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2018-01-14 15:10:16 +02:00
* @file
* Queue functionality.
* @defgroup queue Queue operations
* @{
* Queue items to allow later processing.
* The queue system allows placing items in a queue and processing them later.
* The system tries to ensure that only one consumer can process an item.
* Before a queue can be used it needs to be created by
* DrupalQueueInterface::createQueue().
* Items can be added to the queue by passing an arbitrary data object to
* DrupalQueueInterface::createItem().
* To process an item, call DrupalQueueInterface::claimItem() and specify how
* long you want to have a lease for working on that item. When finished
* processing, the item needs to be deleted by calling
* DrupalQueueInterface::deleteItem(). If the consumer dies, the item will be
* made available again by the DrupalQueueInterface implementation once the
* lease expires. Another consumer will then be able to receive it when calling
* DrupalQueueInterface::claimItem(). Due to this, the processing code should
* be aware that an item might be handed over for processing more than once.
* The $item object used by the DrupalQueueInterface can contain arbitrary
* metadata depending on the implementation. Systems using the interface should
* only rely on the data property which will contain the information passed to
* DrupalQueueInterface::createItem(). The full queue item returned by
* DrupalQueueInterface::claimItem() needs to be passed to
* DrupalQueueInterface::deleteItem() once processing is completed.
* There are two kinds of queue backends available: reliable, which preserves
* the order of messages and guarantees that every item will be executed at
* least once. The non-reliable kind only does a best effort to preserve order
* in messages and to execute them at least once but there is a small chance
* that some items get lost. For example, some distributed back-ends like
* Amazon SQS will be managing jobs for a large set of producers and consumers
* where a strict FIFO ordering will likely not be preserved. Another example
* would be an in-memory queue backend which might lose items if it crashes.
* However, such a backend would be able to deal with significantly more writes
* than a reliable queue and for many tasks this is more important. See
* aggregator_cron() for an example of how to effectively utilize a
* non-reliable queue. Another example is doing Twitter statistics -- the small
* possibility of losing a few items is insignificant next to power of the
* queue being able to keep up with writes. As described in the processing
* section, regardless of the queue being reliable or not, the processing code
* should be aware that an item might be handed over for processing more than
* once (because the processing code might time out before it finishes).
* Factory class for interacting with queues.
class DrupalQueue {
* Returns the queue object for a given name.
* The following variables can be set by variable_set or $conf overrides:
* - queue_class_$name: the class to be used for the queue $name.
* - queue_default_class: the class to use when queue_class_$name is not
* defined. Defaults to SystemQueue, a reliable backend using SQL.
* - queue_default_reliable_class: the class to use when queue_class_$name is
* not defined and the queue_default_class is not reliable. Defaults to
* SystemQueue.
* @param $name
* Arbitrary string. The name of the queue to work with.
* @param $reliable
* TRUE if the ordering of items and guaranteeing every item executes at
* least once is important, FALSE if scalability is the main concern.
* @return
* The queue object for a given name.
public static function get($name, $reliable = FALSE) {
static $queues;
if (!isset($queues[$name])) {
$class = variable_get('queue_class_' . $name, NULL);
if (!$class) {
$class = variable_get('queue_default_class', 'SystemQueue');
$object = new $class($name);
if ($reliable && !$object instanceof DrupalReliableQueueInterface) {
$class = variable_get('queue_default_reliable_class', 'SystemQueue');
$object = new $class($name);
$queues[$name] = $object;
return $queues[$name];
interface DrupalQueueInterface {
* Add a queue item and store it directly to the queue.
* @param $data
* Arbitrary data to be associated with the new task in the queue.
* @return
* TRUE if the item was successfully created and was (best effort) added
* to the queue, otherwise FALSE. We don't guarantee the item was
* committed to disk etc, but as far as we know, the item is now in the
* queue.
public function createItem($data);
* Retrieve the number of items in the queue.
* This is intended to provide a "best guess" count of the number of items in
* the queue. Depending on the implementation and the setup, the accuracy of
* the results of this function may vary.
* e.g. On a busy system with a large number of consumers and items, the
* result might only be valid for a fraction of a second and not provide an
* accurate representation.
* @return
* An integer estimate of the number of items in the queue.
public function numberOfItems();
* Claim an item in the queue for processing.
* @param $lease_time
* How long the processing is expected to take in seconds, defaults to an
* hour. After this lease expires, the item will be reset and another
* consumer can claim the item. For idempotent tasks (which can be run
* multiple times without side effects), shorter lease times would result
* in lower latency in case a consumer fails. For tasks that should not be
* run more than once (non-idempotent), a larger lease time will make it
* more rare for a given task to run multiple times in cases of failure,
* at the cost of higher latency.
