2012-05-29 20:10:41 +02:00

197 lines
10 KiB

"splitByLetter.letter":"{0} starting with {1}",
"home.title":"Main catalog",
"link.fullentry":"Full entry",
"title.nextpage":"next page ({0} of {1})",
"title.lastpage":"next page (last)",
"title.numberOfPages":"{0} ({1} pages)",
"bookword.none":"No book",
"":"1 book",
"bookword.many":"{0} books",
"authorword.none":"No author",
"":"1 author",
"authorword.many":"{0} authors",
"taglevelword.title":"Tag levels",
"taglevelword.none":"No tag level",
"":"1 tag level",
"taglevelword.many":"{0} tag levels",
"seriesword.none":"No series",
"":"1 series",
"seriesword.many":"{0} series",
"tagword.none":"No tag",
"":"1 tag",
"tagword.many":"{0} tags",
"":"Book {0} in the {1} series",
"":"Published {1} by {0}",
"bookentry.series":"Book {0} in the {1} series",
"":"{0} by {1}",
"bookentry.tags":"{0} in {1}",
"bookentry.ratings":"{0} rated {1}",
"bookentry.goodreads":"This book on Goodreads",
"":"Review this book on Goodreads",
"":"{0} on Goodreads",
"bookentry.wikipedia":"This book on Wikipedia",
"":"{0} on Wikipedia",
"bookentry.librarything":"This book on LibraryThing",
"":"{0} on LibraryThing",
"":"This book on Amazon",
"":"{0} on Amazon",
"":"{0} on ISFDB",
"":"Download this ebook as {0}",
"bookentry.rated":"{0} {1}",
"bookentry.fullentrylink":"Full entry",
"tags.categorized":"Categorized index of the {0} tags",
"tags.categorized.single":"Categorized index of the single tag - very useful indeed ;)",
"tags.alphabetical":"Alphabetical index of the {0} tags",
"tags.alphabetical.single":"Alphabetical index of the single tag ;)",
"splitByLetter.tag.other":"Other tags",
"authors.series.title":"Series: {0}",
"authors.alphabetical":"Alphabetical index of the {0} authors",
"authors.alphabetical.single":"Alphabetical index of the single author - very useful indeed ;)",
"":"Other authors",
"series.alphabetical":"Alphabetical index of the {0} series",
"series.alphabetical.single":"Alphabetical index of the single series - very useful indeed ;)",
"splitByLetter.series.other":"Other series",
"recent.title":"Recent additions",
"recent.list":"{0} most recent books",
"recent.list.single":"Most recent single book - very useful indeed ;)",
"rating.summary":"{0}, grouped by rating",
"allbooks.title":"All books",
"allbooks.alphabetical":"Alphabetical index of the {0} books",
"allbooks.alphabetical.single":"Alphabetical index of the single book - very useful indeed ;)",
"":"Other books",
"main.title":"Calibre library",
"main.summary":"{0} has catalogued {1}",
"info.databasefolderset":"The database folder has been set",
"info.targetfolderset":"The target folder has been set",
"startup.newhome":"Default configuration folder home redirected to {0}",
"startup.redirectfound":".redirect file found in {0}",
"startup.redirectreadfail":"... failure reading .redirect file",
"startup.redirectnotfound":"... unable to find redirect folder {0}",
"startup.redirectabandoned":"... so redirect abandoned",
"startup.redirecting":"redirecting home folder to {0}",
"startup.configusing":"Using configuration folder {0}",
"startup.folderuserhome":"Try configuration folder in user home folder {0}",
"startup.foldertilde":"Try configuration folder from tilde folder {0}",
"startup.folderjar":"Try configuration folder from .jar location {0}",
"startup.foldernotexist":"... but specified folder does not exist",
"error.cannotTransform":"cannot transform {0}",
"error.notYetReady":"Not yet ready for use",
"error.searchnotfound":"Cannot find the specified search in the Calibre database",
"error.searchparsefailure":"Cannot interpret the search. Check that you have limited yourself to the fields and syntax described in the documentation.",
"error.databasenotset":"The database folder must be specified. This is the same as the Calibre library folder.",
"error.nodatabase":"The Calibre database (a file named metadata.db) cannot be found at {0}. This file is always located in the calibre library folder.",
"error.nogeneratetype":"Neither OPDS or HTML catalog generation options are set.",
"error.nocatalog":"Catalog folder not specified",
"error.badcatalog":"Catalog folder name invalid",
"error.targetdoesnotexist":"The target folder does not exist; create it ?",
"error.targetnotset":"The target folder is not set and this is mandatory in Publish mode. You are expected to use an existing folder (typically on a network server)",
"error.nooktargetnot set":"The target folder is not set and this is mandatory in Nook mode. In Nook mode you are expected to use an existing folder on the Nook (typically My Documents)",
