type ? $this->pType($node->type) . ' ' : '') . ($node->byRef ? '&' : '') . ($node->variadic ? '...' : '') . '$' . $node->name . ($node->default ? ' = ' . $this->p($node->default) : ''); } protected function pArg(Node\Arg $node) { return ($node->byRef ? '&' : '') . ($node->unpack ? '...' : '') . $this->p($node->value); } protected function pConst(Node\Const_ $node) { return $node->name . ' = ' . $this->p($node->value); } protected function pNullableType(Node\NullableType $node) { return '?' . $this->pType($node->type); } // Names protected function pName(Name $node) { return implode('\\', $node->parts); } protected function pName_FullyQualified(Name\FullyQualified $node) { return '\\' . implode('\\', $node->parts); } protected function pName_Relative(Name\Relative $node) { return 'namespace\\' . implode('\\', $node->parts); } // Magic Constants protected function pScalar_MagicConst_Class(MagicConst\Class_ $node) { return '__CLASS__'; } protected function pScalar_MagicConst_Dir(MagicConst\Dir $node) { return '__DIR__'; } protected function pScalar_MagicConst_File(MagicConst\File $node) { return '__FILE__'; } protected function pScalar_MagicConst_Function(MagicConst\Function_ $node) { return '__FUNCTION__'; } protected function pScalar_MagicConst_Line(MagicConst\Line $node) { return '__LINE__'; } protected function pScalar_MagicConst_Method(MagicConst\Method $node) { return '__METHOD__'; } protected function pScalar_MagicConst_Namespace(MagicConst\Namespace_ $node) { return '__NAMESPACE__'; } protected function pScalar_MagicConst_Trait(MagicConst\Trait_ $node) { return '__TRAIT__'; } // Scalars protected function pScalar_String(Scalar\String_ $node) { $kind = $node->getAttribute('kind', Scalar\String_::KIND_SINGLE_QUOTED); switch ($kind) { case Scalar\String_::KIND_NOWDOC: $label = $node->getAttribute('docLabel'); if ($label && !$this->containsEndLabel($node->value, $label)) { if ($node->value === '') { return $this->pNoIndent("<<<'$label'\n$label") . $this->docStringEndToken; } return $this->pNoIndent("<<<'$label'\n$node->value\n$label") . $this->docStringEndToken; } /* break missing intentionally */ case Scalar\String_::KIND_SINGLE_QUOTED: return '\'' . $this->pNoIndent(addcslashes($node->value, '\'\\')) . '\''; case Scalar\String_::KIND_HEREDOC: $label = $node->getAttribute('docLabel'); if ($label && !$this->containsEndLabel($node->value, $label)) { if ($node->value === '') { return $this->pNoIndent("<<<$label\n$label") . $this->docStringEndToken; } $escaped = $this->escapeString($node->value, null); return $this->pNoIndent("<<<$label\n" . $escaped ."\n$label") . $this->docStringEndToken; } /* break missing intentionally */ case Scalar\String_::KIND_DOUBLE_QUOTED: return '"' . $this->escapeString($node->value, '"') . '"'; } throw new \Exception('Invalid string kind'); } protected function pScalar_Encapsed(Scalar\Encapsed $node) { if ($node->getAttribute('kind') === Scalar\String_::KIND_HEREDOC) { $label = $node->getAttribute('docLabel'); if ($label && !$this->encapsedContainsEndLabel($node->parts, $label)) { if (count($node->parts) === 1 && $node->parts[0] instanceof Scalar\EncapsedStringPart && $node->parts[0]->value === '' ) { return $this->pNoIndent("<<<$label\n$label") . $this->docStringEndToken; } return $this->pNoIndent( "<<<$label\n" . $this->pEncapsList($node->parts, null) . "\n$label" ) . $this->docStringEndToken; } } return '"' . $this->pEncapsList($node->parts, '"') . '"'; } protected function pScalar_LNumber(Scalar\LNumber $node) { if ($node->value === -\PHP_INT_MAX-1) { // PHP_INT_MIN cannot be represented as a literal, // because the sign is not part of the literal return '(-' . \PHP_INT_MAX . '-1)'; } $kind = $node->getAttribute('kind', Scalar\LNumber::KIND_DEC); if (Scalar\LNumber::KIND_DEC === $kind) { return (string) $node->value; } $sign = $node->value < 0 ? '-' : ''; $str = (string) $node->value; switch ($kind) { case Scalar\LNumber::KIND_BIN: return $sign . '0b' . base_convert($str, 10, 2); case Scalar\LNumber::KIND_OCT: return $sign . '0' . base_convert($str, 10, 8); case Scalar\LNumber::KIND_HEX: return $sign . '0x' . base_convert($str, 10, 16); } throw new \Exception('Invalid number kind'); } protected function pScalar_DNumber(Scalar\DNumber $node) { if (!is_finite($node->value)) { if ($node->value === \INF) { return '\INF'; } elseif ($node->value === -\INF) { return '-\INF'; } else { return '\NAN'; } } // Try to find a short full-precision representation $stringValue = sprintf('%.16G', $node->value); if ($node->value !== (double) $stringValue) { $stringValue = sprintf('%.17G', $node->value); } // %G is locale dependent and there exists no locale-independent alternative. We don't want // mess with switching locales here, so let's assume that a comma is the only non-standard // decimal separator we may encounter... $stringValue = str_replace(',', '.', $stringValue); // ensure that number is really printed as float return preg_match('/^-?[0-9]+$/', $stringValue) ? $stringValue . '.0' : $stringValue; } // Assignments protected function pExpr_Assign(Expr\Assign $node) { return $this->pInfixOp('Expr_Assign', $node->var, ' = ', $node->expr); } protected function pExpr_AssignRef(Expr\AssignRef $node) { return $this->pInfixOp('Expr_AssignRef', $node->var, ' =& ', $node->expr); } protected function pExpr_AssignOp_Plus(AssignOp\Plus $node) { return $this->pInfixOp('Expr_AssignOp_Plus', $node->var, ' += ', $node->expr); } protected function pExpr_AssignOp_Minus(AssignOp\Minus $node) { return $this->pInfixOp('Expr_AssignOp_Minus', $node->var, ' -= ', $node->expr); } protected function pExpr_AssignOp_Mul(AssignOp\Mul $node) { return $this->pInfixOp('Expr_AssignOp_Mul', $node->var, ' *= ', $node->expr); } protected function pExpr_AssignOp_Div(AssignOp\Div $node) { return $this->pInfixOp('Expr_AssignOp_Div', $node->var, ' /= ', $node->expr); } protected function pExpr_AssignOp_Concat(AssignOp\Concat $node) { return $this->pInfixOp('Expr_AssignOp_Concat', $node->var, ' .= ', $node->expr); } protected function pExpr_AssignOp_Mod(AssignOp\Mod $node) { return $this->pInfixOp('Expr_AssignOp_Mod', $node->var, ' %= ', $node->expr); } protected function pExpr_AssignOp_BitwiseAnd(AssignOp\BitwiseAnd $node) { return $this->pInfixOp('Expr_AssignOp_BitwiseAnd', $node->var, ' &= ', $node->expr); } protected function pExpr_AssignOp_BitwiseOr(AssignOp\BitwiseOr $node) { return $this->pInfixOp('Expr_AssignOp_BitwiseOr', $node->var, ' |= ', $node->expr); } protected function pExpr_AssignOp_BitwiseXor(AssignOp\BitwiseXor $node) { return $this->pInfixOp('Expr_AssignOp_BitwiseXor', $node->var, ' ^= ', $node->expr); } protected function pExpr_AssignOp_ShiftLeft(AssignOp\ShiftLeft $node) { return $this->pInfixOp('Expr_AssignOp_ShiftLeft', $node->var, ' <<= ', $node->expr); } protected function pExpr_AssignOp_ShiftRight(AssignOp\ShiftRight $node) { return $this->pInfixOp('Expr_AssignOp_ShiftRight', $node->var, ' >>= ', $node->expr); } protected function pExpr_AssignOp_Pow(AssignOp\Pow $node) { return $this->pInfixOp('Expr_AssignOp_Pow', $node->var, ' **= ', $node->expr); } // Binary expressions protected function pExpr_BinaryOp_Plus(BinaryOp\Plus $node) { return $this->pInfixOp('Expr_BinaryOp_Plus', $node->left, ' + ', $node->right); } protected function pExpr_BinaryOp_Minus(BinaryOp\Minus $node) { return $this->pInfixOp('Expr_BinaryOp_Minus', $node->left, ' - ', $node->right); } protected function pExpr_BinaryOp_Mul(BinaryOp\Mul $node) { return $this->pInfixOp('Expr_BinaryOp_Mul', $node->left, ' * ', $node->right); } protected function pExpr_BinaryOp_Div(BinaryOp\Div $node) { return $this->pInfixOp('Expr_BinaryOp_Div', $node->left, ' / ', $node->right); } protected function pExpr_BinaryOp_Concat(BinaryOp\Concat $node) { return $this->pInfixOp('Expr_BinaryOp_Concat', $node->left, ' . ', $node->right); } protected function pExpr_BinaryOp_Mod(BinaryOp\Mod $node) { return $this->pInfixOp('Expr_BinaryOp_Mod', $node->left, ' % ', $node->right); } protected function pExpr_BinaryOp_BooleanAnd(BinaryOp\BooleanAnd $node) { return $this->pInfixOp('Expr_BinaryOp_BooleanAnd', $node->left, ' && ', $node->right); } protected function pExpr_BinaryOp_BooleanOr(BinaryOp\BooleanOr $node) { return $this->pInfixOp('Expr_BinaryOp_BooleanOr', $node->left, ' || ', $node->right); } protected function pExpr_BinaryOp_BitwiseAnd(BinaryOp\BitwiseAnd $node) { return $this->pInfixOp('Expr_BinaryOp_BitwiseAnd', $node->left, ' & ', $node->right); } protected function pExpr_BinaryOp_BitwiseOr(BinaryOp\BitwiseOr $node) { return $this->pInfixOp('Expr_BinaryOp_BitwiseOr', $node->left, ' | ', $node->right); } protected function pExpr_BinaryOp_BitwiseXor(BinaryOp\BitwiseXor $node) { return $this->pInfixOp('Expr_BinaryOp_BitwiseXor', $node->left, ' ^ ', $node->right); } protected function pExpr_BinaryOp_ShiftLeft(BinaryOp\ShiftLeft $node) { return $this->pInfixOp('Expr_BinaryOp_ShiftLeft', $node->left, ' << ', $node->right); } protected function pExpr_BinaryOp_ShiftRight(BinaryOp\ShiftRight $node) { return $this->pInfixOp('Expr_BinaryOp_ShiftRight', $node->left, ' >> ', $node->right); } protected function pExpr_BinaryOp_Pow(BinaryOp\Pow $node) { return $this->pInfixOp('Expr_BinaryOp_Pow', $node->left, ' ** ', $node->right); } protected function pExpr_BinaryOp_LogicalAnd(BinaryOp\LogicalAnd $node) { return $this->pInfixOp('Expr_BinaryOp_LogicalAnd', $node->left, ' and ', $node->right); } protected function pExpr_BinaryOp_LogicalOr(BinaryOp\LogicalOr $node) { return $this->pInfixOp('Expr_BinaryOp_LogicalOr', $node->left, ' or ', $node->right); } protected function pExpr_BinaryOp_LogicalXor(BinaryOp\LogicalXor $node) { return $this->pInfixOp('Expr_BinaryOp_LogicalXor', $node->left, ' xor ', $node->right); } protected function pExpr_BinaryOp_Equal(BinaryOp\Equal $node) { return $this->pInfixOp('Expr_BinaryOp_Equal', $node->left, ' == ', $node->right); } protected function pExpr_BinaryOp_NotEqual(BinaryOp\NotEqual $node) { return $this->pInfixOp('Expr_BinaryOp_NotEqual', $node->left, ' != ', $node->right); } protected function pExpr_BinaryOp_Identical(BinaryOp\Identical $node) { return $this->pInfixOp('Expr_BinaryOp_Identical', $node->left, ' === ', $node->right); } protected function pExpr_BinaryOp_NotIdentical(BinaryOp\NotIdentical $node) { return $this->pInfixOp('Expr_BinaryOp_NotIdentical', $node->left, ' !== ', $node->right); } protected function pExpr_BinaryOp_Spaceship(BinaryOp\Spaceship $node) { return $this->pInfixOp('Expr_BinaryOp_Spaceship', $node->left, ' <=> ', $node->right); } protected function pExpr_BinaryOp_Greater(BinaryOp\Greater $node) { return $this->pInfixOp('Expr_BinaryOp_Greater', $node->left, ' > ', $node->right); } protected function pExpr_BinaryOp_GreaterOrEqual(BinaryOp\GreaterOrEqual $node) { return $this->pInfixOp('Expr_BinaryOp_GreaterOrEqual', $node->left, ' >= ', $node->right); } protected function pExpr_BinaryOp_Smaller(BinaryOp\Smaller $node) { return $this->pInfixOp('Expr_BinaryOp_Smaller', $node->left, ' < ', $node->right); } protected function pExpr_BinaryOp_SmallerOrEqual(BinaryOp\SmallerOrEqual $node) { return $this->pInfixOp('Expr_BinaryOp_SmallerOrEqual', $node->left, ' <= ', $node->right); } protected function pExpr_BinaryOp_Coalesce(BinaryOp\Coalesce $node) { return $this->pInfixOp('Expr_BinaryOp_Coalesce', $node->left, ' ?? ', $node->right); } protected function pExpr_Instanceof(Expr\Instanceof_ $node) { return $this->pInfixOp('Expr_Instanceof', $node->expr, ' instanceof ', $node->class); } // Unary expressions protected function pExpr_BooleanNot(Expr\BooleanNot $node) { return $this->pPrefixOp('Expr_BooleanNot', '!', $node->expr); } protected function pExpr_BitwiseNot(Expr\BitwiseNot $node) { return $this->pPrefixOp('Expr_BitwiseNot', '~', $node->expr); } protected function pExpr_UnaryMinus(Expr\UnaryMinus $node) { return $this->pPrefixOp('Expr_UnaryMinus', '-', $node->expr); } protected function pExpr_UnaryPlus(Expr\UnaryPlus $node) { return $this->pPrefixOp('Expr_UnaryPlus', '+', $node->expr); } protected function pExpr_PreInc(Expr\PreInc $node) { return $this->pPrefixOp('Expr_PreInc', '++', $node->var); } protected function pExpr_PreDec(Expr\PreDec $node) { return $this->pPrefixOp('Expr_PreDec', '--', $node->var); } protected function pExpr_PostInc(Expr\PostInc $node) { return $this->pPostfixOp('Expr_PostInc', $node->var, '++'); } protected function pExpr_PostDec(Expr\PostDec $node) { return $this->pPostfixOp('Expr_PostDec', $node->var, '--'); } protected function pExpr_ErrorSuppress(Expr\ErrorSuppress $node) { return $this->pPrefixOp('Expr_ErrorSuppress', '@', $node->expr); } protected function pExpr_YieldFrom(Expr\YieldFrom $node) { return $this->pPrefixOp('Expr_YieldFrom', 'yield from ', $node->expr); } protected function pExpr_Print(Expr\Print_ $node) { return $this->pPrefixOp('Expr_Print', 'print ', $node->expr); } // Casts protected function pExpr_Cast_Int(Cast\Int_ $node) { return $this->pPrefixOp('Expr_Cast_Int', '(int) ', $node->expr); } protected function pExpr_Cast_Double(Cast\Double $node) { return $this->pPrefixOp('Expr_Cast_Double', '(double) ', $node->expr); } protected function pExpr_Cast_String(Cast\String_ $node) { return $this->pPrefixOp('Expr_Cast_String', '(string) ', $node->expr); } protected function pExpr_Cast_Array(Cast\Array_ $node) { return $this->pPrefixOp('Expr_Cast_Array', '(array) ', $node->expr); } protected function pExpr_Cast_Object(Cast\Object_ $node) { return $this->pPrefixOp('Expr_Cast_Object', '(object) ', $node->expr); } protected function pExpr_Cast_Bool(Cast\Bool_ $node) { return $this->pPrefixOp('Expr_Cast_Bool', '(bool) ', $node->expr); } protected function pExpr_Cast_Unset(Cast\Unset_ $node) { return $this->pPrefixOp('Expr_Cast_Unset', '(unset) ', $node->expr); } // Function calls and similar constructs protected function pExpr_FuncCall(Expr\FuncCall $node) { return $this->pCallLhs($node->name) . '(' . $this->pMaybeMultiline($node->args) . ')'; } protected function pExpr_MethodCall(Expr\MethodCall $node) { return $this->pDereferenceLhs($node->var) . '->' . $this->pObjectProperty($node->name) . '(' . $this->pMaybeMultiline($node->args) . ')'; } protected function pExpr_StaticCall(Expr\StaticCall $node) { return $this->pDereferenceLhs($node->class) . '::' . ($node->name instanceof Expr ? ($node->name instanceof Expr\Variable ? $this->p($node->name) : '{' . $this->p($node->name) . '}') : $node->name) . '(' . $this->pMaybeMultiline($node->args) . ')'; } protected function pExpr_Empty(Expr\Empty_ $node) { return 'empty(' . $this->p($node->expr) . ')'; } protected function pExpr_Isset(Expr\Isset_ $node) { return 'isset(' . $this->pCommaSeparated($node->vars) . ')'; } protected function pExpr_Eval(Expr\Eval_ $node) { return 'eval(' . $this->p($node->expr) . ')'; } protected function pExpr_Include(Expr\Include_ $node) { static $map = array( Expr\Include_::TYPE_INCLUDE => 'include', Expr\Include_::TYPE_INCLUDE_ONCE => 'include_once', Expr\Include_::TYPE_REQUIRE => 'require', Expr\Include_::TYPE_REQUIRE_ONCE => 'require_once', ); return $map[$node->type] . ' ' . $this->p($node->expr); } protected function pExpr_List(Expr\List_ $node) { return 'list(' . $this->pCommaSeparated($node->items) . ')'; } // Other