* @return
* On success we return an item object. If the queue is unable to claim an
* item it returns false. This implies a best effort to retrieve an item
* and either the queue is empty or there is some other non-recoverable
* problem.
public function claimItem($lease_time = 3600);
* Delete a finished item from the queue.
* @param $item
* The item returned by DrupalQueueInterface::claimItem().
public function deleteItem($item);
* Release an item that the worker could not process, so another
* worker can come in and process it before the timeout expires.
* @param $item
* @return boolean
public function releaseItem($item);
* Create a queue.
* Called during installation and should be used to perform any necessary
* initialization operations. This should not be confused with the
* constructor for these objects, which is called every time an object is
* instantiated to operate on a queue. This operation is only needed the
* first time a given queue is going to be initialized (for example, to make
* a new database table or directory to hold tasks for the queue -- it
* depends on the queue implementation if this is necessary at all).
public function createQueue();
* Delete a queue and every item in the queue.
public function deleteQueue();
* Reliable queue interface.
* Classes implementing this interface preserve the order of messages and
* guarantee that every item will be executed at least once.
interface DrupalReliableQueueInterface extends DrupalQueueInterface {
* Default queue implementation.
class SystemQueue implements DrupalReliableQueueInterface {
* The name of the queue this instance is working with.
* @var string
protected $name;
public function __construct($name) {
$this->name = $name;
public function createItem($data) {
// During a Drupal 6.x to 7.x update, drupal_get_schema() does not contain
// the queue table yet, so we cannot rely on drupal_write_record().
$query = db_insert('queue')
'name' => $this->name,
'data' => serialize($data),
// We cannot rely on REQUEST_TIME because many items might be created
// by a single request which takes longer than 1 second.
'created' => time(),
return (bool) $query->execute();
public function numberOfItems() {
return db_query('SELECT COUNT(item_id) FROM {queue} WHERE name = :name', array(':name' => $this->name))->fetchField();
public function claimItem($lease_time = 30) {
// Claim an item by updating its expire fields. If claim is not successful
// another thread may have claimed the item in the meantime. Therefore loop
// until an item is successfully claimed or we are reasonably sure there
// are no unclaimed items left.
while (TRUE) {
$item = db_query_range('SELECT data, item_id FROM {queue} q WHERE expire = 0 AND name = :name ORDER BY created, item_id ASC', 0, 1, array(':name' => $this->name))->fetchObject();
if ($item) {
// Try to update the item. Only one thread can succeed in UPDATEing the
// same row. We cannot rely on REQUEST_TIME because items might be
// claimed by a single consumer which runs longer than 1 second. If we
// continue to use REQUEST_TIME instead of the current time(), we steal
// time from the lease, and will tend to reset items before the lease
// should really expire.
$update = db_update('queue')
'expire' => time() + $lease_time,
->condition('item_id', $item->item_id)
->condition('expire', 0);
// If there are affected rows, this update succeeded.
if ($update->execute()) {
$item->data = unserialize($item->data);
return $item;
else {
// No items currently available to claim.
return FALSE;
public function releaseItem($item) {
$update = db_update('queue')
'expire' => 0,
->condition('item_id', $item->item_id);
return $update->execute();
public function deleteItem($item) {
->condition('item_id', $item->item_id)
public function createQueue() {
// All tasks are stored in a single database table (which is created when
// Drupal is first installed) so there is nothing we need to do to create
// a new queue.
public function deleteQueue() {
->condition('name', $this->name)
* Static queue implementation.
* This allows "undelayed" variants of processes relying on the Queue
* interface. The queue data resides in memory. It should only be used for
* items that will be queued and dequeued within a given page request.
class MemoryQueue implements DrupalQueueInterface {
* The queue data.
* @var array
protected $queue;
* Counter for item ids.
* @var int
protected $id_sequence;
* Start working with a queue.
* @param $name
* Arbitrary string. The name of the queue to work with.
public function __construct($name) {
$this->queue = array();
$this->id_sequence = 0;
public function createItem($data) {
$item = new stdClass();
$item->item_id = $this->id_sequence++;
$item->data = $data;
$item->created = time();
$item->expire = 0;
$this->queue[$item->item_id] = $item;
return TRUE;
public function numberOfItems() {
return count($this->queue);
public function claimItem($lease_time = 30) {
foreach ($this->queue as $key => $item) {
if ($item->expire == 0) {
$item->expire = time() + $lease_time;
$this->queue[$key] = $item;
return $item;
return FALSE;
public function deleteItem($item) {
public function releaseItem($item) {
if (isset($this->queue[$item->item_id]) && $this->queue[$item->item_id]->expire != 0) {
$this->queue[$item->item_id]->expire = 0;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
public function createQueue() {
// Nothing needed here.
public function deleteQueue() {
$this->queue = array();
$this->id_sequence = 0;
* @} End of "defgroup queue".