2018-01-14 13:10:16 +00:00

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// vim: set et ts=4 sw=4 fdm=marker:
* DB_Table_Database relational database abstraction class
* PHP versions 4 and 5
* Copyright (c) 1997-2007, Paul M. Jones <pmjones@php.net>
* David C. Morse <morse@php.net>
* Mark Wiesemann <wiesemann@php.net>
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* * The names of the authors may not be used to endorse or promote products
* derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
* @category Database
* @package DB_Table
* @author David C. Morse <morse@php.net>
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License
* @version CVS: $Id: Database.php,v 1.15 2007/12/13 16:52:14 wiesemann Exp $
* @link http://pear.php.net/package/DB_Table
// {{{ Error code constants
* Parameter is not a DB/MDB2 object
* Error in addTable, parameter $table_obj is not a DB_Table object
* Error for table name that does not exist in the database
* Error for table name parameter that is not a string
* Error in getCol for a non-existent column name
* Error in getForeignCol for a non-existent foreign key column
* Error for column name that is not a string
* Error in addTable for multiple primary keys
* Error in addRef for a non-existent foreign key table
* Error in addRef for non-existence referenced table
* Error in addRef for null referenced key in a table with no primary key
* Error in addRef for an invalid foreign key, neither string nor array
* Error in addRef for referenced key that is not a string, string foreign key
* Error in addRef for referenced key that is not an array, array foreign key
* Error in addRef for wrong number of columns in referenced key
* Error in addRef for non-existence foreign key (referencing) column
* Error in addRef for non-existence referenced column
* Error in addRef for referencing and referenced columns of different types
* Error in addRef for multiple references from one table to another
* Error due to invalid ON DELETE action name
* Error due to invalid ON UPDATE action name
* Error in addLink due to missing required reference
* Error in validCol for a column name that does not exist in the datase
* Error in validCol for column name that does not exist in the specified table
* Error in a buildSQL or select* method for an undefined key of $this->sql
* Error in a buildSQL or select* method for a key of $this->sql that is
* not a string
* Error in buildFilter due to invalid match type
* Error in buildFilter due to invalid key for full match
* Error in buildFilter due to invalid key for full match
* Error in buildFilter due to invalid key for full match
* Error in insert for a failed foreign key constraint
* Error in delete due to a referentially triggered 'restrict' action
* Error in update due to a referentially triggered 'restrict' action
* Error in fromXML for table with multiple auto_increment columns
* Error in autoJoin, column and tables parameter both null
* Error in autoJoin for ambiguous column name
* Error in autoJoin for non-unique set of join conditions
* Error in autoJoin for failed construction of join
* Error in fromXML for PHP 4 (this function requires PHP 5)
* Error parsing XML string in fromXML
// }}}
// {{{ Includes
* DB_Table_Base base class
require_once 'DB/Table/Base.php';
* DB_Table table abstraction class
require_once 'DB/Table.php';
* The PEAR class for errors
require_once 'PEAR.php';
// }}}
// {{{ Error messages
* US-English default error messages. If you want to internationalize, you can
* set the translated messages via $GLOBALS['_DB_TABLE_DATABASE']['error'].
* You can also use DB_Table_Database::setErrorMessage(). Examples:
* <code>
* (1) $GLOBALS['_DB_TABLE_DATABASE']['error'] = array(
* DB_TABLE_DATABASE_ERR_.. => '...',
* DB_TABLE_DATABASE_ERR_.. => '...');
* (2) DB_Table_Database::setErrorMessage(DB_TABLE_DATABASE_ERR_.., '...');
* DB_Table_Database::setErrorMessage(DB_TABLE_DATABASE_ERR_.., '...');
* (3) DB_Table_Database::setErrorMessage(array(
* DB_TABLE_DATABASE_ERR_.. => '...');
* DB_TABLE_DATABASE_ERR_.. => '...');
* (4) $obj =& new DB_Table();
* $obj->setErrorMessage(DB_TABLE_DATABASE_ERR_.., '...');
* $obj->setErrorMessage(DB_TABLE_DATABASE_ERR_.., '...');
* (5) $obj =& new DB_Table();
* $obj->setErrorMessage(array(DB_TABLE_DATABASE_ERR_.. => '...');
* DB_TABLE_DATABASE_ERR_.. => '...');
* </code>
* For errors that can occur with-in the constructor call (i.e. e.g. creating
* or altering the database table), only the code from examples (1) to (3)
* will alter the default error messages early enough. For errors that can
* occur later, examples (4) and (5) are also valid.
$GLOBALS['_DB_TABLE_DATABASE']['default_error'] = array(
'Invalid DB/MDB2 object parameter. Function',
'Table does not exist in database. Method, Table =',
'Table name parameter is not a string in method',
'In getCol, non-existent column name parameter',
'In getForeignCol, non-existent column name parameter',
'Column name parameter is not a string in method',
'Parameter of addTable is not a DB_Table object',
'Multiple primary keys in one table detected in addTable. Table',
'Foreign key reference from non-existent table in addRef. Reference',
'Reference to a non-existent referenced table in addRef. Reference',
'Missing primary key of referenced table in addRef. Reference',
'Foreign / referencing key is not a string or array in addRef',
'Foreign key is a string, referenced key is not a string in addRef',
'Foreign key is an array, referenced key is not an array in addRef',
'Wrong number of columns in referencing key in addRef',
'Nonexistent foreign / referencing key column in addRef. Reference',
'Nonexistent referenced key column in addRef. Reference',
'Different referencing and referenced column types in addRef. Reference',
'Multiple references between two tables in addRef. Reference',
'Invalid ON DELETE action. Reference',
'Invalid ON UPDATE action. Reference',
'Error in addLink due to missing required reference(s)',
'In validCol, column name does not exist in database. Column',
'In validCol, column does not exist in specified table. Column',
'Query string is not a key of $sql property array. Key is',
'Query is neither an array nor a string',
'Invalid match parameter of buildFilter',
'Invalid data_key in buildFilter, neither string nor array',
'Incompatible data_key and filter_key in buildFilter',
'Invalid key value in buildFilter: Mixed null and not null',
'Foreign key constraint failure: Key does not reference any rows',
'Referentially trigger restrict of delete from table',
'Referentially trigger restrict of update of table',
'No columns or tables provided as parameters to autoJoin',
'Ambiguous column name in autoJoin. Column',
'Ambiguous join in autoJoin, during join of table',
'Failed join in autoJoin, failed to join table',
'PHP 5 is required for fromXML method. Interpreter version is',
'Error parsing XML in fromXML method'
// merge default and user-defined error messages
if (!isset($GLOBALS['_DB_TABLE_DATABASE']['error'])) {
$GLOBALS['_DB_TABLE_DATABASE']['error'] = array();
foreach ($GLOBALS['_DB_TABLE_DATABASE']['default_error'] as $code => $message) {
if (!array_key_exists($code, $GLOBALS['_DB_TABLE_DATABASE']['error'])) {
$GLOBALS['_DB_TABLE_DATABASE']['error'][$code] = $message;
// }}}
// {{{ DB_Table_Database
* Relational database abstraction class
* DB_Table_Database is an abstraction class for a relational database.
* It is a layer built on top of DB_Table, in which each table in a
* database is represented as an instance of DB_Table. It provides:
* - an object-oriented representation of the database schema
* - automated construction of SQL commands for simple joins
* - an API for insert, update, and select commands very similar
* to that of DB_Table, with optional emulation of standard SQL
* foreign key integrity checks and referential triggered actions
* such as cascading deletes.
* - Serialization and unserialization of the database schema via
* either php serialization or XML, using the MDB2 XML schema.
* @category Database
* @package DB_Table
* @author David C. Morse <morse@php.net>
* @version Release: 1.5.6
* @link http://pear.php.net/package/DB_Table
class DB_Table_Database extends DB_Table_Base
// {{{ properties
* Name of the database
* @var string
* @access public
var $name = null;
* Associative array of DB_Table object references. Keys are table names.
* Associative array in which keys are table names, values are references to
* DB_Table objects. Each referenced DB_Table object represents one table in
* the database.
* @var array
* @access private
var $_table = array();
* Array in which keys are table names, values are DB_Table subclass names.
* See the getTableSubclass() method docblock for further details.
* @var array
* @access private
var $_table_subclass = array();
* Path to directory containing DB_Table subclass declaration files
* See the setTableSubclassPath() method docblock for further details.
* @var string
* @access private
var $_table_subclass_path = '';
* Array in which keys are table names, values are primary keys.
* Each primary key value may be a column name string, a sequential array of
* column name strings, or null.
* See the getPrimaryKey() method docblock for details.
* @var array
* @access private
var $_primary_key = array();
* Associative array that maps column names keys to table names.
* Each key is the name string of a column in the database. Each value
* is a numerical array containing the names of all tables that contain
* a column with that name.
* See the getCol() method docblock for details.
* @var array
* @access private
var $_col = array();
* Associative array that maps names of foreign key columns to table names
* Each key is the name string of a foreign key column. Each value is a
* sequential array containing the names of all tables that contain a
* foreign key column with that name.
* See the getForeignCol() method docblock for further details.
* @var array
* @access private
var $_foreign_col = array();
* Two-dimensional associative array of foreign key references.
* Keys are pairs of table names (referencing table first, referenced
* table second). Each value is an array containing information about
* the referencing and referenced keys, and about any referentially
* triggered actions (e.g., cascading delete).
* See the getRef() docblock for further details.
* @var array
* @access private
var $_ref = array();
* Array in which each key is the names of a referenced tables, each value
* an sequential array containing names of referencing tables.
* See the docblock for the getRefTo() method for further discussion.
* @var array
* @access private
var $_ref_to = array();
* Two-dimensional associative array of linking tables.
* Two-dimensional associative array in which pairs of keys are names
* of pairs of tables that are linked by one or more linking/association
* table. Each value is an array containing the names of all table that
* link the tables specified by the pair of keys. A linking table is a
* table that creates a many-to-many relationship between two linked
* tables, via foreign key references from the linking table to the two
* linked tables. The $_link property is used by the autoJoin() method
* to join tables that are related only through such a linking table.
* See the getLink() method docblock for further details.
* @var array
* @access private
var $_link = array();
* Take on_update actions if $_act_on_update is true
* By default, on_update actions are enabled ($_act_on_update = true)
* @var boolean
* @access private
var $_act_on_update = true;
* Take on_delete actions if $_act_on_delete is true
* By default, on_delete actions are enabled ($_act_on_delete = true)
* @var boolean
* @access private
var $_act_on_delete = true;
* Validate foreign keys before insert or update if $_check_fkey is true
* By default, validation is disabled ($_check_fkey = false)
* @var boolean
* @access private
var $_check_fkey = false;
* If the column keys in associative array return sets are fixed case
* (all upper or lower case) this property should be set true.
