Migrate from Fancybox to Magnific Popup. re #73

rename : about.xml => about.html
Cette révision appartient à :
Sébastien Lucas 2013-06-25 08:53:04 +02:00
Parent d3ce31c6be
révision e547899584
18 fichiers modifiés avec 412 ajouts et 882 suppressions

Voir le fichier

Voir le fichier

@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
if ($currentPage->containsBook ()) {
$out ["containsBook"] = 1;
$out["abouturl"] = "about.xml";
$out["abouturl"] = "about.html";
if (getCurrentOption ('use_fancyapps') == 0) {
$out["abouturl"] = "index.php" . addURLParameter ("?page=16", DB, $database);

Voir le fichier

@ -36,8 +36,8 @@
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo getUrlWithVersion("resources/jQuery/jquery-1.9.1.min.js") ?>"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo getUrlWithVersion("resources/jquery-cookie/jquery.cookies.js") ?>"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo getUrlWithVersion("resources/fancybox/jquery.fancybox.pack.js") ?>"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo getUrlWithVersion("resources/fancybox/jquery.fancybox.css") ?>" media="screen" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo getUrlWithVersion("resources/Magnific-Popup/jquery.magnific-popup.min.js") ?>"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo getUrlWithVersion("resources/Magnific-Popup/magnific-popup.css") ?>" media="screen" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo getUrlWithVersion("js/jquery.sortElements.js") ?>"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo getUrlWithVersion("resources/doT/doT.min.js") ?>"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo getUrlWithVersion("resources/lru/lru.js") ?>"></script>

