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2018-01-14 15:10:16 +02:00
* @file
* Tests for aggregator.module.
* Defines a base class for testing the Aggregator module.
class AggregatorTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
function setUp() {
parent::setUp('aggregator', 'aggregator_test');
$web_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer news feeds', 'access news feeds', 'create article content'));
* Creates an aggregator feed.
* This method simulates the form submission on path
* admin/config/services/aggregator/add/feed.
* @param $feed_url
* (optional) If given, feed will be created with this URL, otherwise
* /rss.xml will be used. Defaults to NULL.
* @return $feed
* Full feed object if possible.
* @see getFeedEditArray()
function createFeed($feed_url = NULL) {
$edit = $this->getFeedEditArray($feed_url);
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/services/aggregator/add/feed', $edit, t('Save'));
$this->assertRaw(t('The feed %name has been added.', array('%name' => $edit['title'])), format_string('The feed !name has been added.', array('!name' => $edit['title'])));
$feed = db_query("SELECT * FROM {aggregator_feed} WHERE title = :title AND url = :url", array(':title' => $edit['title'], ':url' => $edit['url']))->fetch();
$this->assertTrue(!empty($feed), 'The feed found in database.');
return $feed;
* Deletes an aggregator feed.
* @param $feed
* Feed object representing the feed.
function deleteFeed($feed) {
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/services/aggregator/edit/feed/' . $feed->fid, array(), t('Delete'));
$this->assertRaw(t('The feed %title has been deleted.', array('%title' => $feed->title)), 'Feed deleted successfully.');
* Returns a randomly generated feed edit array.
* @param $feed_url
* (optional) If given, feed will be created with this URL, otherwise
* /rss.xml will be used. Defaults to NULL.
* @return
* A feed array.
function getFeedEditArray($feed_url = NULL) {
$feed_name = $this->randomName(10);
if (!$feed_url) {
$feed_url = url('rss.xml', array(
'query' => array('feed' => $feed_name),
'absolute' => TRUE,
$edit = array(
'title' => $feed_name,
'url' => $feed_url,
'refresh' => '900',
return $edit;
* Returns the count of the randomly created feed array.
* @return
* Number of feed items on default feed created by createFeed().
function getDefaultFeedItemCount() {
// Our tests are based off of rss.xml, so let's find out how many elements should be related.
$feed_count = db_query_range('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {node} n WHERE n.promote = 1 AND n.status = 1', 0, variable_get('feed_default_items', 10))->fetchField();
return $feed_count > 10 ? 10 : $feed_count;
* Updates the feed items.
* This method simulates a click to
* admin/config/services/aggregator/update/$fid.
* @param $feed
* Feed object representing the feed, passed by reference.
* @param $expected_count
* Expected number of feed items.
function updateFeedItems(&$feed, $expected_count) {
// First, let's ensure we can get to the rss xml.
$this->assertResponse(200, format_string('!url is reachable.', array('!url' => $feed->url)));
// Attempt to access the update link directly without an access token.
$this->drupalGet('admin/config/services/aggregator/update/' . $feed->fid);
// Refresh the feed (simulated link click).
$this->clickLink('update items');
// Ensure we have the right number of items.
$result = db_query('SELECT iid FROM {aggregator_item} WHERE fid = :fid', array(':fid' => $feed->fid));
$items = array();
$feed->items = array();
foreach ($result as $item) {
$feed->items[] = $item->iid;
$feed->item_count = count($feed->items);
$this->assertEqual($expected_count, $feed->item_count, format_string('Total items in feed equal to the total items in database (!val1 != !val2)', array('!val1' => $expected_count, '!val2' => $feed->item_count)));
* Confirms an item removal from a feed.
* @param $feed
* Feed object representing the feed.
function removeFeedItems($feed) {
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/services/aggregator/remove/' . $feed->fid, array(), t('Remove items'));
$this->assertRaw(t('The news items from %title have been removed.', array('%title' => $feed->title)), 'Feed items removed.');
* Adds and removes feed items and ensure that the count is zero.
* @param $feed
* Feed object representing the feed.
