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namespace Unish;
* We choose to test the backend system in two parts.
* - Origin. These tests assure that we are generate a proper ssh command
* when a backend invoke is needed.
* - Target. These tests assure that drush generates a delimited JSON array
* when called with --backend option.
* Advantages of this approach:
* - No network calls and thus more robust.
* - No network calls and thus faster.
* @group base
class backendCase extends CommandUnishTestCase {
// Test to insure that calling drush_invoke_process() with 'dispatch-using-alias'
// will build a command string that uses the alias instead of --root and --uri.
function testDispatchUsingAlias() {
$this->markTestIncomplete('Started failing due to https://github.com/drush-ops/drush/pull/555');
$aliasPath = UNISH_SANDBOX . '/aliases';
$aliasFile = $aliasPath . '/foo.aliases.drushrc.php';
$aliasContents = <<<EOD
// Written by Unish. This file is safe to delete.
\$aliases['dev'] = array('root' => '/fake/path/to/root', 'uri' => 'default');
file_put_contents($aliasFile, $aliasContents);
$options = array(
'alias-path' => $aliasPath,
'include' => dirname(__FILE__), // Find unit.drush.inc commandfile.
'script-path' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/resources', // Find unit.drush.inc commandfile.
'backend' => TRUE,
$this->drush('php-script', array('testDispatchUsingAlias_script'), $options);
$parsed = $this->parse_backend_output($this->getOutput());
// $parsed['with'] and $parsed['without'] now contain an array
// each with the original arguments passed in with and without
// 'dispatch-using-alias', respectively.
$argDifference = array_diff($parsed['object']['with'], $parsed['object']['without']);
$this->assertEquals(array_diff(array_values($argDifference), array('@foo.dev')), array());
$argDifference = array_diff($parsed['object']['without'], $parsed['object']['with']);
$this->assertEquals(array_diff(array_values($argDifference), array('--root=/fake/path/to/root', '--uri=default')), array());
* Covers the following origin responsibilities.
* - A remote host is recognized in site specification.
* - Generates expected ssh command.
* General handling of site aliases will be in sitealiasTest.php.
function testOrigin() {
$site_specification = 'user@server/path/to/drupal#sitename';
$exec = sprintf('%s %s version arg1 arg2 --simulate --ssh-options=%s 2>%s', UNISH_DRUSH, self::escapeshellarg($site_specification), self::escapeshellarg('-i mysite_dsa'), self::escapeshellarg($this->bit_bucket()));
$bash = $this->escapeshellarg('drush --uri=sitename --root=/path/to/drupal version arg1 arg2 2>&1');
$expected = "Simulating backend invoke: ssh -i mysite_dsa user@server $bash 2>&1";
$output = $this->getOutput();
$this->assertContains($expected, $output, 'Expected ssh command was built');
// Assure that arguments and options are passed along to a command thats not recognized locally.
$this->drush('non-existent-command', array('foo'), array('bar' => 'baz', 'simulate' => NULL), $site_specification);
$output = $this->getOutput();
$this->assertContains('foo', $output);
$this->assertContains('--bar=baz', $output);
* Covers the following target responsibilities.
* - Interpret stdin as options as per REST API.
* - Successfully execute specified command.
* - JSON object has expected contents (including errors).
* - JSON object is wrapped in expected delimiters.
function testTarget() {
$stdin = json_encode(array('filter'=>'sql'));
$exec = sprintf('%s version --backend 2>%s', UNISH_DRUSH, self::escapeshellarg($this->bit_bucket()));
$this->execute($exec, self::EXIT_SUCCESS, NULL, NULL, $stdin);
$parsed = $this->parse_backend_output($this->getOutput());
$this->assertTrue((bool) $parsed, 'Successfully parsed backend output');
$this->assertArrayHasKey('log', $parsed);
$this->assertArrayHasKey('output', $parsed);
$this->assertArrayHasKey('object', $parsed);
$this->assertEquals(self::EXIT_SUCCESS, $parsed['error_status']);
// This assertion shows that `version` was called and that stdin options were respected.
$this->assertStringStartsWith(' Drush Version ', $parsed['output']);
$this->assertEquals('Starting Drush preflight.', $parsed['log'][1]['message']);
// Check error propogation by requesting an invalid command (missing Drupal site).
$this->drush('core-cron', array(), array('backend' => NULL), NULL, NULL, self::EXIT_ERROR);
$parsed = $this->parse_backend_output($this->getOutput());
$this->assertEquals(1, $parsed['error_status']);
$this->assertArrayHasKey('DRUSH_COMMAND_INSUFFICIENT_BOOTSTRAP', $parsed['error_log']);
* Covers the following target responsibilities.
* - Insures that the 'Drush version' line from drush status appears in the output.
* - Insures that the backend output start marker appears in the output (this is a backend command).
* - Insures that the drush output appears before the backend output start marker (output is displayed in 'real time' as it is produced).
function testRealtimeOutput() {
$exec = sprintf('%s core-status --backend --nocolor 2>&1', UNISH_DRUSH);
$output = $this->getOutput();
$drush_version_offset = strpos($output, "Drush version");
$backend_output_offset = strpos($output, "DRUSH_BACKEND_OUTPUT_START>>>");
$this->assertTrue($drush_version_offset !== FALSE, "'Drush version' string appears in output.");
$this->assertTrue($backend_output_offset !== FALSE, "Drush backend output marker appears in output.");
$this->assertTrue($drush_version_offset < $backend_output_offset, "Drush version string appears in output before the backend output marker.");
* Covers the following target responsibilities.