protected function pExpr_Error(Expr\Error $node) { throw new \LogicException('Cannot pretty-print AST with Error nodes'); } protected function pExpr_Variable(Expr\Variable $node) { if ($node->name instanceof Expr) { return '${' . $this->p($node->name) . '}'; } else { return '$' . $node->name; } } protected function pExpr_Array(Expr\Array_ $node) { $syntax = $node->getAttribute('kind', $this->options['shortArraySyntax'] ? Expr\Array_::KIND_SHORT : Expr\Array_::KIND_LONG); if ($syntax === Expr\Array_::KIND_SHORT) { return '[' . $this->pMaybeMultiline($node->items, true) . ']'; } else { return 'array(' . $this->pMaybeMultiline($node->items, true) . ')'; } } protected function pExpr_ArrayItem(Expr\ArrayItem $node) { return (null !== $node->key ? $this->p($node->key) . ' => ' : '') . ($node->byRef ? '&' : '') . $this->p($node->value); } protected function pExpr_ArrayDimFetch(Expr\ArrayDimFetch $node) { return $this->pDereferenceLhs($node->var) . '[' . (null !== $node->dim ? $this->p($node->dim) : '') . ']'; } protected function pExpr_ConstFetch(Expr\ConstFetch $node) { return $this->p($node->name); } protected function pExpr_ClassConstFetch(Expr\ClassConstFetch $node) { return $this->p($node->class) . '::' . (is_string($node->name) ? $node->name : $this->p($node->name)); } protected function pExpr_PropertyFetch(Expr\PropertyFetch $node) { return $this->pDereferenceLhs($node->var) . '->' . $this->pObjectProperty($node->name); } protected function pExpr_StaticPropertyFetch(Expr\StaticPropertyFetch $node) { return $this->pDereferenceLhs($node->class) . '::$' . $this->pObjectProperty($node->name); } protected function pExpr_ShellExec(Expr\ShellExec $node) { return '`' . $this->pEncapsList($node->parts, '`') . '`'; } protected function pExpr_Closure(Expr\Closure $node) { return ($node->static ? 'static ' : '') . 'function ' . ($node->byRef ? '&' : '') . '(' . $this->pCommaSeparated($node->params) . ')' . (!empty($node->uses) ? ' use(' . $this->pCommaSeparated($node->uses) . ')': '') . (null !== $node->returnType ? ' : ' . $this->pType($node->returnType) : '') . ' {' . $this->pStmts($node->stmts) . "\n" . '}'; } protected function pExpr_ClosureUse(Expr\ClosureUse $node) { return ($node->byRef ? '&' : '') . '$' . $node->var; } protected function pExpr_New(Expr\New_ $node) { if ($node->class instanceof Stmt\Class_) { $args = $node->args ? '(' . $this->pMaybeMultiline($node->args) . ')' : ''; return 'new ' . $this->pClassCommon($node->class, $args); } return 'new ' . $this->p($node->class) . '(' . $this->pMaybeMultiline($node->args) . ')'; } protected function pExpr_Clone(Expr\Clone_ $node) { return 'clone ' . $this->p($node->expr); } protected function pExpr_Ternary(Expr\Ternary $node) { // a bit of cheating: we treat the ternary as a binary op where the ?...: part is the operator. // this is okay because the part between ? and : never needs parentheses. return $this->pInfixOp('Expr_Ternary', $node->cond, ' ?' . (null !== $node->if ? ' ' . $this->p($node->if) . ' ' : '') . ': ', $node->else ); } protected function pExpr_Exit(Expr\Exit_ $node) { $kind = $node->getAttribute('kind', Expr\Exit_::KIND_DIE); return ($kind === Expr\Exit_::KIND_EXIT ? 'exit' : 'die') . (null !== $node->expr ? '(' . $this->p($node->expr) . ')' : ''); } protected function pExpr_Yield(Expr\Yield_ $node) { if ($node->value === null) { return 'yield'; } else { // this is a bit ugly, but currently there is no way to detect whether the parentheses are necessary return '(yield ' . ($node->key !== null ? $this->p($node->key) . ' => ' : '') . $this->p($node->value) . ')'; } } // Declarations protected function pStmt_Namespace(Stmt\Namespace_ $node) { if ($this->canUseSemicolonNamespaces) { return 'namespace ' . $this->p($node->name) . ';' . "\n" . $this->pStmts($node->stmts, false); } else { return 'namespace' . (null !