A repo for the code of the Line Following robot we are making for Robotex 2022
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Γιώργος Αντρέου cd1569aa79 Update 'README.md' vor 9 Monaten
pid-example Experimental: Changed basespeed to 170. vor 9 Monaten
qtr-test Changed main.ino to test.ino, added values to the PID constants. vor 1 Jahr
test Changed main.ino to test.ino, added values to the PID constants. vor 1 Jahr
README.md Update 'README.md' vor 9 Monaten


A repo for the code of the Line Following robot we made for Robotex 2022.Now updated and refined for the 2023 competition.

Based on this project:https://create.arduino.cc/projecthub/anova9347/line-follower-robot-with-pid-controller-cdedbd