* @param $expected_count
* Expected number of feed items.
function updateAndRemove($feed, $expected_count) {
$this->updateFeedItems($feed, $expected_count);
$count = db_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {aggregator_item} WHERE fid = :fid', array(':fid' => $feed->fid))->fetchField();
$count = db_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {aggregator_item} WHERE fid = :fid', array(':fid' => $feed->fid))->fetchField();
$this->assertTrue($count == 0);
* Pulls feed categories from {aggregator_category_feed} table.
* @param $feed
* Feed object representing the feed.
function getFeedCategories($feed) {
// add the categories to the feed so we can use them
$result = db_query('SELECT cid FROM {aggregator_category_feed} WHERE fid = :fid', array(':fid' => $feed->fid));
foreach ($result as $category) {
$feed->categories[] = $category->cid;
* Pulls categories from {aggregator_category} table.
* @return
* An associative array keyed by category ID and values are set to the
* category names.
function getCategories() {
$categories = array();
$result = db_query('SELECT * FROM {aggregator_category}');
foreach ($result as $category) {
$categories[$category->cid] = $category;
return $categories;
* Checks whether the feed name and URL are unique.
* @param $feed_name
* String containing the feed name to check.
* @param $feed_url
* String containing the feed URL to check.
* @return
* TRUE if feed is unique.
function uniqueFeed($feed_name, $feed_url) {
$result = db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {aggregator_feed} WHERE title = :title AND url = :url", array(':title' => $feed_name, ':url' => $feed_url))->fetchField();
return (1 == $result);
* Creates a valid OPML file from an array of feeds.
* @param $feeds
* An array of feeds.
* @return
* Path to valid OPML file.
function getValidOpml($feeds) {
// Properly escape URLs so that XML parsers don't choke on them.
foreach ($feeds as &$feed) {
$feed['url'] = htmlspecialchars($feed['url']);
* Does not have an XML declaration, must pass the parser.
$opml = <<<EOF
<opml version="1.0">
<!-- First feed to be imported. -->
<outline text="{$feeds[0]['title']}" xmlurl="{$feeds[0]['url']}" />
<!-- Second feed. Test string delimitation and attribute order. -->
<outline xmlurl='{$feeds[1]['url']}' text='{$feeds[1]['title']}'/>
<!-- Test for duplicate URL and title. -->
<outline xmlurl="{$feeds[0]['url']}" text="Duplicate URL"/>
<outline xmlurl="http://duplicate.title" text="{$feeds[1]['title']}"/>
<!-- Test that feeds are only added with required attributes. -->
<outline text="{$feeds[2]['title']}" />
<outline xmlurl="{$feeds[2]['url']}" />
$path = 'public://valid-opml.xml';
return file_unmanaged_save_data($opml, $path);
* Creates an invalid OPML file.
* @return
* Path to invalid OPML file.
function getInvalidOpml() {
$opml = <<<EOF
$path = 'public://invalid-opml.xml';
return file_unmanaged_save_data($opml, $path);
* Creates a valid but empty OPML file.
* @return
* Path to empty OPML file.
function getEmptyOpml() {
$opml = <<<EOF
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<opml version="1.0">
<outline text="Sample text" />
<outline text="Sample text" url="Sample URL" />
$path = 'public://empty-opml.xml';
return file_unmanaged_save_data($opml, $path);
function getRSS091Sample() {
return $GLOBALS['base_url'] . '/' . drupal_get_path('module', 'aggregator') . '/tests/aggregator_test_rss091.xml';
function getAtomSample() {
// The content of this sample ATOM feed is based directly off of the
// example provided in RFC 4287.
return $GLOBALS['base_url'] . '/' . drupal_get_path('module', 'aggregator') . '/tests/aggregator_test_atom.xml';
function getHtmlEntitiesSample() {
return $GLOBALS['base_url'] . '/' . drupal_get_path('module', 'aggregator') . '/tests/aggregator_test_title_entities.xml';
* Creates sample article nodes.
* @param $count
* (optional) The number of nodes to generate. Defaults to five.
function createSampleNodes($count = 5) {
$langcode = LANGUAGE_NONE;
// Post $count article nodes.