* The column keys in rows of associative array return sets may either
* preserve capitalization of the column names or they may be fixed case,
* depending on the options set in the backend (DB/MDB2) and on phptype.
* If these column names are returned with a fixed case (either upper
* or lower), $_fix_case must be set true in order for php emulation of
* ON DELETE and ON UPDATE actions to work correctly. Otherwise, the
* $_fix_case property should be false (the default).
* The choice between mixed or fixed case column keys may be made by using
* using the setFixCase() method, which resets both the behavior of the
* backend and the $_fix_case property. It may also be changed by using the
* setOption() method of the DB or MDB2 backend object to directly set the
* DB/MDB2 'portability' option.
* By default, DB returns mixed case and MDB2 returns lower case.
* @see DB_Table_Database::setFixCase()
* @see DB::setOption()
* @see MDB2::setOption()
* @var boolean
* @access private
var $_fix_case = false;
// }}}
// {{{ Methods
// {{{ function DB_Table_Database(&$db, $name)
* Constructor
* If an error is encountered during instantiation, the error
* message is stored in the $this->error property of the resulting
* object. See $error property docblock for a discussion of error
* handling.
* @param object &$db DB/MDB2 database connection object
* @param string $name the database name
* @return object DB_Table_Database
* @access public
function __construct(&$db, $name)
// Is $db an DB/MDB2 object or null?
if (is_a($db, 'db_common')) {
$this->backend = 'db';
$this->fetchmode = DB_FETCHMODE_ORDERED;
} elseif (is_a($db, 'mdb2_driver_common')) {
$this->backend = 'mdb2';
$this->fetchmode = MDB2_FETCHMODE_ORDERED;
} else {
$text = $GLOBALS['_DB_TABLE_DATABASE']['error'][$code]
. ' DB_Table_Database';
$this->error = PEAR::throwError($text, $code);
$this->db =& $db;
$this->name = $name;
$this->_primary_subclass = 'DB_TABLE_DATABASE';
// }}}
// {{{ function setDBconnection(&$db)
* Set DB/MDB2 connection instance for database and all tables
* Assign a reference to the DB/MDB2 object $db to $this->db, set
* $this->backend to 'db' or 'mdb2', and set the same pair of
* values for the $db and $backend properties of every DB_Table
* object in the database.
* @param object &$db DB/MDB2 connection object
* @return boolean True on success (PEAR_Error on failure)
* @throws PEAR_Error if
* $db is not a DB or MDB2 object(DB_TABLE_DATABASE_ERR_DB_OBJECT)
* @access public
function setDBconnection(&$db)
// Is the first argument a DB/MDB2 object ?
if (is_subclass_of($db, 'DB_Common')) {
$backend = 'db';
} elseif (is_subclass_of($db, 'MDB2_Driver_Common')) {
$backend = 'mdb2';
} else {
return $this->throwError(
// Set db and backend for database and all of its tables
$this->db =& $db;
$this->backend = $backend;
foreach ($this->_table as $name => $table) {
$table->db =& $db;
$table->backend = $backend;
return true;
// }}}
// {{{ function setActOnDelete($flag = true)
* Turns on (or off) automatic php emulation of SQL ON DELETE actions
* @param bool $flag True to enable action, false to disable
* @return void
* @access public
function setActOnDelete($flag = true)
if ($flag) {
$this->_act_on_delete = true;
} else {
$this->_act_on_delete = false;
// }}}
// {{{ function setActOnUpdate($flag = true)
* Turns on (or off) automatic php emulation of ON UPDATE actions
* @param bool $flag True to enable action, false to disable
* @return void
* @access public
function setActOnUpdate($flag = true)
if ($flag) {
$this->_act_on_update = true;
} else {
$this->_act_on_update = false;
// }}}
// {{{ function setCheckFKey($flag = true)
* Turns on (or off) validation of foreign key values on insert and update
* @param bool $flag True to enable foreign key validation, false to disable
* @return void
* @access public
function setCheckFKey($flag = true)
if ($flag) {
$this->_check_fkey = true;
} else {
$this->_check_fkey = false;
// }}}
// {{{ function setFixCase($flag = false)
* Sets backend option such that column keys in associative array return
* sets are converted to fixed case, if true, or mixed case, if false.
* Sets the DB/MDB2 'portability' option, and sets $this->_fix_case = $flag.
* Because it sets an option in the underlying DB/MDB2 connection object,
* this effects the behavior of all objects that share the connection.
* @param bool $flag True for fixed lower case, false for mixed
* @return void
* @access public
function setFixCase($flag = false)
$flag = (bool) $flag;
$option = $this->db->getOption('portability');
if ($this->backend == 'db') {
$option = $option | DB_PORTABILITY_LOWERCASE;
if (!$flag) {
$option = $option ^ DB_PORTABILITY_LOWERCASE;
} else {
$option = $option | MDB2_PORTABILITY_FIX_CASE;
if (!$flag) {
$option = $option ^ MDB2_PORTABILITY_FIX_CASE;
$this->db->setOption('portability', $option);
$this->_fix_case = $flag;
// }}}
// {{{ function &getDBInstance()
* Return reference to $this->db DB/MDB2 object wrapped by $this
* @return object Reference to DB/MDB2 object
* @access public
function &getDBInstance()
return $this->db;
// }}}
// {{{ function getTable($name = null)
* Returns all or part of $_table property array
* If $name is absent or null, return entire $_table property array.
* If $name is a table name, return $this->_table[$name] DB_Table object
* reference
* The $_table property is an associative array in which keys are table
* name strings and values are references to DB_Table objects. Each of
* the referenced objects represents one table in the database.
* @param string $name Name of table
* @return mixed $_table property, or one element of $_table
* (PEAR_Error on failure)
* @throws PEAR_Error if:
* - $name is not a string ( DB_TABLE_DATABASE_ERR_TBL_NOT_STRING )
* - $name is not valid table name ( DB_TABLE_DATABASE_ERR_NO_TBL )
* @access public
function getTable($name = null)
if (is_null($name)) {
return $this->_table;
} elseif (is_string($name)) {
if (isset($this->_table[$name])) {
return $this->_table[$name];
} else {
return $this->throwError(
"getTable, $name");
} else {
return $this->throwError(
// }}}
// {{{ function getPrimaryKey($name = null)
* Returns all or part of the $_primary_key property array
* If $name is null, return the $this->_primary_key property array
* If $name is a table name, return $this->_primary_key[$name]
* The $_primary_key property is an associative array in which each key
* a table name, and each value is the primary key of that table. Each
* primary key value may be a column name string, a sequential array of
* column name strings (for a multi-column key), or null (if no primary
* key has been declared).
* @param string $name Name of table
* @return mixed $this->primary_key array or $this->_primary_key[$name]
* (PEAR_Error on failure)
* @throws PEAR_Error if:
* - $name is not a string ( DB_TABLE_DATABASE_ERR_TBL_NOT_STRING )
* - $name is not valid table name ( DB_TABLE_DATABASE_ERR_NO_TBL )
* @access public
function getPrimaryKey($name = null)
if (is_null($name)) {
return $this->_primary_key;
} elseif (is_string($name)) {
if (isset($this->_primary_key[$name])) {
return $this->_primary_key[$name];
} else {
return $this->throwError(
"getPrimaryKey, $name");
} else {
return $this->throwError(
// }}}
// {{{ function getTableSubclass($name = null)
* Returns all or part of the $_table_subclass property array
* If $name is null, return the $this->_table_subclass property array
* If $name is a table name, return $this->_table_subclass[$name]
* The $_table_subclass property is an associative array in which each key
* is a table name string, and each value is the name of the corresponding
* subclass of DB_Table. The value is null if the table is an instance of
* DB_Table itself.
* Subclass names are set within the addTable method by applying the
* built in get_class() function to a DB_Table object. The class names
* returned by get_class() are stored unmodified. In PHP 4, get_class
* converts all class names to lower case. In PHP 5, it preserves the
* capitalization of the name used in the class definition.
* For autoloading of class definitions to work properly in the
* __wakeup() method, the base name of each subclass definition
* file (excluding the .php extension) should thus be a identical
* to the class name in PHP 5, and a lower case version of the
* class name in PHP 4 or
* @param string $name Name of table
* @return mixed $_table_subclass array or $this->_table_subclass[$name]
* (PEAR_Error on failure)
* @throws PEAR_Error if:
* - $name is not a string ( DB_TABLE_DATABASE_TBL_NOT_STRING )
* - $name is not valid table name ( DB_TABLE_DATABASE_NO_TBL )
* @access public
@ @see DB_Table_Database::__wakeup()
function getTableSubclass($name = null)
if (is_null($name)) {
return $this->_table_subclass;
} elseif (is_string($name)) {
if (isset($this->_table_subclass[$name])) {
return $this->_table_subclass[$name];
} else {
return $this->throwError(
"getTableSubclass, $name");
} else {
return $this->throwError(
// }}}
// {{{ function getCol($column_name = null)
* Returns all or part of the $_col property array
* If $column_name is null, return $_col property array
* If $column_name is valid, return $_col[$column_name] subarray
* The $_col property is an associative array in which each key is the
* name of a column in the database, and each value is a numerical array
* containing the names of all tables that contain a column with that
* name.
* @param string $column_name a column name string
* @return mixed $this->_col property array or $this->_col[$column_name]
* (PEAR_Error on failure)
* @throws PEAR_Error if:
* - $column_name is not a string (DB_TABLE_DATABASE_ERR_COL_NOT_STRING)
* - $column_name is not valid column name (DB_TABLE_DATABASE_NO_COL)
* @access public
function getCol($column_name = null)
if (is_null($column_name)) {
return $this->_col;
} elseif (is_string($column_name)) {
if (isset($this->_col[$column_name])) {
return $this->_col[$column_name];
} else {
return $this->throwError(
} else {
return $this->throwError(
// }}}
// {{{ function getForeignCol($column_name = null)
* Returns all or part of the $_foreign_col property array
* If $column_name is null, return $this->_foreign_col property array
* If $column_name is valid, return $this->_foreign_col[$column_name]
* The $_foreign_col property is an associative array in which each
* key is the name string of a foreign key column, and each value is a
* sequential array containing the names of all tables that contain a
* foreign key column with that name.
* If a column $column in a referencing table $ftable is part of the
* foreign key for references to two or more different referenced tables
* tables, the name $ftable will also appear multiple times in the array
* $this->_foreign_col[$column].
