* @copyright 2001-2009 The PHP Group * @license http://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt PHP License 3.01 * @version CVS: $Id: date.php,v 1.62 2009/04/04 21:34:02 avb Exp $ * @link http://pear.php.net/package/HTML_QuickForm */ /** * Class for a group of form elements */ require_once 'HTML/QuickForm/group.php'; /** * Class for elements */ require_once 'HTML/QuickForm/select.php'; /** * Class for a group of elements used to input dates (and times). * * Inspired by original 'date' element but reimplemented as a subclass * of HTML_QuickForm_group * * @category HTML * @package HTML_QuickForm * @author Alexey Borzov * @version Release: 3.2.11 * @since 3.1 */ class HTML_QuickForm_date extends HTML_QuickForm_group { // {{{ properties /** * Various options to control the element's display. * * @access private * @var array */ var $_options = array( 'format' => 'dMY', 'minYear' => 2001, 'maxYear' => 2012, 'addEmptyOption' => false, 'emptyOptionValue' => '', 'emptyOptionText' => ' ', 'optionIncrement' => array('i' => 1, 's' => 1) ); /** * These complement separators, they are appended to the resultant HTML * @access private * @var array */ var $_wrap = array('', ''); /** * Locale array build from CRM_Utils_Date-provided names * * @access private * @var array */ var $_locale = array(); // }}} // {{{ constructor /** * Class constructor * * The following keys may appear in $options array: * - 'language': date language * - 'format': Format of the date, based on PHP's date() function. * The following characters are currently recognised in format string: *
    *       D => Short names of days
    *       l => Long names of days
    *       d => Day numbers
    *       M => Short names of months
    *       F => Long names of months
    *       m => Month numbers
    *       Y => Four digit year
    *       y => Two digit year
    *       h => 12 hour format
    *       H => 23 hour  format
    *       i => Minutes
    *       s => Seconds
    *       a => am/pm
    *       A => AM/PM
* - 'minYear': Minimum year in year select * - 'maxYear': Maximum year in year select * - 'addEmptyOption': Should an empty option be added to the top of * each select box? * - 'emptyOptionValue': The value passed by the empty option. * - 'emptyOptionText': The text displayed for the empty option. * - 'optionIncrement': Step to increase the option values by (works for 'i' and 's') * * @access public * @param string Element's name * @param mixed Label(s) for an element * @param array Options to control the element's display * @param mixed Either a typical HTML attribute string or an associative array */ function __construct($elementName = null, $elementLabel = null, $options = array(), $attributes = null) { $this->_locale = array( 'weekdays_short'=> CRM_Utils_Date::getAbbrWeekdayNames(), 'weekdays_long' => CRM_Utils_Date::getFullWeekdayNames(), 'months_short' => CRM_Utils_Date::getAbbrMonthNames(), 'months_long' => CRM_Utils_Date::getFullMonthNames() ); parent::__construct($elementName, $elementLabel, null, null, null, $attributes); $this->_persistantFreeze = true; $this->_appendName = true; $this->_type = 'date'; // set the options, do not bother setting bogus ones if (is_array($options)) { foreach ($options as $name => $value) { if (isset($this->_options[$name])) { if (is_array($value) && is_array($this->_options[$name])) { $this->_options[$name] = @array_merge($this->_options[$name], $value); } else { $this->_options[$name] = $value; } } } } } // }}} // {{{ _createElements() function _createElements() { $this->_separator = $this->_elements = array(); $separator = ''; $locale =& $this->_locale; $backslash = false; for ($i = 0, $length = strlen($this->_options['format']); $i < $length; $i++) { $sign = $this->_options['format']{$i}; if ($backslash) { $backslash = false; $separator .= $sign; } else { $loadSelect = true; switch ($sign) { case 'D': // Sunday is 0 like with 'w' in date() $options = $locale['weekdays_short']; $emptyText = ts('-day of week-'); break; case 'l': $options = $locale['weekdays_long']; $emptyText = ts('-day of week-'); break; case 'd': $options = $this->_createOptionList(1, 31); $emptyText = ts('-day-'); break; case 'j': // the no-zero-padding option (CRM-2793) $options = $this->_createOptionList(1, 31, 1, false); $emptyText = ts('-day-'); break; case 'M': $options = $locale['months_short']; array_unshift($options , ''); unset($options[0]); $emptyText = ts('-month-'); break; case 'm': $options = $this->_createOptionList(1, 12); $emptyText = ts('-month-'); break; case 'F': $options = $locale['months_long']; array_unshift($options , ''); unset($options[0]); $emptyText = ts('-month-'); break; case 'Y': $options = $this->_createOptionList( $this->_options['minYear'], $this->_options['maxYear'], $this->_options['minYear'] > $this->_options['maxYear']? -1: 1 ); $emptyText = ts('-year-'); break; case 'y': $options = $this->_createOptionList( $this->_options['minYear'], $this->_options['maxYear'], $this->_options['minYear'] > $this->_options['maxYear']? -1: 1 ); array_walk($options, create_function('&$v,$k','$v = substr($v,-2);')); $emptyText = ts('-year-'); break; case 'h': $options = $this->_createOptionList(1, 12); $emptyText = ts('-hour-'); break; case 'g': $options = $this->_createOptionList(1, 12); array_walk($options, create_function('&$v,$k', '$v = intval($v);')); break; case 'H': $options = $this->_createOptionList(0, 23); $emptyText = ts('-hour-'); break; case 'i': $options = $this->_createOptionList(0, 59, $this->_options['optionIncrement']['i']); $emptyText = ts('-min-'); break; case 's': $options = $this->_createOptionList(0, 59, $this->_options['optionIncrement']['s']); $emptyText = ts('-sec-'); break; case 'a': $options = array('am' => 'am', 'pm' => 'pm'); $emptyText = '-am/pm-'; break; case 'A': $options = array('AM' => 'AM', 'PM' => 'PM'); $emptyText = '-AM/PM-'; break; case 'W': $options = $this->_createOptionList(1, 53); break; case '\\': $backslash = true; $loadSelect = false; break; default: $separator .= (' ' == $sign? ' ': $sign); $loadSelect = false; } if ($loadSelect) { if (0 < count($this->_elements)) { $this->_separator[] = $separator; } else { $this->_wrap[0] = $separator; } $separator = ''; // Should we add an empty option to the top of the select? if (!is_array($this->_options['addEmptyOption']) && $this->_options['addEmptyOption'] || is_array($this->_options['addEmptyOption']) && !empty($this->_options['addEmptyOption'][$sign])) { // Using '+' array operator to preserve the keys if (is_array($this->_options['emptyOptionText']) && !empty($this->_options['emptyOptionText'][$sign])) { $text = $emptyText ? $emptyText : $this->_options['emptyOptionText'][$sign]; $options = array($this->_options['emptyOptionValue'] => $text) + $options; } else { $text = $emptyText ? $emptyText : $this->_options['emptyOptionText']; $options = array($this->_options['emptyOptionValue'] => $text) + $options; } } //modified autogenerated id for date select boxes. $attribs = $this->getAttributes(); $elementName = $this->getName(); $attribs['id'] = $elementName.'['.$sign.']'; $this->_elements[] = new HTML_QuickForm_select($sign, null, $options, $attribs); } } } $this->_wrap[1] = $separator . ($backslash? '\\': ''); } // }}} // {{{ _createOptionList() /** * Creates an option list containing the numbers from the start number to the end, inclusive * * @param int The start number * @param int The end number * @param int Increment by this value * @param bool Whether to pad the result with leading zero (CRM-2793) * @access private * @return array An array of numeric options. */ function _createOptionList($start, $end, $step = 1, $pad = true) { for ($i = $start, $options = array(); $start > $end? $i >= $end: $i <= $end; $i += $step) { $options[$i] = $pad ? sprintf('%02d', $i) : sprintf('%d', $i); } return $options; } // }}} // {{{ _trimLeadingZeros() /** * Trims leading zeros from the (numeric) string * * @param string A numeric string, possibly with leading zeros * @return string String with leading zeros removed */ function _trimLeadingZeros($str) { if (0 == strcmp($str, $this->_options['emptyOptionValue'])) { return $str; } $trimmed = ltrim($str, '0'); return strlen($trimmed)? $trimmed: '0'; } // }}} // {{{ setValue() function setValue($value) { if (empty($value)) { $value = array(); } elseif (is_scalar($value)) { if (!is_numeric($value)) { $value = strtotime($value); } // might be a unix epoch, then we fill all possible values $arr = explode('-', date('w-j-n-Y-g-G-i-s-a-A-W', (int)$value)); $value = array( 'D' => $arr[0], 'l' => $arr[0], 'd' => $arr[1], 'M' => $arr[2], 'm' => $arr[2], 'F' => $arr[2], 'Y' => $arr[3], 'y' => $arr[3], 'h' => $arr[4], 'g' => $arr[4], 'H' => $arr[5], 'i' => $this->_trimLeadingZeros($arr[6]), 's' => $this->_trimLeadingZeros($arr[7]), 'a' => $arr[8], 'A' => $arr[9], 'W' => $this->_trimLeadingZeros($arr[10]) ); } else { $value = array_map(array($this, '_trimLeadingZeros'), $value); } parent::setValue($value); } // }}} // {{{ toHtml() function toHtml() { include_once('HTML/QuickForm/Renderer/Default.php'); $renderer = new HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Default(); $renderer->setElementTemplate('{element}'); parent::accept($renderer); return $this->_wrap[0] . $renderer->toHtml() . $this->_wrap[1]; } // }}} // {{{ accept() function accept(&$renderer, $required = false, $error = null) { $renderer->renderElement($this, $required, $error); } // }}} // {{{ onQuickFormEvent() function onQuickFormEvent($event, $arg, &$caller) { if ('updateValue' == $event) { // we need to call setValue(), 'cause the default/constant value // may be in fact a timestamp, not an array return HTML_QuickForm_element::onQuickFormEvent($event, $arg, $caller); } else { return parent::onQuickFormEvent($event, $arg, $caller); } } // }}} } ?>