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$edit = array();
$edit['title'] = $this->randomName();
$edit["body[$langcode][0][value]"] = $this->randomName();
$this->drupalPost('node/add/article', $edit, t('Save'));
* Tests functionality of the configuration settings in the Aggregator module.
class AggregatorConfigurationTestCase extends AggregatorTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Aggregator configuration',
'description' => 'Test aggregator settings page.',
'group' => 'Aggregator',
* Tests the settings form to ensure the correct default values are used.
function testSettingsPage() {
$edit = array(
'aggregator_allowed_html_tags' => '<a>',
'aggregator_summary_items' => 10,
'aggregator_clear' => 3600,
'aggregator_category_selector' => 'select',
'aggregator_teaser_length' => 200,
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/services/aggregator/settings', $edit, t('Save configuration'));
$this->assertText(t('The configuration options have been saved.'));
foreach ($edit as $name => $value) {
$this->assertFieldByName($name, $value, format_string('"@name" has correct default value.', array('@name' => $name)));
* Tests adding aggregator feeds.
class AddFeedTestCase extends AggregatorTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Add feed functionality',
'description' => 'Add feed test.',
'group' => 'Aggregator'
* Creates and ensures that a feed is unique, checks source, and deletes feed.
function testAddFeed() {
$feed = $this->createFeed();
// Check feed data.
$this->assertEqual($this->getUrl(), url('admin/config/services/aggregator/add/feed', array('absolute' => TRUE)), 'Directed to correct url.');
$this->assertTrue($this->uniqueFeed($feed->title, $feed->url), 'The feed is unique.');
// Check feed source.
$this->drupalGet('aggregator/sources/' . $feed->fid);
$this->assertResponse(200, 'Feed source exists.');
$this->assertText($feed->title, 'Page title');
$this->drupalGet('aggregator/sources/' . $feed->fid . '/categorize');
$this->assertResponse(200, 'Feed categorization page exists.');
// Delete feed.
* Tests feeds with very long URLs.
function testAddLongFeed() {
// Create a feed with a URL of > 255 characters.
$long_url = "https://www.google.com/search?ix=heb&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=angie+byron#sclient=psy-ab&hl=en&safe=off&source=hp&q=angie+byron&pbx=1&oq=angie+byron&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=3&gs_upl=0l0l0l10534l0l0l0l0l0l0l0l0ll0l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.,cf.osb&fp=a70b6b1f0abe28d8&biw=1629&bih=889&ix=heb";
$feed = $this->createFeed($long_url);
// Create a second feed of > 255 characters, where the only difference is
// after the 255th character.
$long_url_2 = "https://www.google.com/search?ix=heb&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=angie+byron#sclient=psy-ab&hl=en&safe=off&source=hp&q=angie+byron&pbx=1&oq=angie+byron&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=3&gs_upl=0l0l0l10534l0l0l0l0l0l0l0l0ll0l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.,cf.osb&fp=a70b6b1f0abe28d8&biw=1629&bih=889";
$feed_2 = $this->createFeed($long_url_2);
// Check feed data.
$this->assertTrue($this->uniqueFeed($feed->title, $feed->url), 'The first long URL feed is unique.');
$this->assertTrue($this->uniqueFeed($feed_2->title, $feed_2->url), 'The second long URL feed is unique.');
// Check feed source.
$this->drupalGet('aggregator/sources/' . $feed->fid);
$this->assertResponse(200, 'Long URL feed source exists.');
$this->assertText($feed->title, 'Page title');
$this->drupalGet('aggregator/sources/' . $feed->fid . '/categorize');
$this->assertResponse(200, 'Long URL feed categorization page exists.');
// Delete feeds.
* Tests the categorize feed functionality in the Aggregator module.
class CategorizeFeedTestCase extends AggregatorTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Categorize feed functionality',
'description' => 'Categorize feed test.',
'group' => 'Aggregator'
* Creates a feed and makes sure you can add/delete categories to it.
function testCategorizeFeed() {
// Create 2 categories.
