# Terraform setup for scaleway This is a teraform setup for my LPI Labs. The servers are deployed in Scaleway. ## Prerequisites * Install *Terraform* on your local host: ``` $ wget https://releases.hashicorp.com/terraform/0.11.7/terraform_0.11.7_linux_amd64.zip $ unzip terraform_0.11.7_linux_amd64.zip $ sudo cp terraform /usr/local/bin ``` ## Instructions * Get the repo ``` $ git clone https://git.theo-andreou.org/Personal/lpi-deploy-scaleway.git $ cd lpi-deploy-scaleway ``` * Copy the *terraform.tfvars.example* to *terraform.tfvars* and setup your settings: ``` organization = "11223344-1122-1122-1122-112233445566" token = "99887766-9988-9988-9988-998877665544" server_name = { "debian" = "lpi-deb" "centos" = "lpi-centos" } images = { "debian" = "0f805370-5622-40df-af56-ac4fcf554b77" "centos" = "d8c6f7b6-d1d1-47af-aa45-443989644b26" } ``` * Initialize your *Terraform* environment: ``` $ terraform init ``` * Create a *Terraform* plan: ``` $ terraform plan -out lpi.plan ``` * Apply the plan: ``` $ terraform apply "lpi.plan" ``` ## References * https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/scaleway/index.html * https://scaleway.com