Calibre OPDS (and HTML) PHP Server : web-based light alternative to Calibre content server / Calibre2OPDS to serve ebooks (epub, mobi, pdf, ...)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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12 years ago
**2012-11-22** **Added global support for publishers** Files modified: *base.php* - changed class Entry, - adding a constant ```cops:publishers``` to the icon array for the feed. - changed class Page - added branches to the page selector switch - changed Page->public function InitializeContent - added call to pull publisher count from database - changed class PageAllBooks - changed it so ```getCurrentOption``` is actually used... - added page descendant class ```PageAllPublishers``` - handles pulling the publishers category from database - added page descendant class ```PagePublisherDetail``` - handles pulling the books per publisher data from database - changed class PageQueryResult - added constant and switches for publisher search scope - abstract class Base - added constants for the publisher pages *book.php* - added require statement for publisher.php - added ```SQL_BOOKS_BY_PUBLISHER``` query to retrieve books by publisher. - changed class Book - added query constant - added publisher item - added test in case no known publisher - added publishername and url array elements for the JSON output - added public function ```getPublisher``` - added public static function ```getBooksByPublisher``` to fire the query - changed function getJson - added publisher category to search - added publishername (single) and publishertitle(plural) localization entries to i18n translation array *index.php* - added require statement for publisher.php *lang/Localization_en.json - added new localization entries for publisher labels (see below) ``` "publisher.alphabetical.many":"Alphabetical index of the {0} publishers", "publisher.alphabetical.none":"Alphabetical index of absolutely no publisher", "":"Alphabetical index of the single publisher", "":"Publisher", "publisher.title":"Publishers", "publisherword.many":"{0} publishers", "publisherword.none":"No publisher", "":"1 publisher", "search.result.publisher":"Search result for *{0}* in publishers", ``` *templates\bookdetail.html* - added publisher label and item to bookdetail popup *test\bookTest.php* - added indices and names of publishers added to testdatabase as comment - added test function ```testGetBooksByPublisher``` - changed test function testGetBookById to add assertion for publisher name - changed test function testTypeaheadSearch to add search on partial publisher name. *test\pageTest.php* - changed test function testPageIndex to insert publisher category and adjust page indices - changed test function testPageIndexWithCustomColum to adjust for the changed page indices - added test function testPageAllPublishers - added test function testPagePublishersDetail - added test function testPageSearchScopePublishers *test\BaseWithSomeBooks\metadata.db* - added 5 publishers spread across all 14 books, replacing the original publisher Feedbooks Files added: *publisher.php*
10 years ago
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12 years ago
**2012-11-22** **Added global support for publishers** Files modified: *base.php* - changed class Entry, - adding a constant ```cops:publishers``` to the icon array for the feed. - changed class Page - added branches to the page selector switch - changed Page->public function InitializeContent - added call to pull publisher count from database - changed class PageAllBooks - changed it so ```getCurrentOption``` is actually used... - added page descendant class ```PageAllPublishers``` - handles pulling the publishers category from database - added page descendant class ```PagePublisherDetail``` - handles pulling the books per publisher data from database - changed class PageQueryResult - added constant and switches for publisher search scope - abstract class Base - added constants for the publisher pages *book.php* - added require statement for publisher.php - added ```SQL_BOOKS_BY_PUBLISHER``` query to retrieve books by publisher. - changed class Book - added query constant - added publisher item - added test in case no known publisher - added publishername and url array elements for the JSON output - added public function ```getPublisher``` - added public static function ```getBooksByPublisher``` to fire the query - changed function getJson - added publisher category to search - added publishername (single) and publishertitle(plural) localization entries to i18n translation array *index.php* - added require statement for publisher.php *lang/Localization_en.json - added new localization entries for publisher labels (see below) ``` "publisher.alphabetical.many":"Alphabetical index of the {0} publishers", "publisher.alphabetical.none":"Alphabetical index of absolutely no publisher", "":"Alphabetical index of the single publisher", "":"Publisher", "publisher.title":"Publishers", "publisherword.many":"{0} publishers", "publisherword.none":"No publisher", "":"1 publisher", "search.result.publisher":"Search result for *{0}* in publishers", ``` *templates\bookdetail.html* - added publisher label and item to bookdetail popup *test\bookTest.php* - added indices and names of publishers added to testdatabase as comment - added test function ```testGetBooksByPublisher``` - changed test function testGetBookById to add assertion for publisher name - changed test function testTypeaheadSearch to add search on partial publisher name. *test\pageTest.php* - changed test function testPageIndex to insert publisher category and adjust page indices - changed test function testPageIndexWithCustomColum to adjust for the changed page indices - added test function testPageAllPublishers - added test function testPagePublishersDetail - added test function testPageSearchScopePublishers *test\BaseWithSomeBooks\metadata.db* - added 5 publishers spread across all 14 books, replacing the original publisher Feedbooks Files added: *publisher.php*
10 years ago
12 years ago
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11 years ago
11 years ago
12 years ago
12 years ago
**2012-11-22** **Added global support for publishers** Files modified: *base.php* - changed class Entry, - adding a constant ```cops:publishers``` to the icon array for the feed. - changed class Page - added branches to the page selector switch - changed Page->public function InitializeContent - added call to pull publisher count from database - changed class PageAllBooks - changed it so ```getCurrentOption``` is actually used... - added page descendant class ```PageAllPublishers``` - handles pulling the publishers category from database - added page descendant class ```PagePublisherDetail``` - handles pulling the books per publisher data from database - changed class PageQueryResult - added constant and switches for publisher search scope - abstract class Base - added constants for the publisher pages *book.php* - added require statement for publisher.php - added ```SQL_BOOKS_BY_PUBLISHER``` query to retrieve books by publisher. - changed class Book - added query constant - added publisher item - added test in case no known publisher - added publishername and url array elements for the JSON output - added public function ```getPublisher``` - added public static function ```getBooksByPublisher``` to fire the query - changed function getJson - added publisher category to search - added publishername (single) and publishertitle(plural) localization entries to i18n translation array *index.php* - added require statement for publisher.php *lang/Localization_en.json - added new localization entries for publisher labels (see below) ``` "publisher.alphabetical.many":"Alphabetical index of the {0} publishers", "publisher.alphabetical.none":"Alphabetical index of absolutely no publisher", "":"Alphabetical index of the single publisher", "":"Publisher", "publisher.title":"Publishers", "publisherword.many":"{0} publishers", "publisherword.none":"No publisher", "":"1 publisher", "search.result.publisher":"Search result for *{0}* in publishers", ``` *templates\bookdetail.html* - added publisher label and item to bookdetail popup *test\bookTest.php* - added indices and names of publishers added to testdatabase as comment - added test function ```testGetBooksByPublisher``` - changed test function testGetBookById to add assertion for publisher name - changed test function testTypeaheadSearch to add search on partial publisher name. *test\pageTest.php* - changed test function testPageIndex to insert publisher category and adjust page indices - changed test function testPageIndexWithCustomColum to adjust for the changed page indices - added test function testPageAllPublishers - added test function testPagePublishersDetail - added test function testPageSearchScopePublishers *test\BaseWithSomeBooks\metadata.db* - added 5 publishers spread across all 14 books, replacing the original publisher Feedbooks Files added: *publisher.php*
10 years ago
