lapsed or will lapse by the date you specify.', 'access CiviMember', 'a:16:{s:6:"fields";a:5:{s:9:"sort_name";s:1:"1";s:18:"membership_type_id";s:1:"1";s:19:"membership_end_date";s:1:"1";s:4:"name";s:1:"1";s:10:"country_id";s:1:"1";}s:6:"tid_op";s:2:"in";s:9:"tid_value";a:0:{}s:28:"membership_end_date_relative";s:1:"0";s:24:"membership_end_date_from";s:0:"";s:22:"membership_end_date_to";s:0:"";s:6:"gid_op";s:2:"in";s:9:"gid_value";a:0:{}s:8:"tagid_op";s:2:"in";s:11:"tagid_value";a:0:{}s:11:"description";s:85:"Provides a list of memberships that lapsed or will lapse before the date you specify.";s:13:"email_subject";s:0:"";s:8:"email_to";s:0:"";s:8:"email_cc";s:0:"";s:10:"permission";s:17:"access CiviMember";s:9:"domain_id";i:1;}');
-- Event reports
INSERT INTO `civicrm_report_instance`
( `domain_id`, `title`, `report_id`, `description`, `permission`, `form_values`)
( @domainID, 'Event Participants List', 'event/participantListing', 'Provides lists of participants for an event.', 'access CiviEvent', 'a:27:{s:6:"fields";a:4:{s:9:"sort_name";s:1:"1";s:8:"event_id";s:1:"1";s:9:"status_id";s:1:"1";s:7:"role_id";s:1:"1";}s:12:"sort_name_op";s:3:"has";s:15:"sort_name_value";s:0:"";s:8:"email_op";s:3:"has";s:11:"email_value";s:0:"";s:11:"event_id_op";s:2:"in";s:14:"event_id_value";a:0:{}s:6:"sid_op";s:2:"in";s:9:"sid_value";a:0:{}s:6:"rid_op";s:2:"in";s:9:"rid_value";a:0:{}s:34:"participant_register_date_relative";s:1:"0";s:30:"participant_register_date_from";s:0:"";s:28:"participant_register_date_to";s:0:"";s:6:"eid_op";s:2:"in";s:9:"eid_value";a:0:{}s:11:"custom_4_op";s:2:"in";s:14:"custom_4_value";a:0:{}s:16:"blank_column_end";s:0:"";s:11:"description";s:44:"Provides lists of participants for an event.";s:13:"email_subject";s:0:"";s:8:"email_to";s:0:"";s:8:"email_cc";s:0:"";s:10:"permission";s:16:"access CiviEvent";s:6:"groups";s:0:"";s:7:"options";N;s:9:"domain_id";i:1;}');
INSERT INTO `civicrm_report_instance`
( `domain_id`, `title`, `report_id`, `description`, `permission`, `form_values`)
( @domainID, 'Event Income Summary', 'event/summary', 'Provides an overview of event income. You can include key information such as event ID, registration, attendance, and income generated to help you determine the success of an event.', 'access CiviEvent', 'a:18:{s:6:"fields";a:2:{s:5:"title";s:1:"1";s:13:"event_type_id";s:1:"1";}s:5:"id_op";s:2:"in";s:8:"id_value";a:0:{}s:16:"event_type_id_op";s:2:"in";s:19:"event_type_id_value";a:0:{}s:25:"event_start_date_relative";s:1:"0";s:21:"event_start_date_from";s:0:"";s:19:"event_start_date_to";s:0:"";s:23:"event_end_date_relative";s:1:"0";s:19:"event_end_date_from";s:0:"";s:17:"event_end_date_to";s:0:"";s:11:"description";s:181:"Provides an overview of event income. You can include key information such as event ID, registration, attendance, and income generated to help you determine the success of an event.";s:13:"email_subject";s:0:"";s:8:"email_to";s:0:"";s:8:"email_cc";s:0:"";s:10:"permission";s:16:"access CiviEvent";s:6:"charts";s:0:"";s:9:"domain_id";i:1;}');