== $node->name ? ' ' . $this->p($node->name) : '') . ' {' . $this->pStmts($node->stmts) . "\n" . '}'; } } protected function pStmt_Use(Stmt\Use_ $node) { return 'use ' . $this->pUseType($node->type) . $this->pCommaSeparated($node->uses) . ';'; } protected function pStmt_GroupUse(Stmt\GroupUse $node) { return 'use ' . $this->pUseType($node->type) . $this->pName($node->prefix) . '\{' . $this->pCommaSeparated($node->uses) . '};'; } protected function pStmt_UseUse(Stmt\UseUse $node) { return $this->pUseType($node->type) . $this->p($node->name) . ($node->name->getLast() !== $node->alias ? ' as ' . $node->alias : ''); } protected function pUseType($type) { return $type === Stmt\Use_::TYPE_FUNCTION ? 'function ' : ($type === Stmt\Use_::TYPE_CONSTANT ? 'const ' : ''); } protected function pStmt_Interface(Stmt\Interface_ $node) { return 'interface ' . $node->name . (!empty($node->extends) ? ' extends ' . $this->pCommaSeparated($node->extends) : '') . "\n" . '{' . $this->pStmts($node->stmts) . "\n" . '}'; } protected function pStmt_Class(Stmt\Class_ $node) { return $this->pClassCommon($node, ' ' . $node->name); } protected function pStmt_Trait(Stmt\Trait_ $node) { return 'trait ' . $node->name . "\n" . '{' . $this->pStmts($node->stmts) . "\n" . '}'; } protected function pStmt_TraitUse(Stmt\TraitUse $node) { return 'use ' . $this->pCommaSeparated($node->traits) . (empty($node->adaptations) ? ';' : ' {' . $this->pStmts($node->adaptations) . "\n" . '}'); } protected function pStmt_TraitUseAdaptation_Precedence(Stmt\TraitUseAdaptation\Precedence $node) { return $this->p($node->trait) . '::' . $node->method . ' insteadof ' . $this->pCommaSeparated($node->insteadof) . ';'; } protected function pStmt_TraitUseAdaptation_Alias(Stmt\TraitUseAdaptation\Alias $node) { return (null !== $node->trait ? $this->p($node->trait) . '::' : '') . $node->method . ' as' . (null !== $node->newModifier ? ' ' . rtrim($this->pModifiers($node->newModifier), ' ') : '') . (null !== $node->newName ? ' ' . $node->newName : '') . ';'; } protected function pStmt_Property(Stmt\Property $node) { return (0 === $node->flags ? 'var ' : $this->pModifiers($node->flags)) . $this->pCommaSeparated($node->props) . ';'; } protected function pStmt_PropertyProperty(Stmt\PropertyProperty $node) { return '$' . $node->name . (null !== $node->default ? ' = ' . $this->p($node->default) : ''); } protected function pStmt_ClassMethod(Stmt\ClassMethod $node) { return $this->pModifiers($node->flags) . 'function ' . ($node->byRef ? '&' : '') . $node->name . '(' . $this->pCommaSeparated($node->params) . ')' . (null !== $node->returnType ? ' : ' . $this->pType($node->returnType) : '') . (null !== $node->stmts ? "\n" . '{' . $this->pStmts($node->stmts) . "\n" . '}' : ';'); } protected function pStmt_ClassConst(Stmt\ClassConst $node) { return $this->pModifiers($node->flags) . 'const ' . $this->pCommaSeparated($node->consts) . ';'; } protected function pStmt_Function(Stmt\Function_ $node) { return 'function ' . ($node->byRef ? '&' : '') . $node->name . '(' . $this->pCommaSeparated($node->params) . ')' . (null !== $node->returnType ? ' : ' . $this->pType($node->returnType) : '') . "\n" . '{' . $this->pStmts($node->stmts) . "\n" . '}'; } protected function pStmt_Const(Stmt\Const_ $node) { return 'const ' . $this->pCommaSeparated($node->consts) . ';'; } protected function pStmt_Declare(Stmt\Declare_ $node) { return 'declare (' . $this->pCommaSeparated($node->declares) . ')' . (null !== $node->stmts ? ' {' . $this->pStmts($node->stmts) . "\n" . '}' : ';'); } protected function pStmt_DeclareDeclare(Stmt\DeclareDeclare $node) { return $node->key . '=' . $this->p($node->value); } // Control flow protected function pStmt_If(Stmt\If_ $node) { return 'if (' . $this->p($node->cond) . ') {' . $this->pStmts($node->stmts) . "\n" . '}' . $this->pImplode($node->elseifs) . (null !