12 years ago
12 years ago
12 years ago
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12 years ago
12 years ago
12 years ago
12 years ago
**2012-11-22** **Added global support for publishers** Files modified: *base.php* - changed class Entry, - adding a constant ```cops:publishers``` to the icon array for the feed. - changed class Page - added branches to the page selector switch - changed Page->public function InitializeContent - added call to pull publisher count from database - changed class PageAllBooks - changed it so ```getCurrentOption``` is actually used... - added page descendant class ```PageAllPublishers``` - handles pulling the publishers category from database - added page descendant class ```PagePublisherDetail``` - handles pulling the books per publisher data from database - changed class PageQueryResult - added constant and switches for publisher search scope - abstract class Base - added constants for the publisher pages *book.php* - added require statement for publisher.php - added ```SQL_BOOKS_BY_PUBLISHER``` query to retrieve books by publisher. - changed class Book - added query constant - added publisher item - added test in case no known publisher - added publishername and url array elements for the JSON output - added public function ```getPublisher``` - added public static function ```getBooksByPublisher``` to fire the query - changed function getJson - added publisher category to search - added publishername (single) and publishertitle(plural) localization entries to i18n translation array *index.php* - added require statement for publisher.php *lang/Localization_en.json - added new localization entries for publisher labels (see below) ``` "publisher.alphabetical.many":"Alphabetical index of the {0} publishers", "publisher.alphabetical.none":"Alphabetical index of absolutely no publisher", "":"Alphabetical index of the single publisher", "":"Publisher", "publisher.title":"Publishers", "publisherword.many":"{0} publishers", "publisherword.none":"No publisher", "":"1 publisher", "search.result.publisher":"Search result for *{0}* in publishers", ``` *templates\bookdetail.html* - added publisher label and item to bookdetail popup *test\bookTest.php* - added indices and names of publishers added to testdatabase as comment - added test function ```testGetBooksByPublisher``` - changed test function testGetBookById to add assertion for publisher name - changed test function testTypeaheadSearch to add search on partial publisher name. *test\pageTest.php* - changed test function testPageIndex to insert publisher category and adjust page indices - changed test function testPageIndexWithCustomColum to adjust for the changed page indices - added test function testPageAllPublishers - added test function testPagePublishersDetail - added test function testPageSearchScopePublishers *test\BaseWithSomeBooks\metadata.db* - added 5 publishers spread across all 14 books, replacing the original publisher Feedbooks Files added: *publisher.php*
10 years ago
**2012-11-22** **Added global support for publishers** Files modified: *base.php* - changed class Entry, - adding a constant ```cops:publishers``` to the icon array for the feed. - changed class Page - added branches to the page selector switch - changed Page->public function InitializeContent - added call to pull publisher count from database - changed class PageAllBooks - changed it so ```getCurrentOption``` is actually used... - added page descendant class ```PageAllPublishers``` - handles pulling the publishers category from database - added page descendant class ```PagePublisherDetail``` - handles pulling the books per publisher data from database - changed class PageQueryResult - added constant and switches for publisher search scope - abstract class Base - added constants for the publisher pages *book.php* - added require statement for publisher.php - added ```SQL_BOOKS_BY_PUBLISHER``` query to retrieve books by publisher. - changed class Book - added query constant - added publisher item - added test in case no known publisher - added publishername and url array elements for the JSON output - added public function ```getPublisher``` - added public static function ```getBooksByPublisher``` to fire the query - changed function getJson - added publisher category to search - added publishername (single) and publishertitle(plural) localization entries to i18n translation array *index.php* - added require statement for publisher.php *lang/Localization_en.json - added new localization entries for publisher labels (see below) ``` "publisher.alphabetical.many":"Alphabetical index of the {0} publishers", "publisher.alphabetical.none":"Alphabetical index of absolutely no publisher", "":"Alphabetical index of the single publisher", "":"Publisher", "publisher.title":"Publishers", "publisherword.many":"{0} publishers", "publisherword.none":"No publisher", "":"1 publisher", "search.result.publisher":"Search result for *{0}* in publishers", ``` *templates\bookdetail.html* - added publisher label and item to bookdetail popup *test\bookTest.php* - added indices and names of publishers added to testdatabase as comment - added test function ```testGetBooksByPublisher``` - changed test function testGetBookById to add assertion for publisher name - changed test function testTypeaheadSearch to add search on partial publisher name. *test\pageTest.php* - changed test function testPageIndex to insert publisher category and adjust page indices - changed test function testPageIndexWithCustomColum to adjust for the changed page indices - added test function testPageAllPublishers - added test function testPagePublishersDetail - added test function testPageSearchScopePublishers *test\BaseWithSomeBooks\metadata.db* - added 5 publishers spread across all 14 books, replacing the original publisher Feedbooks Files added: *publisher.php*
10 years ago
12 years ago
12 years ago
12 years ago
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12 years ago
**2012-11-22** **Added global support for publishers** Files modified: *base.php* - changed class Entry, - adding a constant ```cops:publishers``` to the icon array for the feed. - changed class Page - added branches to the page selector switch - changed Page->public function InitializeContent - added call to pull publisher count from database - changed class PageAllBooks - changed it so ```getCurrentOption``` is actually used... - added page descendant class ```PageAllPublishers``` - handles pulling the publishers category from database - added page descendant class ```PagePublisherDetail``` - handles pulling the books per publisher data from database - changed class PageQueryResult - added constant and switches for publisher search scope - abstract class Base - added constants for the publisher pages *book.php* - added require statement for publisher.php - added ```SQL_BOOKS_BY_PUBLISHER``` query to retrieve books by publisher. - changed class Book - added query constant - added publisher item - added test in case no known publisher - added publishername and url array elements for the JSON output - added public function ```getPublisher``` - added public static function ```getBooksByPublisher``` to fire the query - changed function getJson - added publisher category to search - added publishername (single) and publishertitle(plural) localization entries to i18n translation array *index.php* - added require statement for publisher.php *lang/Localization_en.json - added new localization entries for publisher labels (see below) ``` "publisher.alphabetical.many":"Alphabetical index of the {0} publishers", "publisher.alphabetical.none":"Alphabetical index of absolutely no publisher", "":"Alphabetical index of the single publisher", "":"Publisher", "publisher.title":"Publishers", "publisherword.many":"{0} publishers", "publisherword.none":"No publisher", "":"1 publisher", "search.result.publisher":"Search result for *{0}* in publishers", ``` *templates\bookdetail.html* - added publisher label and item to bookdetail popup *test\bookTest.php* - added indices and names of publishers added to testdatabase as comment - added test function ```testGetBooksByPublisher``` - changed test function testGetBookById to add assertion for publisher name - changed test function testTypeaheadSearch to add search on partial publisher name. *test\pageTest.php* - changed test function testPageIndex to insert publisher category and adjust page indices - changed test function testPageIndexWithCustomColum to adjust for the changed page indices - added test function testPageAllPublishers - added test function testPagePublishersDetail - added test function testPageSearchScopePublishers *test\BaseWithSomeBooks\metadata.db* - added 5 publishers spread across all 14 books, replacing the original publisher Feedbooks Files added: *publisher.php*
10 years ago