$category_1 = array('title' => $this->randomName(10), 'description' => '');
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/services/aggregator/add/category', $category_1, t('Save'));
$this->assertRaw(t('The category %title has been added.', array('%title' => $category_1['title'])), format_string('The category %title has been added.', array('%title' => $category_1['title'])));
$category_2 = array('title' => $this->randomName(10), 'description' => '');
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/services/aggregator/add/category', $category_2, t('Save'));
$this->assertRaw(t('The category %title has been added.', array('%title' => $category_2['title'])), format_string('The category %title has been added.', array('%title' => $category_2['title'])));
// Get categories from database.
$categories = $this->getCategories();
// Create a feed and assign 2 categories to it.
$feed = $this->getFeedEditArray();
$feed['block'] = 5;
foreach ($categories as $cid => $category) {
$feed['category'][$cid] = $cid;
// Use aggregator_save_feed() function to save the feed.
$db_feed = db_query("SELECT * FROM {aggregator_feed} WHERE title = :title AND url = :url", array(':title' => $feed['title'], ':url' => $feed['url']))->fetch();
// Assert the feed has two categories.
$this->assertEqual(count($db_feed->categories), 2, 'Feed has 2 categories');
// Use aggregator_save_feed() to delete a category.
$category = reset($categories);
aggregator_save_category(array('cid' => $category->cid));
// Assert that category is deleted.
$db_category = db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {aggregator_category} WHERE cid = :cid", array(':cid' => $category->cid))->fetchField();
$this->assertFalse($db_category, format_string('The category %title has been deleted.', array('%title' => $category->title)));
// Assert that category has been removed from feed.
$categorized_feeds = db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {aggregator_category_feed} WHERE cid = :cid", array(':cid' => $category->cid))->fetchField();
$this->assertFalse($categorized_feeds, format_string('The category %title has been removed from feed %feed_title.', array('%title' => $category->title, '%feed_title' => $feed['title'])));
// Assert that no broken links (associated with the deleted category)
// appear on one of the other category pages.
$this->clickLink('update items');
$categories = $this->getCategories();
$category = reset($categories);
$this->drupalGet('aggregator/categories/' . $category->cid);
global $base_path;
$this->assertNoRaw('<a href="' . $base_path . 'aggregator/categories/"></a>,');
* Tests functionality of updating the feed in the Aggregator module.
class UpdateFeedTestCase extends AggregatorTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Update feed functionality',
'description' => 'Update feed test.',
'group' => 'Aggregator'
* Creates a feed and attempts to update it.
function testUpdateFeed() {
$remamining_fields = array('title', 'url', '');
foreach ($remamining_fields as $same_field) {
$feed = $this->createFeed();
// Get new feed data array and modify newly created feed.
$edit = $this->getFeedEditArray();
$edit['refresh'] = 1800; // Change refresh value.
if (isset($feed->{$same_field})) {
$edit[$same_field] = $feed->{$same_field};
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/services/aggregator/edit/feed/' . $feed->fid, $edit, t('Save'));
$this->assertRaw(t('The feed %name has been updated.', array('%name' => $edit['title'])), format_string('The feed %name has been updated.', array('%name' => $edit['title'])));
// Check feed data.
$this->assertEqual($this->getUrl(), url('admin/config/services/aggregator/', array('absolute' => TRUE)));
$this->assertTrue($this->uniqueFeed($edit['title'], $edit['url']), 'The feed is unique.');
// Check feed source.
$this->drupalGet('aggregator/sources/' . $feed->fid);
$this->assertResponse(200, 'Feed source exists.');
$this->assertText($edit['title'], 'Page title');
// Delete feed.
$feed->title = $edit['title']; // Set correct title so deleteFeed() will work.
* Tests functionality for removing feeds in the Aggregator module.
class RemoveFeedTestCase extends AggregatorTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Remove feed functionality',
'description' => 'Remove feed test.',
'group' => 'Aggregator'
* Removes a feed and ensures that all of its services are removed.
function testRemoveFeed() {
$feed = $this->createFeed();
// Delete feed.
// Check feed source.
$this->drupalGet('aggregator/sources/' . $feed->fid);
$this->assertResponse(404, 'Deleted feed source does not exists.');
// Check database for feed.
