
426 lines
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* @file
* Documentation of the Drush API.
* Declare a new command.
function hook_drush_command() {
// To learn more, run `drush topic docs-commands` and
// `drush topic docs-examplecommand`.
* All Drush commands are invoked in a specific order, using
* drush-made hooks, very similar to the Drupal hook system. See drush_invoke()
* for the actual implementation.
* For any commandfile named "hook", the following hooks are called, in
* order, for the command "COMMAND":
* 0. drush_COMMAND_init()
* 1. drush_hook_COMMAND_pre_validate()
* 2. drush_hook_COMMAND_validate()
* 3. drush_hook_pre_COMMAND()
* 4. drush_hook_COMMAND()
* 5. drush_hook_post_COMMAND()
* For example, here are the hook opportunities for a mysite.drush.inc file
* that wants to hook into the `pm-download` command.
* 1. drush_mysite_pm_download_pre_validate()
* 2. drush_mysite_pm_download_validate()
* 3. drush_mysite_pre_pm_download()
* 4. drush_mysite_pm_download()
* 5. drush_mysite_post_pm_download()
* Note that the drush_COMMAND_init() hook is only for use by the
* commandfile that defines the command.
* If any of hook function fails, either by calling drush_set_error
* or by returning FALSE as its function result, then the rollback
* mechanism is called. To fail with an error, call drush_set_error:
* return drush_set_error('MY_ERROR_CODE', dt('Error message.'));
* To allow the user to confirm or cancel a command, use drush_confirm
* and drush_user_abort:
* if (!drush_confirm(dt('Are you sure?'))) {
* return drush_user_abort();
* }
* The rollback mechanism will call, in reverse, all _rollback hooks.
* The mysite command file can implement the following rollback hooks:
* 1. drush_mysite_post_pm_download_rollback()
* 2. drush_mysite_pm_download_rollback()
* 3. drush_mysite_pre_pm_download_rollback()
* 4. drush_mysite_pm_download_validate_rollback()
* 5. drush_mysite_pm_download_pre_validate_rollback()
* Before any command is called, hook_drush_init() is also called.
* hook_drush_exit() is called at the very end of command invocation.
* @see includes/command.inc
* @see hook_drush_init()
* @see drush_COMMAND_init()
* @see drush_hook_COMMAND_pre_validate()
* @see drush_hook_COMMAND_validate()
* @see drush_hook_pre_COMMAND()
* @see drush_hook_COMMAND()
* @see drush_hook_post_COMMAND()
* @see drush_hook_post_COMMAND_rollback()
* @see drush_hook_COMMAND_rollback()
* @see drush_hook_pre_COMMAND_rollback()
* @see drush_hook_COMMAND_validate_rollback()
* @see drush_hook_COMMAND_pre_validate_rollback()
* @see hook_drush_exit()
* @addtogroup hooks
* @{
* Take action before any command is run.
* Logging an error stops command execution.
function hook_drush_init() {
* Initialize a command prior to validation.
* If a command needs to bootstrap to a higher level, this is best done in the
* command init hook. It is permisible to bootstrap in any hook, but note that
* if bootstrapping adds more commandfiles (*.drush.inc) to the commandfile
* list, the newly-added commandfiles will not have any hooks called until the
* next phase. For example, a command that calls drush_bootstrap_max() in
* drush_hook_COMMAND() would only permit commandfiles from modules enabled in
* the site to participate in drush_hook_post_COMMAND() hooks.
function drush_COMMAND_init() {
* Run before a specific command validates.
* Logging an error stops command execution, and the rollback function (if any)
* for each hook implementation is invoked.
* @see drush_hook_COMMAND_pre_validate_rollback()
function drush_hook_COMMAND_pre_validate() {
* Run before a specific command executes.
* Logging an error stops command execution, and the rollback function (if any)
* for each hook implementation is invoked.
* @see drush_hook_COMMAND_validate_rollback()
function drush_hook_COMMAND_validate() {
* Run before a specific command executes.
* Logging an error stops command execution, and the rollback function (if any)
* for each hook implementation is invoked, in addition to the validate
* rollback.
