(function(angular, $, _) { angular.module('crmCxn').controller('CrmCxnManageCtrl', function CrmCxnManageCtrl($scope, apiCalls, crmApi, crmUiAlert, crmBlocker, crmStatus, $timeout, dialogService, crmCxnCheckAddr) { var ts = $scope.ts = CRM.ts(null); if (apiCalls.appMetas.is_error) { $scope.appMetas = []; CRM.alert(apiCalls.appMetas.error_message, ts('Application List Unavailable'), 'error'); } else { $scope.appMetas = apiCalls.appMetas.values; } $scope.cxns = apiCalls.cxns.values; $scope.alerts = _.where(apiCalls.sysCheck.values, {name: 'checkCxnOverrides'}); crmCxnCheckAddr(apiCalls.cfg.values.siteCallbackUrl).then(function(response) { if (response.valid) return; crmUiAlert({ type: 'warning', title: ts('Internet Access Required'), templateUrl: '~/crmCxn/Connectivity.html', scope: $scope.$new(), options: {expires: false} }); }); $scope.filter = {}; var block = $scope.block = crmBlocker(); _.each($scope.alerts, function(alert){ crmUiAlert({text: alert.message, title: alert.title, type: 'error'}); }); // Convert array [x] to x|null|error function asOne(result, msg) { switch (result.length) { case 0: return null; case 1: return result[0]; default: throw msg; } } $scope.findCxnByAppId = function(appId) { var result = _.where($scope.cxns, { app_guid: appId }); return asOne(result, "Error: Too many connections for appId: " + appId); }; $scope.findAppByAppId = function(appId) { var result = _.where($scope.appMetas, { appId: appId }); return asOne(result, "Error: Too many apps for appId: " + appId); }; $scope.hasAvailApps = function() { // This should usu return after the 1st or 2nd item, but in testing with small# apps, we may exhaust the list. for (var i = 0; i< $scope.appMetas.length; i++) { if (!$scope.findCxnByAppId($scope.appMetas[i].appId)) { return true; } } return false; }; $scope.refreshCxns = function() { crmApi('Cxn', 'get', {sequential: 1}).then(function(result) { $timeout(function(){ $scope.cxns = result.values; }); }); }; $scope.register = function(appMeta) { var reg = crmApi('Cxn', 'register', {app_guid: appMeta.appId}).then($scope.refreshCxns).then(function() { if (appMeta.links.welcome) { return $scope.openLink(appMeta, 'welcome', {title: ts('%1: Welcome (External)', {1: appMeta.title})}); } }); return block(crmStatus({start: ts('Connecting...'), success: ts('Connected')}, reg)); }; $scope.reregister = function(appMeta) { var reg = crmApi('Cxn', 'register', {app_guid: appMeta.appId}).then($scope.refreshCxns).then(function() { if (appMeta.links.welcome) { return $scope.openLink(appMeta, 'welcome', {title: ts('%1: Welcome (External)', {1: appMeta.title})}); } }); return block(crmStatus({start: ts('Reconnecting...'), success: ts('Reconnected')}, reg)); }; $scope.unregister = function(appMeta) { var reg = crmApi('Cxn', 'unregister', {app_guid: appMeta.appId, debug: 1}).then($scope.refreshCxns); return block(crmStatus({start: ts('Disconnecting...'), success: ts('Disconnected')}, reg)); }; $scope.toggleCxn = function toggleCxn(cxn) { var is_active = (cxn.is_active=="1" ? 0 : 1); // we switch the flag var reg = crmApi('Cxn', 'create', {id: cxn.id, app_guid: cxn.app_meta.appId, is_active: is_active, debug: 1}).then(function(){ cxn.is_active = is_active; }); return block(crmStatus({start: ts('Saving...'), success: ts('Saved')}, reg)); }; $scope.openLink = function openLink(appMeta, page, options) { var promise = crmApi('Cxn', 'getlink', {app_guid: appMeta.appId, page_name: page}).then(function(result) { var mode = result.values.mode ? result.values.mode : 'popup'; switch (result.values.mode) { case 'iframe': var passThrus = ['height', 'width']; // Options influenced by remote server. options = angular.extend(_.pick(result.values, passThrus), options); $scope.openIframe(result.values.url, options); break; case 'popup': CRM.alert(ts('The page "%1" will open in a popup. If it does not appear automatically, check your browser for notifications.', {1: options.title}), '', 'info'); window.open(result.values.url, 'cxnSettings', 'resizable,scrollbars,status'); break; case 'redirect': window.location = result.values.url; break; default: CRM.alert(ts('Cannot open link. Unrecognized mode.'), '', 'error'); } }); return block(crmStatus({start: ts('Opening...'), success: ''}, promise)); }; // @param Object options -- see dialogService.open $scope.openIframe = function openIframe(url, options) { var model = { url: url }; options = CRM.utils.adjustDialogDefaults(angular.extend( { autoOpen: false, height: 'auto', width: '40%', title: ts('External Link') }, options )); return dialogService.open('cxnLinkDialog', '~/crmCxn/LinkDialogCtrl.html', model, options) .then(function(item) { mailing.msg_template_id = item.id; return item; }); }; }); })(angular, CRM.$, CRM._);