Changed the value of Kp making the robot more centered

Esse commit está contido em:
Γιώργος Αντρέου 2022-06-05 16:29:48 +03:00
commit ca072ae8bb
1 arquivos alterados com 2 adições e 2 exclusões

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@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ QTRSensors qtr;
const uint8_t SensorCount = 8;
uint16_t sensorValues[SensorCount];
float Kp = 0.07; //set up the constants value
float Kp = 0.06; //set up the constants value
float Ki = 0.0008;
float Kd = 0.6;
float Kd = 0.7;
int P;
int I;
int D;