function Aced(settings) { var id, options, editor, element, preview, previewWrapper, profile, autoInterval, themes, themeSelect, loadedThemes = {}; settings = settings || {}; options = { sanitize: true, preview: null, editor: null, theme: 'idle_fingers', themePath: '/static/vendor/ace-builds/src', mode: 'markdown', autoSave: true, autoSaveInterval: 5000, syncPreview: false, keyMaster: false, submit: function(data){ alert(data); }, showButtonBar: false, themeSelect: null, submitBtn: null, renderer: null, info: null }; themes = { chrome: "Chrome", clouds: "Clouds", clouds_midnight: "Clouds Midnight", cobalt: "Cobalt", crimson_editor: "Crimson Editor", dawn: "Dawn", dreamweaver: "Dreamweaver", eclipse: "Eclipse", idle_fingers: "idleFingers", kr_theme: "krTheme", merbivore: "Merbivore", merbivore_soft: "Merbivore Soft", mono_industrial: "Mono Industrial", monokai: "Monokai", pastel_on_dark: "Pastel on Dark", solarized_dark: "Solarized Dark", solarized_light: "Solarized Light", textmate: "TextMate", tomorrow: "Tomorrow", tomorrow_night: "Tomorrow Night", tomorrow_night_blue: "Tomorrow Night Blue", tomorrow_night_bright: "Tomorrow Night Bright", tomorrow_night_eighties: "Tomorrow Night 80s", twilight: "Twilight", vibrant_ink: "Vibrant Ink" }; function editorId() { return "aced." + id; } function infoKey() { return editorId() + ".info"; } function gc() { // Clean up localstorage store.forEach(function(key, val) { var re = new RegExp("aced\.(.*?)\.info"); var info = re.exec(key); if (!info || !val.time) { return; } var id = info[1]; // Remove week+ old stuff var now = new Date().getTime() / 1000; if (now > (val.time + 604800)) { store.remove(key); store.remove('aced.' + id); } }); } function buildThemeSelect() { var $sel = $(""); $sel.append(''); $.each(themes, function(k, v) { $sel.append(""); }); return $("
").html($sel); } function toJquery(o) { return (typeof o == 'string') ? $("#" + o) : $(o); } function initProfile() { profile = {theme: ''}; try { // Need to merge in any undefined/new properties from last release // Meaning, if we add new features they may not have them in profile profile = $.extend(true, profile, store.get('aced.profile')); } catch (e) { } } function updateProfile(obj) { profile = $.extend(null, profile, obj); store.set('profile', profile); } function render(content) { return (options.renderer) ? options.renderer(content) : content; } function bindKeyboard() { // CMD+s TO SAVE DOC key('command+s, ctrl+s', function (e) { submit(); e.preventDefault(); }); var saveCommand = { name: "save", bindKey: { mac: "Command-S", win: "Ctrl-S" }, exec: function () { submit(); } }; editor.commands.addCommand(saveCommand); } function info(info) { if (info) { store.set(infoKey(), info); } return store.get(infoKey()); } function val(val) { // Alias func if (val) { editor.getSession().setValue(val); } return editor.getSession().getValue(); } function discardDraft() { stopAutoSave(); store.remove(editorId()); store.remove(infoKey()); location.reload(); } function save() { store.set(editorId(), val()); } function submit() { store.remove(editorId()); store.remove(editorId() + ".info"); options.submit(val()); } function autoSave() { if (options.autoSave) { autoInterval = setInterval(function () { save(); }, options.autoSaveInterval); } else { stopAutoSave(); } } function stopAutoSave() { if (autoInterval){ clearInterval(autoInterval) } } function renderPreview() { if (!preview) { return; } preview.html(render(val())); $('pre code', preview).each(function(i, e) { hljs.highlightBlock(e) }); } function getScrollHeight($prevFrame) { // Different browsers attach the scrollHeight of a document to different // elements, so handle that here. if ($prevFrame[0].scrollHeight !== undefined) { return $prevFrame[0].scrollHeight; } else if ($prevFrame.find('html')[0].scrollHeight !== undefined && $prevFrame.find('html')[0].scrollHeight !