12 years ago
12 years ago
12 years ago
12 years ago
12 years ago
**2012-11-22** **Added global support for publishers** Files modified: *base.php* - changed class Entry, - adding a constant ```cops:publishers``` to the icon array for the feed. - changed class Page - added branches to the page selector switch - changed Page->public function InitializeContent - added call to pull publisher count from database - changed class PageAllBooks - changed it so ```getCurrentOption``` is actually used... - added page descendant class ```PageAllPublishers``` - handles pulling the publishers category from database - added page descendant class ```PagePublisherDetail``` - handles pulling the books per publisher data from database - changed class PageQueryResult - added constant and switches for publisher search scope - abstract class Base - added constants for the publisher pages *book.php* - added require statement for publisher.php - added ```SQL_BOOKS_BY_PUBLISHER``` query to retrieve books by publisher. - changed class Book - added query constant - added publisher item - added test in case no known publisher - added publishername and url array elements for the JSON output - added public function ```getPublisher``` - added public static function ```getBooksByPublisher``` to fire the query - changed function getJson - added publisher category to search - added publishername (single) and publishertitle(plural) localization entries to i18n translation array *index.php* - added require statement for publisher.php *lang/Localization_en.json - added new localization entries for publisher labels (see below) ``` "publisher.alphabetical.many":"Alphabetical index of the {0} publishers", "publisher.alphabetical.none":"Alphabetical index of absolutely no publisher", "":"Alphabetical index of the single publisher", "":"Publisher", "publisher.title":"Publishers", "publisherword.many":"{0} publishers", "publisherword.none":"No publisher", "":"1 publisher", "search.result.publisher":"Search result for *{0}* in publishers", ``` *templates\bookdetail.html* - added publisher label and item to bookdetail popup *test\bookTest.php* - added indices and names of publishers added to testdatabase as comment - added test function ```testGetBooksByPublisher``` - changed test function testGetBookById to add assertion for publisher name - changed test function testTypeaheadSearch to add search on partial publisher name. *test\pageTest.php* - changed test function testPageIndex to insert publisher category and adjust page indices - changed test function testPageIndexWithCustomColum to adjust for the changed page indices - added test function testPageAllPublishers - added test function testPagePublishersDetail - added test function testPageSearchScopePublishers *test\BaseWithSomeBooks\metadata.db* - added 5 publishers spread across all 14 books, replacing the original publisher Feedbooks Files added: *publisher.php*
10 years ago
12 years ago
12 years ago
12 years ago
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12 years ago
12 years ago
  1. <?php
  2. /**
  3. * COPS (Calibre OPDS PHP Server) class file
  4. *
  5. * @license GPL 2 (
  6. * @author S�bastien Lucas <>
  7. */
  8. define ("VERSION", "1.0.0RC4");
  9. define ("DB", "db");
  10. date_default_timezone_set($config['default_timezone']);
  11. function useServerSideRendering () {
  12. global $config;
  13. return preg_match("/" . $config['cops_server_side_render'] . "/", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
  14. }
  15. function serverSideRender ($data) {
  16. // Get the templates
  17. $theme = getCurrentTemplate ();
  18. $header = file_get_contents('templates/' . $theme . '/header.html');
  19. $footer = file_get_contents('templates/' . $theme . '/footer.html');
  20. $main = file_get_contents('templates/' . $theme . '/main.html');
  21. $bookdetail = file_get_contents('templates/' . $theme . '/bookdetail.html');
  22. $page = file_get_contents('templates/' . $theme . '/page.html');
  23. // Generate the function for the template
  24. $template = new doT ();
  25. $dot = $template->template ($page, array ("bookdetail" => $bookdetail,
  26. "header" => $header,
  27. "footer" => $footer,
  28. "main" => $main));
  29. // If there is a syntax error in the function created
  30. // $dot will be equal to FALSE
  31. if (!$dot) {
  32. return FALSE;
  33. }
  34. // Execute the template
  35. if (!empty ($data)) {
  36. return $dot ($data);
  37. }
  38. return NULL;
  39. }
  40. function getQueryString () {
  41. if ( isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) ) {
  42. return $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
  43. }
  44. return "";
  45. }
  46. function notFound () {
  47. header($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"]." 404 Not Found");
  48. header("Status: 404 Not Found");
  49. $_SERVER['REDIRECT_STATUS'] = 404;
  50. }
  51. function getURLParam ($name, $default = NULL) {
  52. if (!empty ($_GET) && isset($_GET[$name]) && $_GET[$name] != "") {
  53. return $_GET[$name];
  54. }
  55. return $default;
  56. }
  57. function getCurrentOption ($option) {
  58. global $config;
  59. if (isset($_COOKIE[$option])) {
  60. if (isset($config ["cops_" . $option]) && is_array ($config ["cops_" . $option])) {
  61. return explode (",", $_COOKIE[$option]);
  62. } else {
  63. return $_COOKIE[$option];
  64. }
  65. }
  66. if ($option == "style") {
  67. return "default";
  68. }
  69. if (isset($config ["cops_" . $option])) {
  70. return $config ["cops_" . $option];
  71. }
  72. return "";
  73. }
  74. function getCurrentCss () {
  75. return "templates/" . getCurrentTemplate () . "/styles/style-" . getCurrentOption ("style") . ".css";
  76. }
  77. function getCurrentTemplate () {
  78. return getCurrentOption ("template");
  79. }
  80. function getUrlWithVersion ($url) {
  81. return $url . "?v=" . VERSION;
  82. }
  83. function xml2xhtml($xml) {
  84. return preg_replace_callback('#<(\w+)([^>]*)\s*/>#s', create_function('$m', '
  85. $xhtml_tags = array("br", "hr", "input", "frame", "img", "area", "link", "col", "base", "basefont", "param");
  86. return in_array($m[1], $xhtml_tags) ? "<$m[1]$m[2] />" : "<$m[1]$m[2]></$m[1]>";
  87. '), $xml);
  88. }
  89. function display_xml_error($error)
  90. {
  91. $return = "";
  92. $return .= str_repeat('-', $error->column) . "^\n";
  93. switch ($error->level) {
  95. $return .= "Warning $error->code: ";
  96. break;
  97. case LIBXML_ERR_ERROR:
  98. $return .= "Error $error->code: ";
  99. break;
  100. case LIBXML_ERR_FATAL:
  101. $return .= "Fatal Error $error->code: ";
  102. break;
  103. }
  104. $return .= trim($error->message) .
  105. "\n Line: $error->line" .
  106. "\n Column: $error->column";
  107. if ($error->file) {
  108. $return .= "\n File: $error->file";
  109. }
  110. return "$return\n\n--------------------------------------------\n\n";
  111. }
  112. function are_libxml_errors_ok ()
  113. {
  114. $errors = libxml_get_errors();
  115. foreach ($errors as $error) {
  116. if ($error->code == 801) return false;
  117. }
  118. return true;
  119. }
  120. function html2xhtml ($html) {
