An Ansible Playbook to deploy OpenLDAP and FusionDirectory
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83 lignes

  1. ---
  2. - name: Update CA Certificates
  3. command: update-ca-certificates
  4. - name: Apply olcSSL.ldif
  5. command: ldapmodify -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f olcSSL.ldif
  6. args:
  7. chdir: /etc/ldap/custom_ldifs
  8. - name: Restart slapd
  9. service:
  10. name: slapd
  11. state: restarted
  12. - name: Apply FusionDirectory Schema
  13. command: fusiondirectory-insert-schema
  14. - name: Apply FusionDirectory Plugins Schema
  15. command: |
  16. fusiondirectory-insert-schema \
  17. -i /etc/ldap/schema/fusiondirectory/{{ item }}.schema
  18. with_items:
  19. - dsa-fd-conf
  20. - service-fd
  21. - systems-fd-conf
  22. - systems-fd
  23. - name: Initialize FusionDirectory Configuration
  24. command: |
  25. ldapadd -x -D {{ ldap_admin_dn }} -w {{ ldap_admin_pass }} -H ldapi:/// -f fd-init-config.ldif
  26. args:
  27. chdir: /etc/ldap/custom_ldifs
  28. no_log: True
  29. - name: Migrate Object Classes
  30. command: |
  31. ldapmodify -x -D {{ ldap_admin_dn }} -w {{ ldap_admin_pass }} -H ldapi:/// -f fd-migrate-object-classes.ldif
  32. args:
  33. chdir: /etc/ldap/custom_ldifs
  34. no_log: True
  35. - name: Generate FusionDirectory SuperUser and OUs
  36. shell: |
  37. yes '{{ fd_admin }}' | \
  38. fusiondirectory-setup --yes --check-ldap
  39. - name: Set SuperUser Password
  40. command: |
  41. ldappasswd -D {{ ldap_admin_dn }} -w {{ ldap_admin_pass }} -s {{ fd_admin_pass }} uid={{ fd_admin }},ou=people,{{ base_dn }}
  42. no_log: True
  43. - name: Migrate Default ACLs
  44. command: |
  45. ldapadd -x -D {{ ldap_admin_dn }} -w {{ ldap_admin_pass }} -H ldapi:/// -f fd-migrate-default-acl.ldif
  46. args:
  47. chdir: /etc/ldap/custom_ldifs
  48. no_log: True
  49. - name: Fix FusionDirectory Configuration Permisions
  50. command: fusiondirectory-setup --yes --check-config
  51. - name: Apply Service Accounts ACL
  52. command: |
  53. ldapadd -c -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f fd-service_accounts_acl.ldif
  54. args:
  55. chdir: /etc/ldap/custom_ldifs
  56. - name: Enable the Apache HTTP VirtualHost
  57. file:
  58. src: "/etc/apache2/sites-available/{{ domain }}.conf"
  59. dest: "/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/{{ domain }}.conf"
  60. state: link
  61. - name: Disable the Default Apache VirtualHost
  62. file:
  63. path: /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf
  64. state: absent
  65. - name: Restart Apache
  66. service:
  67. name: apache2
  68. state: restarted