INSERT INTO `civicrm_report_instance`
( `domain_id`, `title`, `report_id`, `description`, `permission`, `form_values`)
( @domainID, 'Event Income Details', 'event/income', 'Helps you to analyze the income generated by an event. The report can include details by participant type, status and payment method.', 'access CiviEvent', 'a:7:{s:5:"id_op";s:2:"in";s:8:"id_value";N;s:11:"description";s:133:"Helps you to analyze the income generated by an event. The report can include details by participant type, status and payment method.";s:13:"email_subject";s:0:"";s:8:"email_to";s:0:"";s:8:"email_cc";s:0:"";s:10:"permission";s:16:"access CiviEvent";}');
INSERT INTO `civicrm_report_instance`
( `domain_id`, `title`, `report_id`, `description`, `permission`, `form_values`)
( @domainID, 'Attendee List', 'event/participantListing', 'Provides lists of event attendees.', 'access CiviEvent', 'a:27:{s:6:"fields";a:4:{s:9:"sort_name";s:1:"1";s:8:"event_id";s:1:"1";s:9:"status_id";s:1:"1";s:7:"role_id";s:1:"1";}s:12:"sort_name_op";s:3:"has";s:15:"sort_name_value";s:0:"";s:8:"email_op";s:3:"has";s:11:"email_value";s:0:"";s:11:"event_id_op";s:2:"in";s:14:"event_id_value";a:0:{}s:6:"sid_op";s:2:"in";s:9:"sid_value";a:0:{}s:6:"rid_op";s:2:"in";s:9:"rid_value";a:0:{}s:34:"participant_register_date_relative";s:1:"0";s:30:"participant_register_date_from";s:0:"";s:28:"participant_register_date_to";s:0:"";s:6:"eid_op";s:2:"in";s:9:"eid_value";a:0:{}s:11:"custom_4_op";s:2:"in";s:14:"custom_4_value";a:0:{}s:16:"blank_column_end";s:0:"";s:11:"description";s:44:"Provides lists of participants for an event.";s:13:"email_subject";s:0:"";s:8:"email_to";s:0:"";s:8:"email_cc";s:0:"";s:10:"permission";s:16:"access CiviEvent";s:6:"groups";s:0:"";s:7:"options";N;s:9:"domain_id";i:1;}');
-- Grant reports
INSERT INTO `civicrm_report_instance`
( `domain_id`, `title`, `report_id`, `description`, `permission`, `form_values`)
( @domainID, 'Grant Details', 'grant/detail', 'Grant Report Detail', 'access CiviGrant', 'a:40:{s:6:"fields";a:2:{s:9:"sort_name";s:1:"1";s:25:"application_received_date";s:1:"1";}s:12:"sort_name_op";s:3:"has";s:15:"sort_name_value";s:0:"";s:12:"gender_id_op";s:2:"in";s:15:"gender_id_value";a:0:{}s:6:"id_min";s:0:"";s:6:"id_max";s:0:"";s:5:"id_op";s:3:"lte";s:8:"id_value";s:0:"";s:13:"country_id_op";s:2:"in";s:16:"country_id_value";a:0:{}s:20:"state_province_id_op";s:2:"in";s:23:"state_province_id_value";a:0:{}s:13:"grant_type_op";s:2:"in";s:16:"grant_type_value";a:0:{}s:12:"status_id_op";s:2:"in";s:15:"status_id_value";a:0:{}s:18:"amount_granted_min";s:0:"";s:18:"amount_granted_max";s:0:"";s:17:"amount_granted_op";s:3:"lte";s:20:"amount_granted_value";s:0:"";s:20:"amount_requested_min";s:0:"";s:20:"amount_requested_max";s:0:"";s:19:"amount_requested_op";s:3:"lte";s:22:"amount_requested_value";s:0:"";s:34:"application_received_date_relative";s:1:"0";s:30:"application_received_date_from";s:0:"";s:28:"application_received_date_to";s:0:"";s:28:"money_transfer_date_relative";s:1:"0";s:24:"money_transfer_date_from";s:0:"";s:22:"money_transfer_date_to";s:0:"";s:23:"grant_due_date_relative";s:1:"0";s:19:"grant_due_date_from";s:0:"";s:17:"grant_due_date_to";s:0:"";s:11:"description";s:19:"Grant