  121. $doc = new DOMDocument();
  122. libxml_use_internal_errors(true);
  123. $doc->loadHTML('<html><head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"></head><body>' .
  124. $html . '</body></html>'); // Load the HTML
  125. $output = $doc->saveXML($doc->documentElement); // Transform to an Ansi xml stream
  126. $output = xml2xhtml($output);
  127. if (preg_match ('#<html><head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"></meta></head><body>(.*)</body></html>#ms', $output, $matches)) {
  128. $output = $matches [1]; // Remove <html><body>
  129. }
  130. /*
  131. // In case of error with summary, use it to debug
  132. $errors = libxml_get_errors();
  133. foreach ($errors as $error) {
  134. $output .= display_xml_error($error);
  135. }
  136. */
  137. if (!are_libxml_errors_ok ()) $output = "HTML code not valid.";
  138. libxml_use_internal_errors(false);
  139. return $output;
  140. }
  141. /**
  142. * This method is a direct copy-paste from
  143. *
  144. */
  145. function str_format($format) {
  146. $args = func_get_args();
  147. $format = array_shift($args);
  148. preg_match_all('/(?=\{)\{(\d+)\}(?!\})/', $format, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
  149. $offset = 0;
  150. foreach ($matches[1] as $data) {
  151. $i = $data[0];
  152. $format = substr_replace($format, @$args[$i], $offset + $data[1] - 1, 2 + strlen($i));
  153. $offset += strlen(@$args[$i]) - 2 - strlen($i);
  154. }
  155. return $format;
  156. }
  157. /**
  158. * Get all accepted languages from the browser and put them in a sorted array
  159. * languages id are normalized : fr-fr -> fr_FR
  160. * @return array of languages
  161. */
  162. function getAcceptLanguages() {
  163. $langs = array();
  164. if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])) {
  165. // break up string into pieces (languages and q factors)
  166. $accept = $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'];
  167. if (preg_match('/^(\w{2})-\w{2}$/', $accept, $matches)) {
  168. // Special fix for IE11 which send fr-FR and nothing else
  169. $accept = $accept . "," . $matches[1] . ";q=0.8";
  170. }
  171. preg_match_all('/([a-z]{1,8}(-[a-z]{1,8})?)\s*(;\s*q\s*=\s*(1|0\.[0-9]+))?/i', $accept, $lang_parse);
  172. if (count($lang_parse[1])) {
  173. $langs = array();
  174. foreach ($lang_parse[1] as $lang) {
  175. // Format the language code (not standard among browsers)
  176. if (strlen($lang) == 5) {
  177. $lang = str_replace("-", "_", $lang);
  178. $splitted = preg_split("/_/", $lang);
  179. $lang = $splitted[0] . "_" . strtoupper($splitted[1]);
  180. }
  181. array_push($langs, $lang);
  182. }
  183. // create a list like "en" => 0.8
  184. $langs = array_combine($langs, $lang_parse[4]);
  185. // set default to 1 for any without q factor
  186. foreach ($langs as $lang => $val) {
  187. if ($val === '') $langs[$lang] = 1;
  188. }
  189. // sort list based on value
  190. arsort($langs, SORT_NUMERIC);
  191. }
  192. }
  193. return $langs;
  194. }
  195. /**
  196. * Find the best translation file possible based on the accepted languages
  197. * @return array of language and language file
  198. */
  199. function getLangAndTranslationFile() {
  200. global $config;
  201. $langs = array();
  202. $lang = "en";
  203. if (!empty($config['cops_language'])) {
  204. $lang = $config['cops_language'];
  205. }
  206. elseif (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])) {
  207. $langs = getAcceptLanguages();
  208. }
  209. //echo var_dump($langs);
  210. $lang_file = NULL;
  211. foreach ($langs as $language => $val) {
  212. $temp_file = dirname(__FILE__). '/lang/Localization_' . $language . '.json';
  213. if (file_exists($temp_file)) {
  214. $lang = $language;
  215. $lang_file = $temp_file;
  216. break;
  217. }
  218. }
  219. if (empty ($lang_file)) {
  220. $lang_file = dirname(__FILE__). '/lang/Localization_' . $lang . '.json';
  221. }
  222. return array($lang, $lang_file);
  223. }
  224. /**
  225. * This method is based on this page
  226. *
  227. */
  228. function localize($phrase, $count=-1, $reset=false) {
  229. global $config;
  230. if ($count == 0)
  231. $phrase .= ".none";
  232. if ($count == 1)
  233. $phrase .= ".one";
  234. if ($count > 1)
  235. $phrase .= ".many";
  236. /* Static keyword is used to ensure the file is loaded only once */
  237. static $translations = NULL;
  238. if ($reset) {
  239. $translations = NULL;
  240. }
  241. /* If no instance of $translations has occured load the language file */
  242. if (is_null($translations)) {
  243. $lang_file_en = NULL;
  244. list ($lang, $lang_file) = getLangAndTranslationFile();
  245. if ($lang != "en") {
  246. $lang_file_en = dirname(__FILE__). '/lang/' . 'Localization_en.json';
  247. }
  248. $lang_file_content = file_get_contents($lang_file);
  249. /* Load the language file as a JSON object and transform it into an associative array */
  250. $translations = json_decode($lang_file_content, true);
  251. /* Clean the array of all unfinished translations */
  252. foreach (array_keys ($translations) as $key) {
  253. if (preg_match ("/^##TODO##/", $key)) {
  254. unset ($translations [$key]);
  255. }
  256. }
  257. if ($lang_file_en)
  258. {
  259. $lang_file_content = file_get_contents($lang_file_en);
  260. $translations_en = json_decode($lang_file_content, true);
  261. $translations = array_merge ($translations_en, $translations);
  262. }
  263. }
  264. if (array_key_exists ($phrase, $translations)) {
  265. return $translations[$phrase];
  266. }
  267. return $phrase;
  268. }
  269. function addURLParameter($urlParams, $paramName, $paramValue) {
  270. if (empty ($urlParams)) {
  271. $urlParams = "";
  272. }
  273. $start = "";
  274. if (preg_match ("#^\?(.*)#", $urlParams, $matches)) {
  275. $start = "?";
  276. $urlParams = $matches[1];
  277. }
  278. $params = array();
  279. parse_str($urlParams, $params);
  280. if (empty ($paramValue) && $paramValue != 0) {
  281. unset ($params[$paramName]);
  282. } else {
  283. $params[$paramName] = $paramValue;
  284. }
  285. return $start . http_build_query($params);
  286. }
  287. function useNormAndUp () {
  288. global $config;
  289. return $config ['cops_normalized_search'] == "1";
  290. }
  291. function normalizeUtf8String( $s) {
  292. include_once 'transliteration.php';
  293. return _transliteration_process($s);
  294. }
  295. function normAndUp ($s) {
  296. return mb_strtoupper (normalizeUtf8String($s), 'UTF-8');
  297. }
  298. class Link
  299. {
  300. const OPDS_THUMBNAIL_TYPE = "";
  301. const OPDS_IMAGE_TYPE = "";
  302. const OPDS_ACQUISITION_TYPE = "";
  303. const OPDS_NAVIGATION_TYPE = "application/atom+xml;profile=opds-catalog;kind=navigation";
  304. const OPDS_PAGING_TYPE = "application/atom+xml;profile=opds-catalog;kind=acquisition";
  305. public $href;
  306. public $type;
  307. public $rel;
  308. public $title;
  309. public $facetGroup;
  310. public $activeFacet;
  311. public function __construct($phref, $ptype, $prel = NULL, $ptitle = NULL, $pfacetGroup = NULL, $pactiveFacet = FALSE) {
  312. $this->href = $phref;
  313. $this->type = $ptype;
  314. $this->rel = $prel;
  315. $this->title = $ptitle;
  316. $this->facetGroup = $pfacetGroup;
  317. $this->activeFacet = $pactiveFacet;
  318. }
  319. public function hrefXhtml () {
  320. return $this->href;
  321. }
  322. public function getScriptName() {
  323. $parts = explode('/', $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]);
  324. return $parts[count($parts) - 1];
  325. }
  326. }
  327. class LinkNavigation extends Link
  328. {
  329. public function __construct($phref, $prel = NULL, $ptitle = NULL) {
  330. parent::__construct ($phref, Link::OPDS_NAVIGATION_TYPE, $prel, $ptitle);
  331. if (!is_null (GetUrlParam (DB))) $this->href = addURLParameter ($this->href, DB, GetUrlParam (DB));
  332. if (!preg_match ("#^\?(.*)#", $this->href) && !empty ($this->href)) $this->href = "?" . $this->href;
  333. if (preg_match ("/(bookdetail|getJSON).php/", parent::getScriptName())) {
  334. $this->href = "index.php" . $this->href;
  335. } else {
  336. $this->href = parent::getScriptName() . $this->href;
  337. }
  338. }
  339. }
  340. class LinkFacet extends Link
  341. {
