Other node tree representations =============================== It is possible to convert the AST into several textual representations, which serve different uses. Simple serialization -------------------- It is possible to serialize the node tree using `serialize()` and also unserialize it using `unserialize()`. The output is not human readable and not easily processable from anything but PHP, but it is compact and generates quickly. The main application thus is in caching. Human readable dumping ---------------------- Furthermore it is possible to dump nodes into a human readable format using the `dump` method of `PhpParser\NodeDumper`. This can be used for debugging. ```php $code = <<<'CODE' create(PhpParser\ParserFactory::PREFER_PHP7); $nodeDumper = new PhpParser\NodeDumper; try { $stmts = $parser->parse($code); echo $nodeDumper->dump($stmts), "\n"; } catch (PhpParser\Error $e) { echo 'Parse Error: ', $e->getMessage(); } ``` The above script will have an output looking roughly like this: ``` array( 0: Stmt_Function( byRef: false params: array( 0: Param( name: msg default: null type: null byRef: false ) ) stmts: array( 0: Stmt_Echo( exprs: array( 0: Expr_Variable( name: msg ) 1: Scalar_String( value: ) ) ) ) name: printLine ) 1: Expr_FuncCall( name: Name( parts: array( 0: printLine ) ) args: array( 0: Arg( value: Scalar_String( value: Hello World!!! ) byRef: false ) ) ) ) ``` JSON encoding ------------- Nodes (and comments) implement the `JsonSerializable` interface. As such, it is possible to JSON encode the AST directly using `json_encode()`: ```php $code = <<<'CODE' create(PhpParser\ParserFactory::PREFER_PHP7); $nodeDumper = new PhpParser\NodeDumper; try { $stmts = $parser->parse($code); echo json_encode($stmts, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT), "\n"; } catch (PhpParser\Error $e) { echo 'Parse Error: ', $e->getMessage(); } ``` This will result in the following output (which includes attributes): ```json [ { "nodeType": "Stmt_Function", "byRef": false, "name": "printLine", "params": [ { "nodeType": "Param", "type": null, "byRef": false, "variadic": false, "name": "msg", "default": null, "attributes": { "startLine": 3, "endLine": 3 } } ], "returnType": null, "stmts": [ { "nodeType": "Stmt_Echo", "exprs": [ { "nodeType": "Expr_Variable", "name": "msg", "attributes": { "startLine": 4, "endLine": 4 } }, { "nodeType": "Scalar_String", "value": "\n", "attributes": { "startLine": 4, "endLine": 4, "kind": 2 } } ], "attributes": { "startLine": 4, "endLine": 4 } } ], "attributes": { "startLine": 3, "endLine": 5 } }, { "nodeType": "Expr_FuncCall", "name": { "nodeType": "Name", "parts": [ "printLine" ], "attributes": { "startLine": 7, "endLine": 7 } }, "args": [ { "nodeType": "Arg", "value": { "nodeType": "Scalar_String", "value": "Hello World!!!", "attributes": { "startLine": 7, "endLine": 7, "kind": 1 } }, "byRef": false, "unpack": false, "attributes": { "startLine": 7, "endLine": 7 } } ], "attributes": { "startLine": 7, "endLine": 7 } } ] ``` There is currently no mechanism to convert JSON back into a node tree. Furthermore, not all ASTs can be JSON encoded. In particular, JSON only supports UTF-8 strings. Serialization to XML -------------------- It is also possible to serialize the node tree to XML using `PhpParser\Serializer\XML->serialize()` and to unserialize it using `PhpParser\Unserializer\XML->unserialize()`. This is useful for interfacing with other languages and applications or for doing transformation using XSLT. ```php create(PhpParser\ParserFactory::PREFER_PHP7); $serializer = new PhpParser\Serializer\XML; try { $stmts = $parser->parse($code); echo $serializer->serialize($stmts); } catch (PhpParser\Error $e) { echo 'Parse Error: ', $e->getMessage(); } ``` Produces: ```xml msg msg printLine printLine Hello World!!! ```