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2018-01-14 15:10:16 +02:00
* @file
* Definition of the FieldInfo class.
* Provides field and instance definitions for the current runtime environment.
* A FieldInfo object is created and statically persisted through the request
* by the _field_info_field_cache() function. The object properties act as a
* "static cache" of fields and instances definitions.
* The preferred way to access definitions is through the getBundleInstances()
* method, which keeps cache entries per bundle, storing both fields and
* instances for a given bundle. Fields used in multiple bundles are duplicated
* in several cache entries, and are merged into a single list in the memory
* cache. Cache entries are loaded for bundles as a whole, optimizing memory
* and CPU usage for the most common pattern of iterating over all instances of
* a bundle rather than accessing a single instance.
* The getFields() and getInstances() methods, which return all existing field
* and instance definitions, are kept mainly for backwards compatibility, and
* should be avoided when possible, since they load and persist in memory a
* potentially large array of information. In many cases, the lightweight
* getFieldMap() method should be preferred.
class FieldInfo {
* Lightweight map of fields across entity types and bundles.
* @var array
protected $fieldMap;
* List of $field structures keyed by ID. Includes deleted fields.
* @var array
protected $fieldsById = array();
* Mapping of field names to the ID of the corresponding non-deleted field.
* @var array
protected $fieldIdsByName = array();
* Whether $fieldsById contains all field definitions or a subset.
* @var bool
protected $loadedAllFields = FALSE;
* Separately tracks requested field names or IDs that do not exist.
* @var array
protected $unknownFields = array();
* Instance definitions by bundle.
* @var array
protected $bundleInstances = array();
* Whether $bundleInstances contains all instances definitions or a subset.
* @var bool
protected $loadedAllInstances = FALSE;
* Separately tracks requested bundles that are empty (or do not exist).
* @var array
protected $emptyBundles = array();
* Extra fields by bundle.
* @var array
protected $bundleExtraFields = array();
* Clears the "static" and persistent caches.
public function flush() {
$this->fieldMap = NULL;
$this->fieldsById = array();
$this->fieldIdsByName = array();
$this->loadedAllFields = FALSE;
$this->unknownFields = array();
$this->bundleInstances = array();
$this->loadedAllInstances = FALSE;
$this->emptyBundles = array();
$this->bundleExtraFields = array();
cache_clear_all('field_info:', 'cache_field', TRUE);
* Collects a lightweight map of fields across bundles.
* @return
* An array keyed by field name. Each value is an array with two entries:
* - type: The field type.
* - bundles: The bundles in which the field appears, as an array with
* entity types as keys and the array of bundle names as values.
public function getFieldMap() {
// Read from the "static" cache.
if ($this->fieldMap !== NULL) {
return $this->fieldMap;
// Read from persistent cache.
if ($cached = cache_get('field_info:field_map', 'cache_field')) {
$map = $cached->data;
// Save in "static" cache.
$this->fieldMap = $map;
return $map;
$map = array();
$query = db_query('SELECT fc.type, fci.field_name, fci.entity_type, fci.bundle FROM {field_config_instance} fci INNER JOIN {field_config} fc ON fc.id = fci.field_id WHERE fc.active = 1 AND fc.storage_active = 1 AND fc.deleted = 0 AND fci.deleted = 0');
foreach ($query as $row) {
$map[$row->field_name]['bundles'][$row->entity_type][] = $row->bundle;
$map[$row->field_name]['type'] = $row->type;
// Save in "static" and persistent caches.
$this->fieldMap = $map;
if (lock_acquire('field_info:field_map')) {
cache_set('field_info:field_map', $map, 'cache_field');
return $map;
* Returns all active fields, including deleted ones.
* @return
* An array of field definitions, keyed by field ID.
public function getFields() {
// Read from the "static" cache.
if ($this->loadedAllFields) {
return $this->fieldsById;
// Read from persistent cache.
if ($cached = cache_get('field_info:fields', 'cache_field')) {
$this->fieldsById = $cached->data;
else {
// Collect and prepare fields.
foreach (field_read_fields(array(), array('include_deleted' => TRUE)) as $field) {
$this->fieldsById[$field['id']] = $this->prepareField($field);
// Store in persistent cache.
if (lock_acquire('field_info:fields')) {
cache_set('field_info:fields', $this->fieldsById, 'cache_field');
// Fill the name/ID map.
foreach ($this->fieldsById as $field) {
if (!$field['deleted']) {
$this->fieldIdsByName[$field['field_name']] = $field['id'];
$this->loadedAllFields = TRUE;
return $this->fieldsById;
* Retrieves all active, non-deleted instances definitions.