Diff de fichier supprimé car une ou plusieurs lignes sont trop longues

Voir le fichier

@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
/* Magnific Popup CSS */
.mfp-bg {
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
z-index: 502;
overflow: hidden;
position: fixed;
background: #0b0b0b;
opacity: 0.8;
filter: alpha(opacity=80); }
.mfp-wrap {
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
z-index: 503;
position: fixed;
outline: none !important;
-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; }
.mfp-container {
height: 100%;
text-align: center;
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
left: 0;
top: 0;
padding: 0 8px;
-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
-moz-box-sizing: border-box;
box-sizing: border-box; }
.mfp-container:before {
content: '';
display: inline-block;
height: 100%;
vertical-align: middle; }
.mfp-align-top .mfp-container:before {
display: none; }
.mfp-content {
position: relative;
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;
margin: 0 auto;
text-align: left;
z-index: 505; }
.mfp-inline-holder .mfp-content,
.mfp-ajax-holder .mfp-content {
width: 100%;
cursor: auto; }
.mfp-ajax-cur {
cursor: progress; }
.mfp-zoom-out-cur .mfp-image-holder .mfp-close {
cursor: -moz-zoom-out;
cursor: -webkit-zoom-out;
cursor: zoom-out; }
.mfp-zoom {
cursor: pointer;
cursor: -webkit-zoom-in;
cursor: -moz-zoom-in;
cursor: zoom-in; }
.mfp-auto-cursor .mfp-content {
cursor: auto; }
.mfp-counter {
-webkit-user-select: none;
-moz-user-select: none;
user-select: none; }
.mfp-loading.mfp-figure {
display: none; }
.mfp-hide {
display: none !important; }
.mfp-preloader {
color: #cccccc;
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
width: auto;
text-align: center;
margin-top: -0.8em;
left: 8px;
right: 8px;
z-index: 504; }
.mfp-preloader a {
color: #cccccc; }
.mfp-preloader a:hover {
color: white; }
.mfp-s-ready .mfp-preloader {
display: none; }
.mfp-s-error .mfp-content {
display: none; }
button.mfp-arrow {
overflow: visible;
cursor: pointer;
background: transparent;
border: 0;
-webkit-appearance: none;
display: block;
padding: 0;
z-index: 506; }
button::-moz-focus-inner {
padding: 0;
border: 0; }
.mfp-close {
width: 44px;
height: 44px;
line-height: 44px;
position: absolute;
right: 0;
top: 0;
text-decoration: none;
text-align: center;
opacity: 0.65;
padding: 0 0 18px 10px;
color: white;
font-style: normal;
font-size: 28px;
font-family: Arial, Baskerville, monospace; }
.mfp-close:hover, .mfp-close:focus {
opacity: 1; }
.mfp-close:active {
top: 1px; }
.mfp-close-btn-in .mfp-close {
color: #333333; }
.mfp-image-holder .mfp-close,
.mfp-iframe-holder .mfp-close {
color: white;
right: -6px;
text-align: right;
padding-right: 6px;
width: 100%; }
.mfp-counter {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
right: 0;
color: #cccccc;
font-size: 12px;
line-height: 18px; }
.mfp-arrow {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
opacity: 0.65;
margin: 0;
top: 50%;
margin-top: -55px;
padding: 0;
width: 90px;
height: 110px;
-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); }
.mfp-arrow:active {
margin-top: -54px; }
.mfp-arrow:focus {
opacity: 1; }
.mfp-arrow:before, .mfp-arrow:after,
.mfp-arrow .mfp-b,
.mfp-arrow .mfp-a {
content: '';
display: block;
width: 0;
height: 0;
position: absolute;
left: 0;
top: 0;
margin-top: 35px;
margin-left: 35px;
border: solid transparent; }
.mfp-arrow .mfp-a {
opacity: 0.8;
border-top-width: 12px;
border-bottom-width: 12px;
top: 8px; }
.mfp-arrow .mfp-b {
border-top-width: 20px;
border-bottom-width: 20px; }
.mfp-arrow-left {
left: 0; }
.mfp-arrow-left .mfp-a {
border-right: 12px solid black;
left: 5px; }
.mfp-arrow-left .mfp-b {
border-right: 20px solid white; }
.mfp-arrow-right {
right: 0; }
.mfp-arrow-right .mfp-a {
border-left: 12px solid black;
left: 3px; }
.mfp-arrow-right .mfp-b {
border-left: 20px solid white; }
.mfp-iframe-holder {
padding-top: 40px;
padding-bottom: 40px; }
.mfp-iframe-holder .mfp-content {
line-height: 0;
width: 100%;
max-width: 900px; }
.mfp-iframe-scaler {
width: 100%;
height: 0;
overflow: hidden;
padding-top: 56.25%; }
.mfp-iframe-scaler iframe {
position: absolute;
display: block;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
box-shadow: 0 0 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
background: black; }
.mfp-iframe-holder .mfp-close {
top: -40px; }
/* Main image in popup */
img.mfp-img {
width: auto;
max-width: 100%;
height: auto;
display: block;
line-height: 0;
-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
-moz-box-sizing: border-box;
box-sizing: border-box;
padding: 40px 0 40px;
margin: 0 auto; }
/* The shadow behind the image */
.mfp-figure:after {
content: '';
position: absolute;
left: 0;
top: 40px;
bottom: 40px;
display: block;
right: 0;
width: auto;
height: auto;
z-index: -1;
box-shadow: 0 0 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); }
.mfp-figure {
line-height: 0; }
.mfp-bottom-bar {
margin-top: -36px;
position: absolute;
top: 100%;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
cursor: auto; }
.mfp-title {
text-align: left;
line-height: 18px;
color: #f3f3f3;
word-break: break-word;
padding-right: 36px; }
.mfp-figure small {
color: #bdbdbd;
display: block;
font-size: 12px;
line-height: 14px; }
.mfp-image-holder .mfp-content {
max-width: 100%; }
.mfp-gallery .mfp-image-holder .mfp-figure {
cursor: pointer; }
@media screen and (max-width: 800px) and (orientation: landscape), screen and (max-height: 300px) {
* Remove all paddings around the image on small screen
.mfp-img-mobile .mfp-image-holder {
padding-left: 0;
padding-right: 0; }
.mfp-img-mobile img.mfp-img {
padding: 0; }
/* The shadow behind the image */
.mfp-img-mobile .mfp-figure:after {
top: 0;
bottom: 0; }
.mfp-img-mobile .mfp-bottom-bar {
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
bottom: 0;
margin: 0;
top: auto;
padding: 3px 5px;
position: fixed;
-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
-moz-box-sizing: border-box;
box-sizing: border-box; }
.mfp-img-mobile .mfp-bottom-bar:empty {
padding: 0; }
.mfp-img-mobile .mfp-counter {
right: 5px;
top: 3px; }
.mfp-img-mobile .mfp-close {
top: 0;
right: 0;
width: 35px;
height: 35px;
line-height: 35px;
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
position: fixed;
text-align: center;
padding: 0; }
.mfp-img-mobile .mfp-figure small {
display: inline;
margin-left: 5px; } }
@media all and (max-width: 800px) {
.mfp-arrow {
-webkit-transform: scale(0.75);
transform: scale(0.75); }
.mfp-arrow-left {
-webkit-transform-origin: 0;
transform-origin: 0; }
.mfp-arrow-right {
-webkit-transform-origin: 100%;
transform-origin: 100%; }
.mfp-container {
padding-left: 6px;
padding-right: 6px; } }
.mfp-ie7 .mfp-img {
padding: 0; }
.mfp-ie7 .mfp-bottom-bar {
width: 600px;
left: 50%;
margin-left: -300px;
margin-top: 5px;
padding-bottom: 5px; }
.mfp-ie7 .mfp-container {
padding: 0; }
.mfp-ie7 .mfp-content {
padding-top: 44px; }
.mfp-ie7 .mfp-close {
top: 0;
right: 0;
padding-top: 0; }

