from __future__ import absolute_import import os import posixpath import re import ghdiff import yaml from dulwich.object_store import tree_lookup_path from dulwich.repo import Repo, NotGitRepository from realms import cache from realms.lib.hook import HookMixin from realms.lib.util import cname_to_filename, filename_to_cname class PageNotFound(Exception): pass class Wiki(HookMixin): path = None base_path = '/' default_ref = 'master' default_committer_name = 'Anon' default_committer_email = 'anon@anon.anon' index_page = 'home' repo = None def __init__(self, path): try: self.repo = Repo(path) except NotGitRepository: self.repo = Repo.init(path, mkdir=True) self.path = path def __repr__(self): return "Wiki: %s" % self.path def commit(self, name, email, message, files): """Commit to the underlying git repo. :param name: Committer name :param email: Committer email :param message: Commit message :param files: list of file names that will be staged for commit :return: """ if isinstance(name, unicode): name = name.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(email, unicode): email = email.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(message, unicode): message = message.encode('utf-8') author = committer = "%s <%s>" % (name, email) self.repo.stage(files) return self.repo.do_commit(message=message, committer=committer, author=author) def get_page(self, name, sha='HEAD'): """Get page data, partials, commit info. :param name: Name of page. :param sha: Commit sha. :return: dict """ return WikiPage(name, self, sha=sha) def get_index(self): """Get repo index of head. :return: list -- List of dicts """ rv = [] index = self.repo.open_index() for name in index: rv.append(dict(name=filename_to_cname(name), filename=name, ctime=index[name].ctime[0], mtime=index[name].mtime[0], sha=index[name].sha, size=index[name].size)) return rv class WikiPage(HookMixin): def __init__(self, name, wiki, sha='HEAD'): = name self.filename = cname_to_filename(name) self.sha = sha.encode('latin-1') = wiki @property def data(self): cache_key = self._cache_key('data') cached = cache.get(cache_key) if cached: return cached mode, sha = tree_lookup_path(,[self.sha].tree, self.filename) data =[sha].data cache.set(cache_key, data) return data @property def history(self): """Get page history. History can take a long time to generate for repositories with many commits. This returns an iterator to avoid having to load them all at once, and caches as it goes. :return: iter -- Iterator over dicts """ cache_head = [] cache_tail = cache.get(self._cache_key('history')) or [{'_cache_missing': True}] while True: if not cache_tail: return for index, cached_rev in enumerate(cache_tail): if cached_rev.get("_cache_missing"): break else: yield cached_rev cache_head.extend(cache_tail[:index]) cache_tail = cache_tail[index+1:] start_sha = cached_rev.get('sha') end_sha = cache_tail[0].get('sha') if cache_tail else None for rev in self._iter_revs(start_sha=start_sha, end_sha=end_sha, filename=cached_rev.get('filename')): cache_head.append(rev) placeholder = { '_cache_missing': True, 'sha': rev['sha'], 'filename': rev['new_filename'] } cache.set(self._cache_key('history'), cache_head + [placeholder] + cache_tail) yield rev cache.set(self._cache_key('history'), cache_head + cache_tail) def _iter_revs(self, start_sha=None, end_sha=None, filename=None): if end_sha: end_sha = [end_sha] if not len( # Index is empty, no commits return filename = filename or self.filename walker = iter([filename], include=start_sha, exclude=end_sha, follow=True)) if start_sha: # If we are not starting from HEAD, we already have the start commit next(walker) filename = self.filename for entry in walker: change_type = None for change in entry.changes(): if == filename: filename = change.old.path change_type = change.type break author_name, author_email ='>').split('<') r = dict(author=author_name.strip(), author_email=author_email, time=entry.commit.author_time, message=entry.commit.message,, type=change_type,, old_filename=change.old.path) yield r @property def history_cache(self): """Get info about the history cache. :return: tuple -- (cached items, cache complete?) """ cached_revs = cache.get(self._cache_key('history')) if not cached_revs: return 0, False elif any(rev.get('_cache_missing') for rev in cached_revs): return len(cached_revs) - 1, False return len(cached_revs), True @property def imports(self): """Names""" meta = self._get_meta( or {} return meta.get('import', []) @staticmethod def _get_meta(content): """Get metadata from page if any. :param content: Page content :return: dict """ if not content.startswith("---"): return None meta_end ="\n(\.{3}|\-{3})", content) if not meta_end: return None try: return yaml.safe_load(content[0:meta_end.start()]) except Exception as e: return {'error': e.message} def _cache_key(self, property): return 'page/{0}[{1}].{2}'.format(, self.sha, property) def _get_user(self, username, email): if not username: username = if not email: email = return username, email def _invalidate_cache(self, save_history=None): cache.delete(self._cache_key('data')) if save_history: if not save_history[0].get('_cache_missing'): save_history = [{'_cache_missing': True}] + save_history cache.set(self._cache_key('history'), save_history) else: cache.delete(self._cache_key('history')) def delete(self, username=None, email=None, message=None): """Delete page. :param username: Committer name :param email: Committer email :return: str -- Commit sha1 """ username, email = self._get_user(username, email) if not message: message = "Deleted %s" % os.remove(os.path.join(, self.filename)) commit =, email=email, message=message, files=[self.filename]) self._invalidate_cache() return commit def rename(self, new_name, username=None, email=None, message=None): """Rename page. :param new_name: New name of page. :param username: Committer name :param email: Committer email :return: str -- Commit sha1 """ assert self.sha == 'HEAD' old_filename, new_filename = self.filename, cname_to_filename(new_name) if old_filename not in # old doesn't exist return None elif old_filename == new_filename: return None else: # file is being overwritten, but that is ok, it's git! pass username, email = self._get_user(username, email) if not message: message = "Moved %s to %s" % (, new_name) os.rename(os.path.join(, old_filename), os.path.join(, new_filename)) commit =, email=email, message=message, files=[old_filename, new_filename]) old_history = cache.get(self._cache_key('history')) self._invalidate_cache() = new_name self.filename = new_filename # We need to clear the cache for the new name as well as the old self._invalidate_cache(save_history=old_history) return commit def write(self, content, message=None, username=None, email=None): """Write page to git repo :param content: Content of page. :param message: Commit message. :param username: Commit Name. :param email: Commit Email. :return: Git commit sha1. """ assert self.sha == 'HEAD' dirname = posixpath.join(, posixpath.dirname(self.filename)) if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) with open( + "/" + self.filename, 'w') as f: f.write(content) if not message: message = "Updated %s" % username, email = self._get_user(username, email) ret =, email=email, message=message, files=[self.filename]) old_history = cache.get(self._cache_key('history')) self._invalidate_cache(save_history=old_history) return ret def revert(self, commit_sha, message, username, email): """Revert page to passed commit sha1 :param commit_sha: Commit Sha1 to revert to. :param message: Commit message. :param username: Committer name. :param email: Committer email. :return: Git commit sha1 """ assert self.sha == 'HEAD' new_page =, commit_sha) if not new_page: raise PageNotFound('Commit not found') if not message: message = "Revert '%s' to %s" % (, commit_sha[:7]) return self.write(, message=message, username=username, email=email) def compare(self, old_sha): """Compare two revisions of the same page. :param old_sha: Older sha. :return: str - Raw markup with styles """ # TODO: This could be effectively done in the browser old =, sha=old_sha) return ghdiff.diff(, def __nonzero__(self): # Verify this file is in the tree for the given commit sha try: tree_lookup_path(,[self.sha].tree, self.filename) except KeyError: # We'll get a KeyError if self.sha isn't in the repo, or if self.filename isn't in the tree of our commit return False return True