File Path Utility ================= [![Build Status](]( [![Build status](]( [![Scrutinizer Code Quality](]( [![Latest Stable Version](]( [![Total Downloads](]( [![Dependency Status](]( Latest release: [2.3.0]( PHP >= 5.3.3 This package provides robust, cross-platform utility functions for normalizing, comparing and modifying file paths and URLs. Installation ------------ The utility can be installed with [Composer]: ``` $ composer require webmozart/path-util ``` Usage ----- Use the `Path` class to handle file paths: ```php use Webmozart\PathUtil\Path; echo Path::canonicalize('/var/www/vhost/webmozart/../config.ini'); // => /var/www/vhost/config.ini echo Path::canonicalize('C:\Programs\Webmozart\..\config.ini'); // => C:/Programs/config.ini echo Path::canonicalize('~/config.ini'); // => /home/webmozart/config.ini echo Path::makeAbsolute('config/config.yml', '/var/www/project'); // => /var/www/project/config/config.yml echo Path::makeRelative('/var/www/project/config/config.yml', '/var/www/project/uploads'); // => ../config/config.yml $paths = array( '/var/www/vhosts/project/httpdocs/config/config.yml', '/var/www/vhosts/project/httpdocs/images/banana.gif', '/var/www/vhosts/project/httpdocs/uploads/../images/nicer-banana.gif', ); Path::getLongestCommonBasePath($paths); // => /var/www/vhosts/project/httpdocs Path::getFilename('/views/index.html.twig'); // => index.html.twig Path::getFilenameWithoutExtension('/views/index.html.twig'); // => index.html Path::getFilenameWithoutExtension('/views/index.html.twig', 'html.twig'); Path::getFilenameWithoutExtension('/views/index.html.twig', '.html.twig'); // => index Path::getExtension('/views/index.html.twig'); // => twig Path::hasExtension('/views/index.html.twig'); // => true Path::hasExtension('/views/index.html.twig', 'twig'); // => true Path::hasExtension('/images/profile.jpg', array('jpg', 'png', 'gif')); // => true Path::changeExtension('/images/profile.jpeg', 'jpg'); // => /images/profile.jpg Path::join('phar://C:/Documents', 'projects/my-project.phar', 'composer.json'); // => phar://C:/Documents/projects/my-project.phar/composer.json Path::getHomeDirectory(); // => /home/webmozart ``` Use the `Url` class to handle URLs: ```php use Webmozart\PathUtil\Url; echo Url::makeRelative('', ''); // => ../css/style.css echo Url::makeRelative('', ''); // => ``` Learn more in the [Documentation] and the [API Docs]. Authors ------- * [Bernhard Schussek] a.k.a. [@webmozart] * [The Community Contributors] Documentation ------------- Read the [Documentation] if you want to learn more about the contained functions. Contribute ---------- Contributions are always welcome! * Report any bugs or issues you find on the [issue tracker]. * You can grab the source code at the [Git repository]. Support ------- If you are having problems, send a mail to or shout out to [@webmozart] on Twitter. License ------- All contents of this package are licensed under the [MIT license]. [Bernhard Schussek]: [The Community Contributors]: [Composer]: [Documentation]: docs/ [API Docs]: [issue tracker]: [Git repository]: [@webmozart]: [MIT license]: LICENSE