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2018-01-14 15:10:16 +02:00
* @file
* Tests for the theme API.
* Unit tests for the Theme API.
class ThemeTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
protected $profile = 'testing';
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Theme API',
'description' => 'Test low-level theme functions.',
'group' => 'Theme',
function setUp() {
* Test function theme_get_suggestions() for SA-CORE-2009-003.
function testThemeSuggestions() {
// Set the front page as something random otherwise the CLI
// test runner fails.
variable_set('site_frontpage', 'nobody-home');
$args = array('node', '1', 'edit');
$suggestions = theme_get_suggestions($args, 'page');
$this->assertEqual($suggestions, array('page__node', 'page__node__%', 'page__node__1', 'page__node__edit'), 'Found expected node edit page suggestions');
// Check attack vectors.
$args = array('node', '\\1');
$suggestions = theme_get_suggestions($args, 'page');
$this->assertEqual($suggestions, array('page__node', 'page__node__%', 'page__node__1'), 'Removed invalid \\ from suggestions');
$args = array('node', '1/');
$suggestions = theme_get_suggestions($args, 'page');
$this->assertEqual($suggestions, array('page__node', 'page__node__%', 'page__node__1'), 'Removed invalid / from suggestions');
$args = array('node', "1\0");
$suggestions = theme_get_suggestions($args, 'page');
$this->assertEqual($suggestions, array('page__node', 'page__node__%', 'page__node__1'), 'Removed invalid \\0 from suggestions');
// Define path with hyphens to be used to generate suggestions.
$args = array('node', '1', 'hyphen-path');
$result = array('page__node', 'page__node__%', 'page__node__1', 'page__node__hyphen_path');
$suggestions = theme_get_suggestions($args, 'page');
$this->assertEqual($suggestions, $result, 'Found expected page suggestions for paths containing hyphens.');
* Ensures preprocess functions run even for suggestion implementations.
* The theme hook used by this test has its base preprocess function in a
* separate file, so this test also ensures that that file is correctly loaded
* when needed.
function testPreprocessForSuggestions() {
// Test with both an unprimed and primed theme registry.
for ($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++) {
$this->assertText('Theme hook implementor=test_theme_theme_test__suggestion(). Foo=template_preprocess_theme_test', 'Theme hook suggestion ran with data available from a preprocess function for the base hook.');
* Ensure page-front template suggestion is added when on front page.
function testFrontPageThemeSuggestion() {
$q = $_GET['q'];
// Set $_GET['q'] to node because theme_get_suggestions() will query it to
// see if we are on the front page.
$_GET['q'] = variable_get('site_frontpage', 'node');
$suggestions = theme_get_suggestions(explode('/', $_GET['q']), 'page');
// Set it back to not annoy the batch runner.
$_GET['q'] = $q;
$this->assertTrue(in_array('page__front', $suggestions), 'Front page template was suggested.');
* Ensures theme hook_*_alter() implementations can run before anything is rendered.
function testAlter() {
$this->assertText('The altered data is test_theme_theme_test_alter_alter was invoked.', 'The theme was able to implement an alter hook during page building before anything was rendered.');
* Ensures a theme's .info file is able to override a module CSS file from being added to the page.
* @see test_theme.info
function testCSSOverride() {
// Reuse the same page as in testPreprocessForSuggestions(). We're testing
// what is output to the HTML HEAD based on what is in a theme's .info file,
// so it doesn't matter what page we get, as long as it is themed with the
// test theme. First we test with CSS aggregation disabled.
variable_set('preprocess_css', 0);
$this->assertNoText('system.base.css', 'The theme\'s .info file is able to override a module CSS file from being added to the page.');
// Also test with aggregation enabled, simply ensuring no PHP errors are
// triggered during drupal_build_css_cache() when a source file doesn't
// exist. Then allow remaining tests to continue with aggregation disabled
// by default.
variable_set('preprocess_css', 1);
variable_set('preprocess_css', 0);
* Ensures the theme registry is rebuilt when modules are disabled/enabled.
function testRegistryRebuild() {
$this->assertIdentical(theme('theme_test_foo', array('foo' => 'a')), 'a', 'The theme registry contains theme_test_foo.');
module_disable(array('theme_test'), FALSE);
$this->assertIdentical(theme('theme_test_foo', array('foo' => 'b')), '', 'The theme registry does not contain theme_test_foo, because the module is disabled.');
module_enable(array('theme_test'), FALSE);
$this->assertIdentical(theme('theme_test_foo', array('foo' => 'c')), 'c', 'The theme registry contains theme_test_foo again after re-enabling the module.');
* Test the list_themes() function.
function testListThemes() {
$themes = list_themes();
// Check if drupal_theme_access() retrieves enabled themes properly from list_themes().