* Returns a PEAR_Error with the following DB_TABLE_DATABASE_* error
* codes if:
* - $column_name is not a string ( _COL_NOT_STRING )
* - $column_name is not valid foreign column name ( _NO_FOREIGN_COL )
* @param string column name string for foreign key column
* @return array $_foreign_col property array
* @access public
function getForeignCol($column_name = null)
if (is_null($column_name)) {
return $this->_foreign_col;
} elseif (is_string($column_name)) {
if (isset($this->_foreign_col[$column_name])) {
return $this->_foreign_col[$column_name];
} else {
return $this->throwError(
} else {
return $this->throwError(
// }}}
// {{{ function getRef($table1 = null, $table2 = null)
* Returns all or part of the $_ref two-dimensional property array
* Returns $this->_ref 2D property array if $table1 and $table2 are null.
* Returns $this->_ref[$table1] subarray if only $table2 is null.
* Returns $this->_ref[$table1][$table2] if both parameters are present.
* Returns null if $table1 is a table that references no others, or
* if $table1 and $table2 are both valid table names, but there is no
* reference from $table1 to $table2.
* The $_ref property is a two-dimensional associative array in which
* the keys are pairs of table names, each value is an array containing
* information about referenced and referencing keys, and referentially
* triggered actions (if any). An element of the $_ref array is of the
* form $ref[$ftable][$rtable] = $reference, where $ftable is the name
* of a referencing (or foreign key) table and $rtable is the name of
* a corresponding referenced table. The value $reference is an array
* $reference = array($fkey, $rkey, $on_delete, $on_update) in which
* $fkey and $rkey are the foreign (or referencing) and referenced
* keys, respectively: Foreign key $fkey of table $ftable references
* key $rkey of table $rtable. The values of $fkey and $rkey must either
* both be valid column name strings for columns of the same type, or
* they may both be sequential arrays of column name names, with equal
* numbers of columns of corresponding types, for multi-column keys. The
* $on_delete and $on_update values may be either null or string values
* that indicate actions to be taken upon deletion or updating of a
* referenced row (e.g., cascading deletes). A null value of $on_delete
* or $on_update indicates that no referentially triggered action will
* be taken. See addRef() for further details about allowed values of
* these action strings.
* @param string $table1 name of referencing table
* @param string $table2 name of referenced table
* @return mixed $ref property array, sub-array, or value
* @throws a PEAR_Error if:
* - $table1 or $table2 is not a string (.._DATABASE_ERR_TBL_NOT_STRING)
* - $table1 or $table2 is not a table name (.._DATABASE_ERR_NO_TBL)
* @access public
function getRef($table1 = null, $table2 = null)
if (is_null($table1)) {
return $this->_ref;
} elseif (is_string($table1)) {
if (isset($this->_ref[$table1])) {
if (is_null($table2)) {
return $this->_ref[$table1];
} elseif (is_string($table2)) {
if (isset($this->_ref[$table1][$table2])) {
return $this->_ref[$table1][$table2];
} else {
if (isset($this->_table[$table2])) {
// Valid table names but no references to
return null;
} else {
// Invalid table name
return $this->throwError(
"getRef, $table2");
} else {
return $this->throwError(
} else {
if (isset($this->_table[$table1])) {
// Valid table name, but no references from
return null;
} else {
// Invalid table name
return $this->throwError(
"getRef, $table1");
} else {
return $this->throwError(
// }}}
// {{{ function getRefTo($table_name = null)
* Returns all or part of the $_ref_to property array
* Returns $this->_ref_to property array if $table_name is null.
* Returns $this->_ref_to[$table_name] if $table_name is not null.
* The $_ref_to property is an associative array in which each key
* is the name of a referenced table, and each value is a sequential
* array containing the names of all tables that contain foreign keys
* that reference that table. Each element is thus of the form
* $_ref_to[$rtable] = array($ftable1, $ftable2,...), where
* $ftable1, $ftable2, ... are the names of tables that reference
* the table named $rtable.
* @param string $table_name name of table
* @return mixed $_ref_to property array or subarray
* (PEAR_Error on failure)
* @throws PEAR_Error if:
* - $table_name is not a string ( .._DATABASE_ERR_TBL_NOT_STRING )
* - $table_name is not a table name ( .._DATABASE_ERR_NO_TBL )
* @access public
function getRefTo($table_name = null)
if (is_null($table_name)) {
return $this->_ref_to;
} elseif (is_string($table_name)) {
if (isset($this->_ref_to[$table_name])) {
return $this->_ref_to[$table_name];
} else {
if (isset($this->_table[$table_name])) {
// Valid table name, but no references to
return null;
} else {
// Invalid table name
return $this->throwError(
"getRefTo, $table_name");
} else {
return $this->throwError(
// }}}
// {{{ function getLink($table1 = null, $table2 = null)
* Returns all or part of the $link two-dimensional property array
* Returns $this->_link 2D property array if $table1 and $table2 are null.
* Returns $this->_link[$table1] subarray if only $table2 is null.
* Returns $this->_link[$table1][$table2] if both parameters are present.
* Returns null if $table1 is a valid table with links to no others, or
* if $table1 and $table2 are both valid table names but there is no
* link between them.
* The $_link property is a two-dimensional associative array with
* elements of the form $this->_link[$table1][$table2] = array($link1, ...),
* in which the value is an array containing the names of all tables
* that `link' tables named $table1 and $table2, and thereby create a
* many-to-many relationship between these two tables.
* The $_link property is used in the autoJoin method to join tables
* that are related by a many-to-many relationship via a linking table,
* rather than via a direct foreign key reference. A table that is
* declared to be linking table for tables $table1 and $table2 must
* contain foreign keys that reference both of these tables.
* Each binary link in a database is listed twice in $_link, in
* $_link[$table1][$table2] and in $_link[$table2][$table1]. If a
* linking table contains foreign key references to N tables, with
* N > 2, each of the resulting binary links is listed separately.
* For example, a table with references to 3 tables A, B, and C can
* create three binary links (AB, AC, and BC) and six entries in the
* link property array (i.e., in $_link[A][B], $_link[B][A], ... ).
* Linking tables may be added to the $_link property by using the
* addLink method or deleted using the delLink method. Alternatively,
* all possible linking tables can be identified and added to the
* $_link array at once by the addAllLinks() method.
* @param string $table1 name of linked table
* @param string $table2 name of linked table
* @return mixed $_link property array, sub-array, or value
* @throws PEAR_Error:
* - $table1 or $table2 is not a string (..DATABASE_ERR_TBL_NOT_STRING)
* - $table1 or $table2 is not a table name (..DATABASE_ERR_NO_TBL)
* @access public
function getLink($table1 = null, $table2 = null)
if (is_null($table1)) {
return $this->_link;
} elseif (is_string($table1)) {
if (isset($this->_link[$table1])) {
if (is_null($table2)) {
return $this->_link[$table1];
} elseif (is_string($table2)) {
if (isset($this->_link[$table1][$table2])) {
return $this->_link[$table1][$table2];
} else {
if (isset($this->_table[$table2])) {
// Valid table names, but no links
return null;
} else {
// Invalid 2nd table name string
return $this->throwError(
"getLink, $table2");
} else {
return $this->throwError(
} else {
if (isset($this->_table[$table1])) {
// Valid first table name, but no links
return null;
} else {
// Invalid 1st table name string
return $this->throwError(
"getLink, $table1");
} else {
return $this->throwError(
// }}}
// {{{ function setTableSubclassPath($path)
* Sets path to a directory containing DB_Table subclass definitions.
* This method sets the $_table_subclass_path string property. The value of
* this property is the path to the directory containing DB_Table subclass
* definitions, without a trailing directory separator.
* This path may be used by the __wakeup(), if necessary, in an attempt to
* autoload class definitions when unserializing a DB_Table_Database object
* and its child DB_Table objects. If a DB_Table subclass $subclass_name
* has not been defined when it is needed in DB_Table_Database::__wakeup(),
* to unserialize an instance of this class, the __wakeup() method attempts
* to include a class definition file from this directory, as follows:
* <code>
* $dir = $this->_table_subclass_path;
* require_once $dir . '/' . $subclass . '.php';
* </code>
* See the getTableSubclass() docblock for a discusion of capitalization
* conventions in PHP 4 and 5 for subclass file names.
* @param string $path path to directory containing class definitions
* @return void
* @access public
* @see DB_Table_Database::getTableSubclass()
function setTableSubclassPath($path)
$this->_table_subclass_path = $path;
// }}}
// {{{ function addTable(&$table_obj)
* Adds a table to the database.
* Creates references between $this DB_Table_Database object and
* the child DB_Table object, by adding a reference to $table_obj
* to the $this->_table array, and setting $table_obj->database =
* $this.
* Adds the primary key to $this->_primary_key array. The relevant
* element of $this->_primary_key is set to null if no primary key
* index is declared. Returns an error if more than one primary key
* is declared.
* Returns true on success, and PEAR error on failure. Returns the
* following DB_TABLE_DATABASE_ERR_* error codes if:
* - $table_obj is not a DB_Table ( _DBTABLE_OBJECT )
* - more than one primary key is defined ( _ERR_MULT_PKEY )
* @param object &$table_obj the DB_Table object (reference)
* @return boolean true on success (PEAR_Error on failure)
* @access public
function addTable(&$table_obj)
// Check that $table_obj is a DB_Table object
// Identify subclass name, if any
if (is_subclass_of($table_obj, 'DB_Table')) {
$subclass = get_class($table_obj);
} elseif (is_a($table_obj, 'DB_Table')) {
$subclass = null;
} else {
return $this->throwError(
// Identify table name and table object (sub)class name
$table = $table_obj->table;
// Set $this->_primary_key[$table]
$this->_primary_key[$table] = null;
foreach ($table_obj->idx as $idx_name => $idx_def) {
if ($idx_def['type'] == 'primary') {
if (is_null($this->_primary_key[$table])) {
$this->_primary_key[$table] = $idx_def['cols'];
} else {
// More than one primary key defined in the table
return $this->throwError(
// Add references between $this parent and child table object
$this->_table[$table] =& $table_obj;
// Add subclass name (if any) to $this->_table_subclass
$this->_table_subclass[$table] = $subclass;
// Set shared properties
$table_obj->db =& $this->db;
$table_obj->backend = $this->backend;
$table_obj->fetchmode = $this->fetchmode;
// Add all columns to $_col property
foreach ($table_obj->col as $key => $def) {
if (!isset($this->_col[$key])) {
$this->_col[$key] = array();
$this->_col[$key][] = $table;
return true;
// }}}
// {{{ function deleteTable($table)
* Deletes a table from $this database object.
* Removes all dependencies on $table from the database model. The table
* is removed from $_table and $_primary_key properties. Its columns are
* removed from the $_col and $_foreign_col properties. References to
* and from the table are removed from the $_ref, $_ref_to, and $_link
* properties. Referencing columns are removed from $_foreign_col.