Report Detail";s:13:"email_subject";s:0:"";s:8:"email_to";s:0:"";s:8:"email_cc";s:0:"";s:10:"permission";s:16:"access CiviGrant";s:9:"domain_id";i:1;}');
INSERT INTO `civicrm_report_instance`
( `domain_id`, `title`, `report_id`, `description`, `permission`, `form_values`)
( @domainID, 'Grant Statistics', 'grant/statistics', 'Grant Report Statistics', 'access CiviGrant', 'a:42:{s:6:"fields";a:2:{s:18:"summary_statistics";s:1:"1";s:13:"grant_type_id";s:1:"1";}s:34:"application_received_date_relative";s:1:"0";s:30:"application_received_date_from";s:0:"";s:28:"application_received_date_to";s:0:"";s:22:"decision_date_relative";s:1:"0";s:18:"decision_date_from";s:0:"";s:16:"decision_date_to";s:0:"";s:28:"money_transfer_date_relative";s:1:"0";s:24:"money_transfer_date_from";s:0:"";s:22:"money_transfer_date_to";s:0:"";s:23:"grant_due_date_relative";s:1:"0";s:19:"grant_due_date_from";s:0:"";s:17:"grant_due_date_to";s:0:"";s:13:"grant_type_op";s:2:"in";s:16:"grant_type_value";a:0:{}s:12:"status_id_op";s:2:"in";s:15:"status_id_value";a:0:{}s:20:"amount_requested_min";s:0:"";s:20:"amount_requested_max";s:0:"";s:19:"amount_requested_op";s:3:"lte";s:22:"amount_requested_value";s:0:"";s:18:"amount_granted_min";s:0:"";s:18:"amount_granted_max";s:0:"";s:17:"amount_granted_op";s:3:"lte";s:20:"amount_granted_value";s:0:"";s:24:"grant_report_received_op";s:2:"eq";s:27:"grant_report_received_value";s:0:"";s:12:"gender_id_op";s:2:"in";s:15:"gender_id_value";a:0:{}s:15:"contact_type_op";s:2:"in";s:18:"contact_type_value";a:0:{}s:12:"region_id_op";s:2:"in";s:15:"region_id_value";a:0:{}s:13:"country_id_op";s:2:"in";s:16:"country_id_value";a:0:{}s:11:"description";s:23:"Grant Report Statistics";s:13:"email_subject";s:0:"";s:8:"email_to";s:0:"";s:8:"email_cc";s:0:"";s:10:"permission";s:16:"access CiviGrant";s:9:"parent_id";s:0:"";s:9:"domain_id";i:1;}');
-- Mailing Reports
INSERT INTO `civicrm_report_instance`
( `domain_id`, `title`, `report_id`, `description`, `permission`, `form_values`)
( @domainID, 'Mail Bounces', 'Mailing/bounce', 'Bounce Report for mailings', 'access CiviMail', 'a:33:{s:6:"fields";a:5:{s:2:"id";s:1:"1";s:10:"first_name";s:1:"1";s:9:"last_name";s:1:"1";s:11:"bounce_name";s:1:"1";s:5:"email";s:1:"1";}s:12:"sort_name_op";s:3:"has";s:15:"sort_name_value";s:0:"";s:9:"source_op";s:3:"has";s:12:"source_value";s:0:"";s:6:"id_min";s:0:"";s:6:"id_max";s:0:"";s:5:"id_op";s:3:"lte";s:8:"id_value";s:0:"";s:15:"mailing_name_op";s:2:"in";s:18:"mailing_name_value";a:0:{}s:19:"bounce_type_name_op";s:2:"eq";s:22:"bounce_type_name_value";s:0:"";s:6:"gid_op";s:2:"in";s:9:"gid_value";a:0:{}s:8:"tagid_op";s:2:"in";s:11:"tagid_value";a:0:{}s:11:"custom_1_op";s:2:"in";s:14:"custom_1_value";a:0:{}s:11:"custom_2_op";s:2:"in";s:14:"custom_2_value";a:0:{}s:17:"custom_3_relative";s:1:"0";s:13:"custom_3_from";s:0:"";s:11:"custom_3_to";s:0:"";s:9:"order_bys";a:1:{i:1;a:1:{s:6:"column";s:1:"-";}}s:11:"description";s:26:"Bounce