* @see drush_hook_pre_COMMAND_rollback()
* @see drush_hook_COMMAND_validate_rollback()
function drush_hook_pre_COMMAND() {
* Implementation of the actual drush command.
* This is where most of the stuff should happen.
* Logging an error stops command execution, and the rollback function (if any)
* for each hook implementation is invoked, in addition to pre and
* validate rollbacks.
* @return mixed|false
* The return value will be passed along to the caller if --backend option is
* present. A boolean FALSE indicates failure and rollback will be inititated.
* @see drush_hook_COMMAND_rollback()
* @see drush_hook_pre_COMMAND_rollback()
* @see drush_hook_COMMAND_validate_rollback()
function drush_hook_COMMAND() {
* Run after a specific command executes.
* Logging an error stops command execution, and the rollback function (if any)
* for each hook implementation is invoked, in addition to pre, normal
* and validate rollbacks.
* @see drush_hook_post_COMMAND_rollback()
* @see drush_hook_COMMAND_rollback()
* @see drush_hook_pre_COMMAND_rollback()
* @see drush_hook_COMMAND_validate_rollback()
function drush_hook_post_COMMAND() {
* Take action after any command is run.
function hook_drush_exit() {
* Adjust the contents of any command structure prior to dispatch.
* @see core_drush_command_alter()
function hook_drush_command_alter(&$command) {
* Adjust the contents of a site alias.
function hook_drush_sitealias_alter(&$alias_record) {
// If the alias is "remote", but the remote site is
// the system this command is running on, convert the
// alias record to a local alias.
if (isset($alias_record['remote-host'])) {
$uname = php_uname('n');
if ($alias_record['remote-host'] == $uname) {
* Take action after a project has been downloaded.
function hook_drush_pm_post_download($project, $release) {
* Take action after a project has been updated.
function hook_pm_post_update($project_name, $installed_release, $project) {
* Adjust the location a project should be copied to after being downloaded.
* See @pm_drush_pm_download_destination_alter().
function hook_drush_pm_download_destination_alter(&$project, $release) {
if ($some_condition) {
$project['project_install_location'] = '/path/to/install/to/' . $project['project_dir'];
* Automatically download project dependencies at pm-enable time.
* Use a pre-pm_enable hook to download before your module is enabled,
* or a post-pm_enable hook (drush_hook_post_pm_enable) to run after
* your module is enabled.
* Your hook will be called every time pm-enable is executed; you should
* only download dependencies when your module is being enabled. Respect
* the --skip flag, and take no action if it is present.
function drush_hook_pre_pm_enable() {
// Get the list of modules being enabled; only download dependencies if our
// module name appears in the list.
$modules = drush_get_context('PM_ENABLE_MODULES');
if (in_array('hook', $modules) && !drush_get_option('skip')) {
$url = 'http://server.com/path/MyLibraryName.tgz';
$path = drush_get_context('DRUSH_DRUPAL_ROOT');
drush_include_engine('drupal', 'environment');
if (drush_module_exists('libraries')) {
$path .= '/' . libraries_get_path('MyLibraryName') . '/MyLibraryName.tgz';
else {
$path .= '/' . drupal_get_path('module', 'hook') . '/MyLibraryName.tgz';
drush_download_file($url, $path) && drush_tarball_extract($path);
* Sql-sync sanitization example.
* This is equivalent to the built-in --sanitize option of sql-sync, but
* simplified to only work with default values on Drupal 6 + mysql.
* @see sql_drush_sql_sync_sanitize()
function hook_drush_sql_sync_sanitize($source) {
$table = drush_get_option('db-prefix') ? '{users}' : 'users';
dt('Reset passwords and email addresses in user table.'),
"UPDATE $table SET pass = MD5('password'), mail = concat('user+', uid, '@localhost') WHERE uid > 0;");
* Add help components to a command.
function hook_drush_help_alter(&$command) {
if ($command['command'] == 'sql-sync') {
$command['options']['myoption'] = "Description of modification of sql-sync done by hook";
$command['sub-options']['sanitize']['my-sanitize-option'] = "Description of sanitization option added by hook (grouped with --sanitize option)";
if ($command['command'] == 'global-options') {
// Recommended: don't show global hook options in brief global options help.
if ($command['#brief'] === FALSE) {
$command['options']['myglobaloption'] = 'Description of option used globally in all commands (e.g. in a commandfile init hook)';
* Add/edit options to cache-clear command.