* @param $entity_type
* (optional) The entity type.
* @return
* If $entity_type is not set, all instances keyed by entity type and bundle
* name. If $entity_type is set, all instances for that entity type, keyed
* by bundle name.
public function getInstances($entity_type = NULL) {
// If the full list is not present in "static" cache yet.
if (!$this->loadedAllInstances) {
// Read from persistent cache.
if ($cached = cache_get('field_info:instances', 'cache_field')) {
$this->bundleInstances = $cached->data;
else {
// Collect and prepare instances.
// We also need to populate the static field cache, since it will not
// be set by subsequent getBundleInstances() calls.
// Initialize empty arrays for all existing entity types and bundles.
// This is not strictly needed, but is done to preserve the behavior of
// field_info_instances() before http://drupal.org/node/1915646.
foreach (field_info_bundles() as $existing_entity_type => $bundles) {
foreach ($bundles as $bundle => $bundle_info) {
$this->bundleInstances[$existing_entity_type][$bundle] = array();
foreach (field_read_instances() as $instance) {
$field = $this->getField($instance['field_name']);
$instance = $this->prepareInstance($instance, $field['type']);
$this->bundleInstances[$instance['entity_type']][$instance['bundle']][$instance['field_name']] = $instance;
// Store in persistent cache.
if (lock_acquire('field_info:instances')) {
cache_set('field_info:instances', $this->bundleInstances, 'cache_field');
$this->loadedAllInstances = TRUE;
if (isset($entity_type)) {
return isset($this->bundleInstances[$entity_type]) ? $this->bundleInstances[$entity_type] : array();
else {
return $this->bundleInstances;
* Returns a field definition from a field name.
* This method only retrieves active, non-deleted fields.
* @param $field_name
* The field name.
* @return
* The field definition, or NULL if no field was found.
public function getField($field_name) {
// Read from the "static" cache.
if (isset($this->fieldIdsByName[$field_name])) {
$field_id = $this->fieldIdsByName[$field_name];
return $this->fieldsById[$field_id];
if (isset($this->unknownFields[$field_name])) {
// Do not check the (large) persistent cache, but read the definition.
// Cache miss: read from definition.
if ($field = field_read_field($field_name)) {
$field = $this->prepareField($field);
// Save in the "static" cache.
$this->fieldsById[$field['id']] = $field;
$this->fieldIdsByName[$field['field_name']] = $field['id'];
return $field;
else {
$this->unknownFields[$field_name] = TRUE;
* Returns a field definition from a field ID.
* This method only retrieves active fields, deleted or not.
* @param $field_id
* The field ID.
* @return
* The field definition, or NULL if no field was found.
public function getFieldById($field_id) {
// Read from the "static" cache.
if (isset($this->fieldsById[$field_id])) {
return $this->fieldsById[$field_id];
if (isset($this->unknownFields[$field_id])) {
// No persistent cache, fields are only persistently cached as part of a
// bundle.
// Cache miss: read from definition.
if ($fields = field_read_fields(array('id' => $field_id), array('include_deleted' => TRUE))) {
$field = current($fields);
$field = $this->prepareField($field);
// Store in the static cache.
$this->fieldsById[$field['id']] = $field;
if (!$field['deleted']) {
$this->fieldIdsByName[$field['field_name']] = $field['id'];
return $field;
else {
$this->unknownFields[$field_id] = TRUE;
* Retrieves the instances for a bundle.
* The function also populates the corresponding field definitions in the
* "static" cache.
* @param $entity_type
* The entity type.
* @param $bundle
* The bundle name.
* @return
* The array of instance definitions, keyed by field name.
public function getBundleInstances($entity_type, $bundle) {
// Read from the "static" cache.
if (isset($this->bundleInstances[$entity_type][$bundle])) {
return $this->bundleInstances[$entity_type][$bundle];
if (isset($this->emptyBundles[$entity_type][$bundle])) {
return array();
// Read from the persistent cache.
if ($cached = cache_get("field_info:bundle:$entity_type:$bundle", 'cache_field')) {
$info = $cached->data;
// Extract the field definitions and save them in the "static" cache.
foreach ($info['fields'] as $field) {
if (!isset($this->fieldsById[$field['id']])) {
$this->fieldsById[$field['id']] = $field;
if (!$field['deleted']) {
$this->fieldIdsByName[$field['field_name']] = $field['id'];
// Store the instance definitions in the "static" cache'. Empty (or
// non-existent) bundles are stored separately, so that they do not
// pollute the global list returned by getInstances().
if ($info['instances']) {
$this->bundleInstances[$entity_type][$bundle] = $info['instances'];
else {
$this->emptyBundles[$entity_type][$bundle] = TRUE;
return $info['instances'];
// Cache miss: collect from the definitions.