Report for mailings";s:13:"email_subject";s:0:"";s:8:"email_to";s:0:"";s:8:"email_cc";s:0:"";s:10:"permission";s:15:"access CiviMail";s:6:"groups";s:0:"";s:6:"charts";s:0:"";s:9:"domain_id";i:1;}');
INSERT INTO `civicrm_report_instance`
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INSERT INTO `civicrm_report_instance`
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( @domainID, 'Mail Opened', 'Mailing/opened', 'Display contacts who opened emails from a mailing', 'access CiviMail', 'a:31:{s:6:"fields";a:5:{s:2:"id";s:1:"1";s:10:"first_name";s:1:"1";s:9:"last_name";s:1:"1";s:12:"mailing_name";s:1:"1";s:5:"email";s:1:"1";}s:12:"sort_name_op";s:3:"has";s:15:"sort_name_value";s:0:"";s:9:"source_op";s:3:"has";s:12:"source_value";s:0:"";s:6:"id_min";s:0:"";s:6:"id_max";s:0:"";s:5:"id_op";s:3:"lte";s:8:"id_value";s:0:"";s:15:"mailing_name_op";s:2:"in";s:18:"mailing_name_value";a:0:{}s:6:"gid_op";s:2:"in";s:9:"gid_value";a:0:{}s:8:"tagid_op";s:2:"in";s:11:"tagid_value";a:0:{}s:11:"custom_1_op";s:2:"in";s:14:"custom_1_value";a:0:{}s:11:"custom_2_op";s:2:"in";s:14:"custom_2_value";a:0:{}s:17:"custom_3_relative";s:1:"0";s:13:"custom_3_from";s:0:"";s:11:"custom_3_to";s:0:"";s:9:"order_bys";a:1:{i:1;a:1:{s:6:"column";s:1:"-";}}s:11:"description";s:49:"Display contacts who opened emails from a mailing";s:13:"email_subject";s:0:"";s:8:"email_to";s:0:"";s:8:"email_cc";s:0:"";s:10:"permission";s:15:"access CiviMail";s:6:"groups";s:0:"";s:6:"charts";s:0:"";s:9:"domain_id";i:1;}');
INSERT INTO `civicrm_report_instance`
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( @domainID, 'Mail Clickthroughs', 'Mailing/clicks', 'Display clicks from each mailing', 'access CiviMail', 'a:31:{s:6:"fields";a:6:{s:2:"id";s:1:"1";s:10:"first_name";s:1:"1";s:9:"last_name";s:1:"1";s:12:"mailing_name";s:1:"1";s:5:"email";s:1:"1";s:3:"url";s:1:"1";}s:12:"sort_name_op";s:3:"has";s:15:"sort_name_value";s:0:"";s:9:"source_op";s:3:"has";s:12:"source_value";s:0:"";s:6:"id_min";s:0:"";s:6:"id_max";s:0:"";s:5:"id_op";s:3:"lte";s:8:"id_value";s:0:"";s:15:"mailing_name_op";s:2:"in";s:18:"mailing_name_value";a:0:{}s:6:"gid_op";s:2:"in";s:9:"gid_value";a:0:{}s:8:"tagid_op";s:2:"in";s:11:"tagid_value";a:0:{}s:11:"custom_1_op";s:2:"in";s:14:"custom_1_value";a:0:{}s:11:"custom_2_op";s:2:"in";s:14:"custom_2_value";a:0:{}s:17:"custom_3_relative";s:1:"0";s:13:"custom_3_from";s:0:"";s:11:"custom_3_to";s:0:"";s:9:"order_bys";a:1:{i:1;a:1:{s:6:"column";s:1:"-";}}s:11:"description";s:32:"Display clicks from each mailing";s:13:"email_subject";s:0:"";s:8:"email_to";s:0:"";s:8:"email_cc";s:0:"";s:10:"permission";s:15:"access CiviMail";s:6:"groups";s:0:"";s:6:"charts";s:0:"";s:9:"domain_id";i:1;}');