* @param string $table name of table to be deleted
* @return void
* @access public
function deleteTable($table)
if (isset($this->_table[$table])) {
$table_obj =& $this->_table[$table];
} else {
// Remove reference to database from table object
$null_instance = null;
// Remove columns from $_col and $_foreign_col property arrays
foreach ($table_obj->col as $column => $def) {
$key = array_search($table, $this->_col[$column]);
if (is_integer($key)) {
if (count($this->_col[$column]) == 0) {
} else {
$new = array_values($this->_col[$column]);
$this->_col[$column] = $new;
if (isset($this->_foreign_col[$column])) {
$key = array_search($table, $this->_foreign_col[$column]);
if (is_integer($key)) {
if (count($this->_foreign_col[$column]) == 0) {
} else {
$new = array_values($this->_foreign_col[$column]);
$this->_foreign_col[$column] = $new;
// Remove all references involving the deleted table.
// Corresponding links are removed from $this->_link by deleteRef
// Referencing columns are removed from $this->_foreign_col by deleteRef
foreach ($this->_ref as $ftable => $referenced) {
foreach ($referenced as $rtable => $ref) {
if ($ftable == $table || $rtable == $table) {
$this->deleteRef($ftable, $rtable);
// Remove table from $this->_table and $this->_primary_key
// }}}
// {{{ function addRef($ftable, $fkey, $rtable, [$rkey], [$on_delete], [$on_update])
* Adds a foreign key reference to the database.
* Adds a reference from foreign key $fkey of table $ftable to
* referenced key $rkey of table named $rtable to the $this->_ref
* property. The values of $fkey and $rkey (if not null) may either
* both be column name strings (for single column keys) or they
* may both be numerically indexed arrays of corresponding column
* names (for multi-column keys). If $rkey is null (the default),
* the referenced key taken to be the primary key of $rtable, if
* any.
* The $on_delete and $on_update parameters may be either be null,
* or may have string values 'restrict', 'cascade', 'set null', or
* 'set default' that indicate referentially triggered actions to be
* taken deletion or updating of referenced row in $rtable. Each of
* these actions corresponds to a standard SQL action (e.g., cascading
* delete) that may be taken upon referencing rows of table $ftable
* when a referenced row of $rtable is deleted or updated. A PHP
* null value for either parameter (the default) signifies that no
* such action will be taken upon deletion or updating.
* There may no more than one reference from a table to another, though
* reference may contain multiple columns.
* Returns true on success, and PEAR error on failure. Returns the
* following DB_TABLE_DATABASE_ERR_* error codes if:
* - $ftable does not exist ( _NO_FTABLE )
* - $rtable does not exist ( _NO_RTABLE )
* - $rkey is null and $rtable has no primary key ( _NO_PKEY )
* - $fkey is neither a string nor an array ( _FKEY )
* - $rkey is not a string, $fkey is a string ( _RKEY_NOT_STRING )
* - $rkey is not an array, $fkey is an array ( _RKEY_NOT_ARRAY )
* - A column of $fkey does not exist ( _NO_FCOL )
* - A column of $rkey does not exist ( _NO_RCOL )
* - A column of $fkey and $rkey have different types ( _REF_TYPE )
* - A reference from $ftable to $rtable already exists ( _MULT_REF )
* @param string $ftable name of foreign/referencing table
* @param mixed $fkey foreign key in referencing table
* @param string $rtable name of referenced table
* @param mixed $rkey referenced key in referenced table
* @param string $on_delete action upon delete of a referenced row.
* @param string $on_update action upon update of a referenced row.
* @return boolean true on success (PEAR_Error on failure)
* @access public
function addRef($ftable, $fkey, $rtable, $rkey = null,
$on_delete = null, $on_update = null)
// Check existence of $ftable is a key in $this->_table.
if (isset($this->_table[$ftable])) {
$ftable_obj =& $this->_table[$ftable];
} else {
return $this->throwError(
"$ftable => $rtable");
// Check existence of referenced table
if (isset($this->_table[$rtable])) {
$rtable_obj =& $this->_table[$rtable];
} else {
return $this->throwError(
"$ftable => $rtable");
// If referenced key is null, set it to the primary key
if (!$rkey) {
if (isset($this->_primary_key[$rtable])) {
$rkey = $this->_primary_key[$rtable];
} else {
// Error: null referenced key and no primary key
return $this->throwError(
"$ftable => $rtable");
// Check $fkey and $rkey types and compatibility
if (is_string($fkey)) {
if (!is_string($rkey)) {
return $this->throwError(
"$ftable => $rtable");
if (!isset($ftable_obj->col[$fkey])) {
return $this->throwError(
"$ftable.$fkey => $rtable.$rkey");
if (!isset($rtable_obj->col[$rkey])) {
return $this->throwError(
"$ftable.$fkey => $rtable.$rkey");
$ftype = $ftable_obj->col[$fkey]['type'];
$rtype = $rtable_obj->col[$rkey]['type'];
if (!($rtype == $ftype)) {
return $this->throwError(
"$ftable.$fkey => $rtable.$rkey");
} elseif (is_array($fkey)) {
if (!is_array($rkey)) {
return $this->throwError(
"$ftable => $rtable");
if (!(count($fkey) == count($rkey))) {
return $this->throwError(
"$ftable => $rtable");
for ($i=0 ; $i < count($rkey) ; $i++) {
$fcol = $fkey[$i];
$rcol = $rkey[$i];
if (!isset($ftable_obj->col[$fcol])) {
return $this->throwError(
"$ftable.$fcol => $rtable.$rcol");
if (!isset($rtable_obj->col[$rcol])) {
return $this->throwError(
"$ftable.$fcol => $rtable.$rcol");
$ftype = $ftable_obj->col[$fcol]['type'];
$rtype = $rtable_obj->col[$rcol]['type'];
if (!($rtype == $ftype)) {
return $this->throwError(
"$ftable.$fcol => $rtable.$rcol");
} else {
return $this->throwError(
"$ftable => $rtable");
// Check validity of on_delete and on_update actions
$valid_actions =
array(null, 'cascade', 'set null', 'set default', 'restrict');
if (!in_array($on_delete, $valid_actions)) {
return $this->throwError(
"$ftable => $rtable");
if (!in_array($on_update, $valid_actions)) {
return $this->throwError(
"$ftable => $rtable");
// Add reference to $this->_ref;
$ref = array(
'fkey' => $fkey,
'rkey' => $rkey,
'on_delete' => $on_delete,
'on_update' => $on_update);
if (!isset($this->_ref[$ftable])) {
$this->_ref[$ftable] = array();
} else {
if (isset($this->_ref[$ftable][$rtable])) {
// Multiple references from $ftable to $rtable
return $this->throwError(
"$ftable => $rtable");
$this->_ref[$ftable][$rtable] = $ref;
// Add referencing table $ftable to $ref_to property
if (!isset($this->_ref_to[$rtable])) {
$this->_ref_to[$rtable] = array();
$this->_ref_to[$rtable][] = $ftable;
// Add foreign key columns to $this->_foreign_col
if (is_string($fkey)) {
if (!isset($this->_foreign_col[$fkey])) {
$this->_foreign_col[$fkey] = array();
$this->_foreign_col[$fkey][] = $ftable;
} elseif (is_array($fkey)) {
foreach ($fkey as $fcol) {
if (!isset($this->_foreign_col[$fcol])) {
$this->_foreign_col[$fcol] = array();
$this->_foreign_col[$fcol][] = $ftable;
// Normal completion
return true;
// }}}
// {{{ function deleteRef($ftable, $rtable)
* Deletes one reference from database model
* Removes reference from referencing (foreign key) table named
* $ftable to referenced table named $rtable. Unsets relevant elements
* of the $ref, $_ref_to, and $_link property arrays, and removes the
* foreign key columns of $ftable from the $_foreign_col property.
* Does nothing, silently, if no such reference exists, i.e., if
* $this->_ref[$ftable][$rtable] is not set.
* @param $ftable name of referencing (foreign key) table
* @param $rtable name of referenced table
* @return void
* @access public
function deleteRef($ftable, $rtable)
// Delete from $_ref property
if (isset($this->_ref[$ftable])) {
if (isset($this->_ref[$ftable][$rtable])) {
$fkey = $this->_ref[$ftable][$rtable]['fkey'];
} else {
// No such reference, abort silently
// Remove foreign key columns from $foreign_col property
if (isset($fkey)) {
if (is_string($fkey)) {
$fkey = array($fkey);
foreach ($fkey as $column) {
if (isset($this->_foreign_col[$column])) {
$key = array_search($ftable,
if (is_integer($key)) {
if (count($this->_foreign_col[$column]) == 0) {
} else {
$new = array_values($this->_foreign_col[$column]);
$this->_foreign_col[$column] = $new;
// Delete from $_ref_to property
if (isset($this->_ref_to[$rtable])) {
$key = array_search($ftable, $this->_ref_to[$rtable]);
// Unset element
if (count($this->_ref_to[$rtable]) == 0) {
} else {
// Redefine numerical keys of remaining elements
$ref_to = array_values($this->_ref_to[$rtable]);
$this->_ref_to[$rtable] = $ref_to;
// Delete all relevant links from $_link property
if (isset($this->_link[$rtable])) {
foreach ($this->_link[$rtable] as $table2 => $links) {
if (in_array($ftable, $links)) {
$this->deleteLink($rtable, $table2, $ftable);
// }}}
// {{{ function setOnDelete($ftable, $rtable, $action)
* Modifies the on delete action for one foreign key reference.
* Modifies the value of the on_delete action associated with a reference
* from $ftable to $rtable. The parameter action may be one of the action
* strings 'cascade', 'restrict', 'set null', or 'set default', or it may
* be php null. A null value of $action indicates that no action should be
* taken upon deletion of a referenced row.
* Returns true on success, and PEAR error on failure. Returns the error
* code DB_TABLE_DATABASE_ERR_REF_TRIG_ACTION if $action is a neither a
* valid action string nor null. Returns true, and does nothing, if
* $this->_ref[$ftable][$rtable] is not set.
* @param string $ftable name of referencing (foreign key) table
* @param string $rtable name of referenced table
* @param string $action on delete action (action string or null)
* @return boolean true on normal completion (PEAR_Error on failure)
* @access public
function setOnDelete($ftable, $rtable, $action)
$valid_actions =
array(null, 'cascade', 'set null', 'set default', 'restrict');
if (isset($this->_ref[$ftable])) {
if (isset($this->_ref[$ftable][$rtable])) {
if (!in_array($action, $valid_actions)) {
return $this->throwError(
"$ftable => $rtable");
$this->_ref[$ftable][$rtable]['on_delete'] = $action;
return true;
// }}}
// {{{ function setOnUpdate($ftable, $rtable, $action)
* Modifies on update action for one foreign key reference.
