with the help of drupal transliteration module (https://www.drupal.org/project/transliteration) please set: $config ['cops_normalized_search'] = "1"; Issue 49 (https://github.com/seblucas/cops/issues/49) fixed Goal : search for Honore should return books written by Honoré de Balzac achieved
21 lines
2.6 KiB
21 lines
2.6 KiB
$base = array(
0x00 => 'jjwaels', 'jjwaelt', 'jjwaelp', 'jjwaelh', 'jjwaem', 'jjwaeb', 'jjwaebs', 'jjwaes', 'jjwaess', 'jjwaeng', 'jjwaej', 'jjwaec', 'jjwaek', 'jjwaet', 'jjwaep', 'jjwaeh',
0x10 => 'jjoe', 'jjoeg', 'jjoegg', 'jjoegs', 'jjoen', 'jjoenj', 'jjoenh', 'jjoed', 'jjoel', 'jjoelg', 'jjoelm', 'jjoelb', 'jjoels', 'jjoelt', 'jjoelp', 'jjoelh',
0x20 => 'jjoem', 'jjoeb', 'jjoebs', 'jjoes', 'jjoess', 'jjoeng', 'jjoej', 'jjoec', 'jjoek', 'jjoet', 'jjoep', 'jjoeh', 'jjyo', 'jjyog', 'jjyogg', 'jjyogs',
0x30 => 'jjyon', 'jjyonj', 'jjyonh', 'jjyod', 'jjyol', 'jjyolg', 'jjyolm', 'jjyolb', 'jjyols', 'jjyolt', 'jjyolp', 'jjyolh', 'jjyom', 'jjyob', 'jjyobs', 'jjyos',
0x40 => 'jjyoss', 'jjyong', 'jjyoj', 'jjyoc', 'jjyok', 'jjyot', 'jjyop', 'jjyoh', 'jju', 'jjug', 'jjugg', 'jjugs', 'jjun', 'jjunj', 'jjunh', 'jjud',
0x50 => 'jjul', 'jjulg', 'jjulm', 'jjulb', 'jjuls', 'jjult', 'jjulp', 'jjulh', 'jjum', 'jjub', 'jjubs', 'jjus', 'jjuss', 'jjung', 'jjuj', 'jjuc',
0x60 => 'jjuk', 'jjut', 'jjup', 'jjuh', 'jjweo', 'jjweog', 'jjweogg', 'jjweogs', 'jjweon', 'jjweonj', 'jjweonh', 'jjweod', 'jjweol', 'jjweolg', 'jjweolm', 'jjweolb',
0x70 => 'jjweols', 'jjweolt', 'jjweolp', 'jjweolh', 'jjweom', 'jjweob', 'jjweobs', 'jjweos', 'jjweoss', 'jjweong', 'jjweoj', 'jjweoc', 'jjweok', 'jjweot', 'jjweop', 'jjweoh',
0x80 => 'jjwe', 'jjweg', 'jjwegg', 'jjwegs', 'jjwen', 'jjwenj', 'jjwenh', 'jjwed', 'jjwel', 'jjwelg', 'jjwelm', 'jjwelb', 'jjwels', 'jjwelt', 'jjwelp', 'jjwelh',
0x90 => 'jjwem', 'jjweb', 'jjwebs', 'jjwes', 'jjwess', 'jjweng', 'jjwej', 'jjwec', 'jjwek', 'jjwet', 'jjwep', 'jjweh', 'jjwi', 'jjwig', 'jjwigg', 'jjwigs',
0xA0 => 'jjwin', 'jjwinj', 'jjwinh', 'jjwid', 'jjwil', 'jjwilg', 'jjwilm', 'jjwilb', 'jjwils', 'jjwilt', 'jjwilp', 'jjwilh', 'jjwim', 'jjwib', 'jjwibs', 'jjwis',
0xB0 => 'jjwiss', 'jjwing', 'jjwij', 'jjwic', 'jjwik', 'jjwit', 'jjwip', 'jjwih', 'jjyu', 'jjyug', 'jjyugg', 'jjyugs', 'jjyun', 'jjyunj', 'jjyunh', 'jjyud',
0xC0 => 'jjyul', 'jjyulg', 'jjyulm', 'jjyulb', 'jjyuls', 'jjyult', 'jjyulp', 'jjyulh', 'jjyum', 'jjyub', 'jjyubs', 'jjyus', 'jjyuss', 'jjyung', 'jjyuj', 'jjyuc',
0xD0 => 'jjyuk', 'jjyut', 'jjyup', 'jjyuh', 'jjeu', 'jjeug', 'jjeugg', 'jjeugs', 'jjeun', 'jjeunj', 'jjeunh', 'jjeud', 'jjeul', 'jjeulg', 'jjeulm', 'jjeulb',
0xE0 => 'jjeuls', 'jjeult', 'jjeulp', 'jjeulh', 'jjeum', 'jjeub', 'jjeubs', 'jjeus', 'jjeuss', 'jjeung', 'jjeuj', 'jjeuc', 'jjeuk', 'jjeut', 'jjeup', 'jjeuh',
0xF0 => 'jjyi', 'jjyig', 'jjyigg', 'jjyigs', 'jjyin', 'jjyinj', 'jjyinh', 'jjyid', 'jjyil', 'jjyilg', 'jjyilm', 'jjyilb', 'jjyils', 'jjyilt', 'jjyilp', 'jjyilh',