Fichier binaire non affiché.


Largeur:  |  Hauteur:  |  Taille: 43 B

Fichier binaire non affiché.


Largeur:  |  Hauteur:  |  Taille: 3.8 KiB

Fichier binaire non affiché.


Largeur:  |  Hauteur:  |  Taille: 1003 B

Fichier binaire non affiché.


Largeur:  |  Hauteur:  |  Taille: 1.3 KiB

Fichier binaire non affiché.


Largeur:  |  Hauteur:  |  Taille: 1.1 KiB

Voir le fichier

@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
#fancybox-buttons {
position: fixed;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
z-index: 8050;
#fancybox-buttons.top {
top: 10px;
#fancybox-buttons.bottom {
bottom: 10px;
#fancybox-buttons ul {
display: block;
width: 166px;
height: 30px;
margin: 0 auto;
padding: 0;
list-style: none;
border: 1px solid #111;
border-radius: 3px;
-webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(255,255,255,.05);
-moz-box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(255,255,255,.05);
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(255,255,255,.05);
background: rgb(50,50,50);
background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, rgb(68,68,68) 0%, rgb(52,52,52) 50%, rgb(41,41,41) 50%, rgb(51,51,51) 100%);
background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%,rgb(68,68,68)), color-stop(50%,rgb(52,52,52)), color-stop(50%,rgb(41,41,41)), color-stop(100%,rgb(51,51,51)));
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgb(68,68,68) 0%,rgb(52,52,52) 50%,rgb(41,41,41) 50%,rgb(51,51,51) 100%);
background: -o-linear-gradient(top, rgb(68,68,68) 0%,rgb(52,52,52) 50%,rgb(41,41,41) 50%,rgb(51,51,51) 100%);
background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, rgb(68,68,68) 0%,rgb(52,52,52) 50%,rgb(41,41,41) 50%,rgb(51,51,51) 100%);
background: linear-gradient(top, rgb(68,68,68) 0%,rgb(52,52,52) 50%,rgb(41,41,41) 50%,rgb(51,51,51) 100%);
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#444444', endColorstr='#222222',GradientType=0 );
#fancybox-buttons ul li {
float: left;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
#fancybox-buttons a {
display: block;
width: 30px;
height: 30px;
text-indent: -9999px;
background-image: url('fancybox_buttons.png');
background-repeat: no-repeat;
outline: none;
opacity: 0.8;
#fancybox-buttons a:hover {
opacity: 1;
#fancybox-buttons a.btnPrev {
background-position: 5px 0;
#fancybox-buttons a.btnNext {
background-position: -33px 0;
border-right: 1px solid #3e3e3e;
#fancybox-buttons a.btnPlay {
background-position: 0 -30px;
#fancybox-buttons a.btnPlayOn {
background-position: -30px -30px;
#fancybox-buttons a.btnToggle {
background-position: 3px -60px;
border-left: 1px solid #111;
border-right: 1px solid #3e3e3e;
width: 35px
#fancybox-buttons a.btnToggleOn {
background-position: -27px -60px;
#fancybox-buttons a.btnClose {
border-left: 1px solid #111;
width: 35px;
background-position: -56px 0px;
#fancybox-buttons a.btnDisabled {
opacity : 0.4;
cursor: default;