* Similar to setOnDelete. See setOnDelete for further details.
* @param string $ftable name of referencing (foreign key) table
* @param string $rtable name of referenced table
* @param array $action on update action (action string or null)
* @return boolean true on normal completion (PEAR_Error on failure)
* @access public
function setOnUpdate($ftable, $rtable, $action)
$valid_actions =
array(null, 'cascade', 'set null', 'set default', 'restrict');
if (isset($this->_ref[$ftable])) {
if (isset($this->_ref[$ftable][$rtable])) {
if (!in_array($action, $valid_actions)) {
return $this->throwError(
"$ftable => $rtable");
$this->_ref[$ftable][$rtable]['on_update'] = $action;
return true;
// }}}
// {{{ function addLink($table1, $table2, $link)
* Identifies a linking/association table that links two others
* Adds table name $link to $this->_link[$table1][$table2] and
* to $this->_link[$table2][$table1].
* Returns true on success, and PEAR error on failure. Returns the
* following DB_TABLE_DATABASE_ERR_* error codes if:
* - $ftable does not exist ( _NO_FTABLE )
* - $rtable does not exist ( _NO_RTABLE )
* @param string $table1 name of 1st linked table
* @param string $table2 name of 2nd linked table
* @param string $link name of linking/association table.
* @return boolean true on success (PEAR_Error on failure)
* @access public
function addLink($table1, $table2, $link)
// Check for existence of all three tables
if (is_string($table1)) {
if (!isset($this->_table[$table1])) {
return $this->throwError(
"addLink, $table1");
} else {
return $this->throwError(
"addLink, $table1");
if (!isset($this->_table[$table2])) {
return $this->throwError(
"addLink, $table2");
if (!isset($this->_table[$link])) {
return $this->throwError(
"addLink, $link");
if (!isset($this->_ref[$link])) {
return $this->throwError(
"$link => $table1, $table2");
} else {
if (!isset($this->_ref[$link][$table1])) {
return $this->throwError(
"$link => $table1");
if (!isset($this->_ref[$link][$table2])) {
return $this->throwError(
"$link => $table2");
// Add $this_link[$table1][$table2]
if (!key_exists($table1, $this->_link)) {
$this->_link[$table1] = array();
if (!key_exists($table2, $this->_link[$table1])) {
$this->_link[$table1][$table2] = array();
$this->_link[$table1][$table2][] = $link;
// Add $this_link[$table2][$table1]
if (!key_exists($table2, $this->_link)) {
$this->_link[$table2] = array();
if (!key_exists($table1, $this->_link[$table2])) {
$this->_link[$table2][$table1] = array();
$this->_link[$table2][$table1][] = $link;
// }}}
// {{{ function addAllLink()
* Adds all possible linking tables to the $_link property array
* Identifies all potential linking tables in the datbase, and adds
* them all to the $_link property. Table $link is taken to be a
* link between tables $table1 and $table2 if it contains foreign
* key references to both $table1 and $table2.
* @return void
* @access public
function addAllLinks()
foreach ($this->_table as $link => $link_obj) {
if (isset($this->_ref[$link])) {
$ref = $this->_ref[$link];
$n = count($ref);
$names = array_keys($ref);
if ($n > 1) {
$is_link = true;
} else {
$is_link = false;
if ($is_link) {
if ($n == 2) {
$table1 = $names[0];
$table2 = $names[1];
$this->addLink($table1, $table2, $link);
} elseif ($n > 2) {
for ($i=1 ; $i < $n; $i++) {
for ($j=0 ; $j < $i; $j++) {
$table1 = $names[$j];
$table2 = $names[$i];
$this->addLink($table1, $table2, $link);
// }}}
// {{{ function deleteLink($table1, $table2, $link = null)
* Removes a link between two tables from the $_link property
* If $link is not null, remove table $link from the list of links
* between $table1 and $table2, if present. If $link is null, delete
* all links between $table1 and $table2.
* @param string $table1 name of 1st linked table
* @param string $table2 name of 2nd linked table
* @param string $link name of linking table
* @return void
* @access public
function deleteLink($table1, $table2, $link = null)
if (isset($this->_link[$table1])) {
if (isset($this->_link[$table1][$table2])) {
if ($link) {
// Find numerical key of $link in _link[$table1][$table2]
$key = array_search($link, $this->_link[$table1][$table2]);
if (is_integer($key)) {
if (count($this->_link[$table1][$table2]) == 0) {
if (count($this->_link[$table1]) == 0) {
if (count($this->_link[$table2]) == 0) {
} else {
// Reset remaining indices sequentially from zero
$new = array_values($this->_link[$table1][$table2]);
$this->_link[$table1][$table2] = $new;
$this->_link[$table2][$table1] = $new;
} else {
if (count($this->_link[$table1]) == 0) {
if (count($this->_link[$table2]) == 0) {
// }}}
// {{{ function validCol($col, $from = null)
* Validates and (if necessary) disambiguates a column name.
* The parameter $col is a string may be either a column name or
* a column name qualified by a table name, using the SQL syntax
* "$table.$column". If $col contains a table name, and is valid,
* an array($table, $column) is returned. If $col is not qualified
* by a column name, an array array($table, $column) is returned,
* in which $table is either the name of one table, or an array
* containing the names of two or more tables containing a column
* named $col.
* The $from parameter, if present, is a numerical array of
* names of tables with which $col should be associated, if no
* explicit table name is provided, and if possible. If one
* or more of the tables in $from contains a column $col, the
* returned table or set of tables is restricted to those in
* array $from.
* If the table name remains ambiguous after testing for tables in
* the $from set, and $col is not a foreign key in one or more of
* the remaining tables, the returned table or set of tables is
* restricted to those in which $col is not a foreign key.
* Returns a PEAR_Error with the following DB_TABLE_DATABASE_ERR_* error
* codes if:
* - column $col does not exist in the database ( _NO_COL_DB )
* - column $col does not exist in the specified table ( _NO_COL_TBL )
* @param string $col column name, optionally qualified by a table name
* @param array $from array of tables from which $col should be chosen,
* if possible.
* @return array array($table, $column), or PEAR_Error on failure
* $column is a string, $table is a string or array
* @access public
function validCol($col, $from = null)
$col = explode('.',trim($col));
if (count($col) == 1) {
// Parameter $col is a column name with no table name
$column = $col[0];
// Does $column exist in database ?
if (!isset($this->_col[$column])) {
return $this->throwError(
$table = $this->_col[$column];
// If $table is not unique, try restricting to arrays in $from
if (count($table) > 1 && $from) {
$ptable = array_intersect($table, $from);
if (count($ptable) > 0) {
$table = array_values($ptable);
// If count($table)>1, try excluding foreign key columns
if (count($table) > 1 && isset($this->_foreign_col[$column])) {
$ptable = array_diff($table, $this->_foreign_col[$column]);
if (count($ptable) > 0) {
$table = array_values($ptable);
// If only one table remains, set $table = table name string
if (count($table) == 1) {
$table = $table[0];
} elseif (count($col) == 2) {
// parameter $col is qualified by a table name
$table = $col[0];
$column = $col[1];
if (isset($this->_table[$table])) {
$table_obj =& $this->_table[$table];
$col_array = $table_obj->col;
if (!isset($col_array[$column])) {
return $this->throwError(
} else {
return $this->throwError(
DB_TABLE_DATABASE_ERR_NO_TBL, "validCol, $table");
return array($table, $column);
// }}}
// {{{ function createTables($flag = 'safe')
* Creates all the tables in a database in a RDBMS
* Note: this method creates all the tables in a database, but does
* NOT create the parent database or set it to the current or default
* database -- the database must exist before the method is called.
* If creation of any table fails, the method immediately returns the
* PEAR error returned by DB_Table::create($flag).
* @param mixed $flag The automatic database creation mode, which is
* applied to each table in the database. It can have
* values:
* - 'safe' to create a table only if it does not exist
* - 'drop' to drop and recreate any existing table
with the same name
* @return boolean true on sucess (PEAR_Error on failure of any table)
* @access public
* @see DB_Table::create()
function createTables($flag = 'safe')
foreach ($this->_table as $name => $table) {
$result = $table->create($flag);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
return true;
// }}}
// {{{ function validForeignKeys($table_name, $data)
* Check validity of any foreign key values in associative array $data
* containing values to be inserted or updated in table $table_name.
* Returns true if each foreign key in $data matches a row in the
* referenced table, or if there are no foreign key columns in $data.
* Returns a PEAR_Error if any foreign key column in associative array
* $data (which may contain a full or partial row of $table_name), does
* not match the the value of the referenced column in any row of the
* referenced table.
* @param $table_name name of the referencing table containing $data
* @param @data associative array containing all or part of a row
* of data of $table_name, with column name keys.
* @return bool true if all foreign keys are valid, returns PEAR_Error
* if foreign keys are invalid or if an error is thrown
* by a required query
* @throws PEAR error if:
* - Error thrown by _buildFKeyFilter method (bubbles up)
* - Error thrown by select method for required query (bubbles up)
* @access public
function validForeignKeys($table_name, $data)
if (isset($this->_ref[$table_name])) {
foreach ($this->_ref[$table_name] as $rtable_name => $ref) {
$fkey = $ref['fkey'];
$rkey = $ref['rkey'];
$rtable_obj =& $this->_table[$rtable_name];
// Construct select where clause for referenced rows,
// $filter = '' if $data contains no foreign key columns,
$filter = $this->_buildFKeyFilter($data, $fkey, $rkey);
if (PEAR::isError($filter)) {
return $filter;
// If inserted data contain FK columns referenced by rtable,
// select referenced row of rtable, return error if none is
// found
if ($filter) {
$sql = array('select'=> '*',
'from' => $rtable_name,
'where' => $filter);
$referenced_rows = $this->select($sql);
// Check for failed query
if (PEAR::isError($referenced_rows)) {
return $referenced_rows;
// Check for failed foreign key constraint
if (count($referenced_rows) == 0) {
return $this->throwError(
return true;
// }}}
// {{{ function insert($table_name, $data)
* Inserts a single table row
* Wrapper for insert method of the corresponding DB_Table object.
* Data will be validated before insertion using validForeignKey(),
* if foreign key validation in enabled.
* @param string $table_name Name of table into which to insert data
* @param array $data Associative array, in which each key is a column
* name and each value is that column's value.
* This is the data that will be inserted into
* the table. Data is checked against the column
* names and data types for validity.