== $node->else ? $this->p($node->else) : ''); } protected function pStmt_ElseIf(Stmt\ElseIf_ $node) { return ' elseif (' . $this->p($node->cond) . ') {' . $this->pStmts($node->stmts) . "\n" . '}'; } protected function pStmt_Else(Stmt\Else_ $node) { return ' else {' . $this->pStmts($node->stmts) . "\n" . '}'; } protected function pStmt_For(Stmt\For_ $node) { return 'for (' . $this->pCommaSeparated($node->init) . ';' . (!empty($node->cond) ? ' ' : '') . $this->pCommaSeparated($node->cond) . ';' . (!empty($node->loop) ? ' ' : '') . $this->pCommaSeparated($node->loop) . ') {' . $this->pStmts($node->stmts) . "\n" . '}'; } protected function pStmt_Foreach(Stmt\Foreach_ $node) { return 'foreach (' . $this->p($node->expr) . ' as ' . (null !== $node->keyVar ? $this->p($node->keyVar) . ' => ' : '') . ($node->byRef ? '&' : '') . $this->p($node->valueVar) . ') {' . $this->pStmts($node->stmts) . "\n" . '}'; } protected function pStmt_While(Stmt\While_ $node) { return 'while (' . $this->p($node->cond) . ') {' . $this->pStmts($node->stmts) . "\n" . '}'; } protected function pStmt_Do(Stmt\Do_ $node) { return 'do {' . $this->pStmts($node->stmts) . "\n" . '} while (' . $this->p($node->cond) . ');'; } protected function pStmt_Switch(Stmt\Switch_ $node) { return 'switch (' . $this->p($node->cond) . ') {' . $this->pStmts($node->cases) . "\n" . '}'; } protected function pStmt_Case(Stmt\Case_ $node) { return (null !== $node->cond ? 'case ' . $this->p($node->cond) : 'default') . ':' . $this->pStmts($node->stmts); } protected function pStmt_TryCatch(Stmt\TryCatch $node) { return 'try {' . $this->pStmts($node->stmts) . "\n" . '}' . $this->pImplode($node->catches) . ($node->finally !== null ? $this->p($node->finally) : ''); } protected function pStmt_Catch(Stmt\Catch_ $node) { return ' catch (' . $this->pImplode($node->types, '|') . ' $' . $node->var . ') {' . $this->pStmts($node->stmts) . "\n" . '}'; } protected function pStmt_Finally(Stmt\Finally_ $node) { return ' finally {' . $this->pStmts($node->stmts) . "\n" . '}'; } protected function pStmt_Break(Stmt\Break_ $node) { return 'break' . ($node->num !== null ? ' ' . $this->p($node->num) : '') . ';'; } protected function pStmt_Continue(Stmt\Continue_ $node) { return 'continue' . ($node->num !== null ? ' ' . $this->p($node->num) : '') . ';'; } protected function pStmt_Return(Stmt\Return_ $node) { return 'return' . (null !== $node->expr ? ' ' . $this->p($node->expr) : '') . ';'; } protected function pStmt_Throw(Stmt\Throw_ $node) { return 'throw ' . $this->p($node->expr) . ';'; } protected function pStmt_Label(Stmt\Label $node) { return $node->name . ':'; } protected function pStmt_Goto(Stmt\Goto_ $node) { return 'goto ' . $node->name . ';'; } // Other protected function pStmt_Echo(Stmt\Echo_ $node) { return 'echo ' . $this->pCommaSeparated($node->exprs) . ';'; } protected function pStmt_Static(Stmt\Static_ $node) { return 'static ' . $this->pCommaSeparated($node->vars) . ';'; } protected function pStmt_Global(Stmt\Global_ $node) { return 'global ' . $this->pCommaSeparated($node->vars) . ';'; } protected function pStmt_StaticVar(Stmt\StaticVar $node) { return '$' . $node->name . (null !== $node->default ? ' = ' . $this->p($node->default) : ''); } protected function pStmt_Unset(Stmt\Unset_ $node) { return 'unset(' . $this->pCommaSeparated($node->vars) . ');'; } protected function pStmt_InlineHTML(Stmt\InlineHTML $node) { $newline = $node->getAttribute('hasLeadingNewline', true) ? "\n" : ''; return '?>' . $this->pNoIndent($newline . $node->value) . 