$instances = array();
// Collect the fields in the bundle.
$params = array('entity_type' => $entity_type, 'bundle' => $bundle);
$fields = field_read_fields($params);
// This iterates on non-deleted instances, so deleted fields are kept out of
// the persistent caches.
foreach (field_read_instances($params) as $instance) {
$field = $fields[$instance['field_name']];
$instance = $this->prepareInstance($instance, $field['type']);
$instances[$field['field_name']] = $instance;
// If the field is not in our global "static" list yet, add it.
if (!isset($this->fieldsById[$field['id']])) {
$field = $this->prepareField($field);
$this->fieldsById[$field['id']] = $field;
$this->fieldIdsByName[$field['field_name']] = $field['id'];
// Store in the 'static' cache'. Empty (or non-existent) bundles are stored
// separately, so that they do not pollute the global list returned by
// getInstances().
if ($instances) {
$this->bundleInstances[$entity_type][$bundle] = $instances;
else {
$this->emptyBundles[$entity_type][$bundle] = TRUE;
// The persistent cache additionally contains the definitions of the fields
// involved in the bundle.
$cache = array(
'instances' => $instances,
'fields' => array()
foreach ($instances as $instance) {
$cache['fields'][] = $this->fieldsById[$instance['field_id']];
if (lock_acquire("field_info:bundle:$entity_type:$bundle")) {
cache_set("field_info:bundle:$entity_type:$bundle", $cache, 'cache_field');
return $instances;
* Retrieves the "extra fields" for a bundle.
* @param $entity_type
* The entity type.
* @param $bundle
* The bundle name.
* @return
* The array of extra fields.
public function getBundleExtraFields($entity_type, $bundle) {
// Read from the "static" cache.
if (isset($this->bundleExtraFields[$entity_type][$bundle])) {
return $this->bundleExtraFields[$entity_type][$bundle];
// Read from the persistent cache.
if ($cached = cache_get("field_info:bundle_extra:$entity_type:$bundle", 'cache_field')) {
$this->bundleExtraFields[$entity_type][$bundle] = $cached->data;
return $this->bundleExtraFields[$entity_type][$bundle];
// Cache miss: read from hook_field_extra_fields(). Note: given the current
// shape of the hook, we have no other way than collecting extra fields on
// all bundles.
$info = array();
$extra = module_invoke_all('field_extra_fields');
drupal_alter('field_extra_fields', $extra);
// Merge in saved settings.
if (isset($extra[$entity_type][$bundle])) {
$info = $this->prepareExtraFields($extra[$entity_type][$bundle], $entity_type, $bundle);
// Store in the 'static' and persistent caches.
$this->bundleExtraFields[$entity_type][$bundle] = $info;
if (lock_acquire("field_info:bundle_extra:$entity_type:$bundle")) {
cache_set("field_info:bundle_extra:$entity_type:$bundle", $info, 'cache_field');
return $this->bundleExtraFields[$entity_type][$bundle];
* Prepares a field definition for the current run-time context.
* @param $field
* The raw field structure as read from the database.
* @return
* The field definition completed for the current runtime context.
public function prepareField($field) {
// Make sure all expected field settings are present.
$field['settings'] += field_info_field_settings($field['type']);
$field['storage']['settings'] += field_info_storage_settings($field['storage']['type']);
// Add storage details.
$details = (array) module_invoke($field['storage']['module'], 'field_storage_details', $field);
drupal_alter('field_storage_details', $details, $field);
$field['storage']['details'] = $details;
// Populate the list of bundles using the field.
$field['bundles'] = array();
if (!$field['deleted']) {
$map = $this->getFieldMap();
if (isset($map[$field['field_name']])) {
$field['bundles'] = $map[$field['field_name']]['bundles'];
return $field;
* Prepares an instance definition for the current run-time context.
* @param $instance
* The raw instance structure as read from the database.
* @param $field_type
* The field type.
* @return
* The field instance array completed for the current runtime context.
public function prepareInstance($instance, $field_type) {
// Make sure all expected instance settings are present.
$instance['settings'] += field_info_instance_settings($field_type);
// Set a default value for the instance.
if (field_behaviors_widget('default value', $instance) == FIELD_BEHAVIOR_DEFAULT && !isset($instance['default_value'])) {
$instance['default_value'] = NULL;
// Prepare widget settings.