* @return boolean true on success (PEAR_Error on failure)
* @access public
function insert($table_name, $data)
// Dereference table object
if (isset($this->_table[$table_name])) {
$table_obj =& $this->_table[$table_name];
} else {
return $this->throwError(
"insert, $table_name");
// Insert into $table_obj
$result = $table_obj->insert($data);
// Return value: true or PEAR_Error
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
} else {
return true;
// }}}
// {{{ function autoValidInsert($flag = true)
* Turns on or off automatic validation of inserted data for all tables
* @param bool $flag true to turn on auto-validation, false to turn off.
* @return void
* @access public
function autoValidInsert($flag = true)
foreach ($this->_table as $table_obj) {
// }}}
// {{{ function update($table_name, $data, $where)
* Updates all row(s) of table that match a custom where clause.
* Wrapper for insert method of the corresponding DB_Table object.
* Data will be validated before insertion using validForeignKey(),
* if foreign key validation in enabled.
* Implements any required ON UPDATE actions on tables that
* reference updated columns, if on update actions are enabled.
* @param string $table_name name of table to update
* @param array $data associative array in which keys are names of
* columns to be updated values are new values.
* @param string $where SQL WHERE clause that limits the set of
* records to update.
* @return boolean true on success (PEAR_Error on failure)
* @access public
function update($table_name, $data, $where)
// Dereference table object
if (isset($this->_table[$table_name])) {
$table_obj =& $this->_table[$table_name];
} else {
return $this->throwError(
"update, $table_name");
// Apply update
$result = $table_obj->update($data, $where);
// Return value: true or PEAR_Error
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
} else {
return true;
// }}}
// {{{ function autoValidUpdate($flag = true)
* Turns on (or off) automatic validation of updated data for all tables.
* @param bool $flag true to turn on auto-validation, false to turn off
* @return void
* @access public
function autoValidUpdate($flag = true)
foreach ($this->_table as $table_obj) {
// }}}
// {{{ function onUpdateAction(&$table_obj, $data, $where)
* Implements any ON UPDATE actions triggered by updating of rows of
* $table_obj that match logical condition $where.
* This method is called by the DB_Table::update() method if the table
* has a parent DB_Table_Database object, and if ON UPDATE actions are
* enabled in the database object. It is called indirectly by the
* DB_Table_Database::delete() method, which is simply a wrapper for
* the DB_Table method.
* @param object &$table_obj Reference to a DB_Table object
* @param array $data Data to updated, column name keys, data values
* @param string $where SQL logical condition for updated rows
* @return boolean true on success (PEAR_Error on failure)
* @access public
function onUpdateAction(&$table_obj, $data, $where)
$table_name = $table_obj->table;
if ($this->_act_on_update and isset($this->_ref_to[$table_name])) {
$update_rows = null;
foreach ($this->_ref_to[$table_name] as $ftable_name) {
$ref = $this->_ref[$ftable_name][$table_name];
$action = isset($ref['on_update']) ? $ref['on_update'] : null;
if (is_null($action)) {
$rtable_obj =& $this->_table[$table_name];
$ftable_obj =& $this->_table[$ftable_name];
$fkey = $ref['fkey'];
$rkey = $ref['rkey'];
// Check if any column(s) of referenced $rkey are updated
$rkey_updated = false;
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
if (is_string($rkey)){
if ($key == $rkey) {
$rkey_updated = true;
} else {
if (in_array($key, $rkey)) {
$rkey_updated = true;
// If $rkey is not updated, continue to next referencing table
if (!$rkey_updated) {
// Select rows to be updated, if not done previously
if ($update_rows === null) {
if ($this->backend == 'mdb2') {
$fetchmode_assoc = MDB2_FETCHMODE_ASSOC;
} else {
$fetchmode_assoc = DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC;
$sql = array('select' => '*',
'from' => $table_name,
'where' => $where,
'fetchmode' => $fetchmode_assoc);
$update_rows = $this->select($sql);
if (PEAR::isError($update_rows)) {
return $update_rows;
// Construct $fdata array if cascade, set null, or set default
$fdata = null;
if ($action == 'cascade') {
if (is_string($rkey)) {
if (array_key_exists($rkey, $data)) {
$fdata = array($fkey => $data[$rkey]);
} else {
$fdata = array();
for ($i=0; $i < count($rkey); $i++) {
$rcol = $rkey[$i];
$fcol = $fkey[$i];
if (array_key_exists($rcol, $data)) {
$fdata[$fcol] = $data[$rcol];
if (count($fdata) == 0) {
$fdata = null;
} elseif ($action == 'set null' or $action == 'set default') {
if (is_string($fkey)) {
if ($action == 'set default') {
$value = isset($ftable_obj->col[$fkey]['default'])
? $ftable_obj->col[$fkey]['default'] : null;
} else {
$value = null;
$fdata = array($fkey => $value);
} else {
$fdata = array();
foreach ($fkey as $fcol) {
if ($action == 'set default') {
$value = isset($ftable_obj->col[$fcol]['default'])
? $ftable_obj->col[$fcol]['default'] : null;
} else {
$value = null;
$fdata[$fcol] = $value;
if (count($fdata) == 0) {
$fdata = null;
} elseif ($action == 'restrict') {
$fdata = true;
} elseif ($action == null) {
$fdata = null;
} else {
return $this->throwError(
"$ftable_name => $table_name");
if (!is_null($fdata)) {
// Loop over rows to be updated from $table
foreach ($update_rows as $update_row) {
// If necessary, restore case of column names
if ($this->_fix_case) {
$cols = array_keys($table_obj->col);
$update_row = $this->_replaceKeys($update_row, $cols);
// Construct filter for rows that reference $update_row
$filter = $this->_buildFKeyFilter($update_row,
$rkey, $fkey);
// Apply action to foreign/referencing rows
if ($action == 'restrict') {
$sql = array('select'=>'*',
'from' => $ftable_name,
'where' => $filter);
$frows = $this->select($sql);
if (PEAR::isError($frows)) {
return $frows;
if (count($frows) > 0) {
return $this->throwError(
} else {
// If 'cascade', 'set null', or 'set default',
// then update the referencing foreign key.
// Note: Turn off foreign key validity check
// during update, then restore original value
$check_fkey = $this->_check_fkey;
$this->_check_fkey = false;
$result = $this->update($ftable_name, $fdata,
$this->_check_fkey = $check_fkey;
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
} // foreach ($update_row)
} // if (!is_null($fdata))
} // foreach loop over referencing tables
} // end if
// Normal completion
return true;
// }}}
// {{{ function autoRecast($flag = true)
* Turns on (or off) automatic recasting of insert and update data
* for all tables
* @param bool $flag True to automatically recast insert and update
* data, in all tables, false to not do so.
* @return void
* @access public
function autoRecast($flag = true)
foreach ($this->_table as $table_obj) {
// }}}
// {{{ function autoInc($flag = true)
* Turns on (or off) php implementation of auto-incrementing on insertion
* for all tables
* @param bool $flag True to turn on auto-incrementing, false to turn off
* @return void
* @access public
function autoInc($flag = true)
foreach ($this->_table as $table_obj) {
$table_obj->auto_inc = $flag;
// }}}
// {{{ function delete($table_name, $where)
* Deletes all row(s) of table that match a custom where clause.
* Wrapper for insert method of the corresponding DB_Table object.
* Implements any required ON DELETE action on tables that reference
* deleted rows, if on delete actions are enabled.
* @param string $table_name name of table from which to delete
* @param string $where SQL WHERE clause that limits the set
* of records to delete
* @return boolean true on success (PEAR_Error on failure)
* @access public
function delete($table_name, $where)
// Dereference table object
if (isset($this->_table[$table_name])) {
$table_obj =& $this->_table[$table_name];
} else {
return $this->throwError(
"delete, $table_name");
// Delete from $table_obj
$result = $table_obj->delete($where);
// Return value: true or PEAR_Error
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
} else {
return true;
// }}}
// {{{ function onDeleteAction(&$table_obj, $where)
* Implements ON DELETE actions triggered by deletion of rows of
* $table_obj that match logical condition $where.
* This method is called by the DB_Table::delete() method if the table
* has a parent DB_Table_Database object, and if ON DELETE actions are
* enabled in the database object. It is called indirectly by the
* DB_Table_Database::delete() method, which is simply a wrapper for
* the DB_Table method.
* @param object &$table_obj Reference to a DB_Table object
* @param string $where SQL logical condition for deleted rows
* @return boolean true on success (PEAR_Error on failure)
* @access public
function onDeleteAction(&$table_obj, $where)
$table_name = $table_obj->table;
if ($this->_act_on_delete and isset($this->_ref_to[$table_name])) {
$delete_rows = null;
foreach ($this->_ref_to[$table_name] as $ftable_name) {
$ref = $this->_ref[$ftable_name][$table_name];
$action = $ref['on_delete'];
if (is_null($action)) {
$ftable_obj =& $this->_table[$ftable_name];
$rtable_obj =& $this->_table[$table_name];
$fkey = $ref['fkey'];
$rkey = $ref['rkey'];
// Select rows to be deleted, if not done previously
if ($delete_rows === null) {
if ($this->backend == 'mdb2') {
$fetchmode_assoc = MDB2_FETCHMODE_ASSOC;
} else {
$fetchmode_assoc = DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC;
$sql = array('select' => '*',
'from' => $table_name,
'where' => $where,
'fetchmode' => $fetchmode_assoc);
$delete_rows = $this->select($sql);
if (PEAR::isError($delete_rows)) {
return $delete_rows;
// If set null or set default, construct update $fdata
// $fdata contains data for updating referencing rows
if ($action == 'set null' or $action == 'set default') {
if (is_string($fkey)) {
if ($action == 'set default') {
$value = isset($ftable_obj->col[$fkey]['default'])
? $ftable_obj->col[$fkey]['default'] : null;
} else {
$value = null;
$fdata = array($fkey => $value);
} else {
$fdata = array();
foreach ($fkey as $fcol) {
if ($action == 'set default') {
$value = isset($ftable_obj->col[$fcol]['default'])
? $ftable_obj->col[$fcol]['default'] : null;
} else {
$value = null;
$fdata[$fcol] = $value;
// Loop over rows to be deleted from $table_name
foreach ($delete_rows as $delete_row) {
// If necessary, restore case of $delete_row column names
if ($this->_fix_case) {
$cols = array_keys($table_obj->col);
$delete_row = $this->_replaceKeys($delete_row, $cols);
// Construct filter for referencing rows in $ftable_name
$filter = $this->_buildFKeyFilter($delete_row,
$rkey, $fkey);
// Apply action for one deleted row
if ($action == 'restrict') {
// Select for referencing rows throw error if found
$sql = array('select'=>'*',
'from' => $ftable_name,
'where' => $filter);
$frows = $this->select($sql);
if (PEAR::isError($frows)) {
return $frows;
if (count($frows) > 0) {
return $this->throwError(
} elseif ($action == 'cascade') {
// Delete referencing rows
// Note: Recursion on delete
$result = $this->delete($ftable_name, $filter);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
} elseif ($action == 'set null' OR $action == 'set default') {
// Update referencing rows, using $fdata
// Note: Turn off foreign key validity check during
// update of referencing key to null or default, then
// restore $this->_check_fkey to original value
$check_fkey = $this->_check_fkey;
$this->_check_fkey = false;
$result = $this->update($ftable_name, $fdata, $filter);
$this->_check_fkey = $check_fkey;
#$result = $ftable_obj->update($fdata, $filter);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
} else {
// Invalid $action name, throw Error
return $this->throwError(
"$ftable_name => $table_name");
} // end foreach ($delete_rows)
} // end foreach ($this->_ref_to[...] as $ftable_name)
} // end if
// Normal completion
return true;
// }}}
// {{{ function _replaceKeys($data, $keys)
* Returns array in which keys of associative array $data are replaced
* by values of sequential array $keys.