$result = db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {aggregator_feed} WHERE title = :title AND url = :url", array(':title' => $feed->title, ':url' => $feed->url))->fetchField();
$this->assertFalse($result, 'Feed not found in database');
* Tests functionality of updating a feed item in the Aggregator module.
class UpdateFeedItemTestCase extends AggregatorTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Update feed item functionality',
'description' => 'Update feed items from a feed.',
'group' => 'Aggregator'
* Tests running "update items" from 'admin/config/services/aggregator' page.
function testUpdateFeedItem() {
// Create a feed and test updating feed items if possible.
$feed = $this->createFeed();
if (!empty($feed)) {
$this->updateFeedItems($feed, $this->getDefaultFeedItemCount());
// Delete feed.
// Test updating feed items without valid timestamp information.
$edit = array(
'title' => "Feed without publish timestamp",
'url' => $this->getRSS091Sample(),
$this->assertResponse(array(200), format_string('URL !url is accessible', array('!url' => $edit['url'])));
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/services/aggregator/add/feed', $edit, t('Save'));
$this->assertRaw(t('The feed %name has been added.', array('%name' => $edit['title'])), format_string('The feed !name has been added.', array('!name' => $edit['title'])));
$feed = db_query("SELECT * FROM {aggregator_feed} WHERE url = :url", array(':url' => $edit['url']))->fetchObject();
$before = db_query('SELECT timestamp FROM {aggregator_item} WHERE fid = :fid', array(':fid' => $feed->fid))->fetchField();
// Sleep for 3 second.
->condition('fid', $feed->fid)
'checked' => 0,
'hash' => '',
'etag' => '',
'modified' => 0,
$after = db_query('SELECT timestamp FROM {aggregator_item} WHERE fid = :fid', array(':fid' => $feed->fid))->fetchField();
$this->assertTrue($before === $after, format_string('Publish timestamp of feed item was not updated (!before === !after)', array('!before' => $before, '!after' => $after)));
class RemoveFeedItemTestCase extends AggregatorTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Remove feed item functionality',
'description' => 'Remove feed items from a feed.',
'group' => 'Aggregator'
* Tests running "remove items" from 'admin/config/services/aggregator' page.
function testRemoveFeedItem() {
// Create a bunch of test feeds.
$feed_urls = array();
// No last-modified, no etag.
$feed_urls[] = url('aggregator/test-feed', array('absolute' => TRUE));
// Last-modified, but no etag.
$feed_urls[] = url('aggregator/test-feed/1', array('absolute' => TRUE));
// No Last-modified, but etag.
$feed_urls[] = url('aggregator/test-feed/0/1', array('absolute' => TRUE));
// Last-modified and etag.
$feed_urls[] = url('aggregator/test-feed/1/1', array('absolute' => TRUE));
foreach ($feed_urls as $feed_url) {
$feed = $this->createFeed($feed_url);
// Update and remove items two times in a row to make sure that removal
// resets all 'modified' information (modified, etag, hash) and allows for
// immediate update.
$this->updateAndRemove($feed, 4);
$this->updateAndRemove($feed, 4);
$this->updateAndRemove($feed, 4);
// Delete feed.
* Tests categorization functionality in the Aggregator module.
class CategorizeFeedItemTestCase extends AggregatorTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Categorize feed item functionality',
'description' => 'Test feed item categorization.',
'group' => 'Aggregator'
* Checks that children of a feed inherit a defined category.
* If a feed has a category, make sure that the children inherit that
* categorization.
function testCategorizeFeedItem() {
// Simulate form submission on "admin/config/services/aggregator/add/category".
$edit = array('title' => $this->randomName(10), 'description' => '');
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/services/aggregator/add/category', $edit, t('Save'));
$this->assertRaw(t('The category %title has been added.', array('%title' => $edit['title'])), format_string('The category %title has been added.', array('%title' => $edit['title'])));
$category = db_query("SELECT * FROM {aggregator_category} WHERE title = :title", array(':title' => $edit['title']))->fetch();
$this->assertTrue(!empty($category), 'The category found in database.');
$link_path = 'aggregator/categories/' . $category->cid;
$menu_link = db_query("SELECT * FROM {menu_links} WHERE link_path = :link_path", array(':link_path' => $link_path))->fetch();
$this->assertTrue(!empty($menu_link), 'The menu link associated with the category found in database.');
$feed = $this->createFeed();
'cid' => $category->cid,
'fid' => $feed->fid,
$this->updateFeedItems($feed, $this->getDefaultFeedItemCount());
$this->assertTrue(!empty($feed->categories), 'The category found in the feed.');
// For each category of a feed, ensure feed items have that category, too.