  342. public function __construct($phref, $ptitle = NULL, $pfacetGroup = NULL, $pactiveFacet = FALSE) {
  343. parent::__construct ($phref, Link::OPDS_PAGING_TYPE, "", $ptitle, $pfacetGroup, $pactiveFacet);
  344. if (!is_null (GetUrlParam (DB))) $this->href = addURLParameter ($this->href, DB, GetUrlParam (DB));
  345. $this->href = parent::getScriptName() . $this->href;
  346. }
  347. }
  348. class Entry
  349. {
  350. public $title;
  351. public $id;
  352. public $content;
  353. public $numberOfElement;
  354. public $contentType;
  355. public $linkArray;
  356. public $localUpdated;
  357. public $className;
  358. private static $updated = NULL;
  359. public static $icons = array(
  360. Author::ALL_AUTHORS_ID => 'images/author.png',
  361. Serie::ALL_SERIES_ID => 'images/serie.png',
  362. Book::ALL_RECENT_BOOKS_ID => 'images/recent.png',
  363. Tag::ALL_TAGS_ID => 'images/tag.png',
  364. Language::ALL_LANGUAGES_ID => 'images/language.png',
  365. CustomColumn::ALL_CUSTOMS_ID => 'images/custom.png',
  366. Rating::ALL_RATING_ID => 'images/rating.png',
  367. "cops:books$" => 'images/allbook.png',
  368. "cops:books:letter" => 'images/allbook.png',
  369. Publisher::ALL_PUBLISHERS_ID => 'images/publisher.png'
  370. );
  371. public function getUpdatedTime () {
  372. if (!is_null ($this->localUpdated)) {
  373. return date (DATE_ATOM, $this->localUpdated);
  374. }
  375. if (is_null (self::$updated)) {
  376. self::$updated = time();
  377. }
  378. return date (DATE_ATOM, self::$updated);
  379. }
  380. public function getNavLink () {
  381. foreach ($this->linkArray as $link) {
  382. if ($link->type != Link::OPDS_NAVIGATION_TYPE) { continue; }
  383. return $link->hrefXhtml ();
  384. }
  385. return "#";
  386. }
  387. public function __construct($ptitle, $pid, $pcontent, $pcontentType, $plinkArray, $pclass = "", $pcount = 0) {
  388. global $config;
  389. $this->title = $ptitle;
  390. $this->id = $pid;
  391. $this->content = $pcontent;
  392. $this->contentType = $pcontentType;
  393. $this->linkArray = $plinkArray;
  394. $this->className = $pclass;
  395. $this->numberOfElement = $pcount;
  396. if ($config['cops_show_icons'] == 1)
  397. {
  398. foreach (self::$icons as $reg => $image)
  399. {
  400. if (preg_match ("/" . $reg . "/", $pid)) {
  401. array_push ($this->linkArray, new Link (getUrlWithVersion ($image), "image/png", Link::OPDS_THUMBNAIL_TYPE));
  402. break;
  403. }
  404. }
  405. }
  406. if (!is_null (GetUrlParam (DB))) $this->id = str_replace ("cops:", "cops:" . GetUrlParam (DB) . ":", $this->id);
  407. }
  408. }
  409. class EntryBook extends Entry
  410. {
  411. public $book;
  412. public function __construct($ptitle, $pid, $pcontent, $pcontentType, $plinkArray, $pbook) {
  413. parent::__construct ($ptitle, $pid, $pcontent, $pcontentType, $plinkArray);
  414. $this->book = $pbook;
  415. $this->localUpdated = $pbook->timestamp;
  416. }
  417. public function getCoverThumbnail () {
  418. foreach ($this->linkArray as $link) {
  419. if ($link->rel == Link::OPDS_THUMBNAIL_TYPE)
  420. return $link->hrefXhtml ();
  421. }
  422. return null;
  423. }
  424. public function getCover () {
  425. foreach ($this->linkArray as $link) {
  426. if ($link->rel == Link::OPDS_IMAGE_TYPE)
  427. return $link->hrefXhtml ();
  428. }
  429. return null;
  430. }
  431. }
  432. class Page
  433. {
  434. public $title;
  435. public $subtitle = "";
  436. public $authorName = "";
  437. public $authorUri = "";
  438. public $authorEmail = "";
  439. public $idPage;
  440. public $idGet;
  441. public $query;
  442. public $favicon;
  443. public $n;
  444. public $book;
  445. public $totalNumber = -1;
  446. public $entryArray = array();
  447. public static function getPage ($pageId, $id, $query, $n)
  448. {
  449. switch ($pageId) {
  450. case Base::PAGE_ALL_AUTHORS :
  451. return new PageAllAuthors ($id, $query, $n);
  453. return new PageAllAuthorsLetter ($id, $query, $n);
  454. case Base::PAGE_AUTHOR_DETAIL :
  455. return new PageAuthorDetail ($id, $query, $n);
  456. case Base::PAGE_ALL_TAGS :
  457. return new PageAllTags ($id, $query, $n);
  458. case Base::PAGE_TAG_DETAIL :
  459. return new PageTagDetail ($id, $query, $n);
  460. case Base::PAGE_ALL_LANGUAGES :
  461. return new PageAllLanguages ($id, $query, $n);
  462. case Base::PAGE_LANGUAGE_DETAIL :
  463. return new PageLanguageDetail ($id, $query, $n);
  464. case Base::PAGE_ALL_CUSTOMS :
  465. return new PageAllCustoms ($id, $query, $n);
  466. case Base::PAGE_CUSTOM_DETAIL :
  467. return new PageCustomDetail ($id, $query, $n);
  468. case Base::PAGE_ALL_RATINGS :
  469. return new PageAllRating ($id, $query, $n);
  470. case Base::PAGE_RATING_DETAIL :
  471. return new PageRatingDetail ($id, $query, $n);
  472. case Base::PAGE_ALL_SERIES :
  473. return new PageAllSeries ($id, $query, $n);
  474. case Base::PAGE_ALL_BOOKS :
  475. return new PageAllBooks ($id, $query, $n);
  476. case Base::PAGE_ALL_BOOKS_LETTER:
  477. return new PageAllBooksLetter ($id, $query, $n);
  478. case Base::PAGE_ALL_RECENT_BOOKS :
  479. return new PageRecentBooks ($id, $query, $n);
  480. case Base::PAGE_SERIE_DETAIL :
  481. return new PageSerieDetail ($id, $query, $n);
  482. case Base::PAGE_OPENSEARCH_QUERY :
  483. return new PageQueryResult ($id, $query, $n);
  484. case Base::PAGE_BOOK_DETAIL :
  485. return new PageBookDetail ($id, $query, $n);
  486. case Base::PAGE_ALL_PUBLISHERS:
  487. return new PageAllPublishers ($id, $query, $n);
  488. case Base::PAGE_PUBLISHER_DETAIL :
  489. return new PagePublisherDetail ($id, $query, $n);
  490. case Base::PAGE_ABOUT :
  491. return new PageAbout ($id, $query, $n);
  492. case Base::PAGE_CUSTOMIZE :
  493. return new PageCustomize ($id, $query, $n);
  494. default:
  495. $page = new Page ($id, $query, $n);
  496. $page->idPage = "cops:catalog";
  497. return $page;
  498. }
  499. }
  500. public function __construct($pid, $pquery, $pn) {
  501. global $config;
  502. $this->idGet = $pid;
  503. $this->query = $pquery;
  504. $this->n = $pn;
  505. $this->favicon = $config['cops_icon'];
  506. $this->authorName = empty($config['cops_author_name']) ? utf8_encode('Sébastien Lucas') : $config['cops_author_name'];
  507. $this->authorUri = empty($config['cops_author_uri']) ? '' : $config['cops_author_uri'];
  508. $this->authorEmail = empty($config['cops_author_email']) ? '' : $config['cops_author_email'];
  509. }
  510. public function InitializeContent ()
  511. {
  512. global $config;
  513. $this->title = $config['cops_title_default'];
  514. $this->subtitle = $config['cops_subtitle_default'];
  515. if (Base::noDatabaseSelected ()) {
  516. $i = 0;
  517. foreach (Base::getDbNameList () as $key) {
  518. $nBooks = Book::getBookCount ($i);
  519. array_push ($this->entryArray, new Entry ($key, "cops:{$i}:catalog",
  520. str_format (localize ("bookword", $nBooks), $nBooks), "text",
  521. array ( new LinkNavigation ("?" . DB . "={$i}")), "", $nBooks));
  522. $i++;
  523. Base::clearDb ();
  524. }
  525. } else {
  526. if (!in_array (PageQueryResult::SCOPE_AUTHOR, getCurrentOption ('ignored_categories'))) {
  527. array_push ($this->entryArray, Author::getCount());
  528. }
  529. if (!in_array (PageQueryResult::SCOPE_SERIES, getCurrentOption ('ignored_categories'))) {
  530. $series = Serie::getCount();
  531. if (!is_null ($series)) array_push ($this->entryArray, $series);
  532. }
  533. if (!in_array (PageQueryResult::SCOPE_PUBLISHER, getCurrentOption ('ignored_categories'))) {
  534. $publisher = Publisher::getCount();
  535. if (!is_null ($publisher)) array_push ($this->entryArray, $publisher);
  536. }
  537. if (!in_array (PageQueryResult::SCOPE_TAG, getCurrentOption ('ignored_categories'))) {
  538. $tags = Tag::getCount();
  539. if (!is_null ($tags)) array_push ($this->entryArray, $tags);
  540. }
  541. if (!in_array (PageQueryResult::SCOPE_RATING, getCurrentOption ('ignored_categories'))) {
  542. $rating = Rating::getCount();
  543. if (!is_null ($rating)) array_push ($this->entryArray, $rating);
  544. }
  545. if (!in_array ("language", getCurrentOption ('ignored_categories'))) {
  546. $languages = Language::getCount();
  547. if (!is_null ($languages)) array_push ($this->entryArray, $languages);
  548. }
  549. foreach ($config['cops_calibre_custom_column'] as $lookup) {