* This function is used by the onDeleteAction() and onUpdateAction()
* methods to restore the case of column names in associative arrays
* that are returned from an automatically generated query "SELECT *
* FROM $table WHERE ...", when these column name keys are returned
* with a fixed case. In this usage, $keys is a sequential array of
* the names of all columns in $table.
* @param array $data associative array
* @param array $key numerical array of replacement key names
* @return array associative array in which keys of $data have been
* replaced by the values of array $keys.
* @access private
function _replaceKeys($data, $keys)
$new_data = array();
$i = 0;
foreach ($data as $old_key => $value) {
$new_key = $keys[$i];
$new_data[$new_key] = $value;
$i = $i + 1;
return $new_data;
// }}}
// {{{ function autoJoin($cols = null, $tables = null, $filter = null)
* Builds a select command involving joined tables from
* a list of column names and/or a list of table names.
* Returns an query array of the form used in $this->buildSQL,
* constructed on the basis of a sequential array $cols of
* column names and/or a sequential array $tables of table
* names. The 'FROM' clause in the resulting SQL contains
* all the table listed in the $tables parameter and all
* those containing the columns listed in the $cols array,
* as well as any linking tables required to establish
* many to many relationships between these tables. The
* 'WHERE' clause is constructed so as to create an inner
* join of these tables.
* The $cols parameter is a sequential array in which the
* values are column names. Column names may be qualified
* by a table name, using the SQL table.column syntax, but
* need not be qualified if they are unambiguous. The
* values in $cols can only be column names, and may not
* be functions or more complicated SQL expressions. If
* cols is null, the resulting SQL command will start with
* 'SELECT * FROM ...' .
* The $tables parameter is a sequential array in which the
* values are table names. If $tables is null, the FROM
* clause is constructed from the tables containing the
* columns in the $cols.
* The $params array is an associative array can have
* 'filter', and 'order' keys, which are both optional.
* A value $params['filter'] is an condition string to
* add (i.e., AND) to the automatically constructed set
* of join conditions. A value $params['order'] is an
* SQL 'ORDER BY' clause, with no 'ORDER BY' prefix.
* The function returns an associative array with keys
* ('select', 'from', 'where', ['order']), for which the
* associated values are strings containing the SELECT,
* FROM, WHERE and (optionally) ORDER BY clauses of the
* select statement. The entire SELECT command string
* can be obtained by passing the resulting array to
* the buildSQL method.
* @param array $cols sequential array of column names
* @param array $tables sequential array of table names
* @param array $filter SQL logical expression to be added
* (ANDed) to the where clause
* @return array sql query array for select statement
* @access public
function autoJoin($cols = null, $tables = null, $filter = null)
// initialize array containing clauses of select statement
$query = array();
if (is_null($tables)) {
if (is_null($cols)) {
return $this->throwError(
$tables = array();
if (!$cols) {
// If no columns specified, SELECT * FROM ...
$query['select'] = '*';
} else {
// Qualify unqualified columns with table names
$all_tables = $tables;
foreach ($cols as $key => $col) {
$col_array = $this->validCol($col, $tables);
if (PEAR::isError($col_array)) {
return $col_array;
$table = $col_array[0];
$column = $col_array[1];
if (is_array($table)) {
return $this->throwError(
$cols[$key] = "$table.$column";
if (!in_array($table, $all_tables)) {
$all_tables[] = $table;
$tables = $all_tables;
// Construct select clause
$query['select'] = implode(', ', $cols);
// Construct array $joins of join conditions
$n_tables = count($tables);
if ($n_tables == 1) {
$query['from'] = $tables[0];
} else {
$join_tables = array($tables[0]); // list of joined tables
$link_tables = array(); // list of required linking tables
$joins = array(); // list of join conditions
// Initialize linked list of unjoined tables
$next = array();
for ( $i=1 ; $i < $n_tables-1 ; $i++) {
$next[$tables[$i]] = $tables[$i+1];
$prev[$tables[$i+1]] = $tables[$i];
$next[$tables[$n_tables-1]] = $tables[1];
$prev[$tables[1]] = $tables[$n_tables-1];
$n_remain = $n_tables - 1;
$head = $tables[1];
$table1 = $tables[1];
$joined = false;
$direct = true;
while ($n_remain > 0) {
if ($direct) {
// Search for references from table1 to joined tables
if (isset($this->_ref[$table1])) {
$list = $this->_ref[$table1];
foreach ($list as $table2 => $def) {
if (in_array($table2, $join_tables)) {
if ($joined) {
return $this->throwError(
$fkey = $def['fkey'];
$rkey = $def['rkey'];
if (is_string($fkey)) {
$joins[] = "$table1.$fkey = $table2.$rkey";
} else {
for ($i=0; $i < count($fkey); $i++ ) {
$fcol = $fkey[$i];
$rcol = $rkey[$i];
$joins[] =
"$table1.$fcol = $table2.$rcol";
$joined = true;
// Search for references to table1 from joined tables
if (isset($this->_ref_to[$table1])) {
$list = $this->_ref_to[$table1];
foreach ($list as $table2) {
if (in_array($table2, $join_tables)) {
if ($joined) {
return $this->throwError(
$def = $this->_ref[$table2][$table1];
$fkey = $def['fkey'];
$rkey = $def['rkey'];
if (is_string($fkey)) {
$joins[] = "$table2.$fkey = $table1.$rkey";
} else {
for ($i=0; $i < count($fkey); $i++ ) {
$fcol = $fkey[$i];
$rcol = $rkey[$i];
$joins[] =
"$table2.$fcol = $table1.$rcol";
$joined = true;
} else {
// Search for indirect linking table to table1
if (isset($this->_link[$table1])) {
foreach ($this->_link[$table1] as $table2 => $links) {
if (in_array($table2, $join_tables)) {
$n_link = count($links);
if ($n_link > 1) {
return $this->throwError(
if ($joined and $n_link > 0) {
return $this->throwError(
$link = $links[0];
$def1 = $this->_ref[$link][$table1];
$fkey1 = $def1['fkey'];
$rkey1 = $def1['rkey'];
if (is_string($fkey1)) {
$joins[] = "$link.$fkey1 = $table1.$rkey1";
} else {
for ($i=0; $i < count($fkey1); $i++ ) {
$fcol1 = $fkey1[$i];
$rcol1 = $rkey1[$i];
$joins[] =
"$link.$fcol1 = $table1.$rcol1";
$def2 = $this->_ref[$link][$table2];
$fkey2 = $def2['fkey'];
$rkey2 = $def2['rkey'];
if (is_string($fkey2)) {
$joins[] = "$link.$fkey2 = $table2.$rkey2";
} else {
for ($i=0; $i < count($fkey2); $i++ ) {
$fcol2 = $fkey2[$i];
$rcol2 = $rkey2[$i];
$joins[] =
"$link.$fcol2 = $table2.$rcol2";
$link_tables[] = $link;
$joined = true;
if ($joined) {
$join_tables[] = $table1;
$n_remain = $n_remain - 1;
if ($n_remain > 0) {
$head = $next[$table1];
$tail = $prev[$table1];
$prev[$head] = $tail;
$next[$tail] = $head;
$table1 = $head;
$joined = false;
$direct = true;
} else {
$table1 = $next[$table1];
if ($table1 == $head) {
if ($direct) {
$direct = false;
} else {
return $this->throwError(
// Add any required linking tables to $tables array
if ($link_tables) {
foreach ($link_tables as $link) {
if (!in_array($link, $tables)) {
$tables[] = $link;
// Construct from clause from $tables array
$query['from'] = implode(', ', $tables);
// Construct where clause from $joins array
$query['where'] = implode("\n AND ", $joins);
// Add $filter condition, if present
if ($filter) {
if (isset($query['where'])) {
$query['where'] = '( ' . $query['where'] . " )\n" .
' AND ( ' . $filter . ')';
} else {
$query['where'] = $filter;
return $query;
// }}}
// {{{ function _buildFKeyFilter($data, $data_key = null, $filt_key = null, $match = 'simple')
* Returns WHERE clause equating values of $data array to database column
* values
* Usage: The function is designed to return an SQL logical
* expression that equates the values of a set of foreign key columns in
* associative array $data, which is a row to be inserted or updated in
* one table, to the values of the corresponding columns of a referenced
* table. In this usage, $data_key is the foreign key (a column name or
* numerical array of column names), and $filt_key is the corresponding
* referenced key.
* Parameters: Parameter $data is an associative array containing data to
* be inserted into or used to update one row of a database table, in which
* array keys are column names. When present, $data_key contains either
* the name of a single array key of interest, or a numerical array of such
* keys. These are usually the names of the columns of a foreign key in
* that table. When, $data_key is null or absent, it is taken to be equal
* to an array containing all of the keys of $data. When present, $filt_key
* contains either a string or a numerical array of strings that are
* aliases for the keys in $data_key. These are usually the names of the
* corresponding columns in the referenced table. When $filt_key is null
* or absent, it is equated with $data_key internally. The function
* returns an SQL logical expression that equates the values in $data
* whose keys are specified by $data_key, to the values of database
* columns whose names are specified in $filt_key.
