import re import sys from flask import g, current_app from realms.lib.util import filename_to_cname def simple(app): return SimpleSearch() def whoosh(app): return WhooshSearch(app.config['WHOOSH_INDEX'], app.config['WHOOSH_LANGUAGE']) def elasticsearch(app): from flask_elastic import Elastic fields = app.config.get('ELASTICSEARCH_FIELDS') return ElasticSearch(Elastic(app), fields) class Search(object): def __init__(self, app=None): if app is not None: self.init_app(app) def init_app(self, app): search_obj = globals()[app.config['SEARCH_TYPE']] app.extensions['search'] = search_obj(app) def __getattr__(self, item): return getattr(current_app.extensions['search'], item) class BaseSearch(): pass class SimpleSearch(BaseSearch): def wiki(self, query): res = [] for entry in g.current_wiki.get_index(): name = filename_to_cname(entry['name']) name = re.sub(r"//+", '/', name) if set(query.split()).intersection(name.replace('/', '-').split('-')): page = g.current_wiki.get_page(name) # this can be None, not sure how if page: res.append(dict(name=name, return res def users(self, query): pass class WhooshSearch(BaseSearch): def __init__(self, index_path, language): from whoosh import index as whoosh_index from whoosh.fields import Schema, TEXT, ID from whoosh import qparser from whoosh.highlight import UppercaseFormatter from whoosh.analysis import SimpleAnalyzer, LanguageAnalyzer from whoosh.lang import has_stemmer, has_stopwords import os if not has_stemmer(language) or not has_stopwords(language): # TODO Display a warning? analyzer = SimpleAnalyzer() else: analyzer = LanguageAnalyzer(language) self.schema = Schema(path=ID(unique=True, stored=True), body=TEXT(analyzer=analyzer)) self.formatter = UppercaseFormatter() self.index_path = index_path if not os.path.exists(index_path): try: os.mkdir(index_path) except OSError as e: sys.exit("Error creating Whoosh index: %s" % e) if whoosh_index.exists_in(index_path): try: self.search_index = whoosh_index.open_dir(index_path) except whoosh_index.IndexError as e: sys.exit("Error opening whoosh index: %s" % (e)) else: self.search_index = whoosh_index.create_in(index_path, self.schema) self.query_parser = qparser.MultifieldParser(["body", "path"], schema=self.schema) self.query_parser.add_plugin(qparser.FuzzyTermPlugin()) def index(self, index, doc_type, id_=None, body=None): writer = self.search_index.writer() writer.update_document(path=id_.decode("utf-8"), body=body["content"].decode("utf-8")) writer.commit() def delete(self, id_): with self.search_index.searcher() as s: doc_num = s.document_number(path=id_.decode("utf-8")) writer = self.search_index.writer() writer.delete_document(doc_num) writer.commit() def index_wiki(self, name, body): self.index('wiki', 'page', id_=name, body=body) def delete_wiki(self, name): self.delete(id_=name) def delete_index(self, index): from whoosh import index as whoosh_index self.search_index.close() self.search_index = whoosh_index.create_in(self.index_path, schema=self.schema) def wiki(self, query): if not query: return [] q = self.query_parser.parse(query) with self.search_index.searcher() as s: results = results.formatter = self.formatter res = [] for hit in results: name = hit["path"] page_data = g.current_wiki.get_page(name).data.decode("utf-8") content = hit.highlights('body', text=page_data) res.append(dict(name=name, content=content)) return res def users(self, query): pass class ElasticSearch(BaseSearch): def __init__(self, elastic, fields): self.elastic = elastic self.fields = fields def index(self, index, doc_type, id_=None, body=None): return self.elastic.index(index=index, doc_type=doc_type, id=id_, body=body) def delete(self, index, doc_type, id_): return self.elastic.delete(index=index, doc_type=doc_type, id=id_) def index_wiki(self, name, body): self.index('wiki', 'page', id_=name, body=body) def delete_wiki(self, name): self.delete('wiki', 'page', id_=name) def delete_index(self, index): return self.elastic.indices.delete(index=index, ignore=[400, 404]) def wiki(self, query): if not query: return [] res ='wiki', body={"query": { "multi_match": { "query": query, "fields": self.fields }}}) return [hit["_source"] for hit in res['hits']['hits']] def users(self, query): pass