Voir le fichier

@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
* Buttons helper for fancyBox
* version: 1.0.5 (Mon, 15 Oct 2012)
* @requires fancyBox v2.0 or later
* Usage:
* $(".fancybox").fancybox({
* helpers : {
* buttons: {
* position : 'top'
* }
* }
* });
(function ($) {
//Shortcut for fancyBox object
var F = $.fancybox;
//Add helper object
F.helpers.buttons = {
defaults : {
skipSingle : false, // disables if gallery contains single image
position : 'top', // 'top' or 'bottom'
tpl : '<div id="fancybox-buttons"><ul><li><a class="btnPrev" title="Previous" href="javascript:;"></a></li><li><a class="btnPlay" title="Start slideshow" href="javascript:;"></a></li><li><a class="btnNext" title="Next" href="javascript:;"></a></li><li><a class="btnToggle" title="Toggle size" href="javascript:;"></a></li><li><a class="btnClose" title="Close" href="javascript:jQuery.fancybox.close();"></a></li></ul></div>'
list : null,
buttons: null,
beforeLoad: function (opts, obj) {
//Remove self if gallery do not have at least two items
if (opts.skipSingle && obj.group.length < 2) {
obj.helpers.buttons = false;
obj.closeBtn = true;
//Increase top margin to give space for buttons
obj.margin[ opts.position === 'bottom' ? 2 : 0 ] += 30;
onPlayStart: function () {
if (this.buttons) {
this.buttons.play.attr('title', 'Pause slideshow').addClass('btnPlayOn');
onPlayEnd: function () {
if (this.buttons) {
this.buttons.play.attr('title', 'Start slideshow').removeClass('btnPlayOn');
afterShow: function (opts, obj) {
var buttons = this.buttons;
if (!buttons) {
this.list = $(opts.tpl).addClass(opts.position).appendTo('body');
buttons = {
prev : this.list.find('.btnPrev').click( F.prev ),
next : this.list.find('.btnNext').click( F.next ),
play : this.list.find('.btnPlay').click( F.play ),
toggle : this.list.find('.btnToggle').click( F.toggle )
if (obj.index > 0 || obj.loop) {
} else {
//Next / Play
if (obj.loop || obj.index < obj.group.length - 1) {
} else {
this.buttons = buttons;
this.onUpdate(opts, obj);
onUpdate: function (opts, obj) {
var toggle;
if (!this.buttons) {
toggle = this.buttons.toggle.removeClass('btnDisabled btnToggleOn');
//Size toggle button
if (obj.canShrink) {
} else if (!obj.canExpand) {
beforeClose: function () {
if (this.list) {
this.list = null;
this.buttons = null;