* General case: _buildFKeyFilter returns a SQL logical expression that
* equates the values of $data whose keys are given in $data_key with the
* values of database columns with names given in $filt_key. For example,
* if
* <code>
* $data = array( 'k1' => $v1, 'k2' => $v2, ... , 'k10' => $v10 );
* $data_key = array('k2', 'k5', 'k7');
* $filt_key = array('c2', 'c5', 'c7');
* </code>
* then buildFilter($data, $data_key, $filt_key) returns a string
* <code>
* "c2 = $v2 AND c5 = $v5 AND c7 = $v7"
* </code>
* in which the values $v2, $v5, $v7 are replaced by properly quoted
* SQL literal values. If, in the above example, $data_key = 'k5'
* and $filt_key = 'c5', then the function will return
* <code>
* "c5 = $v5"
* </code>
* where (again) $v5 is replaced by an SQL literal.
* Simple case: If parameters $data_key and $filt_key are null, the
* behavior is the same as that of the DB_Table_Base::buildFilter() method.
* For example, if
* <code>
* $data = array( 'c1' => $v1, 'c2' => $v2, 'c3' => $v3)
* </code>
* then _buildFKeyFilter($data) returns a string
* <code>
* "c1 => $val1 AND c2 => $val2 AND c3 = $v3"
* </code>
* in which the values $v1, $v2, $v3 are replaced by SQL literal values,
* quoted and escaped as appropriate for each data type and the backend.
* Quoting is done by the DB_Table_Database::quote() method, based on
* the php type of the values in $array. The treatment of null values
* in $data depends upon the value of the $match parameter.
* Null values: The treatment to null values in $data depends upon
* the value of the $match parameter . If $match == 'simple', an empty
* string is returned if any $value of $data with a key in $data_key
* is null. If $match == 'partial', the returned SQL expression
* equates only the relevant non-null values of $data to the values of
* corresponding database columns. If $match == 'full', the function
* returns an empty string if all of the relevant values of data are
* null, and returns a PEAR_Error if some of the selected values are
* null and others are not null.
* @param array $data associative array, keys are column names
* @param mixed $data_key string or numerical array of strings, in which
* values are a set of keys of interest in $data
* @param mixed $data_key string or numerical array of strings, in which
* values are names of a corresponding set of
* database column names.
* @return string SQL expression equating values in $data, for which keys
* also appear in $data_key, to values of corresponding
* database columns named in $filt_key.
* @access private
function _buildFKeyFilter($data, $data_key = null, $filt_key = null,
$match = 'simple')
// Check $match type value
if (!in_array($match, array('simple', 'partial', 'full'))) {
return $this->throwError(
// Simple case: Build filter from $data array alone
if (is_null($data_key) && is_null($filt_key)) {
return $this->buildFilter($data, $match);
// Defaults for $data_key and $filt_key:
if (is_null($data_key)) {
$data_key = array_keys($data);
if (is_null($filt_key)) {
$filt_key = $data_key;
// General case: $data_key and/or $filt_key not null
if (is_string($data_key)) {
if (!is_string($filt_key)) {
return $this->throwError(
if (array_key_exists($data_key, $data)) {
$value = $data[$data_key];
if (!is_null($value)) {
$value = (string) $this->quote($data[$data_key]);
return "$filt_key = $value";
} else {
return '';
} else {
return '';
} elseif (is_array($data_key)) {
if (!is_array($filt_key)) {
return $this->throwError(
$filter = array();
for ($i=0; $i < count($data_key); $i++) {
$data_col = $data_key[$i];
$filt_col = $filt_key[$i];
if (array_key_exists($data_col, $data)) {
$value = $data[$data_col];
if (!is_null($value)) {
if ($match == 'full' && isset($found_null)) {
return $this->throwError(
$value = $this->quote($value);
$filter[] = "$filt_col = $value";
} else {
$found_null = true;
if ($match == 'simple' && isset($found_null)) {
return '';
if (count($filter) == 0) {
return '';
return implode(' AND ', $filter);
} else {
// Invalid data key
return $this->throwError(
// }}}
// {{{ function quote($value)
* Returns SQL literal string representation of a php value
* Calls MDB2::quote() or DB_Common::quoteSmart() to enquote and
* escape string values. If $value is:
* - a string, return the string enquoted and escaped
* - a number, return cast of number to string, without quotes
* - a boolean, return '1' for true and '0' for false
* - null, return the string 'NULL'
* @param mixed $value
* @return string Representation of value as an SQL literal
* @access public
* @see DB_Common::quoteSmart()
* @see MDB2::quote()
function quote($value)
if (is_bool($value)) {
return $value ? '1' : '0';
if ($this->backend == 'mdb2') {
$value = $this->db->quote($value);
} else {
$value = $this->db->quoteSmart($value);
return (string) $value;
// }}}
// {{{ function __sleep()
* Serializes all table references and sets $db = null, $backend = null
* @return array names of all properties
* @access public
function __sleep()
$this->db = null;
$this->backend = null;
// needed in setDatabaseInstance, where null is passed by reference
$null_variable = null;
foreach ($this->_table as $name => $table_obj) {
$table_obj->db = null;
$this->_table[$name] = serialize($table_obj);
return array_keys(get_object_vars($this));
// }}}
// {{{ function __wakeup()
* Unserializes DB_Table_Database object and all child DB_Table objects
* Immediately after unserialization, a DB_Table_Database object
* has null $db and $backend properties, as do all of its child
* DB_Table objects. The DB_Table_Database::setDB method should
* be called immediately after unserialization to re-establish
* the database connection, like so:
* <code>
* $db_object = unserialize($serialized_db);
* $db_object->setDB($conn);
* </code>
* where $conn is a DB/MDB2 object. This establishes a DB/MDB2
* connection for both the parent database and all child tables.
* This method unserializes all of the child DB_Table objects of
* a DB_Table_Database object. It must thus have access to the
* definitions of the associated DB_Table subclasses. These are
* listed in the $_table_subclass property. If a required subclass
* named $subclass is not defined, the __wakeup() method attempts
* to autoload a file "$subclass.php" in the directory specified
* by $this->table_subclass_path.
* @return void
* @access public
function __wakeup()
foreach ($this->_table as $name => $table_string) {
// Check for subclass definition, and autoload if necessary.
$subclass = $this->_table_subclass[$name];
if (!is_null($subclass)) {
if (!class_exists($subclass)) {
$dir = $this->_table_subclass_path;
require_once $dir . '/' . $subclass . '.php';
// Unserialize table
$table_obj = unserialize($table_string);
// Reset references between database and table objects
$this->_table[$name] = $table_obj;
// }}}
// {{{ function toXML()
* Returns XML string representation of database declaration
* @param string $indent string of whitespace, prefix to each line
* @return string XML string representation
* @access public
function toXML($indent = '') {
require_once 'DB/Table/XML.php';
$s = array();
$s[] = DB_Table_XML::openTag('database', $indent);
foreach ($this->_table as $name => $table_obj) {
$s[] = $table_obj->toXML($indent);
$s[] = DB_Table_XML::closeTag('database', $indent);
return implode("\n", $s);
// }}}
// {{{ function fromXML($xml_string, $conn)
* Returns a DB_Table_Database object constructed from an XML string
* Uses the MDB2 XML schema for a database element, including a new
* syntax for foreign key indices.
* NOTE: This function requires PHP 5. It throws an error if used
* with PHP 4.
* @param string XML string representation
* @return object DB_Table_Database object on success (PEAR_Error on failure)
* @throws PEAR_Error if:
* - PHP version is not >= 5.0.0 (...DATABASE_ERR_PHP_VERSION )
* - Parsing by simpleXML fails (...DATABASE_ERR_XML_PARSE )
* @access public
function fromXML($xml_string, $conn)
// Check PHP version. Throw error if not >= PHP 5.0.0
$version = phpversion();
if (version_compare($version, '5.0.0', "<")) {
return $this->throwError(
$xml = simplexml_load_string($xml_string);
if ($xml == false) {
return $this->throwError(
// Instantiate database object
$database_name = (string) $xml->name;
$database_obj = new DB_Table_Database($conn, $database_name);
// Create array of foreign key references
$ref = array();
// Loop over tables
foreach ($xml->table as $table) {
$table_name = (string) $table->name;
// Instantiate table object
$table_obj = new DB_Table($conn, $table_name);
// Add columns to table object
$declaration = $table->declaration;
foreach ($declaration->field as $field) {
$col_name = (string) $field->name;
$type = (string) $field->type;
$def = array('type' => $type);
if (isset($field->length)) {
$def['size'] = (integer) $field->length;
if (isset($field->notnull)) {
if ($field->notnull) {
$def['require'] = true;
} else {
$def['require'] = false;
if (isset($field->default)) {
$def['default'] = $field->default;
if (isset($field->autoincrement)) {
if (is_null($table_obj->auto_inc_col)) {
$table_obj->auto_inc_col = $col_name;
} else {
return $this->throwError(
$table_obj->col[$col_name] = $def;
// Add indices
foreach ($declaration->index as $index) {
if (isset($index->name)) {
$name = (string) $index->name;
} else {
$name = null;
$def = array();
if (isset($index->primary)) {
$def['type'] = 'primary';
} elseif (isset($index->unique)) {
$def['type'] = 'unique';
} else {
$def['type'] = 'normal';
foreach ($index->field as $field) {
$def['cols'][] = (string) $field;
if ($name) {
$table_obj->idx[$name] = $def;
} else {
$table_obj->idx[] = $def;
// Add table object to database object
// Foreign key references
foreach ($declaration->foreign as $foreign) {
if (isset($foreign->name)) {
$name = (string) $foreign->name;
} else {
$name = null;
$fkey = array();
foreach ($foreign->field as $field) {
$fkey[] = (string) $field;
if (count($fkey) == 1) {
$fkey = $fkey[0];
$rtable = (string) $foreign->references->table;
if (isset($foreign->references->field)) {
$rkey = array();
foreach ($foreign->references->field as $field) {
$rkey[] = (string) $field;
if (count($rkey)==1) {
$rkey = $rkey[0];
} else {
$rkey = null;
if (isset($foreign->ondelete)) {
$on_delete = (string) $foreign->ondelete;
} else {
$on_delete = null;
if (isset($foreign->onupdate)) {
$on_update = (string) $foreign->onupdate;
} else {
$on_update = null;
// Add reference definition to $ref array
$def = array();
$def['fkey'] = $fkey;
$def['rkey'] = $rkey;
$def['on_delete'] = $on_delete;
$def['on_update'] = $on_update;
if (!isset($ref[$table_name])) {
$ref[$table_name] = array();
$ref[$table_name][$rtable] = $def;
// Release variable $table_obj to refer to another table
// Add all references to database object
foreach ($ref as $ftable => $list) {
foreach ($list as $rtable => $def) {
$fkey = $def['fkey'];
$rkey = $def['rkey'];
$on_delete = $def['on_delete'];
$on_update = $def['on_update'];
$database_obj->addRef($ftable, $fkey, $rtable, $rkey,
$on_delete, $on_update);
return $database_obj;
// }}}
// }}}
// }}}
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