$this->assertTrue(drupal_theme_access('test_theme'), 'Enabled theme detected');
// Check if list_themes() returns disabled themes.
$this->assertTrue(array_key_exists('test_basetheme', $themes), 'Disabled theme detected');
// Check for base theme and subtheme lists.
$base_theme_list = array('test_basetheme' => 'Theme test base theme');
$sub_theme_list = array('test_subtheme' => 'Theme test subtheme');
$this->assertIdentical($themes['test_basetheme']->sub_themes, $sub_theme_list, 'Base theme\'s object includes list of subthemes.');
$this->assertIdentical($themes['test_subtheme']->base_themes, $base_theme_list, 'Subtheme\'s object includes list of base themes.');
// Check for theme engine in subtheme.
$this->assertIdentical($themes['test_subtheme']->engine, 'phptemplate', 'Subtheme\'s object includes the theme engine.');
// Check for theme engine prefix.
$this->assertIdentical($themes['test_basetheme']->prefix, 'phptemplate', 'Base theme\'s object includes the theme engine prefix.');
$this->assertIdentical($themes['test_subtheme']->prefix, 'phptemplate', 'Subtheme\'s object includes the theme engine prefix.');
* Test the theme_get_setting() function.
function testThemeGetSetting() {
$GLOBALS['theme_key'] = 'test_theme';
$this->assertIdentical(theme_get_setting('theme_test_setting'), 'default value', 'theme_get_setting() uses the default theme automatically.');
$this->assertNotEqual(theme_get_setting('subtheme_override', 'test_basetheme'), theme_get_setting('subtheme_override', 'test_subtheme'), 'Base theme\'s default settings values can be overridden by subtheme.');
$this->assertIdentical(theme_get_setting('basetheme_only', 'test_subtheme'), 'base theme value', 'Base theme\'s default settings values are inherited by subtheme.');
* Test the drupal_add_region_content() function.
function testDrupalAddRegionContent() {
* Unit tests for theme_table().
class ThemeTableTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Theme Table',
'description' => 'Tests built-in theme functions.',
'group' => 'Theme',
* Tableheader.js provides 'sticky' table headers, and is included by default.
function testThemeTableStickyHeaders() {
$header = array('one', 'two', 'three');
$rows = array(array(1,2,3), array(4,5,6), array(7,8,9));
$this->content = theme('table', array('header' => $header, 'rows' => $rows));
$js = drupal_add_js();
$this->assertTrue(isset($js['misc/tableheader.js']), 'tableheader.js was included when $sticky = TRUE.');
$this->assertRaw('sticky-enabled', 'Table has a class of sticky-enabled when $sticky = TRUE.');
* If $sticky is FALSE, no tableheader.js should be included.
function testThemeTableNoStickyHeaders() {
$header = array('one', 'two', 'three');
$rows = array(array(1,2,3), array(4,5,6), array(7,8,9));
$attributes = array();
$caption = NULL;
$colgroups = array();
$this->content = theme('table', array('header' => $header, 'rows' => $rows, 'attributes' => $attributes, 'caption' => $caption, 'colgroups' => $colgroups, 'sticky' => FALSE));
$js = drupal_add_js();
$this->assertFalse(isset($js['misc/tableheader.js']), 'tableheader.js was not included because $sticky = FALSE.');
$this->assertNoRaw('sticky-enabled', 'Table does not have a class of sticky-enabled because $sticky = FALSE.');
* Tests that the table header is printed correctly even if there are no rows,
* and that the empty text is displayed correctly.
function testThemeTableWithEmptyMessage() {
$header = array(
t('Header 1'),
'data' => t('Header 2'),
'colspan' => 2,
$this->content = theme('table', array('header' => $header, 'rows' => array(), 'empty' => t('No strings available.')));
$this->assertRaw('<tr class="odd"><td colspan="3" class="empty message">No strings available.</td>', 'Correct colspan was set on empty message.');
$this->assertRaw('<thead><tr><th>Header 1</th>', 'Table header was printed.');
* Tests that the 'no_striping' option works correctly.