* - Insures that function result is returned in --backend mode
function testBackendFunctionResult() {
$php = "return 'bar'";
$this->drush('php-eval', array($php), array('backend' => NULL));
$parsed = $this->parse_backend_output($this->getOutput());
// assert that $parsed has 'bar'
$this->assertEquals("'bar'", var_export($parsed['object'], TRUE));
* Covers the following target responsibilities.
* - Insures that backend_set_result is returned in --backend mode
* - Insures that the result code for the function does not overwrite
* the explicitly-set value
function testBackendSetResult() {
$php = "drush_backend_set_result('foo'); return 'bar'";
$this->drush('php-eval', array($php), array('backend' => NULL));
$parsed = $this->parse_backend_output($this->getOutput());
// assert that $parsed has 'foo' and not 'bar'
$this->assertEquals("'foo'", var_export($parsed['object'], TRUE));
* Covers the following target responsibilities.
* - Insures that the backend option 'invoke-multiple' will cause multiple commands to be executed.
* - Insures that the right number of commands run.
* - Insures that the 'concurrent'-format result array is returned.
* - Insures that correct results are returned from each command.
function testBackendInvokeMultiple() {
$options = array(
'backend' => NULL,
'include' => dirname(__FILE__), // Find unit.drush.inc commandfile.
$php = "\$values = drush_invoke_process('@none', 'unit-return-options', array('value'), array('x' => 'y', 'strict' => 0), array('invoke-multiple' => '3')); return \$values;";
$this->drush('php-eval', array($php), $options);
$parsed = $this->parse_backend_output($this->getOutput());
// assert that $parsed has a 'concurrent'-format output result
$this->assertEquals('concurrent', implode(',', array_keys($parsed['object'])));
// assert that the concurrent output has indexes 0, 1 and 2 (in any order)
$concurrent_indexes = array_keys($parsed['object']['concurrent']);
$this->assertEquals('0,1,2', implode(',', $concurrent_indexes));
foreach ($parsed['object']['concurrent'] as $index => $values) {
// assert that each result contains 'x' => 'y' and nothing else
$this->assertEquals("array (
'x' => 'y',
)", var_export($values['object'], TRUE));
* Covers the following target responsibilities.
* - Insures that arrays are stripped when using --backend mode's method GET
* - Insures that arrays can be returned as the function result of
* backend invoke.
function testBackendMethodGet() {
$options = array(
'backend' => NULL,
'include' => dirname(__FILE__), // Find unit.drush.inc commandfile.
$php = "\$values = drush_invoke_process('@none', 'unit-return-options', array('value'), array('x' => 'y', 'strict' => 0, 'data' => array('a' => 1, 'b' => 2)), array('method' => 'GET')); return array_key_exists('object', \$values) ? \$values['object'] : 'no result';";
$this->drush('php-eval', array($php), $options);
$parsed = $this->parse_backend_output($this->getOutput());
// assert that $parsed has 'x' but not 'data'
$this->assertEquals("array (
'x' => 'y',
)", var_export($parsed['object'], TRUE));
* Covers the following target responsibilities.
* - Insures that complex arrays can be passed through when using --backend mode's method POST
* - Insures that arrays can be returned as the function result of
* backend invoke.
function testBackendMethodPost() {
$options = array(
'backend' => NULL,
'include' => dirname(__FILE__), // Find unit.drush.inc commandfile.
$php = "\$values = drush_invoke_process('@none', 'unit-return-options', array('value'), array('x' => 'y', 'strict' => 0, 'data' => array('a' => 1, 'b' => 2)), array('method' => 'POST')); return array_key_exists('object', \$values) ? \$values['object'] : 'no result';";
$this->drush('php-eval', array($php), $options);
$parsed = $this->parse_backend_output($this->getOutput());
// assert that $parsed has 'x' and 'data'
$this->assertEquals(array (
'x' => 'y',
'data' =>
array (
'a' => 1,
'b' => 2,
), $parsed['object']);
* Covers the following target responsibilities.
* - Insures that backend invoke can properly re-assemble packets
* that are split across process-read-size boundaries.
* This test works by repeating testBackendMethodGet(), while setting
* '#process-read-size' to a very small value, insuring that packets
* will be split.
function testBackendReassembleSplitPackets() {
$options = array(
'backend' => NULL,
'include' => dirname(__FILE__), // Find unit.drush.inc commandfile.
$min = 1;
$max = 4;
$read_sizes_to_test = array(4096);
if (in_array('--debug', $_SERVER['argv'])) {
$read_sizes_to_test[] = 128;
$read_sizes_to_test[] = 16;
$max = 16;
foreach ($read_sizes_to_test as $read_size) {
for ($i = $min; $i <= $max; $i++) {
$log_message .= "X";
$php = "\$values = drush_invoke_process('@none', 'unit-return-options', array('value'), array('log-message' => '$log_message', 'x' => 'y$read_size', 'strict' => 0, 'data' => array('a' => 1, 'b' => 2)), array('method' => 'GET', '#process-read-size' => $read_size)); return array_key_exists('object', \$values) ? \$values['object'] : 'no result';";
$this->drush('php-eval', array($php), $options);
$parsed = $this->parse_backend_output($this->getOutput());
// assert that $parsed has 'x' but not 'data'
foreach ($parsed['log'] as $log) {
if ($log['type'] == 'warning') {
$all_warnings[] = $log['message'];
$this->assertEquals("$log_message,done", implode(',', $all_warnings), 'Log reconstruction with read_size ' . $read_size);
$this->assertEquals("array (
'x' => 'y$read_size',
)", var_export($parsed['object'], TRUE));