Calibre OPDS (and HTML) PHP Server : web-based light alternative to Calibre content server / Calibre2OPDS to serve ebooks (epub, mobi, pdf, ...)
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30 lines

  1. language: php
  2. php:
  3. - 5.6
  4. - 5.5
  5. - 5.4
  6. - 5.3
  7. - hhvm
  8. before_script:
  9. - npm install jshint
  10. - jshint --version
  11. script:
  12. - phpunit
  13. - jshint --verbose --show-non-errors util.js
  14. - php test/coverage-checker.php clover.xml 45
  15. after_success:
  16. - chmod +x test/
  17. - test/
  18. env:
  19. global:
  20. - SAUCE_USERNAME=seblucas
  21. - secure: VVxocvmz6WYr3tZSTA42M/LUhaHoBWw5onh85hnquoMaxspd3tDCyfQIowTTmEXikRh2T0CkTH7X3dhVwRTd/Ha9isja1qDo9Lc2flGCoWICF7WFZuom084+d+O+EWx4WZMAw4Lz4w6a5xflpPKnzNs9B0+de0BdTlQ5qSXVrcA=
  22. addons:
  23. hosts:
  24. - cops-travis
  25. sudo: false
  26. matrix:
  27. allow_failures:
  28. - php: hhvm
  29. - php: 5.6