if (!empty($feed->categories) && !empty($feed->items)) {
foreach ($feed->categories as $category) {
$categorized_count = db_select('aggregator_category_item')
->condition('iid', $feed->items, 'IN')
$this->assertEqual($feed->item_count, $categorized_count, 'Total items in feed equal to the total categorized feed items in database');
// Delete category from feed items when category is deleted.
$cid = reset($feed->categories);
$categories = $this->getCategories();
$category_title = $categories[$cid]->title;
// Delete category.
aggregator_save_category(array('cid' => $cid));
// Assert category has been removed from feed items.
$categorized_count = db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {aggregator_category_item} WHERE cid = :cid", array(':cid' => $cid))->fetchField();
$this->assertFalse($categorized_count, format_string('The category %title has been removed from feed items.', array('%title' => $category_title)));
// Delete feed.
* Tests importing feeds from OPML functionality for the Aggregator module.
class ImportOPMLTestCase extends AggregatorTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Import feeds from OPML functionality',
'description' => 'Test OPML import.',
'group' => 'Aggregator',
* Opens OPML import form.
function openImportForm() {
$category = $this->randomName(10);
$cid = db_insert('aggregator_category')
'title' => $category,
'description' => '',
$this->assertText('A single OPML document may contain a collection of many feeds.', 'Found OPML help text.');
$this->assertField('files[upload]', 'Found file upload field.');
$this->assertField('remote', 'Found Remote URL field.');
$this->assertField('refresh', 'Found Refresh field.');
$this->assertFieldByName("category[$cid]", $cid, 'Found category field.');
* Submits form filled with invalid fields.
function validateImportFormFields() {
$before = db_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {aggregator_feed}')->fetchField();
$edit = array();
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/services/aggregator/add/opml', $edit, t('Import'));
$this->assertRaw(t('You must <em>either</em> upload a file or enter a URL.'), 'Error if no fields are filled.');
$path = $this->getEmptyOpml();
$edit = array(
'files[upload]' => $path,
'remote' => file_create_url($path),
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/services/aggregator/add/opml', $edit, t('Import'));
$this->assertRaw(t('You must <em>either</em> upload a file or enter a URL.'), 'Error if both fields are filled.');
$edit = array('remote' => 'invalidUrl://empty');
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/services/aggregator/add/opml', $edit, t('Import'));
$this->assertText(t('This URL is not valid.'), 'Error if the URL is invalid.');
$after = db_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {aggregator_feed}')->fetchField();
$this->assertEqual($before, $after, 'No feeds were added during the three last form submissions.');
* Submits form with invalid, empty, and valid OPML files.
function submitImportForm() {
$before = db_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {aggregator_feed}')->fetchField();
$form['files[upload]'] = $this->getInvalidOpml();
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/services/aggregator/add/opml', $form, t('Import'));
$this->assertText(t('No new feed has been added.'), 'Attempting to upload invalid XML.');
$edit = array('remote' => file_create_url($this->getEmptyOpml()));
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/services/aggregator/add/opml', $edit, t('Import'));
$this->assertText(t('No new feed has been added.'), 'Attempting to load empty OPML from remote URL.');
$after = db_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {aggregator_feed}')->fetchField();
$this->assertEqual($before, $after, 'No feeds were added during the two last form submissions.');
$category = $this->randomName(10);
'cid' => 1,
'title' => $category,
'description' => '',
$feeds[0] = $this->getFeedEditArray();
$feeds[1] = $this->getFeedEditArray();
$feeds[2] = $this->getFeedEditArray();
$edit = array(
'files[upload]' => $this->getValidOpml($feeds),
'refresh' => '900',
'category[1]' => $category,
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/services/aggregator/add/opml', $edit, t('Import'));
$this->assertRaw(t('A feed with the URL %url already exists.', array('%url' => $feeds[0]['url'])), 'Verifying that a duplicate URL was identified');
$this->assertRaw(t('A feed named %title already exists.', array('%title' => $feeds[1]['title'])), 'Verifying that a duplicate title was identified');
$after = db_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {aggregator_feed}')->fetchField();
$this->assertEqual($after, 2, 'Verifying that two distinct feeds were added.');
$feeds_from_db = db_query("SELECT f.title, f.url, f.refresh, cf.cid FROM {aggregator_feed} f LEFT JOIN {aggregator_category_feed} cf ON f.fid = cf.fid");
$refresh = $category = TRUE;
foreach ($feeds_from_db as $feed) {
$title[$feed->url] = $feed->title;
$url[$feed->title] = $feed->url;
$category = $category && $feed->cid == 1;
$refresh = $refresh && $feed->refresh == 900;
$this->assertEqual($title[$feeds[0]['url']], $feeds[0]['title'], 'First feed was added correctly.');
$this->assertEqual($url[$feeds[1]['title']], $feeds[1]['url'], 'Second feed was added correctly.');
$this->assertTrue($refresh, 'Refresh times are correct.');
$this->assertTrue($category, 'Categories are correct.');
* Tests the import of an OPML file.