== 0) { return $prevFrame.find('html')[0].scrollHeight; } else { return $prevFrame.find('body')[0].scrollHeight; } } function getPreviewWrapper(obj) { // Attempts to get the wrapper for preview based on overflow prop if (!obj) { return; } if (obj.css('overflow') == 'auto' || obj.css('overflow') == 'scroll') { return obj; } else { return getPreviewWrapper(obj.parent()); } } function syncPreview() { var editorScrollRange = (editor.getSession().getLength()); var previewScrollRange = (getScrollHeight(preview)); // Find how far along the editor is (0 means it is scrolled to the top, 1 // means it is at the bottom). var scrollFactor = editor.getFirstVisibleRow() / editorScrollRange; // Set the scroll position of the preview pane to match. jQuery will // gracefully handle out-of-bounds values. previewWrapper.scrollTop(scrollFactor * previewScrollRange); } function asyncLoad(filename, cb) { (function (d, t) { var leScript = d.createElement(t) , scripts = d.getElementsByTagName(t)[0]; leScript.async = 1; leScript.src = filename; scripts.parentNode.insertBefore(leScript, scripts); leScript.onload = function () { cb && cb(); } }(document, 'script')); } function setTheme(theme) { var cb = function(theme) { editor.setTheme('ace/theme/'+theme); updateProfile({theme: theme}); }; if (loadedThemes[theme]) { cb(theme); } else { asyncLoad(options.themePath + "/theme-" + theme + ".js", function () { cb(theme); loadedThemes[theme] = true; }); } } function initSyncPreview() { if (!preview || !options.syncPreview) return; previewWrapper = getPreviewWrapper(preview); window.onload = function () { /** * Bind synchronization of preview div to editor scroll and change * of editor cursor position. */ editor.session.on('changeScrollTop', syncPreview); editor.session.selection.on('changeCursor', syncPreview); }; } function initProps() { // Id of editor if (typeof settings == 'string') { settings = { editor: settings }; } if ('theme' in profile && profile['theme']) { settings['theme'] = profile['theme']; } if (settings['preview'] && !settings.hasOwnProperty('syncPreview')) { settings['syncPreview'] = true; } $.extend(options, settings); if (options.editor) { element = toJquery(options.editor); } $.each(options, function(k, v){ if ( { options[k] =; } }); if (options.themeSelect) { themeSelect = toJquery(options.themeSelect); } if (options.submitBtn) { var submitBtn = toJquery(options.submitBtn);{ submit(); }); } if (options.preview) { preview = toJquery(options.preview); // Enable sync unless set otherwise if (!settings.hasOwnProperty('syncPreview')) { options['syncPreview'] = true; } } if (!element.attr('id')) { // No id, make one! id = Math.random().toString(36).substring(7); element.attr('id', id); } else { id = element.attr('id') } } function initEditor() { editor = ace.edit(id); setTheme(profile.theme || options.theme); editor.getSession().setMode('ace/mode/' + options.mode); if (store.get(editorId()) && store.get(editorId()) != val()) { editor.getSession().setValue(store.get(editorId())); } editor.getSession().setUseWrapMode(true); editor.getSession().setTabSize(2); editor.getSession().setUseSoftTabs(true); editor.setShowPrintMargin(false); editor.renderer.setShowInvisibles(true); editor.renderer.setShowGutter(false); if (options.showButtonBar) { var $btnBar = $('
' + buildThemeSelect().html() + '
') element.find('.ace_content').before($btnBar); $(".aced-save", $btnBar).click(function(){ submit(); }); if ($.fn.chosen) { $('select', $btnBar).chosen().change(function(){ setTheme($(this).val()); }); } } if (options.keyMaster) { bindKeyboard(); } if (preview) { editor.getSession().on('change', function (e) { renderPreview(); }); renderPreview(); } if (themeSelect) { themeSelect .find('li > a') .bind('click', function (e) { setTheme($('value')); $(; return false; }); } if ( { // If no info exists, save it to storage if (!store.get(infoKey())) { store.set(infoKey(),; } else { // Check info in storage against one passed in // for possible changes in data that may have occurred var info = store.get(infoKey()); if (info['sha'] !=['sha'] && !info['ignore']) { // Data has changed since start of draft $(document).trigger('shaMismatch'); } } } $(this).trigger('ready'); } function init() { gc(); initProfile(); initProps(); initEditor(); initSyncPreview(); autoSave(); } init(); return { editor: editor, submit: submit, val: val, discard: discardDraft, info: info }; }