from __future__ import absolute_import import functools import sys # Set default encoding to UTF-8 reload(sys) # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') import base64 import time import json import traceback import six.moves.http_client as httplib from functools import update_wrapper import click from flask import Flask, request, render_template, url_for, redirect, g from flask_cache import Cache from flask_login import LoginManager, current_user from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy from flask_assets import Environment, Bundle from flask_ldap_login import LDAPLoginManager from werkzeug.routing import BaseConverter from werkzeug.exceptions import HTTPException from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base from import Search from .lib.util import to_canonical, remove_ext, mkdir_safe, gravatar_url, to_dict from .lib.hook import HookModelMeta, HookMixin from .lib.util import is_su, in_virtualenv from .version import __version__ class Application(Flask): def __call__(self, environ, start_response): path_info = environ.get('PATH_INFO') if path_info and len(path_info) > 1 and path_info.endswith('/'): environ['PATH_INFO'] = path_info[:-1] scheme = environ.get('HTTP_X_SCHEME') if scheme: environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] = scheme real_ip = environ.get('HTTP_X_REAL_IP') if real_ip: environ['REMOTE_ADDR'] = real_ip return super(Application, self).__call__(environ, start_response) def discover(self): import_name = 'realms.modules' fromlist = ( 'assets', 'commands', 'models', 'views', 'hooks' ) start_time = time.time() __import__(import_name, fromlist=fromlist) for module_name in self.config['MODULES']: sources = __import__('%s.%s' % (import_name, module_name), fromlist=fromlist) if hasattr(sources, 'init'): sources.init(self) # Blueprint if hasattr(sources, 'views'): self.register_blueprint(sources.views.blueprint, url_prefix=self.config['RELATIVE_PATH']) # Click if hasattr(sources, 'commands'): if == 'cli': = module_name cli.add_command(sources.commands.cli) # Hooks if hasattr(sources, 'hooks'): if hasattr(sources.hooks, 'before_request'): self.before_request(sources.hooks.before_request) if hasattr(sources.hooks, 'before_first_request'): self.before_first_request(sources.hooks.before_first_request) # print >> sys.stderr, ' * Ready in %.2fms' % (1000.0 * (time.time() - start_time)) def make_response(self, rv): if rv is None: rv = '', httplib.NO_CONTENT elif not isinstance(rv, tuple): rv = rv, rv = list(rv) if isinstance(rv[0], (list, dict)): rv[0] = self.response_class(json.dumps(rv[0]), mimetype='application/json') return super(Application, self).make_response(tuple(rv)) class Assets(Environment): default_filters = {'js': 'rjsmin', 'css': 'cleancss'} default_output = {'js': 'assets/%(version)s.js', 'css': 'assets/%(version)s.css'} def register(self, name, *args, **kwargs): ext = args[0].split('.')[-1] filters = kwargs.get('filters', self.default_filters[ext]) output = kwargs.get('output', self.default_output[ext]) return super(Assets, self).register(name, Bundle(*args, filters=filters, output=output)) class MyLDAPLoginManager(LDAPLoginManager): @property def attrlist(self): # the parent method doesn't always work return None class RegexConverter(BaseConverter): """ Enables Regex matching on endpoints """ def __init__(self, url_map, *items): super(RegexConverter, self).__init__(url_map) self.regex = items[0] def redirect_url(referrer=None): if not referrer: referrer = request.referrer return request.args.get('next') or referrer or url_for('index') def error_handler(e): try: if isinstance(e, HTTPException): status_code = e.code message = e.description if e.description != type(e).description else None tb = None else: status_code = httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR message = None tb = traceback.format_exc() if current_user.admin else None if request.is_xhr or in ['application/json', 'text/javascript']: response = { 'message': message, 'traceback': tb } else: response = render_template('errors/error.html', title=httplib.responses[status_code], status_code=status_code, message=message, traceback=tb) except HTTPException as e2: return error_handler(e2) return response, status_code def create_app(config=None): app = Application(__name__) app.config.from_object('realms.config.conf') app.url_map.converters['regex'] = RegexConverter app.url_map.strict_slashes = False login_manager.init_app(app) db.init_app(app) cache.init_app(app) assets.init_app(app) search.init_app(app) ldap.init_app(app) db.Model = declarative_base(metaclass=HookModelMeta, cls=HookMixin) app.register_error_handler(HTTPException, error_handler) @app.before_request def init_g(): g.assets = dict(css=['main.css'], js=['main.js']) @app.template_filter('datetime') def _jinja2_filter_datetime(ts, fmt=None): return time.strftime( fmt or app.config.get('DATETIME_FORMAT', '%b %d, %Y %I:%M %p'), time.localtime(ts) ) @app.template_filter('b64encode') def _jinja2_filter_b64encode(s): return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(s).rstrip("=") @app.errorhandler(404) def page_not_found(e): return render_template('errors/404.html'), 404 if app.config.get('RELATIVE_PATH'): @app.route("/") def root(): return redirect(url_for(app.config.get('ROOT_ENDPOINT'))) # This will be removed at some point with app.app_context(): if app.config.get('DB_URI'): db.metadata.create_all(db.get_engine(app)) return app # Init plugins here if possible login_manager = LoginManager() db = SQLAlchemy() cache = Cache() assets = Assets() search = Search() ldap = MyLDAPLoginManager() assets.register('main.js', 'vendor/jquery/dist/jquery.js', 'vendor/components-bootstrap/js/bootstrap.js', 'vendor/handlebars/handlebars.js', 'vendor/js-yaml/dist/js-yaml.js', 'vendor/marked/lib/marked.js', 'js/html-sanitizer-minified.js', # don't minify? 'vendor/highlightjs/highlight.pack.js', 'vendor/parsleyjs/dist/parsley.js', 'vendor/datatables/media/js/jquery.dataTables.js', 'vendor/datatables-plugins/integration/bootstrap/3/dataTables.bootstrap.js', 'js/hbs-helpers.js', 'js/mdr.js', 'js/main.js') assets.register('main.css', 'vendor/bootswatch-dist/css/bootstrap.css', 'vendor/components-font-awesome/css/font-awesome.css', 'vendor/highlightjs/styles/github.css', 'vendor/datatables-plugins/integration/bootstrap/3/dataTables.bootstrap.css', 'css/style.css') def with_appcontext(f): """Wraps a callback so that it's guaranteed to be executed with the script's application context. If callbacks are registered directly to the ``app.cli`` object then they are wrapped with this function by default unless it's disabled. """ @click.pass_context def decorator(__ctx, *args, **kwargs): with create_app().app_context(): return __ctx.invoke(f, *args, **kwargs) return update_wrapper(decorator, f) class AppGroup(click.Group): """This works similar to a regular click :class:`~click.Group` but it changes the behavior of the :meth:`command` decorator so that it automatically wraps the functions in :func:`with_appcontext`. Not to be confused with :class:`FlaskGroup`. """ def command(self, *args, **kwargs): """This works exactly like the method of the same name on a regular :class:`click.Group` but it wraps callbacks in :func:`with_appcontext` unless it's disabled by passing ``with_appcontext=False``. """ wrap_for_ctx = kwargs.pop('with_appcontext', True) def decorator(f): if wrap_for_ctx: f = with_appcontext(f) return click.Group.command(self, *args, **kwargs)(f) return decorator def group(self, *args, **kwargs): """This works exactly like the method of the same name on a regular :class:`click.Group` but it defaults the group class to :class:`AppGroup`. """ kwargs.setdefault('cls', AppGroup) return, *args, **kwargs) cli = AppGroup() # Decorator to be used in modules instead of cli_group = functools.partial(, cls=AppGroup)