"error.nooktargetdoesnotexist":"The target folder does not exist. In Nook mode you are expected to use an existing folder on the Nook (typically My Documents)",
"error.targetsame":"The target folder cannot be the same as the Database folder",
"error.targetparent":"The target folder cannot be a folder that contains the Database folder",
"error.noSubcatalog":"Cannot generate a catalog as you have disabled the generation of all normal sub-catalog sections and no external custom catalogs have been specified. ",
"error.nobooks":"No books found in Calibre Library meeting criteria for inclusion in Catalog. Is your list of formats correct?",
"error.loadingThumbnail":"An error occured while loading the image file {0}",
"error.savingThumbnail":"An error occured while saving the thumbnail file {0}",
"error.generatingThumbnail":"An error occured while generating the thumbnail for {0}",
"error.noPublishedDate":"The Published Date is not set for book",
"error.noAddedDate":"The Date added is not set for book",
"error.loadingProperties":"Error while loading properties",
"error.badComment":"Invalid XHTML in the comment field for Book (Id={0}) {1}",
"error.userAbort":"User stopped the catalog generation",
"error.crashAbort":"Fatal error during catalog generation. See log file for more detail.",
"error.unexpectedFatal":"Unexpected fatal error during catalog generation. See log file for more detail.",
"error.stackTrace":"stack trace",
"i18n.downloads":"Downloads, links and other catalogs",
"i18n.links":"Links and other catalogs",
"i18n.downloadfile":"Download file",
"i18n.relatedsection":"Related catalogs",
"i18n.linksection":"External links",
"i18n.backToMain":"Back to the main page of the catalog",
"i18n.dateGenerated":"Catalog generated on {0}",
"deeplevel.summary":"{0} broken up by authors, tags, etc. ",
"about.title":"Calibre2Opds Documentation",
"about.summary":"Notes on using Calibre2Opds",
"usage.intro":"The options are taken from the configuration file located at {0}",
"intro.goal":"Generate OPDS and HTML catalogs from your Calibre ebooks database",
"":"The project''s home : ",
"":"The Calibre2Opds team :",
"":"David Pierron - main programmer",
"":"Dave Walker - guru, features manager and tester extraordinaire",
"":"Farid Soussi - css and html guru",
"":"Douglas Steele - programmer",
"":"Jane Litte - beta tester and moral support",
"intro.thanks.1":"Special thanks to Kb Sriram, who not only programmed Trook, an excellent and OPDS compatible ",
"intro.thanks.2":"library manager for the Nook, but also was kind enough to donate a Nook !",
"info.step.started":"started catalog generation",
"info.step.database":"loading and filtering database",
"info.steo.books":"generating book entries",
"info.step.tags":"generating tags catalog",
"info.step.authors":"generating authors catalog",
"info.step.series":"generating series catalog",
"info.step.recent":"generating recent books catalog",
"info.step.rated":"generating books rating catalog",
"info.step.allbooks":"generating all books catalog",
"info.step.covers":"generating the cover files",
"info.step.index":"generating the search index",
"info.step.reprocessingEpubMetadata":"reprocessing the ePub metadata",
"info.step.thumbnails":"generating the thumbnail files",
"info.step.copycat":"copy the catalog",
"info.step.copylib":"copy the library",
"info.step.donein":"done in {0} millisec.",
"info.thumbnails.donein":"spent {0} sec. creating thumbnails",
"info.html.donein":"spent {0} sec. creating HTML catalogs",
"info.step.done":"{0} now contains the catalogs",
"info.step.done.gui":"created the catalogs",
"info.step.done.nook":"Your Nook",
"info.step.done.andYourDb":" and your Calibre folder",
"info.step.tidyingtarget":"Removing superflous files on target",
"info.step.deletingfiles":"Deleting temporary Files",
"info.step.loadingcache":"Loading cache",
"info.step.savingcache":"Saving cache",
"info.step.featuredbooks":"generating featured books catalog",
"info.step.customcatalogs":"generating custom catalogs",
"stats.library.header":"Library Statistics",
"":"Run Statistics",
"":"ePub Metadata updated",
"":"thumbnails generated",
"":"resized covers generated",
"stats.copy.header":"File Copying Statistics",
"stats.copy.notexist":"YES: Target does not exist",
"stats.copy.lengthdiffer":"YES: Length different",
"stats.copy.unchecked":"YES: CRC not checked",
"stats.copy.crcdiffer":"YES: CRC different",
"stats.copy.crcsame":"NO: CRC same",
"stats.copy.older":"NO: Source older ",
"stats.copy.toself":"NO: Source and Target same file",
"":"Search Database Statistics",