var app = angular.module('dialogApp', ['dialogService']); app.controller('buttonCtrl', ['$scope', '$log', 'dialogService', function($scope, $log, dialogService) { $scope.openFromScriptClick = function() { doDialog("template-from-script.html"); }; $scope.openFromUrlClick = function() { doDialog("template-from-url.html"); }; function doDialog(template) { // The data for the dialog var model = { firstName: "Jason", lastName: "Stadler" }; // jQuery UI dialog options var options = { autoOpen: false, modal: true, close: function(event, ui) { $log.debug("Predefined close"); } }; // Open the dialog using template from script"myDialog", template, model, options).then( function(result) { $log.debug("Close"); $log.debug(result); }, function(error) { $log.debug("Cancelled"); } ); } } ]); app.controller('dialogCtrl', ['$scope', 'dialogService', function($scope, dialogService) { // $scope.model contains the object passed to open in config.model $scope.saveClick = function() { dialogService.close("myDialog", $scope.model); }; $scope.cancelClick = function() { dialogService.cancel("myDialog"); }; $scope.confirmClick = function() { // Open another dialog here"myConfirm", "confirmTemplate.html") .then( function(result) { console.log("Confirm"); }, function(error) { console.log("Cancel"); } ); }; } ]); app.controller('confirmCtrl', ['$scope', 'dialogService', function($scope, dialogService) { $scope.confirmClick = function() { dialogService.close("myConfirm"); }; $scope.cancelClick = function() { dialogService.cancel("myConfirm"); }; } ]);