function testOPMLImport() {
* Tests functionality of the cron process in the Aggregator module.
class AggregatorCronTestCase extends AggregatorTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Update on cron functionality',
'description' => 'Update feeds on cron.',
'group' => 'Aggregator'
* Adds feeds and updates them via cron process.
public function testCron() {
// Create feed and test basic updating on cron.
global $base_url;
$key = variable_get('cron_key', 'drupal');
$feed = $this->createFeed();
$this->drupalGet($base_url . '/cron.php', array('external' => TRUE, 'query' => array('cron_key' => $key)));
$this->assertEqual(5, db_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {aggregator_item} WHERE fid = :fid', array(':fid' => $feed->fid))->fetchField(), 'Expected number of items in database.');
$this->assertEqual(0, db_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {aggregator_item} WHERE fid = :fid', array(':fid' => $feed->fid))->fetchField(), 'Expected number of items in database.');
$this->drupalGet($base_url . '/cron.php', array('external' => TRUE, 'query' => array('cron_key' => $key)));
$this->assertEqual(5, db_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {aggregator_item} WHERE fid = :fid', array(':fid' => $feed->fid))->fetchField(), 'Expected number of items in database.');
// Test feed locking when queued for update.
->condition('fid', $feed->fid)
'queued' => REQUEST_TIME,
$this->drupalGet($base_url . '/cron.php', array('external' => TRUE, 'query' => array('cron_key' => $key)));
$this->assertEqual(0, db_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {aggregator_item} WHERE fid = :fid', array(':fid' => $feed->fid))->fetchField(), 'Expected number of items in database.');
->condition('fid', $feed->fid)
'queued' => 0,
$this->drupalGet($base_url . '/cron.php', array('external' => TRUE, 'query' => array('cron_key' => $key)));
$this->assertEqual(5, db_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {aggregator_item} WHERE fid = :fid', array(':fid' => $feed->fid))->fetchField(), 'Expected number of items in database.');
* Tests rendering functionality in the Aggregator module.
class AggregatorRenderingTestCase extends AggregatorTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Checks display of aggregator items',
'description' => 'Checks display of aggregator items on the page.',
'group' => 'Aggregator'
* Adds a feed block to the page and checks its links.
* @todo Test the category block as well.
public function testBlockLinks() {
// Create feed.
$feed = $this->createFeed();
$this->updateFeedItems($feed, $this->getDefaultFeedItemCount());
// Place block on page (@see block.test:moveBlockToRegion())
// Need admin user to be able to access block admin.
$this->admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array(
'administer blocks',
'access administration pages',
'administer news feeds',
'access news feeds',
// Prepare to use the block admin form.
$block = array(
'module' => 'aggregator',
'delta' => 'feed-' . $feed->fid,
'title' => $feed->title,
$region = 'footer';
$edit = array();
$edit['blocks[' . $block['module'] . '_' . $block['delta'] . '][region]'] = $region;
// Check the feed block is available in the block list form.