Voir le fichier

@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
* Media helper for fancyBox
* version: 1.0.5 (Tue, 23 Oct 2012)
* @requires fancyBox v2.0 or later
* Usage:
* $(".fancybox").fancybox({
* helpers : {
* media: true
* }
* });
* Set custom URL parameters:
* $(".fancybox").fancybox({
* helpers : {
* media: {
* youtube : {
* params : {
* autoplay : 0
* }
* }
* }
* }
* });
* Or:
* $(".fancybox").fancybox({,
* helpers : {
* media: true
* },
* youtube : {
* autoplay: 0
* }
* });
* Supports:
* Youtube
* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opj24KnzrWo
* http://www.youtube.com/embed/opj24KnzrWo
* http://youtu.be/opj24KnzrWo
* Vimeo
* http://vimeo.com/40648169
* http://vimeo.com/channels/staffpicks/38843628
* http://vimeo.com/groups/surrealism/videos/36516384
* http://player.vimeo.com/video/45074303
* Metacafe
* http://www.metacafe.com/watch/7635964/dr_seuss_the_lorax_movie_trailer/
* http://www.metacafe.com/watch/7635964/
* Dailymotion
* http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xoytqh_dr-seuss-the-lorax-premiere_people
* Twitvid
* http://twitvid.com/QY7MD
* Twitpic
* http://twitpic.com/7p93st
* Instagram
* http://instagr.am/p/IejkuUGxQn/
* http://instagram.com/p/IejkuUGxQn/
* Google maps
* http://maps.google.com/maps?q=Eiffel+Tower,+Avenue+Gustave+Eiffel,+Paris,+France&t=h&z=17
* http://maps.google.com/?ll=48.857995,2.294297&spn=0.007666,0.021136&t=m&z=16
* http://maps.google.com/?ll=48.859463,2.292626&spn=0.000965,0.002642&t=m&z=19&layer=c&cbll=48.859524,2.292532&panoid=YJ0lq28OOy3VT2IqIuVY0g&cbp=12,151.58,,0,-15.56
(function ($) {
"use strict";
//Shortcut for fancyBox object
var F = $.fancybox,
format = function( url, rez, params ) {
params = params || '';
if ( $.type( params ) === "object" ) {
params = $.param(params, true);
$.each(rez, function(key, value) {
url = url.replace( '$' + key, value || '' );
if (params.length) {
url += ( url.indexOf('?') > 0 ? '&' : '?' ) + params;
return url;
//Add helper object
F.helpers.media = {
defaults : {
youtube : {
matcher : /(youtube\.com|youtu\.be)\/(watch\?v=|v\/|u\/|embed\/?)?(videoseries\?list=(.*)|[\w-]{11}|\?listType=(.*)&list=(.*)).*/i,
params : {
autoplay : 1,
autohide : 1,
fs : 1,
rel : 0,
hd : 1,
wmode : 'opaque',
enablejsapi : 1
type : 'iframe',
url : '//www.youtube.com/embed/$3'
vimeo : {
matcher : /(?:vimeo(?:pro)?.com)\/(?:[^\d]+)?(\d+)(?:.*)/,
params : {
autoplay : 1,
hd : 1,
show_title : 1,
show_byline : 1,
show_portrait : 0,
fullscreen : 1
type : 'iframe',
url : '//player.vimeo.com/video/$1'
metacafe : {
matcher : /metacafe.com\/(?:watch|fplayer)\/([\w\-]{1,10})/,
params : {
autoPlay : 'yes'
type : 'swf',
url : function( rez, params, obj ) {
obj.swf.flashVars = 'playerVars=' + $.param( params, true );
return '//www.metacafe.com/fplayer/' + rez[1] + '/.swf';
dailymotion : {
matcher : /dailymotion.com\/video\/(.*)\/?(.*)/,
params : {
additionalInfos : 0,
autoStart : 1
type : 'swf',
url : '//www.dailymotion.com/swf/video/$1'
twitvid : {
matcher : /twitvid\.com\/([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\?\=]+)/i,
params : {
autoplay : 0
type : 'iframe',
url : '//www.twitvid.com/embed.php?guid=$1'
twitpic : {
matcher : /twitpic\.com\/(?!(?:place|photos|events)\/)([a-zA-Z0-9\?\=\-]+)/i,
type : 'image',
url : '//twitpic.com/show/full/$1/'
instagram : {
matcher : /(instagr\.am|instagram\.com)\/p\/([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+)\/?/i,
type : 'image',
url : '//$1/p/$2/media/'
google_maps : {
matcher : /maps\.google\.([a-z]{2,3}(\.[a-z]{2})?)\/(\?ll=|maps\?)(.*)/i,
type : 'iframe',
url : function( rez ) {
return '//maps.google.' + rez[1] + '/' + rez[3] + '' + rez[4] + '&output=' + (rez[4].indexOf('layer=c') > 0 ? 'svembed' : 'embed');
beforeLoad : function(opts, obj) {
var url = obj.href || '',
type = false,
for (what in opts) {
item = opts[ what ];
rez = url.match( item.matcher );
if (rez) {
type = item.type;
params = $.extend(true, {}, item.params, obj[ what ] || ($.isPlainObject(opts[ what ]) ? opts[ what ].params : null));
url = $.type( item.url ) === "function" ? item.url.call( this, rez, params, obj ) : format( item.url, rez, params );
if (type) {
obj.href = url;
obj.type = type;
obj.autoHeight = false;

Voir le fichier

@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
#fancybox-thumbs {
position: fixed;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
z-index: 8050;
#fancybox-thumbs.bottom {
bottom: 2px;
#fancybox-thumbs.top {
top: 2px;
#fancybox-thumbs ul {
position: relative;
list-style: none;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
#fancybox-thumbs ul li {
float: left;
padding: 1px;
opacity: 0.5;
#fancybox-thumbs ul li.active {
opacity: 0.75;
padding: 0;
border: 1px solid #fff;
#fancybox-thumbs ul li:hover {
opacity: 1;
#fancybox-thumbs ul li a {
display: block;
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
border: 1px solid #222;
background: #111;
outline: none;
#fancybox-thumbs ul li img {
display: block;
position: relative;
border: 0;
padding: 0;