function testThemeTableWithNoStriping() {
$rows = array(
'data' => array(1),
'no_striping' => TRUE,
$this->content = theme('table', array('rows' => $rows));
$this->assertNoRaw('class="odd"', 'Odd/even classes were not added because $no_striping = TRUE.');
$this->assertNoRaw('no_striping', 'No invalid no_striping HTML attribute was printed.');
* Unit tests for theme_item_list().
class ThemeItemListUnitTest extends DrupalWebTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Theme item list',
'description' => 'Test the theme_item_list() function.',
'group' => 'Theme',
* Test item list rendering.
function testItemList() {
$items = array('a', array('data' => 'b', 'children' => array('c' => 'c', 'd' => 'd', 'e' => 'e')), 'f');
$expected = '<div class="item-list"><ul><li class="first">a</li>
<li>b<div class="item-list"><ul><li class="first">c</li>
<li class="last">e</li>
<li class="last">f</li>
$output = theme('item_list', array('items' => $items));
$this->assertIdentical($expected, $output, 'Item list is rendered correctly.');
* Unit tests for theme_links().
class ThemeLinksTest extends DrupalWebTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Links',
'description' => 'Test the theme_links() function and rendering groups of links.',
'group' => 'Theme',
* Test the use of drupal_pre_render_links() on a nested array of links.
function testDrupalPreRenderLinks() {
// Define the base array to be rendered, containing a variety of different
// kinds of links.
$base_array = array(
'#theme' => 'links',
'#pre_render' => array('drupal_pre_render_links'),
'#links' => array(
'parent_link' => array(
'title' => 'Parent link original',
'href' => 'parent-link-original',
'first_child' => array(
'#theme' => 'links',
'#links' => array(
// This should be rendered if 'first_child' is rendered separately,
// but ignored if the parent is being rendered (since it duplicates
// one of the parent's links).
'parent_link' => array(
'title' => 'Parent link copy',
'href' => 'parent-link-copy',
// This should always be rendered.
'first_child_link' => array(
'title' => 'First child link',
'href' => 'first-child-link',
// This should always be rendered as part of the parent.
'second_child' => array(
'#theme' => 'links',
'#links' => array(
'second_child_link' => array(
'title' => 'Second child link',
'href' => 'second-child-link',
// This should never be rendered, since the user does not have access to
// it.
'third_child' => array(
'#theme' => 'links',
'#links' => array(
'third_child_link' => array(
'title' => 'Third child link',
'href' => 'third-child-link',
'#access' => FALSE,
// Start with a fresh copy of the base array, and try rendering the entire
// thing. We expect a single <ul> with appropriate links contained within
// it.
$render_array = $base_array;
$html = drupal_render($render_array);
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$this->assertEqual($dom->getElementsByTagName('ul')->length, 1, 'One "ul" tag found in the rendered HTML.');
$list_elements = $dom->getElementsByTagName('li');
$this->assertEqual($list_elements->length, 3, 'Three "li" tags found in the rendered HTML.');
$this->assertEqual($list_elements->item(0)->nodeValue, 'Parent link original', 'First expected link found.');
$this->assertEqual($list_elements->item(1)->nodeValue, 'First child link', 'Second expected link found.');
$this->assertEqual($list_elements->item(2)->nodeValue, 'Second child link', 'Third expected link found.');
$this->assertIdentical(strpos($html, 'Parent link copy'), FALSE, '"Parent link copy" link not found.');
$this->assertIdentical(strpos($html, 'Third child link'), FALSE, '"Third child link" link not found.');
// Now render 'first_child', followed by the rest of the links, and make
// sure we get two separate <ul>'s with the appropriate links contained
// within each.
$render_array = $base_array;
$child_html = drupal_render($render_array['first_child']);
$parent_html = drupal_render($render_array);
// First check the child HTML.
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$this->assertEqual($dom->getElementsByTagName('ul')->length, 1, 'One "ul" tag found in the rendered child HTML.');
$list_elements = $dom->getElementsByTagName('li');
$this->assertEqual($list_elements->length, 2, 'Two "li" tags found in the rendered child HTML.');
$this->assertEqual($list_elements->item(0)->nodeValue, 'Parent link copy', 'First expected link found.');
$this->assertEqual($list_elements->item(1)->nodeValue, 'First child link', 'Second expected link found.');
// Then check the parent HTML.