$this->assertFieldByName('blocks[' . $block['module'] . '_' . $block['delta'] . '][region]', '', 'Aggregator feed block is available for positioning.');
// Position it.
$this->drupalPost('admin/structure/block', $edit, t('Save blocks'));
$this->assertText(t('The block settings have been updated.'), format_string('Block successfully moved to %region_name region.', array( '%region_name' => $region)));
// Confirm that the block is now being displayed on pages.
$this->assertText(t($block['title']), 'Feed block is displayed on the page.');
// Find the expected read_more link.
$href = 'aggregator/sources/' . $feed->fid;
$links = $this->xpath('//a[@href = :href]', array(':href' => url($href)));
$this->assert(isset($links[0]), format_string('Link to href %href found.', array('%href' => $href)));
// Visit that page.
$correct_titles = $this->xpath('//h1[normalize-space(text())=:title]', array(':title' => $feed->title));
$this->assertFalse(empty($correct_titles), 'Aggregator feed page is available and has the correct title.');
// Set the number of news items to 0 to test that the block does not show
// up.
$feed->block = 0;
aggregator_save_feed((array) $feed);
// It is necessary to flush the cache after saving the number of items.
// Check that the block is no longer displayed.
$this->assertNoText(t($block['title']), 'Feed block is not displayed on the page when number of items is set to 0.');
* Creates a feed and checks that feed's page.
public function testFeedPage() {
// Increase the number of items published in the rss.xml feed so we have
// enough articles to test paging.
variable_set('feed_default_items', 30);
// Create a feed with 30 items.
$feed = $this->createFeed();
$this->updateFeedItems($feed, 30);
// Check for the presence of a pager.
$this->drupalGet('aggregator/sources/' . $feed->fid);
$elements = $this->xpath("//ul[@class=:class]", array(':class' => 'pager'));
$this->assertTrue(!empty($elements), 'Individual source page contains a pager.');
// Reset the number of items in rss.xml to the default value.
variable_set('feed_default_items', 10);
* Tests feed parsing in the Aggregator module.
class FeedParserTestCase extends AggregatorTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Feed parser functionality',
'description' => 'Test the built-in feed parser with valid feed samples.',
'group' => 'Aggregator',
function setUp() {
// Do not remove old aggregator items during these tests, since our sample
// feeds have hardcoded dates in them (which may be expired when this test
// is run).
variable_set('aggregator_clear', AGGREGATOR_CLEAR_NEVER);
* Tests a feed that uses the RSS 0.91 format.
function testRSS091Sample() {
$feed = $this->createFeed($this->getRSS091Sample());
$this->drupalGet('aggregator/sources/' . $feed->fid);
$this->assertResponse(200, format_string('Feed %name exists.', array('%name' => $feed->title)));
$this->assertText('First example feed item title');
$this->assertText('First example feed item description.');
// Several additional items that include elements over 255 characters.
$this->assertRaw("Second example feed item title.");
$this->assertText('Long link feed item title');
$this->assertText('Long link feed item description');
$this->assertText('Long author feed item title');
$this->assertText('Long author feed item description');
* Tests a feed that uses the Atom format.
function testAtomSample() {
$feed = $this->createFeed($this->getAtomSample());
$this->drupalGet('aggregator/sources/' . $feed->fid);
$this->assertResponse(200, format_string('Feed %name exists.', array('%name' => $feed->title)));
$this->assertText('Atom-Powered Robots Run Amok');
$this->assertText('Some text.');
$this->assertEqual('urn:uuid:1225c695-cfb8-4ebb-aaaa-80da344efa6a', db_query('SELECT guid FROM {aggregator_item} WHERE link = :link', array(':link' => 'http://example.org/2003/12/13/atom03'))->fetchField(), 'Atom entry id element is parsed correctly.');
* Tests a feed that uses HTML entities in item titles.
function testHtmlEntitiesSample() {
$feed = $this->createFeed($this->getHtmlEntitiesSample());
$this->drupalGet('aggregator/sources/' . $feed->fid);
$this->assertResponse(200, format_string('Feed %name exists.', array('%name' => $feed->title)));
$this->assertRaw("Quote&quot; Amp&amp;");