* @param array $types
* Adjust types as needed. Is passed by reference.
* @param bool $include_bootstrapped_types
* If FALSE, omit types which require a FULL bootstrap.
function hook_drush_cache_clear(&$types, $include_bootstrapped_types) {
$types['views'] = 'views_invalidate_cache';
* Inform drush about one or more engine types.
* This hook allow to declare available engine types, the cli option to select
* between engine implementatins, which one to use by default, global options
* and other parameters. Commands may override this info when declaring the
* engines they use.
* @return array
* An array whose keys are engine type names and whose values describe
* the characteristics of the engine type in relation to command definitions:
* - description: The engine type description.
* - topic: If specified, the name of the topic command that will
* display the automatically generated topic for this engine.
* - topic-file: If specified, the path to the file that will be
* displayed at the head of the automatically generated topic for
* this engine. This path is relative to the Drush root directory;
* non-core commandfiles should therefore use:
* 'topic-file' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/mytopic.html';
* - topics: If set, contains a list of topics that should be added to
* the "Topics" section of any command that uses this engine. Note
* that if 'topic' is set, it will automatically be added to the topics
* list, and therefore does not need to also be listed here.
* - option: The command line option to choose an implementation for
* this engine type.
* FALSE means there's no option. That is, the engine type is for internal
* usage of the command and thus an implementation is not selectable.
* - default: The default implementation to use by the engine type.
* - options: Engine options common to all implementations.
* - add-options-to-command: If there's a single implementation for this
* engine type, add its options as command level options.
* - combine-help: If there are multiple implementations for this engine
* type, then instead of adding multiple help items in the form of
* --engine-option=engine-type [description], instead combine all help
* options into a single --engine-option that lists the different possible
* values that can be used.
* @see drush_get_engine_types_info()
* @see pm_drush_engine_type_info()
function hook_drush_engine_type_info() {
return array(
'dessert' => array(
'description' => 'Choose a dessert while the sandwich is baked.',
'option' => 'dessert',
'default' => 'ice-cream',
'options' => 'sweetness',
'add-options-to-command' => FALSE,
* Inform drush about one or more engines implementing a given engine type.
* - description: The engine implementation's description.
* - implemented-by: The engine that actually implements this engine.
* This is useful to allow the implementation of similar engines
* in the reference one.
* Defaults to the engine type key (e.g. 'ice-cream').
* - verbose-only: The engine implementation will only appear in help
* output in --verbose mode.
* This hook allow to declare implementations for an engine type.
* @see pm_drush_engine_package_handler()
* @see pm_drush_engine_version_control()
function hook_drush_engine_ENGINE_TYPE() {
return array(
'ice-cream' => array(
'description' => 'Feature rich ice-cream with all kind of additives.',
'options' => array(
'flavour' => 'Choose your favorite flavour',
'frozen-yogurt' => array(
'description' => 'Frozen dairy dessert made with yogurt instead of milk and cream.',
'implemented-by' => 'ice-cream',
* Alter the order that hooks are invoked.
* When implementing a given hook we may need to ensure it is invoked before
* or after another implementation of the same hook. For example, let's say
* you want to implement a hook that would be called after drush_make. You'd
* write a drush_MY_MODULE_post_make() function. But if you need your hook to
* be called before drush_make_post_make(), you can ensure this by implemen-
* ting MY_MODULE_drush_invoke_alter().
* @see drush_command_invoke_all_ref()
function hook_drush_invoke_alter($modules, $hook) {
if ($hook == 'some_hook') {
// Take the module who's hooks would normally be called last.
$module = array_pop($modules);
// Ensure it'll be called first for 'some_hook'.
array_unshift($modules, $module);
* @} End of "addtogroup hooks".