'remaining; } protected function pStmt_Nop(Stmt\Nop $node) { return ''; } // Helpers protected function pType($node) { return is_string($node) ? $node : $this->p($node); } protected function pClassCommon(Stmt\Class_ $node, $afterClassToken) { return $this->pModifiers($node->flags) . 'class' . $afterClassToken . (null !== $node->extends ? ' extends ' . $this->p($node->extends) : '') . (!empty($node->implements) ? ' implements ' . $this->pCommaSeparated($node->implements) : '') . "\n" . '{' . $this->pStmts($node->stmts) . "\n" . '}'; } protected function pObjectProperty($node) { if ($node instanceof Expr) { return '{' . $this->p($node) . '}'; } else { return $node; } } protected function pModifiers($modifiers) { return ($modifiers & Stmt\Class_::MODIFIER_PUBLIC ? 'public ' : '') . ($modifiers & Stmt\Class_::MODIFIER_PROTECTED ? 'protected ' : '') . ($modifiers & Stmt\Class_::MODIFIER_PRIVATE ? 'private ' : '') . ($modifiers & Stmt\Class_::MODIFIER_STATIC ? 'static ' : '') . ($modifiers & Stmt\Class_::MODIFIER_ABSTRACT ? 'abstract ' : '') . ($modifiers & Stmt\Class_::MODIFIER_FINAL ? 'final ' : ''); } protected function pEncapsList(array $encapsList, $quote) { $return = ''; foreach ($encapsList as $element) { if ($element instanceof Scalar\EncapsedStringPart) { $return .= $this->escapeString($element->value, $quote); } else { $return .= '{' . $this->p($element) . '}'; } } return $return; } protected function escapeString($string, $quote) { if (null === $quote) { // For doc strings, don't escape newlines $escaped = addcslashes($string, "\t\f\v$\\"); } else { $escaped = addcslashes($string, "\n\r\t\f\v$" . $quote . "\\"); } // Escape other control characters return preg_replace_callback('/([\0-\10\16-\37])(?=([0-7]?))/', function ($matches) { $oct = decoct(ord($matches[1])); if ($matches[2] !== '') { // If there is a trailing digit, use the full three character form return '\\' . str_pad($oct, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); } return '\\' . $oct; }, $escaped); } protected function containsEndLabel($string, $label, $atStart = true, $atEnd = true) { $start = $atStart ? '(?:^|[\r\n])' : '[\r\n]'; $end = $atEnd ? '(?:$|[;\r\n])' : '[;\r\n]'; return false !== strpos($string, $label) && preg_match('/' . $start . $label . $end . '/', $string); } protected function encapsedContainsEndLabel(array $parts, $label) { foreach ($parts as $i => $part) { $atStart = $i === 0; $atEnd = $i === count($parts) - 1; if ($part instanceof Scalar\EncapsedStringPart && $this->containsEndLabel($part->value, $label, $atStart, $atEnd) ) { return true; } } return false; } protected function pDereferenceLhs(Node $node) { if ($node instanceof Expr\Variable || $node instanceof Name || $node instanceof Expr\ArrayDimFetch || $node instanceof Expr\PropertyFetch || $node instanceof Expr\StaticPropertyFetch || $node instanceof Expr\FuncCall || $node instanceof Expr\MethodCall || $node instanceof Expr\StaticCall || $node instanceof Expr\Array_ || $node instanceof Scalar\String_ || $node instanceof Expr\ConstFetch || $node instanceof Expr\ClassConstFetch ) { return $this->p($node); } else { return '(' . $this->p($node) . ')'; } } protected function pCallLhs(Node $node) { if ($node instanceof Name || $node instanceof Expr\Variable || $node instanceof Expr\ArrayDimFetch || $node instanceof Expr\FuncCall || $node instanceof Expr\MethodCall || $node instanceof Expr\StaticCall || $node instanceof Expr\Array_ ) { return $this->p($node); } else { return '(' . $this->p($node) . ')'; } } private function hasNodeWithComments(array $nodes) { foreach ($nodes as $node) { if ($node && $node->getAttribute('comments')) { return true; } } return false; } private function pMaybeMultiline(array $nodes, $trailingComma = false) { if (!$this->hasNodeWithComments($nodes)) { return $this->pCommaSeparated($nodes); } else { return $this->pCommaSeparatedMultiline($nodes, $trailingComma) . "\n"; } } }