  550. $customId = CustomColumn::getCustomId ($lookup);
  551. if (!is_null ($customId)) {
  552. array_push ($this->entryArray, CustomColumn::getCount($customId));
  553. }
  554. }
  555. $this->entryArray = array_merge ($this->entryArray, Book::getCount());
  556. if (Base::isMultipleDatabaseEnabled ()) $this->title = Base::getDbName ();
  557. }
  558. }
  559. public function isPaginated ()
  560. {
  561. return (getCurrentOption ("max_item_per_page") != -1 &&
  562. $this->totalNumber != -1 &&
  563. $this->totalNumber > getCurrentOption ("max_item_per_page"));
  564. }
  565. public function getNextLink ()
  566. {
  567. $currentUrl = preg_replace ("/\&n=.*?$/", "", "?" . getQueryString ());
  568. if (($this->n) * getCurrentOption ("max_item_per_page") < $this->totalNumber) {
  569. return new LinkNavigation ($currentUrl . "&n=" . ($this->n + 1), "next", localize (""));
  570. }
  571. return NULL;
  572. }
  573. public function getPrevLink ()
  574. {
  575. $currentUrl = preg_replace ("/\&n=.*?$/", "", "?" . getQueryString ());
  576. if ($this->n > 1) {
  577. return new LinkNavigation ($currentUrl . "&n=" . ($this->n - 1), "previous", localize ("paging.previous.alternate"));
  578. }
  579. return NULL;
  580. }
  581. public function getMaxPage ()
  582. {
  583. return ceil ($this->totalNumber / getCurrentOption ("max_item_per_page"));
  584. }
  585. public function containsBook ()
  586. {
  587. if (count ($this->entryArray) == 0) return false;
  588. if (get_class ($this->entryArray [0]) == "EntryBook") return true;
  589. return false;
  590. }
  591. }
  592. class PageAllAuthors extends Page
  593. {
  594. public function InitializeContent ()
  595. {
  596. $this->title = localize("authors.title");
  597. if (getCurrentOption ("author_split_first_letter") == 1) {
  598. $this->entryArray = Author::getAllAuthorsByFirstLetter();
  599. }
  600. else {
  601. $this->entryArray = Author::getAllAuthors();
  602. }
  603. $this->idPage = Author::ALL_AUTHORS_ID;
  604. }
  605. }
  606. class PageAllAuthorsLetter extends Page
  607. {
  608. public function InitializeContent ()
  609. {
  610. $this->idPage = Author::getEntryIdByLetter ($this->idGet);
  611. $this->entryArray = Author::getAuthorsByStartingLetter ($this->idGet);
  612. $this->title = str_format (localize ("splitByLetter.letter"), str_format (localize ("authorword", count ($this->entryArray)), count ($this->entryArray)), $this->idGet);
  613. }
  614. }
  615. class PageAuthorDetail extends Page
  616. {
  617. public function InitializeContent ()
  618. {
  619. $author = Author::getAuthorById ($this->idGet);
  620. $this->idPage = $author->getEntryId ();
  621. $this->title = $author->name;
  622. list ($this->entryArray, $this->totalNumber) = Book::getBooksByAuthor ($this->idGet, $this->n);
  623. }
  624. }
  625. class PageAllPublishers extends Page
  626. {
  627. public function InitializeContent ()
  628. {
  629. $this->title = localize("publishers.title");
  630. $this->entryArray = Publisher::getAllPublishers();
  631. $this->idPage = Publisher::ALL_PUBLISHERS_ID;
  632. }
  633. }
  634. class PagePublisherDetail extends Page
  635. {
  636. public function InitializeContent ()
  637. {
  638. $publisher = Publisher::getPublisherById ($this->idGet);
  639. $this->title = $publisher->name;
  640. list ($this->entryArray, $this->totalNumber) = Book::getBooksByPublisher ($this->idGet, $this->n);
  641. $this->idPage = $publisher->getEntryId ();
  642. }
  643. }
  644. class PageAllTags extends Page
  645. {
  646. public function InitializeContent ()
  647. {
  648. $this->title = localize("tags.title");
  649. $this->entryArray = Tag::getAllTags();
  650. $this->idPage = Tag::ALL_TAGS_ID;
  651. }
  652. }
  653. class PageAllLanguages extends Page
  654. {
  655. public function InitializeContent ()
  656. {
  657. $this->title = localize("languages.title");
  658. $this->entryArray = Language::getAllLanguages();
  659. $this->idPage = Language::ALL_LANGUAGES_ID;
  660. }
  661. }
  662. class PageCustomDetail extends Page
  663. {
  664. public function InitializeContent ()
  665. {
  666. $customId = getURLParam ("custom", NULL);
  667. $custom = CustomColumn::getCustomById ($customId, $this->idGet);
  668. $this->idPage = $custom->getEntryId ();
  669. $this->title = $custom->name;
  670. list ($this->entryArray, $this->totalNumber) = Book::getBooksByCustom ($customId, $this->idGet, $this->n);
  671. }
  672. }
  673. class PageAllCustoms extends Page
  674. {
  675. public function InitializeContent ()
  676. {
  677. $customId = getURLParam ("custom", NULL);
  678. $this->title = CustomColumn::getAllTitle ($customId);
  679. $this->entryArray = CustomColumn::getAllCustoms($customId);
  680. $this->idPage = CustomColumn::getAllCustomsId ($customId);
  681. }
  682. }
  683. class PageTagDetail extends Page
  684. {
  685. public function InitializeContent ()
  686. {
  687. $tag = Tag::getTagById ($this->idGet);
  688. $this->idPage = $tag->getEntryId ();
  689. $this->title = $tag->name;
  690. list ($this->entryArray, $this->totalNumber) = Book::getBooksByTag ($this->idGet, $this->n);
  691. }
  692. }
  693. class PageLanguageDetail extends Page
  694. {
  695. public function InitializeContent ()
  696. {
  697. $language = Language::getLanguageById ($this->idGet);
  698. $this->idPage = $language->getEntryId ();
  699. $this->title = $language->lang_code;
  700. list ($this->entryArray, $this->totalNumber) = Book::getBooksByLanguage ($this->idGet, $this->n);
  701. }
  702. }
  703. class PageAllSeries extends Page
  704. {
  705. public function InitializeContent ()
  706. {
  707. $this->title = localize("series.title");
  708. $this->entryArray = Serie::getAllSeries();
  709. $this->idPage = Serie::ALL_SERIES_ID;
  710. }
  711. }
  712. class PageSerieDetail extends Page
  713. {
  714. public function InitializeContent ()
  715. {
  716. $serie = Serie::getSerieById ($this->idGet);
  717. $this->title = $serie->name;
  718. list ($this->entryArray, $this->totalNumber) = Book::getBooksBySeries ($this->idGet, $this->n);
  719. $this->idPage = $serie->getEntryId ();
  720. }
  721. }
  722. class PageAllRating extends Page
  723. {
  724. public function InitializeContent ()
  725. {
  726. $this->title = localize("ratings.title");
  727. $this->entryArray = Rating::getAllRatings();
  728. $this->idPage = Rating::ALL_RATING_ID;
  729. }
  730. }
  731. class PageRatingDetail extends Page
  732. {
  733. public function InitializeContent ()
  734. {
  735. $rating = Rating::getRatingById ($this->idGet);
  736. $this->idPage = $rating->getEntryId ();
  737. $this->title =str_format (localize ("ratingword", $rating->name/2), $rating->name/2);
  738. list ($this->entryArray, $this->totalNumber) = Book::getBooksByRating ($this->idGet, $this->n);
  739. }
  740. }
  741. class PageAllBooks extends Page
  742. {
  743. public function InitializeContent ()
  744. {
  745. $this->title = localize ("allbooks.title");
  746. if (getCurrentOption ("titles_split_first_letter") == 1) {
  747. $this->entryArray = Book::getAllBooks();
  748. }
  749. else {
  750. list ($this->entryArray, $this->totalNumber) = Book::getBooks ($this->n);
  751. }
  752. $this->idPage = Book::ALL_BOOKS_ID;
  753. }
  754. }
  755. class PageAllBooksLetter extends Page
  756. {
  757. public function InitializeContent ()
  758. {
  759. list ($this->entryArray, $this->totalNumber) = Book::getBooksByStartingLetter ($this->idGet, $this->n);
  760. $this->idPage = Book::getEntryIdByLetter ($this->idGet);
  761. $count = $this->totalNumber;
  762. if ($count == -1)
  763. $count = count ($this->entryArray);
  764. $this->title = str_format (localize ("splitByLetter.letter"), str_format (localize ("bookword", $count), $count), $this->idGet);
  765. }
  766. }
  767. class PageRecentBooks extends Page
  768. {
  769. public function InitializeContent ()
  770. {
  771. $this->title = localize ("recent.title");
  772. $this->entryArray = Book::getAllRecentBooks ();
  773. $this->idPage = Book::ALL_RECENT_BOOKS_ID;
  774. }
  775. }
  776. class PageQueryResult extends Page
  777. {
  778. const SCOPE_TAG = "tag";
  779. const SCOPE_RATING = "rating";
  780. const SCOPE_SERIES = "series";
  781. const SCOPE_AUTHOR = "author";
  782. const SCOPE_BOOK = "book";
