2018-01-14 13:10:16 +00:00

245 lines
6.4 KiB

* @file
* Contains \Drush\Psysh\DrushCommand.
* DrushCommand is a PsySH proxy command which accepts a Drush command config
* array and tries to build an appropriate PsySH command for it.
namespace Drush\Psysh;
use Psy\Command\Command as BaseCommand;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatter;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
* Main Drush command.
class DrushCommand extends BaseCommand {
* @var array
private $config;
* @var string
private $category = '';
* DrushCommand constructor.
* This accepts the Drush command configuration array and does a pretty
* decent job of building a PsySH command proxy for it. Wheee!
* @param array $config
* Drush command configuration array.
public function __construct(array $config) {
$this->config = $config;
* Get Category of this command.
public function getCategory() {
return $this->category;
* Sets the category title.
* @param string $category_title
public function setCategory($category_title) {
$this->category = $category_title;
* {@inheritdoc}
protected function configure() {
* {@inheritdoc}
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) {
$args = $input->getArguments();
$first = array_shift($args);
// If the first argument is an alias, assign the next argument as the
// command.
if (strpos($first, '@') === 0) {
$alias = $first;
$command = array_shift($args);
// Otherwise, default the alias to '@self' and use the first argument as the
// command.
else {
$alias = '@self';
$command = $first;
$options = $input->getOptions();
// Force the 'backend' option to TRUE.
$options['backend'] = TRUE;
$return = drush_invoke_process($alias, $command, array_values($args), $options, ['interactive' => TRUE]);
if ($return['error_status'] > 0) {
foreach ($return['error_log'] as $error_type => $errors) {
// Add a newline after so the shell returns on a new line.
else {
* Extract Drush command aliases from config array.
* @return array
* The command aliases.
protected function buildAliasesFromConfig() {
return !empty($this->config['aliases']) ? $this->config['aliases'] : [];
* Build a command definition from Drush command configuration array.
* Currently, adds all non-hidden arguments and options, and makes a decent
* effort to guess whether an option accepts a value or not. It isn't always
* right :P
* @return array
* the command definition.
protected function buildDefinitionFromConfig() {
$definitions = [];
if (isset($this->config['arguments']) && !empty($this->config['arguments'])) {
$required_args = $this->config['required-arguments'];
if ($required_args === FALSE) {
$required_args = 0;
elseif ($required_args === TRUE) {
$required_args = count($this->config['arguments']);
foreach ($this->config['arguments'] as $name => $argument) {
if (!is_array($argument)) {
$argument = ['description' => $argument];
if (!empty($argument['hidden'])) {
$input_type = ($required_args-- > 0) ? InputArgument::REQUIRED : InputArgument::OPTIONAL;
$definitions[] = new InputArgument($name, $input_type, $argument['description'], NULL);
// First create all global options.
$options = $this->config['options'] + drush_get_global_options();
// Add command specific options.
$definitions = array_merge($definitions, $this->createInputOptionsFromConfig($options));
return $definitions;
* Creates input definitions from command options.
* @param array $options_config
* @return \Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface[]
protected function createInputOptionsFromConfig(array $options_config) {
$definitions = [];
foreach ($options_config as $name => $option) {
// Some commands will conflict.
if (in_array($name, ['help', 'command'])) {
if (!is_array($option)) {
$option = ['description' => $option];
if (!empty($option['hidden'])) {
// @todo: Figure out if there's a way to detect InputOption::VALUE_NONE
// (i.e. flags) via the config array.
if (isset($option['value']) && $option['value'] === 'required') {
$input_type = InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED;
else {
$input_type = InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL;
$definitions[] = new InputOption($name, !empty($option['short-form']) ? $option['short-form'] : '', $input_type, $option['description']);
return $definitions;
* Build a command help from the Drush configuration array.
* Currently it's a word-wrapped description, plus any examples provided.
* @return string
* The help string.
protected function buildHelpFromConfig() {
$help = wordwrap($this->config['description']);
$examples = [];
foreach ($this->config['examples'] as $ex => $def) {
// Skip empty examples and things with obvious pipes...
if (($ex === '') || (strpos($ex, '|') !== FALSE)) {
$ex = preg_replace('/^drush\s+/', '', $ex);
$examples[$ex] = $def;
if (!empty($examples)) {
$help .= "\n\ne.g.";
foreach ($examples as $ex => $def) {
$help .= sprintf("\n<return>// %s</return>\n", wordwrap(OutputFormatter::escape($def), 75, "</return>\n<return>// "));
$help .= sprintf("<return>>>> %s</return>\n", OutputFormatter::escape($ex));
return $help;