$instance['widget'] = $this->prepareInstanceWidget($instance['widget'], $field_type);
// Prepare display settings.
foreach ($instance['display'] as $view_mode => $display) {
$instance['display'][$view_mode] = $this->prepareInstanceDisplay($display, $field_type);
// Fall back to 'hidden' for view modes configured to use custom display
// settings, and for which the instance has no explicit settings.
$entity_info = entity_get_info($instance['entity_type']);
$view_modes = array_merge(array('default'), array_keys($entity_info['view modes']));
$view_mode_settings = field_view_mode_settings($instance['entity_type'], $instance['bundle']);
foreach ($view_modes as $view_mode) {
if ($view_mode == 'default' || !empty($view_mode_settings[$view_mode]['custom_settings'])) {
if (!isset($instance['display'][$view_mode])) {
$instance['display'][$view_mode] = array(
'type' => 'hidden',
'label' => 'above',
'settings' => array(),
'weight' => 0,
return $instance;
* Prepares widget properties for the current run-time context.
* @param $widget
* Widget specifications as found in $instance['widget'].
* @param $field_type
* The field type.
* @return
* The widget properties completed for the current runtime context.
public function prepareInstanceWidget($widget, $field_type) {
$field_type_info = field_info_field_types($field_type);
// Fill in default values.
$widget += array(
'type' => $field_type_info['default_widget'],
'settings' => array(),
'weight' => 0,
$widget_type_info = field_info_widget_types($widget['type']);
// Fall back to default formatter if formatter type is not available.
if (!$widget_type_info) {
$widget['type'] = $field_type_info['default_widget'];
$widget_type_info = field_info_widget_types($widget['type']);
$widget['module'] = $widget_type_info['module'];
// Fill in default settings for the widget.
$widget['settings'] += field_info_widget_settings($widget['type']);
return $widget;
* Adapts display specifications to the current run-time context.
* @param $display
* Display specifications as found in $instance['display']['a_view_mode'].
* @param $field_type
* The field type.
* @return
* The display properties completed for the current runtime context.
public function prepareInstanceDisplay($display, $field_type) {
$field_type_info = field_info_field_types($field_type);
// Fill in default values.
$display += array(
'label' => 'above',
'settings' => array(),
'weight' => 0,
if (empty($display['type'])) {
$display['type'] = $field_type_info['default_formatter'];
if ($display['type'] != 'hidden') {
$formatter_type_info = field_info_formatter_types($display['type']);
// Fall back to default formatter if formatter type is not available.
if (!$formatter_type_info) {
$display['type'] = $field_type_info['default_formatter'];
$formatter_type_info = field_info_formatter_types($display['type']);
$display['module'] = $formatter_type_info['module'];
// Fill in default settings for the formatter.
$display['settings'] += field_info_formatter_settings($display['type']);
return $display;
* Prepares 'extra fields' for the current run-time context.
* @param $extra_fields
* The array of extra fields, as collected in hook_field_extra_fields().
* @param $entity_type
* The entity type.
* @param $bundle
* The bundle name.
* @return
* The list of extra fields completed for the current runtime context.
public function prepareExtraFields($extra_fields, $entity_type, $bundle) {
$entity_type_info = entity_get_info($entity_type);
$bundle_settings = field_bundle_settings($entity_type, $bundle);
$extra_fields += array('form' => array(), 'display' => array());
$result = array();
// Extra fields in forms.
foreach ($extra_fields['form'] as $name => $field_data) {
$settings = isset($bundle_settings['extra_fields']['form'][$name]) ? $bundle_settings['extra_fields']['form'][$name] : array();
if (isset($settings['weight'])) {
$field_data['weight'] = $settings['weight'];
$result['form'][$name] = $field_data;
// Extra fields in displayed entities.
$data = $extra_fields['display'];
foreach ($extra_fields['display'] as $name => $field_data) {
$settings = isset($bundle_settings['extra_fields']['display'][$name]) ? $bundle_settings['extra_fields']['display'][$name] : array();
$view_modes = array_merge(array('default'), array_keys($entity_type_info['view modes']));
foreach ($view_modes as $view_mode) {
if (isset($settings[$view_mode])) {
$field_data['display'][$view_mode] = $settings[$view_mode];
else {
$field_data['display'][$view_mode] = array(
'weight' => $field_data['weight'],
'visible' => TRUE,
$result['display'][$name] = $field_data;
return $result;