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$this->assertEqual($dom->getElementsByTagName('ul')->length, 1, 'One "ul" tag found in the rendered parent HTML.');
$list_elements = $dom->getElementsByTagName('li');
$this->assertEqual($list_elements->length, 2, 'Two "li" tags found in the rendered parent HTML.');
$this->assertEqual($list_elements->item(0)->nodeValue, 'Parent link original', 'First expected link found.');
$this->assertEqual($list_elements->item(1)->nodeValue, 'Second child link', 'Second expected link found.');
$this->assertIdentical(strpos($parent_html, 'First child link'), FALSE, '"First child link" link not found.');
$this->assertIdentical(strpos($parent_html, 'Third child link'), FALSE, '"Third child link" link not found.');
* Functional test for initialization of the theme system in hook_init().
class ThemeHookInitTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Theme initialization in hook_init()',
'description' => 'Tests that the theme system can be correctly initialized in hook_init().',
'group' => 'Theme',
function setUp() {
* Test that the theme system can generate output when called by hook_init().
function testThemeInitializationHookInit() {
$this->assertRaw('Themed output generated in hook_init()', 'Themed output generated in hook_init() correctly appears on the page.');
$this->assertRaw('bartik/css/style.css', "The default theme's CSS appears on the page when the theme system is initialized in hook_init().");
* Tests autocompletion not loading registry.
class ThemeFastTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Theme fast initialization',
'description' => 'Test that autocompletion does not load the registry.',
'group' => 'Theme'
function setUp() {
$this->account = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('access user profiles'));
* Tests access to user autocompletion and verify the correct results.
function testUserAutocomplete() {
$this->drupalGet('user/autocomplete/' . $this->account->name);
$this->assertText('registry not initialized', 'The registry was not initialized');
* Tests the markup of core render element types passed to drupal_render().
class RenderElementTypesTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Render element types',
'description' => 'Tests the markup of core render element types passed to drupal_render().',
'group' => 'Theme',
* Asserts that an array of elements is rendered properly.
* @param array $elements
* An array of associative arrays describing render elements and their
* expected markup. Each item in $elements must contain the following:
* - 'name': This human readable description will be displayed on the test
* results page.
* - 'value': This is the render element to test.
* - 'expected': This is the expected markup for the element in 'value'.
function assertElements($elements) {
foreach($elements as $element) {
$this->assertIdentical(drupal_render($element['value']), $element['expected'], '"' . $element['name'] . '" input rendered correctly by drupal_render().');
* Tests system #type 'container'.
function testContainer() {
$elements = array(
// Basic container with no attributes.
'name' => "#type 'container' with no HTML attributes",
'value' => array(
'#type' => 'container',
'child' => array(
'#markup' => 'foo',
'expected' => '<div>foo</div>',
// Container with a class.
'name' => "#type 'container' with a class HTML attribute",
'value' => array(
'#type' => 'container',
'child' => array(
'#markup' => 'foo',
'#attributes' => array(
'class' => 'bar',
'expected' => '<div class="bar">foo</div>',
* Tests system #type 'html_tag'.
function testHtmlTag() {
$elements = array(
// Test auto-closure meta tag generation.
'name' => "#type 'html_tag' auto-closure meta tag generation",
'value' => array(
'#type' => 'html_tag',
'#tag' => 'meta',
'#attributes' => array(
'name' => 'description',
'content' => 'Drupal test',
'expected' => '<meta name="description" content="Drupal test" />' . "\n",
// Test title tag generation.
'name' => "#type 'html_tag' title tag generation",
'value' => array(
'#type' => 'html_tag',
'#tag' => 'title',
'#value' => 'title test',
'expected' => '<title>title test</title>' . "\n",
* Tests for the ThemeRegistry class.
class ThemeRegistryTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'ThemeRegistry',
'description' => 'Tests the behavior of the ThemeRegistry class',
'group' => 'Theme',
function setUp() {
* Tests the behavior of the theme registry class.
function testRaceCondition() {
$cid = 'test_theme_registry';
// Directly instantiate the theme registry, this will cause a base cache
// entry to be written in __construct().