  783. const SCOPE_PUBLISHER = "publisher";
  784. private function useTypeahead () {
  785. return !is_null (getURLParam ("search"));
  786. }
  787. private function searchByScope ($scope, $limit = FALSE) {
  788. $n = $this->n;
  789. $numberPerPage = NULL;
  790. $queryNormedAndUp = $this->query;
  791. if (useNormAndUp ()) {
  792. $queryNormedAndUp = normAndUp ($this->query);
  793. }
  794. if ($limit) {
  795. $n = 1;
  796. $numberPerPage = 5;
  797. }
  798. switch ($scope) {
  799. case self::SCOPE_BOOK :
  800. $array = Book::getBooksByStartingLetter ('%' . $queryNormedAndUp, $n, NULL, $numberPerPage);
  801. break;
  802. case self::SCOPE_AUTHOR :
  803. $array = Author::getAuthorsForSearch ('%' . $queryNormedAndUp);
  804. break;
  805. case self::SCOPE_SERIES :
  806. $array = Serie::getAllSeriesByQuery ($queryNormedAndUp);
  807. break;
  808. case self::SCOPE_TAG :
  809. $array = Tag::getAllTagsByQuery ($queryNormedAndUp, $n, NULL, $numberPerPage);
  810. break;
  811. case self::SCOPE_PUBLISHER :
  812. $array = Publisher::getAllPublishersByQuery ($queryNormedAndUp);
  813. break;
  814. default:
  815. $array = Book::getBooksByQuery (
  816. array ("all" => "%" . $queryNormedAndUp . "%"), $n);
  817. }
  818. return $array;
  819. }
  820. public function doSearchByCategory () {
  821. $database = GetUrlParam (DB);
  822. $out = array ();
  823. $pagequery = Base::PAGE_OPENSEARCH_QUERY;
  824. $dbArray = array ("");
  825. $d = $database;
  826. $query = $this->query;
  827. // Special case when no databases were chosen, we search on all databases
  828. if (Base::noDatabaseSelected ()) {
  829. $dbArray = Base::getDbNameList ();
  830. $d = 0;
  831. }
  832. foreach ($dbArray as $key) {
  833. if (Base::noDatabaseSelected ()) {
  834. array_push ($this->entryArray, new Entry ($key, DB . ":query:{$d}",
  835. " ", "text",
  836. array ( new LinkNavigation ("?" . DB . "={$d}")), "tt-header"));
  837. Base::getDb ($d);
  838. }
  839. foreach (array (PageQueryResult::SCOPE_BOOK,
  840. PageQueryResult::SCOPE_AUTHOR,
  841. PageQueryResult::SCOPE_SERIES,
  842. PageQueryResult::SCOPE_TAG,
  843. PageQueryResult::SCOPE_PUBLISHER) as $key) {
  844. if (in_array($key, getCurrentOption ('ignored_categories'))) {
  845. continue;
  846. }
  847. $array = $this->searchByScope ($key, TRUE);
  848. $i = 0;
  849. if (count ($array) == 2 && is_array ($array [0])) {
  850. $total = $array [1];
  851. $array = $array [0];
  852. } else {
  853. $total = count($array);
  854. }
  855. if ($total > 0) {
  856. // Comment to help the perl i18n script
  857. // str_format (localize("bookword", count($array))
  858. // str_format (localize("authorword", count($array))
  859. // str_format (localize("seriesword", count($array))
  860. // str_format (localize("tagword", count($array))
  861. // str_format (localize("publisherword", count($array))
  862. array_push ($this->entryArray, new Entry (str_format (localize ("search.result.{$key}"), $this->query), DB . ":query:{$d}:{$key}",
  863. str_format (localize("{$key}word", $total), $total), "text",
  864. array ( new LinkNavigation ("?page={$pagequery}&query={$query}&db={$d}&scope={$key}")),
  865. Base::noDatabaseSelected () ? "" : "tt-header", $total));
  866. }
  867. if (!Base::noDatabaseSelected () && $this->useTypeahead ()) {
  868. foreach ($array as $entry) {
  869. array_push ($this->entryArray, $entry);
  870. $i++;
  871. if ($i > 4) { break; };
  872. }
  873. }
  874. }
  875. $d++;
  876. if (Base::noDatabaseSelected ()) {
  877. Base::clearDb ();
  878. }
  879. }
  880. return $out;
  881. }
  882. public function InitializeContent ()
  883. {
  884. $scope = getURLParam ("scope");
  885. if (empty ($scope)) {
  886. $this->title = str_format (localize ("search.result"), $this->query);
  887. } else {
  888. // Comment to help the perl i18n script
  889. // str_format (localize (""), $this->query)
  890. // str_format (localize ("search.result.tag"), $this->query)
  891. // str_format (localize ("search.result.series"), $this->query)
  892. // str_format (localize (""), $this->query)
  893. // str_format (localize ("search.result.publisher"), $this->query)
  894. $this->title = str_format (localize ("search.result.{$scope}"), $this->query);
  895. }
  896. $crit = "%" . $this->query . "%";
  897. // Special case when we are doing a search and no database is selected
  898. if (Base::noDatabaseSelected () && !$this->useTypeahead ()) {
  899. $i = 0;
  900. foreach (Base::getDbNameList () as $key) {
  901. Base::clearDb ();
  902. list ($array, $totalNumber) = Book::getBooksByQuery (array ("all" => $crit), 1, $i, 1);
  903. array_push ($this->entryArray, new Entry ($key, DB . ":query:{$i}",
  904. str_format (localize ("bookword", $totalNumber), $totalNumber), "text",
  905. array ( new LinkNavigation ("?" . DB . "={$i}&page=9&query=" . $this->query)), "", $totalNumber));
  906. $i++;
  907. }
  908. return;
  909. }
  910. if (empty ($scope)) {
  911. $this->doSearchByCategory ();
  912. return;
  913. }
  914. $array = $this->searchByScope ($scope);
  915. if (count ($array) == 2 && is_array ($array [0])) {
  916. list ($this->entryArray, $this->totalNumber) = $array;
  917. } else {
  918. $this->entryArray = $array;
  919. }
  920. }
  921. }
  922. class PageBookDetail extends Page
  923. {
  924. public function InitializeContent ()
  925. {
  926. $this->book = Book::getBookById ($this->idGet);
  927. $this->title = $this->book->title;
  928. }
  929. }
  930. class PageAbout extends Page
  931. {
  932. public function InitializeContent ()
  933. {
  934. $this->title = localize ("about.title");
  935. }
  936. }
  937. class PageCustomize extends Page
  938. {
  939. private function isChecked ($key, $testedValue = 1) {
  940. $value = getCurrentOption ($key);
  941. if (is_array ($value)) {
  942. if (in_array ($testedValue, $value)) {
  943. return "checked='checked'";
  944. }
  945. } else {
  946. if ($value == $testedValue) {
  947. return "checked='checked'";
  948. }
  949. }
  950. return "";
  951. }
  952. private function isSelected ($key, $value) {
  953. if (getCurrentOption ($key) == $value) {
  954. return "selected='selected'";
  955. }
  956. return "";
  957. }
  958. private function getStyleList () {
  959. $result = array ();
  960. foreach (glob ("templates/" . getCurrentTemplate () . "/styles/style-*.css") as $filename) {
  961. if (preg_match ('/styles\/style-(.*?)\.css/', $filename, $m)) {
  962. array_push ($result, $m [1]);
  963. }
  964. }
  965. return $result;
  966. }
  967. public function InitializeContent ()
  968. {
  969. $this->title = localize ("customize.title");
  970. $this->entryArray = array ();
  971. $ignoredBaseArray = array (PageQueryResult::SCOPE_AUTHOR,
  972. PageQueryResult::SCOPE_TAG,
  973. PageQueryResult::SCOPE_SERIES,
  974. PageQueryResult::SCOPE_PUBLISHER,
  975. PageQueryResult::SCOPE_RATING,
  976. "language");
  977. $content = "";
  978. array_push ($this->entryArray, new Entry ("Template", "",
  979. "<span style='cursor: pointer;' onclick='$.cookie(\"template\", \"bootstrap\", { expires: 365 });window.location=$(\".headleft\").attr(\"href\");'>Click to switch to Bootstrap</span>", "text",
  980. array ()));
  981. if (!preg_match("/(Kobo|Kindle\/3.0|EBRD1101)/", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
  982. $content .= '<select id="style" onchange="updateCookie (this);">';
  983. foreach ($this-> getStyleList () as $filename) {
  984. $content .= "<option value='{$filename}' " . $this->isSelected ("style", $filename) . ">{$filename}</option>";
  985. }
  986. $content .= '</select>';
  987. } else {
  988. foreach ($this-> getStyleList () as $filename) {
  989. $content .= "<input type='radio' onchange='updateCookieFromCheckbox (this);' id='style-{$filename}' name='style' value='{$filename}' " . $this->isChecked ("style", $filename) . " /><label for='style-{$filename}'> {$filename} </label>";
  990. }
  991. }
  992. array_push ($this->entryArray, new Entry (localize (""), "",
  993. $content, "text",
  994. array ()));
  995. if (!useServerSideRendering ()) {
  996. $content = '<input type="checkbox" onchange="updateCookieFromCheckbox (this);" id="use_fancyapps" ' . $this->isChecked ("use_fancyapps") . ' />';
  997. array_push ($this->entryArray, new Entry (localize ("customize.fancybox"), "",