INSERT INTO `civicrm_report_instance`
( `domain_id`, `title`, `report_id`, `description`, `permission`, `form_values`)
( @domainID, 'Mailing Details', 'mailing/detail', 'Provides reporting on Intended and Successful Deliveries, Unsubscribes and Opt-outs, Replies and Forwards.', 'access CiviMail', 'a:30:{s:6:"fields";a:6:{s:9:"sort_name";s:1:"1";s:12:"mailing_name";s:1:"1";s:11:"delivery_id";s:1:"1";s:14:"unsubscribe_id";s:1:"1";s:9:"optout_id";s:1:"1";s:5:"email";s:1:"1";}s:12:"sort_name_op";s:3:"has";s:15:"sort_name_value";s:0:"";s:6:"id_min";s:0:"";s:6:"id_max";s:0:"";s:5:"id_op";s:3:"lte";s:8:"id_value";s:0:"";s:13:"mailing_id_op";s:2:"in";s:16:"mailing_id_value";a:0:{}s:18:"delivery_status_op";s:2:"eq";s:21:"delivery_status_value";s:0:"";s:18:"is_unsubscribed_op";s:2:"eq";s:21:"is_unsubscribed_value";s:0:"";s:12:"is_optout_op";s:2:"eq";s:15:"is_optout_value";s:0:"";s:13:"is_replied_op";s:2:"eq";s:16:"is_replied_value";s:0:"";s:15:"is_forwarded_op";s:2:"eq";s:18:"is_forwarded_value";s:0:"";s:6:"gid_op";s:2:"in";s:9:"gid_value";a:0:{}s:9:"order_bys";a:1:{i:1;a:2:{s:6:"column";s:9:"sort_name";s:5:"order";s:3:"ASC";}}s:11:"description";s:21:"Mailing Detail Report";s:13:"email_subject";s:0:"";s:8:"email_to";s:0:"";s:8:"email_cc";s:0:"";s:10:"permission";s:15:"access CiviMail";s:9:"parent_id";s:0:"";s:6:"groups";s:0:"";s:9:"domain_id";i:1;}');
-- walk list survey report.
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( @domainID, 'Survey Details', 'survey/detail', 'Detailed report for canvassing, phone-banking, walk lists or other surveys.', 'access CiviReport', 'a:39:{s:6:"fields";a:2:{s:9:"sort_name";s:1:"1";s:6:"result";s:1:"1";}s:22:"assignee_contact_id_op";s:2:"eq";s:25:"assignee_contact_id_value";s:0:"";s:12:"sort_name_op";s:3:"has";s:15:"sort_name_value";s:0:"";s:17:"street_number_min";s:0:"";s:17:"street_number_max";s:0:"";s:16:"street_number_op";s:3:"lte";s:19:"street_number_value";s:0:"";s:14:"street_name_op";s:3:"has";s:17:"street_name_value";s:0:"";s:15:"postal_code_min";s:0:"";s:15:"postal_code_max";s:0:"";s:14:"postal_code_op";s:3:"lte";s:17:"postal_code_value";s:0:"";s:7:"city_op";s:3:"has";s:10:"city_value";s:0:"";s:20:"state_province_id_op";s:2:"in";s:23:"state_province_id_value";a:0:{}s:13:"country_id_op";s:2:"in";s:16:"country_id_value";a:0:{}s:12:"survey_id_op";s:2:"in";s:15:"survey_id_value";a:0:{}s:12:"status_id_op";s:2:"eq";s:15:"status_id_value";s:1:"1";s:11:"custom_1_op";s:2:"in";s:14:"custom_1_value";a:0:{}s:11:"custom_2_op";s:2:"in";s:14:"custom_2_value";a:0:{}s:17:"custom_3_relative";s:1:"0";s:13:"custom_3_from";s:0:"";s:11:"custom_3_to";s:0:"";s:11:"description";s:75:"Detailed report for canvassing, phone-banking, walk lists or other surveys.";s:13:"email_subject";s:0:"";s:8:"email_to";s:0:"";s:8:"email_cc";s:0:"";s:10:"permission";s:17:"access CiviReport";s:6:"groups";s:0:"";s:9:"domain_id";i:1;}');
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