$registry = new ThemeRegistry($cid, 'cache');
$this->assertTrue(cache_get($cid), 'Cache entry was created.');
// Trigger a cache miss for an offset.
$this->assertTrue($registry['theme_test_template_test'], 'Offset was returned correctly from the theme registry.');
// This will cause the ThemeRegistry class to write an updated version of
// the cache entry when it is destroyed, usually at the end of the request.
// Before that happens, manually delete the cache entry we created earlier
// so that the new entry is written from scratch.
cache_clear_all($cid, 'cache');
// Destroy the class so that it triggers a cache write for the offset.
$this->assertTrue(cache_get($cid), 'Cache entry was created.');
// Create a new instance of the class. Confirm that both the offset
// requested previously, and one that has not yet been requested are both
// available.
$registry = new ThemeRegistry($cid, 'cache');
$this->assertTrue($registry['theme_test_template_test'], 'Offset was returned correctly from the theme registry');
$this->assertTrue($registry['theme_test_template_test_2'], 'Offset was returned correctly from the theme registry');
* Tests for theme debug markup.
class ThemeDebugMarkupTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Theme debug markup',
'description' => 'Tests theme debug markup output.',
'group' => 'Theme',
function setUp() {
parent::setUp('theme_test', 'node');
* Tests debug markup added to template output.
function testDebugOutput() {
variable_set('theme_default', 'test_theme');
// Enable the debug output.
variable_set('theme_debug', TRUE);
$registry = theme_get_registry();
$extension = '.tpl.php';
// Populate array of templates.
$templates = drupal_find_theme_templates($registry, $extension, drupal_get_path('theme', 'test_theme'));
$templates += drupal_find_theme_templates($registry, $extension, drupal_get_path('module', 'node'));
// Create a node and test different features of the debug markup.
$node = $this->drupalCreateNode();
$this->drupalGet('node/' . $node->nid);
$this->assertRaw('<!-- THEME DEBUG -->', 'Theme debug markup found in theme output when debug is enabled.');
$this->assertRaw("CALL: theme('node')", 'Theme call information found.');
$this->assertRaw('x node--1' . $extension . PHP_EOL . ' * node--page' . $extension . PHP_EOL . ' * node' . $extension, 'Suggested template files found in order and node ID specific template shown as current template.');
$template_filename = $templates['node__1']['path'] . '/' . $templates['node__1']['template'] . $extension;
$this->assertRaw("BEGIN OUTPUT from '$template_filename'", 'Full path to current template file found.');
// Create another node and make sure the template suggestions shown in the
// debug markup are correct.
$node2 = $this->drupalCreateNode();
$this->drupalGet('node/' . $node2->nid);
$this->assertRaw('* node--2' . $extension . PHP_EOL . ' * node--page' . $extension . PHP_EOL . ' x node' . $extension, 'Suggested template files found in order and base template shown as current template.');
// Create another node and make sure the template suggestions shown in the
// debug markup are correct.
$node3 = $this->drupalCreateNode();
$build = array('#theme' => 'node__foo__bar');
$build += node_view($node3);
$output = drupal_render($build);
$this->assertTrue(strpos($output, "CALL: theme('node__foo__bar')") !== FALSE, 'Theme call information found.');
$this->assertTrue(strpos($output, '* node--foo--bar' . $extension . PHP_EOL . ' * node--foo' . $extension . PHP_EOL . ' * node--3' . $extension . PHP_EOL . ' * node--page' . $extension . PHP_EOL . ' x node' . $extension) !== FALSE, 'Suggested template files found in order and base template shown as current template.');
// Disable theme debug.
variable_set('theme_debug', FALSE);
$this->drupalGet('node/' . $node->nid);
$this->assertNoRaw('<!-- THEME DEBUG -->', 'Theme debug markup not found in theme output when debug is disabled.');
* Tests module-provided theme engines.
class ModuleProvidedThemeEngineTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Theme engine test',
'description' => 'Tests module-provided theme engines.',
'group' => 'Theme',
function setUp() {
theme_enable(array('test_theme', 'test_theme_nyan_cat'));
* Ensures that the module provided theme engine is found and used by core.
function testEngineIsFoundAndWorking() {
variable_set('theme_default', 'test_theme_nyan_cat');
variable_set('admin_theme', 'test_theme_nyan_cat');