Voir le fichier

@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
* Thumbnail helper for fancyBox
* version: 1.0.7 (Mon, 01 Oct 2012)
* @requires fancyBox v2.0 or later
* Usage:
* $(".fancybox").fancybox({
* helpers : {
* thumbs: {
* width : 50,
* height : 50
* }
* }
* });
(function ($) {
//Shortcut for fancyBox object
var F = $.fancybox;
//Add helper object
F.helpers.thumbs = {
defaults : {
width : 50, // thumbnail width
height : 50, // thumbnail height
position : 'bottom', // 'top' or 'bottom'
source : function ( item ) { // function to obtain the URL of the thumbnail image
var href;
if (item.element) {
href = $(item.element).find('img').attr('src');
if (!href && item.type === 'image' && item.href) {
href = item.href;
return href;
wrap : null,
list : null,
width : 0,
init: function (opts, obj) {
var that = this,
thumbWidth = opts.width,
thumbHeight = opts.height,
thumbSource = opts.source;
//Build list structure
list = '';
for (var n = 0; n < obj.group.length; n++) {
list += '<li><a style="width:' + thumbWidth + 'px;height:' + thumbHeight + 'px;" href="javascript:jQuery.fancybox.jumpto(' + n + ');"></a></li>';
this.wrap = $('<div id="fancybox-thumbs"></div>').addClass(opts.position).appendTo('body');
this.list = $('<ul>' + list + '</ul>').appendTo(this.wrap);
//Load each thumbnail
$.each(obj.group, function (i) {
var href = thumbSource( obj.group[ i ] );
if (!href) {
$("<img />").load(function () {
var width = this.width,
height = this.height,
widthRatio, heightRatio, parent;
if (!that.list || !width || !height) {
//Calculate thumbnail width/height and center it
widthRatio = width / thumbWidth;
heightRatio = height / thumbHeight;
parent = that.list.children().eq(i).find('a');
if (widthRatio >= 1 && heightRatio >= 1) {
if (widthRatio > heightRatio) {
width = Math.floor(width / heightRatio);
height = thumbHeight;
} else {
width = thumbWidth;
height = Math.floor(height / widthRatio);
width : width,
height : height,
top : Math.floor(thumbHeight / 2 - height / 2),
left : Math.floor(thumbWidth / 2 - width / 2)
}).attr('src', href);
//Set initial width
this.width = this.list.children().eq(0).outerWidth(true);
this.list.width(this.width * (obj.group.length + 1)).css('left', Math.floor($(window).width() * 0.5 - (obj.index * this.width + this.width * 0.5)));
beforeLoad: function (opts, obj) {
//Remove self if gallery do not have at least two items
if (obj.group.length < 2) {
obj.helpers.thumbs = false;
//Increase bottom margin to give space for thumbs
obj.margin[ opts.position === 'top' ? 0 : 2 ] += ((opts.height) + 15);
afterShow: function (opts, obj) {
//Check if exists and create or update list
if (this.list) {
this.onUpdate(opts, obj);
} else {
this.init(opts, obj);
//Set active element
//Center list
onUpdate: function (opts, obj) {
if (this.list) {
'left': Math.floor($(window).width() * 0.5 - (obj.index * this.width + this.width * 0.5))
}, 150);
beforeClose: function () {
if (this.wrap) {
this.wrap = null;
this.list = null;
this.width = 0;

Voir le fichier

@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
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Diff de fichier supprimé car une ou plusieurs lignes sont trop longues

Voir le fichier

@ -46,6 +46,16 @@ a:hover { color:#000; text-decoration: none; }
.books:hover { width: 100%; background-color: #778899; }
.link a:hover { display:inline-block; width: 100%; background-color: #778899; /*Dirty IE Hack*/ zoom: 1; *display: inline;}
.mfp-content .bookpopup {
position: relative;
background: #FFF;
padding: 20px;
width: auto;
max-width: 700px;
margin: 20px auto;