  998. $content, "text",
  999. array ()));
  1000. }
  1001. $content = '<input type="number" onchange="updateCookie (this);" id="max_item_per_page" value="' . getCurrentOption ("max_item_per_page") . '" min="-1" max="1200" pattern="^[-+]?[0-9]+$" />';
  1002. array_push ($this->entryArray, new Entry (localize ("customize.paging"), "",
  1003. $content, "text",
  1004. array ()));
  1005. $content = '<input type="text" onchange="updateCookie (this);" id="email" value="' . getCurrentOption ("email") . '" />';
  1006. array_push ($this->entryArray, new Entry (localize (""), "",
  1007. $content, "text",
  1008. array ()));
  1009. $content = '<input type="checkbox" onchange="updateCookieFromCheckbox (this);" id="html_tag_filter" ' . $this->isChecked ("html_tag_filter") . ' />';
  1010. array_push ($this->entryArray, new Entry (localize ("customize.filter"), "",
  1011. $content, "text",
  1012. array ()));
  1013. $content = "";
  1014. foreach ($ignoredBaseArray as $key) {
  1015. $keyPlural = preg_replace ('/(ss)$/', 's', $key . "s");
  1016. $content .= '<input type="checkbox" name="ignored_categories[]" onchange="updateCookieFromCheckboxGroup (this);" id="ignored_categories_' . $key . '" ' . $this->isChecked ("ignored_categories", $key) . ' > ' . localize ("{$keyPlural}.title") . '</input> ';
  1017. }
  1018. array_push ($this->entryArray, new Entry (localize ("customize.ignored"), "",
  1019. $content, "text",
  1020. array ()));
  1021. }
  1022. }
  1023. abstract class Base
  1024. {
  1025. const PAGE_INDEX = "index";
  1026. const PAGE_ALL_AUTHORS = "1";
  1027. const PAGE_AUTHORS_FIRST_LETTER = "2";
  1028. const PAGE_AUTHOR_DETAIL = "3";
  1029. const PAGE_ALL_BOOKS = "4";
  1030. const PAGE_ALL_BOOKS_LETTER = "5";
  1031. const PAGE_ALL_SERIES = "6";
  1032. const PAGE_SERIE_DETAIL = "7";
  1033. const PAGE_OPENSEARCH = "8";
  1034. const PAGE_OPENSEARCH_QUERY = "9";
  1035. const PAGE_ALL_RECENT_BOOKS = "10";
  1036. const PAGE_ALL_TAGS = "11";
  1037. const PAGE_TAG_DETAIL = "12";
  1038. const PAGE_BOOK_DETAIL = "13";
  1039. const PAGE_ALL_CUSTOMS = "14";
  1040. const PAGE_CUSTOM_DETAIL = "15";
  1041. const PAGE_ABOUT = "16";
  1042. const PAGE_ALL_LANGUAGES = "17";
  1043. const PAGE_LANGUAGE_DETAIL = "18";
  1044. const PAGE_CUSTOMIZE = "19";
  1045. const PAGE_ALL_PUBLISHERS = "20";
  1046. const PAGE_PUBLISHER_DETAIL = "21";
  1047. const PAGE_ALL_RATINGS = "22";
  1048. const PAGE_RATING_DETAIL = "23";
  1049. const COMPATIBILITY_XML_ALDIKO = "aldiko";
  1050. private static $db = NULL;
  1051. public static function isMultipleDatabaseEnabled () {
  1052. global $config;
  1053. return is_array ($config['calibre_directory']);
  1054. }
  1055. public static function useAbsolutePath () {
  1056. global $config;
  1057. $path = self::getDbDirectory();
  1058. return preg_match ('/^\//', $path) || // Linux /
  1059. preg_match ('/^\w\:/', $path); // Windows X:
  1060. }
  1061. public static function noDatabaseSelected () {
  1062. return self::isMultipleDatabaseEnabled () && is_null (GetUrlParam (DB));
  1063. }
  1064. public static function getDbList () {
  1065. global $config;
  1066. if (self::isMultipleDatabaseEnabled ()) {
  1067. return $config['calibre_directory'];
  1068. } else {
  1069. return array ("" => $config['calibre_directory']);
  1070. }
  1071. }
  1072. public static function getDbNameList () {
  1073. global $config;
  1074. if (self::isMultipleDatabaseEnabled ()) {
  1075. return array_keys ($config['calibre_directory']);
  1076. } else {
  1077. return array ("");
  1078. }
  1079. }
  1080. public static function getDbName ($database = NULL) {
  1081. global $config;
  1082. if (self::isMultipleDatabaseEnabled ()) {
  1083. if (is_null ($database)) $database = GetUrlParam (DB, 0);
  1084. if (!is_null($database) && !preg_match('/^\d+$/', $database)) {
  1085. return self::error ($database);
  1086. }
  1087. $array = array_keys ($config['calibre_directory']);
  1088. return $array[$database];
  1089. }
  1090. return "";
  1091. }
  1092. public static function getDbDirectory ($database = NULL) {
  1093. global $config;
  1094. if (self::isMultipleDatabaseEnabled ()) {
  1095. if (is_null ($database)) $database = GetUrlParam (DB, 0);
  1096. if (!is_null($database) && !preg_match('/^\d+$/', $database)) {
  1097. return self::error ($database);
  1098. }
  1099. $array = array_values ($config['calibre_directory']);
  1100. return $array[$database];
  1101. }
  1102. return $config['calibre_directory'];
  1103. }
  1104. public static function getDbFileName ($database = NULL) {
  1105. return self::getDbDirectory ($database) .'metadata.db';
  1106. }
  1107. private static function error ($database) {
  1108. if (php_sapi_name() != "cli") {
  1109. header("location: checkconfig.php?err=1");
  1110. }
  1111. throw new Exception("Database <{$database}> not found.");
  1112. }
  1113. public static function getDb ($database = NULL) {
  1114. if (is_null (self::$db)) {
  1115. try {
  1116. if (is_readable (self::getDbFileName ($database))) {
  1117. self::$db = new PDO('sqlite:'. self::getDbFileName ($database));
  1118. if (useNormAndUp ()) {
  1119. self::$db->sqliteCreateFunction ('normAndUp', 'normAndUp', 1);
  1120. }
  1121. } else {
  1122. self::error ($database);
  1123. }
  1124. } catch (Exception $e) {
  1125. self::error ($database);
  1126. }
  1127. }
  1128. return self::$db;
  1129. }
  1130. public static function checkDatabaseAvailability () {
  1131. if (self::noDatabaseSelected ()) {
  1132. for ($i = 0; $i < count (self::getDbList ()); $i++) {
  1133. self::getDb ($i);
  1134. self::clearDb ();
  1135. }
  1136. } else {
  1137. self::getDb ();
  1138. }
  1139. return true;
  1140. }
  1141. public static function clearDb () {
  1142. self::$db = NULL;
  1143. }
  1144. public static function executeQuerySingle ($query, $database = NULL) {
  1145. return self::getDb ($database)->query($query)->fetchColumn();
  1146. }
  1147. public static function getCountGeneric($table, $id, $pageId, $numberOfString = NULL) {
  1148. if (!$numberOfString) {
  1149. $numberOfString = $table . ".alphabetical";
  1150. }
  1151. $count = self::executeQuerySingle ('select count(*) from ' . $table);
  1152. if ($count == 0) return NULL;
  1153. $entry = new Entry (localize($table . ".title"), $id,
  1154. str_format (localize($numberOfString, $count), $count), "text",
  1155. array ( new LinkNavigation ("?page=".$pageId)), "", $count);
  1156. return $entry;
  1157. }
  1158. public static function getEntryArrayWithBookNumber ($query, $columns, $params, $category) {
  1159. list (, $result) = self::executeQuery ($query, $columns, "", $params, -1);
  1160. $entryArray = array();
  1161. while ($post = $result->fetchObject ())
  1162. {
  1163. $instance = new $category ($post);
  1164. if (property_exists($post, "sort")) {
  1165. $title = $post->sort;
  1166. } else {
  1167. $title = $post->name;
  1168. }
  1169. array_push ($entryArray, new Entry ($title, $instance->getEntryId (),
  1170. str_format (localize("bookword", $post->count), $post->count), "text",
  1171. array ( new LinkNavigation ($instance->getUri ())), "", $post->count));
  1172. }
  1173. return $entryArray;
  1174. }
  1175. public static function executeQuery($query, $columns, $filter, $params, $n, $database = NULL, $numberPerPage = NULL) {
  1176. $totalResult = -1;
  1177. if (useNormAndUp ()) {
  1178. $query = preg_replace("/upper/", "normAndUp", $query);
  1179. $columns = preg_replace("/upper/", "normAndUp", $columns);
  1180. }
  1181. if (is_null ($numberPerPage)) {
  1182. $numberPerPage = getCurrentOption ("max_item_per_page");
  1183. }
  1184. if ($numberPerPage != -1 && $n != -1)
  1185. {
  1186. // First check total number of results
  1187. $result = self::getDb ($database)->prepare (str_format ($query, "count(*)", $filter));
  1188. $result->execute ($params);
  1189. $totalResult = $result->fetchColumn ();
  1190. // Next modify the query and params
  1191. $query .= " limit ?, ?";
  1192. array_push ($params, ($n - 1) * $numberPerPage, $numberPerPage);
  1193. }
  1194. $result = self::getDb ($database)->prepare(str_format ($query, $columns, $filter));
  1195. $result->execute ($params);
  1196. return array ($totalResult, $result);
  1197. }
  1198. }